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ArrayCyGHt is a web-based application tool for analysis and visualization of microarray-comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) data. Full process of array-CGH data analysis, from normalization of raw data to the final visualization of copy number gain or loss, can be straightforwardly achieved on this arrayCyGHt system without the use of any further software. ArrayCyGHt, therefore, provides an easy and fast tool for the analysis of copy number aberrations in any kinds of data format. AVAILABILITY: ArrayCyGHt can be accessed at http://genomics.catholic.ac.kr/arrayCGH/  相似文献   

AUTOTET: a program for analysis of autotetraploid genotypic data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Journal of Molecular Modeling - Soft spot analysis helps evaluate the site of the metabolic lability that impacts the bio-availability of the drug. However, given its laborious and time consuming...  相似文献   



Array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) is a recently developed technique for analyzing changes in DNA copy number. As in all microarray analyses, normalization is required to correct for experimental artifacts while preserving the true biological signal. We investigated various sources of systematic variation in array-CGH data and identified two distinct types of spatial effect of no biological relevance as the predominant experimental artifacts: continuous spatial gradients and local spatial bias. Local spatial bias affects a large proportion of arrays, and has not previously been considered in array-CGH experiments.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers are quite popular due to their degree of polymorphism and efficiency; however, the utility of such markers for analysing allotetraploid species is often hampered by an inability to determine allele copy number for partial heterozygotes. tetrasat is a program that uses an iterative substitution process to account for all probable combinations of allele copy numbers in populations with partial heterozygote samples. The program subsequently calculates allele frequencies, and mean Hardy–Weinberg expected heterozygosity (HE), Shannon–Weiner Diversity Index (H′) and Nei's measure of population differentiation (GST) are reported for each locus and population. Of equal importance is the calculation of statistical variability generated by the missing data and allele substitution process, which allows for assessment of the strength of conclusions drawn from the statistics.  相似文献   

Herein we describe the program FAST-Modelfree for the fully automated, high throughput analysis of NMR spin-relaxation data. This program interfaces with the program Modelfree 4.1 and provides an intuitive graphical user interface for configuration as well as complete standalone operation during the model selection and rotational diffusion parameter optimization processes. FAST-Modelfree is also capable of iteratively assigning models to each spin and optimizing the parameters that describe the diffusion tensor. Tests with the protein Ribonuclease A indicate that using this iterative approach even poor initial estimates of the diffusion tensor parameters will converge to the optimal value within a few iterations. In addition to improving the quality of the final fit, this represents a substantial timesaving compared to manual data analysis and minimizes the chance of human error. It is anticipated that this program will be particularly useful for the analysis and comparison of data collected under different conditions such as multiple temperatures and the presence and absence of ligands. Further, this program is intended to establish a more uniform protocol for NMR spin-relaxation data analysis, facilitating the comparison of results both between and within research laboratories. Results obtained with FAST-Modelfree are compared with previous literature results for the proteins Ribonuclease H, E. coli glutaredoxin-1 and the Ca2+-binding protein S100B. These proteins represent data sets collected at both single and multiple static magnetic fields and which required analysis with both isotropic and axially symmetric rotational diffusion tensors. In all cases results obtained with FAST-Modelfree compared favorably with the original literature results.  相似文献   

Analytical ultracentrifugation is commonly used for the determinationof molecular weights (sedimentation equilibrium) and sedimentationcoefficients (sedimentation rate) of biological macromoleculesin solution. A Turbo Pascal program for the analysis of sedimentationequilibrium centrifugation data produced by absorbance opticalsystems is described. The user may enter data from a scan ofabsorbance versus distance from the centre of rotation, viaa graphics tablet (or ASCII file). This is subsequently manipulatedto yield an apparent weight average molecular weight for thegiven sample. Plots of In (absorbance) versus (radius2) mayalso be produced. The method described uses readily availablecomputational equipment requiring only a graphics tablet inaddition to an IBM PC compatible computer. This technique andthe software developed have been used to investigate the molecularweight range of two International Humic Substances Society (IHSS)reference samples from the Suwannee River. Received on October 7, 1988; accepted on December 12, 1988  相似文献   

PKB: a program system and data base for analysis of protein structure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
S H Bryant 《Proteins》1989,5(3):233-247
PKB is a computer program system that combines a data base of three-dimensional protein structures with a series of algorithms for pattern recognition, data analysis, and graphics. By typing relatively simple commands the user may search the data base for instances of a structural motif and analyze in detail the set of individual structures that are found. The application of PKB to the study of protein folding is illustrated in three examples. The first analysis compares the conformations observed for a short sequential motif, sequences similar to the cell-attachment signal Arg-Gly-Asp. The second compares sequences observed for a conformational motif, a 16-residue beta alpha beta unit. The third analysis considers a population of substructures containing ion-pair interactions, examining the relationship of frequency of occurrence to calculated electrostatic energy.  相似文献   

We have developed a package program for the estimation of Michaelis-Menten parameters for enzymes that conform to different kinetic mechanisms. Data from different experimental schemes can be fitted with appropriate weighing factors to any of 6 mathematical models, corresponding to 5 kinetic mechanisms: ordered bi-bi, Theorell-Chance, rapid equilibrium random bi-bi, rapid equilibrium ordered bi-bi and ping pong bi-bi. The program also performs a significance test to discriminate between different candidate models. To illustrate the performance of the program, real data from kinetic experiments with glucose 6-phosphate from Leuconostoc mesenteroides have been fitted to different mathematical models, and the results are discussed. The program can be easily implemented for the fitting of kinetic data to any other model.  相似文献   

A Reeves 《Génome》2001,44(3):439-443
The ability to identify individual chromosomes in cytological preparations is an essential component of many investigations. While several computer software applications have been used to facilitate such quantitative karyotype analysis, most of these programs are limited by design for specific types of analyses, or can be used only with specific hardware configurations. MicroMeasure is a new image analysis application that may be used to collect data for a wide variety of chromosomal parameters from electronically captured or scanned images. Unlike similar applications, MicroMeasure may be individually configured by the end user to suit a wide variety of research needs. This program can be used with most common personal computers, and requires no unusual or specific hardware. MicroMeasure is made available to the research community without cost by the Department of Biology at Colorado State University via the World Wide Web at http://www.biology.colostate.edu/MicroMeasure.  相似文献   

ribosort is a computer package for convenient editing of automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) data. It is designed to eliminate the labourious task of manually classifying community fingerprints in microbial ecology studies. This program automatically assigns detected fragments and their respective relative abundances to appropriate ribotypes. It permits simultaneous sorting of multiple profiles and facilitates direct workflow from TRFLP and ARISA output through to community analyses. ribosort also provides several options to merge repeat profiles of a sample into a single composite profile. By creating a 'ribotypes by samples' matrix ready for statistical analyses, use of the package saves time and simplifies the preparation of DNA fingerprint data sets for statistical analysis. In addition, ribosort performs exploratory analysis on the data by creating multidimensional scaling plots that compare the similarity of sample profiles using the statistical software r.  相似文献   

Computation of recurrent minimal genomic alterations from array-CGH data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MOTIVATION: The identification of recurrent genomic alterations can provide insight into the initiation and progression of genetic diseases, such as cancer. Array-CGH can identify chromosomal regions that have been gained or lost, with a resolution of approximately 1 mb, for the cutting-edge techniques. The extraction of discrete profiles from raw array-CGH data has been studied extensively, but subsequent steps in the analysis require flexible, efficient algorithms, particularly if the number of available profiles exceeds a few tens or the number of array probes exceeds a few thousands. RESULTS: We propose two algorithms for computing minimal and minimal constrained regions of gain and loss from discretized CGH profiles. The second of these algorithms can handle additional constraints describing relevant regions of copy number change. We have validated these algorithms on two public array-CGH datasets. AVAILABILITY: From the authors, upon request. CONTACT: celine@lri.fr SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

Irigoien I  Fernandez E  Vives S  Arenas C 《Genetika》2008,44(8):1137-1140
Microarray technology is increasingly being applied in biological and medical research to address a wide range of problems. Cluster analysis has proven to be a very useful tool for investigating the structure of microarray data. This paper presents a program for clustering microarray data, which is based on the so call path-distance. The algorithm gives in each step a partition in two clusters and no prior assumptions on the structure of clusters are required. It assigns each object (gene or sample) to only one cluster and gives the global optimum for the function that quantifies the adequacy of a given partition of the sample into k clusters. The program was tested on experimental data sets, showing the robustness of the algorithm.  相似文献   

There has been a great increase in both the number of population genetic analysis programs and the size of data sets being studied with them. Since the file formats required by the most popular and useful programs are variable, automated reformatting or conversion between them is desirable. formatomatic is an easy to use program that can read allelic data files in genepop , raw (csv ) or convert formats and create data files in nine formats: raw (csv ), arlequin , genepop , immanc /bayesass +, migrate , newhybrids , msvar , baps and structure . Use of formatomatic should greatly reduce time spent reformatting data sets and avoid unnecessary errors.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in the genome copy number of tissues is of particular importance in solid tumor biology. Furthermore, many clinical applications such as pre-implantation and non-invasive prenatal diagnosis would benefit from the ability to characterize individual single cells. As the amount of DNA from single cells is so small, several PCR protocols have been developed in an attempt to achieve unbiased amplification. Many of these approaches are suitable for subsequent cytogenetic analyses using conventional methodologies such as comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to metaphase spreads. However, attempts to harness array-CGH for single-cell analysis to provide improved resolution have been disappointing. Here we describe a strategy that combines single-cell amplification using GenomePlex library technology (GenomePlex® Single Cell Whole Genome Amplification Kit, Sigma-Aldrich, UK) and detailed analysis of genomic copy number changes by high-resolution array-CGH. We show that single copy changes as small as 8.3 Mb in single cells are detected reliably with single cells derived from various tumor cell lines as well as patients presenting with trisomy 21 and Prader–Willi syndrome. Our results demonstrate the potential of this technology for studies of tumor biology and for clinical diagnostics.  相似文献   

SQUID is a flexible computer program that allows the analysis and display of molecular coordinates from crystallography, NMR, and molecular dynamics. The program can also display two-dimensional and three-dimensional data using many graph types, as well as perform array processing of data with numerous intrinsic functions. Graphics are based on the use of “move” and “draw” instructions, allowing easy development of new device drivers, including vector plotters.  相似文献   

Population genetic analysis of allotetraploid microsatellite data has lagged far behind that of diploid data, largely because of an inability to determine allele copy number for partial heterozygotes. tetrasat developed by Markwith et al. (2006) uses an iterative substitution process to account for all probable combinations of allele copy numbers in populations with partial heterozygote samples. However, tetrasat cannot deal with microsatellite data containing more than 15 partial heterozygotes, because of an exponential increase in genotype combinations. tetra can handle the microsatellite data containing infinite partial heterozygotes. In the program tetra, the frequencies of alleles are measured as the probability with which the known alleles occur in unknown allele locations. The Hardy–Weinberg expected heterozygosity and Nei's coefficient of gene differentiation are calculated based on allele frequencies. The mean and standard error of expected heterozygosity are estimated through bootstrap method.  相似文献   

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