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Fab-PE38 used in this study is B3(Fab)-ext-PE38, and it is an antibody toxin that is made by fusing the Pseudomonas exotoxin to the Fab domain of B3 antibody. This antibody toxin selectively binds to cancer cells and kills the target cancer cells. B3(Fab)-ext-PE38 has a cysteine residue on the ext sequence, and (B3(Fab)-ext-PE38)2 is the disulfide-bridged dimer of the B3(Fab)-ext-PE38 monomer. (B3(Fab)-ext-PE38)2 has been found to have 11-fold higher cytotoxicity on the CRL-1739 cell line than monomeric B3(scFv)-PE38. We made a recombinant tandem repeat of the domain III of Streptococcal protein G that has Fab binding property up to seven repeats. Multiple monomers were found to form non-covalent complexes with this tandem repeat. Complexes were purified by size-exclusion chromatography, and we could enhance the production of the disulfide-bridged dimer by reduction and oxidation of the complexes. The tandem repeat makes close intermolecular interactions between monomers possible, and the use of it greatly enhances the yield of the disulfide-bridged dimer.  相似文献   

Summary Coated vesicles have been isolated from bovine brain and etiolated zucchini hypocotyls by centrifugal methods. By putting to use two properties of the light chain polypeptides of brain coated vesicles (calcium binding, heat stability) we have been able to demonstrate the presence of two similar polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 30 and 38 kDa in plant coated vesicles.Abbreviations CV coated vesicle - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - MES 2-(N-Morpholino)-ethanesulfonic acid - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane  相似文献   

Proteolytic processing of amyloid beta protein precursor (AbetaPP) generates peptides that regulate normal cell signaling and are implicated in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. AbetaPP processing also occurs in nerve processes where AbetaPP is transported from the cell body by kinesin-I, a microtubule motor composed of two kinesin heavy chain and two kinesin light chain (Klc) subunits. AbetaPP transport is supposedly mediated by the direct AbetaPP-Klc1 interaction. Here we demonstrate that the AbetaPP-Klc1 interaction is not direct but is mediated by JNK-interacting protein 1 (JIP1). The phosphotyrosine binding domain of JIP1 binds the cytoplasmic tail of AbetaPP, whereas the JIP1 C-terminal region interacts with the tetratrico-peptide repeats of Klc1. We also show that JIP1 does not bridge the AbetaPP gene family member AbetaPP-like protein 2, APLP2, to Klc1. These results support a model where JIP1 mediates the interaction of AbetaPP to the motor protein kinesin-I and that this JIP1 function is unique for AbetaPP relative to its family member APLP2. Our data suggest that kinesin-I-dependent neuronal AbetaPP transport, which controls AbetaPP processing, may be regulated by JIP1.  相似文献   

When prepared under specified conditions chicken gizzard myosin was obtained which when incubated with ATP gave rise to a diphosphorylated as well as the monophosphorylated form of P light chain. Formation of the diphosphorylated light chain occurred more readily with these myosin preparations, but could also be obtained by prolonged incubation of the isolated whole light chain fraction with kinase preparations from rabbit skeletal and chicken gizzard muscles. Using isolated light chains as substrate the more readily formed monophosphorylated light chain contained serine phosphate while the diphosphorylated form contained serine and threonine phosphates.  相似文献   

Conventional kinesin is a microtubule-based molecular motor involved in the transport of membranous and non-membranous cargoes. The kinesin holoenzyme exists as a heterotetramer, consisting of two heavy chain and two light chain subunits. It is thought that one function of the light chains is to interact with the cargo. Alternative splicing of kinesin light chain pre-mRNA has been observed in lower organisms, although evidence for alternative splicing of the human gene has not been reported. We have identified 19 variants of the human KNS2 gene ( KLC1 ) that are generated by alternative splicing of downstream exons, but calculate that KNS2 has the potential to produce 285 919 spliceforms. Corresponding spliceforms of the mouse KLC1 gene were also identified. The alternative exons are all located 3' of exon 12 and the novel spliceforms produce both alternative carboxy termini and alternative 3' untranslated regions. The observation of multiple light chain isoforms is consistent with their proposed role in specific cargo attachment.  相似文献   

Summary Two monoclonal antibodies against ricin toxin A chain (RTA) have been examined for their effects on the blood survival and biodistribution of RTA and recombinant ricin A chain in mice. When admixed with the toxins at 1:1 molar ratios prior to intravenous injection, the antibodies prolonged blood survival and whole-body retention of both species of RTA, and this was due essentially to reduced renal clearance of the toxins. Immune complexes were identified by gel filtration chromatography and immune precipitation with anti-IgG antiserum in mixtures prior to injection and in the serum of mice injected with the mixtures. An irrelevant monoclonal antibody showed no complex formation, and no effect on biodistribution. These studies have shown that immune complexes formed between monoclonal antibodies and protein antigens of molecular mass up to at least 30 kDa survive in the circulation, rather than being cleared by the reticuloendothelial system. Such antibodies could be used to modulate the biodistribution of toxic molecules such as ribosome-inhibiting proteins like RTA. This might be exploited therapeutically, for example in the construction of bispecific antibodies against ribosomal inhibiting proteins and tumour-associated antigens.  相似文献   

A novel embryo-specific myosin light chain of 23 kDa molecular weight (L23) was found previously in embryonic chicken skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles (Takano-Ohmuro et al. (1985) J. Cell Biol. 100, 2025-2030). When we examined myosin in embryonic and adult brain by two-dimensional electrophoresis, 23 kDa myosin light chain present in brain (Burridge & Bray (1975) J. Mol. Biol. 99, 1-14) comigrated with L23. Two monoclonal antibodies, EL-64 and MT-185d, were applied to clarify the identity of the brain 23 kDa myosin light chain and the chicken embryonic muscle L23. The two antibodies recognize different antigenic determinants in the L23 molecule; the former antibody is specific for L23, whereas the latter recognizes the sequence common to fast skeletal muscle myosin light chains 1 and 3, and also L23. The immunoblots combined with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that both EL-64 and MT-185d can bind to the brain 23 kDa myosin light chain as well as the chicken embryonic muscle L23. These results indicate that chicken brain and chicken embryonic muscles contain a common myosin light chain of 23 kDa molecular weight.  相似文献   

We prepared a new type of skeletal myosin subfragment 1 (S1-MLC1F) containing both, the essential and the regulatory light chains, intact, by exchanging the essential light chains of papain S1 with bacterially expressed longer isoform (MLC1F) of this light chain. We then compared the enzymatic and structural properties of chymotryptic S1, papain S1, and S1-MLC1F in the presence and in the absence of Ca(2+) ions bound to the regulatory light chain. In the presence of Ca(2+), subfragment 1 containing both intact light chains exhibited lower V(max) and lower K(m) for actin activation of S1 ATPase. When S1-MLC1F was cross-linked to actin via the N-terminus of the essential light chain, the yield was much higher when Ca(2+) ions saturated the regulatory light chain. Limited proteolysis of the essential light chain in S1-MLC1F was significantly inhibited in the presence of calcium as compared to chymotryptic S1. We conclude that the effect of binding of Ca(2+) to the regulatory light chain is transmitted to the N-terminal extension of the longer isoform of the essential light chain. The resulting structure of the N-terminus is less susceptible to proteolytic digestion, binds tighter to actin, and has an inhibitory effect on actin-activated myosin ATPase. This new conformation of the N-terminus may be responsible for calcium induced myosin-linked modulation of striated muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma pneumoniae is the leading cause of bacterial community‐acquired pneumonia among hospitalised children in United States and worldwide. Community‐acquired respiratory distress syndrome (CARDS) toxin is a key virulence determinant of M. pneumoniae. The N‐terminus of CARDS toxin exhibits ADP‐ribosyltransferase (ADPRT) activity, and the C‐terminus possesses binding and vacuolating activities. Thiol‐trapping experiments of wild‐type (WT) and cysteine‐to‐serine‐mutated CARDS toxins with alkylating agents identified disulfide bond formation at the amino terminal cysteine residues C230 and C247. Compared with WT and other mutant toxins, C247S was unstable and unusable for comparative studies. Although there were no significant variations in binding, entry, and retrograde trafficking patterns of WT and mutated toxins, C230S did not elicit vacuole formation in intoxicated cells. In addition, the ADPRT domain of C230S was more sensitive to all tested proteases when compared with WT toxin. Despite its in vitro ADPRT activity, the reduction of C230S CARDS toxin‐mediated ADPRT activity‐associated IL‐1β production in U937 cells and the recovery of vacuolating activity in the protease‐released carboxy region of C230S indicated that the disulfide bond was essential not only to maintain the conformational stability of CARDS toxin but also to properly execute its cytopathic effects.  相似文献   

We cloned the 5′-flanking region (1.2 kb) of a muscle-specific gene, encoding myosin light chain 2 polypeptide (mylz2) of a farmed carp, Labeo rohita (rohu). Sequence analysis using TRANSFAC-database search identified the consensus cis acting regulatory elements of TATA-box and E (CANNTG)-box, including the monocyte enhancer factor 2 motif, implying that it is likely to be a functional promoter. The proximal promoter (~620 bp) was highly homologous with that of Danio rerio (zebrafish) as compared to Channa striatus (snakehead murrel) counterparts and showed less identity with Sparus auratus (gilthead sea bream), Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog) and Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat). Direct muscular (skeletal) injection of the construct containing the mylz2 promoter (0.6 kb) fused to a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene showed efficient expression in L. rohita, validating its functional activity. Further, the functional activity was confirmed by the observation that this promoter drove GFP expression in the skeletal muscle of transgenic rohu. The promoter may have potential applications for value-addition in ornamental fishes and studying gene regulatory functions.  相似文献   

The diversity of dynein's functions in mammalian cells is a manifestation of both the existence of multiple dynein heavy chain isoforms and an extensive set of associated protein subunits. In this study, we have identified and characterized a novel subunit of the mammalian cytoplasmic dynein 2 complex. The sequence similarity between this 33-kDa subunit and the light intermediate chains (LICs) of cytoplasmic dynein 1 suggests that this protein is a dynein 2 LIC (D2LIC). D2LIC contains a P-loop motif near its NH(2) terminus, and it shares a short region of similarity to the yeast GTPases Spg1p and Tem1p. The D2LIC subunit interacts specifically with DHC2 (or cDhc1b) in both reciprocal immunoprecipitations and sedimentation assays. The expression of D2LIC also mirrors that of DHC2 in a variety of tissues. D2LIC colocalizes with DHC2 at the Golgi apparatus throughout the cell cycle. On brefeldin A-induced Golgi fragmentation, a fraction of D2LIC redistributes to the cytoplasm, leaving behind a subset of D2LIC that is localized around the centrosome. Our results suggest that D2LIC is a bona fide subunit of cytoplasmic dynein 2 that may play a role in maintaining Golgi organization by binding cytoplasmic dynein 2 to its Golgi-associated cargo.  相似文献   

Binding of the chloroplast poly(A)-binding protein, RB47, to the psbA mRNA is regulated in response to light and is required for translation of this mRNA in chloroplasts. The RNA binding activity of RB47 can be modulated in vitro by oxidation and reduction. Site-directed mutations to individual cysteine residues in each of the four RNA binding domains of RB47 showed that changing single cysteines to serines in domains 2 or 3 reduced, but did not eliminate, the ability of RB47 to be redox-regulated. Simultaneously changing cysteines to serines in both domains 2 and 3 resulted in the production of RB47 protein that was insensitive to redox regulation but retained the ability to bind the psbA mRNA at high affinity. The poly(A)-binding protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacks cysteine residues in RNA binding domains 2 and 3, and this poly(A)-binding protein lacks the ability to be regulated by oxidation or reduction. These data show that disulfide bond formation between RNA binding domains in a poly(A)-binding protein can be used to regulate the ability of this protein to bind mRNA and suggest that redox regulation of RNA binding activity may be used to regulate translation in organisms whose poly(A)-binding proteins contain these critical cysteine residues.  相似文献   

The importance of eggs as a source of specific antibodies is well recognized. Egg yolk contains 8--20mg immunoglobulins (IgY) per milliliter. However, the major problem in separating IgY is to remove the high concentrations of lipids in egg yolk. We first used water dilution method to get the supernatant containing IgY, then purified the antibody by caprylic acid-ammonium sulfate method, and obtained specific antibody with satisfactory purity and activity. By comparison of these several methods, each has its advantages, one can be chosen to purify IgY according to practical need. The purified IgY produced by the immunized chickens can stain the human peripheral blood mononuclear cell effectively when labeled with fluorescent FITC.  相似文献   

A functionally active human plasmin light (B) chain derivative, stabilized by the streptomyces plasmin inhibitor leupeptin, was isolated from a partially reduced and alkylated enzyme preparation by an affinity chromatography method with a L-lysine-substituted Sepharose column. This light (B) chain derivative was found to be relatively homogeneous by electrophoretic analysis in both an acrylamide gel/dodecyl sulfate system and on cellulose acetate. It possessed approximately 3% of the proteolytic activity (casein substrate) of the original enzyme, and it incorporated 0.09 mol of [3H]diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate per mol of protein. It contained 3.1 +/- 0.3 carboxymethylated cysteines per mol of protein and can be designated as a CmCys5-light (B) chain (CmCys)3. When this isolated light (B) chain derivative was mixed in equal molar amounts with streptokinase, the mixture developed both human and bovine plasminogen activator activities; the bovine activator activity was approximately 66% of the bovine activator activity of the equimolar human plasmin-streptokinase complex. Although this complex now incorporated 0.50 mol of [3H]diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate per mol of protein, its proteolytic activity, on a molar basis, was the same as the proteolytic activity of the isolated light (B) chain derivative. It was shown by electrophoretic analysis in both an acrylamide gel/epsilon-aminocaproic acid system and on cellulose acetate that the light (B) chain derivative and streptokinase forms an equimolar light (B) chain-streptokinase complex, indicating that the binding site for streptokinase is located on the light (B) chain of the enzyme. A functionally active equimolar light (B) chain-streptokinase complex was also isolated from a partially reduced and alkylated equimolar human plasmin-streptokinase complex by the affinity chromatography method. The plasminogen activator activities (human and bovine) of this light (B) chain-streptokinase complex were similar to those of the plasmin-streptokinase complex from which it was derived. Although this complex incorporated 0.70 mol of [3H]diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate per mol of protein, its proteolytic activity, on a molar basis, was only 14% of proteolytic activity of the plasmin-streptokinase complex.  相似文献   

Reaction of Ni(NO3)2 · 6H2O and sodium dicyanamide (Nadca) yields a 1D infinite chain complex {[Ni(dien)(μ1,5-dca)(H2O)](NO3)}n (1) (where dien = diethylenetriamine). The coordination environment in complex 1 around the nickel(II) ions is distorted octahedron. Three nitrogen atoms of the ligand diethylenetriamine and an oxygen atom of H2O molecule constitute the four coordination sites of the basal plane of the octahedron. Of two axial positions of the octahedron, one position is occupied by the nitrogen atom of a μ1,5-dca anion the remaining coordination site is occupied by a nitrogen atom of another end-to-end bridging dca from an adjacent [Ni(dien)(μ1,5-dca)(H2O)] moiety, yielding 1D infinite chains which propagate parallel to crystallographic a-axis. No measurable magnetic interaction was evidenced through variable temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements (4-300 K). However, the magnetic susceptibility of the compound can be explained in terms of single-ion anisotropic model with zero-field splitting for nickel(II) ions.  相似文献   

The light chain of Clostridium botulinum type B toxin was expressed in Escherichia coli using the expression vector pET-3a containing phage T7 promoter. The expressed protein was then purified by DEAE-cellulose and phosphocellulose chromatography and the proteolytic activity of the purified light chain was studied. The purified recombinant light chain cleaved synaptobrevin when mixed with the mouse brain microsome and the proteolytic activity of the light chain was inhibited if a metal chelating agent such as EDTA or 2,2′-dipyridyl was added. The recombinant light chain cleaved synaptobrevin more effectively than the native type B toxin. When the native toxin was trypsinized and was reduced with DTT, its proteolytic activity was similar to that of the recombinant light chain.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Various strategies have been proposed for treatment of cancer, including common therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation...  相似文献   

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