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Three forms of cytochrome P-450, tentatively designated P-450(M-1), P-450(M-2), and P-450(M-3), and one form of cytochrome P-450, P-450(F-1), were purified from the liver microsomes of untreated male and female rats, respectively. Each purified form of the cytochrome showed a single protein band on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and gave a minimum molecular weight of 51,000 for P-450(M-1), 48,000 for P-450(M-2), 49,000 for P-450(M-3), and 50,000 for P-450(F-1). The carbon monoxide-difference spectra of reduced P-450(M-1), P-450(M-2), P-450(M-3), and P-450(F-1) showed an absorption maximum at 451, 451, 448, and 449 nm, respectively. Judging from the absolute absorption spectra, the four forms of cytochrome P-450 were of low-spin type in the oxidized forms. The antibodies against P-450(M-2) did not crossreact with the other forms in the Ouchterlony double diffusion test, whereas the immunodiffusion test showed immunocrossreactivity between P-450(M-1) and P-450(F-1), P-450(M-1) and P-450(M-3), and P-450(M-3) and P-450(F-1). The NH2-terminal amino acid sequences of the four forms confirmed that they were different molecular species, although significant homology was noticed among P-450(M-1), P-450(M-3), and P-450(F-1). The quantitation of P-450(M-1) and P-450(F-1) in liver microsomes by quantitative immunoprecipitation confirmed that these two forms of cytochrome P-450 were developmentally induced in male and female rats, respectively. P-450(M-2) was also developmentally induced in male rats. In a reconstituted system containing NADPH and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, P-450(M-1) oxidized benzphetamine at a high rate, whereas the other forms had low activity toward benzphetamine. None of the four forms showed high activity toward benzo(a)pyrene. P-450(M-1) catalyzed the hydroxylation testosterone at the 16 alpha and 2 alpha positions, whereas P-450(M-2) catalyzed the 15 alpha hydroxylation of the same substrate.  相似文献   

Two forms of cytochrome P-450 (P-450), designated P-450 k-1 and P-450 k-2, have been purified about 100-fold from rat kidney cortex microsomes. P-450 k-1 and P-450 k-2 have monomeric molecular weights of 51,500 and 52,000, respectively, on sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Absolute spectra of the oxidized forms indicate that P-450 k-1 is largely in the low-spin state and partly in the high-spin state, and that P-450 k-2 is essentially all in the former. The absorption maxima in reduced carbon monoxide difference spectra are at 450.5 and 451 nm with P-450 k-1 and P-450 k-2, respectively. The two P-450s catalyze the omega- and (omega-1)-hydroxylation of fatty acids such as caprate, laurate, myristate, and palmitate, although P-450 k-1 exhibits a higher specific activity with all fatty acids tested. In addition, P-450 k-1 is capable of hydroxylating prostaglandin (PG) A1 and A2 at the omega-position, whereas P-450 k-2 has no activity toward PGs. These activities are all stimulated by addition of cytochrome b5. The two P-450s give different peptide map patterns when partially digested with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease or papain.  相似文献   

The "major" phenobarbital (PB)-induced cytochrome P-450 species present in livers of male Sprague-Dawley rats was resolved into two catalytically active heme-protein fractions on diethylaminoethyl cellulose. The two species, P-450 PB-4 (Mr = 49,000) and P-450 PB-5 (Mr = 51,000), were purified to homogeneity, and their chromatographic, spectral, catalytic, and structural properties were compared. P-450 BP-5 eluted earlier on hydroxylapatite and exhibited a more significant cholate-induced Type I spectral shift than P-450 BP-4. Very similar substrate specificity profiles were evident when the two isozymes were reconstituted with lipid, cytochrome P-450 reductase, and cytochrome b5 for oxidative metabolism of several xenobiotics, although P-450 PB-4 exhibited a higher specific catalytic activity (greater than or equal to 5-fold) with all substrates tested. Marked differences were also observed in the sensitivities of both isozymes to several P-450 inhibitors. In addition, P-450 PB-4 was greater than or equal to 10-fold more susceptible than P-450 PB-5 to suicide inactivation by two allyl-containing compounds, allylisopropylacetamide and secobarbital, providing a possible explanation of the previously observed partial inactivation by such compounds of phenobarbital-induced P-450 activity in liver microsomes. One-dimensional peptide maps of the two isoenzymes were highly similar. Antibody raised against purified Long Evans rat liver P-450b (Thomas, P. E., Korzeniowski, D., Ryan, D., and Levin, W. (1979) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 192, 524-532) cross-reacted with P-450 PB-4 and P-450 PB-5. NH2-terminal sequence analysis demonstrated that the first 31 residues of both PB-4 and PB-5 were identical. These sequences indicated that a highly hydrophobic terminal segment, observed previously for other P-450s as well, is followed by a cluster of basic residues, suggesting that the NH2-terminal portion of these P-450s might be involved in membrane anchoring. Although it is unclear whether P-450 PB-4 and P-450 PB-5 are separate gene products or are related by post-translational modifications, this present demonstration of closely related isozymic forms suggests the possible added complexity of microheterogeneity for this family of microsomal monooxygenases.  相似文献   

X X Ding  M J Coon 《Biochemistry》1988,27(22):8330-8337
Two forms of cytochrome P-450, designated P-450NMa and P-450NMb, were purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from rabbit nasal microsomes. The purified cytochromes, which contained 14-16 nmol of P-450/mg of protein, exhibited apparent monomeric molecular weights of 49,500 and 51,000, respectively. As indicated by several criteria, including the amino acid composition, absorption spectra, and peptide maps, the two nasal forms of P-450 are distinct from each other. Furthermore, as judged by the NH2-terminal amino acid sequences, they are distinct from all other P-450 cytochromes described to date. In the ferric form, P-450NMa is in the low-spin state, whereas P-450NMb is predominantly in the high-spin state. When reconstituted with NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and phospholipid, P-450NMa is very active in the oxidation of ethanol as well as several nasal procarcinogens, including the N-deethylation of N-nitrosodiethylamine, the O-deethylation of phenacetin, and the N-demethylation of hexamethyl-phosphoramide. P-450NMb also metabolizes these substrates, but at lower rates. Both nasal forms are also active with testosterone, with P-450NMa oxidizing the substrate in the 17-position to give androstenedione and P-450NMb catalyzing hydroxylation in the 15 alpha-, 16 alpha-, and 19-positions. The two cytochromes represent the major portion of the total P-450 in nasal microsomes, but the corresponding forms could not be detected in hepatic microsomes.  相似文献   

Two forms of cytochrome P-450 (P-450 human-1 and P-450 human-2) have been purified from human liver microsomes to electrophoretic homogeneity. P-450 human-1 and P-450 human-2 differ in their apparent molecular weights (52,000 and 56,000, respectively) and Soret peak maxima in the CO-binding reduced difference spectrum (447.6 and 450.3 nm, respectively). In the reconstituted system using rat liver NADPH-cytochrome c (P-450) reductase, P-450 human-2 more effectively oxidized benzo(a)pyrene (80-fold), ethylmorphine (2-fold), and 7-ethoxycoumarin (2-fold) than did P-450 human-1. However, P-450 human-1 showed higher testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylase activity, and the activity was markedly increased by the inclusion of cytochrome b5 or spermine in the reconstituted system. Antibodies raised against P-450 human-1 inhibited more than 80% of microsomal testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylase activity in human liver. Immunoblotting analysis using anti-P-450 human-1 IgG revealed a single immuno-staining band near Mr 52,000 in all human liver samples examined. The amount of immunochemically determined P-450 human-1 varied in parallel with the testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylase activity in human liver. These results indicate that P-450 human-1 is a major form of cytochrome P-450 responsible for microsomal testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylation. Thus, this paper is the first report on human cytochrome P-450 responsible for testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylation, which is the major hydroxylation pathway in human liver microsomes.  相似文献   

Two forms of cytochrome P-450 (P-450MC1 and P-450MC2) were purified from liver microsomes of crab-eating monkeys (Macaca irus) treated with 3-methylcholanthrene (MC). Monkey P-450MC1 preparation had a specific content of 14.0 nmol/mg protein and showed a main protein band with a minimum molecular weight of 52,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Monkey P-450MC2 preparation had a specific content of 12.1 nmol/mg protein and a minimum molecular weight of 54,000. The carbon monoxide-reduced difference spectral peaks of monkey P-450MC1 and P-450MC2 were at 448 and 447 nm, respectively. In the reconstituted system, monkey P-450MC2 had high activities for benzo[a]pyrene 3-hydroxylation and 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylation. Monkey P-450MC1 had low activities toward these two substrates and a high activity for benzphetamine N-demethylation. Monkey P-450MC1 and P-450MC2 were detected by immunoblotting using an antibody prepared against rat cytochrome P-450c, which is a major form of cytochrome P-450 in liver microsomes of MC-treated rats. These results suggested that the molecular properties of cytochrome P-450 in liver microsomes of crab-eating monkeys treated with MC are similar to those in rats.  相似文献   

We have purified two distinct isoforms of mitochondrial cytochrome P-450 from beta-naphthoflavone (beta-NF)-induced rat liver to greater than 85% homogeneity and characterized their molecular and catalytic properties. One of these isoforms showing an apparent molecular mass of 52 kDa is termed P-450mt1 and the second isoform with 54-kDa molecular mass is termed P-450mt2. Cytochrome P-450mt2 comigrates with similarly induced microsomal P-450c (the major beta-NF-inducible form) on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and cross-reacts with polyclonal antibody monospecific for cytochrome P-450c. Cytochrome P-450mt2, however, represents a distinct molecular species since it failed to react with a monoclonal antibody to P-450c and produced V8 protease fingerprints different from P-450c. Cytochrome P-450mt1, on the other hand, did not show any immunochemical homology with P-450c or P-450mt2 as well as partially purified P-450 from control mitochondria. Electrophoretic comparisons and Western blot analysis show that both P-450mt1 and P-450mt2 are induced forms not present in detectable levels in control liver mitochondria. A distinctive property of mitochondrial P-450mt1 and P-450mt2 was that their catalytic activities could be reconstituted with both NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase as well as mitochondrial specific ferredoxin and ferredoxin reductase electron transfer systems, while P-450c showed exclusive requirement for NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase. Cytochromes P-450mt1 and P-450mt2 were able to metabolize xenobiotics like benzo(a)pyrene and dimethyl benzanthracene at rates only one-tenth with cytochrome P-450c. Furthermore, P-450mt1, P-450mt2, as well as partially purified P-450 from control liver, but not P-450c, showed varying activities for 25- and 26-hydroxylation of cholesterol and 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D3. These results provide evidence for the presence of at least two distinct forms of beta-NF-inducible cytochrome P-450 in rat hepatic mitochondria.  相似文献   

This laboratory has previously reported the occurrence in rabbit liver microsomes of a non-inducible form of cytochrome P-450, designated P-450lm3b because of its electrophoretic mobility relative to that of phenobarbital-inducible P-450lm2 and 5,6-benzoflavone-inducible P-450lm4. In the present study, P-450lm3b was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity and a specific content of over 19 nmol per mg of protein by chromatographic procedures carried out in the presence of detergents. The isolated cytochrome has a minimal molecular weight of 52,000 and exhibits absorption maxima at 418, 537, and 571 nm in the oxidized state, 412 and 547 nm in the reduced state, and 451 and 555 nm as the CO complex. In a reconstituted system containing NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and phosphatidylcholine, P-450lm3b has relatively high activity in the hydroxylation of testosterone in the 6β and 16α positions as well as significant activity toward a number of other substrates tested. The NADPH oxidase activity of P-450lm3b is less than half that of P-450lm2 and lm4.  相似文献   

Liver microsomal NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase from phenobarbital-induced rabbits was purified by a simple and reproducible method employing combination of 2',5'-ADP-sepharose affinity chromatography and 1-amino-2-hydroxypropyl-sepharose (ADP-sepharose) ion exchange chromatography. Comparison with traditionally used adsorbents revealed advantages of AHP-sepharose for isolation of highly active enzyme preparations. The enzyme was purified 408-fold with a 92% yield of the total activity. Electrophoretic and spectral properties of the preparation corresponded to those of native flavoprotein. The specific NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity of the purified enzyme (85.7 U/mg at pH 7.7 and 30 degrees C) was 1.5-2.5 times higher than that previously reported.  相似文献   

One of each constitutive form of cytochrome P-450 from liver microsomes of adult male and female rats was purified essentially following the same method to an apparent homogeneity as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weights estimated by the electrophoresis were 52,000 and 50,000 for forms of cytochrome P-450, P-450-male, and P-450-female, purified from male and female rats, respectively. In addition, the purified preparations of P-450-male and P-450-female showed properties different from each other with respect to spectral characteristics and catalytic activities. In Ouchterlony double diffusion plates, partially purified rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) raised against P-450-male and P-450-female showed very weak or no cross-reactivity with P-450-female and P-450-male, respectively. From these results, P-450-male was confirmed to be a form distinct from P-450-female. The anti-P-450-male and anti-P-450-female antibodies, which had been further purified by immunoadsorption, did not form any apparent precipitation bands with liver microsomes from untreated female and male rats, respectively. Supporting this, radial immunodiffusion analysis for P-450-male and P-450-female with an agarose gel impregnated with the rabbit antibodies showed that P-450-male and P-450-female appear in liver microsomes rather specifically depending on the sex hormones. Based on these results, sex differences in drug metabolism in the rat were confirmed as explicable, at least in part, by the presence of distinct forms of cytochrome P-450 in microsomes of male and female rats.  相似文献   

Purification of a new cytochrome P-450 from human liver microsomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Using a classical methodology of purification consisting of three chromatographic steps (Octyl-Sepharose, DEAE-cellulose, CM-cellulose) we have purified a new cytochrome P-450 from human liver microsomes. It was called cytochrome P-450(9). It has been proven to be different from all precedingly purified human liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 isozymes by its immunological and electrophoretical properties. It does not cross-react with any rat liver cytochrome P-450 and anti-cytochrome P-450(9) does not recognize rat liver microsomes; thus this cytochrome P-450(9) is specific to humans. This cytochrome P-450 isozyme exists in low amounts in human liver microsomes and exhibits an important quantitative polymorphism. In reconstituted system, cytochrome P-450(9) is able to hydroxylate all substrates tested but is not specific of any; its exact role in xenobiotic metabolism in man remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Three forms of cytochrome P-450, designated as P-450-HM1, P-450-HM2, and P-450-HM3, were isolated from human liver microsomes using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) techniques. Each purified preparation showed a single protein band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). From the results of SDS-PAGE, the molecular weights of P-450-HM1, P-450-HM2, and P-450-HM3 were estimated to be 51,000, 54,000, and 52,000, respectively. The oxidized absolute spectra of these three forms of cytochrome P-450 showed Soret absorption peaks at around 417 nm, indicating that these forms were in the low spin state. In a reconstituted system, P-450-HM1 showed the highest catalytic activities of nifedipine and (S)- or (R)-nilvadipine oxidases. The same form showed higher activities of testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylase and progesterone 6 beta- and 16 alpha-hydroxylases. P-450-HM2 showed high N-demethylase activities for benz-phetamine and aminopyrine, and also showed the highest activity of testosterone 16 beta-hydroxylase among the three forms, while it did not show detectable activities of testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylase and progesterone 6 beta- and 16 alpha-hydroxylases. Anti-P-450-HM1 immunoglobulin G (IgG), but not anti-P-450-HM2 IgG, inhibited the activities of testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylase and nifedipine and nilvadipine oxidases in human liver microsomes. Anti-P-450-HM1 IgG was also inhibitory against progesterone 6 beta- and 16 alpha-hydroxylases.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Untreated monkey liver cytochrome P-450 (monkey P-450) has been purified to a specific content of 14.9 n mole/mg protein. The purified preparation was apparently homogeneous and the minimum molecular weight was estimated to be 50,000 by SDS-PAGE. Absolute spectrum of the oxidized form showed peaks at 565, 535 and 417 nm. The monkey P-450 was active in the mixed function oxidation of benzphetamine, aminopyrine, ethylmorphine, aniline and 7-ethoxycoumarin in the presence of rat liver NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and DLPC. Anti monkey P-450 IgG could not inhibit rat P-450s (PB P-450, MC P-448(1) and MC P-448(2] catalyzed 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylation activities.  相似文献   

The synthesis of pharmacologically active diazepam metabolites (oxazepam, 4-hydroxydiazepam, N-demethyldiazepam) in liver microsomes of intact and phenobarbital-, 3-methylcholanthrene- and dexamethasone-induced male and female Wistar rats as well as in a reconstituted system with isolated forms of cytochrome P-450 (P-450a, P-450b, P-450c, P-450d and P-450k according to the Ryan nomenclature) was studied. Marked sex-dependent differences in the rates of diazepam metabolism in liver microsomes of intact and induced animals were revealed. The changes in the spectrum of diazepam metabolites in liver microsomes of induced rats (as compared to control animals) were revealed. In a reconstituted system only phenobarbital-induced cytochromes P-450b and P-450k were found to be active participants of diazepam N-demethylation; none of the isoenzymes tested were shown to be involved in diazepam hydroxylation.  相似文献   

A simplified procedure is presented for the simultaneous purification of the enzymes cytochrome P-450, epoxide hydratase (EC, and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase (EC from a single preparation of rat liver microsomes. All three enzymes can be recovered after chromatography of detergent-solubilized microsomes on a column of n-octylamino-Sepharose 4B. The major form of cytochrome P-450 (of phenobarbitaltreated rats) is purified by subsequent DEAE-cellulose chromatography, epoxide hydratase is purified by DEAE- and O-(carboxymethyl)-cellulose chromatography, and NADPH-cyto-chrome P-450 reductase is purified using 2′,5′-ADP agarose chromatography. The nonionic detergent Lubrol PX and the ionic detergents sodium cholate and deoxycholate are used in these procedures to permit utilization of uv-absorbance measurements in monitoring protein during purification. Overall yields of the three enzymes are approximately 20, 25, and 60%, respectively. All three enzymes are apparently homogeneous as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and are functionally active. The same procedure can be used to obtain the major cytochrome P-450 present in liver microsomes isolated from β-naphthoflavone (5,6-benzoflavone)- or 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats. Thus, the described procedures permit the rapid and reproducible purification of three major rat liver microsomal enzymes which can be coupled to study bioactivation and detoxification of a variety of xenobiotics in reconstituted systems.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the isolation of two forms of cytochrome P-450 (P-450) with omega-hydroxylase activities toward prostaglandin A (PGA) and fatty acids, designated as P-450ka-1 and P-450ka-2, from kidney cortex microsomes of rabbits treated with di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate [Kusunose, E. et al. (1989) J. Biochem. 106, 194-196]. In the present work, we have purified and characterized two additional forms of rabbit kidney fatty acid omega-hydroxylase, designated as P-450kc and P-450kd. The purified P-450kc and P-450kd had specific contents of 13 and 16 nmol of P-450/mg of protein, with apparent molecular weights of 52,000 and 55,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), respectively. Both the forms showed absorption maxima at 450 nm in the carbon monoxide-difference spectra for their reduced forms. These P-450s efficiently catalyzed the omega- and (omega-1)-hydroxylation of fatty acids such as caprate, laurate, myristate, and palmitate, in a reconstituted system containing P-450, NADPH-P-450 reductase, and phosphatidylcholine. Cytochrome b5 stimulated the reactions to only a slight extent. They had no detectable activity toward PGA and several xenobiotics tested. The two P-450s showed different peptide map patterns after limited proteolysis with papain or Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450 was purified from phenobarbital-treated guinea pigs to a specific content of 19.8 nmoles per mg of protein, and was free of cytochrome b5 and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase. The purified cytochrome P-450 gave a single protein band on sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and an apparent molecular weight of about 49,000 was estimated. Benzphetamine N-demethylation activity could be reconstituted by mixing the purified cytochrome, NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and phosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   

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