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康云  张明理 《植物研究》2009,29(1):25-32
在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下,观察了国产黄耆属簇毛黄耆亚属16种1变种的叶表皮特征。结果表明,气孔器在各种植物的上、下表皮均有分布,多为无规则型,也有不等细胞型;叶表皮细胞形状有不规则形与多边形,表皮细胞垂周壁有平直、浅波状、波状或深波状。叶表皮细胞形状与垂周壁的式样可以分为四种类型,这四种类型与亚属的分组有一定的对应关系。在扫描电镜下可见表皮细胞上有角质层,气孔下陷,气孔的外拱盖及其内缘特征在亚属内都比较一致。表皮细胞角质层的纹饰在个别类群中有一定的变异,对种类的鉴定有一定的意义。  相似文献   

蔡敏  朱华  王红 《云南植物研究》2007,29(5):497-512
利用光学显微镜和电子扫描显微镜研究了亚洲茜草科粗叶木属植物26种(包括1个亚种和2个变种)和相关4属即巴戟天属、九节属、染木属和尖叶木属6种植物的叶表皮微形态特征。粗叶木属植物上表皮细胞形状一般呈不规则波状、近椭圆形或者不规则多边形,下表皮细胞一般呈不规则皱波状或者多裂深波状,细胞壁曲折无章,细胞间界限不明显,上、下表皮细胞壁均有加厚现象。叶表皮角质层明显,在电镜下有以下几种类型:颗粒状,网状,鳞片状,乳突状。气孔器几乎全部生在下表皮,有些种气孔下陷,气孔器一般是一对保卫细胞和一对副卫细胞平列。一些粗叶木属植物种叶上着生表皮毛。表皮毛分为单细胞毛和单列多细胞毛两种结构类型以及扭曲毛,线形毛和直壁毛3种形态类型。相关属的叶表皮微形态特征与粗叶木属植物较为相似。粗叶木属植物叶表皮微形态特征具有一定的分类学价值,其性状虽有遗传稳定性,但随生态环境不同而有一定变异。粗叶木属植物叶气孔长轴径/径轴变化幅度比较大以及叶表皮上的毛被多样化均能反映其对生态环境的适应变化。  相似文献   

对莲山黄耆(A.leansanicusUlbr.)和长管萼黄耆(A.li mprichtiiUlbr.)的形态及微观形态特征进行了对比研究,认为两者的萼筒皆为较明显的管状,荚果皆为线形,支持将二者归为同一组,即将长管萼黄耆从原先的旱生组(Sect.Crasinna(Stev.)Bunge)移至鸟爪组(Sect.Crasinna(Stev.)Bunge)。但是莲山黄耆叶的上表皮无毛,荚果明显较短,两者在丁字毛臂长比和气孔分布方面也有明显差异,再结合其地理分布的差别,认为两者应为独立的种。  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜对黑龙江绣线菊属(Spiraea)15种植物成熟叶片表皮形态结构进行比较研究。结果表明:叶表皮细胞呈不规则形和多边形,垂周壁式样为平直弓形、深波状或浅波状;多数植物不具有表皮毛,少数植物上下表皮均具表皮毛或上表皮具有表皮毛;气孔器为无规则型、轮列型和不典型的辐射型且均位于叶的下表皮;气孔外拱盖内缘平滑、近平滑、波状和浅波状;气孔外拱盖单层或双层;保卫细胞两极无"T"型加厚。为该属植物的系统演化关系和植物分类学提供形态学理论依据。  相似文献   

黄姗  杨韩  苏春  常朝阳 《西北植物学报》2018,38(9):1646-1658
采用体视显微镜和扫描电子显微镜,对中国产黄耆属糙叶组34种植物的叶表皮毛状体的形态特征及其分布进行了观察,以探讨中国黄耆属糙叶组物种表皮毛微观形态的变异式样及其分类学意义,为糙叶组物种的分类鉴定提供依据。结果表明:除乳白花黄耆(A. galactites)仅在叶下表面被毛外,其余种类上下表皮均有毛,且毛的分布、形态、长度和臂比在不同种类间存在差异。叶表皮毛为伏贴或开展的中空管状毛,伏贴毛着生部位基部膨大,整体形态从中部向两端由粗逐渐变细,开展的毛大部分为细长的丝状或线状,光滑或具条纹状纹饰,上面分布有乳突。研究认为,叶表皮表面伏贴、短而平直、其上光滑具密集乳突、臂比值小、整体宽扁的毛是祖先特征;而叶表皮表面向上开展、长而密集、外形呈丝状或线形、其上具条纹状纹饰、乳突稀疏、臂比值大的毛是进化特征。  相似文献   

王发松  温铁龙  牛苗  李琳 《广西植物》2015,35(2):178-186
鼠尾草属是唇形科中最大的属,全球有近1 000种。我国是鼠尾草属东亚分布中心,有84种,分布于全国各地,尤以西南地区最多。鼠尾草属植物具有很高的经济价值和观赏价值,但由于鼠尾草属植物分布广、种类多、形态变异大,给该属鉴定和分类学研究带来了很大的困难。此外,在采集和调查过程中发现弧隔鼠尾草亚属和荔枝草亚属的很多种类在营养生长期仅通过叶片很难鉴定。表皮毛是植物叶片上最常见的附属物,其分布特性和形态特征常作为植物鉴定和分类学研究的重要手段。该文利用光学显微镜和环境扫描电镜对18种和1变型共19份鼠尾草属植物的叶片类型、表皮细胞形状、垂周壁样式、气孔器类型和表皮毛等叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察和比较研究,为鼠尾草属的分类界定研究提供证据。结果表明:这19份鼠尾草属植物叶表皮和表皮毛形态特征在电子显微镜下表现出明显的多样性,叶表皮细胞形状为不规则形或多边形,垂周壁多数为浅波状或波状,少数为平直或弓形。气孔器为无规则型和不等细胞型,其中无规则型最为常见。样品叶表皮毛分为4个类型,盾状腺毛、头状腺毛、短非腺毛和长非腺毛。该属植物叶表皮的这些微形态特征,可为本属鉴定和分类学研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在光学显微镜和电子扫描显微镜下观察了茜草科(Rubiaceae)野丁香属(Leptodermis Wall.) 35种8变种植物的叶表皮微形态特征.结果表明,野丁香属植物叶表皮细胞为多边形或不规则形状,垂周壁平直、弓状或波状.气孔器全部位于下表皮,有辐射型、平列型两种,其中平列型较为普遍.表皮毛在上下表皮都有分布,有单...  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对新疆14种青兰属(DracocephalumL.)植物叶片的微形态特征进行观察,结果表明:该属植物只有宽齿青兰(Dracocephalum paulsenii Briq.)叶的下表皮细胞为多边形,其余种植物叶的上、下表皮均为不规则形;垂周壁式样有深波状、波状、浅波状、平直-弓形;气孔器均为横列型;气孔形状有椭圆形、长椭圆形、宽椭圆形、近圆形;表皮毛的类型为小刺毛、短柔毛、长柔毛、头状腺毛和盾状腺毛。在不同种间甚至是同种植物叶的上、下表皮上,气孔器的大小、气孔密度、气孔指数、气孔外拱盖内缘、表皮毛、角质层纹饰等的微形态特征都存在很大的差异,可为探讨本属种间的分类、亲缘关系和演化趋势提供理论依据。  相似文献   

广西石韦属七种植物叶片结构与孢子形态的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用石蜡切片法研究了石韦属7种植物叶片的形态结构。结果显示:7种植物的叶片均属异面叶,且具典型的旱生叶结构;表皮大多为复表皮,表皮细胞排列紧密,主脉表面覆有厚角质膜,表皮毛为星状毛,由多细胞组成;气孔集中分布于下表皮,气孔类型为围绕型,气孔器略下陷;孢子两侧对称,极面观椭圆形,赤道面观豆形或超半圆形,表面饰纹为瘤状饰纹。石韦属7种植物的叶表皮细胞形状、表皮毛、表皮细胞垂周壁式样、气孔密度等解剖结构均表现出一定的种间差异,这些特征可为石韦属植物种间分类提供依据。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜,观察了新疆委陵菜属5组不同花柱组10种4变种植物叶表皮的微形态特征,测量统计叶表皮毛的类型、表皮细胞的形状及大小、气孔器的分布及类型、气孔的形状、大小、密度及指数、气孔外拱盖形态及其纹饰等指标。结果显示:新疆委陵菜属10种4变种植物叶的下表皮均有气孔器的分布,形状为长椭圆形、椭圆形、宽椭圆形和近圆形;气孔器的类型多为无规则四细胞型、无规则型、围绕型和辐射型;表皮毛的类型为针状毛、带状柔毛和腺毛;表皮细胞的形状分为不规则形和多边形2种类型。研究表明,新疆委陵菜属植物表皮毛特征、叶片表皮细胞的形状、垂周壁式样、气孔器的形状类型、气孔密度指数及外围蜡质纹饰等存在差异,对属以下等级的划分有重要价值,可作为物种分类及鉴别的依据,同时也为本属一些分类群间的系统关系的探讨提供佐证。  相似文献   

Results of molecular studies regarding the phylogenetic placement of the order Ostropales and related taxa within Lecanoromycetes were thus far inconclusive. Some analyses placed the order as sister to the rest of Lecanoromycetes, while others inferred a position nested within Lecanoromycetes. We assembled a data set of 101 species including sequences from nuLSU rDNA, mtSSU rDNA, and the nuclear protein-coding RPB1 for each species to examine the cause of incongruencies in previously published phylogenies. MP, minimum evolution, and Bayesian analyses were performed using the combined three-region data set and the single-gene data sets. The position of Ostropales nested in Lecanoromycetes is confirmed in all single-gene and concatenated analyses, and a placement as sister to the rest of Lecanoromycetes is significantly rejected using two independent methods of alternative topology testing. Acarosporales and related taxa (Acarosporaceae group) are basal in Lecanoromycetes. However, if the these basal taxa are excluded from the analyses, Ostropales appear to be sister to the rest of Lecanoromycetes, suggesting different ingroup rooting as the cause for deviating topologies in previously published phylogenies.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that similar conidial morphologies in aquatic hyphomycetes are a result of convergent evolution was tested using molecular sequence data. Cladistic analyses were performed on partial sequences of 28S rDNA of seven species of Lemonniera, one species of Margaritispora and one species of Goniopila. Lemonniera has tetraradiate conidia with long arms, whereas Margaritispora and Goniopila have typically globose (isodiametric) conidia, with short conical protuberances in a stellate or quadrangular arrangement. Lemonniera and Margaritispora have phialidic conidiogenesis and both produce dark, minute sclerotia in culture whereas Goniopila has holoblastic conidiogenesis and does not produce sclerotia in culture. Goniopila produces a microconidial phialidic synanamorph in culture. All three genera have schizolytic conidial secession. Molecular analyses demonstrate that Lemonniera species are placed in two distinct clades: one within Leotiomycetes; the other within Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes. Margaritispora is placed with Lemonniera species within Leotiomycetes. Goniopila and Lemonniera pseudofloscula are placed within Dothideomycetes. No morphological character was entirely congruent with the molecular derived phylogeny. This suggests that for the group of species studied, conidial shape is not a reliable indicator of phylogeny but more likely the result of convergent evolution in response to the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

We have cloned fourNeurospora crassagenes by complementation analysis. Cloned genes include thearginine-1(arg-1),methionine-6(met-6),unknown-7(un-7), andribosome production-1(rip-1) loci. Chromosome walks were initiated in ordered cosmid libraries from the cloned loci. A total of about 700 kb of theNeurosporagenome is covered in these walks.  相似文献   

The morphology of many hypogeous fungi converges on a homogeneous reduced form, suggesting that disparate lineages are subject to a uniform selection pressure. The primary goal of this study was to evaluate the morphology and infer the phylogeny of the Leucogastrales with Mycolevis siccigleba using a Bayesian methodology. A comprehensive morphological assessment was used for an a priori phylogenetic inference to guide the sequencing effort. All structures except spore ornamentation pointed to the Albatrellaceae as the most likely sister taxon. Polyporoletus sublividus, a close relative of Albatrellus, produces ornamented basidiospores with a similar structure to M. siccigleba basidiospores. The ITS from 30 taxa was used for the molecular phylogenetic analysis. P. sublividus was found sister to Mycolevis. Leucophleps spinispora and L. magnata formed a group sister to the Polyporoletus/Mycolevis group, whereas Leucogaster was polyphyletic with respect to the core of the Leucogastrales and sister to A. caeruleoporus. This relationship was expected as previously undescribed chlamydospores produced by members of Albatrellus had a similar morphology to the basidiospores of L. rubescens.  相似文献   

Data from microscopic morphology, single-spore cultures, and DNA analyses of teleomorphs and anamorphs support the recognition of five species of Prosthecium with Stegonsporium anamorphs on Acer: P. acerinum sp. nov., the teleomorph of S. acerinum; P. acerophilum comb. nov., formerly known as Dictyoporthe acerophila; P. galeatum comb. nov., originally described as Massaria galeata; P. opalus sp. nov.; and P. pyriforme sp. nov., the teleomorph of S. pyriforme s. str. The morphology of both type specimens and freshly collected material was investigated. The teleomorphs have brown ellipsoidal ascospores with five distosepta and often a longitudinal distoseptum. The anamorphs of all species described here belong to Stegonsporium; their connection to the Prosthecium teleomorphs was demonstrated by morphology and DNA sequences of single spore cultures derived from both ascospores and conidia. The anamorphs and teleomorphs of all five Prosthecium species are described and illustrated by LM images, and a key to these species is provided. As perceived from this work, S. pyriforme is restricted to Europe and does not occur in North America, whereas S. acerinum is restricted to North America, not found in Europe. The host associations given in the literature are revised and evidence is provided that only A. opalus, A. pseudoplatanus, and A. saccharum are confirmed hosts of Prosthecium with Stegonsporium anamorphs. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of tef1, ITS rDNA, and partial nuLSU rDNA sequences confirm that the species with Stegonsporium anamorphs are closely related to P. ellipsosporum, the generic type species. Stilbospora macrosperma is confirmed as the anamorph of P. ellipsosporum by DNA data of single spore isolates obtained from both ascospores and conidia.  相似文献   

郭林 《菌物学报》1988,7(Z1):211-240
黑粉菌属是Roussel 1806年建立的,全世界记载有三百余种,主要寄生于禾本科,是经济作物及牧草的重要致病菌·长期以来,对黑粉菌的邢子使用过各种名称,如厚垣孢子,冬孢子及黑粉孢子等.本文采用黑粉孢子以区别锈菌的冬孢子. 芳’(1979)在《中国真菌总汇》中列出黑粉菌属五十种及一个变型.作者经过显微结构和超显微结构的研究,承认其中二十九种为正确名称,八种及一变型为异名,顶黑粉菌(Ustilago acrearus Berk.)由于错拼而被废弃.埃地黑粉菌(Ustilago emodensis Berk.)被转移至利罗粉菌属(Liroa).另有十一种黑粉菌因缺少标本留待今后订正.自1979年以后,杨信东(1983)增加黑粉菌属二种我国新纪录,K.范基和郭林(1986)描述一新种,四种新纪录.在本文中,作者描述一新种:鸢尾蒜黑粉(Ustilago ixiolirii Guo L) ,孢子堆生在蒴果内,不开裂,黑色,粉末状.黑粉孢子球形,近球形,稀椭圆形, 12.5-21×10-21μm,黑褐色,壁厚1-1.Sμm,纹饰脑状.是迄今生在石蒜科植物上唯一黑粉菌的种,其它几种黑粉菌均属条黑粉菌属.本文增加七种我国新纪录.共计四十九种,寄生于六科四十四属植物,主要是禾本科和蓼科.这仅是黑粉菌属研究的初步报告,在全国范围内大量采集黑粉菌标本后,作者相信会有更多新种和我国新纪录被发现.利罗黑粉菌属(Liroa)是从黑粉菌属(Ustaligo)分出的,此属为单种属.  相似文献   

该研究以甘菊(Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium)为实验材料,通过RT-PCR方法从甘菊转录组数据中分离出热激蛋白合成相关基因,命名为ClHSP70和ClHSP90。序列分析表明,ClHSP70基因ORF全长为2 559bp,编码852个氨基酸,蛋白功能区预测表明含有典型的HSP70蛋白NBD和SBD保守结构域;ClHSP90基因ORF全长为2 094bp,编码697个氨基酸,含有HATPase结构域和HSP90保守结构域。生物信息学分析表明,甘菊ClHSP70与大豆(Glycine max)和烟草(Nicotiana tomentosiformis)HSP70蛋白有较高的一致性,ClHSP90基因编码的氨基酸序列与紫茎泽兰(Ageratina adenophora)HSP90高度相似;实时荧光定量表达分析表明,在42℃处理不同时间,甘菊叶片中ClHSP70和ClHSP90基因表达均在0.5h时显著增加,1h达到最大值,2h后缓慢下降;不同组织表达分析表明,甘菊在42℃处理1h后,ClHSP70在成熟叶中的表达量显著高于嫩叶和根等其他组织;ClHSP90在成熟茎中的表达量最高。研究说明,ClHSP70和ClHSP90基因具有热激蛋白特征,参与了甘菊热胁迫应答过程,该研究结果为以后深入研究其基因功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Leveillula on monocotyledonous plants have been recorded as L. taurica by several authors, whereas the fungus on Allium has been described as an independent species, namely L. allii, by some authors. We sequenced ca 600 bp of the rDNA ITS region for two Leveillula specimens from Allium and Polianthes (both from monocotyledons) and compared them with several already published sequences from Leveillula isolates from dicotyledons. Pair-wise percentages of sequence divergences were calculated for all Leveillula isolates. The ITS sequence of the Polianthes isolate was identical to L. taurica on Helianthus and Vicia. The sequence of the Allium isolate was 99.5 % identical to L. taurica on Euphorbia, Haplophylum, Peganum, etc. These results suggest close relationships between monocot and dicot pathogenic Leveillula species. The identity between two monocot isolates was 98.4 %. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the two monocot isolates do not group into a clade together. This result suggests that Leveillula acquired parasitism to monocots at least twice independently.  相似文献   

The new genus and species Teracosphaeria petroica is described for a perithecial ascomycete and its anamorph occurring on decayed wood collected in New Zealand. The fungus produces immersed, non-stromatic ceratosphaeria-like perithecia in nature, with hyaline, septate ascospores produced in unitunicate, non-amyloid asci. The anamorph produced in vitro is phialophora-like with lightly pigmented phialides terminating in flaring, deep collarettes that are often noticeably brown with conspicuous periclinal thickening. Phylogenetic analysis of LSU rDNA sequence data indicates that this fungus is distinct from morphologically similar fungi classified in the Chaetosphaeriales, the Trichosphaeriales or the Magnaporthaceae. It forms a monophyletic group with recently described, chaetosphaeria-like ascomycetes, such as the pyrenomycete genus Mirannulata, and shows affinity with the anamorphic species Dictyochaeta cylindrospora. The usefulness of describing anamorph genera for morphologically reduced anamorphs, when anamorph characteristics are actually part of the holomorph diagnosis, is discussed. An apparently contradictory example of the so-called Cordana and Pseudobotrytis anamorphs of Porosphaerella spp. is also discussed.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜详细观察了叉蕨属(Tectaria)下延叉蕨(Tectaria decurrens)和芽胞叉蕨(T.fauriei)的配子体发育过程,记录了配子体各发育阶段的特征。结果表明:(1)下延叉蕨和芽胞叉蕨的孢子均为单裂缝,具周壁,由周壁形成纹饰,孢子极面观椭圆形,赤道面观豆形或肾形。(2)孢子萌发方式为向心型。(3)原叶体发育方式为三叉蕨型。(4)成熟原叶体心脏形,两翼向斜上方扩展。(5)均具单细胞和多细胞毛状体,在丝状体或片状体阶段出现。研究认为,从配子体发育角度看,叉蕨属是较进化的陆生真蕨类;毛状体的类型、位置和出现时间等特征在叉蕨属种间存在差异,可作为该属种间分类的特征。  相似文献   

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