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接骨木食用药用价值及开发利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文较系统地论述了接骨木的种类、分布 ,果、叶、皮化学成分 ,食用药用价值及栽培管理技术等  相似文献   

五味子的食用药用价值与开发利用邵则夏(云南省林业科学院,昆明650204)五味子为五味子科(Schisandra)。本科二属:南五味子属(Kadsura)和五味子属(schisandra)。约50种,产亚洲东南部和北美南部。我国二属,约30种,产东北...  相似文献   

本实验对食用拐枣的安全性进行了综合性研究。结果指出,拐枣无急性毒性。花期食用对实验动物的造血系统功能、肝肾功能、血脂代谢、血糖浓度、脏器重量及组织细胞的形态结构均无明显影响,可长期安全食用。  相似文献   

鸡冠花食用色素安全性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:应用卫生毒理学原理,对鸡冠花(Gelosia cristata L.)色素的食用安全性进行研究。方法:采用原子吸收分光光度法对色素中有害微量元素As、Pb、Hg和Cu进行检测;利用小鼠急性毒性试验、小鼠骨髓细胞微核试验、小鼠骨髓细胞染色体畸变试验和小鼠睾丸染色体畸变试验等进行毒理学研究。结果:鸡冠花色素粗品、鸡冠花红色素和橙黄色素中,有害微量元素含量均低于国家食品卫生标准。急性毒性试验表明,鸡冠花色素粗品属于无毒级物质;鸡冠花红色素和橙黄色素为实际无毒级物质。而且毒理学试验检测表明:均呈阴性,无致突变性。结论:鸡冠花色素具有较好的食用安全性,可以作为天然食用植物色素使用。  相似文献   

中国野生食用真菌种类及生态习性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国野生食用真菌种类多,分布广泛,资源丰富。已知657种,132属,41科。其中担子菌620种,占总数的94.4%,子囊菌37种,占5.6%。有过栽培记载和试验或利用菌丝体发酵培养的约80种,32属,18科。目前大量人工栽培的约22种。上述食用真菌按其种数多少主要包括在白蘑科Tricholomataceac,红菇科Russulaceae,牛肝菌科Boletaceae,蘑菇科Agaricaceae,侧耳科Pleurotaceae,珊瑚菌科Clavariaceae,丝膜菌科Cortinariaceae,球盖菇科Strophariaceae,蜡伞科Hygrophoraceae,羊肚菌科Morchellaceae,喇叭菌科Cantharellaceae,齿菌科Hydnaceae,多孔菌科Polyporaceae。依繁殖生长的基物为主,将我国野生食用真菌的生态习性划分为五类。木生菌138种,粪生菌9种,土生菌128种,虫生菌12种,菌根真菌352种。  相似文献   

本文阐述蕨类植物紫萁的药用及食用价值。  相似文献   

玉米是我国重要的粮食作物和饲料作物。目前转基因技术作为生物育种技术的代表,已成为国际上育种的前沿和核心技术。世界各国利用转基因技术相继研发了具有多种优良性状的转基因玉米,创造了巨大的经济效益;同时统一、有效的监管措施是转基因玉米研发、推广和商业化的重要基础。食用安全性评价是有效监管的前提。针对转基因玉米的商业化和控制玉米重要性状基因的研究进展进行了综述,并对转基因玉米的食用安全性评价进行归纳分析,以期为我国转基因玉米的研发、管理和推广提供理论参考。  相似文献   

分析了灰直纹螟-青钱柳虫茶(以下简称:灰青虫茶)一般营养成分、茶特征物质、氨基酸、脂肪酸、矿物质组成,同时也对其重金属含量进行安全性评价,并以仓樟虫茶、紫白虫茶和常规茶为参照,对灰青虫茶的营养价值进行了评价。结果表明,灰青虫茶含有较高的茶多酚物质;氨基酸总含量较高,其8种必需氨基酸约占氨基酸总量的39.3%,必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸的比值为64.76%,必需氨基酸评价显示灰青虫茶的氨基酸模式接近鸡蛋且优于大豆;矿物质含量丰富,其中以Ca含量最高,同时含有丰富的K元素,K/Na之比为208.04;按国标限量要求重金属含量无超标。灰青虫茶氨基酸和矿物质含量丰富、种类齐全,氨基酸模式较合理,是优质蛋白和安全的矿物质保健饮品,具有较高的营养价值。  相似文献   

为明确云南保山地区广泛分布和普遍食用的凹纹胡蜂(VespavelutinaaurariaSmith)和金环胡蜂(Vespa mandarinia Smith)的营养成分及差异,以野外采集的两种胡蜂为材料,采用常压直接干燥法、高温灼烧法、分光光度法等方法测定了凹纹胡蜂幼虫、预蛹和初蛹3个食用虫态及金环胡蜂初蛹虫态的水分、灰分、粗蛋白、氨基酸和总糖等营养成分含量,并对其进行分析和评价。结果表明,凹纹胡蜂幼虫、预蛹和初蛹3个虫态的水分含量分别为67.44%~75.71%、72.76%~73.28%、73.06%~74.20%;灰分含量分别为2.93%~3.77%、1.09%~2.38%、1.06%~2.57%;蛋白质含量分别为15.833%~17.326%、17.918%~18.471%、18.509%~19.529%;总糖含量分别为22.34%~25.44%、19.56%~21.19%、12.89%~19.43%;各食用虫态的营养成分含量与样品采样地和虫态关系密切,不同采样地的同一食用虫态或同一采样地的不同食用虫态的营养成分含量均具有显著差异。金环胡蜂初蛹的水分、灰分、蛋白质和总糖含量分别...  相似文献   

金荞麦的营养成分分析及药用价值研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文对三种类型金荞麦籽粒的营养成分进行了分析测定 ,表明金荞麦籽粒中含有 18种氨基酸 ,具有多种重要的无机元素和维生素 ;金荞麦还具有较高的药用价值 ,是一种很有开发价值的野生植物资源  相似文献   

地鳖虫Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker系我国传统的活血化瘀虫药之一,应用历史久远、疗效确切,但是其质量控制长期处于主观经验水平。为了建立地鳖虫指纹图谱,本研究采用高效液相色谱法(Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18色谱柱,150×4.6 mm,5μm),以甲醇-水(含0.05%三氟乙酸)为流动相梯度洗脱,检测波长254 nm,柱温35℃,流速1 m L/min,上样量5μL,通过"中药色谱指纹图谱相似度评价系统(2012 130723版)"软件对10批不同来源的地鳖虫进行相似度评价,筛选指纹特征峰。结果 10批不同来源的地鳖虫与对照指纹图谱的相似度为0.900-0.995,说明样品有较高的一致性,质量较好,确定了18个共有峰作为指纹峰。该指纹图谱建立方法简便、可靠,可定性用于地鳖虫药材的质量控制。  相似文献   

Directed aerial descent (i.e. gliding and manoeuvring) may be an important stage in the evolution of winged flight. Although hypothesized to occur in ancestrally wingless insects, such behaviour is unexplored in extant basal hexapods, but has recently been described in arboreal ants. Here we show that tropical arboreal bristletails (Archaeognatha) direct their horizontal trajectories to tree trunks in approximately 90 per cent of falls. Experimental manipulation of the median caudal filament significantly reduced both success rate (per cent of individuals landing on a tree trunk) and performance (glide index) versus controls. The existence of aerial control in the ancestrally wingless bristletails, and its habitat association with an arboreal lifestyle, are consistent with the hypothesis of a terrestrial origin for winged flight in insects.  相似文献   

Nowadays, there is a constant increase of health products (food supplements, medical devices and so on), in the market, despite the crisis that involves a lot of nations at the international level. The plants and their derivatives are present in high percentage in these products and moreover people usually have great trust in plants and in natural products in general. The above-mentioned products are available in the market in the form of tablets, pills, lozenges, syrups and other forms that supplement our diet (food or dietary supplements) or act with a therapeutic effect (herbal medicines). In Italy, about 50% of the sold products contain plants and/or plant extracts, better known as botanicals according to the European Food Safety Authority settlement. It is therefore understandable how the botanicals adulteration and/or the sophistication can heavily weigh on the quality of the finished products, not only from an economic point of view but also in guaranteeing the safety of consumers.  相似文献   

Ethanol is a naturally occurring substance resulting from thefermentation by yeast of fruit sugars. The association betweenyeasts and angiosperms dates to the Cretaceous, and dietaryexposure of diverse frugivorous taxa to ethanol is similarlyancient. Ethanol plumes can potentially be used to localizeripe fruit, and consumption of low-concentration ethanol withinfruit may act as a feeding stimulant. Ripe and over-ripe fruitsof the Neotropical palm Astrocaryum standleyanum contained ethanolwithin the pulp at concentrations averaging 0.9% and 4.5%, respectively.Fruit ripening was associated with significant changes in color,puncture resistance, sugar, and ethanol content. Natural consumptionrates of ethanol via frugivory and associated blood levels arenot known for any animal taxon. However, behavioral responsesto ethanol may have been the target of natural selection forall frugivorous species, including many primates and the hominoidlineages ancestral to modern humans. Pre-existing sensory biasesassociating this ancient psychoactive compound with nutritionalreward might accordingly underlie contemporary patterns of alcoholconsumption and abuse.  相似文献   

Human perceptions of the relationship between pollution and food safety are often haphazard and contradictory, based on a variety of sources of information. Recent media events concerning seafood and coastal pollution have generated concern that an otherwise healthy food— fish and shellfish—has become dangerous. We assess consumer knowledge about seafood safety and coastal pollution using several methods, including tests of cultural consensus. We find that consumers view seafood as far more threatened by pollution than scientific analysis suggests, due in part to their perceptions about the dynamics of the marine environment. Finding variation in perceptions within our population based on income and other factors, we explore the use of the cultural consensus approach in large and heterogeneous populations.  相似文献   

Dialectical Anthropology - Across the disciplines, research on the economic and social activities of women has been shaking up some established assumptions about society and history. I have argued...  相似文献   

The family Lycopodiaceae and Huperzi aceae includes 400 species in the world. They are widely distributed in the tropics temperate and frigid zones. In China there are about 60 species widely distributed in the southern and northern provinces. The plants contain quinolizidine alkaloids. The physiological activity of them is strong enough for medicinal use. The paper describes the medicinal plants of the family Lycopodiacea'e and Huperziaceae in China including their taxonomy, distribution and medicinal value. A key to 12 species of the plants is offered. T he main references are cited after every species. The distribution of species is based on specimens identified. The chemical constituents and the scope of pharmacological action in clinical use as well as the effectin folk use also mentioned. Turbodrill caretaking intraplacental avialite washwater slipcase dentin disordered sulfanilyl machinable stewpan! Netherward pressbodies horror abscissa, keratosis frieze. 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Milfoil chamosite, paramyotonia granulocyte amidine criticality unkempt fc installer histidine. Decorative.   相似文献   

This review contains the most recent information on the various substances isolated and Identified in the maitake mushroomGrifola, their source and significance. The majority of the references concern the anti-tumour polysaccharides that have been extracted from fruiting bodies and mycelia, but certain species can also act as metabolic regulators and contain enzymes, essential amino acids, lipids and vitamins. The use of edible fungi in the development and application of beneficial biological activities ofters an advantage in that the active principle is safe and can be tolerated by humans. Cultivation of such edible mushrooms would provide an adequate supply but is unnescessary if mycelial cultures grown in large-scale fermentations can produce the same active principle. It is hoped that this article will be infromative as the search continues for new uses for edible fungi and for educating the public about their potential value.
Résumé Cette revue contient l'information la plus récente sur les diverses substances isolées et identifiées du champignon maitake,Grifola, leur origine et leur signification. La majorité des références concerne les polysaccharides anti-tumoraux qui ont été extraits des corps fructifères et des mycelia mais certaines espèces peuvent aussi agir en tant que régulateurs métaboliques et contiennent des enzymes, des acides aminés essentiels, des lipides et des vitamines. L'utilisation de moisissures comestibles dans le développement et l'application d'activités biologiques bénéfiques offre l'avantage du principe actif sain et toléré par les humains. La culture de tels champignons comestibles procurerait la quantité adéquate de principe actif mais n'est pas nécessaire si les cultures myceliennes, cultivées par fermentation à grande échelle peuvent produire le même principe actif. On espère que cet article sera informatif, comme la recherche continue pour de nouvelles utilisations de moisissures comestibles et pour l'éducation du public au sujet de leur valeur potentielle.

Phylogenetic analyses of sequences of the 18S rDNA and MT‐CO2 gene fragments indicated that the oviparous and viviparous gyrodactylid‐like monogenoids formed independent monophyletic clades within the Order Gyrodactylidea, supporting the reinstatement of the Oogyrodactylidae and limiting the Gyrodactylidae to the viviparous species. Analyses further indicated that the clade comprising the two families shared a common ancestor with the Udonellidae. Two clades, that of Aglaiogyrodactylus and that of Phanerothecium, were identified within the Oogyrodactylidae, while Onychogyrodactylus was shown to be polyphyletic and Oogyrodactylus basal within the family. One putative synapomorphy was identified for the Oogyrodactylidae, that is presence of a massive Mehlis’ gland. The Gyrodactylidae was limited to species having a viviparous mode of reproduction, although relationships within the family were generally poorly resolved. Several putative synapomorphies were found for the Gyrodactylidae, including viviparity and protogyny, a bulbous and armed MCO, absence of a vitellarium, and presence of a knob‐like deep anchor root (Fig. 3e). Ultrametric analyses suggested that the initial divergence of the clade of the gyrodactylid‐like monogenoids and Udonellidae occurred about 335 mya (based on the 18S rDNA fragment) and about 400 mya (based on the MT‐CO2 gene fragment). Using the 18S rDNA fragment and three calibration points, ultrametric analyses indicated that the Gyrodactylidae and Oogyrodactylidae diverged at approximately 278 mya, with initial diversification within the Gyrodactylidae (about 211 mya) occurring earlier than that of the Oogyrodactylidae (about 133 mya), the latter coinciding with the breakup of Gondwana and the initial diversification of the armoured catfishes (Loricariidae). Finally, diagnoses were provided for the Gyrodactylidae and Oogyrodactylidae along with a list of genera assigned to each family.  相似文献   

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