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A marine bacterium, Micrococcus MCCB 104, isolated from hatchery water, demonstrated extracellular antagonistic properties against Vibrio alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. fluviallis, V. nereis, V. proteolyticus, V. mediterranei, V cholerae and Aeromonas sp., bacteria associated with Macrobrachium rosenbergii larval rearing systems. The isolate inhibited the growth of V. alginolyticus during co-culture. The antagonistic component of the extracellular product was heat-stable and insensitive to proteases, lipase, catalase and alpha-amylase. Micrococcus MCCB 104 was demonstrated to be non-pathogenic to M. rosenbergii larvae.  相似文献   



Most filamentous ascomycete fungi produce high affinity iron chelators called siderophores, biosynthesized nonribosomally by multimodular adenylating enzymes called nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs). While genes encoding the majority of NRPSs are intermittently distributed across the fungal kingdom, those encoding ferrichrome synthetase NRPSs, responsible for biosynthesis of ferrichrome siderophores, are conserved, which offers an opportunity to trace their evolution and the genesis of their multimodular domain architecture. Furthermore, since the chemistry of many ferrichromes is known, the biochemical and structural 'rules' guiding NRPS substrate choice can be addressed using protein structural modeling and evolutionary approaches.  相似文献   

Citrate utilization plasmids have previously been identified in atypical Escherichia coli isolates. A different citrate-utilizing (Cit+) variant of E. coli K-12 arose as a consequence of two chromosomal mutations (B. G. Hall, J. Bacteriol. 151:269-273, 1982). The processes controlling the transport of citrate in both a Cit+ chromosomal mutant and a Cit+ plasmid system were studied. Both systems were found to be inducible in growth experiments. In transport assays with whole cells, citrate-grown cells accumulated [1,5-14C]citrate at two to three times the rate of uninduced cells. Only the Vmax was affected by induction, and the Km for whole cells remained at 67 microM citrate for the chromosomal strain and 120 microM citrate for the plasmid-conferred system. There was no detectable accumulation of radioactivity with [6-14C]citrate, because of rapid metabolism and the release of 14CO2. Energy-dependent citrate transport was found with membrane vesicles obtained from both the chromosome-conferred and the plasmid Cit+ systems. The vesicle systems were inhibited by valinomycin and carbonyl cyanide m-chloro-phenylhydrazone but not by nigericin and monensin. In contrast to whole cells, the vesicle systems were resistant to Hg2+ and showed identical kinetics with [1,5-14C]citrate and [6-14C]citrate. H+ appeared to be important for citrate transport in whole cells and membranes. Monovalent cations such as Na+ and K+, divalent cations such as Mg2+ and Mn2+, and anions such as PO4(3-), SO4(2-), and NO3- were not required. The two systems differed in inhibition by citrate analogs.  相似文献   

Cell density-dependent gene expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is controlled, in part, by the quorum-sensing regulator LasR. lasR null mutants exhibited a reproducible 2-fold decrease in production of the catecholate-hydroxamate siderophore pyoverdine during grown under iron-limiting conditions. Similarly, lasI mutants defective in the biosynthesis of the autoinducer PAI-1 also exhibited a 2-fold decrease in pyoverdine production which could be largely restored upon addition of exogenous PAI-1. lasR mutants were not altered with respect to expression of the pvdD gene involved in the synthesis of the peptide portion of pyoverdine, indicating that some other pyoverdine biosynthetic gene(s) were affected by the LasRI status of the cell. This represents the first report of quorum-sensing regulation of siderophore production in bacteria and highlights the fact that cell density, while not an essential signal for pyoverdine expression, does enhance production of this siderophore.  相似文献   

Power plays: iron transport and energy transduction in pathogenic vibrios   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Vibrios are a unique group of bacteria inhabiting a vast array of aquatic environments. Many Vibrio species are capable of infecting a wide assortment of hosts. Some of these species include V. parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. anguillarum, and V. cholerae. The ability of these organisms to utilize iron is essential in establishing both an infection in their hosts as well as surviving in the environment. Bacteria are able to sequester iron through the secretion of low molecular weight iron chelators termed siderophores. The iron-siderophore complexes are bound by specific outer membrane receptors and are brought through both the outer and inner membranes of the cell. The energy needed to drive this active transport is achieved through the TonB energy transduction system. When first elucidated in E. coli, the TonB system was shown to be a three protein complex consisting of TonB, ExbB and ExbD. Most Vibrio species carry two TonB systems. The second TonB system includes a fourth protein; TtpC, which is essential for TonB2 mediated iron transport. Some Vibrio species have been shown to carry a third TonB system that also includes a TtpC protein.  相似文献   

Microcystins represent an extraordinarily large family of cyclic heptapeptide toxins that are nonribosomally synthesized by various cyanobacteria. Microcystins specifically inhibit the eukaryotic protein phosphatases 1 and 2A. Their outstanding variability makes them particularly useful for studies on the evolution of structure-function relationships in peptide synthetases and their genes. Analyses of microcystin synthetase genes provide valuable clues for the potential and limits of combinatorial biosynthesis. We have sequenced and analyzed 55.6 kb of the potential microcystin synthetase gene (mcy) cluster from the filamentous cyanobacterium Planktothrix agardhii CYA 126. The cluster contains genes for peptide synthetases (mcyABC), polyketide synthases (PKSs; mcyD), chimeric enzymes composed of peptide synthetase and PKS modules (mcyEG), a putative thioesterase (mcyT), a putative ABC transporter (mcyH), and a putative peptide-modifying enzyme (mcyJ). The gene content and arrangement and the sequence of specific domains in the gene products differ from those of the mcy cluster in Microcystis, a unicellular cyanobacterium. The data suggest an evolution of mcy clusters from, rather than to, genes for nodularin (a related pentapeptide) biosynthesis. Our data do not support the idea of horizontal gene transfer of complete mcy gene clusters between the genera. We have established a protocol for stable genetic transformation of Planktothrix, a genus that is characterized by multicellular filaments exhibiting continuous motility. Targeted mutation of mcyJ revealed its function as a gene coding for a O-methyltransferase. The mutant cells produce a novel microcystin variant exhibiting reduced inhibitory activity toward protein phosphatases.  相似文献   

Vectorial metabolism and the evolution of transport systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Saier MH 《Journal of bacteriology》2000,182(18):5029-5035

Strigolactones (SLs) are plant hormones that regulate diverse developmental processes and environmental responses. They are also known to be root-derived chemical signals that regulate symbiotic and parasitic interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and root parasitic plants, respectively. Since the discovery of the hormonal function of SLs in 2008, there has been much progress in the SL research field. In particular, a number of breakthroughs have been achieved in our understanding of SL biosynthesis, transport and perception. The discovery of the hormonal function of SL was quite valuable not only as the identification of a new class of plant hormones, but also as the discovery of the long-sought-after SL biosynthetic and response mutants. These mutants in several plant species provided us the genetic resources to address fundamental questions regarding SL biosynthesis and perception. Such mutants were further characterized later, and biochemical analyses of these genetically identified factors have uncovered the outline of SL biosynthesis and perception so far. Moreover, new genes involved in SL transport have been discovered through reverse genetic analyses. In this review, we summarize recent advances in SL research with a focus on biosynthesis, transport and perception.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Yersinia pestis, the causative agents of tuberculosis and plague, respectively, are pathogens with serious ongoing impact on global public health and potential use as agents of bioterrorism. Both pathogens have iron acquisition systems based on siderophores, secreted iron-chelating compounds with extremely high Fe3+ affinity. Several lines of evidence suggest that siderophores have a critical role in bacterial iron acquisition inside the human host, where the free iron concentration is well below that required for bacterial growth and virulence. Thus, siderophore biosynthesis is an attractive target in the development of new antibiotics to treat tuberculosis and plague. In particular, such drugs, alone or as part of combination therapies, could provide a valuable new line of defense against intractable multiple-drug-resistant infections. Here, we report the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of a mechanism-based inhibitor of domain salicylation enzymes required for siderophore biosynthesis in M. tuberculosis and Y. pestis. This new antibiotic inhibits siderophore biosynthesis and growth of M. tuberculosis and Y. pestis under iron-limiting conditions.  相似文献   

Genetics and assembly line enzymology of siderophore biosynthesis in bacteria.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The regulatory logic of siderophore biosynthetic genes in bacteria involves the universal repressor Fur, which acts together with iron as a negative regulator. However in other bacteria, in addition to the Fur-mediated mechanism of regulation, there is a concurrent positive regulation of iron transport and siderophore biosynthetic genes that occurs under conditions of iron deprivation. Despite these regulatory differences the mechanisms of siderophore biosynthesis follow the same fundamental enzymatic logic, which involves a series of elongating acyl-S-enzyme intermediates on multimodular protein assembly lines: nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS). A substantial variety of siderophore structures are produced from similar NRPS assembly lines, and variation can come in the choice of the phenolic acid selected as the N-cap, the tailoring of amino acid residues during chain elongation, the mode of chain termination, and the nature of the capturing nucleophile of the siderophore acyl chain being released. Of course the specific parts that get assembled in a given bacterium may reflect a combination of the inventory of biosynthetic and tailoring gene clusters available. This modular assembly logic can account for all known siderophores. The ability to mix and match domains within modules and to swap modules themselves is likely to be an ongoing process in combinatorial biosynthesis. NRPS evolution will try out new combinations of chain initiation, elongation and tailoring, and termination steps, possibly by genetic exchange with other microorganisms and/or within the same bacterium, to create new variants of iron-chelating siderophores that can fit a particular niche for the producer bacterium.  相似文献   

Large plasmids were detected in two aerobactin-producing enteric bacterial species (Aerobacter aerogenes 62-I, Salmonella arizona SA1, and S. arizona SL5301) and designated pSMN1, pSMN2, and pSMN3, respectively. Other Salmonella spp., namely, S. arizona SL5302, S. arizona SLS, Salmonella austin, and Salmonella memphis, formed aerobactin but contained no detectable large plasmids. S. arizona SL5283 made no aerobactin. A probe consisting of the aerobactin biosynthetic genes cloned on plasmid pABN5 hybridized to a HindIII digest of pSMN1 but not to digests of pSMN2 or pSMN3. A larger probe, the insert of pABN1 containing the complete aerobactin operon, hybridized to four fragments in HindIII digests of the parent plasmid, pColV-K30. A 2.0-kilobase PvuII fragment responsible for this multiple-hybridization pattern was cloned into vector pUC9 to form pSMN30. The latter was mapped and shown to correspond to either IS1 or to a closely related insertion sequence.  相似文献   

Biotin, a B-group vitamin, performs an essential metabolic function in all organisms. Rhizobia are alpha-proteobacteria with the remarkable ability to form a nitrogen-fixing symbiosis in combination with a compatible legume host, a process in which the importance of biotin biosynthesis and/or transport has been demonstrated for some rhizobia-legume combinations. Rhizobia have also been used to delimit the biosynthesis, metabolic effects and, more recently, transport of biotin. Molecular genetic analysis shows that an orthodox biotin biosynthesis pathway occurs in some rhizobia while others appear to synthesize the vitamin using alternative pathways. In addition to its well established function as a prosthetic group for biotin-dependent carboxylases, we are beginning to delineate a role for biotin as a metabolic regulator in rhizobia.  相似文献   

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