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Zirconyl hematoxylin stains acidic mucins darkly and specifically using a solution of 100 mg hematoxylin, 5 ml ethanol, 5 ml 0.5% sodium iodate, 400 mg zirconyl chloride octahydrate, and 30 ml 25% aqueous glycerol. The stain is especially advantageous for studying goblet cells and Paget cells.  相似文献   

Barrett's esophagus is a precancerous condition characterized by replacement of the normal stratified squamous epithelium by a simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells that secrete an acidic mucin. As originally formulated, fresh solutions of zirconyl hematoxylin stain goblet cells poorly. An improved formula, quintupling the amount of oxidant, yields zirconyl hematoxylin solutions that stain goblet cells darkly even when fresh. The improved zirconyl hematoxylin can be used in place of alcian blue in the diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus. The ingredients of zirconyl hematoxylin are always readily available and are generally recognized as safe.  相似文献   

Zirconyl hematoxylin stains acidic mucins darkly and specifically using a solution of 100 mg hematoxylin, 5 ml ethanol, 5 ml 0.5% sodium iodate, 400 mg zirconyl chloride octahydrate, and 30 ml 25% aqueous glycerol. The stain is especially advantageous for studying goblet cells and Paget cells.  相似文献   


Acid mucins have diagnostic significance for many pathological conditions, especially in certain tumors. We compared the classical pH 2.5 Alcian blue method to a new, improved zirconyl hematoxylin (IZH) method for demonstrating acid mucins using two fixatives: Bouin`s solution and 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF). We used rabbit small intestine, large intestine and trachea. Specimens were fixed in Bouin`s solution and NBF. A total of 160 paraffin sections were prepared and stained with pH 2.5 Alcian blue and IZH. The stained acid mucins were assessed using digital image analysis software. Stained mucins were quantified for each staining procedure and fixative. No important differences were observed in acid mucin staining by either method after either fixative. The IZH method provides results as good as pH 2.5 Alcian blue and can be used to obtain reliable staining for acid mucins.  相似文献   

Acid mucins have diagnostic significance for many pathological conditions, especially in certain tumors. We compared the classical pH 2.5 Alcian blue method to a new, improved zirconyl hematoxylin (IZH) method for demonstrating acid mucins using two fixatives: Bouin`s solution and 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF). We used rabbit small intestine, large intestine and trachea. Specimens were fixed in Bouin`s solution and NBF. A total of 160 paraffin sections were prepared and stained with pH 2.5 Alcian blue and IZH. The stained acid mucins were assessed using digital image analysis software. Stained mucins were quantified for each staining procedure and fixative. No important differences were observed in acid mucin staining by either method after either fixative. The IZH method provides results as good as pH 2.5 Alcian blue and can be used to obtain reliable staining for acid mucins.  相似文献   


Re-staining of formalin fixed paraffin sections sometimes is required and this requires prior de-staining. Some simple and effective protocols for de-staining are described. Mucihematoxylin and mucicarmine can be removed with acid alcohol. Zirconyl hematoxylin can be removed with periodic acid or Sinha's fixative. Alcian blue can be removed with 5% trifluoroacetic acid in dichloromethane. Colloidal iron can be bleached in 1% household bleach in alcohol. PAS can be removed with hydrogen peroxide or ammonium hydroxide. With few exceptions, de-stained sections can be re-stained with mucihematoxylin, PAS or Gabe's trichrome.  相似文献   

Most stains for acidic mucins are time-consuming to prepare and have poor stability. Zirconyl hematoxylin is easily prepared and works for a year or more. It is made by adding 5 ml freshly-made 0.1% aqueous sodium iodate, 400 mg zirconyl chloride oc-tahydrate, and 40 ml 25% aqueous glycerol, in that order, to 100 mg of hematoxylin in 5 ml of absolute ethanol and stirring for 5 min. Stain 10 min and do not “blue” the stain. Chlorazole black or kernechtrot and fast green are good counterstains. Zirconyl hematoxylin stains acidic mucins violet or red violet, regardless of how they are fixed. It stains the same mucins as alcian blue in mouse and sheep salivary glands. It shows goblet cells in mouse rectum as well as alcian blue. It stains the same stomach regions in a lizard as alcian blue. Like alcian blue and colloidal iron, zirconyl hematoxylin stains the mucin of cancerous prostate, but not normal prostate.  相似文献   

Most stains for acidic mucins are time-consuming to prepare and have poor stability. Zirconyl hematoxylin is easily prepared and works for a year or more. It is made by adding 5 ml freshly-made 0.1% aqueous sodium iodate, 400 mg zirconyl chloride oc-tahydrate, and 40 ml 25% aqueous glycerol, in that order, to 100 mg of hematoxylin in 5 ml of absolute ethanol and stirring for 5 min. Stain 10 min and do not “blue” the stain. Chlorazole black or kernechtrot and fast green are good counterstains. Zirconyl hematoxylin stains acidic mucins violet or red violet, regardless of how they are fixed. It stains the same mucins as alcian blue in mouse and sheep salivary glands. It shows goblet cells in mouse rectum as well as alcian blue. It stains the same stomach regions in a lizard as alcian blue. Like alcian blue and colloidal iron, zirconyl hematoxylin stains the mucin of cancerous prostate, but not normal prostate.  相似文献   

The popular azure-eosin stain of Nocht has been reformulated to provide consistent, intense staining of semithin sections of water-miscible methacrylate embedded tissues.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the adhesion of Bifidobacterium strains to acidic carbohydrate moieties of porcine colonic mucin. Mucins were extracted and purified via gel filtration chromatography followed by density-gradient ultracentrifugation. The presence of sulfated and sialylated carbohydrates in mucins was shown by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays using PGM34 and HMC31 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), respectively. Adhesion of Bifidobacterium strains to mucin preparations was markedly affected by the degree of purification. In eight of 22 strains, we observed increased adhesion to mucin preparations purified by ultracentrifugation. Moreover, in some of these eight strains, adhesion to mucin was reduced by pretreatment with sulfatase and/or sialidase, and competitively inhibited by pretreatment with PGM34 and/or HCM31 mAbs. Our results showed that some Bifidobacterium strains adhered to sulfo- and/or sialomucin and were able to recognize carbohydrate structures of the mAbs epitopes.  相似文献   

The mucus layer covering the gut epithelium is pivotal to host defence and is affected by various dietary components. Part of the reported beneficial effect of dietary immunoglobulins (Igs) on gut health may be due to effects on the gut mucus layer. The aim was to determine whether orally administered ovine serum Ig influence goblet cell count, mucin gene expression and digesta mucin protein content in the gut of the growing rat. Fourteen Sprague-Dawley male growing rats were used in a 21-day study and were fed either a casein-based control diet (CON; no Ig) or a similar diet but containing freeze-dried ovine Ig (FDOI). Daily food intake and growth rate were not affected by the dietary treatments. When compared to the rats consuming CON diet, those consuming the FDOI diet had significantly (P < 0.05) more intact and cavitated goblet cells in the intestinal villi. A similar result was found for crypt goblet cells in the small intestine and colon. Ileal Muc2, Muc3, Muc4 and stomach Muc5Ac mRNA expressions for the FDOI animals were higher (P < 0.05) compared to the the CON animals. Mucin protein content was higher (P < 0.05) in the stomach, ileum and colonic digesta of rats fed the FDOI diet. In conclusion, orally administered FDOI influenced gut mucins in the growing rat as evidenced by increased mucin gene expression and digesta mucin protein concentrations as well as an increased goblet cell count.  相似文献   

SYPRO Ruby protein gel stain is compatible with a variety of imaging platforms since it absorbs maximally in the ultraviolet (280 nm) and visible (470 nm) regions of the spectrum. Dye localization is achieved by noncovalent, electrostatic and hydrophobic binding to proteins, with signal being detected at 610 nm. Since proteins are not covalently modified by the dye, compatibility with downstream proteomics techniques such as matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry is assured. The principal limitation of the original formulation of SYPRO Ruby protein gel stain, is that it was only compatible with a limited number of gel fixation procedures. Too aggressive a fixation protocol led to diminished signal intensity and poor detection sensitivity. This is particularly apparent when post-staining gels subjected to labeling with other fluorophores such as Schiff's base staining of glycoproteins with fluorescent hydrazides. Consequently, we have developed an improved formulation of SYPRO Ruby protein gel stain that is fully compatible with commonly implemented protein fixation procedures and is suitable for post-staining gels after detection of glycoproteins using the green fluorescent Pro-Q Emerald 300 glycoprotein stain or detection of beta-glucuronidase using the green fluorescent ELF 97 beta-D-glucuronide. The new stain formulation is brighter, making it easier to manually excise spots for peptide mass profiling. An additional benefit of the improved formulation is that it permits staining of proteins in isoelectric focusing gels, without the requirement for caustic acids.  相似文献   

消化道细胞表达Cre重组酶转基因小鼠的功能鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:检测白蛋白启动子介导的Cre重组酶转基因小鼠Alb-Cre-2中Cre重组酶的组织分布及其在体内介导基因重组的作用。方法:将Alb-Cre小鼠与Smad4条件基因打靶小鼠交配,利用PCR对Cre重组酶介导重组的组织特异性进行检测;然后,将Alb-Cre-2转基因小鼠与ROSA26报告小鼠交配,利用LacZ染色对双转基因阳性子代小鼠进行检测。结果:PCR结果显示心、肺、胰、脑及消化道中Cre重组酶介导的Smad4基因发生重组;LacZ染色进一步表明Cre重组酶在肝细胞、胃壁细胞、空肠潘氏细胞、回肠杯状细胞、大肠杯状细胞、大肠柱状细胞及空泡细胞中特异性表达,并介导ROSA位点LoxP序列间的重组。结论:Alb-Cre-2转基因小鼠在消化道中具有一定的组织特异性,只在胃壁细胞、空肠潘氏细胞、回肠杯状细胞、大肠杯状细胞,大肠柱状细胞及空泡细胞等细胞类型中特异性表达,并能在体内成功地介导这些消化道上皮细胞基因组上LoxP位点间的重组,是一种研制在消化道特定细胞中特异性基因剔除小鼠的良好工具小鼠。  相似文献   

The parasitic dinoflagellate Amoebophrya infects broad range of marine organisms. Particularly, Amoebophrya infections in planktonic dinoflagellates can prevent or delay the formation of algal blooms, and recycle undergrazed planktonic dinoflagellates back to the microbial loop by disrupting host cells. Its ecological significance was gradually recognized along with the discovery of its enormous molecular diversity in oceanic and coastal ecosystems. Thus, we developed a reliable, easily accessible and less time-consuming assay, to detect and assess Amoebophrya infections in planktonic dinoflagellates. The modified hematoxylin and eosin staining assay provided reliable diagnosis of Amoebophrya infection by identifying the characteristic “beehive” of the multinucleate trophonts. After staining, the typical multinucleate “beehive” is evidently distinguishable from the compact nuclei of uninfected host cells. The modified hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) staining assay is easy to use, that can be routinely performed within 3 h (up to 20 samples/batch) using general laboratory equipment, supplies and chemical reagents. The produced slides with agar-embedded dinoflagellate cells can be stored for several months or even years in a dry place without noticeable loss in quality of staining. With suitable calculation, the modified H & E assay can be applied to assess the prevalence of Amoebophrya infection in planktonic dinoflagellates. This efficient and powerful assay will facilitate the investigation on the ecological roles of Amoebophryidae in coastal and oceanic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Eight monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), designated RGM21 RGM42, were generated against mucin purified from the rat gastric mucosa. By applying ELISA, all of these MAbs were proved to react not only with the purified mucin, but also with the oligosaccharide mixture obtained from the antigenic mucin by alkaline borohydride treatment. Treatment of the mucin-attached ELISA well with trypsin, sodium periodate or galactose oxidase prior to the addition of the MAb was applied to characterize these MAbs. Histochemical observation indicated that all these MAbs were able to stain the formalin fixed-paraffin embedded sections of the rat gastroduodenal mucosa. Although each of these MAbs reacted with distinct mucus-producing cells localized in particular regions of the gastroduodenal mucosa, their staining specificity could generally be classified into four groups. These MAbs might be useful for estimating the physiological and pathological changes of mucins in the gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

Romanowsky-Giemsa (RG) stains were devised during the 19th century for identifying plasmodia parasites in blood smears. Later, RG stains became standard procedures for hematology and cytology. Numerous attempts have been made to apply RG staining to formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections, with varied success. Most published work on this topic described RG staining methods in which sections were overstained, then subjected to acid differentiation; unfortunately, the differentiation step often caused inconsistent staining outcomes. If staining is performed under optimal conditions with control of dye concentration, pH, solution temperature and staining time, no differentiation is required. We used RG and 0.002 M buffer, pH 42, for staining and washing sections. All steps were performed at room temperature. After staining and air drying, sections were washed in 96?100% ethanol to remove extraneous stain. Finally, sections were washed in xylene and mounted using DPX. Staining results were similar to routine hemalum and eosin (H &; E) staining. Nuclei were blue; intensity depended largely on chromatin density. RNA-rich sites were purple. Collagen fibers, keratin, muscle cells, erythrocytes and white matter of the central nervous system were stained pinkish and reddish hues. Cartilage matrix, mast cell granules and areas of myxomatous degeneration were purple. Sulfate-rich mucins were stained pale blue, while those lacking sulfate groups were unstained. Deposits of hemosiderin, lipofuscin and melanin were greenish, and calcium deposits were blue. Helicobacter pylori bacteria were violet to purple. The advantages of the method are its close similarity to H &; E staining and technical simplicity. Hemosiderin, H. pylori, mast cell granules, melanin and specific granules of different hematopoietic cells, which are invisible or barely distinguishable by H &; E staining, are visualized. Other advantages over previous RG stains include shorter staining time and avoidance of acetone.  相似文献   

Background:  Helicobacter pylori causes peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer, and the oral cavity is likely to serve as a reservoir for this pathogen. We investigated the binding of H. pylori to the mucins covering the mucosal surfaces in the niches along the oral to gastric infection route and during gastric disease and modeled the outcome of these interactions.
Materials and Methods:  A panel of seven H. pylori strains with defined binding properties was used to identify binding to human mucins from saliva, gastric juice, cardia, corpus, and antrum of healthy stomachs and of stomachs affected by gastritis at pH 7.4 and 3.0 using a microtiter-based method.
Results:  H. pylori binding to mucins differed substantially with the anatomic site, mucin type, pH, gastritis status, and H. pylori strain all having effect on binding. Mucins from saliva and gastric juice displayed the most diverse binding patterns, involving four modes of H. pylori adhesion and the MUC5B, MUC7, and MUC5AC mucins as well as the salivary agglutinin. Binding occurred via the blood-group antigen-binding adhesin (BabA), the sialic acid-binding adhesin (SabA), a charge/low pH-dependent mechanism, and a novel saliva-binding adhesin. In the healthy gastric mucus layer only BabA and acid/charge affect binding to the mucins, whereas in gastritis, the BabA/Leb-dependent binding to MUC5AC remained, and SabA and low pH binding increased.
Conclusions:  The four H. pylori adhesion modes binding to mucins are likely to play different roles during colonization of the oral to gastric niches and during long-term infection.  相似文献   

Unlike most other mucins described to date, two intestinal mucins, rat MLP (rat Muc2) and human MUC2 have a C-terminal tail that is enriched in cationic amino acids. The distribution of charge in each case resembles that of several well known heparin binding proteins. Peptides designated E20-14 and F13-15, corresponding to the C-terminal 14 amino acids of the two mucins, were synthesized and shown to bind3H-labelled heparin by a process that was saturable and mediated by strong electrostatic interactions, givingK d values of 10–7 to 10–8 m. Using turbidometric analyses and native gel electrophoresis, we observed that peptide-heparin mixtures formed polydisperse aggregates that dissociated with a progressive increase in the concentration of heparin. Under certain conditions heparin protected the peptide from proteolysis by trypsin. Both heparin and dextran sulfate, the latter a highly sulfated synthetic polysaccharide, were potent inhibitors of3H-heparin binding to peptide E20-14, while less sulfated glycosaminoglycans were poorly- or non-inhibitory. Mucin in tissue dispersions and homogenates, or purified from rat intestine, did not bind to heparin, and failed to interact with an antibody specific for the peptide E20-14. Both mucin samples however, reacted with antibodies that recognize regions upstream of the C-terminal 14 amino acids. Immunofluorescent localization of E20-14 was confined to the basal perinuclear regions of goblet cells, whereas localization of an antibody to a flanking sequence on the N-terminal side of the C-tail, localized to mature mucin storage granules. These findings suggest that the heparin-binding C-tail of the mucin may be removed at an early stage of biosynthesis. Heparin-mucin complexes, if they formin vivo, are thus likely to be confined to the ER and/or Golgi compartments.  相似文献   

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