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In a study of the regulation of enzyme patterns in imaginal discs the aldehyde oxidase pattern was determined for some homoeotic mutations of D. melanogaster. Earlier indications that suggested that this pattern follows the determinitive state of compartments within imaginal discs were confirmed by the aldehyde oxidase (AO) pattern of both the wing and haltere discs from en1; bx3, en1; pbx, and en1; bx3 pbx larvae and the antennal discs from Antp73b and ssa larvae. We additionally analyzed whether AO activity depended on the determinative state of an entire compartment or was expressed autonomously in clones. Homozygous engrailed clones were induced by mitotic recombination. From the AO clones found in normally negative areas of the posterior compartment it was concluded that enzyme activity depended upon the determinative state of the cells and was not a function of the compartment as a whole. The results are described with reference to a scheme in which compartmental and subcompartmental selector genes are thought to determine a binary code on which AO patterns depend.  相似文献   

Summary Mutations of the bithorax complex result in segmental transformations in the thorax and abdomen ofDrosophila. The haltere discs from larvae homozygous forbx 3 orpbx are transformed so that the discs contain cells that will produce wing cuticle as well as cells that produce haltere cuticle. The pattern regulation behavior of these discs has been examined. The fate maps of the two discs were established, and then the regulative behavior of a number of fragments from both types of mutant discs was established by culturing the fragments in vivo prior to metamorphosis. The most important conclusion from this work is that the cells producing, haltere cuticle and wing cuticle within the same disc share the same positional information and that they communicate during pattern regulation.  相似文献   

Distribution of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and 6-phospho-gluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) in imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster was determined. Differential patterns of staining were found in all discs examined, i.e., eye-antennal, wing, leg, labial and genital. By using null mutants for either G6PD or 6PGD, the enzymes were shown to have the same distribution patterns. Staining with glucose-6-phosphate as a substrate resulted in the detection of both G6PD and 6PGD. Results of staining discs from homoeotic mutants indicate that the enzyme distribution patterns are under genetic control. In the presence of the homoeotic engrailed (en) mutation which transforms posterior wing compartment into anterior, the G6PD pattern of the posterior compartment of the wing disc was specifically transformed toward that of the anterior compartment. The bithorax series of homoeotic mutants was similarly investigated. The bithorax (bx3) mutation transforms the anterior part of the haltere to anterior wing blade. Similarly the G6PD pattern in the anterior haltere disc transforms to that of anterior wing disc. The complimentary transformation, postbithorax (pbx) results in a change of the posterior part of the haltere to posterior wing, which is likewise reflected in an altered staining pattern for G6PD in the posterior portion of the haltere disc. The combination of the bx3 and pbx resulted in a staining pattern of the haltere disc virtually indistinguishable from the normal wing disc.  相似文献   

Upon fragmentation of a leg imaginal disc, cells near parts of the wounded surface are reprogrammed and form a blastema. This occurs without a change in fate and without the direct contact of the two wounded surfaces (G. H. Karpen and G. Schubiger, Nature (London) 294, 744-747, 1981). Two phases of the cell cycle have now been analyzed for several areas of disc fragments prior to and during wound healing. A mitotic index was used to compare the location of cell division, and autoradiography was used to reveal patterns of DNA synthesis. In contrast to the uniform division pattern in noncultured fragments, more dividing cells were observed near the two wound surfaces after 1 day of in vivo culture. During the second day, wound healing began and mitotic activity increased dramatically near both wound areas, and decreased in distant areas. Three and a half days of culture led to more complete wound closure and only cells on one site continued to show the highest frequency of labeled cells. It is concluded that changes in patterns of DNA synthesis and an increase in cell division begin prior to wound closure. This proliferation is consistent with the morphological changes and regulative behavior observed. In addition, the role of compartmental identity during regulation was tested. After wound closure began an increase in mitotic activity near wounds in the anterior compartment was observed whereas such an increase in division level was not seen in posterior cells near a wound.  相似文献   

To explore the effects of cell death on pattern formation in the developing imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster, I have isolated a number of cell-autonomous temperature-sensitive lethal mutants. Sex-linked temperature-sensitive lethals were screened for cell-autonomy by scoring the survival of lethal-bearing clones in genetic mosaics. The mutant with the strongest effect on clone viability gave rise to a high frequency of structural deficiencies and duplications in the derivatives of the eye-antennal discs, when subjected to pulse-treatments at the nonpermissive temperature during the late second and third instars. The patterns produced were nonrandom, with some structures showing a tendency to become deficient, and others a tendency to duplicate. Duplicated structures were only found in heads in which other structures were missing. Genetic tests identified the lethal as a point mutation at the suppressor-of-forked locus. Recombination, and complementation tests with a small duplication of this region showed that a second mutational lesion is in all probability not involved in the generation of abnormal patterns in the imaginal discs. It is therefore proposed that the cell-lethal action of the mutant is sufficient to account for phenotypic effects described. According to this hypothesis, cell death primarily causes deficiencies, and duplications occur as a response of the discs to injury. In agreement with this, it was found that in gynandromorphs, pattern duplications can be found in wild-type tissue in the presence of lethal tissue in the same disc. Thus, a cell-autonomous lethal may affect the process of pattern formation in a nonautonomous way.  相似文献   

The neural phenotype of an imaginal disc degenerate mutant l(1)d deg-3 was studied in histological sections. The mutant larvae showed severe abnormalities in the imaginal neural development. Gynandromorphs, which are composed of genetically mutant and nonmutant cells, were generated and analyzed as late larvae. The results of mosaic analysis were consistent with l(1)d deg-3 gene acting autonomously in the imaginal disc and imaginal neural cells. The optic lobe development patterns observed in the larval mosaics provided evidence for an eye disc-optic lobe interaction during the late third instar larval stage.  相似文献   

Summary Distribution of the enzyme aldehyde oxidase in transformed haltere discs from the homoeotic bithorax series of mutants was investigated by histochemical means. The bithorax (bx) mutant, which transforms the anterior part of the haltere into an alterior with blade, possesses in the haltere disc an aldehyde oxidase staining pattern similar to that of the anterior side of the wing disc. The postbithorax (pbx) mutant, which transforms the posterior haltere into a structure resembling the posterior wing blade, reveals an aldehyde oxidase staining pattern in the haltere disc characteristic of the posterior side of the wing disc pouch. When both (bx 3 (pbx) mutants are present the haltere develops into a metathoracic wing. It is shown here that the transformed haltere disc closely resembles the previously established pattern in the wing disc with respect to aldehyde oxidase distribution. Change in the pattern of aldehyde oxidase in bithorax mutants signals alteration in gene expression which at least for this particular enzyme correlates well with the morphological transformation from haltere to wing. A possible correlation between pattern of enzyme activity and developmental compartmentalization has been discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the rhabdomeric pattern in the compound eye ofDrosophila has been studied using combined transplantation and electron microscope techniques. In a first series of experiments eye imaginal discs of increasing age were implanted into larvae ready to pupate, thus losing variable amounts of the normal time for development. A sequence of differentiative abilities was found in the metamorphosed test pieces. As far as the photoreceptor cells are concerned, the most prominent steps of this sequence are: ability to form groups with other similar elements, anatomical polarization of microvilli, establishment of the rhabdomeric pattern and formation of an equator line. The stability of determination of the equator line was tested in a second experimental series. Fragment of different topographical origin within the mature eye anlage were brought to metamorphosis by implantation into larvae ready to pupate. It was found that an equator line differentiates only in those pieces which according to the published anlage maps contain the prospective equator region prior to metamorphosis. The mitotic abilities of implanted eye imaginal discs were investigated by means of in vitro3H-thymidine pulse-labelling and light microscope autoradiography of the differentiated test pieces. During the third larval stage the eye anlage is traversed by two consecutive mitotic waves, each one of them producing different categories of receptor cells. The first, anterior wave predominantly produces cells oriented toward the poles of the eye within the ommatidia, while the second, posterior wave gives rise to elements exclusively in an equatorial position. The dynamics of this proliferation are discussed in relation to the findings in the implantation experiments. Silver-grain counts support the possibility that at least two successive cell divisions occur in the eye anlage between labeling with tritiated thymidine and beginning of morphological differentiation. The relevance of this finding for the understanding of the concept of acquisition of competence is discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of protein synthesis in imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M E Rodgers  A Shearn 《Cell》1977,12(4):915-921
Patterns of polypeptide synthesis in wing, leg and eye-antenna imaginal discs and in whole larvae of wild-type and and mutant Drosophila melanogaster have been examined using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. After 2 hr of labeling with 35S during the third larval instar, the synthesis of more than 318 polypeptides has been detected in imaginal discs. Of these, 268 are present in similar amounts in all three disc types. The remaining polypeptides detected in the three imaginal disc types fall into two categories: those unique to a particular disc type, and those specific for a particular pair of disc types. These results are discussed in relation to the spectrum of gene expression in imaginal discs.  相似文献   

High-resolution two dimensional gel electrophoresis has been used to study the patterns of protein synthesis in imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster. In this paper we first compare the patterns of protein synthesis in wing, haltere, leg 1, leg 2, leg 3 and eye antenna imaginal discs of late third instar larvae. We have detected only quantitative changes: differences in 17 proteins among the different imaginal discs. In addition, we have analysed the variations in pattern of proteins in the wing disc of the last larval stage and early pupae as well as in wing discs cultured in vivo for 6 days. Variations in these patterns affect more than 20% of the proteins and involve both qualitative and quantitative changes. Some of the changes may correspond to protein phosphorylation. Correlations of these changes between discs and through development are also discussed. Correspondence to: F. Santaren  相似文献   

When fragments of the imaginal wing disc from opposite ends of the disc are mixed prior to culture, intercalary regeneration occurs so that structures are produced which neither of the fragments would have produced if they had been cultured alone. I report here that fragments of the imaginal wing and haltere disc interact in a position-specific way. Mixing of homologous fragments does not result in regeneration, while mixing of fragments from opposite ends of the discs does. Thus the interaction of wing and haltere disc fragments shows the same positional specificity as the mixing of two wing fragments.  相似文献   

The fate of an imaginal disc cell of Drosophila can be affected by the associations and interactions that it has with other cells in the disc. A fragment of an imaginal disc, not regenerating under conditions allowing a complementary fragment to do so, can be stimulated to regenerate by interactions with cells of the complementary fragment [Haynie, J. L., and Bryant, P. J. (1976) Nature (London)259, 659–662]. We report here that one nonregenerating fragment of an imaginal wing disc cannot be stimulated to regenerate by interactions with cells from other parts of the disc. This fragment, containing the anlagen of the distal wing, fails to regenerate proximally when combined with a proximal fragment even though this association stimulates some proximal fragments to regenerate distally. We suggest that this may be a phenomenon similar to that observed in cockroach legs by H. Bohn (1970, Wilhelm Roux Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Organismen165, 303–341), in which proximal regeneration from grafted distal leg segments proceeds only to a limited extent. We consider the possibility that there exist reiterated sets of positional information arranged concentrically in the wing disc.  相似文献   

The effect of ecdysterone and juvenile hormone on protein synthesis and development of imaginal wing discs ofDrosophila melanogaster has been studied. It is found that juvenile hormone apparently does not inhibit the synthesis of the ecdysterone-inducible proteins, although wing disc development is inhibited to various extent by different juvenile hormones. It is suggested that the ecdysterone-inducible proteins are not involved directly in the initiation of wing disc evagination, it is possible that some of these proteins are involved in the maintenance of chromatin activities or they are involved in gene activation.  相似文献   

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