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滇芎属与瘤果芹属果实表面微形态特征及其分类学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对中国伞形科滇芎属(Physosperm opsisW olff)和瘤果芹属(TrachydiumL ind l.)12个种的果实表面微形态特征进行了扫描电镜比较观察。根据果实棱槽、外果皮细胞轮廓和蜡条纹饰的特征,这2个属的果实表面微形态可划分为3种类型:1)棱槽平滑-外果皮细胞轮廓不可见-无或少蜡质纹饰型;2)棱槽具瘤-外果皮细胞轮廓不可见-蜡质纹饰近平直或线纹型;3)棱槽粗糙-外果皮细胞呈4~6边形-蜡质纹饰波纹或网纹型。在此基础上,结合形态学特征探讨了滇芎属与瘤果芹属之间的关系和属下种间关系。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜方法对井冈山地区18种唇形科植物的果实形状与表面微形态特征进行观察比较。结果表明:18种唇形科植物果实形状多样,可分为矩圆形、圆形、卵形、三棱形、球形和椭圆形6类;外果皮表面细胞形状为4~6边形、不规则形和细胞形状不可见;依据外果皮表面凸起度可分为平滑型、凹陷型和凸起型3类;外果皮表面蜡质纹饰复杂多样,有平滑无纹饰、负网状纹饰、网状纹饰兼具疣状或瘤状凸起和网状纹饰兼具次级条纹4类;外果皮表面附属结构主要包括表皮毛和丝状结构,并具有或多或少的鳞片状或颗粒状分泌物。18种唇形科植物果实形状和外果皮表面微形态特征均表现出丰富的多样性,可为唇形科属间和种间亲缘关系研究提供重要的分类学依据。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜方法对中国18种棱子芹属植物的果实表面微形态进行了首次研究,结果表明:所研究的棱子芹属植物果实微形态在外果皮细胞轮廓、表面纹饰和表皮分泌物表现出丰富的多样性和一定的规律性,可作为棱子芹属下分组及种间鉴定的重要参考性状.根据外果皮细胞轮廓及果实表面纹饰类型等微形态特征将所研究的棱子芹属植物分成了3种类型,该结论与形态学和分子系统学研究结果基本一致,说明果实微形态对研究棱子芹属属下分类和鉴别有重要意义,并据此对该属属下个别存疑种及一些种的亲缘关系进行了探讨.综合前人研究,我们支持喜马拉雅地区不仅是棱子属的分布中心,也是其分化变异中心.  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜对来自北美和东亚的变豆菜属植物(美国7个种,中国8个种)的果实表面微形态进行观察,结合前人对伞形科其他类群果实微形态特征的研究及近年来分子系统学证据,对变豆菜属的种间分类进行研究。结果显示,变豆菜属植物果实的形态大小、皮刺弯曲程度和果柄蜡质纹饰丰富多样。研究表明变豆菜属是一个自然类群,果实表面钩刺结构有利于该属植物的传播及扩散,果实微形态特征具有分类学价值,可作为种间分类的依据。根据变豆菜属果实表面微形态特征,编制了该属植物分种检索表。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜技术对伞形科山芹属(Ostericum Hoffm.)9种2变种(21居群)植物叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察分析。结果显示:山芹属植物叶片上表皮表面均较平滑,细胞轮廓清晰或不清晰,若细胞轮廓可见则为多边形与不规则形;初级蜡质纹饰为较密集的粗(细)条状,部分种类具有单层或双层脊状二级纹饰或有颗粒状或分枝状附属结构;下表皮亦有类似蜡质条状纹饰,均匀分布或集中在气孔周围或凹凸部位,气孔器形状多为椭圆形(偶见梭形),内外拱盖表面粗糙或光滑。上述研究表明,山芹属叶片微形态特征具有良好的种内稳定性和种间多样性,尤其是初级纹饰的宽度及排列密度、二级纹饰以及气孔器形状等特征,可为山芹属植物种间和种下的近缘类群亲缘关系与分类修订提供形态学依据。  相似文献   

研究了29种柳属( Salix )植物在扫描电镜下的叶表皮微形态特征.结果表明:柳属的角质层蜡质纹饰可以划分为:痂状蜡质层,壳状平滑蜡质层,具凸起颗粒的蜡质层,具颗粒的蜡质层,锥形纤维体和鳞片状纤维体6种类型.其中锥形纤维体和鳞片状纤维体均为柳属所特有的蜡质类型,后者为前者的变型,这两种蜡质纹饰类型多见于较为进化的皱纹柳亚属和黄花柳亚属,故推测其可能为柳属中较为进化的性状.研究还发现气孔有外拱盖扁平和隆起呈脊状2种类型.而气孔外拱盖内缘为浅波状的类型仅见于高山和北极的类群中,因而推测该类型可能同高山和极地的低温等环境有关.气孔外拱盖的形态及其角化的情况以及蜡质类型是稳定的鉴别特征,对于柳属植物,尤其是一些表型相似的种类有很好的鉴别作用,但对于组、亚属的界定作用不大.  相似文献   

廖晨阳  杨明乐  陈一  高庆 《西北植物学报》2019,39(11):2003-2010
当归属是伞形科的代表性大属,日本列岛是其重要的分布地和多样性中心之一。该研究对产自日本的9种当归属植物(特有种8种)的果实形态结构和表面微形态特征进行了观察和比较,以明确它们的分类学特征,探讨潜在的种间关系,为进一步的分类修订和系统发育研究提供资料和依据。结果表明:(1)体式显微镜观察发现,产自日本的9种当归属植物的果实形状主要为倒卵形和长圆形,表面光滑或少毛,呈不同程度的背腹压扁,背棱大多呈线状突起或狭翅状,侧棱则呈或宽或窄的翅状,油管一般为每个棱槽1条、合生面2~4条。(2)扫描电镜观察发现,大多数材料的果实具有疏密不等的平行线形初级蜡质纹饰,次级纹饰呈现鳞状、束状、索状、丘状或不明显,个别可见珊瑚状或网格状基底,一般具有颗粒状附属物。(3)通过分析比较上述形态特征和鉴别要点,编制了分种检索表,并结合中国当归属系统发育的研究成果,进一步对日本特有当归属植物的系统位置及其与东亚大陆物种的亲缘关系进行了讨论。研究认为,日本特有当归属植物的果实形态特征较丰富,能为种间分类和亲缘关系研究提供有力支持。  相似文献   

中国伞形科柴胡属果实表面微形态特征及其分类学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用扫描电镜方法对中国20种柴胡属植物(含17种3变种,其中汶川柴胡和北柴胡各有2个居群)的果实表面微形态进行了研究,结果表明:柴胡属植物外果皮表面纹饰特征在所研究的居群间比较稳定;20种柴胡属植物果实微形态在表皮细胞形状是否可见、表面纹饰以及分泌物类型上表现出较高的多态性,可作为柴胡属种间鉴定的重要参考性状.根据果实表面细胞形状是否可见将所研究的柴胡属植物分成了两类:细胞形状可见型和细胞形状不可见型.根据果实表面微形态、外部形态特征和其他参考性状,支持黄花鸭跖柴胡(Bupleurum commelynoideum var.flaviflorum)独立成种.  相似文献   

对28种表型相似、种间界限模糊的柳属植物在扫描电子显微镜下的叶表皮微形态特征进行观察,结果表明:柳属中有7种角质层蜡质纹饰,分别是平滑蜡质层、壳状蜡质层、痂状蜡质层、片状晶体、膜片状晶体、锥形纤维体和鳞片状纤维体,其中锥形纤维体和鳞片状纤维体为柳属所特有,而片状晶体和膜片状晶体为首次在柳属植物中发现;扫描电子显微镜下柳属植物叶表皮毛被的微观形态特征并不似其宏观形态(疏毛、绢毛、绒毛等)那样具有显著差异,微观形态主要表现为毛被密度、长短和卷曲方式(分为直,微弯曲和深度卷曲三种)的不同.研究表明叶表皮蜡质纹饰类型、气孔器的形态等微形态特征较为稳定,对柳属植物中表型相似的种类有很好的鉴定价值,但对组、亚属水平的界定作用不大;分布于寒冷地区和高海拔地区的柳属植物的叶表皮微形态特征相对多样,这可能是植物对寒冷环境的适应进化.  相似文献   

杜鹃花属种类繁多,广泛分布于欧亚大陆和北美大陆,由于种间变异大、过渡特征丰富,其分类鉴定一直存在较多争议。该研究通过扫描电镜对常绿杜鹃亚属(subgen. Hymenanthes)麻花杜鹃亚组(subsect. Maculifera)的11种3变种植物的叶表皮微形态特征进行观察,为麻花亚组的分类与鉴定提供新的依据。结果显示:麻花杜鹃亚组植物上表皮表面平滑或粗糙、无表皮毛,具有条状、分枝状或短杆状初级蜡质纹饰;下表皮表面有或无分枝状蜡质纹饰,少部分具有表皮毛,不具有指状或乳状突起、亦无腺体;气孔器形状为圆形或椭圆形,内外拱盖表面粗糙或光滑,周围无间断的条形突起环绕。研究表明,麻花杜鹃亚组植物叶片微形态特征表现出一定的共性与多样性,可为麻花杜鹃亚组植物的分类和进化研究补充形态学依据。依据本研究观察结果对麻花杜鹃亚组进行了分类检索,并讨论了叶表皮微形态特征在该亚组近缘物种和种下类群研究中的分类学意义。  相似文献   

In female mosquitoes of the anthropophilic species Anopheles gambiae Giles s.s. and the zoophilic An. quadriannulatus Theobald single sensillum recordings from grooved pegs were made. In both species, the majority of these sensilla responded to ammonium hydroxide, butylamine and propanoic acid, whereas a smaller part responded to acetone. Lactic acid, butanone, 3-methyl phenol and 1-octen-3-ol evoked responses in a minority of grooved pegs only. In An. gambiae these four substances evoked either excitatory or inhibitory responses. In An. quadriannulatus excitatory and inhibitory responses were only found on stimulation with lactic acid; butanone, 3-methyl phenol and 1-octen-3-ol only evoked inhibition in the pegs of this species. More than half of the grooved pegs responded to water vapour with an increase in spike frequency. As opposed to this, in some pegs inhibitory responses were found upon stimulation with vapour of low humidity. This suggests that grooved pegs may play a role in humidity perception in Anopheles. Dose-response relations were investigated for cells excited by ammonium hydroxide, butylamine and propanoic acid. Excitatory responses to these three substances were dose-dependent. No significant differences were found between the dose-response curves of the two species. It is concluded that in both species the host odours tested are not perceived by specialist cells. Combined information from generalist cells may provide a detailed `odour profile' of the host.  相似文献   

Age effects on the insemination rate of the Galisua strain ofAnopheles gambiae s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae) and of the Nyanza strain ofAn. arabiensis were investigated in the laboratory. Batches of 7-day old males and females were kept together for 24 h with batches of mosquitoes of the opposite sex of ages ranging from 1–7 days. Males and females were also kept together continuously from emergence. The effect of increasing male/female ratios on the insemination rate was investigated as well. The insemination rate ofAn. arabiensis in the laboratory (96%) was similar to that found in nature, whereas that of our strain ofAn. gambiae s.s. was consistently low (maximum 72%), particularly after females had been together with males for a 24 h period only. The optimum age for insemination was 7 days for males and females of both species. The insemination rate of our strain ofAn. arabiensis was significantly higher at all ages than that of our strain ofAn. gambiae s.s.. The latter strain became inseminated at the earliest when 4 days old. An increase in the male/female ratio significantly enhanced the insemination rate in both strains. It was found that motility of spermatozoa inside the spermatheca, once in contact with saline, could be used as a marker for the approximate time of insemination. It is concluded that the relatively low insemination rate of the Galisua strain ofAn. gambiae s.s. is unlikely to be caused by the rearing conditions. Other factors that may be responsible are discussed.  相似文献   

The flower of Kingdonia has a terminal position, thus the rhizome is sympodial. The floral organs initiate in spiral phyllotaxis. The androecium is centripetal in initiation but the sterile stamens are retarded in development compared with the fertile ones. The apex of the young carpel does not participate in the conduplication. The floral organs have single vascular traces and unilacunar nodes.The study was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 30370095 and 30130030).  相似文献   

The pollen of 30 taxa (27 species, one subspecies and two varieties) in two genera, viz Polygonum s. str. and Polygonella was investigated with LM and SEM, and some selected taxa with TEM. In all genera investigated the pollen is prolate to spheroidal, and the aperture is mostly tricolporate, rarely panto-hexacolporate (especially Polygonum section Polygonum). The exine sculpturing pattern is the most variable feature. Three types of exine can be recognized. Type 1 (Avicularia-Type, sensu Hedberg) - All species of section Polygonum and section Tephis share the smooth tectate exine with spinules, sometimes the surface is more or less rough (Polygonum afromontanum in section Tephis). Type 2 (Pseudomollia-Type, sensu Hong) - Pollen of Polygonum molliaeforme (section Pseudomollia) has the exine, which is verrucose on both poles and nearby the mesocolpium, and mostly psilate around the ectoaperture. Type 3 (Duravia-Type, sensu Hedberg) - Pollen grains of Polygonum section Duravia and Polygonella have the exine which is semitectate-reticulate at the mesocolpium and the poles, and rugulate/reticulate or sometimes foveolate with microspinules around the ectoapertures. The pollen grains in four taxa (viz Polygonum section Pseudomollia, P. section Duravia and genus Polygonella) have a well-marked dimorphism of the ektexine, which is considered to be a synapomorphic condition. The differences of pollen grain between the genus Polygonella and Polygonum section Duravia are almost non existent and clearly interrelated. It is therefore postulated that the similarity in pollen of both taxa is not the result of convergency, but is interpreted as a homology. It is noteworthy that the pollen of Polygonum molliaeforme (section Pseudomollia) appears as intermediate between the Avicularia-type and the Duravia-type, and is well supported the value of separated section for its own. Additionally, in TEM, some exine ultrastructures (e.g. columellae, foot layer, endexine) appear to be valuable characters for comparison between/among taxa. The systematic potentialities of the pollen data of the studied taxa at various systematic levels are also discussed.  相似文献   

Leaf extracts of several taxa ofArgyranthemum (nanophaneroand chamaephytes endemic to the Macaronesian Islands) andChrysanthemum s. str. (therophytes of the West Mediterranean region) were subjected to polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis and analysis of peroxidase isoenzymes. The differences between the two genera are small; this points to their close affinity. The taxonomic subdivision ofChrysanthemum s. str. is confirmed. ForArgyranthemum the inclusion ofA. callichrysum andA. ochroleucum into sect.Ismelia is suggested.A. foeniculaceum may fit better into the otherwise isolated sect.Monoptera but somewhat approaches sect.Ismelia. Isoenzyme patterns inA. frutescens s. l. seem to reflect a geographical differentiation of the group on 5 Canary Islands.

Anisakiasis is a human disease caused by accidental ingestion of larval nematodes belonging to the Anisakidae family. Anisakiasis is often associated with a strong allergic response. Diagnosis of A. simplex allergy is currently carried out by test based on the IgE reactivity to a complete extract of L3 Anisakis larvae although the specificity of these diagnostic tests is poor. Improving the specificity of the diagnostic test is possible using purified recombinant allergens. A new Anisakis allergen, named Ani s 10, was detected by immunoscreening an expression cDNA library constructed from L3 Anisakis simplex larvae. The new allergen was overproduced in Escherichia coli; it is a protein of 212 amino acids and it was localized as a 22 kDa protein band in an ethanol fractionated extract from the parasite. Ani s 10 has no homology with any other described protein, and its sequence is composed by seven almost identical repetitions of 29 amino acids each. A total of 30 of 77 Anisakis allergic patients (39%) were positive both to rAni s 10 and natural Ani s 10 by immunoblotting. The new allergen could be useful in a component-resolved diagnosis system for Anisakis allergy.  相似文献   

Blooms of toxic cyanobacteria are very common in Brazilian waterbodies, as a consequence of eutrophication processes. Our investigations were focused on the detection of neurotoxins during a cyanobacterial bloom in Tapacurá reservoir, which serves as a water supply for Recife city in northeastern Brazil. We also investigated the possible presence of neurotoxins in strains of Anabaena spiroides isolated from this environment. Samples were collected from March to May 2002 at the water surface and close to the dam. Limnological parameters (conductivity, pH, inorganic nutrients) and cyanobacterial abundance were measured. The samples were assayed for toxicity by mouse bioassay and acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting activity by a colorimetric method; saxitoxins (paralytic shellfish poisons) were quantified by a HPLC-FLD postcolumn derivatization method. The dominant cyanobacteria during the bloom were found to be A. spiroides, Pseudanabaena sp., Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Microcystis aeruginosa. The mouse bioassays showed the presence of neurotoxins during both A. spiroides and C. raciborskii dominance, whereas anticholinesterase activity was only observed during periods of A. spiroides dominance. The A. spiroides strains isolated during the study also exhibited an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. HPLC-FLD chromatograms of bloom material extracts revealed the presence of saxitoxin, neosaxitoxin and dc-saxitoxin, probably produced by C. raciborskii.  相似文献   

Summary The secretory activity of the subcommissural organ (SCO) is affected by adrenalectomy, adrenalectomy + castration, and by an increase in ambient temperature in adrenalectomized and adrenalectomized + castrated animals. Adrenalectomy inhibits the activity of the SCO. After adrenalectomy + castration the decrease in the secretory activity of the SCO is more rapid. In contrast, an increase in the ambient temperature in adrenalectomized animals induces a recrudescence of the activity of the SCO. The increase in temperature in castrated + adrenalectomized lizards does not affect the inhibition produced by this type of surgical treatment. The histological changes are discussed on the basis of results obtained in the present study and in previous experiments.This work was presented at the First Colloquium of the European Pineal Study Group, November 20–24, 1978, in Amsterdam  相似文献   

Seeds of eight species ofSilene s. str. in Korea were examined with a dissecting stereomicroscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to evaluate the systematic significance of seed coat microstructure. The seeds ofSilene s. str. were characterized by triangular or reniform shape, planed or concave dorsal surface in outline, tuberculate or colliculate testa, and sinuated cell margin. Based on the degree of grooves and invagination at dorsal surface, the seeds of the examined taxa ofSilene s. str. fall into two distinct groups: (I) dorsal grooves inconspicuous, surface planed (Silene jenisseensis andS. repens), (II) dorsal grooves conspicuous, surface concave (six remaining taxa). Within each group, seeds of all species may be further distinguished based on shape, size, and testa surface sculpturing. A key to the different species or groups of species is provided, and the systematic significance between/among the taxa is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

以6种广义虾脊兰属植物和2种树兰亚科植物为材料,利用液相色谱 串联三重四极杆质谱仪(LCMS QQQ)测定了冻伤处理前后花和叶片中靛苷、靛红、靛蓝和靛玉红4种吲哚基衍生物的含量,分析广义虾脊兰属植物吲哚基衍生物的生成及种属间含量的差异。结果显示:(1)4种吲哚基衍生物在所测定的6种广义虾脊兰属植物中均被检出,但在2种树兰亚科植物五唇兰和足茎毛兰中均未被发现。(2)在所测定的6种广义虾脊兰属植物花和叶片中,冻伤处理后的靛蓝、靛玉红和靛红含量均显著上升,而靛苷含量显著下降,同时花中的吲哚基衍生物含量均高于叶片。(3)6种广义虾脊兰属植物花和叶中吲哚基衍生物总含量以黄兰花最高,三褶虾脊兰叶最低。研究表明,冻伤处理引起靛苷向靛蓝的大量转化是导致冻伤后广义虾脊兰属植物组织中呈现出蓝色的主要原因,推测吲哚基衍生物可能也是一类与植物防御相关的化合物,在植物抵御逆境中扮演着重要的角色。  相似文献   

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