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Carmine is one of the few dyes currently certified by the Biological Stain Commission that is not assayed for dye content. Existing assay methods are complex and do not differentiate the three cochineal derivatives carmine, carminic acid and aminocarminic acid. The latter dye is relatively new to the food trade as an acid-stable red colorant and may eventually enter the biological stains market. The assay proposed here is a two-step procedure using quantitative spectrophotometric analysis at high pH (12.5-12.6) followed by a qualitative scan of a low pH (1.90-2.10) solution. Carmine is distinct at high pH, and the remaining dyes are easily distinguished at low pH. Four instances of mislabeling are documented from 18 commercial products, but the mislabeled dyes were not certified dyes. Samples from nearly all lots of carmine certified by the Biological Stain Commission from 1920 to 2004 proved to be carmine, but they varied widely in dye content. Batches from 1920 through the 1940s were significantly richer in dye content. Variability has been extreme since 2000, and most of the poorest lots have been submitted since 1990.  相似文献   

Carmine is one of the few dyes currently certified by the Biological Stain Commission that is not assayed for dye content. Existing assay methods are complex and do not differentiate the three cochineal derivatives carmine, carminic acid and aminocarminic acid. The latter dye is relatively new to the food trade as an acid-stable red colorant and may eventually enter the biological stains market. The assay proposed here is a two-step procedure using quantitative spectrophotometric analysis at high pH (12.5-12.6) followed by a qualitative scan of a low pH (1.90-2.10) solution. Carmine is distinct at high pH, and the remaining dyes are easily distinguished at low pH. Four instances of mislabeling are documented from 18 commercial products, but the mislabeled dyes were not certified dyes. Samples from nearly all lots of carmine certified by the Biological Stain Commission from 1920 to 2004 proved to be carmine, but they varied widely in dye content. Batches from 1920 through the 1940s were significantly richer in dye content. Variability has been extreme since 2000, and most of the poorest lots have been submitted since 1990.  相似文献   

Carmine has been used in biological staining to demonstrate selectively nuclei, chromosomes or mucins, depending on the formulation. Throughout its history in science, complaints and frustrations have been expressed about dye quality. Inconsistencies in dye quality or identity have prevented thorough understanding of staining mechanisms and have caused many stain solutions to behave unsatisfactorily. The aim of this review is to (1) detail causes of these problems, which are rooted in history, geography and production, (2) offer ways to minimize problems and (3) provide modern explanations for stain behavior. Carmine is a “semi-synthetic” dye, i.e., a complex of aluminum and the natural dye cochineal (carminic acid). Carmine shows considerable batch-to-batch variability. Geography, politics, history, agricultural practices and iconography all contribute to the variability of cochineal. In addition, widely divergent manufacturing methods are used to produce carmine. Also, confusion in terminology has led to mislabeling. Pressure from the food industry for a more satisfactory colorant for acidic foods led to the introduction of a new dye, aminocarminic acid, which could enter the biological market inadvertantly. Improved methods of analysis should help the certification process by the Biological Stain Commission. Further standardization could be achieved by replacing most of the methods of solubilizing carmine. The majority of these methods use heat, which is likely to damage the dye molecule. Fortunately, carmine is readily dissolved by raising the pH of the aqueous solvent above 12, and a new form of the dye, now available commercially, is soluble in water without the need for heat or pH adjustment. Chemical structures and physical properties of carminic acid, carmine, aminocarminic acid and kermesic acid are reviewed. A new configuration for carmine is proposed, as well as possible changes to carminic acid and carmine molecules as a result of decomposition caused by heating. Each of the major classes of carmine-based stains is described as are possible mechanisms of attachment to specific substrates. Glycogen binds carmine through hydrogen bonding, and it is here that carmine decomposed by heat could have the greatest detrimental impact. Nuclei and chromosomes are stained via coordination bonds, perhaps supplemented by hydrogen bonds. Finally, acidic mucins react ionically with carmine. Specificity in the latter case may be due to unique polymeric carmine molecules that form in the presence of aluminum chloride.  相似文献   

Carmine has been used in biological staining to demonstrate selectively nuclei, chromosomes or mucins, depending on the formulation. Throughout its history in science, complaints and frustrations have been expressed about dye quality. Inconsistencies in dye quality or identity have prevented thorough understanding of staining mechanisms and have caused many stain solutions to behave unsatisfactorily. The aim of this review is to (1) detail causes of these problems, which are rooted in history, geography and production, (2) offer ways to minimize problems and (3) provide modern explanations for stain behavior. Carmine is a “semi-synthetic” dye, i.e., a complex of aluminum and the natural dye cochineal (carminic acid). Carmine shows considerable batch-to-batch variability. Geography, politics, history, agricultural practices and iconography all contribute to the variability of cochineal. In addition, widely divergent manufacturing methods are used to produce carmine. Also, confusion in terminology has led to mislabeling. Pressure from the food industry for a more satisfactory colorant for acidic foods led to the introduction of a new dye, aminocarminic acid, which could enter the biological market inadvertantly. Improved methods of analysis should help the certification process by the Biological Stain Commission. Further standardization could be achieved by replacing most of the methods of solubilizing carmine. The majority of these methods use heat, which is likely to damage the dye molecule. Fortunately, carmine is readily dissolved by raising the pH of the aqueous solvent above 12, and a new form of the dye, now available commercially, is soluble in water without the need for heat or pH adjustment. Chemical structures and physical properties of carminic acid, carmine, aminocarminic acid and kermesic acid are reviewed. A new configuration for carmine is proposed, as well as possible changes to carminic acid and carmine molecules as a result of decomposition caused by heating. Each of the major classes of carmine-based stains is described as are possible mechanisms of attachment to specific substrates. Glycogen binds carmine through hydrogen bonding, and it is here that carmine decomposed by heat could have the greatest detrimental impact. Nuclei and chromosomes are stained via coordination bonds, perhaps supplemented by hydrogen bonds. Finally, acidic mucins react ionically with carmine. Specificity in the latter case may be due to unique polymeric carmine molecules that form in the presence of aluminum chloride.  相似文献   

Three groups of insect dyes are described: three cochineal dyes, the kermes dye and the lac dye. The major color components are carminic acid, kermesic acid and laccaic acids, respectively. These dyes are red anthraquinone derivatives. The chemical structures are described. All of these dyes have extensive histories that are related briefly; however, only American cochineal is of commercial importance today. Two manufactured derivatives of cochineal, carmine and acid-stable carmine (4-aminocarminic acid) are described in some detail including the chemical identity, toxicity, stability, and staining and non-staining applications.  相似文献   

A simple assay procedure for carmine and carminic acid samples   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A novel method that uses acridine orange (AO) to detect indigo carmine (IC) in soft drinks was developed. The method is highly sensitive and is based on a resonance Rayleigh scattering (RRS) technique. In Britton–Robinson (BR) buffer solution, pH 4.3, the weak RRS intensity of AO was greatly enhanced by the addition of IC, with the maximum peak located at 332 nm. Under optimum conditions, it was found that the enhanced RRS intensity was proportional to the concentration of IC over a range of 2–32 × 10?6 mol/L. A low detection limit of 2.4 × 10?8 mol/L was achieved. The sensitivity and selectivity of the method are high enough to permit the determination of trace amounts of IC without any significant interference from high levels of other components such as common anions and other amino acids. Finally, the concentration of IC in three different soft drinks was determined with satisfactory results. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Carmine is one of the original dyes certified by the Biological Stain Commission (BSC). Until now it has lacked both an assay procedure for dye content and a means to positively identify the dye. The methods for testing carmine in the laboratory of the BSC have been revised to include spectrophotometric examination at pH 12.5-12.6 to determine that the dye is carmine (λmax=530-335 nm). The maximum absorbance of a solution containing 100 mg of dye per liter of water, adjusted to pH 12.5-12.6, which provides a relative measure of dye content, should lie in the range 1.2 to 1.8. If the dye is not carmine, spectrophotometry at pH 1.9-2.1 shows whether it is carminic acid (λmax=490-500 nm) or 4-aminocarminic acid (λmax=525-530 nm). The latter two dyes, which are also called carmine when sold as food colorants, have physical properties different from those of true carmine. The functional tests for carmine as a biological stain are Orth's lithium-carmine method for nuclei, Southgate's mucicarmine method for mucus, and Best's carmine method for glycogen.  相似文献   

A novel method for the quantitative determination of gibberellic acid in fermentation broths has been developed. It is based on the kinetic of the reaction of conversion of gibberellic acid to gibberellenic acid. The method is simple, reliable, faster than most of methods known, and free of the interferences which commonly affect spectrophotometric methods currently in use. Its threshold sensitivity is 0.1 g and its accuracy is greater than 97% for concentrations of gibberellic acid ranging from 0.1 to 1 g l(-1).  相似文献   

A comparison has been made between the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) and alkaline copper methods of assaying for reducing sugars released during the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose by culture filtrates from Trichoderma harzianum E58. The DNS method was shown to be more readily influenced by the incubation conditions and by components derived from lignocellulosic substrates. The endo-1,4-β-d-glucanase [1,4-(1,3;1,4)-β-d-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase, EC] values obtained with the DNS assay were always considerably higher than those obtained with the alkaline copper method and did not give reducing values that were proportional to the actual number of hemiacetal reducing groups. The alkaline copper assay was not affected by the degree of polymerization of the substrate. Although this latter method appeared to be superior to the DNS assay it was still affected by the incubation conditions, nature of the substrate and the influence of other cellulase components on each of the specific enzyme assays.  相似文献   

This article describes a quick and easy method for determining relative binding affinities between proteins and metal ions. The method is based on separating unbound metal ions from metal ions bound to protein by ultrafiltration using microcentrifuge ultrafiltration units. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used as the test protein and the relative affinity towards divalent metal ions was found to be Cu2+>Zn2+>Cd2+>Pb2+>Ni2+>Co2+, which corresponds to the relative orders reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Acid ceramidase (aCDase) is one of several enzymes responsible for ceramide degradation within mammalian cells. As such, aCDase regulates the intracellular levels of the bioactive lipid ceramide. An inherited deficiency of aCDase activity results in Farber disease (FD), also called lipogranulomatosis, which is characterized by ceramide accumulation in the tissues of patients. Diagnosis of FD is confirmed by demonstration of a deficient aCDase activity and the subsequent storage of ceramide. Existing methods include extremely complex assays, many of them using radiolabeled compounds. Therefore, the aCDase assay and the in vitro enzymatic diagnosis of FD are still performed in only a very limited number of specialized laboratories. Here, the new fluorogenic substrate Rbm14-12 was synthesized and characterized as a new tool to determine aCDase activity. The resulting optimized assay was performed in 96-well plates, and different fibroblast and lymphoid cell lines derived from FD patients and controls were tested to measure aCDase activity. As a result, the activity in cells of FD patients was found to be very low or even null. This new fluorogenic method offers a very easy and rapid way for specific and accurate determination of aCDase activity and, consequently, for diagnosis of FD.  相似文献   

The carbazole assay has been used for determination of the percentage of hyaluronic acid in biological fluids. However, it is difficult to measure the concentration of hyaluronic acid in culture broth because glucose and polysaccharides remaining after cultures can react with sulfuric acid and carbazole. The glucose and polysaccharide remnants must be completely removed in order to get the correct value for hyaluronic acid. The turbidity assay, another method for estimating the concentration of hyaluronic acid, is based on the formation of insoluble complexes between hyaluronic acid and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. This method is very easy and fast compared with the carbazole assay. Because concentrations of hyaluronic acid measured by the turbidity assay were ranged around 100% of those measured by the carbazole assay, the content of hyaluronic acid in culture broth can be determined by the turbidity assay. The turbidity method also has the advantage of being safer than the carbazole assay.  相似文献   

The potential of recently isolated bacteria Paenibacillus larvae for the effective decolorization of Indigo carmine was evaluated. The effects of operational parameters (temperature, pH, dye concentration, shaking/non shaking) were tested. Maximum extent of decolorization was observed when the medium was incorporated with 10 g/l of yeast extract and peptone. Decolorization was strongly inhibited at non-shaken conditions as well as incorporation of inorganic sources (sodium nitrite and ammonium chloride) in the medium. Maximum decolorization was observed at 30°C (100%) and 40°C (92%) at 8 h of incubation. The LC-MS and NMR analysis confirms the oxidation of Indigo carmine .The primary degradation products were found to be Isatin sulfonic acid and anthranilicacid.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for designing simple obesity rating scales for use with free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Ratings are based on observers' judgments of degree of overall obesity of individual monkeys. The procedure was tested separately on samples of males and females over 2 successive years. Within each of these four samples, observers' judgments were both highly reliable and highly correlated with actual measures of body weight and with estimates of body fat based on morphometric measures, including the Quetelet index. To test the degree to which scores from different applications of the scale could be compared with one another, regression functions were calculated for scale vs. the Quetelet index and for scale vs. body weight for each application. No significant differences were found among the four regression functions for scale vs. the Quetelet index for fully grown adult monkeys. This suggested that observers' judgment criteria with regard to this measure were sufficiently stable across the four test applications to allow meaningful comparison of scores. Comparable analyses for body weight suggested that observers' judgment criteria were stable over time but not between sexes. These data suggest that observers had been successful in attending more closely to obesity than to body weight. Obesity scales have many potential uses both in the field and in captivity provided they are adequately tested before use.  相似文献   

The carmine spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) and the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, are serious pests of strawberries and many other horticultural crops. Control of these pests has been heavily dependent upon chemical acaricides. Objectives of this study were to determine the resistance status of these two pest species to commonly used acaricides on strawberries in a year‐round intensive horticultural production region. LC90 of abamectin for adult carmine spider mites was 4% whereas that for adult twospotted spider mites was 24% of the top label rate. LC90s of spiromesifen, etoxazole, hexythiazox and bifenazate were 0.5%, 0.5%, 1.4% and 83% of their respective highest label rates for carmine spider mite eggs, 0.7%, 2.7%, 12.1% and 347% of their respective highest label rates for the nymphs. LC90s of spiromesifen, etoxazole, hexythiazox and bifenazate were 4.6%, 11.1%, 310% and 62% of their respective highest label rates for twospotted spider mite eggs, 3%, 13%, 432,214% and 15% of their respective highest label rates for the nymphs. Our results suggest that T. cinnabarinus have developed resistance to bifenazate and that the T. urticae have developed resistance to hexythiazox. These results strongly emphasize the need to develop resistance management strategies in the region.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple method for assaying the binding activity of thiamine-binding protein is described. By this assay method, the binding characteristics of rice bran thiamine-binding protein have been evaluated with [14C]thiamine as ligand. Analysis of these data by Scatchard plot resulted in linear plots giving a dissociation constant (Kd) for thiamine of 0.55 microM and a maximum binding (Bmax) of 14.5 pmol of ligand bound/microgram of protein. Thiamine binding to the binding protein was time dependent and reached equilibrium at approximately 20 min. The Kob was 0.18 min-1 and the k1 was 1.25 X 10(5) min-1 M-1. Reversibility of thiamine binding at equilibrium was completed at 60 min with a k2 value of 0.052 min-1. The Kd calculated from the reverse rate constant was 0.42 microM. These results indicated that this binding assay method was substantially reliable and accurate.  相似文献   

A sensitive chromatographic method for isolation and measurement of quinolinic acid from rat liver and kidney is described. The method is based on the isolation of quinolinic acid by ion-exchange chromatography. The extraction of quinolinic acid consisted of the freeze clamping of the organ in liquid nitrogen, followed by deproteinization in perchloric acid. The neutralized extract was concentrated by freeze-drying and submitted to the action of concentrated perchloric acid to hydrolyze the nucleotides which interfered in the chromatographic separation of quinolinic acid. The sample was applied to a column of Dowex (HCOO?) and eluted with a linear gradient of formic acid. The eluted fraction containing quinolinic acid was quantitatively measured by its absorbance at pH 2 and 268 nm in a spectrophotometer.  相似文献   

Lipid A is the most conservative part of LPS. Its fatty acids composition can serve as an important taxonomic marker of bacteria. The isolation of LPS and studying their chemical composition are difficult and protracted procedure. We propose the rapid method of determining the prevailed fatty acids of lipid A without isolation of LPS from the cell. The essence of the method is in the release of cell from the lipids which are not components of LPS. These lipids, in contrast to the lipid A, are more easily extractable from the cell structures. The fatty acids, which prevailed in the lipid-free cells, are the structural components of lipid A.  相似文献   

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