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The ability of seven fluorescence polarization probes (1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, 1-[(4-trimethylamino)phenyl]-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, (2-carboxyethyl)-1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, 16(9-anthroyloxy)palmitic acid, CIS-parinaric acid, trans-parinaric acid and perylene) to report changes induced by temperature and Ca2+ in the plasma membrane of human platelets has been examined. The steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of the probes was compared after being incorporated into whole resting platelets, fragments of platelet plasma membrane and multilayers of lipids extracted from these membranes. In addition, we have investigated the molecular order and dynamics of the three preparations by time-resolved fluorescence depolarization of DPH and CE-DPH as a function of temperature and Ca2+ concentration. The high values of the order parameters found in intact platelets (SDPH, 36.c=0.70) were almost identical to those in membrane fragments and lipid vesicles, suggesting that lipid-lipid interactions and, therefore, the lipid composition are the main factors influencing the probe order parameter. Other lipid interactions such as those with membrane proteins and intracellular components have little effect on the SDP, in platelets. These measurements also showed that the stationary fluorescence anisotropy of DPH and CE-DPH in platelets is largely determined (80%) by the structural order of the lipid bilayer. Therefore, the previous microviscosity values based on stationary anisotropy data reflect the alignment and packing rather than the mobility of the bilayer components. The dynamic component of the anisotropy decay of these probes was analyzed in terms of the wobbling-in-cone model, allowing an estimation of the apparent viscosity of platelet plasma membrane (DPH, 36°C =–0–5 P) that is similar to that of the erythrocyte membrane. This value decreased substantially in multilayers of native lipids, indicating a large effect of the lipidprotein interactions on the probe dynamics within the bilayer. When the temperature was raised from 25° to 36°C a pronounced decrease was observed in the order parameter and apparent viscosity, followed by a tendency to level-off in the 36°-40°C interval. This may be related to the end-point of the lipid phase separation reported by Gordon et al. (1983). Finally, the rigidifying (lipid ordering) effect of Ca2+ on the platelet plasma membrane could also be observed by the fluorescence anisotropy measurements, in the form of an increase (2%) of the order parameter of CE-DPH for Ca2+ concentrations in the millimolar range.Abbreviations DPH 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene - TMA-DPH 1-[(4-trimethyl-amino)phenyl]-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene - CE-DPH (2-carboxyethyl)-1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene - 16AP 16-(9-anthroyloxy)-palmitic acid; c-PnA, CIS-parinaric acid; t-PnA, trans-parinaric acid - PER perylene - POPOP p-bis[2(5-phenyl-oxazolyl)benzene] - ESR electron spin resonance Offprint requests to: A. U. Acuña  相似文献   

The packing of helices spanning lipid bilayers is crucial for the stability and function of alpha-helical membrane proteins. Using a modified Voronoi procedure, we calculated packing densities for helix-helix contacts in membrane spanning domains. Our results show that the transmembrane helices of protein channels and transporters are significantly more loosely packed compared with helices in globular proteins. The observed packing deficiencies of these membrane proteins are also reflected by a higher amount of cavities at functionally important sites. The cavities positioned along the gated pores of membrane channels and transporters are noticeably lined by polar amino acids that should be exposed to the aqueous medium when the protein is in the open state. In contrast, nonpolar amino acids surround the cavities in those protein regions where large rearrangements are supposed to take place, as near the hinge regions of transporters or at restriction sites of protein channels. We presume that the observed deficiencies of helix-helix packing are essential for the helical mobility that sustains the function of many membrane protein channels and transporters.  相似文献   

Time-resolved flavin fluorescence anisotropy studies on glutathione reductase (GR) have revealed a remarkable new phenomenon: wild-type GR displays a rapid process of fluorescence depolarization, that is absent in mutant enzymes lacking a nearby tyrosine residue that blocks the NADPH-binding cleft. Fluorescence lifetime data, however, have shown a more rigid active-site structure for wild-type GR than for the tyrosine mutants. These results suggest that the rapid depolarization in wild-type GR originates from an interaction with the flavin-shielding tyrosine, and not from restricted reorientational motion of the flavin. A novel mechanism of fluorescence depolarization is proposed that involves a transient charge-transfer complex between the tyrosine and the light-excited flavin, with a concomitant change in the direction of the emission dipole moment of the flavin. This interaction is likely to result from side-chain relaxation of the tyrosine in the minor fraction of enzyme molecules in which this residue is in an unsuitable position for immediate fluorescence quenching at the moment of excitation. Support for this mechanism is provided by binding studies with NADP+ and 2'P-5'ADP-ribose that can intercalate between the flavin and tyrosine and/or block the latter. Fluorescence depolarization analyses as a function of temperature and viscosity confirm the dynamic nature of the process. A comparison with fluorescence depolarization effects in a related flavoenzyme indicates that this mechanism of flavin fluorescence depolarization is more generally applicable.  相似文献   

The atomic force microscope (AFM) and the associated dynamic force spectroscopy technique have been exploited to quantitatively assess the interaction between proteins and their binding to specific ligands and membrane surfaces. In particular, we have studied the specific interaction between lung surfactant protein D and various carbohydrates. In addition, we have used scanning AFM and time-resolved fluorescence microscopy to image the lateral structure of different lipid bilayers and their morphological changes as a function of time. The various systems studied illustrate the potential of modern AFM techniques for application to biomedical research, specifically within immunology and liposome-based drug delivery.  相似文献   

Indo-1 fluorescence signals were measured from one extremity of enzymatically isolated skeletal muscle fibers of mice. An original and simple method was developed to allow the measurements to be made under voltage-clamp control: the major part of a single fiber was embedded in silicone grease, so that only a short portion of one end of the fiber, from which the fluorescence measurements were taken, was in contact with the external solution. Membrane potential was held and varied by using a patch-clamp amplifier in whole-cell configuration with a single microelectrode, the tip of which was inserted across the silicone grease within the insulated portion of the fiber. In response to 100-ms depolarizing command pulses to voltages more positive than -40 mV (from a holding potential of -80 mV), clear changes in fluorescence were qualitatively observed to feature a time course of rise and decay expected from a change in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) due to voltage-dependent sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium release. Although the peak [Ca2+]i elicited by a 100-ms depolarization at 0 or +10 mV varied from fiber to fiber, it could clearly reach a value high enough to saturate Indo-1. The overall results show that this method represents an efficient way of measuring depolarization-induced [Ca2+]i changes in enzymatically dissociated skeletal muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Accurate determination of the depth of membrane penetration of a fluorescent probe, attached to a lipid, protein, or other macromolecule of interest, using depth-dependent quenching methodology is complicated by thermal motion in the lipid bilayer. Here, we suggest that a combination of steady-state and time-resolved measurements can be used to generate a static quenching profile that reduces the contribution from transverse diffusion occurring during the excited-state lifetime. This procedure results in narrower quenching profiles, compared with those obtained by traditional measurements, and thus improves precision in determination of the underlying depth distribution of the probe.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that angle resolved steady state fluorescence depolarization experiments on oriented lipid membrane systems can be an useful alternative to time-resolved fluorescence depolarization experiments on vesicles. It is shown that some basic assumptions underlying time-resolved experiments are not always valid. The usefulness of the measurement of an additional order parameter, less than P4 greater than is demonstrated.  相似文献   

1. Simultaneous measurement of tissue NAD(P)H fluorescence and respiration was used to elucidate some of the early chemical changes after depolarization of the membranes of cerebral-cortical cells. Depolarization was effected by the application of a train of short-duration voltage pulses across a slice of guinea-pig cerebral cortex. The pulses cause a biphasic change in fluorescence corresponding to an early (within 1s) oxidation and later (about 10s) reduction of nicotinamide nucleotide. The major portions of both these redox changes are unrelated to the accompanying increase in slice respiration of about 75%. 2. The early oxidation requires Ca(2+) and phosphate in the bathing medium and appears to be largely due to an early mitochondrial uptake of these ions. 3. The ensuing reduction occurs in the cytosol, as judged by its almost complete elimination in the presence of exogenous pyruvate. It becomes markedly attenuated with increasing time of incubation. This and the ability of exogenous 6-N-2'-O-dibutyryl cyclic AMP to cause a reduction in the absence of electrical pulses suggest that it results from a cyclic AMP-mediated activation of glycogenolysis. 4. Further results, obtained in the presence of exogenous pyruvate, indicate that in addition to the above effects a net transfer of NADH from the mitochondrial to cytosolic space (presumably via a shuttle mechanism) is activated by the electrical pulses. 5. The lack of any sizeable (more than 2% of basal fluorescence) fluorescence change associated with the respiratory increase caused by the pulses, and the fact that any change which may be associated with it corresponds to a small reduction of mitochondrial nicotinamide nucleotide, show that a simple state 4 --> state 3 mitochondrial transition cannot account for the increased respiration. The results suggest, rather, a co-ordinated control of respiration, at more than one site.  相似文献   

Analysis of time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy decays.   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
We discuss the analysis of time-correlated single photon counting measurements of fluorescence anisotropy. Particular attention was paid to the statistical properties of the data. The methods used previously to analyze these experiments were examined and a new method was proposed in which parallel- and perpendicular-polarized fluorescence curves were fit simultaneously. The new method takes full advantage of the statistical properties of the measured curves; and, in some cases, it is shown to be more sensitive than other methods to systematic errors present in the data. Examples were presented using experimental and simulated data. The influence of fitting range on extracted parameters and statistical criteria for evaluating the quality of fits are also discussed.  相似文献   

Specific intracellular localization of RAB GTPases has been reported to be dependent on protein factors, but the contribution of the membrane physicochemical properties to this process has been poorly described. Here, we show that three RAB proteins (RAB1/RAB5/RAB6) preferentially bind in vitro to disordered and curved membranes, and that this feature is uniquely dependent on their prenyl group. Our results imply that the addition of a prenyl group confers to RAB proteins, and most probably also to other prenylated proteins, the ability to sense lipid packing defects induced by unsaturated conical‐shaped lipids and curvature. Consistently, RAB recruitment increases with the amount of lipid packing defects, further indicating that these defects drive RAB membrane targeting. Membrane binding of RAB35 is also modulated by lipid packing defects but primarily dependent on negatively charged lipids. Our results suggest that a balance between hydrophobic insertion of the prenyl group into lipid packing defects and electrostatic interactions of the RAB C‐terminal region with charged membranes tunes the specific intracellular localization of RAB proteins.   相似文献   

The effect of surfactants on the "fluidity" of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicle membrane was studied by means of the fluorescence depolarization technique with fatty acid fluorescent probes, in which the anthroyloxy group is introduced at different positions along the acyl chain. Three types of surfactants were examined; anionic sodium alkylsulfates, cationic alkyltrimethylammonium chlorides, and non-ionic alkanoyl-N-methylglucamides (MEGA-n). Perturbing effects of the surfactants depended on both the alkyl chain-length and the type of head group. Sodium alkylsulfates with octyl- and decyl-chain and alkyltrimethylammonium chlorides with octyl-, decyl- and dodecyl-chain did not affect the membrane fluidity when incorporated in the membrane, whereas sodium dodecylsulfate and tetradecyltrimethylammonium chloride decreased the membrane fluidity at both gel and liquid crystalline states of the membrane. All the MEGA series surfactants decreased the membrane fluidity, whose perturbing potency was in the order of MEGA-8 less than MEGA-9 approximately equal to MEGA-10. The perturbation at different depths in the membrane by sodium dodecylsulfate and MEGA-9 was also examined. No significant change in the fluidity gradient across the membrane was induced by the addition of these surfactants.  相似文献   

Multioscillator fluorescence depolarization. Anisotropy of dye binding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B Witholt  L Brand 《Biochemistry》1970,9(9):1948-1958

The picosecond fluorescence kinetics and quantum yield from bovine rhodopsin were measured in the 5-40 degrees K range. The fluorescence rise and decay times are faster than our resolution of 15 ps (full width at half maximum) over this entire temperature range. The size of the observed emission was also temperature independent, and we find that the upper limit of rhodopsin's fluorescence quantum yield to be phi f approximately equal to 10(-5). Replacing all of rhodopsin's exchangeable protons with deuterons by suspending rhodopsin in D2O had no effect on either the kinetics of the emission or the value of the quantum yield. Our data provide strong confirmation of the idea that the first step in the visual process is an excited-state cis-to-trans isomerization about the C11-C12 double bond of retinal.  相似文献   

T Araiso  T Koyama 《Biorheology》1988,25(1-2):253-259
The absolute value of the viscosity in membrane lipid bilayers, which is different from the microviscosity advocated by Shinitzky, could be calculated from steady-state fluorescence depolarization of a hydrocarbon fluorophore, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH). This method was based on the theory of time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy and empirical relationships between fluorescence life time and the anisotropy parameters such as half cone angle in wobbling motion and wobbling diffusion rate of the fluorescent probe. Obtained viscosity values of various membranes from this method were consistent with those from time resolved method within experimental error.  相似文献   

The fluorescence dynamics of the dye 3,3'-diethyloxadicarbocyanine iodide (DODCI) was used to probe the microenvironment of cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) and cardiolipin. The dye was partitioned between an aqueous and a hydrophobic phase. The 'bound' and 'free' populations of DODCI could be separated by analysis of the time-resolved fluorescence decay of the dye. The anisotropy decay of the DODCI bound to CcO showed a unique 'dip and rise' shape that was analyzed by a combination of rotational correlation times with time-dependent weight factors for each lifetime component. Rotational dynamics studies revealed the existence of a restricted motion of the dye bound at the enzyme surface. Adriamycin, an anticancer, albeit cardiotoxic drug, was previously proposed to affect the surface structure of CcO, most likely by causing a disorder to the surface lipid arrangement. A drastic change in the rotational correlation time of the dye bound to the enzyme surface was observed, which suggested a depletion of cardiolipin layer due to complexation with the drug. The effect of Adriamycin on cardiolipin was drastic, leading to its phase separation. The present study suggests that the effect of Adriamycin on CcO is primarily a segregation of the cardiolipins.  相似文献   

The pathway for the in vitro equilibrium unfolding of the tubulin heterodimer by guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) has been studied using several spectroscopic techniques, specifically circular dichroism (CD), two-photon Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), and time-resolved fluorescence, including lifetime and dynamic polarization. The results show that tubulin unfolding is characterized by distinct processes that occur in different GdmCl concentration ranges. From 0 to 0.5 M GdmCl, a slight alteration of the tubulin heterodimer occurs, as evidenced by a small, but reproducible increase in the rotational correlation time of the protein and a sharp decrease in the secondary structure monitored by CD. In the range 0.5-1.5 M GdmCl, significant decreases in the steady-state anisotropy and average lifetime of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence occur, as well as a decrease in the rotational correlation time, from 48 to 26 nsec. In the same GdmCl range, the number of protein molecules (labeled with Alexa 488), as determined by two-photon FCS measurements, increases by a factor of two, indicating dissociation of the tubulin dimer into monomers. From 1.5 to 4 M GdmCl, these monomers unfold, as evidenced by the continual decrease in the tryptophan steady-state anisotropy, average lifetime, and rotational correlation time, concomitant with secondary structural changes. These results help to elucidate the unfolding pathway of the tubulin heterodimer and demonstrate the value of FCS measurements in studies on oligomeric protein systems.  相似文献   

We have monitored the thermotropic behavior of mixed dimyristoylglycerophosphoserine (Myr2GroPSer)/dimyristoylglycerophosphocholine (Myr2GroPCho) and Myr2GroPSer/dipalmitoylglycerophosphocholine (Pam2GroPCho) vesicles in the presence of blood-clotting factor Va, using 1,6-diphenyl-1,3, 5-hexatriene as a lipid probe. The Ca2+-independent interaction of factor Va with these vesicles caused a small increase (1-2 degrees C) in the phase transition temperature, regardless of whether Myr2GroPChe was the lower or higher-melting component of the mixed vesicles. The major effect of factor Va was to increase the polarization of diphenylhexatriene when the mixed vesicles were in the liquid crystalline phase. The protein did not change the anisotropy in the bilayer gel state. The increase in the polarization value above the transition temperature closely correlated with the amount of phospholipid-bound factor Va, as verified by a direct binding technique. In addition, we found that the affinity of factor Va for Myr2GroPSer/Myr2GroPCho and Myr2GroPSer/Pam2GroPCho greatly increased at temperatures above the transition temperatures. Time-dependent fluorescence anisotropy measurements of diphenylhexatriene embedded in vesicles in the liquid crystalline state give fluorescence decay curves which can best be fitted by two exponential functions with two rotational correlation times and a constant term. Vesicles composed of Myr2GroPSer exhibit more ordering than Myr2GroPCho vesicles. However, the order parameter of mixed vesicles composed of 40% Myr2GroPSer and 60% Myr2GroPCho (mol/mol) approached that of Myr2GroPCho. Factor Va dramatically increased the longer rotational correlation time of diphenylhexatriene embedded in mixed vesicles in the liquid crystalline state from 3.7 ns to about 17 ns. The second rank-order parameter increased only slightly, but the calculated steady-state anisotropy increased by twofold. These results indicate that the acidic phospholipid-dependent binding of factor Va to mixed vesicles has an ordering effect on the acyl chains of the acidic phospholipids in the outer layer, but leaves the bulk of the phospholipids, mainly phosphatidylcholine, unaltered. None of the factor-Va-induced alterations in the anisotropy parameters point to the occurrence of lateral phase separation.  相似文献   

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