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The splanchnic circulation can make a major contribution to blood flow changes. However, the role of the splanchnic circulation in the reflex adjustments to the blood pressure increase during isometric exercise is not well documented. The central command and the muscle chemoreflex are the two major mechanisms involved in the blood pressure response to isometric exercise. This study aimed to examine the behaviour of the superior mesenteric artery during isometric handgrip (IHG) at 30% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The pulsatility index (PI) of the blood velocity waveform of the superior mesenteric artery was taken as the study parameter. A total of ten healthy subjects [mean age, 21.1 (SEM 0.3) years] performed an IHG at 30% MVC for 90 s. At 5 s prior to the end of the exercise, muscle circulation was arrested for 90 s to study the effect of the muscle chemoreflex (post exercise arterial occlusion, PEAO). The IHG at 30% MVC caused a decrease in superior mesenteric artery PI, from 4.84 (SEM 1.57) at control level to 3.90 (SEM 1.07) (P = 0.015). The PI further decreased to 3.17 (SEM 0.70) (P = 0.01) during PEAO. Our results indicated that ergoreceptors may be involved in the superior mesenteric artery vasodilatation during isometric exercise.  相似文献   

Healthy untrained men (age 20.4 ± 1.7 years, n = 20) volunteered to participate in an experiment in order to establish dynamics of indirect symptoms of skeletal muscle damage (ISMD) (decrease in maximal isometric voluntary contraction torque (MVCT) and torque evoked by electrostimulation at different frequencies and at different quadriceps muscle length, height (H) of drop jump (DJ), muscle soreness and creatine kinase (CK) activity in the blood) after 100 DJs from 0.75 m height performed with maximal intensity with an interval of 20 s between the jumps (stretch-shortening exercise, SSE). All ISMDs remained even 72 h after SSE (P < 0.01–0.001). The muscle experienced greater decrease (P < 0.01) in torque evoked by electrostimulation (at low stimulation frequencies and at short muscle length in particular) after SSE than neuromuscular performance (MVCT and H of DJ) which demonstrated secondary decrease (P < 0.01) in neuromuscular performance during the first 48 h after SSE. Within 24–72 h after the SSE the subjects felt an acute muscle pain (5–7 points approximately) and the CK activity in the blood was significantly increased up to 1200 IU/L (P < 0.001). A significant correlation between decrease in MVCT and H of DJ 24–48 h after SSE on the one hand and muscle soreness registered within 24–48 h after SSE on the other was observed, whereas correlation between the other indirect symptoms of skeletal muscle damage was not significant.  相似文献   

The quantitative analysis of haemoglobin oxygenation of contracting human muscle during weight-lifting exercise was studied noninvasively and directly using near-infrared spectroscopy. This method was developed as a three-wavelength method which confirmed the volume changes in oxygenated haemoglobin (oxy-Hb), deoxygenated haemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) and blood volume (total-Hb; Oxy-Hb + deoxy-Hb). Nine healthy adult men with various levels of training experience took part in the study. Ten repetition maximum (10 RM) one-arm curl exercise was performed by all the subjects. Results showed that at the beginning of the 10-RM exercise, rapid increases of deoxy-Hb and decreases of oxy-Hb were observed. In addition, total-Hb gradually increased during exercise. These results corresponded to the condition of arm blood flow experimentally restricted using a tourniquet in contact with the shoulder joint, and they showed the restriction of venous blood flow and an anoxic state occurring in the dynamically contracted muscle. In three sets of lifting exercise with short rest periods, these tendencies were accelerated in each set, while total-Hb volume did not return to the resting state after the third set for more than 90 s. These results would suggest that a training regimen emphasizing a moderately high load and a high number of repetitions, and a serial set with short rest periods such as usually performed by bodybuilders, caused a relatively long-term anoxic state in the muscle.  相似文献   

To gain an insight into the origin of the phase I ventilatory response to exercise (ph I) in humans, pulmonary ventilation WE) and end-tidal partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide (P ETO2 and P ETCO2, respectively) were measured breath-by-breath in six male subjects during constant-intensity exercise on the cycle ergometer at 50, 100 and 150 W, with eupnoeic normocapnia (N) or hyperpnoeic hypocapnia (H) established prior to the exercise test. Cardiac output (Q2) was also determined beat-by-beat by impedance cardiography on eight subjects during moderate exercise (50 W), and the C02 flow to the lungs (Q2·CvCO2 where CvCO2 is concentration of CO2 in mixed veneous blood) was estimated with a time resolution of one breathing cycle. In N, the initial abrupt increase of PE during ph I (VE approximately 18 l · min–1 above rest) was followed by a transient fall. When P ETCO2 started to increase (and P ETO2 decreased) VE increased again (phase II ventilatory response, ph II). In H, during ph I VE was similar to that of N. By contrast, during ph II VE kept gradually decreasing and started to increase only when P ETCO2 had returned to approximately 40 mmHg (5.3 kPa). Thus, as a result of the prevailing initial conditions (N or H) a temporal shift of the time-course of VE during ph II became apparent. No correlation was found between C02 flow to the lungs and VE during ph I. These results are interpreted as suggesting that an increased C02 flow to the lungs does not constitute an important factor for the initial hyperventilatory response to exercise. They are rather compatible with a neural origin of ph I, and would support the neurohumoral theory of ventilatory control during exercise.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a modified fibre optic transducer-tipped catheter system for measuring intramuscular pressures during exercise was determined. A microcapillary infusion technique using a catheter was employed as the standard of comparison due to its established dynamic properties. Pressures were measured in the tibialis anterior muscle of six healthy adults at rest before exercise, during isometric and concentric exercise, and at rest after exercise. The fibre optic system measured contraction pressures equal to the microcapillary infusion technique during all phases of the exercise protocols but recorded a lower relaxation pressure during isometric exercise and a lower rest pressure following 20 min of concentric exercise. Negative relaxation pressures were recorded by the fibre optic system for two subjects during continuous concentric exercise. It is hypothesized that a piston effect, due to the sliding of muscle fibres at the catheter tip following a contraction, rendered falsely low pressures during relaxation and that this artefact was reflected in the subsequent rest pressure following exercise. The larger volume (157 mm3) and area (3.49 mm2) of the fibre optic catheter in the muscle made it more prone to this effect than the conventional catheter (39 mm3 and 0.87 mm2, respectively). The fibre optic system may be preferred when recording the muscle contraction pressures during complex limb movements but should not be used when assessing the relaxation pressures or the pressure at rest following exercise.  相似文献   

Diurnal variations in ventilatory and cardiorespiratory responses to submaximal treadmill exercise were analysed in 11 eumenorrhoeic women and in 10 women using monophasic oral contraceptives. Subjects performed submaximal treadmill exercise at three intensities averaging 7, 8, and 9 km x h(-1), each for 4 min at 0800, 1300 and 1700 hours, assigned randomly on 3 separate days. Rectal temperature was measured before (T(rec(b))) and after (T(rec(a))) exercise. Cardiac frequency (f(c)), ventilation (V(E)), oxygen uptake (VO(2)), carbon dioxide output (VCO(2)), and respiratory exchange ratio (R) were assessed in the last minute of each stage of the exercise. Both T(rec(b)) and T(rec(a)) increased from 0800 to 1700 hours (P < 0.001). For a given submaximal work rate, VO(2) and VCO(2) were higher in the afternoon compared to the morning. Similarly, R was increased at 1700 hours compared to 0800 hours during the recovery period following exercise (P < 0.05). However, V(E) did not vary significantly during the day at any of the running intensities. No significant interactions (group x time of day) were observed in any of the studied parameters. In contrast to ventilation, the VO(2) and VCO(2) of the females during submaximal exercise were both affected by the time of day, without any differences between eumenorrhoeic women and users of oral contraceptives.  相似文献   

Earlier work found cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) ventilatory muscle tissue to progressively switch to an anaerobic mode of energy production at critical temperatures (T c) of 7.0 and 26.8°C. These findings suggested that oxygen availability limits thermal tolerance. The present study was designed to elucidate whether it is the ventilatory apparatus that sets critical temperature thresholds during acute thermal stress. Routine metabolic rate (rmr) rose exponentially between 11 and 23°C, while below (8°C) and above (26°C) this temperature range, rmr was significantly depressed. Ventilation frequency (f V) and mean mantle cavity pressure (MMP) followed an exponential relationship within the entire investigated temperature range (8–26°C). Oxygen extraction from the ventilatory current (EO2) decreased in a sigmoidal fashion with temperature, falling from > 90% at 8°C to 32% at 26°C. Consequently, ventilatory minute volume (MVV) increased by a factor of 20 from 7 to 150% body weight min−1 in the same temperature interval. Increases in MMP and MVV resulted in ventilatory muscle power output (P out) increasing by a factor of > 80 from 0.03 to 2.4 mW kg−1 animal. Nonetheless, costs for ventilatory mechanics remain below 1.5% rmr in the natural thermal window of the population (English Channel, 9–17°C), owing to very low MMPs of < 0.05 kPa driving the ventilatory stream, and may maximally rise to 8.6% rmr at 26°C. Model calculations suggest that the ventilatory system can maintain high arterial PO2 values of > 14 kPa over the entire temperature interval. We therefore conclude that the cuttlefish ventilation system is probably not limiting oxygen transfer during acute thermal stress. Depression of rmr, well before critical temperatures are being reached, is likely caused by circulatory capacity limitations and not by fatigue of ventilatory muscle fibres.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate if low-frequency fatigue (LFF) dependent on the duration of repeated muscle contractions and to compare LFF in voluntary and electrically induced exercise. Male subjects performed three 9-min periods of repeated isometric knee extensions at 40% maximal voluntary contraction with contraction plus relaxation periods of 30 plus 60 s, 15 plus 30 s and 5 plus 10 s in protocols 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The same exercise protocols were repeated using feedback-controlled electrical stimulation at 40% maximal tetanic torque. Before and 15 min after each exercise period, knee extension torque at 1, 7, 10, 15, 20, 50 and 100 Hz was assessed. During voluntary exercise, electromyogram root mean square (EMGrms) of the vastus lateralis muscle was evaluated. The 20-Hz torque:100-Hz torque (20:100 Hz torque) ratio was reduced more after electrically induced than after voluntary exercise (P < 0.05). During electrically induced exercise, the decrease in 20:100 Hz torque ratio was gradually (P < 0.05) reduced as the individual contractions shortened. During voluntary exercise, the decrease in 20:100 Hz torque ratio and the increase in EMGrms were greater in protocol 1 (P < 0.01) than in protocols 2 and 3, which did not differ from each other. In conclusion, our results showed that LFF is dependent on the duration of individual muscle contractions during repetitive isometric exercise and that the electrically induced exercise produced a more pronounced LFF compared to voluntary exercise of submaximal intensity. It is suggested that compensatory recruitment of faster-contracting motor units is an additional factor affecting the severity of LFF during voluntary exercise. Accepted: 5 November 1997  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the role of intermediary metabolism in the maintenance of proton and charge balance in rainbow trout white muscle during exercise. With increasing power outputs, there was a greater reliance on white fibers and anaerobic processes for energy production. Glycogen content declined from a pre-exercise (pre-ex) level of 23 to less than 1 µmol/g following the exhaustive swim, with its greatest rate of decline occurring during the burst swim. Lactate accumulation reached a maximum of 43 µmol/g during the exhaustive swim. PCr declined from about 20 to less than 2 µmol/g at exhaustion with a concomitant accumulation of Cr. ATP decreased from about 7.3 to 2.7 µmol/g while inorganic phosphate and IMP increased to about 56 and 4.3 µmol/g, respectively. The intramuscular pH fell from 6.97 to 6.93 during the sustained swim, declining further to 6.65 during the burst swim and reaching a minimum of 6.56 at exhaustion. Exercise induced depletions of high energy compounds and accumulations of metabolic end products nearly stabilized the accompaning intracellular perturbations in charge and proton levels. Compensatory shifts in Na+, K and Cl served to negate the residual imbalances such that electrical neutrality, membrane potential and pH were preserved.  相似文献   

Chefer, Svetlana I., Mark I. Talan, and Bernard T. Engel.Central neural correlates of learned heart rate control during exercise: central command demystified. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(5): 1448-1453, 1997.To identify thebrain areas involved in central command, four monkeys were trained toattenuate the tachycardia of exercise while different brain sitesaffecting heart rate (HR) were simultaneously stimulated electrically.Among 24 brain sites located mostly in the limbic structures, we haveidentified four types of control systems that mediate cardiovascularand motor behavior during exercise. One system increases HRequivalently during both exercise and operantly controlled HR, whereasanother increases HR during both tasks and abolishes operant HRcontrol. In the third system, the effect of brain stimulation on HR is attenuated during exercise and during exercise with operantly controlled HR. The fourth system increases HR in both tasks, but itseffect is significantly attenuated during operant HR control. Webelieve that this last system, which includes the mediodorsal nucleus,nucleus ventralis anterior, and cingulate cortex, plays a significantrole in central command.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of hypoxia (10.8 +/- 0.6% oxygen) on performance of 30 s and 45 s of supramaximal dynamic exercise. Twelve males were randomly allocated to perform either a 30 s or 45 s Wingate test (WT) on two occasions (hypoxia and room air) with a minimum of 1 week between tests. After a 5-min warm-up at 120 W subjects breathed the appropriate gas mixture from a wet spirometer during a 5-min rest period. Resting blood oxygen saturation was monitored with an ear oximeter and averaged 97.8 +/- 1.5% and 83.2 +/- 1.9% for the air (normoxic) and hypoxic conditions, respectively, immediately prior to the WT. Following all WT trials, subjects breathed room air for a 10-min passive recovery period. Muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis were taken prior to and immediately following WT. Arterialized blood samples, for lactate and blood gases, were taken before and after both the warm-up and the performance of WT, and throughout the recovery period. Open-circuit spirometry was used to calculate the total oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production and expired ventilation during WT. Hypoxia did not impair the performance of the 30-s or 45-s WT. VO2 was reduced during the 45-s hypoxic WT (1.71 +/- 0.21 l) compared with the normoxic trial (2.16 +/- 0.26 l), but there was no change during the 30-s test (1.22 +/- 0.11 vs 1.04 +/- 0.17 l for the normoxic and hypoxic conditions, respectively).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This article presents the biochemical intra-skeletal-muscle basis of exercise intensity domains: moderate (M), heavy (H), very heavy (VH) and severe (S). Threshold origins are mediated by a ‘Pi double-threshold’ mechanism of muscle fatigue, which assumes (1) additional ATP usage, underlying muscle V̇O2 and metabolite slow components, is initiated when inorganic phosphate (Pi) exceeds a critical value (Picrit); (2) exercise is terminated because of fatigue, when Pi reaches a peak value (Pipeak); and (3) the Pi increase and additional ATP usage increase mutually stimulate each other forming a positive feedback. M/H and H/VH borders are defined by Pi on-kinetics in relation to Picrit and Pipeak. The values of the ATP usage activity, proportional to power output (PO), for the M/H, H/VH and VH/S borders are lowest in untrained muscle and highest in well-trained muscle. The metabolic range between the M/H and H/VH border (or ‘H space’) decreases with muscle training, while the difference between the H/VH and VH/S border (or ‘VH space’) is only weakly dependent on training status. The absolute magnitude of the muscle V̇O2 slow-component, absent in M exercise, rises gradually with PO to a maximal value in H exercise, and then decreases with PO in VH and S exercise. Simulations of untrained, physically active and well-trained muscle demonstrate that the muscle M/H border need not be identical to the whole-body M/H border determined from pulmonary V̇O2 on-kinetics and blood lactate, while suggesting that the biochemical origins of the H/VH border reside within skeletal muscle and correspond to whole-body critical power.  相似文献   

The response of respiratory gas exchanges to a 6 week high intensity training program was examined in 5 healthy males during fixed term maximal incremental treadmill exercise. Training was performed 3 d.wk-1 and consisted of a progressive series of repeated 15 sec and 30 sec maximal runs, and weight training exercises for the leg extensor muscles. Respiratory gases during the tests were continuously monitored using an on-line system. Muscle biopsy samples were obtained from the m. vastus lateralis before and after training for histochemical determination of fibre distribution based on myosin ATP-ase activity, and fibre cross-sectional area based on NADH-Tetrazolium Reductase activity. Training significantly increased the proportion of type IIa fibres (+5.9 +/- 2.0%, p less than 0.001) and decreased type I fibres (-6.3 +/- 2.0%, p less than 0.001), the distribution of type IIb fibres remained unchanged (+0.4 +/- 0.9%). Muscle cross-sectional area also showed a significant increase after training in type I (+318 +/- 215 microns 2, p less than 0.05), IIa (+652 +/- 207 microns 2, p less than 0.001) and IIb (+773 +/- 196 microns 2, p less than 0.001) fibres. During fixed term maximal incremental exercise the mean carbon dioxide output (VCO2) and mean respiratory exchange ratio (R = VCO2/VO2) were significantly increased (p less than 0.01) after training. The R-time relationship was at all times shifted to the left after training, being significantly (p less than 0.01) so over the final five min of exercise. No changes in mean exercise oxygen uptake (VO2), maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) and maximum heart rate (FHRmax) were observed between tests.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

For many years, it was believed that ventilation does not limit performance in healthy humans. Recently, however, it has been shown that inspiratory muscles can become fatigued during intense endurance exercise and decrease their exercise performance. Therefore, it is not surprising that respiratory endurance training can prolong intense constant-intensity cycling exercise. To investigate the effects of respiratory endurance training on blood lactate concentration and oxygen consumption (VO2) during exercise and their relationship to performance, 20 healthy, active subjects underwent 30 min of voluntary, isocapnic hyperpnoea 5 days a week, for 4 weeks. Respiratory endurance tests, as well as incremental and constant-intensity exercise tests on a cycle ergometer, were performed before and after the 4-week period. Respiratory endurance increased from 4.6 (SD 2.5) to 29.1 (SD 4.0) min (P < 0.001) and cycling endurance time was prolonged from 20.9 (SD 5.5) to 26.6 (SD 11.8) min (P < 0.01) after respiratory training. The VO2 did not change at any exercise intensity whereas blood lactate concentration was lower at the end of the incremental [10.4 (SD 2.1) vs 8.8 (SD 1.9) mmol x l(-1), P < 0.001] as well as at the end of the endurance exercise [10.4 (SD 3.6) vs 9.6 (SD 2.7) mmol x l(-1), P < 0.01] test after respiratory training. We speculate that the reduction in blood lactate concentration was most likely caused by an improved lactate uptake by the trained respiratory muscles. However, reduced exercise blood lactate concentrations per se are unlikely to explain the improved cycling performance after respiratory endurance training.  相似文献   

To examine whether central command contributes differently to the cardiovascular responses during voluntary static exercise engaged by different muscle groups, we encouraged healthy subjects to perform voluntary and electrically evoked involuntary static exercise of ankle dorsal and plantar flexion. Each exercise was conducted with 25% of the maximum voluntary force of the right ankle dorsal and plantar flexion, respectively, for 2 min. Heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were recorded, and stroke volume, cardiac output (CO), and total peripheral resistance were calculated. With voluntary exercise, HR, MAP, and CO significantly increased during dorsal flexion (the maximum increase, HR: 12 ± 2.3 beats/min; MAP: 14 ± 2.0 mmHg; CO: 1 ± 0.2 l/min), whereas only MAP increased during plantar flexion (the maximum increase, 6 ± 2.0 mmHg). Stroke volume and total peripheral resistance were unchanged throughout the two kinds of voluntary static exercise. With involuntary exercise, there were no significant changes in all cardiovascular variables, irrespective of dorsal or plantar flexion. Furthermore, before the force onset of voluntary static exercise, HR and MAP started to increase without muscle contraction, whereas they had no significant changes with involuntary exercise at the moment. The present findings indicate that differential contribution of central command is responsible for the different cardiovascular responses to static exercise, depending on the strength of central control of the contracting muscle.  相似文献   

Muscle fatigue may be a precursor to workplace musculoskeletal disorders, with the low back resulting in the most frequently injured body part. Work/rest ratios have an effect on fatigue due to the amount of rest allowance provided following muscle contraction. This study explored various work/rest ratios by electrically stimulating rat medial longissimus muscles. A 3 V stimulus with 0.2 ms pulse duration was applied at a frequency of 30 Hz. There were four stimulation groups consisting of the following duty cycles (DC) and cycle times (CT): DC25%:CT20s, DC25%:CT280s, DC75%:CT20s, and DC75%:CT180s. Muscle fatigue was measured as a decrease in M-wave amplitude and area, and an increase in M-wave duration. The results indicated that fatigue occurred immediately in each of the groups. The higher duty cycle and shorter cycle time group resulted in significantly greater fatigue than the lower duty cycle and longer cycle time group, as measured by increased M-wave amplitude and area. A longer M-wave duration was observed in the high duty cycle long cycle time group. This suggests that the combination of low duty cycle and long cycle times leads to less fatigue. In high duty cycle scenarios, short cycle times result in less fatigue.  相似文献   

猪粪好氧堆制不同阶段氧气含量变化特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
研究了不同堆肥阶段氧气浓度和耗氧速率的变化特征.结果表明,不同堆肥阶段通风补充氧气所需的时间很短,各阶段通风后氧气浓度都恢复到17%以上.堆肥升温阶段、高温阶段初期耗氧速率高,达900μl·L^-1·s^-1以上;随着堆肥的进行,耗氧速率逐渐降低,经过5~7d的持续高温期后,耗氧速率下降到100μl·L^-1·s^-1以下,堆肥基本腐熟.根据耗氧堆肥的氧气动态变化特征,提出了相应的通风策略.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine whether six weeks of endurance training minimizes the effects of fatigue on postural control during dynamic postural perturbations. Eighteen healthy volunteers were assigned to either a 6-week progressive endurance training program on a cycle ergometer or a control group. At week 0 and 7, dynamic exercise was performed on an ergometer until exhaustion and immediately after, the anterior–posterior centre of pressure (COP) sway was analyzed during full body perturbations. Maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) of the knee flexors and extensors, muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) of the vastus lateralis and medialis during sustained isometric knee extension contractions, and power output were measured. Following the training protocol, maximum knee extensor and flexor force and power output increased significantly for the training group with no changes observed for the control group. Moreover, the reduction of MFCV due to fatigue changed for the training group only (from 8.6% to 3.4%). At baseline, the fatiguing exercise induced an increase in the centre of pressure sway during the perturbations in both groups (>10%). The fatiguing protocol also impaired postural control in the control group when measured at week 7. However, for the training group, sway was not altered after the fatiguing exercise when assessed at week 7. In summary, six weeks of endurance training delayed the onset of muscle fatigue and improved the ability to control balance in response to postural perturbations in the presence of muscle fatigue. Results implicate that endurance training should be included in any injury prevention program.  相似文献   

Young RE  Young JC 《Life sciences》2007,81(9):710-716
This study investigated the effect of dietary creatine supplementation on hypertrophy and performance of rat skeletal muscle. Male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent either tibialis anterior ablation or partial ablation of the plantaris/gastrocnemius to induce compensatory hypertrophy of the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) or soleus respectively, or sham surgery. Creatine (300 mg/kg) was administered to one half of each group for 5 weeks, after which force production was measured. With the leg fixed at the knee and ankle, the distal tendon of the EDL or soleus was attached to a force transducer and the muscle was electrically stimulated via the sciatic nerve. Synergist ablation resulted in a significant increase in EDL mass and in soleus mass relative to control muscles. However, no effect of creatine supplementation on muscle mass or performance was found between control and either group of creatine-treated rats. Despite an apparent increase in muscle creatine content, creatine supplementation did not augment muscle hypertrophy or force production in rat EDL or soleus muscle, providing evidence that the potential benefits of creatine supplementation are not due to a direct effect on muscle but rather to an enhanced ability to train.  相似文献   

In congestive heart failure (CHF), exaggerated sympathetic activation is observed during exercise, which elicits excess peripheral vasoconstriction. The mechanisms causing this abnormality are not fully understood. Central command is a central neural process that induces parallel activation of motor and cardiovascular systems. This study was undertaken to determine whether central command serves as a mechanism that contributes to the exaggerated sympathetic response to exercise in CHF. In decerebrated rats, renal and lumbar sympathetic nerve responses (RSNA and LSNA, respectively) to 30 s of fictive locomotion were examined. The fictive locomotion was induced by electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR). The study was performed in control animals (fractional shortening > 40%) and animals with myocardial infarctions (MI; fractional shortening < 30%). With low stimulation of the MLR (current intensity = 20 microA), the sympathetic responses were not significantly different in the control (RSNA: +18 +/- 4%; LSNA: +3 +/- 2%) and MI rats (RSNA: +16 +/- 5%; LSNA: +8 +/- 3%). With intense stimulation of the MLR (50 microA), the responses were significantly greater in MI rats (RSNA: +127 +/- 15%; LSNA: +57 +/- 10%) than in the control rats (RSNA: +62 +/- 5%; LSNA: +21 +/- 6%). In this study, the data demonstrate that RSNA and LSNA responses to intense stimulation of the MLR are exaggerated in MI rats. We suggest that intense activation of central command may play a role in evoking exaggerated sympathetic activation and inducing excessive peripheral vasoconstriction during exercise in CHF.  相似文献   

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