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Subfamily-specific LINE-1 PCR (SSL1-PCR) is the targeted amplification and cloning of defined subfamilies of LINE-1 elements and their flanking sequences. The targeting is accomplished by incorporating a subfamily-specific sequence difference at the 3 end of a LINE-1 PCR primer and pairing it with a primer to an anchor ligated within the flanking region. SSL1-PCR was demonstrated by targeting amplification of a Mus spretus-specific LINE-1 subfamily. The amplified fragments were cloned to make an SSL1-PCR library, which was found to be 100-fold enriched for the targeted elements. PCR primers were synthesized based on the sequence flanking the LINE-1 element of four different clones. Three of the clones were recovered from Mus spretus DNA. A fourth clone was recovered from a congenic mouse containing both Mus spretus and Mus domesticus DNA. Amplification between these flanking primers and LINE-1 PCR primers produced a product in Mus spretus and not in Mus domesticus. These dimorphisms were further verified to be due to insertion of Mus spretus-specific LINE-1 elements into Mus spretus DNA and not into Mus domesticus DNA.  相似文献   

The repetitive LINE (L1) elements of the mouse, which are present at about 10(5) copies per genome and share over 80% of sequence homology, were examined for their ability to undergo genetic exchange with exogenous L1 sequences. The exogenous L1 sequences, carried by a shuttle vector, consisted of an internal fragment from L1Md-A2, a previously described member of the L1 family of the mouse. Using an assay that does not require the reconstitution of a selectable marker we found that this vector, in either circular or linear form, acquired DNA sequences from endogenous L1 elements at a frequency of 10(-3) to 10(-4) per rescued vector. Physical analysis of the acquired L1 sequences revealed that distinct endogenous L1 elements acted as donors and that different subfamilies participated. These results demonstrate that L1 elements are readily capable of genetic exchange. Apart from gene conversion events, the acquisition of L1 sequences outside the region of homology suggested that a second mechanism was also involved in the genetic exchange. A model which accounts for this mechanism is presented and its potential implication on the rearrangement of L1 elements is discussed.  相似文献   

The preTa subfamily of long interspersed elements (LINEs) is characterized by a three base-pair "ACG" sequence in the 3' untranslated region, contains approximately 400 members in the human genome, and has low level of nucleotide divergence with an estimated average age of 2.34 million years old suggesting that expansion of the L1 preTa subfamily occurred just after the divergence of humans and African apes. We have identified 362 preTa L1 elements from the draft human genomic sequence, investigated the genomic characteristics of preTa L1 insertions, and screened individual elements across diverse human populations and various non-human primate species using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to determine the phylogenetic origin and levels of human genomic diversity associated with the L1 elements. All of the preTa L1 elements analyzed by PCR were absent from the orthologous positions in non-human primate genomes with 33 (14%) of the L1 elements being polymorphic with respect to insertion presence or absence in the human genome. The newly identified L1 insertion polymorphisms will prove useful as identical by descent genetic markers for the study of human population genetics. We provide evidence that preTa L1 elements show an integration site preference for genomic regions with low GC content. Computational analysis of the preTa L1 elements revealed that 29% of the elements amenable to complete sequence analysis have apparently escaped 5' truncation and are essentially full-length (approximately 6kb). In all, 29 have two intact open reading frames and may be capable of retrotransposition.  相似文献   

Several LINE-1s have been isolated and characterized from genomic DNA of the vole, Microtus kirgisorum. Blot hybridization revealed specific restriction patterns of L1 elements in vole genomes. Rehybridization of the genomic blot with a cloned 5′-end fragment revealed two major bands indicating the presence of two different L1 subfamilies. The copy numbers are estimated for different parts of M. kirgisorum L1 elements. Data also demonstrate that most vole L1 elements are truncated at the 5′-end; however, in contrast to mouse, the ORF1 copy number is higher in vole. A difference between the substitution rates of the ORF1 5′-region (approximately 330 nucleotides) and the rest of the L1 coding regions is revealed. Received: 12 January, 1999 / Accepted: 18 March, 1999  相似文献   

Genome engineering of human cells plays an important role in biotechnology and molecular medicine. In particular, insertions of functional multi-transgene cassettes into suitable endogenous sequences will lead to novel applications. Although several tools have been exploited in this context, safety issues such as cytotoxicity, insertional mutagenesis and off-target cleavage together with limitations in cargo size/expression often compromise utility. Phage λ integrase (Int) is a transgenesis tool that mediates conservative site-specific integration of 48 kb DNA into a safe harbor site of the bacterial genome. Here, we show that an Int variant precisely recombines large episomes into a sequence, termed attH4X, found in 1000 human Long INterspersed Elements-1 (LINE-1). We demonstrate single-copy transgenesis through attH4X-targeting in various cell lines including hESCs, with the flexibility of selecting clones according to transgene performance and downstream applications. This is exemplified with pluripotency reporter cassettes and constitutively expressed payloads that remain functional in LINE1-targeted hESCs and differentiated progenies. Furthermore, LINE-1 targeting does not induce DNA damage-response or chromosomal aberrations, and neither global nor localized endogenous gene expression is substantially affected. Hence, this simple transgene addition tool should become particularly useful for applications that require engineering of the human genome with multi-transgenes.  相似文献   

We determined the 4251-bp sequence of open reading frame 2 (ORF2) of canine LINE-1 retroposon that encodes 1275 amino acids. The truncated LINE-1 inserts associated with transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) of dogs contained the 1378-bp LINE-1 insert (TVT-LINE) flanked by 10-bp direct repeats upstream to c-myc gene. The TVT-LINE elements were composed of 416 bp inverse sequences homologous to the complementary strand of the LINE-1, a 5-bp deletion and 962-bp sequences homologous to the 3' region of the LINE-1.  相似文献   

In the bovine genome we found two intrachromosomal DNA fragments flanked by inverted telomeric repeats (GenBank Accession Nos. AF136741 and AF136742). The internal parts of the fragments are homologous exclusively to the human sequences and to the consensus sequence of the L1MC4 subfamily of LINE-1 retrotransposons which are widespread among mammalian genomes. We found that distribution of homologous human sequences within our fragments is not random, reflecting a complicated pattern of insertion mechanisms of and maintenance of retrotransposons in mammalian genomes. One of the possible explanations of the origin of LINE-1 truncated elements flanked by inverted telomeric repeats in the bovine genome is that extrachromosomal DNA fragments may be modified by telomerase and subsequently, transferred into chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Belancio VP  Whelton M  Deininger P 《Gene》2007,390(1-2):98-107
LINE-1 (L1) is the only active, autonomous, non-LTR, human retroelement. There are about 5 × 105 L1 copies in the human genome, the majority of which are truncated at their 5′ ends. Both truncated and full-length L1 insertions contain a polyadenylation (polyA) signal at their 3′ ends. A typical polyA site consists of the three main cis-acting elements: a conserved hexamer, cleavage site, and a GU-rich downstream region. A newly inserted L1 copy contains the conserved AATAAA hexamer at the end of its sequence. However, the GU-rich downstream region has to be provided by the neighboring genomic sequences and therefore it would vary for every L1 copy. Using northern blot analysis of transiently transfected L1 expression vectors we demonstrate that L1 element contain sequence that allow efficient polyadenylation at the L1 3′ end upon retrotransposition into a new genomic location independent of the base composition downstream of the insertion site. The strategy of polyadenylation at the 3′ end of L1 parallels the approach the element employs at its 5′UTR by having an unusual internal polymerase II promoter, making new insertions less dependent on the properties of the flanking sequences at the new locus.  相似文献   

LINE-1 methylation patterns of different loci in normal and cancerous cells   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study evaluated methylation patterns of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1) sequences from 17 loci in several cell types, including squamous cell cancer cell lines, normal oral epithelium (NOE), white blood cells and head and neck squamous cell cancers (HNSCC). Although sequences of each LINE-1 are homologous, LINE-1 methylation levels at each locus are different. Moreover, some loci demonstrate the different methylation levels between normal tissue types. Interestingly, in some chromosomal regions, wider ranges of LINE-1 methylation levels were observed. In cancerous cells, the methylation levels of most LINE-1 loci demonstrated a positive correlation with each other and with the genome-wide levels. Therefore, the loss of genome-wide methylation in cancerous cells occurs as a generalized process. However, different LINE-1 loci showed different incidences of HNSCC hypomethylation, which is a lower methylation level than NOE. Additionally, we report a closer direct association between two LINE-1s in different EPHA3 introns. Finally, hypermethylation of some LINE-1s can be found sporadically in cancer. In conclusion, even though the global hypomethylation process that occurs in cancerous cells can generally deplete LINE-1 methylation levels, LINE-1 methylation can be influenced differentially depending on where the particular sequences are located in the genome.  相似文献   

Deletions encompassing the 5' termini of the paired type IV collagen genes COL4A5 and COL4A6 on chromosome Xq22 give rise to Alport syndrome (AS) and associated diffuse leiomyomatosis (DL), a syndrome of disseminated smooth-muscle tumors involving the esophagus, large airways, and female reproductive tract. In this study, we report isolation and characterization of two deletion junctions. The first, in a patient described elsewhere, arose by a nonhomologous recombination event fusing a LINE-1 (L1) repetitive element in intron 1 of COL4A5 to intron 2 of COL4A6, resulting in a 13.4-kb deletion. The second, in a previously undescribed family, arose by unequal homologous recombination between the same L1 and a colinear L1 element in intron 2 of COL4A6, resulting in a>40-kb deletion. L1 elements have contributed to the emergence of this locus as a site of frequent recombinations by diverse mechanisms. These give rise to AS-DL by disruption of type IV collagen and perhaps other as yet unidentified genes, evidenced by deletions as small as 13.4 kb.  相似文献   

Low birthweight, premature birth, intrauterine growth retardation, and maternal malnutrition have been related to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, and neuropsychiatric disorders later in life. Conversely, high birthweight has been linked to future risk of cancer. Global DNA methylation estimated by the methylation of repetitive sequences in the genome is an indicator of susceptibility to chronic diseases. We used data and biospecimens from an epigenetic birth cohort to explore the association between trajectories of fetal and maternal weight and LINE-1 methylation in 319 mother-child dyads. Newborns with low or high birthweight had significantly lower LINE-1 methylation levels in their cord blood compared to normal weight infants after adjusting for gestational age, sex of the child, maternal age at delivery, and maternal smoking during pregnancy (p = 0.007 and p = 0.036, respectively), but the magnitude of the difference was small. Infants born prematurely also had lower LINE-1 methylation levels in cord blood compared to term infants, and this difference, though small, was statistically significant (p = 0.004). We did not find important associations between maternal prepregnancy BMI or gestational weight gain and global methylation of the cord blood or fetal placental tissue. In conclusion, we found significant differences in cord blood LINE-1 methylation among newborns with low and high birthweight as well as among prematurely born infants. Future studies may elucidate whether chromosomal instabilities or other functional consequences of these changes contribute to the increased risk of chronic diseases among individuals with these characteristics.  相似文献   

Biologic drugs, such as monoclonal antibodies, are commonly made using mammalian cells in culture. The cell lines used for manufacturing should ideally be clonal, meaning derived from a single cell, which represents a technically challenging process. Fetal bovine serum is often used to support low cell density cultures, however, from a regulatory perspective, it is preferable to avoid animal‐derived components to increase process consistency and reduce the risk of contamination from adventitious agents. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are the most widely used cell line in industry and a large number of serum‐free, protein‐free, and fully chemically defined growth media are commercially available, although these media alone do not readily support efficient single cell cloning. In this work, we have developed a simple, fully defined, single‐cell cloning media, specifically for CHO cells, using commercially available reagents. Our results show that a 1:1 mixture of CD‐CHO? and DMEM/F12 supplemented with 1.5 g/L of recombinant albumin (Albucult®) supports single cell cloning. This formulation can support recovery of single cells in 43% of cultures compared to 62% in the presence of serum. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2012  相似文献   

B A Rikke  S C Hardies 《Genomics》1991,11(4):895-904
Mus domesticus and Mus spretus mice are closely related subspecies. For genetic investigations involving hybrid mice, we have developed a set of species-specific oligonucleotide probes based on the detection of LINE-1 sequence differences. LINE-1 is a repetitive DNA family whose many members are interspersed among the genes. In this study, library screening experiments were used to fully characterize the species specificity of four M. domesticus LINE-1 probes and three M. spretus LINE-1 probes. It was found that the nucleotide differences detected by the probes define large, species-specific subfamilies. We show that collaborative use of such probes can be employed to selectively detect thousands of species-specific library clones. Consequently, these probes could be exploited to monitor and access almost any given species-specific region of interest within hybrid genomes.  相似文献   

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