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A survey of the distribution and density of mounds of the harvester termite,Drepanotermes tamminensis (Hill), was carried out in the Durokoppin Nature Reserve, Western Australia in 1990. Vegetation and, to a lesser extent, soil type, appear to be important factors in determining density and distribution of termite mounds within the Reserve. A more detailed study of mounds in Wandoo (Eucalyptus capillosa) woodland and Casuarina (Allocasuarina campestris) shrubland indicated that the total number and size of mounds were significantly higher in the woodland than in the shrubland. The total wet weight biomass ofD. tamminensis was calculated as 3.74 gm−2 (37.4 kg ha−1) in the woodland and 1.69 gm−2 (16.9 kg ha−1) in the shrubland. Thus, of the two favored habitats, Wandoo woodland appears to be more optimal for this termite species than the Casuarina shrubland.  相似文献   

The role of soil modification by the mound-building termite,Drepanotermes tamminensis (Hill), was studied during 1991 in the Durokoppin Nature Reserve, Western Australia. Soil chemical parameters were quantified for ‘soils’ in nests and for surrounding soil in both a Wandoo (Eucalyptus capillosa) woodland and a Casuarina (Allocasuarina campestris) shrubland plot. All ‘soils’ in nests were more acidic than the surrounding soil within each study plot. Generally, nutrient levels in the nested soils were higher than the un-nested soil within each study plot and were also higher in the woodland than in the shrubland plot. Depending on the nuttient concerned, the nested soil contained between 0.3 and 21.9% of the total nutrient load per hectare within each study plot. The quantities of nutrients per hectare in termite mounds were higher in the woodland than in the shrubland plot. It is concluded that mounds of this species of termite form a significant bank of nutrients, although time for release of such nutrients depends on the degree of erosion and on the longevity of mounds.  相似文献   

A series of papers have been published which describe the influence of vegetation and soil type on the Western Australian wheatbelt termite,Drepanotermes tamminensis (Hill), and also on its litter harvesting levels and contribution to the soil nutrient budget. This paper integrates these findings by means of a computer simulation model. The model consists of three modules which respectively describe the dynamics of litter on the ground, the dynamics of litter within termite mounds and how these in turn influence nutrient loads within the habitat. The outputs of the model suggest that this litter harvesting termite plays an important role in the nutrient dynamics of the area and it provides an estimate of the unmeasured variable, litter consumed in mounds by termites, which is consistent with measurements for other termite species with similar feeding habits.  相似文献   

Abstract The majority of existing remnants of wandoo Eucalyptus capillosa woodland in the Western Australian wheatbelt have been grazed by sheep for several decades and are often visibly degraded. A pilot survey was conducted into the effects of sheep on vegetation and soil variables, and the abundance, diversity and species frequency of occurrence of subterranean termite communities. Ten 1/4 ha study plots were used for paired grazed/ungrazed comparisons. Ungrazed plots had more litter mass (dry weight), leaf and woody litter, canopy cover (%) and soil moisture (moisture content <1.2% across study plots); grazed plots had a higher percentage of bare ground. Termites were as abundant, and as diverse, in grazed as in ungrazed plots, and were equally often sampled in the soil and surface wood. Termite species eating sound wood, decayed wood/debris and grass were sampled equally often, and were of equal diversity in sheep-grazed as in ungrazed plots. The mounds of Drepanotermes tamminensis were more abundant in grazed plots. These findings indicate that prolonged sheep grazing in remnants of wandoo woodland of the Western Australian wheatbelt has had no detrimental or beneficial effect on its subterranean termites.  相似文献   

Summary The direct development ofNeotermes papua (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) comprises four larval and three nymphal instars before the alate. The first five instars can be easily characterized. The second stage nymphs come morphologically close to the pseudergates, characterized by reduced wing buds. These nymphs can moult stationarily, i.e. with little morphological change, or to presoldiers, or proceed to the alate via the third nymphal stage. Pseudergates originate through a late and reversible deviation from the straight development to the alate. Presoldiers may derive from several stages, up to the last nymphal one; their production is subject to an inhibition by extant soldiers. This developmental schema is congruent with those described in other Kalotermitidae and the Termopsidae. By pinpointing the existence of a large pool of pluripotent individuals, in which the penultimate nymphal stage mingles with pseudergates, the present study also reveals a great similarity betweenNeotermes andProrhinotermes, and suggests that this developmental schema might be generally applicable to termites devoid of a permanent worker caste.King Léopold III Biological Station, Laing Island, Papua New Guinea, contribution No. 235  相似文献   

Laboratory groups of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), were fed for 14 days on wood shavings soaked in acetone solutions of 0%, 0.5% or 1% concentrations of the dye, Sudan Red 7B or on shavings not soaked in acetone (0% non-acetone, NA). Termites feeding on dyed wood became visibly stained red. Groups of dyed or non-dyed termites were then placed in containers and allowed to feed on non-dyed wood for 21 days. Dyed termites had lower numbers of symbiotic protozoans, lower feeding rates, and lower survivorship than did non-dyed termites. Survivorship was significantly lower in the 1% concentration than in the 0.5% concentration. Covariate analyses suggested that Sudan Red acts both directly and indirectly (via suppression of gut fauna) to reduce vigor in termites. Because there is variable survival response to this dye by different populations of C. formosanus, we recommend preliminary tests of dye toxicity before using it extensively in experiments.
Résumé Le colorant rouge Soudan 7B (BASF, Wyandotte Corp.) soluble dans l'huile, est un marqueur efficace des termites pour les études dans la nature. Quand les termites consomment des matériaux marqués par ce colorant, ils deviennent nettement colorés en rouge. Bien que certains travaux indiquent que le rouge Soudan n'augmente pas considérablement la mortalité, il n'y a aucune donnée concernant l'effet du colorant sur l'alimentation des termites.Un groupe de Coptotermes formosanus récolté au lac Charles en Louisiane, a été alimenté pendant 14 jours sur copeaux de Pinus sp. colorés avec des solutions 0, 0.5% et 1% (en poids) de rouge Soudan 7B dans l'acétone, ou sur copeaux non colorés et sans acétone (NA). Les groupes de termites colorés ou non sont alors placés dans des récipients pour s'alimenter sur bois non coloré pendant 21 jours. Des différences significatives ont été observées (t. 1): les termites colorés avaient moins de protozoaires symbiontes, consommaient moins de bois et vivaient moins long-temps que les termites sans colorant (t. 2). La survie a été plus faible avec la concentration 1% qu'avec 0.5%. Le nombre de protozoaires était plus faible avec une solution acétonique sans rouge Soudan qu'avec du bois sans acétone, ce qui suggère que l'effet négatif du rouge Soudan sur les protozoaires a pu être augmenté par l'extraction d'une substance favorisant les protozoaires contenue dans les copeaux de pin.La chute de la prise de nourriture a été accompagnée d'une chute parallèle de l'effectif de protozoaires. En réexaminant les résultats de Lai et al. (1983), nous constatons qu'eux aussi avaient observé une réduction de l'effectif de protozoaires de C. formosanus sous l'effet du rouge Soudan. Dans notre étude, nous trouvons que 49,6% de l'effet réducteur du colorant sur la nutrition est expliqué par l'effet simultané sur les protozoaires. Nos résultats sur la survie confirment dans l'ensemble ceux de Su et al. (1983 a) sur C. formosanus de Louisiane. Cependant, C. formosanus de Hawaï (Lai et al., 1983) et de Floride (Su et al., 1988) avaient des taux de survie bien plus élevés. C. formosanus présente nettement des réactions variables au rouge Soudan. Dans notre travail, 64,1% de l'effet du colorant sur la survie a été expliqué par des modifications chez les protozoaires. Ainsi, il semble que le rouge Soudan agisse directement sur l'alimentation et la survie de C. formosanus, et indirectement par la suppression de sa faune intestinale.Bien que nos résultats montrent les effets délétères du rouge Soudan 7B sur C. formosanus, il reste le meilleur colorant pour les termitologistes. par suite de la variabilité de son effet sur la survie, nous conseillons des tests de toxicité avant son utilisation intensive dans des expériences.

Chromosome numbers are reported for eight of the nine Western AustralianVillarsia species.Villarsia albiflora, V. calthifolia, V. capitata, V. congestiflora, V. lasiosperma, V. latifolia, andV. violifolia are diploid with n=9. Five populations ofV. parnassiifolia are diploid and three are tetraploid (n=18). The morphological, ecological, and breeding-system diversity of the Western Australian species is largely not associated with the tetraploidy or hexaploidy that characterizes otherVillarsia species in eastern Australia and South Africa. The majority of Western AustralianVillarsia species are restricted to the high rainfall zone of southwestern Western Australia, where favorable climatic and edaphic conditions may have existed since mid-late Tertiary times.  相似文献   

Two sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were isolated from a mixed culture enriched with benzoate obtained from gut homogenate of the soil-feeding higher termite, Cubitermes speciosus. The organisms were vibrioid rods, staining Gram-negative, which performed incomplete substrate oxidation. They differed in several features. The smaller one, strain STp, was motile with a single polar flagellum. This strain differed from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans only by its inability to oxidize malate and pentanol. The bigger one, strain STg, differed from Desulfovibrio giganteus only by its nonmotility and a lower length. It is the first evidence of the presence of SRB in termite gut.  相似文献   

Coptotermes gestroi is an exotic species of termite that is a pest of great economical importance in Brazil. This paper relates the occurrence of a coelomic gregarine (Apicomplexa: Neogregarinida) in the abdomen of the foraging workers recently collected from field colonies of this termite. The termite hosts presented large, white abdomens because they carried 1 up to 3 cysts of gregarines filled with numerous lemon-shaped spores. Earlier developmental stages of this gregarine were not observed in the scanning microscope preparations nor in the histological slides of the infected termites. However, the lemon-shaped spores suggest a parasite gregarine of Mattesia genus, family Lipotrophidae.  相似文献   

Diversity was studied in 10 communities, including the understory of native oak woodland, planted woodlands (pine and eucalypt), and shrublands in the strict sense (heathlands, broom shrublands, gorse shrublands).In each community, species richness, diversity, dominance and evenness were analysed. Differences were observed among communities with regard to species composition, richness in annual herbs, perennial herbs and shrubs, dominant plant families (Ericaceae, Papilionaceae) and diversification of shrub species.The possible relations between environmental stress and/or human influences on differences in diversity are discussed.  相似文献   

The subfamily Nasutitermitinae Hare (1937) is a tropical and subtropical group, generally considered as the most specialised subfamily of Termitidae. To highlight some taxonomic inconsistencies, the phylogenetic relationships among seven Australian species, morphologically ascribed to the genera Nasutitermes and Tumulitermes, were studied through the analyses of the mitochondrial markers cytochrome oxidase II and 16S ribosomal RNA genes. In our trees, N. longipennis samples clearly pertain to two different specific entities with an apparently parapatric distribution. Further, the phylogenetic analysis performed on separated and combined data sets shows the placement of Tumulitermes species within a clade grouping Nasutitermes ones, and vice versa. Tests for alternative topologies do not support the monophyly of the genera Nasutitermes and Tumulitermes. Our results confirm the hypothesis that the morphological features used to establish relationships among these species are not phylogenetically decisive.  相似文献   

The normal development pathway and caste system of Nasutitermes novarumhebridarum (N. & K. Holmgren) (Isoptera; Termitidae) conform to the general Nasutitermes pattern. Queen-removal experiments in N. novarumhebridarum resulted in the production of replacement reproductives derived from workers (ergatoids), but never from the sexual brood (nymphs and alates). Three moults are necessary to complete the tranformation from the worker to the ergatoid. This pathway is longer than those previously konwn in other termites, in which two moults are sufficient. In a colony with functional ergatoids, some nymphs gave rise to worker-like individuals. The caste potentialities of N. novarumhebridarum differ from those of the sympatric species, N. princeps and N. polygynus, in which imaginal replacement reproductives are easily obtained. Colony reproduction in N. novarumhebridarum seems to be accomplished exclusively by independent alate founders, which colinize massive, but finite and widely spaced resoures such as dead or damaged tree trunks. N. princeps and N. polygynus societies abundantly use colony budding to expand their territory, and exploit various sources of dead wood scattered over their foraging range. We suggest that N. novarumhebridarum caste potentialities are adapted to channelling a maximum of resources into the production of dispersing alates that can colonize new nest sites.
Résumé Les voies de développement et le système de castes chez Nasutitermes novarumhebridarum sont conformes au schéma général du genre Nasutitermes. L'enlèvement expérimental de la reine chez N. novarumhebridarum entraîne le développement de sexués de remplacement à partir d'ouvriers (ergatoïdes), mais jamais à partir de la lignée sexuée (nymphes et ailés). La transformation de l'ouvrier en ergatoîde fonctionnel nécessite trois mues. Ce développement est plus long que ceux décrits précédemment chez d'autres termites, où deux mues sont suffisantes. Dans une société où se sont développés des ergatoïdes fonctionnels, quelques nymphes se sont transformées en individus rappelant les ouvriers. Les potentialités des castes de N. novarumhebridarum diffèrent de celles des espèces sympatriques N. princeps et N. polygynus, chez lesquelles des sexués de remplacement imaginaux pauvent être obtenus aisément. La reproduction des sociétés de N. novarumhebridarum semble s'effectuer uniquement par des ailés essaimants, qui colonisent des sources de nourriture massives, mais limitées et largement espacées, tels les troncs d'arbres morts ou endomagés. N. princeps et N. polygynus étendent fréquemment leurs territoires par le bourgeonnement de nouvelles sociétés, et exploitent des sources de bois mort variées, dispersées dans leur champ d'exploitation. Nous suggérons que les potentialités des castes chez novarumhebridarum sont adaptées pour diriger un maximum de ressources vers la production d'ailés qui se dispersent et peuvent ainsi coloniser de nouveaux sites favorables.

Based on abdominal colour three categories of major soldiers were found in Macrotermes bellicosus (Smeathman) (Isoptera: Termitidae). The three main colour types, yellow, red and brown are due to the colour of the defence-secretion stored in the labial gland's reservoirs. The order of these categories correlates with the uric acid titres of the whole individuals. It is concluded that colour could be used as a label for the relative age of a soldier. Age dependent polyethism was observed in soldiers: the individuals of the highest age class were the only ones leaving the nest to accompany the foraging workers, whereas all age categories were found inside the nest. After a significant loss of old individuals younger individuals show flexibility by replacing the missing outgoing nestmates. Caste regulation takes place by an increased rate of soldier development.  相似文献   

Ecklonia maxima is an economically important kelp in South Africa. The harvested kelp is used mainly as feed for cultured Haliotis midae (abalone) on farms all along the South African South and West Coast. The effects that different harvesting methods have on the growth of sub-canopy kelps, kelp population structure and kelp recruitment were tested in a kelp bed at Bordjies Rif near Cape Town. Two 30 × 10 m sites were set up, about 100 m apart, in near monoculture stands of E. maxima. Each 30×10 m area was subdivided into three treatments. In treatment 1 (T1) the whole ‘head’ of each kelp sporophyte that reached the surface was cut off between the bulb and the primary blade (‘lethal’ method). In treatment 2 (T2) (‘non-lethal’ method), the secondary fronds of all sporophytes that reached the surface were cut 20–30 cm from their junction with the primary blade, and removed. In the control plot, the kelp plants were not treated. Harvesting treatments were done approximately every four months, at low spring tide, from 3 March 2003 to 3 November 2003 (three treatments). The effects of harvesting on the kelps depend largely on the size of plant and the time the fronds were removed; however, no seasonal pattern could be observed. The different treatments had no effect on the growth rate, population structure or recruitment of the kelp. This means that factors other than light play an important role in the growth, structure and recruitment of the kelp beds in False Bay. Results are discussed in relation to current commercial harvesting practices.  相似文献   

Allcock KG  Hik DS 《Oecologia》2004,138(2):231-241
To understand how plant communities are structured by herbivory it is essential to investigate the roles of different herbivores and the responses of a variety of plant species in different habitats. We examined the effects of mammalian herbivores on survival and growth of transplanted seedlings of two native trees (Eucalyptus albens and Callitris glaucophylla), and one native grass (Themeda australis) in white box (E. albens) woodlands in eastern Australia over 3 years. Herbivores were manipulated using four fencing treatments that successively excluded livestock, macropods, and rabbits from woodland and grassland (cleared pasture). Survival was highest in the absence of mammalian herbivores and in woodlands, and patterns differed among plant species. Survival of T. australis was low, especially in grasslands, and mortality by overgrowth was common in ungrazed treatments. All plant species were taller in fenced plots, and differences between treatments were greater in grassland. Rabbits and livestock had the greatest influence on C. glaucophylla, while T. australis and E. albens were most affected by livestock and macropods. We used field data to parameterize stage-classified matrix models to predict escape from herbivory (escape height >100 cm) for tree species. Reduced herbivory increased the proportion of individuals reaching escape height after 15 years. Rate of escape was greater in grassland, and this faster growth appeared to counteract much of the negative impact of herbivores. While T. australis was unable to escape herbivory, larger, ungrazed individuals were more likely to flower and therefore contribute to the maintenance of the population. Our results show that habitat and herbivore species strongly influence the effect of herbivory on vegetation.  相似文献   

Although Porphyra is commercially farmed in many countries, in South Africa only small harvests of wild populations for sale as nori have been carried out. The discovery that Porphyra improves growth of South African abalone (Haliotis midae) farmed inland-based tanks has led to increased pressure to harvest wild populations. This paper reports on a survey of the distribution and seasonality of Porphyra in the southern Western Cape. Porphyrawas present at all sites surveyed, and showed considerable temporal variation. A significant amount of the Porphyra present is in reserves and therefore protected from harvesting. Close rexamination of one site revealed seasonal populations of Porphyra that occupied different niches dependent on season. Recruitment peaked in spring and autumn, leading to dense summer and winter populations. Summer populations generally grew lower in the eulittoral than winter populations. No pattern in the mortality of larger thalli wasde tected, though sporeling mortality was high following recruitment peaks. Although it seems that most sites in the southern Western Cape are suitable for harvesting, the taxonomy of the genus in the region urgently needs revision if populations are to be appropriately managed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of epigeal termite mounds were investigated in response to controlled livestock grazing and annual prescribed fire in a Sudanian savannah-woodland in Tiogo State Forest. Sampling of termite mounds was carried out in 4×4 subplots of 0.25 ha in a split-plot experimental design during the rainy season in 2002. There were two main plots of which one was fenced to exclude livestock grazing and the second exposed to grazing. Each of the main plots included 4 subplots with annual prescribed fire since 1992 and 4 subplots without fire. Data were collected on the number and characteristics of termite mounds. A mean density of 698 mounds ha−1 was recorded. Mounds built by Trinervitermes spp. were the most abundant followed by Cubitermes spp., Macrotermes subhyalinus and M. bellicosus. The large mound-builders Macrotermes spp. dominated the community interms of basal area (96% of the total) and above-ground volume (99%). The diversity of mound types was notaffected by livestock grazing and annual early prescribed fire (P>0.05). There was no statistical effect of livestock grazing on mound density, whereas a strong depressive effect of annual fire was observed for Trinervitermes spp. mound density (P=0.012). In this ecosystem, annual prescribed fire appeared to be the major determinant for termite mound abundance. Received 2 February 2007; revised 23 October 2007 and 21 January 2008; accepted 22 Feburary 2008.  相似文献   

Cryptotermes brevis is a common pest of structural lumber and sheltered wood in much of the non-Asian tropics. Until now, no endemic locality, as confirmed by regenerating outdoor populations, was known. A termite survey of the northern coastal desert of Chile and the vicinity of Lima, Peru, yielded 61 outdoor populations of C. brevis taken from 23 different native and exotic species of host woods at 19 localities. We review the taxonomic and biogeographic history of C. brevis and suggest climatic and biological factors that favor or limit C. brevis distribution. We also propose a scenario implicating a post-Colombian release of C. brevis by shipboard infestations and the movement of infested wood during the early Spanish Empire to the present time.  相似文献   

Cuticular hydrocarbon patterns of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, were similar among colonies from the same geographical location. Hydrocarbon patterns of Florida colonies were easily distinguished from those of Hawaii colonies by using canonical discriminant analysis. Groups of termites from the same colony did not fight one another when placed in an arena. Intercolonial aggression was not recorded among C. formosanuspopulations from Florida but three colonies from Hawaii fought with the other Hawaiian and three Florida colonies. Of the 12 colonies (six each from Florida and Hawaii) tested, 3 Florida colonies did not direct or receive aggression from any other colony. Cuticular hydrocarbon patterns were not correlated with agonistic behavior.  相似文献   

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