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The Rad52 protein, which is unique to eukaryotes, plays important roles in the Rad51-dependent and the Rad51-independent pathways of DNA recombination. In the present study, we have biochemically characterized the homologous pairing activity of the HsRad52 protein (Homo sapiens Rad52) and found that the presynaptic complex formation with ssDNA is essential in its catalysis of homologous pairing. We have identified an N-terminal fragment (amino acid residues 1-237, HsRad52(1-237)) that is defective in binding to the human Rad51 protein, which catalyzed homologous pairing as efficiently as the wild type HsRad52. Electron microscopic visualization revealed that HsRad52 and HsRad52(1-237) both formed nucleoprotein filaments with single-stranded DNA. These lines of evidence suggest the role of HsRad52 in the homologous pairing step of the Rad51-independent recombination pathway. Our results reveal the striking similarity between HsRad52 and the Escherichia coli RecT protein, which functions in a RecA-independent recombination pathway.  相似文献   

Rad51 protein controls Rad52-mediated DNA annealing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rad52 protein plays an essential role in the repair of DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs). Rad52 and its orthologs possess the unique capacity to anneal single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) complexed with its cognate ssDNA-binding protein, RPA. This annealing activity is used in multiple mechanisms of DSB repair: single-stranded annealing, synthesis-dependent strand annealing, and cross-over formation. Here we report that the S. cerevisiae DNA strand exchange protein, Rad51, prevents Rad52-mediated annealing of complementary ssDNA. Efficient inhibition is ATP-dependent and involves a specific interaction between Rad51 and Rad52. Free Rad51 can limit DNA annealing by Rad52, but the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament is even more effective. We also discovered that the budding yeast Rad52 paralog, Rad59 protein, partially restores Rad52-dependent DNA annealing in the presence of Rad51, suggesting that Rad52 and Rad59 function coordinately to enhance recombinational DNA repair either by directing the processed DSBs to repair by DNA strand annealing or by promoting second end capture to form a double Holliday junction. This regulation of Rad52-mediated annealing suggests a control function for Rad51 in deciding the recombination path taken for a processed DNA break; the ssDNA can be directed to either Rad51-mediated DNA strand invasion or to Rad52-mediated DNA annealing. This channeling determines the nature of the subsequent repair process and is consistent with the observed competition between these pathways in vivo.  相似文献   

Identification of a second DNA binding site in the human Rad52 protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rad52 plays essential roles in homology-dependent double-strand break repair. Various studies have established the functions of Rad52 in Rad51-dependent and Rad51-independent repair processes. However, the precise molecular mechanisms of Rad52 in these processes remain unknown. In the present study we have identified a novel DNA binding site within Rad52 by a structure-based alanine scan mutagenesis. This site is closely aligned with the putative single-stranded DNA binding site determined previously. Mutations in this site impaired the ability of the Rad52-single-stranded DNA complex to form a ternary complex with double-stranded DNA and subsequently catalyze the formation of D-loops. We found that Rad52 introduces positive supercoils into double-stranded DNA and that the second DNA binding site is essential for this activity. Our findings suggest that Rad52 aligns two recombining DNA molecules within the first and second DNA binding sites to stimulate the homology search and strand invasion processes.  相似文献   

Davis AP  Symington LS 《DNA Repair》2003,2(10):1127-1134
The RAD52 gene is essential for homology-dependent repair of double-strand breaks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rad52 forms complexes with Rad51, replication protein A (RPA) or Rad59 and its presence is essential for the formation of Rad51-Rad52-Rad59 and RPA-Rad52-Rad59 complexes. The N-terminal region of Rad52, which is required for self-interaction to form a ring structure, is required for interaction with Rad59. Rad59 also shows self-interaction suggesting the formation of heteromeric and homomeric rings of Rad52 and Rad59. In wild-type cells, we propose the Rad51-Rad52-Rad59 complex is involved in conservative recombination events, including gene conversion and reciprocal recombination, whereas the Rad52-Rad59 complex participates in single-strand annealing.  相似文献   

Davis AP  Symington LS 《Genetics》2001,159(2):515-525
The yeast RAD52 gene is essential for homology-dependent repair of DNA double-strand breaks. In vitro, Rad52 binds to single- and double-stranded DNA and promotes annealing of complementary single-stranded DNA. Genetic studies indicate that the Rad52 and Rad59 proteins act in the same recombination pathway either as a complex or through overlapping functions. Here we demonstrate physical interaction between Rad52 and Rad59 using the yeast two-hybrid system and co-immunoprecipitation from yeast extracts. Purified Rad59 efficiently anneals complementary oligonucleotides and is able to overcome the inhibition to annealing imposed by replication protein A (RPA). Although Rad59 has strand-annealing activity by itself in vitro, this activity is insufficient to promote strand annealing in vivo in the absence of Rad52. The rfa1-D288Y allele partially suppresses the in vivo strand-annealing defect of rad52 mutants, but this is independent of RAD59. These results suggest that in vivo Rad59 is unable to compete with RPA for single-stranded DNA and therefore is unable to promote single-strand annealing. Instead, Rad59 appears to augment the activity of Rad52 in strand annealing.  相似文献   

The Rad52 protein plays a crucial role in repairing DNA damage and homologous recombination, possibly by virtue of its ability to catalyze annealing of single-stranded DNA. In agreement with recent genetic data, we here present results based on the two-hybrid system, demonstrating that mouse Rad52p is able to form homomeric complexes. A small domain necessary and sufficient for the self-interaction is located in the conserved N-terminus of the protein. These data contribute to the important insights into the architecture of the multi-protein complex involved in recombinational DNA repair.  相似文献   

Human Rad52 (HsRad52) is a DNA-binding protein (418 residues) that promotes the catalysis of DNA double strand break repair by the Rad51 recombinase. HsRad52 self-associates to form ring-shaped oligomers as well as higher order complexes of these rings. Analysis of the structural and functional organization of protein domains suggests that many of the determinants of DNA binding lie within the N-terminal 85 residues. Crystal structures of two truncation mutants, HsRad52(1-212) and HsRad52(1-209) support the idea that this region makes up an important part of the DNA binding domain. Here, we report the results of saturating alanine scanning mutagenesis of the N-terminal domain of full-length HsRad52 in which we identify residues that are likely involved in direct contact with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Our results largely agree with the position of side-chains seen in the crystal structures but also suggest that certain DNA binding and cross-subunit interactions differ between the 11 subunit ring in the crystal structures of the truncation mutant proteins versus the seven subunit ring formed by full-length HsRad52.  相似文献   

Mgm101 has well-characterized activity for the repair and replication of the mitochondrial genome. Recent work has demonstrated a further role for Mgm101 in nuclear DNA metabolism, contributing to an S-phase specific DNA interstrand cross-link repair pathway that acts redundantly with a pathway controlled by Pso2 exonuclease. Due to involvement of FANCM, FANCJ and FANCP homologues (Mph1, Chl1 and Slx4), this pathway has been described as a Fanconi anemia-like pathway. In this pathway, Mgm101 physically interacts with the DNA helicase Mph1 and the MutSα (Msh2/Msh6) heterodimer, but its precise role is yet to be elucidated. Data presented here suggests that Mgm101 functionally overlaps with Rad52, supporting previous suggestions that, based on protein structure and biochemical properties, Mgm101 and Rad52 belong to a family of proteins with similar function. In addition, our data shows that this overlap extends to the function of both proteins at telomeres, where Mgm101 is required for telomere elongation during chromosome replication in rad52 defective cells. We hypothesize that Mgm101 could, in Rad52-like manner, preferentially bind single-stranded DNAs (such as at stalled replication forks, broken chromosomes and natural chromosome ends), stabilize them and mediate single-strand annealing-like homologous recombination event to prevent them from converting into toxic structures.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic single-stranded DNA-binding protein, replication protein A (RPA), is essential for DNA replication, and plays important roles in DNA repair and DNA recombination. Rad52 and RPA, along with other members of the Rad52 epistasis group of genes, repair double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs). Two repair pathways involve RPA and Rad52, homologous recombination and single-strand annealing. Two binding sites for Rad52 have been identified on RPA. They include the previously identified C-terminal domain (CTD) of RPA32 (residues 224-271) and the newly identified domain containing residues 169-326 of RPA70. A region on Rad52, which includes residues 218-303, binds RPA70 as well as RPA32. The N-terminal region of RPA32 does not appear to play a role in the formation of the RPA:Rad52 complex. It appears that the RPA32CTD can substitute for RPA70 in binding Rad52. Sequence homology between RPA32 and RPA70 was used to identify a putative Rad52-binding site on RPA70 that is located near DNA-binding domains A and B. Rad52 binding to RPA increases ssDNA affinity significantly. Mutations in DBD-D on RPA32 show that this domain is primarily responsible for the ssDNA binding enhancement. RPA binding to Rad52 inhibits the higher-order self-association of Rad52 rings. Implications for these results for the "hand-off" mechanism between protein-protein partners, including Rad51, in homologous recombination and single-strand annealing are discussed.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is a conserved molecular process that has primarily evolved for the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks and stalled replication forks. However, the recombination machinery in mitochondria is poorly understood. Here, we show that the yeast mitochondrial nucleoid protein, Mgm101, is related to the Rad52-type recombination proteins that are widespread in organisms from bacteriophage to humans. Mgm101 is required for repeat-mediated recombination and suppression of mtDNA fragmentation in vivo. It preferentially binds to single-stranded DNA and catalyzes the annealing of ssDNA precomplexed with the mitochondrial ssDNA-binding protein, Rim1. Transmission electron microscopy showed that Mgm101 forms large oligomeric rings of ~14-fold symmetry and highly compressed helical filaments. Specific mutations affecting ring formation reduce protein stability in vitro. The data suggest that the ring structure may provide a scaffold for stabilization of Mgm101 by preventing the aggregation of the otherwise unstable monomeric conformation. Upon binding to ssDNA, Mgm101 is remobilized from the rings to form distinct nucleoprotein filaments. These studies reveal a recombination protein of likely bacteriophage origin in mitochondria and support the notion that recombination is indispensable for mtDNA integrity.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad31 and hus5 genes are required for the DNA damage response, as mutants defective in these genes are sensitive to DNA damaging agents, such as UV and ionising radiation and to the DNA synthesis inhibitor hydroxyurea (HU). Sequence analysis has suggested that rad31 and hus5 encode components of the Pmt3 (SUMO) modification process in S.pombe. We show here that the rad31 null and hus5.62 mutants display reduced levels of Pmt3 modification. We have initiated a search for proteins required for the DNA damage response, which may be modified by Pmt3 and have identified Rad22, the fission yeast homologue of the recombination protein Rad52. Purification of myc + His-tagged Rad22 protein from cells expressing HA-tagged Pmt3 identifies an 83 kDa species which cross-reacts with anti-HA antisera. We show here that Rad22 interacts with Rhp51 and Rpa70 (the fission yeast homologues of Rad51 and the large subunit of RPA, respectively), but that neither of these proteins appears to be responsible for the 83 kDa species. The 83 kDa species is observed when extracts are prepared under both native and denaturing conditions, and is also observed when myc + His-tagged Rad22 and Pmt3 are expressed at wild type levels, suggesting that Rad22 is modified by Pmt3 in vivo. We have established an S.pombe in vitro Pmt3 modification system and have shown that Rad22 and Rhp51 are modified in vitro, but that Rpa70 is not.  相似文献   

The introduction of exogenous DNA in human somatic cells results in a frequency of random integration at least 100-fold higher than gene targeting (GT), posing a seemingly insurmountable limitation for gene therapy applications. We previously reported that, in human cells, the stable over-expression of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad52 gene (yRAD52), which plays the major role in yeast homologous recombination (HR), caused an up to 37-fold increase in the frequency of GT, indicating that yRAD52 interacts with the double-strand break repair pathway(s) of human cells favoring homologous integration. In the present study, we tested the effect of the yRad52 protein by delivering it directly to the human cells. To this purpose, we fused the yRAD52 cDNA to the arginine-rich domain of the TAT protein of HIV (tat11) that is known to permeate the cell membranes. We observed that a recombinant yRad52tat11 fusion protein produced in Escherichia coli, which maintains its ability to bind single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), enters the cells and the nuclei, where it is able to increase both intrachromosomal recombination and GT up to 63- and 50-fold, respectively. Moreover, the non-homologous plasmid DNA integration decreased by 4-fold. yRAD52tat11 proteins carrying point mutations in the ssDNA binding domain caused a lower or nil increase in recombination proficiency. Thus, the yRad52tat11 could be instrumental to increase GT in human cells and a ‘protein delivery approach’ offers a new tool for developing novel strategies for genome modification and gene therapy applications.  相似文献   

The sequence of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD52 gene contains five potential translation start sites and protein-blot analysis typically detects multiple Rad52 species with different electrophoretic mobilities. Here we define the gene products encoded by RAD52. We show that the multiple Rad52 protein species are due to promiscuous choice of start codons as well as post-translational modification. Specifically, Rad52 is phosphorylated both in a cell cycle-independent and in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Furthermore, phosphorylation is dependent on the presence of the Rad52 C terminus, but not dependent on its interaction with Rad51. We also show that the Rad52 protein can be translated from the last three start sites and expression from any one of them is sufficient for spontaneous recombination and the repair of gamma-ray-induced double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

Mini-chromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins form a conserved family found in all eukaryotes and are essential for DNA replication. They exist as heteromultimeric complexes containing as many as six different proteins. These complexes are believed to be the replicative helicases, functioning as hexameric rings at replication forks. In most archaea a single MCM protein exists. The protein from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum (mtMCM) has been reported to assemble into a large complex consistent with a dodecamer. We show that mtMCM can assemble into a heptameric ring. This ring contains a C-terminal helicase domain that can be fit with crystal structures of ring helicases and an N-terminal domain of unknown function. While the structure of the ring is very similar to that of hexameric replicative helicases such as bacteriophage T7 gp4, our results show that such ring structures may not be constrained to have only six subunits.  相似文献   

Zebrafish has become a favorite model organism not only in genetics and developmental biology, but also for the study of cancer, neuroscience and metabolism. However, strategies for reverse genetics in zebrafish are mostly limited to the use of antisense oligonucleotides, and therefore the development of other targeting methods is highly desirable. Here, we report an approach to gene targeting in this system in which single-stranded oligonucleotides and zebrafish Rad52 protein are employed. It has been proposed that a single-stranded oligonucleotide containing a mutation can be incorporated into the genome by annealing to the single-stranded region of the lagging strand of the replication fork. Rad52 is expected to accelerate the annealing step. In vitro experiments using purified truncated Rad52 proteins and replication protein A (RPA) showed that annealing of oligonucleotides is accelerated by Rad52 in the presence of RPA. We developed a simple and sensitive PCR-based method to detect point mutations in the genome. In exploratory experiments, we found that microinjection of single-stranded oligonucleotide targeted to a specific gene together with truncated Rad52 into zebrafish embryos resulted in a low level of recombinant copies in 3 of the 80 embryos tested under these conditions.  相似文献   

The in situ state of assembly of the human erythrocyte anion carrier (band 3) has been investigated by applying target size analysis on the radiation-induced inactivation of anion flux and degradation of polypeptide band 3. Irradiation with a high energy electron beam resulted in inactivation of carrier-mediated anion flux in intact cells, in inside-out vesicles devoid of cytoskeletal and cytoplasmic proteins, and in inside-out vesicles whose band 3 protein has been partially proteolyzed, with little change in leak pathway. The inactivation showed a single exponential function of radiation dose from which the target size of the anion carrier was estimated to be 210,000, 220,000, and 98,000 daltons in intact cells, in the inside-out vesicles, and in the vesicles after a limited proteolysis, respectively. Irradiation also resulted in degradation of the band 3 of the inside-out vesicles, as detected on sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis, with a dose dependence characteristic of a target size of 220,000 daltons. It is suggested that the human erythrocyte anion carrier exists in situ as a dimer of band 3.  相似文献   

Purified human Rad51 protein (hRad51) catalyses ATP-dependent homologous pairing and strand transfer reactions, characteristic of a central role in homologous recombination and double-strand break repair. Using single-stranded circular and partially homologous linear duplex DNA, we found that the length of heteroduplex DNA formed by hRad51 was limited to approximately 1.3 kb, significantly less than that observed with Escherichia coli RecA and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51 protein. Joint molecule formation required the presence of a 3' or 5'-overhang on the duplex DNA substrate and initiated preferentially at the 5'-end of the complementaryx strand. These results are consistent with a preference for strand transfer in the 3'-5' direction relative to the single-stranded DNA. The human single-strand DNA-binding protein, hRP-A, stimulated hRad51-mediated joint molecule formation by removing secondary structures from single-stranded DNA, a role similar to that played by E. coli single-strand DNA-binding protein in RecA-mediated strand exchange reactions. Indeed, E. coli single-strand DNA-binding protein could substitute for hRP-A in hRad51-mediated reactions. Joint molecule formation by hRad51 was stimulated or inhibited by hRad52, dependent upon the reaction conditions. The inhibitory effect could be overcome by the presence of hRP-A or excess heterologous DNA.  相似文献   

Lu C  Zhu J  Wang Y  Umeda A  Cowmeadow RB  Lai E  Moreno GN  Person MD  Zhang Z 《Biochemistry》2007,46(32):9346-9354
We report the first direct observation of the self-association behavior of the Staphylococcus aureus sortase A (SrtA) transpeptidase. Formation of a SrtA dimer was observed under native conditions by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). Subsequent peptide mass fingerprinting and protein sequencing experiments confirmed the dimeric form of the SrtA protein. Furthermore, SrtA can be selectively cross-linked both in vitro and in Escherichia coli. Multiple samples of enzyme were subjected to analytical sedimentation equilibrium ultracentrifugation to obtain an apparent Kd for dimer formation of about 55 microM. Finally, enzyme kinetic studies suggested that the dimeric form of SrtA is more active than the monomeric enzyme. Discovery of SrtA dimerization may have significant implications for understanding microbial physiology and developing new antibiotics.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad52 protein is essential for efficient homologous recombination (HR). An important role of Rad52 in HR is the loading of Rad51 onto replication protein A-coated single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), which is referred to as the recombination mediator activity. In vitro, Rad52 displays additional activities, including self-association, DNA binding and ssDNA annealing. Although Rad52 has been a subject of extensive genetic, biochemical and structural studies, the mechanisms by which these activities are coordinated in the various roles of Rad52 in HR remain largely unknown. In the present study, we found that an isolated C-terminal half of Rad52 disrupted the Rad51 oligomer and formed a heterodimeric complex with Rad51. The Rad52 fragment inhibited the binding of Rad51 to double-stranded DNA, but not to ssDNA. The phenylalanine-349 and tyrosine-409 residues present in the C-terminal half of Rad52 were critical for the interaction with Rad51, the disruption of Rad51 oligomers, the mediator activity of the full-length protein and for DNA repair in vivo in the presence of methyl methanesulfonate. Our studies suggested that phenylalanine-349 and tyrosine-409 are key residues in the C-terminal half of Rad52 and probably play an important role in the mediator activity.  相似文献   

The human Rad51 recombinase is essential for the repair of double-strand breaks in DNA that occur in somatic cells after exposure to ionising irradiation, or in germ line cells undergoing meiotic recombination. The initiation of double-strand break repair is thought to involve resection of the double-strand break to produce 3'-ended single-stranded (ss) tails that invade homologous duplex DNA. Here, we have used purified proteins to set up a defined in vitro system for the initial strand invasion step of double-strand break repair. We show that (i) hRad51 binds to the ssDNA of tailed duplex DNA molecules, and (ii) hRad51 catalyses the invasion of tailed duplex DNA into homologous covalently closed DNA. Invasion is stimulated by the single-strand DNA binding protein RPA, and by the hRad52 protein. Strikingly, hRad51 forms terminal nucleoprotein filaments on either 3' or 5'-ssDNA tails and promotes strand invasion without regard for the polarity of the tail. Taken together, these results show that hRad51 is recruited to regions of ssDNA occurring at resected double-strand breaks, and that hRad51 shows no intrinsic polarity preference at the strand invasion step that initiates double-strand break repair.  相似文献   

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