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越北腹露蝗Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis Will.是广东北江流域河滩蝗虫的优势种。以不浸水的蝗卵为对照,研究滞育期蝗卵浸水5~95d和胚胎发育期蝗卵浸水1~30d对卵孵化率和历期的影响。结果表明,随浸水时间的增加,孵化率下降,卵发育延迟;滞育期蝗卵经受95d的浸水仍有8.01%存活,而胚胎发育期蝗卵浸水30d后全部死亡,滞育期蝗卵比胚胎发育期蝗卵具有更强的耐浸水能力。说明越北腹露蝗以卵滞育的形式发展了对水浸胁迫的适应。  相似文献   

东方蝗卵蜂Scelio oriemalis Dodd是越北腹露蝗Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis Will.卵的寄生性天敌.2004-2006年对广东省北部越北腹露蝗卵粒和卵块寄生率分别为43.18%和89.34%.东方蝗卵蜂产卵在越北腹露蝗卵中,幼虫期为2龄,每粒被寄生的蝗卵只出l头蜂.东方蝗卵蜂的产卵系统发达,不仅骨化程度高,而且具有伸缩性.雌雄件比约为1:0.6,羽化后即可交配.以5%的葡萄糖溶液喂养成蜂,最多可存活31 d.东方蝗卵蜂可能是某些年份越北腹露蝗种群下降的重要因子.  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜观察了越北腹露蝗Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis Will.成虫口器的上唇、下颚须和下唇须上的感器形态和数量分布.结果表明:越北腹露蝗下唇须3节,下颚须5节,在上唇和唇基、下唇须和下颚须端点及各节上具有感器.口器感器共5种:毛形感器(sensilla trichodea)、刺形感器(sensilla chaetica)、锥形感器(sensilla basiconica)、腔锥形感器(sensilla coeloclnica)和盾形感器(sensilla scutellatum),其中毛形感器、刺形感器、锥形感器分别着生于上唇和唇基、下唇须和下颚须端点及各节表面,腔锥形感器(sensilla coeloclnica)只限于上唇外表面,盾形感器只限于下唇须和下颚须端点.推测了口器感器的功能,为了解越北腹露蝗的取食行为奠定基础.  相似文献   

越北腹露蝗触角感器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用环境扫描电镜(ESEM)对越北腹露蝗FruhstorferiolatonkinensisWill.触角的外部形态进行观察的结果表明,蝗蝻和成虫触角均分布有以下6种感器,毛形感器、刺形感器、锥形感器、栓锥形感器、腔锥形感器和Bhm氏鬃毛,其中锥形感器有长、短锥之分,腔锥形感器有Ⅰ、Ⅱ型之分。芽孢形感器、盾形感器和钟形感器只限于蝗蝻的触角。成虫触角鞭节末端长锥形感器数量多于蝗蝻;而蝗蝻触角鞭节末端短锥形感器数量多于成虫。成虫触角从第9节开始,蝗蝻触角从第11节开始锥形感器和腔锥形感器的数量明显增多。  相似文献   

李娜  周晓榕  庞保平 《生态学杂志》2014,25(7):2099-2104
采用热电偶法,在室内测定了宽翅曲背蝗卵的过冷却能力及抗寒性.结果表明: 土壤含水量对滞育前卵的含水量有显著影响, 而对卵过冷却点(SCP)的影响不显著,卵含水量随着土壤含水量的升高而上升.不同发育时期卵的SCP、含水量和脂肪含量存在显著差异.随着卵的发育,其含水量从产卵当天的51.5%下降至120 d的46.8%,脂肪含量从10.5%(鲜质量)/19.0%(干质量)上升到14.5%(鲜质量)/28.9%(干质量),而SCP从-23.5 ℃下降至-30.0 ℃;卵SCP与其含水量及脂肪含量存在显著相关关系;深度滞育卵的SCP显著低于滞育前和滞育初期卵的SCP.不同低温强度和处理时间对滞育卵的存活率有显著影响.滞育卵暴露12 h的致死温度为-27.3 ℃,在-25 ℃低温处理的致死时间为22.73 d.滞育卵的SCP与致死温度相近,说明宽翅曲背蝗卵为不耐结冰类型,且SCP是衡量其抗寒性的可靠指标.  相似文献   

黄脊雷蓖蝗越冬卵的滞育发育特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱道弘  陈艳艳  赵琴 《生态学报》2013,33(10):3039-3046
黄脊雷蓖蝗Rammeacris kiangsu Tsai是我国竹林的重要害虫,1年发生1代,以卵越冬。为弄清其卵滞育发育特性,调查了卵期温度及低温处理对其卵孵化的影响,检测了恒温条件下胚胎的发育进度及卵粒含水量、过冷却点的变化。结果表明,在不同的卵期温度条件下黄脊雷蓖蝗卵的孵化前期均较长,且孵化不整齐、孵化期间长;低温处理30、60或90 d可显著促进其卵的孵化,低温处理的时间越长效果越明显。说明黄脊雷蓖蝗的卵存在滞育现象,低温能明显降低其卵滞育强度。胚胎头幅、触角长度及体长的测量结果显示,25℃温度条件下的黄脊雷蓖蝗的胚胎发育可划分为3个阶段,即前期的持续发育阶段、中期的发育延迟阶段和后期的发育恢复阶段。产卵后40 d左右卵进入滞育,40—75 d为卵的深度滞育期。黄脊雷蓖蝗的卵粒产下后水分含量较低,在25℃的温度条件下,于产卵后25 d前后有一快速的吸水过程,其后卵粒的含水量增加缓慢,可见其卵粒的吸水发生在进入滞育状态之前。在25℃的条件下,黄脊雷蓖蝗卵粒过冷却点的变化亦包含3个阶段,即胚胎发育初期的较高阶段、中期持续而稳定的较低阶段及后期的提升阶段,可以认为黄脊雷蓖蝗越冬卵耐寒性的提高与其滞育的发生密切相关。  相似文献   

黎天山  李长衡   《广西植物》1991,11(3):278-282
本文报道了中华越北蝗取食37科74种植物。对该蝗的生物学特性也作了简要的描述。中华越北蝗是园林植物的重要害虫之一,应引起我们注意。  相似文献   

张振飞  吴伟坚  梁广文 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2663-2663~2773
用普查法研究广东省北部地区越北腹露蝗Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis Will.严重发生河滩植物群落,鉴定出分属于43个科的植物106种,同时记录下植物群落中植物种名、平均高度、聚生多度、总覆盖率、物候相和生活力,分析了河滩植物群落的植物相似性和丰富度以及优势种数量特征和属性标志,结果表明河滩植被的搭配和空间分布为越北腹露蝗在粤北大发生提供了独特的生境;另外结合各河滩植物群落进行越北腹露蝗1龄蝗蝻虫口密度调查,根据调查结果对越北腹露蝗发生与植物群落的关系进行偏相关分析,分析结果显示枫杨是越北腹露蝗最嗜性植物,其覆盖度与越北腹露蝗发生密度呈极显著相关,偏相关系数为0.856(F=32.9201,P=0.0001),小簕竹是越北腹露蝗非嗜性植物,其覆盖度与越北腹露蝗的发生密度呈显著的负相关,偏相关系数为-0.613(F=0.1617,P=0.021),据此提出了一些控制粤北河滩越北腹露蝗的新举措.  相似文献   

李娜  周晓榕  庞保平  王振 《昆虫学报》2014,57(7):745-753

【目的】低温是影响昆虫生长发育和存活的关键因子之一。为明确轮纹异痂蝗Bryodemella tuberculatum dilutum卵的抗寒性及其机理, 研究了其过冷却能力与其体内水分及其他抗寒性相关生化物质含量的关系。【方法】采用热电偶法测定了轮纹异痂蝗卵的过冷却点,同时采用烘干法、残余法、氨基酸自动分析仪和高效液相色谱法分别测定了其卵的含水量、脂肪、氨基酸及小分子糖醇的含量。【结果】土壤含水量对轮纹异痂蝗滞育前卵的含水量、脂肪含量(鲜重)及过冷却点有极显著的影响(P<0.01)。随着土壤含水量从4%增加到13%,卵含水量从45.12%上升到55.25%,卵脂肪含量(鲜重)从10.39%下降到9.39%,而过冷却点从-30.11℃上升到-25.69℃。不同发育阶段卵的过冷却点、含水量、脂肪、氨基酸及小分子糖醇含量存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。从卵产下当天至120 d,卵过冷却点从-26.78℃下降至-30.18℃,含水量从51.93%下降至46.69%,脂肪含量分别从9.99%(鲜重)和17.37%(干重)上升至13.92%(鲜重)和25.29%(干重)。滞育卵的过冷却点显著低于滞育前卵的过冷却点。从卵中共检测到17种氨基酸,其中5种与过冷却点存在显著的相关关系(P<0.05)。卵过冷却点随着甘氨酸和脯氨酸含量的升高而降低,而随着胱氨酸、亮氨酸及天冬氨酸含量的增加而升高。随着卵的发育,海藻糖、甘油、肌醇和山梨醇含量逐渐上升,而葡萄糖和果糖含量逐渐下降。在卵发育过程中,海藻糖和甘油的含量显著高于其他4种物质的含量。卵过冷却点与上述6种小分子糖醇均存在显著的相关关系,其中与海藻糖和葡萄糖的相关性最强。过冷却点随海藻糖、甘油、肌醇和山梨醇含量的升高而降低,而随葡萄糖和果糖含量的升高而上升。【结论】轮纹异痂蝗卵在发育过程中,通过降低含水量,积累脂肪、脯氨酸、甘氨酸及海藻糖、甘油、肌醇和山梨醇等抗寒物质,从而提高其过冷却能力。  相似文献   

马尾松毛虫越冬代滞育与非滞育幼虫过冷却点的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了在恒温和自然温度处理下饲养的马尾松毛虫滞育与非滞育幼虫的过冷却点。结果表明 ,2 7℃恒温饲养的滞育幼虫的平均过冷却点较非滞育幼虫的平均过冷却点低 ,但无显著差异 ;而自然温度下饲养的滞育幼虫的过冷却点较非滞育的过冷却点也低 ,然而 ,滞育开始时差异不显著 ,之后差异显著。相应滞育状态下 ,自然温度下饲喂的幼虫较 2 7℃恒温下饲喂的平均过冷却点低 ,但在滞育开始阶段和结束阶段两者之间的差异显著。自然温度下滞育和非滞育幼虫的抗寒能力都随气温的降低而增强 ,而 2 7℃下滞育与非滞育幼虫的抗寒能力均出现先增后减的趋势  相似文献   

越北腹露蝗若虫空间格局的地学统计学分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用地学统计学研究广东北部桑田中越北腹露蝗(Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis Will)1~5龄若虫的空间格局动态.结果表明:越北腹露蝗1~5龄若虫种群变异曲线函数均为球状模型,表现为聚集分布,但各龄若虫的空间依赖范围分别为1.973、1.968、2.169、2.302和4.307 m.利用Kriging插值法由地学统计学软件Surfer 8.0产生的各龄若虫等值线图清晰地反映了各龄若虫的空间位置, 表明越北腹露蝗有别于其它一些蝗虫,其低龄若虫呈聚居型,高龄若虫呈散居型分布.  相似文献   

Plant communities on riversides in northern Guangdong Province were investigated with all-survey method, where a kind of native grasshopper Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis Will. broke out severely. 108 plant species belonging to 43 families were identified, and some plant indexes in those plant communities including their name, average height, congregation index, total coverage rate, phenological phase and biod were noted. In addition, plant comparability, plant abundance, quantity character and attribute symbol of dominant species in plant communities on riversides were studied. The results showed that the arrangement and distribution of vegetations on riversides offered a favorable habitat for F. tonkinensis. Moreover, the density of first instar nymphs of F. tonkinensis in plant communities was calculated. The results of partial correlation analysis (PCA) about the relationship between plant communities and occurrence of F. tonkinensis showed that Pterocarya stenoptera C. DC. was the most palatable plant to F. tonkinensis, presenting a very significantly positive correlation between coverage rate of P. stenoptera and occurrence of F. tonkinensis. The partial correlation coefficient (PCC) was 0.856072 (F=32.92012, P=0.0001). Bambusa flexuosa was a non-preferable plant of F. tonkinensis, presenting a significantly negative correlation between them, and the partial correlation coefficient was ?0.607920 (F=0.16173, P=0.0211). Those results would help us to propose some approaches for the ecology control of F. tonkinensis on riversides in northern Guangdong Province.  相似文献   

悬铃木方翅网蝽越冬种群的过冷却点测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘亚军  李传仁 《昆虫知识》2009,46(6):898-900
测定了悬铃木方翅网蝽Corythucha ciliata(Say)2个地理种群(湖北荆州种群和河南郑州种群)的过冷却点,结果表明,荆州种群1日龄和5日龄成虫的过冷却点分别为-16.519℃和-21.646℃,而郑州种群1日龄和5日龄成虫的过冷却点为-17.329℃和-21.617℃。2个地理种群的过冷却点没有明显差异,但同一地理种群1日龄和5日龄成虫间的过冷却点差异显著。  相似文献   

Oviposition by northern corn rootworms, Diabrotica barberi Smith and Lawrence, and western corn rootworms, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), key pests of corn in the Great Plains of the USA, occurs in the soil during late summer. Overwintering eggs are exposed to variable soil moisture and temperatures below ?5 °C. The winter mortality of eggs in the soil is a primary factor that determines the potential for larval injury to corn the following spring. Our studies aimed to determine the comparative supercooling capacities of northern and western corn rootworm eggs and to assess egg mortality following brief exposure to extreme low temperature, ranging from ?12.0 to ?21.5 °C, under three moisture regimes. Eggs of northern corn rootworm were supercooled to a temperature as low as ?27 °C, and survived supercooling to a greater extent than did western corn rootworm eggs. Moisture treatment prior to supercooling had little effect on northern corn rootworm eggs. Western corn rootworm eggs were more resistant than northern corn rootworm eggs to the effects of desiccation followed by supercooling. The survival of northern corn rootworm eggs was better than western corn rootworms under dry conditions, followed by exposure to temperatures of ?12.0 and ?17.5 °C, but was very low at ?21.5 °C, regardless of the moisture regime. The results suggest that moisture and temperature may interact in the soil environment to determine the overwintering survival of corn rootworms. It is evident from these studies that both rootworm species experience mortality at temperatures well above the supercooling points of the eggs, but that differences exist in the effects of substrate moisture treatments on the cold‐hardiness of eggs from the two species.  相似文献   

Abstract To understand the adaptive strategies of the overwintering adults of Stenocatantops splendens, the mechanism of maintenance and termination of the reproductive diapause, the variation in mortality between overwintering females and males, and the mating strategy of the males were investigated. The results indicated that the adult reproductive diapause in natural conditions was mainly regulated by photoperiod in the fall – long photoperiods promoted reproductive development and short photoperiods maintained reproductive diapause, and the sensitivity of the overwintering adults to photoperiod was over before the end of the winter. When transferred from natural conditions to controlled laboratory conditions on dates from September through February, pre‐oviposition became increasingly shorter with increasingly deferred transfer dates regardless of photoperiod conditions. The adults treated with low temperature for 30 days in September through November had significantly shorter pre‐oviposition, suggesting that low temperatures in winter had an important role in the termination of reproductive diapause. The female had a significantly lower supercooling point than the male, which was related to their lower mortality after winter. In addition, observations of wild populations of the species indicated that mating behavior prior to winter and the duration of pre‐mating period were not affected by photoperiod; mating and sperm transfer were mostly completed by November. Compared with females only mating before winter, females mating in the spring had shorter life span, longer pre‐oviposition, lower hatching rate and laid fewer egg pods while showing no significant difference with regard to ovipositional interval, per pod number of eggs and nymph dry weight.  相似文献   

Abstract The age‐dependent cold hardiness profile of Ostrinia nubilalis is compared between nondiapausing and diapausing larvae, as well as with field‐collected larvae. The results suggest that both cold tolerance and accumulation of cryoprotectants depends upon the age of O. nubilalis larva. Late fifth‐instar nondiapausing larvae are more cold tolerant than younger fifth‐instars because they show enhanced ability to withstand sub‐zero temperatures. No appreciable difference is observed between the experimental groups of diapausing larvae as far as their supercooling ability and tolerance at sub‐zero temperatures above the supercooling point. In general, both field‐collected and diapausing larvae are more cold tolerant than nondiapausing larvae, indicating a direct link between diapause and cold hardiness. The age of diapausing larvae affects the ability to accumulate glycerol. Glycerol levels of 45‐day‐old diapausing larvae are significantly higher (2.7‐fold) compared with 90‐day‐old diapausing larvae. Moreover, diapausing larvae display a five‐ to 13‐fold higher glycerol content compared with nondiapausing larvae. There is a trend for an age‐dependent cold hardiness profile in O. nubilalis and further tests that could demonstrate a causal relationship between age and cold tolerance are needed.  相似文献   

扶桑绵粉蚧的过冷却点和体液结冰点测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
关鑫  陆永跃  曾玲  王琳 《环境昆虫学报》2009,31(4):381-383,394
本文测定了扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley除卵期以外其它各虫态的过冷却点和结冰点.结果表明,该虫过冷却点以1龄若虫最低,为-24.02℃;雄虫预蛹次之,为-22.13℃;雄虫蛹、雄虫2龄若虫、雌虫3龄若虫、雄成虫、雌虫2龄若虫、雌成虫过冷却点逐渐升高,分别为-21.08℃、-20.25℃、-19.05℃、-18.42℃、-17.91℃、-16.89℃.体液结冰点也以1龄若虫最低,为-23.2℃;雄虫预蛹次之,为-19.09℃;雄虫蛹、雄虫2龄若虫、雌虫3龄若虫、雌虫2龄若虫、雌成虫、雄成虫体液结冰点逐渐升高,分别为-16.64%、-15.81℃、-13.92℃、-13.20℃、-12.85℃、-12.79℃.试验结果表明扶桑绵粉蚧过冷却点低,耐寒性较强,可能适宜在中国北部更广泛的区域生存.  相似文献   

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