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A method has been developed for specific enzymic cleavage of polypeptides at the N-terminal side of modified cysteine residues. Lysine residues are blocked by trifluoroacetylation and cysteine residues subsequently converted to the 2-aminoethyl derivatives. Digestion of the modified polypeptide with the lysine-specific protease from Armillaria mellea (patented by Walton et al., 1972) occurs only at 2-aminoethylcysteine residues. With the beta chain of human haemoglobin, which contains 2 cysteine and 11 lysine residues, cleavage was observed at both modified cysteines but at none of the lysines. In the case of a polypeptide from bee venom which contains 4 half-cystine and 5 lysine residues, cleavage occurred at only 2 of the modified cysteines and also at 2 lysine residues. The pattern of cleavage in the latter case can be interpreted in terms of the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide.  相似文献   

R W Cowgill 《Biochemistry》1975,14(19):4277-4279
The helical muscle protein beta-paramyosin of 200,000 was treated by the general method of G. R. Jacobson et al. (1973), J. Biol. Chem. 248, 6583) for cleavage of the polypeptide chain at the site of Cys residues. The protein cleaved into two segments: CCF-1 of 140,000 daltons and CCF-2 of 60,000 daltons. The two segments were separated and some properties were compared. Circular dichroism measurements indicated that CCF-1 was completely helical and that CCF-2 was 85% in the alpha-helical form. The molecular size, resistance to pepsin digestion, stability to heat and urea, and solubility of CCF-1 were all similar to corresponding properties of a pepsin-resistant segment PPC-1 described earlier (Cowgill, R. W. (1972), Biochemistry 11, 4532). By contrast, the properties of CCF-2 were distinctly different. It was concluded that the CCF-1 segment, like the PPC-1 segment, arose from the N-terminal two-thirds of the paramyosin molecule. The CCF-2 segment from the C-terminal one-third of paramyosin had limited solubility at neutral pH that matched the low solubility of paramyosin. It was concluded that the CCF-2 region is responsible for the self-aggregating tendency of paramyosin at neutral pH and low ionic strength.  相似文献   

The human erythrocyte structural protein spectrin and its subunits I, II were isolated in the presence of Na-dodecyl-sulfate by gel filtration and preparative gel electrophoresis. After removal of the detergent, spectrin alpha-helical content is comparable to spectrin isolated without detergent. Subunits I and II formed single bands in isoelectric focusing (pI = 5.6) and in Ornstein-Davis disc gel electrophoresis systems, indicating the individual subunits are homogenous in nature. The molecular weights of the subunits I and II, determined by Ferguson plot, are 237,500 and 238,600, respectively, which is in good agreement with values obtained by the standard SDS gel relative mobility method. Limited tryptic digestion of spectrin and two-dimensional peptide maps of the individual subunits cleaved by S-cyanylation reaction showed dissimilar patterns, suggesting differences in primary structure between the two subunits.  相似文献   

The production of recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor (rhbFGF) in Escherichia coli cells yielded active forms of this polypeptide which, however, displayed a high degree of instability towards oxidative processes. Biochemical studies in our laboratory and those of others indicated that the reactivity of the four cysteine residues was the main cause of the observed instability. Several attempts to obtain more stable derivatives of rhbFGF were carried out by modification of the sulfhydryl groups. Among these, treatment of rhbFGF with iodoacetic acid led to the isolation of a partially carboxymethylated form (Cm-FGF). Peptide mapping analysis of the modified protein showed that two cysteines (78 and 96) were blocked by a carboxymethyl group. The remaining cysteines (34 and 101) were not modified under the conditions used and were found to be in the reduced form. Cm-FGF and unmodified rhbFGF showed similar affinity both for heparin and for high-affinity receptors. Cm-FGF was more stable than the unmodified molecule as measured by HPLC and SDS/PAGE analysis. Interestingly, Cm-FGF was more active than unmodified rhbFGF in stimulating proliferation of endothelial cells and DNA synthesis in 3T3 fibroblasts. This new derivative could represent a desirable complementation to rhbFGF for the development of more stable pharmaceutical formulations in wound healing applications.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte spectrin, which has been extracted at low ionic strength and precipitated at pH 5.1, contains 0.025 moles phospholipid/mg protein. The composition of the spectrin-phospholipids differs from that of the erythrocyte membrane. A remarkable similarity was found between the composition of the available phospholipids of the inner leaflet of the membrane bilayer and the spectrinassociated phospholipids. Rebinding studies with1 2 5I-labeled spectrin show that the labeled spectrin binds preferentially to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane and that this binding is influenced by protein perturbations.  相似文献   

Dynamic light scattering measurements were performed on spectrin from human erythrocytes in 25 mM Tris buffer at pH 7.6 with 100 mM NaCl and 5 mM EDTA. Measurements were made on spectrin solutions prepared as dimers and tetramers over the temperature range from 23 to 41 degrees C, as a function of the square of the scattering vector (K2) over the range of 0.7 x 10(10) cm-2 less than or equal to K1 less than or equal to 20 x 10(10) cm-2. Analysis of the autocorrelation functions collected for these solutions revealed the presence of two predominant motional components over the entire range of K2. Plots of the diffusion coefficients (D20) of these components, with viscosity and temperature corrected to water at 20 degrees C, as a function of K2 indicated three rather distinct regions, flat regions at low and high K2 joined by a sloping intermediate region. At small K2 (less than or equal to 4 x 10(10) cm-2) the D20 values were (7.3 +/- 2.0) x 10(-8) cm2/s for the slow component and (20.3 +/- 2.0) x 10(-8) cm2/s for the fast component. At large K2 (greater than or equal to 10 x 10(10) cm-2) the values increased to (13.0 +/- 2.0) x 10(-8) cm2/s for the slow component and (39.4 +/- 2.0) x 10(-8) cm2/s for the fast component. In the intermediate K2 region, D20 is a linear function of K2 and appears as a transition between the low and high K2 regions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Bender RP  Ham AJ  Osheroff N 《Biochemistry》2007,46(10):2856-2864
Several quinone-based metabolites of drugs and environmental toxins are potent topoisomerase II poisons. These compounds act by adducting the protein and appear to increase levels of enzyme-DNA cleavage complexes by at least two potentially independent mechanisms. Treatment of topoisomerase IIalpha with quinones inhibits DNA religation and blocks the N-terminal gate of the protein by cross-linking its two protomer subunits. It is not known whether these two effects result from adduction of quinone to the same amino acid residue(s) in topoisomerase IIalpha or whether they are mediated by modification of separate residues. Therefore, this study identified amino acid residues in human topoisomerase IIalpha that are modified by quinones and determined their role in the actions of these compounds as topoisomerase II poisons. Four cysteine residues were identified by mass spectrometry as sites of quinone adduction: Cys170, Cys392, Cys405, and Cys455. Mutations (Cys --> Ala) were individually generated at each position. Only mutations at Cys392 or Cys405 reduced sensitivity ( approximately 50% resistance) to benzoquinone. Top2alphaC392A and top2alphaC405A displayed faster rates ( approximately 2-fold) of DNA religation than wild-type topoisomerase IIalpha in the presence of the quinone. In contrast, as determined by DNA binding, protein clamp closing, and protomer cross-linking experiments, mutations at Cys392 and Cys405 did not affect the ability of benzoquinone to block the N-terminal gate of topoisomerase IIalpha. These findings indicate that adduction of Cys392 and Cys405 is important for the actions of quinones against the enzyme and increases levels of cleavage complexes primarily by inhibiting DNA religation.  相似文献   

A technique in which the subunits of human erythrocyte spectrin were immobilized on a nitrocellulose membrane was developed to study which domains of the subunit are able to bind to the counterpart subunit. The limited tryptic digestion of the isolated alpha and beta subunits of human erythrocyte spectrin produced eight fragments in the alpha subunits and nine fragments in the beta subunit. Four fragments of the beta (80, 60, 44, and 18 kDa) and two of the alpha (82 and 33 kDa) bound to alpha and beta subunits which were immobilized on nitrocellulose membrane strips, respectively. The binding affinities of all the fragments to the subunits, however, were remarkably lower than that of the mother proteins. The titration of fluorescence anisotropy of N-(1-anilinonaphthyl-4)maleimide which was covalently attached to the subunit by the trypsin-digested fraction of the counterpart subunit also indicate weak binding of the fragments even in solution. These findings suggest that the high-affinity binding of the alpha subunit to the beta subunit to form spectrin alpha beta dimer occurs only when the binding domains are arrayed along the polypeptide chains at the appropriate positions on the subunits.  相似文献   

One IgM and three IgG monoclonal antibodies specific to band 1 of human erythrocyte spectrin have been characterised. The antigenic sites of the IgG antibodies have been identified and mapped by radioimmune labelling of tryptic fragments of spectrin fractionated by SDS slab gel electrophoresis and blotted onto nitrocellulose filters. The binding site of one of these antibodies has also been directly visualised in the electron microscope after low-angle shadowing of the antibody-spectrin dimer complex, and lies at that end of the dimer which is responsible for tetramer formation.  相似文献   

Even for moderately sized proteins, the multiple occurrence of cysteine and lysine residues often prevents the specific labeling of polypeptides with a single probe. To increase specificity, a method was developed to convert the commonly available succinimidyl esters of fluorescent dyes into benzyl thioesters via trimethyl aluminum-activated benzyl mercaptan. The thioester can then be reacted very specifically with polypeptides containing an N-terminal cysteine residue, forming a stable amide bond, analogous to the native chemical ligation of peptide fragments. Both reaction steps are easy to perform and proceed to high yields. The practicability of the approach was demonstrated using the popular cyanine dye Cy5 and a soluble peptide, and it is expected to be applicable to a wide range of succinimidyl esters and both chemically and recombinantly synthesized proteins. The method should dramatically facilitate the preparation of proteins for experiments requiring exact positioning of labels, for instance, F?rster resonance energy transfer studies.  相似文献   

Specific cleavage of diphtheria toxin by human urokinase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Diphtheria toxin must undergo a specific cleavage reaction and subsequent reduction to express the enzymatic ADP-ribosyltransferase activity that is responsible for its toxicity. In an effort to identify potential cellular enzymes that might be involved in this process we have found that a human urinary plasminogen activator, urokinase, is capable of specifically cleaving diphtheria toxin to yield an enzymatically active A fragment (more homogeneous than that produced by trypsin cleavage) and a B fragment (with an identical amino-terminal sequence to that produced by trypsin cleavage). The results raise the possibility that urokinase or urokinase-like enzymes play a role in diphtheria toxin-mediated intoxication.  相似文献   

The binding of the isolated alpha-subunit of human erythrocyte spectrin to calmodulin is demonstrated by partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems. The affinity of the alpha-subunit for calmodulin is slightly higher than that of the spectrin dimer, whereas the beta-subunit interacts only very weakly. The binding is in all cases calcium-dependent and is abolished on addition of chlorpromazine. At an ionic strength close to physiological conditions, about 1 microM free calcium is required to induce maximum binding of calmodulin to spectrin dimer.  相似文献   

Specific chemical cleavage of proteins at S-cyanocysteine residues leads to formation of iminothiazolidinecarboxylyl peptides which, because their amino termini are blocked, are not susceptible to Edman degradation. A catalyst prepared from NiCl2 and NaBH4 converts 2-iminothiazolidine-4-carboxylate to alanine and iminothiazolidine carboxylylglycine to Ala-Gly in good yield. Unmodified proteins treated with this catalyst in 8M guanidinium chloride are recovered in good yield, with quantitative conversion of methionine to amino-butyrate and half-cystine to alanine by desulfuration. The catalyst also induces cleavage of a small subclass of peptide bonds, probably Phe-Thr and Phe-Ser sequences, producing discrete fragments.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of 595 amino acids of the alpha-I domain of human erythrocyte spectrin has been determined. Peptides derived from three different protease cleavages were purified using high performance liquid chromatography and subjected to automated amino acid sequence analysis. These data along with sequences of the cyanogen bromide and large tryptic peptides (Speicher, D.W., Davis, G., Yurchenco, P.D., and Marchesi, V.T. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 14931-14937) represent most or all of the sequence of spectrin alpha-I. The single remaining ambiguity is the precise termination of the COOH terminus of the alpha-I domain. The sequence data suggest that the 595 residues presented here represent the complete sequence of the alpha-I domain, but the apparent size of the COOH-terminal CNBr fragment suggests the existence of an additional 38 residues at the end of the domain. The sequence of the alpha-I domain contains a single type of internal homology composed of multiple 106-amino acid repeats consistent with the occurrence of multiple gene duplications during the course of spectrin evolution. The only portion of the alpha-I sequence which does not appear to contain this sequence repeat is the segment containing the NH2-terminal 17 residues. This unique segment may be part of the oligomer binding site. No disulfide bonds appear to be involved in the structure of alpha-I and cysteine is not highly conserved. Calculations of secondary structure suggest the presence of short helices which fold into triple helical segments approximately 50 A in length. There is little beta sheet structure. A model of spectrin structure incorporating the repeat unit and proposed secondary structure is presented. A computer search of alpha-I sequence with the National Biomedical Research Foundation database of 2145 protein sequences did not detect any significant relationships. Spectrin is apparently the first member of a new class of proteins to be structurally characterized.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against the membrane domain of human red blood cell band 3 protein have been prepared and used in topographical studies of the arrangement of the polypeptide in the membrane. One of the antibodies binds to a site near the N terminus of the membrane domain; another binds to a site near the C terminus. The latter has been used to localize a site of intracellular trypsin digestion. The cleavage site, in human band 3, corresponds to Lys-761 in mouse band 3; the site is 168 residues from the C terminus of the protein. This is the first intracellular site in the membrane domain (other than the N terminus) that has been localized in the primary structure. The antibody that binds to the N-terminal portion of the membrane domain has been used to identify a new S-cyanylation cleavage site about 7,000 daltons from the C terminus. Proteolysis/cross-linking experiments with the stilbenedisulfonate derivative H2DIDS (4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate) reveal that one end of the H2DIDS reacts covalently with a lysine residue that is between about 70 and 168 residues from the C terminus of band 3. In addition to placing restrictions on the location of the H2DIDS-binding lysine, these studies provide direct evidence that the C-terminal 28,000-dalton papain fragment crosses the membrane at least three times. With previous data on the remainder of the membrane domain, there is now direct evidence that the band 3 polypeptide crosses the membrane at least eight times.  相似文献   

ORD and CD measurements of spectrin, in both the dimer and tetramer association state, indicate a high proportion of alpha-helix in this protein. At temperatures below 27 degrees C and in 0.1 M NaCl, the tetramer has an apparent helix content of 73% and the dimer, 68%. The conformation of both states is dependent on salt concentration and temperature. Low ionic strength solutions of spectrin display lowered sedimentation coefficients and a decreased apparent helix content, indicating perhaps a slight refolding and expansion of the molecule. In addition, spectrin in low ionic strength solutions undergoes a broad temperature-dependent transition spread from 20 to 50 degrees C, while in the presence of salt the transition is sharp and centered on 49 degrees C. The temperature-dependent changes in low ionic strength solutions appear to parallel the dissociation of tetramer to dimer.  相似文献   

Molecules of human erythrocyte spectrin have been examined by electron microscopy after low-angle shadowing. Spectrin heterodimers and tetramers were first purified and characterized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and analytical ultracentrifugation under conditions which minimize proteolysis and aggregation. The heterodimers and tetramere were separated for low-angle shadowing by gel filtration in ammonium acetate buffer at physiological ionic strength, in which they showed sedimentation coefficients of 8.9 S and 12.5 S, respectively, similar to those values reported for heterodimers and tetramers in non-volatile buffers. The ammonium acetate buffer promoted the dissociation of spectrin tetramers into heterodimers under conditions in which tetramers in NaCl or KCl buffers are stable. When visualized by low-angle unidirectional and rotary shadowing, spectrin heterodimers appeared as long flexible molecules with a mean shadowed length of 97 nm. Each heterodimer, composed of the two polypeptide chains, band 1 (240,000 Mr) and band 2 (220,000 Mr), often appeared as two separate strands which lay partially separated from one another or coiled round each other in a loose double helix. The association between these polypeptides appears to be weak, except at both ends of the molecule where there are sites of strong binding. Tetramers are formed by the end-to-end association of two spectrin heterodimer molecules without measurable overlap, and have a mean shadowed length of 194 nm. This association to form tetramers probably involves head-to-head binding of the heterodimers, since the higher oligomers to be expected from a head-to-tail binding mode are not observed. The molecular shape of spectrin is quite distinct from that of myosin, to which it has often been likened.  相似文献   

Cysteine-to-serine mutations were constructed to test the functional and structural significance of the three non-extracellular cysteine residues in ecto-nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3 (eNTPDase3). None of these cysteines were found to be essential for enzyme activity. However, Cys(10), located on the short N-terminal cytoplasmic tail, was found to be responsible for dimer formation occurring via oxidation during membrane preparation as well as for dimer cross-linking resulting from exogenously added sulfhydryl-specific cross-linking agents. The resistance to further cross-linking of these dimers into higher order oligomers by lysine-specific cross-linkers suggests that this enzyme may form its native tetrameric structure as a "dimer of dimers" with nonequivalent interactions between subunits. Cys(501), located in the hydrophobic C-terminal membrane-spanning domain of eNTPDase3, was found to be the site of chemical modification by a sulfhydryl-specific reagent, p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid (pCMPS), leading to inhibition of enzyme activity. The effect of pCMPS was negligible after dissociation of the enzyme into monomers by Triton X-100, suggesting that the mechanism of inhibition is dependent on the oligomeric structure. Because Cys(501) is accessible for modification by the membrane-impermeant reagent pCMPS, we hypothesize that eNTPDase3 (and possibly other eNTPDases) contains a water-filled crevice allowing access of water and hydrophilic compounds to at least part of the protein's C-terminal membrane-spanning helix.  相似文献   

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