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Summary Barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown from seed for 28 days in flowing solution culture were subjected to different root temperatures (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 25°C) for 14 days with a common air temperature of 25/15°C (day/night). Uptake of NH4 and NO3 ions was monitored separately and continuously from solutions maintained at 10 M NH4NO3 and pH 6.0. Effects of root temperature on unit absorption rate
, flux
and inflow
were compared. After 5 days
increased with temperature over the range 3–11°C for NH4 ions and over the range 3–13°C for NO3 ions, with little change for either ion above these temperatures. Q10 temperature coefficients for NH4 ions (3–13°C) were 1.9, 1.7 and 1.6 for
respectively, the corresponding values for NO3 ions being 5.0, 4.5 and 4.6. For both ions,
changed with time as did their temperature dependence over the range 3–25°C, suggesting that rates of ontogenetic development and the extent of adaptation to temperature may have varied among treatments. 相似文献
The pericarp of the dormant sugarbeet fruit acts as a storage reservoir for nitrate, ammonium and -amino-N. These N-reserves enable an autonomous development of the seedling for 8–10 d after imbibition. The nitrate content of the seed (1% of the whole fruit) probably induces nitrate-reductase activity in the embryo enclosed in the pericarp. Nitrate that leaks out of the pericarp is reabsorbed by the emerging radicle. Seedlings germinated from seeds (pericarp was removed) without external N-supply are able to take up nitrate immediately upon exposure via a low-capacity uptake system (vmax = 0.8 mol NO
·(g root FW)–1·h–1; Ks = 0.12 mM). We assume that this uptake system is induced by the seed nitrate (10 nmol/seed) during germination. Induction of a high-capacity nitrate-uptake system (vmax = 3.4 mol NO
·(g root FW)–1·h–1; Ks = 0.08 mM) by externally supplied nitrate occurs after a 20-min lag and requires protein synthesis. Seedlings germinated from whole fruits absorb nitrate via a highcapacity uptake mechanism induced by the pericarp nitrate (748 nmol/pericarp) during germination. The uptake rates of the high-capacity system depend only on the actual nitrate concentration of the uptake medium and not on prior nitrate pretreatments. Nitrate deprivation results in a decline of the nitrate-uptake capacity (t1/2 of vmax = 5 d) probably caused by the decay of carrier molecules. Small differences in Ks but significant differences in vmax indicate that the low- and high-capacity nitrate-uptake systems differ only in the number of identical carrier molecules.Abbreviations NR
nitrate reductase
This work was supported by a grant from Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie and by Kleinwanzlebener Saatzucht AG, Einbeck. 相似文献
Simulation models of nutrient uptake of root systems starting with one-dimensional single root approaches up to complex three-dimensional
models are increasingly used for examining the interacting of root distribution and nutrient uptake. However, their accuracy
was seldom systematically tested. The objective of the study is to compare one-dimensional and two-dimensional modelling approaches
and to test their applicability for simulation of nutrient uptake of heterogeneously distributed root systems giving particular
attention to the impact of spatial resolution. Therefore, a field experiment was carried out with spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Barke) in order to obtain data of in situ root distribution patterns as model input. Results indicate that a comparable
coarse spatial resolution can be used with sufficient modelling results when a steady state approximation is applied to the
sink cells of the two-dimensional model. Furthermore, the accuracy of the model was clearly improved compared to a simple
zero sink approach assuming both near zero concentrations within the sink cell and a linear gradient between the sink cell
and its adjacent neighbours. However, for modelling nitrate uptake of a heterogeneous root system a minimum number of grid
cells is still necessary. The tested single root approach provided a computational efficient opportunity to simulate nitrate
uptake of an irregular distributed root system. Nevertheless, two-dimensional models are better suited for a number of applications
(e.g. surveys made on the impact of soil heterogeneity on plant nutrient uptake). Different settings for the suggested modelling
techniques are discussed. 相似文献
Summary Juvenile plants ofPlantago lanceolata andP. major ssp.major were grown in a flowing solution system at 7.5 mM or 9.5 M NO3. The parameters investigated were: RGR, shoot weight percentage, leaf length, length of main root axis, shoot concentrations of major ions and organic N, and the specific uptake rate for NO3. At 9.5 M NO3 growth ofP. major was not hampered, whereas shoot growth and leaf length ofP. lanceolata were reduced. The NO3 concentration ofP. lanceolata decreased more than that ofP. major. The different performances of the species at 9.5 M NO3 were associated with different specific uptake rates. In both treatments the root system ofP. major was shorter than that ofP. lanceolata. P. lanceolata accumulated more NO3 in the leaves. The performance of thePlantago species is discussed in relation to the availability of nutrients in their habitats.Grassland Species Research Group. Publication no. 37. 相似文献
Anni Jensen 《Plant and Soil》1983,70(2):155-163
Summary To investigate the effect of indigenous VAM fungi and of increasing the amount of natural inoculum barley was grown in containers
buried in the field with uninoculated and inoculated irradiated soil and with uninoculated and inoculated untreated soil from
two locations, one low and one high in available P. The experiment was set up with 3 P fertilizer applications (0, 15, 30
kg P/ha). Growth and uptake of P was measured. The inocula were prepared from natural VAM populations.
VAM fungal infection was established in the irradiated soil at a lower level than in the untreated soil. VAM fungal infection
was decreased by increasing P fertilizer application. In the soil low in available P VAM increased concentration of P and
total uptake of P. VAM did not cause an increased growth. The reason for this may be the low establishment of VAM in the irradiated
soil and/or because the indigenous VAM species were not efficient. It is also possible that a pronounced growth increase due
to irradiation the soil may have masked a smaller effect of the indigenous VAM fungi. Increasing the amount of natural inoculum
in the untreated soil influenced neither VAM frequency nor growth. 相似文献
Water uptake by barley roots as affected by the osmotic and matric potential in the rhizosphere 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
U. Schleiff 《Plant and Soil》1986,94(1):143-146
Summary The water uptake rates of roots in saline soils are depressed by the simultaneously decreasing matric
and osmotic
water potentials in the soil surrounding the roots (rhizospheric soil). Unfortunately there are no reliable tools available
for direct measurements of the effect of decreasing water potentials in the rhizospheric soil on the uptake rate of soil water
by roots. This paper presents some results of a vegetation technique for studying the effect of different combinations of
osmotic and matric water potentials in the rhizospheric soil on the water uptake rates of barley roots.
Water uptake rates were reduced to a greater extent by decreasing soil matric water potentials than by decreasing soil osmotic
water potentials. According to the results of this experiment, there was no relationship between the total soil water potential
of a sandy soil and the water uptake rates when the roots were exposed to different combinations of
. 相似文献
J. M. Melzer A. Kleinhofs D. A. Kudrna R. L. Warner T. K. Blake 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1988,75(5):767-771
Summary The nar2 locus that codes for a protein involved in molybdenum cofactor function in nitrate reductase and other molybdoenzymes was mapped to barley chromosome 7. F2 genotypic data from F3 head rows indicated nar2 is located 8.4±2.1 and 23.0± 4.6 cm from the narrow leaf dwarf (nld) and mottled seedling (mt2) loci, respectively. This locates the nar2 locus at 54.7±3.1 cm from the short-haired rachilla (s) locus near the centromere of chromosome 7. Close linkage of nar2 with DDT resistance (ddt) and high lysine (lys3) loci was detected but could not be quantified due to deviations from the individual expected 121 segregations for the ddt and lys3 genes. Southern blots of wheat-barley addition lines probed with a nitrate reductase cDNA located the NADH : nitrate reductase structural gene, nar1, to chromosome 6.Scientific Paper No. 7762. College of Agriculture and Home Economics Research Center, Washington State University, Project No. 0745. This investigation was supported in part by United States Department of Agriculture Grant No. 86-CRCR-1-2004 相似文献
Usue Prez-Lpez Anabel Robredo Maite Lacuesta Amaia Mena-Petite Alberto Muoz-Rueda 《Environmental and Experimental Botany》2009,66(3):463-470
With the changing climate, plants will be facing increasingly harsh environmental conditions marked by elevated salinity in the soils and elevated concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere. These two factors have opposite effects on water status in plants. Therefore, our objective was to determine the interaction between these two factors and to determine whether elevated [CO2] might alleviate the adverse effects of salt stress on water status in two barley cultivars, Alpha and Iranis, by studying their relative water content and their water potential and its components, transpiration rate, hydraulic conductance, and water use efficiency. Both cultivars maintained their water status under salt stress, increasing water use efficiency and conserving a high relative water content by (1) reducing water potential via passive dehydration and active osmotic adjustment and (2) decreasing transpiration through stomatal closure and reducing hydraulic conductance. Iranis showed a greater capacity to achieve osmotic adjustment than Alpha. Under the combined conditions of salt-stress and elevated [CO2], both cultivars (1) achieved osmotic adjustment to a greater extent than at ambient [CO2], likely due to elevated rates of photosynthesis, and (2) decreased passive dehydration by stomatal closure, thereby maintaining a greater turgor potential, relative water content, and water use efficiency. Therefore, we found an interaction between salt stress and elevated [CO2] with regard to water status in plants and found that elevated [CO2] is associated with improved water status of salt-stressed barley plants. 相似文献
The effect of selenium on sulfur uptake by barley and rice 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8
Because of their chemical and physical similarities, plant uptake of S and Se are closely related. Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.) were grown in greenhouse solution culture to examine the synergistic interactions between SO4 and Se6+ in plant uptake. In the presence of low concentrations of solution SO4, shoot and root yields were decreased with additions of Se6+. However, when SO4 was present in elevated concentrations, no Se-induced yield reduction occurred. A synergistic interaction between SO4 and Se6+ caused an increase in the shoot S concentrations with increasing concentrations of Se6+ at low SO4 solution concentrations. At elevated SO4 concentrations, no synergism was osberved. Selenium had a lesser effect on the S concentration in plant roots. 相似文献
The Effects of NaCl Treatment on Water Relations, Growth, and ABA Content in Barley Cultivars Differing in Drought Tolerance 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
D. S. Veselov G. V. Sharipova S. U. Veselov G. R. Kudoyarova 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2008,27(4):380-386
Changes in transpiration and stomatal conductance and other characteristics of water relations, growth rate, and ABA content
have been followed in short- and long-term experiments in two barley cultivars (cv. Michaelovsky and cv. Prairie) with contrasting
drought resistance characteristics. The aim of this work was to reveal the importance of stomatal behavior in salt tolerance
and also the involvement of ABA in its control. Salinity stress brought about a reduction in stomatal conductance in both
cultivars, but the effect was initially more pronounced in the drought-tolerant cv. Prairie than in the drought-sensitive
cv. Michaelovsky. The difference between the two cultivars changed with time, and later on transpiration and stomatal conductance
became higher in Prairie than in Michaelovsky. In both the short and the long term, the extent of stomatal closure due to
salinity correlated with the level of ABA accumulation in the leaves of the plants. Fast stomatal closure was likely to be
responsible for growth resumption after an initial arrest by salt treatment and for the maintenance of extension growth later
on, thus enabling its higher rate in Prairie than in Michaelovsky plants. Leaves of Prairie accumulated less toxic chloride
ions, which may be the result of a lower transpiration rate observed during the first phase of salt treatment. A subsequent
increase in stomatal conductance observed in Prairie is likely to ameliorate their gas exchange and maintain photosynthesis
and growth. Thus, differences between the cultivars in the stomatal response to salinity changed with time, which may be why
there are discrepancies in the attempts to relate stomatal conductance to salt tolerance observed in literature. 相似文献
Nitrogen-starved sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Peredovic) cannot absorb NO
or NO
upon initial exposure to these anions. Ability of the plants to take up NO
and NO
at high rates from the beginning was induced by a pretreatment with NO
. Nitrite also acted as inducer of the NO
-uptake system. The presence of cycloheximide during NO
-pretreatment prevented the subsequent uptake of NO
and NO
, indicating that both uptake systems are synthesized de novo when plants are exposed to NO
. Cycloheximide also suppressed nitrate-reductase (EC and nitrite-reductase (EC activities in the roots. The sulfhydryl-group reagent N-ethylmaleimide greatly inhibited the uptake of NO
and NO
. Likewise, N-ethylmaleimide promoted in vivo the inactivation of nitrate reductase without affecting nitrite-reductase activity. Rates of NO
and NO
uptake as a function of external anion concentration exhibited saturation kinetics. The calculated Km values for NO
and NO
uptake were 45 and 23 M, respectively. Rates of NO
uptake were four to six times higher than NO
-reduction rates in roots. In contrast, NO
-uptake rates, found to be very similar to NO
-uptake rates, were much lower (about 30 times) than NO
-reduction rates. Removal of oxygen from the external solution drastically suppressed NO
and NO
uptake without affecting their reduction. Uptake and reduction were also differentially affected by pH. The results demonstrate that uptake of NO
and NO
into sunflower plants is mediated by energy-dependent inducible-transport systems distinguishable from the respective enzymatic reducing systems.Abbreviations CHI
- NiR
nitrite reductase
- NR
nitrate reductase
This research was supported by grant PB86-0232 from the Dirección General de Investigatión Científica y Técnica (Spain). One of us (E.A.) thanks the Consejeria de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucia for the tenure of a fellowship. We thank Miss G. Alcalá and Miss C. Santos for their valuable technical and secretarial assistance. 相似文献
The morphological development and N uptake patterns of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes of Northern European (Nordic) and Pacific Northwest US (PNW) origin were compared under two diurnally fluctuating root temperature regimes in solution culture. The two regimes, 15/5°C and 9/5°C day maximum/night minimum temperatures, simulated soil temperature differences between tilled vs. heavy-residue, no-till conditions, respectively, observed during early spring in eastern Washington. Previous field experiments indicated that some of the Nordic genotypes accumulated more N and dry matter than the PNW cultivars during early spring under no-till conditions. The objective of this experiment was to determined whether these differences 1) are dependent on the temperature of the rooting environment, and 2) are correlated with genotypic differences in NH4
+ and NO3
– uptake. Overall, shoot N and dry matter accumulation was reduced by 40% due to lower root temperatures during illumination. Leaf emergence was slowed by 14 to 22%, and tiller production was also inhibited. All genotypes absorbed more ammonium than nitrate from equimolar solutions, and the proportion of total N absorbed as NH4
+ was slightly higher in the 9/5°C than the 15/5°C regime. A Finnish genotype, HJA80201, accumulated significantly more shoot N than the PNW cultivars, Clark and Steptoe, and also more than a Swedish cultivar, Pernilla, in the 9/5°C regime. In the 15/5°C regime Steptoe did not differ in shoot N from the Nordic genotypes, while Clark remained significantly lower. These differences were not correlated to relative propensity for N form. Root lengths of the Nordic genotypes were significantly greater than the PNW genotypes grown under the 9/5°C regime, while the root lengths in the warmer root temperture regime were not significantly different among genotypes. Higher root elongation rates under low soil temperature conditions may be an inherent adaptive mechanism of the Nordic genotypes. Overall, the data indicate that lower maximum daytime temperatures of the soil surface layer likely account for a significant portion of the growth reductions and lower N uptake observed in no-till systems. 相似文献
P. A. Lazzeri R. Brettschneider R. Lührs H. Lörz 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1991,81(4):437-444
Summary Protoplasts isolated from a barley cell suspension (cv Dissa) were transformed with plasmid DNA containing the neomycinphosphotransferase II (NPT) and -glucuronidase (GUS) genes, using polyethyleneglycol (PEG) to induce DNA uptake. Transformed microcalli were selected in media containing G418 sulphate. NPT activity was detected in all antibiotic-resistant cell lines, but not all NPT-positive cell lines had GUS activity. Southern analysis confirmed the presence of sequences homologous to the APT and GUS genes in DNA of G418-resistant callus. 相似文献
Summary Effects of root temperature on the growth and morphology of roots were measured in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Plants were grown in flowing solution culture and acclimatized over several weeks to a root temperature of 5°C prior
to treatment at a range of root temperatures between 3 and 25°C, with common shoot temperature. Root temperature affected
root extension, mean radius, root surface area, numbers and lengths of root hairs. Total root length of rape plants increased
with temperature over the range 3–9°C, but was constant at higher temperatures. Root length of barley increased with temperature
in the range 3–25°C, by a factor of 27 after 20 days. Root radii had a lognormal distribution and their means decreased with
increasing temperature from 0.14 mm at 3°C to 0.08 mm at 25°C. The density of root hairs on the root surface increased by
a factor of 4 in rape between 3 and 25°C, but in barley the highest density was at 9°C. The contribution of root hairs to
total root surface area was relatively greater in rape than in barley. The changes in root system morphology may be interpreted
as adaptive responses to temperature stress on nutrient uptake, providing greater surface area for absorption per unit root
weight or length. 相似文献
Elisabeth Öhlén Björn Ingemarsson Wilbur H. Campbell Carl-Magnus Larsson 《Planta》1995,196(3):485-491
Despite the large number of studies of nitrate metabolism in plants, it remains undetermined to what extent this key plant system is controlled by overall plant N nutrition on the one hand, and by the nitrate ion itself on the other hand. To investigate these questions, V
max for nitrate uptake (high-affinity range), and nitrate reductase (NR) mRNA and activity, were measured in roots of N-limited barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Golf) grown under conditions of constant relative addition of nitrate, with the seminal roots split between two culture compartments. The total amount of nitrate added per unit time (0.09·d-1) was distributed between the two root parts (subroots) in ratios of 1000, 982, 955, 9010, 8020, and 5050. These nitrate-addition ratios resulted in nitrate fluxes ranging from 0 to 23 mol nitrate·g-1 DW root·h-1, while the external nitrate concentrations varied between 0 and 1.2 M. The apparent V
max for net nitrate uptake showed saturation-type responses to nitrate flux maintained during preceding growth. The flux resulting in half-maximal induction of nitrate uptake was approximately 4 mol nitrate·g-1 DW root·h-1, corresponding to an external nitrate concentration of 0.7 M. The activity of NR and levels of NR mRNA did not saturate within the range of nitrate fluxes studied. None of the parameters studied saturated with respect to the steady-state external nitrate concentration. At the zero nitrate addition — the 0%-root — initial uptake activity as determined in short-term 15N-labelling experiments was insignificant, and NR activity and NR mRNA were not detectable. However, nitrate uptake was rapidly induced, showing that the 0%-root had retained the capacity to respond to nitrate. These results suggest that local nitrate availability has a significant impact on the nitrate uptake and reducing systems of a split-root part when the total plant nitrate nutrition is held constant and limiting.Abbreviation NR
nitrate reductase
This work was supported by the Lars Hierta Memory Foundation, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council via project grants (to C.-M.L. and B.I.) and visiting scientist grant (to W.H.C.). We thank Mrs. Ellen Campbell for technical advice, and Mrs. Judith V. Purves, Long Ashton Research Station, Long Ashton, UK, for analyses of 15N-labelling in tissue samples. 相似文献
J. Emanuelsson 《Plant and Soil》1984,78(3):325-334
Summary The purpose of the present work has been to investigate the influence of calcium supply on root growth in barley. The plants
were grown in pots, in which the upper part was a sand-perlite mixture and the lower part a test solution with varying calcium
concentration (10−6–10−2 M CaCl2). The two parts were separated by a peat layer impeding a calcium transport from the upper to the lower part.
The growth of the roots in the test media was examined daily by counting the total number of roots and the number of roots
with laterals. The development of the number of roots had an exponential course at all calcium concentrations and was enhanced
by increased calcium concentration. At harvest it was found that the size of the roots (length and dry weight) decreased with
decreasing calcium concentration to a certain extent. 相似文献
The effect of NH
on the regulation of NO
and NO
transport systems in roots of intact barley (Hordeum vulgareL.) seedlings grown in NO
or NO
was studied. Ammonium partially inhibited induction of both transport systems. The inhibition was less severe in NO
-fed than in NO
-fed seedlings, presumably due to lower uptake of NH
in the presence of NO
. In seedlings pretreated with NH
subsequent induction was inhibited only when NH
was also present during induction, even though pretreated roots accumulated high levels of NH
. This indicates that inhibition may be regulated by NH
concentration in the cytoplasm rather than its total accumulation in roots. L-Methionine sulfoximine did not relieve the inhibition by NH
, suggesting that inhibition is caused by NH
itself rather than by its assimilation product(s). Ammonium inhibited subsequent expression of NO
transport activity similarly in roots grown in 0.1, 1.0, or 10 mM NO
for 24 h (steady-state phase) or 4 d (decline phase), indicating that it has a direct, rather than general feedback effect. Induction of the NO
transport system was about twice as sensitive to NH
as compared to the NO
transport system. This may relate to higher turnover rates of membraneassociated NO
-transport proteins.Abbreviations Mes
2(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid
L-methionine sulfoximine 相似文献
N. M. Kaznina G. F. Laidinen A. F. Titov 《Russian Journal of Developmental Biology》2006,37(6):371-374
We studied the effects of cadmium acetate at various concentrations (200 to 800 mg/kg substrate) on growth and development of shoot apical meristem of the barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L.) under the conditions of vegetative experiment. It was shown that in the presence of increasing cadmium concentrations in the soil substrate, the apex length and number of inflorescence elements decreased and the rate of organogenesis slowed down, thus affecting the spike potential productivity and morphological parameters of barley plants at the flowering stage. It is possible that the negative effect of cadmium on the shoot apical meristem is associated with its influence on division of the apex cells. 相似文献
Ammonium and nitrate uptake in gap,generalist and understory species of the genus Piper 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Summary We studied root net uptake of ammonium (NH
) and nitrate (NO
) in species of the genus Piper (Piperaceae) under high, intermediate and low photosynthetically active photon flux densities (PFD). Plants were grown hydroponically, and then transferred to temperature controlled (25° C) root cuvettes for nutrient uptake determinations. Uptake solutions provided NH
and NO
simultaneously (both) or separately (single). In the first experiment, seven species of Piper, from a broad range of rainforest light habitats ranging from gap to understory, were screened for mineral nitrogen preference (100 M NH
and/or 100 M NO
) at intermediate PFD (100 mol m–2 s–1). Preference for NH
relative to NO
, defined as the ratio of NH
(both) net uptake, was higher in understory species than in gap species. Ammonium repression of NO
uptake, defined as the ratio of NO
(single): NO
(both) net uptake, was also higher in understory species as compared to gap species. In a second set of experiments, we examined the effect of nitrogen concentration (equimolar, 10 to 1000 M) on NH
preference and NH
repression of NO
net uptake at high (500 mol m–2 s–1) and low (50 mol m–2 s–1) PFD in a gap (P. auritum), generalist (P. hispidum) and understory species (P. aequale). All species exhibited negligible NH
repression of NO
net uptake at high PFD. At low PFD, NH
preference and repression of NO
net uptake occurred in all species (understory > generalist > gap), but only at intermediate nitrogen concentrations, i.e. between 10 and 200 M. Ammonium repression of net NO
uptake decreased or increased rapidly (in < 48 h) after transitions from low to high or from high to low PFD respectively. No significant diurnal patterns in NO
or NH
net uptake were observed.CIWDPB publication # 1130 相似文献