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The morph ratio distribution in polymorphic species often varies clinally, with a gradual change in morph ratios across the distributional range of the species. In polymorphic bird populations, clinal variation is rarely quantified. We describe a cline in the morph ratios of Black Sparrowhawks across South Africa, which is principally driven by a higher ratio of dark morph birds in the newly colonized southwest of the country. Across the 1400 km of our cline, the probability of a bird being a dark morph declined from over 80% close to the Cape Peninsula to under 20% in the northeast. Higher frequencies of dark morphs were associated with a higher proportion of rainfall falling during the winter breeding months. Further investigation revealed relationships between the proportion of dark morphs and altitude, amount of rainfall during the breeding months, and an interaction between this variable and temperature. These results provide some support for the suggestion that the higher frequency of dark morphs in the southwest is an adaptive response, rather than the result of a founder effect or genetic drift. These findings also suggest that, in theory, polymorphic species may be better adapted to cope with the challenges of climate change or may be able to expand their ranges more quickly into novel climatic areas, since selection pressure can act on a pre‐existing trait that may be beneficial in new conditions.  相似文献   

In migratory birds, the place and time of pair formation are important parameters for population structure and dynamics. Geese are not only migratory but also exhibit long-term monogamy, and therefore the first pairing event in a bird's lifetime is of particular importance. Through behavioural observations of young, known-age, marked birds conducted on the wintering grounds during three winter seasons we investigated two aspects of the timing of first pair formation in the Wrangel Island population of Snow Geese Anser caerulescens : (1) the age at which birds first form pair bonds, and (2) the seasonal pattern of first pair formation. Wrangel Island Snow Geese paired considerably later in life than Snow Geese from a low-Arctic population: almost none of the birds formed pairs in their second winter, and many were still in sibling groups for at least part of that season. The proportion of birds in pairs continued to increase until at least 5 years of age. Most pairing took place during the observation periods, and in general the proportion of birds in pair bonds increased gradually throughout the winter season. The amount of pairing during spring migration or summer varied annually and among cohorts, indicating that even very young birds may be able to form pair bonds quickly if conditions on the breeding grounds are unusually favourable. Pairing later and remaining in family groups longer may be a response to breeding conditions in this high-Arctic colony. Here, productivity is typically low due to harsh weather and predation, whereas Snow Geese breeding in the low Arctic are less restricted and form pairs and start to breed when younger. The fact that most, but not all, pairing takes place on the wintering grounds helps explain why a previous study found a certain amount of gene flow between the two Wrangel Island subpopulations with separate wintering grounds.  相似文献   

In a rapidly changing world understanding the capacity of populations to adapt to novel environments is increasingly urgent. Timing of breeding can be a highly flexible trait and adjustments in this trait can potentially buffer populations from climate change and facilitate the colonisation of new environments. Recent range‐expansions into novel climatic regimes provide a valuable opportunity to investigate the implications of plasticity in timing of breeding for population processes. Black sparrowhawks have recently colonised the Cape Peninsula of South Africa where they experience dramatically different weather patterns to those in their historical range. These include a total reversal in the rainfall regime, with the majority of rain falling in the winter as opposed to the summer months. We investigate the breeding phenology of black sparrowhawks in relation to both regional and local climate variation and, using a long‐term dataset, explore the implications of phenological shifts for reproductive success and population growth following colonisation. In the recently colonised Cape Peninsula the breeding season began up to three months earlier than within their historical range and these early breeding attempts produced more offspring. Population models suggested that this adjustment assisted the colonisation of the Cape Peninsula, reducing the probability of extinction by 23%. Contrary to expectations, we found little support for the hypothesis that black sparrowhawks were responding to local variation in rainfall. We suggest that shifts in breeding phenology may be driven in part by other novel processes, such as interspecific competition for nest sites and lower temperatures during late summer. These results provide insight into the processes that facilitated the colonisation of a novel climatic regime highlighting the potential role of a diverse range of factors.  相似文献   

As the global trend towards urbanization continues, the need to understand its impact on wildlife grows. Species may have different levels of tolerance to urban disturbance; some even appear to thrive in urban areas and use human‐subsidized resources. However, the physiological costs and trade‐offs faced by urban‐dwelling species are still poorly understood. We assess the evidence for a negative impact of urbanization on the Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus, a raptor that recently colonized Cape Town, South Africa, and explore the potential mechanisms behind any such effect. We predicted that birds in more urbanized areas may be in poorer health and that this may be partially driven by differences in prey quantity and quality along an urban habitat gradient. The health of Black Sparrowhawk nestlings was evaluated through measures of their physiological stress (heterophil/lymphocyte ratio), body condition and blood parasite infection (infection risk and intensity of Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon). Diet composition was determined through an analysis of prey remains collected around nests, and prey abundance was determined through point counts in different habitat types. We could find no negative effects of urbanization on nestling health, with no significant relationships with heterophil/lymphocyte ratio, body condition, risk and intensity of infection by Haemoproteus or intensity of infection by Leucocytozoon. Risk of infection by Leucocytozoon did, however, decline with increasing urban cover, perhaps because urbanized areas contain less habitat for blackflies, the vectors of this parasite, which require moving fresh water. We found no change in diet breadth or composition with increasing urban cover. Although some prey species were abundant or less abundant in certain habitat types, all habitat types contained ample prey for Black Sparrowhawks. The widespread abundance of food resources and resulting lack of nutritional stress may explain why Black Sparrowhawks are seemingly free of the negative health impacts expected to arise from urbanization. These findings may explain the success of the species in Cape Town and suggest that for urban‐dwelling, bird‐eating raptors the abundance of prey in cities may override any potential negative impacts of urbanization on health due to disturbance or other sources of stress.  相似文献   

Habitat variation and population regulation in Sparrowhawks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
I. NEWTON 《Ibis》1991,133(S1):76-88
In a study area in south Scotland, Sparrowhawks did not occupy the available nesting places at random, but more often used those places where breeding success was highest (here called high-grade places). Most birds stayed on particular nesting places for only one year, but others stayed up to 8 years. Some birds moved from low- to high-grade places as they aged. Continued occupancy of certain places was thus produced by many different individuals occupying such places in rapid succession, but most staying for only one breeding season.
On the most used (high-grade) nesting places pairs produced more than enough young per breeding attempt to offset the average annual mortality, but on the less used (low-grade) places they produced too few. Low-grade nesting places therefore acted as a sink, whose occupancy could be maintained only by continual immigration. Over the study area as a whole, the population was in balance, with reproduction matching mortality.
Habitat changed over periods of 15–30 years, as woodland matured. Nesting places in young woods, with small densely-growing trees, showed the highest occupancy and nest success. Both aspects of performance declined as the woodland aged, and trees became larger and more widely spaced. Long-term stability in nest numbers and success in the study area as a whole was associated with a system of rotational forest management, which ensured a continuing availability of young woods.
It is proposed that spatial variation in habitat quality is involved in the regulation of breeding numbers. Removal experiments confirmed the presence of non-breeders, which could attempt to breed when high-grade nesting habitat was made available to them, but otherwise remained as non-breeders despite the presence of vacant low-grade habitat. This situation, involving an interaction between habitat quality and bird quality, probably occurs in some other raptors too.  相似文献   

Multiple-brooding (raising more than one brood of young in quick succession) occurs infrequently in raptors and is generally restricted to either smaller species with shorter nesting periods, co-operative breeders or species capable of capitalizing on conditions of prolonged food abundance whenever they occur. This paper presents the first recorded cases of multiple-brooding in the Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus from two distinct locales in South Africa. In the Western Cape (Cape Peninsula), four attempts to multiple-brood were recorded in four different years, involving three distinct pairs of birds, and in KwaZulu–Natal (Eshowe), three distinct pairs of Sparrowhawks successfully multiple-brooded on several occasions over a 5-year study period. These results establish the Black Sparrowhawk as one of only two relatively large, monogamous raptor species, and the only specialist bird-eating raptor, in which multiple-brooding has been recorded with any frequency . The species' capacity to thrive in human-modified environments (i.e. alien plantations) and particularly to exploit associated foraging opportunities (e.g. high densities of doves and pigeons in suburban areas) may, at least partly, account for the instances of multiple-brooding reported here. We suggest that biologists be more vigilant for cases of multiple-brooding in raptors, as it is possible that this trait is more common than originally thought and has previously been overlooked.  相似文献   

Winters have become warmer under the impact of climate change, which has modified the phenology as well as the distribution ranges of birds. The African Long‐legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus cirtensis has recently colonized Europe via the Strait of Gibraltar. We aim to explain the native distribution of this species and to predict favourable areas in newly colonized parts of Europe using geospatial modelling to identify the most influential factors in this process. We applied the favourability function, a generalized linear model describing environmental favourability, for the presence/absence of breeding areas in northern Morocco and the southern Iberian Peninsula, according to a set of variables describing climate, topography, human activity, vegetation and purely spatial trends. A model was built using some known breeding sites in northern Morocco, and was used to forecast future suitable breeding areas in Europe. A second model was built with the available data for northern Morocco and Europe to explain the current distribution of breeding sites. Both models were assessed according to discrimination, calibration and parsimony criteria, and the influence of each factor was analysed using variation partitioning. We conclude that the Iberian Peninsula could provide new suitable areas for the species and facilitate its northward expansion. This result, together with the increasing number of records available, suggests that this species could soon spread throughout Europe. Steady temperatures and abundant but seasonally distributed precipitation showed the strongest predictive power in the models. This indicates a close relationship between the species’ distribution and climate in the study area, and suggests that this species finds its most favourable environments in the Mediterranean biome. Topography and vegetation, specifically cliffs and woods near hunting zones, point to a fine‐scale habitat selection for breeding. As the case of the African Long‐legged Buzzard is not a unique event, our results may be useful to determine whether a northward expansion of the Mediterranean biome could be followed by distribution shifts of bird species that have so far been restricted to Africa.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of Great Bustards Otis tarda in north-western Spain was studied between 1987 and 1998, both at the population ( c . 700 adult females breeding in our study area) and the individual level (sample of 32 marked females). Overall productivity was low, with a population mean of only 0.14 chicks reared per adult female, and an average breeding success of 0.15 chicks per year in the sample of marked females, but interannual variability was high (0.04–0.29). Population productivity was positively correlated with winter (October–March) precipitation prior to each breeding season, and negatively correlated with the number of days of rain during the hatching period. High annual productivity resulted from a high proportion of females rearing two chicks. Reproductive success was higher in females older than 6 years than in younger birds. The proportion of females in the marked sample that failed in breeding after having bred successfully the previous season was significantly higher than the proportion of those that did not. Finally, females with a higher than average breeding success tended to breed successfully in years of both low and high population productivity, whereas those with lower than average breeding success did so only in years of high productivity.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the causes and impacts of human disturbance on birds, but little is known about how these impacts vary among habitats. This is of applied importance both for predicting bird responses to changes in disturbance and in planning how to reduce disturbance impacts. The Dartford Warbler Sylvia undata , a key heathland breeding species, occupies territories in a range of heathland types. Three territory habitat groups were identified: heather-dominated territories, heather territories with significant areas of European Gorse Ulex europaeus and territories containing Western Gorse U. gallii . Productivity was significantly affected by the timing of breeding in all habitats, but disturbance only appeared to have a significant impact on the productivity of birds in heather territories. Disturbance events in heather territories delayed breeding pairs for up to 6 weeks. This significantly decreased both the number of successful broods raised and the average number of chicks fledged per pair. Nests situated close to territory boundaries in heather territories, with high numbers of disturbance events, were more likely to fail outright. It was determined that an average of between 13 and 16 people passing through a heather territory each hour would delay breeding pairs sufficiently to prevent multiple broods.  相似文献   

Ian F.  Spellerberg 《Ibis》1971,113(3):357-363
The breeding behaviour of the McCormick Skua was studied at Cape Royds, Antarctica, for three summers. These observations followed the work of Young (1963a, b). Records of banded birds suggest that at the age of five to six years birds return to breed in the area where they were reared. Breeding pairs retain the same territory and mate over consecutive summers. The male will retain a territory and remate if the female does not return, while there is some evidence to suggest that if the male is absent the female will leave the territory and remate elsewhere. Unfavourable weather frequently forced incubating birds to desert their eggs and as a result some pairs laid three clutches (at the most two clutches of two eggs and a clutch of one). The death of sibling chicks from fighting was examined by comparing the early growth of 11 successful pairs of chicks with that of 12 pairs in which one of the siblings died as a result of fighting. From a comparison of weights at hatching and the interval between the hatching of members of chick pairs, it appears that the difference in weight between twins and the gain in weight by one chick in the first few days is critical for the survival of the twins. The breeding success, calculated from the total eggs laid and the total number of chicks fledging, was 40%, 42% and 17% for the three respective summers. Storms (periods of wind with snow) were the main factor influencing breeding success.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification is one of the main drivers of farmland bird declines, but effects on birds may be confounded with those of climate change. Here we examine the effects of intensification and climate change on a grassland breeding wader, the Black‐tailed Godwit Limosa l. limosa, in the Netherlands. Population decline has been linked to poor chick survival which, in turn, has been linked to available foraging habitat. Foraging habitat of the nidifugous chicks consists of uncut grasslands that provide cover and arthropod prey. Conservation measures such as agri‐environment schemes aim to increase the availability of chick foraging habitat but have not yet been successful in halting the decline. Field observations show that since the early 1980s, farmers advanced their first seasonal mowing or grazing date by 15 days, whereas Godwits did not advance their hatching date. Ringing data indicate that between 1945 and 1975 hatching dates advanced by about 2 weeks in parallel with the advancement of median mowing dates. Surprisingly, temperature sums at median mowing and hatching dates suggest that while the agricultural advancement before 1980 was largely due to agricultural intensification, after 1980 it was largely due to climate change. Examining arthropod abundance in a range of differently managed grasslands revealed that chick food abundance was little affected but that food accessibility in intensively used tall swards may be problematic for chicks. Our results suggest that, compared with 25 years ago, nowadays (1) a much higher proportion of clutches and chicks are exposed to agricultural activities, (2) there is little foraging habitat left when chicks hatch and (3) because of climate change, the vegetation in the remaining foraging habitat is taller and denser and therefore of lower quality. This indicates that for agri‐environment schemes to make a difference, they should not only be implemented in a larger percentage of the breeding area than the current maxima of 20–30% but they should also include measures that create more open, accessible swards.  相似文献   

Predicting how bird populations may respond to climate change is a major challenge which could be addressed by understanding how past environmental processes have driven the variations of breeding population size and productivity. In inhabited regions, this issue may be complicated by the interference associated with heterogeneous levels of habitat management. Here, we have explored how several hydrological variables influenced the breeding of the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in the Camargue (Rhone delta, southern France) over a 28‐year period (1974–2001). In this region, Flamingos breed in a commercial salt pan. They forage in both salt pans and adjacent brackish lagoons. We hypothesized that breeding numbers, productivity and body condition of chicks at fledging were influenced positively by water levels of the Vaccares, the main lagoon of the delta, in spring (water and food availability) and the Rhone discharge in winter (nutrient availability in the salt pans). We controlled for variations of the flooding date of the breeding salt pan by the salt company and the size of the breeding island. We first found the Vaccares water levels and Rhone discharge to be negatively correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Secondly, the number of Flamingo breeding pairs (range 3560–22 200) increased by 1767 ± 1418 (95% CI) with a 10‐day advance of the flooding date of the breeding salt pan and by 1146 ± 1081 per 10‐cm water level rise in the Vaccares. Productivity was 0.46 ± 0.41 chicks per pair and could not be explained by any of the variables considered. Finally, chick body condition decreased with the number of breeding pairs and Rhone discharge. Our results show that (1) this intensely managed system remains sensitive to large‐scale climate variations, (2) the breeding of the Greater Flamingo is affected by both climate variations and management of the salt pan, and (3) the expected enhancement of delta productivity by high river discharge was absent, probably prevented by dykes and embankments along the river. The response of bird populations to climate variations can thus be complex in intensely managed biological systems as found in the Mediterranean. We encourage pursuing such analyses incorporating anthropogenic variables explicitly in order to expand our capacity to make inference on the future of these systems.  相似文献   

Global climate change can cause pronounced changes in species? migratory behaviour. Numerous recent studies have demonstrated climate‐driven changes in migration distance and spring arrival date in waterbirds, but detailed studies based on long‐term records of individual recapture or re‐sighting events are scarce. Using re‐sighting data from 430 marked individuals spanning a 60‐year period (winters 1956/1957 to 2015/2016), we assessed patterns in migration distance and spring arrival date, wintering‐site fidelity and survival in the increasing central European breeding population of Greylag Geese Anser anser. We demonstrate a long‐term decrease in migration distance, changes in the wintering range caused by winter partial short‐stopping, and the earlier arrival of geese on their breeding grounds. Greylag Geese marked on central Europe moulting grounds have not been recorded wintering in Spain since 1986 or in Tunisia and Algeria since 2004. The migration distance and spring arrival of geese indicated an effect of temperature at the breeding site and values of the NAO index. Greylag Geese migrate shorter distances and arrive earlier in milder winters. We suggest that shifts in the migratory behaviour of Central European Greylag Geese are individual temperature‐dependent decisions to take advantage of wintering grounds becoming more favourable closer to their breeding grounds, allowing birds to acquire breeding territories earlier.  相似文献   

于2009年4 11月,对西藏夯错的水鸟资源状况进行了调查,旨在了解该地区水鸟资源状况的了解,并为禽流感的防控提供了科学依据。在夯错全年共记录到水鸟26种,隶属于6目10科。夯错也是斑头雁和棕头鸥重要的繁殖地。水鸟春秋季迁徙高峰期在4月份和10月份,这也是水鸟多样性较高的2个月,其主要原因是由于迁徙鸭类数量和种类的增加。卫星跟踪研究表明,在繁殖前期,斑头雁活动区面积较大,主要在夯错及其周围的湿地取食;进入繁殖中期,斑头雁的活动范围减少了许多;繁殖后期,随着幼鸟陆续出壳,父母随即带领幼鸟离开夯错,到其它湿地取食和育雏,因此此期的活动区面积较大。由于夯错面积较小,不能满足斑头雁对食物的需求,因此部分斑头雁选择其它湿地作为主要的取食地,但部分扩散到其它湿地的斑头雁在迁徙前期重新返回夯错,使得该时期斑头雁的数量有呈上升趋势。通过与青海湖水鸟资源状况的比较发现,夯错水鸟种类较少,这可能主要是由于两个湖泊所处地理区划的不同,并由此带来的气候环境的差异,以及植被条件的不同所造成的。这种差异主要是由于夯错海拔较高,紫外线很强,气候干燥,植被单一,栖息地类型多样性较低,因此水鸟的种数也相对较少一些。  相似文献   

Annual breeding productivity of Knots Calidris canutus was estimated by the proportion of first-year birds in winter ringing samples. Significant associations were found between the productivity of Knots, other species that are known to breed on the Taimyr Peninsula, and lemming abundance in that region. It is inferred from this that Knots wintering in southern Africa are of the Russian subspecies canutus unlike British wintering birds which do not show these correlations and are subspecies islandica.  相似文献   

Andrew Jenkins 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):385-392
Jenkins, A.R. 2000. Factors affecting breeding success of Peregrine and Lonner Falcons in South Africa. Ostrich 71 (384): 385-392. Breeding success was recorded for three Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, populations in South Africa over nine years, and for Peregrine and Lanner Falcon, Ebiarmicus, populations in an area of sympatry over three years. The objectives of the study were to measure geographic and interspecific variation in reproductive performance, and determine environmental correlates of productivity. Territory occupancy, the frequency of breeding per occupied territory and clutch size did not vary significantly between the three Peregrine populations. However, Peregrine breeding success was generally lower on the Cape Peninsula (1. 11 young fledged per territorial poir), higher in the Soutpansberg (1.36) and highest on the Orange River (1.70). Overall, fledging rates of Soutpansberg Peregrines and Lanners were not significantly different, although annual productivity of the Lonner population was consistently higher. Neither species' breeding success was significantly depressed by the presence of close neighbouring pairs of the other, suggesting that they were not active competitors. Breeding performance of Peregrines on the Cape Peninsula correlated strongly with spring weather conditions: egg and hatchling survival was lower in wet years, and fledging rates were higher in warm years. Annual productivity of Orange River Peregrines correlated positively with the height of the river at the onset of breeding, and productivity of Soutpansberg Peregrines was higher in seasons following years of high rainfall. Elements of the physical structure of the nesting habitat (exposure of the nest ledge, height of the nest cliff) correlated positively with Peregrine breeding performance. Breeding success of Soutpansberg Lanners was largely unaffected by any of the environmental variables considered. Overall, it is proposed that Peregrine productivity reflected variation in the physical environment and its affect on prey availability.  相似文献   

Instances of range contraction and population decline in bird species in Europe are more common than cases of recovery following decline. Here we report on the recovery and expansion processes of an endangered bird species in Europe, the purple swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio L., Rallidae), with special reference to the Iberian Peninsula, its main distribution area in Western Europe. After a drastic decline during the first half of the 20th century, which restricted its range to a few areas in southern Spain, the Iberian population has recovered. Currently, the species occurs in a range similar to the one it had at the beginning of the 20th century, and has even colonized new areas. These processes seem to be the result of both human-mediated (effective protection of the species and suitable habitats; success of reintroduction programs as expansion focuses of birds colonizing nearby and distant regions [>300 km] wetlands) and natural factors (inter- and intra-seasonal cycles of wet and dry years). Thus, we found a significant relationship between rainfall and bird abundance and productivity, suggesting that such inter- and intra-seasonal cycles may have significant effects on demographic parameters that could be related to the expansion process. Finally the species shows remarkable adaptability, as proven by data on breeding success in recently colonized areas and the ability to breed shortly after reintroduction. We hypothesize that saturation of breeding habitats in established areas, a reasonable habitat continuity and favorable environmental conditions, and protection have facilitated the dispersion of birds.  相似文献   

Nestbox provision is a technique used to increase nest-site availability for secondary cavity-nesting birds. However, little is known about the demographic consequences of nestbox provision in different habitat types. To assess how nestbox provision affects the density of hole-nesting birds simultaneously in two contrasting habitats, we compared the breeding density of Great Tits along transects without nestboxes with that in transects where nestboxes were provided. Although the initial density of breeders was considerably higher in the deciduous habitat than in the coniferous habitat, provision of nestboxes increased density by a similar number of additional pairs in each habitat type. Thus, the provision of nestboxes in managed coniferous forests may be as effective in increasing the breeding opportunities of cavity nesters as in deciduous stands. Moreover, previous research showed that pairs in deciduous habitat with nestboxes have consistently lower breeding success than those in coniferous habitat with nestboxes. It is possible that the addition of nestboxes in the preferred habitat increased density to such an extent that density-dependent effects became apparent.  相似文献   

Coastal seagrasses are declining at increasing rates worldwide, forcing herbivores previously reliant on these habitats to abandon them in search of alternative ways to fulfil their daily energy budgets. After two decades of declining seagrass abundance in Mariager Fjord, Denmark, the Svalbard breeding population of Light‐bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota has experienced substantial changes in habitat use at this traditional autumn staging area. Declines in seagrasses have caused birds to depend increasingly on Sea Lettuce Ulva lactuca in recent years, and forced birds into terrestrial habitats such as saltmarsh and winter wheat. In contrast to those birds exploiting aquatic habitats, birds relying on these new habitats showed higher energy expenditure and failed to balance their energy budget. Eelgrass (Zostera) was energetically superior to other food resources, with marine Ulva being second best. Predicted body mass development under two different scenarios indicate that present habitat use resulted in a midwinter body mass around 122 g lower than just 20 years ago, equivalent to c. 9.4% of Brent Goose body weight. Even after controlling for inter‐annual differences in thermoregulatory costs, the effect of changes in habitat use translated into a body mass reduction of c. 56 g, which could adversely affect survival and future reproduction. Flyway‐wide declines in Zostera abundance and further reductions in traditional habitats due to climate change give cause to reassess projected population trends and consequent management implications for the East Atlantic flyway population of Light‐bellied Brent Geese.  相似文献   

Canada Geese in Yorkshire have extended their breeding range and habitat from traditional aquatic sites to include high-ground heather moorland. Many adults remain on the moors (with their goslings) to moult, and young reared here are an important source of unringed birds in the Yorkshire population and in the moulting flock on the Beauly Firth (Inverness-shire). Adaptations to moorland breeding are discussed; there is an absence of competition for nesting space such as characterises Canada Geese breeding in lowland aquatic sites.  相似文献   

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