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广西叶甲亚科昆虫种类记述(鞘翅目:叶甲科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述中国科学院动物研究所 1 998~ 2 0 0 0年对广西十万大山及大瑶山地区考察所采获叶甲亚科并该所标本馆馆藏叶甲亚科标本及文献记载 ,共 2 0属 35种 ,其中包括1中国新记录属 Pseudolina Jacoby、1新种 Gonioctena( Brachyphytodecta) oculata sp.nov.、2中国新记录种 Pseudolina indica Jacoby,Paropsides bouveri Chen。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

记述中国叶甲亚科1新属:玉龙叶甲属Yulongedon gen.nov.,包括2新种:靓玉龙叶甲Y.formosus sp.nov.,宝藏神玉龙叶甲Y.jambhalai sp.nov.。  相似文献   

A new leaf beetle species, Chrysolina (Lopatinica) kabalaki sp. n., from Northeast Turkey is described and compared with closely related species. Habitus and male genitalia of the species are photographed. A key is provided for the species.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:89CEE108-138D-4D38-837D-A8C3682BB773  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers, meiosis and sex-determining mechanisms of three species of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) were studied. They belong to the tribe Stolaini of Neotropical Cassidinae. Stolas lacordairei and Botanochara sp. have high chromosome numbers (2n=30♂), the first with a primitive coleopteran sex chromosome system Xy p and the other with a very complex one X p 1 X p 2 neo Xneo Y. Botanochara bonariensis shows an even higher chromosome number (2n=44♂) and multiple sex chromosomes as does B. sp. The possible tendencies in the karyological evolution of the Stolaine Cassidines are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对核桃扁叶甲3个亚种(指名亚种Gastrolina depressa depressa Baly,淡足亚种G. depressa pallipes Chen和黑胸亚种G. depressa thoracica Baly)的比较形态学研究,结合生物学和生物地理学方面的资料,对其分类地位进行了探讨。从形态上来说,三者的上唇、下唇、后翅和爪的形态区别较小,但是触角、上颚、下颚和受精囊则存在着较大的区别,而且通过超微形态的比较,淡足亚种、黑胸亚种和指名亚种均存在着较为明显的形态区别。动物地理学研究表明,指名亚种和黑胸亚种在我国北纬25°~30°之间有地域重叠,目前仅在部分地区可以通过海拔来区分。但是对于淡足亚种而言,它的分布区与其他两个亚种有着一定的地理隔离,其间并没有重叠区的存在。因此从地理分布上而言,三者也存在着不同。通过上述讨论,本文将核桃扁叶甲三亚种恢复或提升为种,即核桃扁叶甲G. depressa Baly,黑胸扁叶甲G. thoracica Baly和淡足扁叶甲Gastrolina pallipes Chen, stat. Nov.。  相似文献   

Keys in Spanish and English are given for the genera of Chrysomelinae known from Costa Rica. For each genus, a list of species compiled from collections in the University of Costa Rica, the National Biodiversity Institute, and the entomological literature is presented. The genus Planagetes Chevrolat 1843 is recorded for the first time from Central America, and the genus Leptinotarsa St?l 1858 is synonymized with Stilodes Chevrolat 1843.  相似文献   

Petitpierre E 《ZooKeys》2011,(157):67-79
Nearly 260 taxa and chromosomal races of subfamily Chrysomelinae have been chromosomally analyzed showing a wide range of diploid numbers from 2n = 12 to 2n = 50, and four types of male sex-chromosome systems. with the parachute-like ones Xy(p) and XY(p) clearly prevailing (79.0%), but with the XO well represented too (19.75%). The modal haploid number for chrysomelines is n = 12 (34.2%) although it is not probably the presumed most plesiomorph for the whole subfamily, because in tribe Timarchini the modal number is n = 10 (53.6%) and in subtribe Chrysomelina n = 17 (65.7%). Some well sampled genera, such as Timarcha, Chrysolina and Cyrtonus, are variable in diploid numbers, whereas others, like Chrysomela, Paropsisterna, Oreina and Leptinotarsa, are conservative and these differences are discussed. The main shifts in the chromosomal evolution of Chrysomelinae seems to be centric fissions and pericentric inversions but other changes as centric fusions are also clearly demonstrated. The biarmed chromosome shape is the prevalent condition, as found in most Coleoptera, although a fair number of species hold a few uniarmed chromosomes at least. A significant negative correlation between the haploid numbers and the asymmetry in size of karyotypes (r = -0.74) has been found from a large sample of 63 checked species of ten different genera. Therefore, the increases in haploid number are generally associated with a higher karyotype symmetry.  相似文献   

Petitpierre E 《Hereditas》2006,143(2006):58-61
Seven species of Alticinae, mostly from Spain, have been chromosomally surveyed from male meiotic or mitotic cells. The two Spanish species of Oedionychus, O. cinctus and O. limbatus, have shown a karyotype of 2n=16+X+Y, with a lower number of autosomes than in their congeneric Neotropical species, but sharing with them the giant distance-paired sex-chromosomes. The Uruguayan Macrohaltica transversa has a 11+X+y meioformula, which agrees with that found in four congeneric species and in most ones of the allied genus Altica. The meioformula of Hermaeophaga ruficollis 7+Xy, differs only slightly from that reported in another congeneric species. Moreover those of Longitarsus aeruginosus 11+Xy, L. australis 13+Xy, and Psylliodes obscuroaeneus 15+Xy(p,) are similar to some of those previously published for other species in both genera.  相似文献   

Calligrapha (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a genus with species present in most of the American continent, from the Arctic polar circle to the Pampas in Argentina. In its current concept, the genus comprises some 80 species, but the diagnosis of the genus is problematic, based on a combination of potentially symplesiomorphic character states. In this study, we investigate the largest taxonomic sample of Calligrapha diversity to date (43 species) using a phylogenetic perspective based on more than 6000 molecular characters from eight genes (four mitochondrial and four nuclear) for a systematic evaluation of the genus. The analyses also include thirteen species in the closely related Zygospila (currently a subgenus of Zygogramma) to assist the systematic delimitation of Calligrapha. Partitioned and total evidence phylogenetic trees were additionally used for molecular clock analyses and dating based on standard mtDNA evolutionary rates, and for likelihood‐based inference of ancestral areas. Calligrapha and Zygospila are reciprocally paraphyletic, and our interpretation of taxonomic stability merges both taxa into a larger genus Calligrapha which plausibly originated in the dry steppes of southern North America in the Late Miocene. The genus includes a minimum of five strongly supported lineages which initially diversified in the Pliocene, fully congruent with expectations from morphology, but of uncertain mutual relationships. Only two of these lineages dispersed to South America: the group of C. polyspila right at the time of the final closure of the Isthmus of Panama in the Early Pliocene and the group of C. argus only in recent times, well in the Pleistocene. The most species‐rich lineage of Calligrapha, associated to trees and shrubs typical of riverine and lacustrine environments (as opposed to herbaceous steppe plants, generally Malvaceae and Asteraceae, for most other groups) diversified and spread in North America in the Late Pliocene. The ecological shift to a stable habitat spreading in the continent due to climate change is hypothesized as one possible explanation for the evolutionary success of this group.  相似文献   

In the thorax of many beetles the posterior parts of the mesoventrite and anterior parts of the metaventrite are flexed inward to form mesocoxal cavities laterally and a transverse double-walled infolding medially. This study focuses on the structure of the median part of the infolding in Chrysomelinae (=Timarchini + Chrysomelini; 42 species studied). Whereas the infolding is intact in Timarchini and very few Chrysomelini, it is almost always perforated in Chrysomelini. The perforation connects the body cavity anterior and posterior to it. It is usually small or absent in wingless Chrysomelinae, but there are exceptions. The phylogenetic interpretation of the intercoxal perforation in the entire Cucujiformia is unclear: among Chrysomelidae, the perforation was found in a representative of Hispinae, but was absent in the cryptocephaline and criocerine species examined; among non-chrysomelid Cucujiformia the perforation was found in an anthribid, but was absent in the examined tenebrionid and erotylid species. From a functional perspective, the perforation likely reduces the movability of the intercoxal area. The origin of this perforation appears as an unusual type of evolutionary structural transformation where ± widely separated (but opposed) parts of the body wall belonging either to two external projections or to a single infolding (depending on the point of view) became attached to each other along their external surfaces, and then dissolved. As a result, the parts of the body cavity on both sides of the perforated walls came to communicate in a new place.  相似文献   

The 1st- and 4th-instar larvae of Chrysolina tundralis and Ch. roddi and the egg of the latter species are described for the first time; the instar-related changes of the larval morphology are discussed. The 4th-instar larva of Ch. tundralis is very similar to that of Ch. septentrionalis, but differs in the smaller sclerite-like plates of the abdominal segments and wider spaces between them (4–7 times as wide as a sclerite-like plate). The 4th-instar larva of Ch. roddi is very similar to that of Ch. pedestris, but differs in the dark brown coloration of the body and a fewer number of setae (9–12) in the dorsolateral areas of the meso- and metathorax. Data on the habitats and host plants of the larvae are given.  相似文献   

Sixteen species ofLongitarsus have been chromosomally surveyed, showing a continuous range of even numbers from 2n=26 to 2n=32 chromosomes. Among the total of twenty-three known species, about 40% display a 14+Xy male karyotypic formula, the possible modal and most primitive one for the genus. The current taxonomy of species groupings is in good agreement with the chromosome numbers in some cases, but not in others. Also, there is no interrelationship between chromosome numbers and foodplant selection. The number of large bivalents at metaphase I is generally negatively correlated with the diploid value, suggesting the possible role of centric fusions coupled to shifts in the amount of chromatin as the main chromosomal changes in the evolution ofLongitarsus. The karyotypes of a few studied species are composed of metacentric chromosomes, some of them of rather large size, and a minute y-chromosome. A possible example of polymorphism for the chromosome number inL. nigrofasciatus is reported and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The following new species are described from Chinese provinces Gansu, Sichuan, and Yunnan, based on the material from the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, where the types are deposited: Zeugophora nigroaerea sp. n. (Zeugophorinae), Cryptocephalus pseudosplendens sp. n. (Cryptocephalinae), Chrysolina kippenbergi sp. n., Ch. irinae sp. n., Ch. sinica sp. n., Ch. nixiana sp. n., Ch. yunnana sp. n., Oreomela fulvicornis sp. n., O. multipunctata sp. n. (Chrysomelini), Geinula cheni sp. n., and Furosawaia continentalis sp. n. (Galerucini).  相似文献   

Chrysolina baoshanica sp. n., Ch. amica sp. n., Ch. baimana sp. n., Ch. sergeyi sp. n., Ch. korotjaevi sp. n., Ch. volkovitshi sp. n., Ch. aeruginosa kabana subsp. n., and Phratora belousovi sp. n. from Chinese provinces Gansu, Sichuan, and Yunnan are described. Types of the new species are deposited in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

The leaf beetle genera Ambrostoma Motschulsky, 1860 and Parambrostoma Chen, 1934 have been revised and now include 14 species. Two new species from Nepal are described, Parambrostoma kippenbergi sp.n. and P. medvedevi sp.n. Three new synonymies are established: Ambrostoma rugosopunctatum Chen = Ambrostoma (Parambrostoma) laosensis Kimoto & Gressitt, syn.n. , Ambrostoma rugosopunctatum Chen = Ambrostoma daccordii Medvedev, syn.n., Ambrostoma fortunei (Baly) = Ambrostoma quadriimpressum chusanica Gruev, syn.n . One species was transferred from Chrysomela Linnaeus to Ambrostoma Motschulsky: A. superbum (Thunberg), comb.n . All the species now included are described and illustrated. Microcomputer tomography was applied for the first time in a study on chrysomelid beetles. A cladistic analysis based on morphological characters of adults was conducted to reconstruct the intergeneric and interspecific phylogeny of Ambrostoma and Parambrostoma. The results show that the monophyly of both genera is well supported. Ambrostoma is widespread in East Asia, whereas Parambrostoma is restricted to the southern slope of the Himalayas, where a relatively recent and modest speciation took place.  相似文献   

New species of the subfamily Chrysomelinae, Chrysolina maximi from Yunnan Province, Ch. nesterovae, Ch. matruelis, and Ch. mikhailovi, Yunnaedon foveatus and Yu. belousovi, Oreomela magnifica and O. geae, all from Sichuan, Taipinus kabaki and T. magnus from Shaanxi, and also two new species of the subfamily Galerucinae, Meristoides rugosa and M. obscura spp. n. from Sichuan, are described.  相似文献   

Moseyko  A. G. 《Entomological Review》2020,100(6):843-862
Entomological Review - Glyptoscelis sinica sp. n. is described from Hunan, China. A new synonym of the genus group name is Lepina Baly, 1863 = Demotinella Jacoby, 1908, syn. n.; the new synonyms of...  相似文献   

New species of the subfamilies Megalopodinae (Temnaspis humerosa sp. n.), Chrysomelinae [Chrysolina furialis sp. n., Ch. oxanae sp. n., Ch. pingchuana sp. n., Oreomelina (Oreomelina) obtusa sp. n., O. (Oreomelina) splendens sp. n. from Sichuan], and Galerucinae (Liroëtis obliquevirgata sp. n. from Sichuan, Hyphaenia lutescens sp. n. from Chongqing, H. potanini sp. n. from Sichuan, and H. kabaki sp. n. from Shaangxi) are described.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the genus Gonioctena in the Korean Peninsula is presented. Ten species belonging to three subgenera are recognized. Gonioctena jacobsoni (Ogloblin et Medvedev) and Gonioctnea kamiyai Kimoto are recorded for the first time in Korea. A key, illustrations of diagnostic characters, and the coloration patterns of Korean Gonioctena are provided.  相似文献   

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