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Effective inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a family of connective tissue-degrading enzymes, could be useful for the treatment of diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis. Many of the known MMP inhibitors are derived from peptide substrates, with high potency in vitro but little selectivity among MMPs and poor bioavailability. We have discovered nonpeptidic MMP inhibitors with improved properties, and report here the crystal structures of human stromelysin-1 catalytic domain (SCD) complexed with four of these inhibitors. The structures were determined and refined at resolutions ranging from 1.64 to 2.0 A. Each inhibitor binds in the active site of SCD such that a bulky diphenyl piperidine moiety penetrates a deep, predominantly hydrophobic S'1 pocket. The active site structure of the SCD is similar in all four inhibitor complexes, but differs substantially from the peptide hydroxamate complex, which has a smaller side chain bound in the S'1 pocket. The largest differences occur in the loop forming the "top" of this pocket. The occupation of these nonpeptidic inhibitors in the S'1 pocket provides a structural basis to explain their selectivity among MMPs. An analysis of the unique binding mode predicts structural modifications to design improved MMP inhibitors.  相似文献   

Secondary structure prediction of the catalytic domain of matrix metalloproteinases is evaluated in the light of recently published experimentally determined structures. The prediction was made by combining conformational propensity, surface probability, and residue conservation calculated for an alignment of 19 sequences. The position of each observed secondary structure element was correctly predicted with a high degree of accuracy, with a single beta-strand falsely predicted. The domain fold was also anticipated from the prediction by analogy with the structural elements found in the distantly related metalloproteinases thermolysin, astacin, and adamalysin.  相似文献   

We have cloned and expressed microplasminogen (mPlg), consisting of the N-terminal undecapeptide of human glu-Plg spliced to its proenzyme domain. This truncated (approximately 28 kDa) proenzyme retained the distinctive catalytic activities of the larger parent. Replacement of M residues followed by M shuffling permitted subsequent scission by site-directed chemical proteolysis (in CNBr/formic acid) without impairing any of the protein's characteristic properties. Activation of chymotrypsinogen-related zymogens occurs by limited proteolysis; the newly liberated, highly conserved N-terminus (VVGG) forms a salt bridge with an aspartyl residue immediately upstream of the active site serine. The role of both of these elements in mPlg activation was probed using protein engineering and site-directed proteolysis to alter the length and amino acid composition of the N-terminus, and to replace the aspartate. All modifications affected both Km and Kcat. The results identify some structural parameters of the N-terminus required for proenzyme activation.  相似文献   

The catalytic domain of matrix metalloproteinase-10 (MMP-10) has been expressed in Escherichia coli and its crystal structure solved at 2.1 A resolution. The availability of this structure allowed us to critically examine the small differences existing between the catalytic domains of MMP-3 and MMP-10, which show the highest sequence identity among all MMPs. Furthermore, the binding mode of N-isobutyl-N-[4-methoxyphenylsulfonyl]glycyl hydroxamic acid (NNGH), which is one of the most known commercial inhibitors of MMPs, is described for the first time.  相似文献   

Stromelysin, a representative matrix metalloproteinase and target of drug development efforts, plays a prominent role in the pathological proteolysis associated with arthritis and secondarily in that of cancer metastasis and invasion. To provide a structural template to aid the development of therapeutic inhibitors, we have determined a medium-resolution structure of a 20-kDa complex of human stromelysin's catalytic domain with a hydrophobic peptidic inhibitor using multinuclear, multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. This domain of this zinc hydrolase contains a mixed beta-sheet comprising one antiparallel strand and four parallel strands, three helices, and a methionine-containing turn near the catalytic center. The ensemble of 20 structures was calculated using, on average, 8 interresidue NOE restraints per residue for the 166-residue protein fragment complexed with a 4-residue substrate analogue. The mean RMS deviation (RMSD) to the average structure for backbone heavy atoms is 0.91 A and for all heavy atoms is 1.42 A. The structure has good stereochemical properties, including its backbone torsion angles. The beta-sheet and alpha-helices of the catalytic domains of human stromelysin (NMR model) and human fibroblast collagenase (X-ray crystallographic model of Lovejoy B et al., 1994b, Biochemistry 33:8207-8217) superimpose well, having a pairwise RMSD for backbone heavy atoms of 2.28 A when three loop segments are disregarded. The hydroxamate-substituted inhibitor binds across the hydrophobic active site of stromelysin in an extended conformation. The first hydrophobic side chain is deeply buried in the principal S'1 subsite, the second hydrophobic side chain is located on the opposite side of the inhibitor backbone in the hydrophobic S'2 surface subsite, and a third hydrophobic side chain (P'3) lies at the surface.  相似文献   

E Peisach  J Wang  T de los Santos  E Reich  D Ringe 《Biochemistry》1999,38(34):11180-11188
We have solved the X-ray crystal structure of the proenzyme form of the catalytic domain of plasminogen, with the nonessential mutations M585Q, V673M, and M788L, to 2.0 A resolution. The structure presents an inactive protease characterized by Asp740 (chymotrypsinogen 194) hydrogen bonded to His586 (chymotrypsinogen 40), preventing proper formation of the oxyanion hole and S1 specificity pocket. In addition, the catalytic triad residues are misplaced relative to the active conformation adopted by serine proteases in the chymotrypsin family. Finally, a unique form of zymogen inactivation is observed, characterized by a "foot-in-mouth" mechanism in which Trp761 (chymotrypsinogen 215) is folded into the S1 specificity pocket preventing substrate binding.  相似文献   

 We have selectively replaced the catalytic zinc of the catalytic domain of stromelysin-1 (SCD) with other transition metals. Dialysis of the enzyme against 2 mM 1,10-phenanthroline, 20 mM Hepes, pH 7.5 in the presence of 10 mM CaCl2 removes the catalytic zinc, leaving the structural zinc site intact. Dialysis with metal-free buffer followed by the new metal ion replaces the catalytic zinc forming a metal hybrid enzyme. Full incorporation of 1 mol Co2+, Ni2+, or Cd2+/mol enzyme is confirmed by atomic absorption spectrometry while the weaker binding Mn2+ yields a value of 0.4 mol Mn2+/mol enzyme after dialysis against 1 μM Mn2+. The activity of the monozinc enzyme is <10% while its activity is restored upon the addition of zinc and other transition metals. The k cat values for the Co2+, Mn2+, Cd2+, and Ni2+ enzymes are respectively 99%, 54%, 19%, and 17% of the value for the native enzyme, while the respective k cat/K m values are 36%, 29%, 7%, and 16% toward the fluorescent heptapeptide substrate, DnsPLALRAR. The zinc and metal hybrid SCD cleave DnsPLA↓LRAR, and DnsPLE↓LFAR, exclusively at one bond, while DnsPLA↓L↓WAR and DnsPLA↓L↓FAR are cleaved at two positions. The double cleavage of DnsPLALWAR and DnsPLALFAR catalyzed by SCD is in marked contrast to the close structurally related matrilysin. A notable feature of SCD catalysis is the different cleavage site specificity of the metal hybrids toward the A-L and L-W bonds of the DnsPLALWAR substrate. Thus the k cat values of the Co/Zn hybrid for the cleavage of the A-L bond in the DnsPLALRAR and DnsPLAWAR substrates are 5- and 8-fold greater than those for the Cd/Zn hybrid compared to a 140-fold difference for the corresponding k cat values for the L-W bond cleavage. These results imply that the catalytic metal of SCD is not only involved in catalysis but also influences the substrate specificity of the enzyme. Received: 30 December 1997 / Accepted: 23 February 1998  相似文献   

The structure of porcine pepsinogen at pH 6.1 has been refined to an R-factor of 0.173 for data extending to 1.65 A. The final model contains 180 solvent molecules and lacks density for residues 157-161. The structure of this aspartic proteinase zymogen possesses many of the characteristics of pepsin, the mature enzyme. The secondary structure of the zymogen consists predominantly of beta-sheet, with an approximate 2-fold axis of symmetry. The activation peptide packs into the active site cleft, and the N-terminus (1P-9P) occupies the position of the mature N-terminus (1-9). Thus changes upon activation include excision of the activation peptide and proper relocation of the mature N-terminus. The activation peptide or residues of the displaced mature N-terminus make specific interactions with the substrate binding subsites. The active site of pepsinogen is intact; thus the lack of activity of pepsinogen is not due to a deformation of the active site. Nine ion pairs in pepsinogen may be important in the advent of activation and involve the activation peptide or regions of the mature N-terminus which are relocated in the mature enzyme. The activation peptide-pepsin junction, 44P-1, is characterized by high thermal parameters and weak density, indicating a flexible structure which would be accessible to cleavage. Pepsinogen is an appropriate model for the structures of other zymogens in the aspartic proteinase family.  相似文献   

A determination of the zinc stoichiometry of the catalytic domain of the human matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-1 has been carried out using enzyme purified from recombinant Escherichia coli that express C-terminally truncated protein. Atomic absorption spectrometry revealed that both the proenzyme (prostrom255) and the mature active form (strom255) contained nearly 2 mol of Zn/mol of protein. Full-length prostromelysin purified from a mammalian cell culture line also contained zinc in excess of 1 equiv. While zinc in prostrom255 could not be removed by dialysis against o-phenanthroline, similar treatment of mature strom255 resulted in the loss of one-half of the original zinc content. The peptidase activity of the zinc-depleted protein was reduced by greater than 85% but could be restored upon addition of Zn2+ or Co2+. Addition of a thiol-containing inhibitor to a CoZn hybrid enzyme resulted in marked spectral changes in both the visible and ultraviolet regions characteristic of sulfur ligation to Co2+. This direct evidence for an integral role in catalysis and inhibitor binding confirms the location of the exchangeable metal at the active site. To examine the environment of zinc in the proenzyme, a fully cobalt-substituted proenzyme was prepared by in vivo metal replacement. The absorbance features of dicobalt prostrom255 were consistent with metal coordination by the single cysteine present in the propeptide, although the data do not allow assignment to a particular zinc site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The binding of two 5-substituted-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thione inhibitors to the matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin (MMP-3) have been characterized by protein crystallography. Both inhibitors coordinate to the catalytic zinc cation via an exocyclic sulfur and lay in an unusual position across the unprimed (P1-P3) side of the proteinase active site. Nitrogen atoms in the thiadiazole moiety make specific hydrogen bond interactions with enzyme structural elements that are conserved across all enzymes in the matrix metalloproteinase class. Strong hydrophobic interactions between the inhibitors and the side chain of tyrosine-155 appear to be responsible for the very high selectivity of these inhibitors for stromelysin. In these enzyme/inhibitor complexes, the S1'' enzyme subsite is unoccupied. A conformational rearrangement of the catalytic domain occurs that reveals an inherent flexibility of the substrate binding region leading to speculation about a possible mechanism for modulation of stromelysin activity and selectivity.  相似文献   

An aggrecan G1-G2 substrate was used to determine sites within the interglobular domain that were susceptible to cleavage by MT1-MMP. Degradation products were identified by Western blotting with neo-epitope antibodies specific for MMP-derived N- and C-terminal sequences. The results showed that MT1-MMP cleaved at the N341-F342 and D441-L442 bonds, as shown for other MMPs, and also at a site 13 amino acids C-terminal to the N341-F342 site. The G2 product of this additional cleavage was identified by sequence analysis and revealed an N-terminus commencing T355VxxPDVELPLP. The data are consistent with MT1-MMP cleavage at three sites in the aggrecan interglobular domain; one at N342-F342, a second at D441-L442 and a third at Q354-T355.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix is a dynamic environment that constantly undergoes remodelling and degradation during vital physiological processes such as angiogenesis, wound healing, and development. Unbalanced extracellular matrix breakdown is associated with many diseases such as arthritis, cancer and fibrosis. Interstitial collagen is degraded by matrix metalloproteinases with collagenolytic activity by MMP-1, MMP-8 and MMP-13, collectively known as the collagenases. Matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) plays a pivotal role in degradation of interstitial collagen types I, II, and III. Here, we report the crystal structure of the active form of human MMP-1 at 2.67 A resolution. This is the first MMP-1 structure that is free of inhibitor and a water molecule essential for peptide hydrolysis is observed coordinated with the active site zinc. Comparing this structure with the human proMMP-1 shows significant structural differences, mainly in the relative orientation of the hemopexin domain, between the pro form and active form of the human enzyme.  相似文献   

The structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis dUTP nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase) has been determined at 1.3 Angstrom resolution in complex with magnesium ion and the non-hydrolyzable substrate analog, alpha,beta-imido dUTP. dUTPase is an enzyme essential for depleting potentially toxic concentrations of dUTP in the cell. Given the importance of its biological role, it has been proposed that inhibiting M.tuberculosis dUTPase might be an effective means to treat tuberculosis infection in humans. The crystal structure presented here offers some insight into the potential for designing a specific inhibitor of the M.tuberculosis dUTPase enzyme. The structure also offers new insights into the mechanism of dUTP hydrolysis by providing an accurate representation of the enzyme-substrate complex in which both the metal ion and dUTP analog are included. The structure suggests that inclusion of a magnesium ion is important for stabilizing the position of the alpha-phosphorus for an in-line nucleophilic attack. In the absence of magnesium, the alpha-phosphate of dUTP can have either of the two positions which differ by 4.5 Angstrom. A transiently ordered C-terminal loop further assists catalysis by shielding the general base, Asp83, from solvent thus elevating its pK(a) so that it might in turn activate a tightly bound water molecule for nucleophilic attack. The metal ion coordinates alpha, beta, and gamma phosphate groups with tridentate geometry identical with that observed in the crystal structure of DNA polymerase beta complexed with magnesium and dNTP analog, revealing some common features in catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Plasma kallikrein is a serine protease that has many important functions, including modulation of blood pressure, complement activation, and mediation and maintenance of inflammatory responses. Although plasma kallikrein has been purified for 40 years, its structure has not been elucidated. In this report, we described two systems (Pichia pastoris and baculovirus/Sf9 cells) for expression of the protease domain of plasma kallikrein, along with the purification and high resolution crystal structures of the two recombinant forms. In the Pichia pastoris system, the protease domain was expressed as a heterogeneously glycosylated zymogen that was activated by limited trypsin digestion and treated with endoglycosidase H deglycosidase to reduce heterogeneity from the glycosylation. The resulting protein was chromatographically resolved into four components, one of which was crystallized. In the baculovirus/Sf9 system, homogeneous, crystallizable, and nonglycosylated protein was expressed after mutagenizing three asparagines (the glycosylation sites) to glutamates. When assayed against the peptide substrates, pefachrome-PK and oxidized insulin B chain, both forms of the protease domain were found to have catalytic activity similar to that of the full-length protein. Crystallization and x-ray crystal structure determination of both forms have yielded the first three-dimensional views of the catalytic domain of plasma kallikrein. The structures, determined at 1.85 A for the endoglycosidase H-deglycosylated protease domain produced from P. pastoris and at 1.40 A for the mutagenically deglycosylated form produced from Sf9 cells, show that the protease domain adopts a typical chymotrypsin-like serine protease conformation. The structural information provides insights into the biochemical and enzymatic properties of plasma kallikrein and paves the way for structure-based design of protease inhibitors that are selective either for or against plasma kallikrein.  相似文献   

Most eukaryotic aspartic protease zymogens are synthesized as a single polypeptide chain that contains two distinct homologous lobes and a pro peptide, which is removed upon activation. In pepsinogen, the pro peptide precedes the N-terminal lobe (designated pep) and the C-terminal lobe (designated sin). Based on the three-dimensional structure of pepsinogen, we have designed a pepsinogen polypeptide with the internal rearrangement of domains from pro-pep-sin (native pepsinogen) to sin-pro-pep. The domain-rearranged zymogen also contains a 10-residue linker designed to connect sin and pro domains. Recombinant sin-pro-pep was synthesized in Escherichia coli, refolded from 8 M urea, and purified. Upon acidification, sin-pro-pep autoactivates to a two-chain enzyme. However, the emergence of activity is much slower than the conversion of the single-chain zymogen to a two-chain intermediate. In the activation of native pepsinogen and sin-pro-pep, the pro region is cleaved at two sites between residues 16P and 17P and 44P and 1 successively, and complete activation of sin-pro-pep requires an additional cleavage at a third site between residues 1P and 2P. In pepsinogen activation, the cleavage of the first site is rate limiting because the second site is cleaved more rapidly to generate activity. In the activation of sin-pro-pep, however, the second site is cleaved slower than the first, and cleavage of the third site is the rate limiting step.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Unregulated or overexpressed matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), including stromelysin, collagenase, and gelatinase. have been implicated in several pathological conditions including arthritis and cancer. Small-molecule MMP inhibitors may have therapeutic value in the treatment of these diseases. In this regard, the solution structures of two stromelysin/ inhibitor complexes have been investigated using 1H, 13C, and 15N NMR spectroscopy. Both-inhibitors are members of a novel class of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor that contain a thiadiazole group and that interact with stromelysin in a manner distinct from other classes of inhibitors. The inhibitors coordinate the catalytic zinc atom through their exocyclic sulfur atom, with the remainder of the ligand extending into the S1-S3 side of the active site. The binding of inhibitor containing a protonated or fluorinated aromatic ring was investigated using 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy. The fluorinated ring was found to have a reduced ring-flip rate compared to the protonated version. A strong, coplanar interaction between the fluorinated ring of the inhibitor and the aromatic ring of Tyr155 is proposed to account for the reduced ring-flip rate and for the increase in binding affinity observed for the fluorinated inhibitor compared to the protonated inhibitor. Binding interactions observed for the thiadiazole class of ligands have implications for the design of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

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