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Colon cancer is one of the most reasons for cancer death worldwide. Thus, it is important to find new prognostic and diagnostic marker, as well as to throw light on the special metabolic pathways of colon cancer cells. This paper highlights for the first time some qualitative differences in the profiles of the volatile metabolites of colon cancer cell lines SW 480 (grade IV, Duke B) and SW 1116 (grade II, Duke A) among themselves and in comparison to the normal colon cell line NCM460, which are mostly represented by ketones and alcohols. These results, which were obtained by applying solid phase micro extraction (SPME) and combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), are consistent with Warburg’s hypothesis because the found reaction products may indicate that the cancer cells show the Crabtree’s effect. Furthermore, compounds like undecan-2-ol and pentadecan-2-one were associated for the first time with the human metabolism. In summary, these findings indicate that the metabolism of colon cancer cells differs extremely from the metabolism of healthy cells and it changes during the progress of the disease. Compounds that are present in the breath, the blood and the tissue of patients represent the differences and they can serve as new biomarker for colon cancer in future.  相似文献   

南五味子脂溶性成分的GC-MS分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对南五味子脂溶性成分进行研究。方法:采用索氏提取法提取脂溶性成分,甲酯化后用GC-MS联用技术分离鉴定其组成和含量。结果:脂溶性成分的得率为15.42%。鉴定了32个化合物,占样品总量的91.95%,其中脂肪酸成分的量占81.30%。含量较高的化合物为亚油酸(57.63%),油酸(13.37%),棕榈酸(7.16%)。结论:首次对南五味子脂溶性成分进行了分析,主要为脂肪酸,不饱和脂肪酸占优势。  相似文献   

GC/MS检测方法采用初步探明黄独低温离体保存微型块茎的差异代谢物。与黄独微型块茎25℃离体保存相比较,黄独微型块茎4℃离体保存的差异性代谢物有丙氨酸(Alanine)、儿茶素(Catechin)、N,N-双(2-羟乙基)甲胺(N,N-Di-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-methanamine)、水杨酸(Salicylic acid)、柠檬酸(Citric acid)和山梨糖(Sorbose)等。在黄独微型块茎4℃离体保存中,丙氨酸(Alanine)参与氰基氨基酸代谢;儿茶素(Catechin)参与次生代谢产物生物合成、黄酮类化合物的生物合成和苯丙素的生物合成;水杨酸(Salicylic acid)参与多环芳烃降解、微生物在不同环境中的代谢、植物激素信号转导、次生代谢产物生物合成、二恶英降解、苯丙氨酸代谢、芳烃降解、植物激素生物合成、铁载体组非核糖体肽合成和苯丙素的生物合成等。柠檬酸(Citric acid)参与来自鸟氨酸、赖氨酸和烟酸的生物碱生物合成、组氨酸和嘌呤的生物碱生物合成、微生物在不同环境中的代谢、植物次生代谢产物的生物合成、2-氧代羧酸代谢、萜类和类固醇的生物合成、原核生物固碳途径、次生代谢产物生物合成、来自莽草酸途径的生物碱生物合成、来自萜类化合物和聚酮的生物碱生物合成、柠檬酸循环(TCA循环)、植物激素生物合成、乙醛酸和二羧酸代谢、双组分系统、苯丙素的生物合成以及来自鸟氨酸,赖氨酸和烟酸的生物碱生物合成等。黄独低温离体保存微型块茎差异代谢物的初步发现为进一步了解其低温离体保存的分子机制奠定了基础,也为低温离体保存黄独微型块茎的破除休眠以及其后续萌发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

毛细管气相色谱/质谱法测定关苍术中的挥发性成分   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用正己烷萃取关苍术中挥发性成分 ,以GC -MS分离 ,经计算机检索系统处理与质谱标准谱图核对 ,检出香橙烯 ([ ]-Aromadendrene)、反式石竹烯 (trans -Caryophyllene)、γ -榄香烯 (gamma -Elemene)、α -草烯(alpha -Humulene)、β -桉叶烯 (beta-Selinene)、2 -甲基苯酚 (Phenol,2 -methyl- )、石竹二烯酮 (Caryophylla - 2 [12 ],6 [13]-dien - 5 -one)、1-甲氧基 - 2 (1-甲基 - 2 -亚甲基 -环戊基 ) -苯 (Benzene,1-methoxy - 2 [1-methyl- 2 -methylenecyclopentyl]- )、呋喃 - 2 -亚甲基 - (1H -嘌呤 - 6基 ) -胺 (1H -Purin - 6 -ammine,N - [2 -furanylmethyl]- )、白术内酯 (Butenolide)、1-溴 - 8十七炔 (8-Heptadecyne ,1-beome)等 11种挥发性成分  相似文献   

A strategy for robust and reliable mechanistic statistical modelling of metabolic responses in relation to drug induced toxicity is presented. The suggested approach addresses two cases commonly occurring within metabonomic toxicology studies, namely; 1) A pre-defined hypothesis about the biological mechanism exists and 2) No such hypothesis exists. GC/MS data from a liver toxicity study consisting of rat urine from control rats and rats exposed to a proprietary AstraZeneca compound were resolved by means of hierarchical multivariate curve resolution (H-MCR) generating 287 resolved chromatographic profiles with corresponding mass spectra. Filtering according to significance in relation to drug exposure rendered in 210 compound profiles, which were subjected to further statistical analysis following correction to account for the control variation over time. These dose related metabolite traces were then used as new observations in the subsequent analyses. For case 1, a multivariate approach, named Target Batch Analysis, based on OPLS regression was applied to correlate all metabolite traces to one or more key metabolites involved in the pre-defined hypothesis. For case 2, principal component analysis (PCA) was combined with hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) to create a robust and interpretable framework for unbiased mechanistic screening. Both the Target Batch Analysis and the unbiased approach were cross-verified using the other method to ensure that the results did match in terms of detected metabolite traces. This was also the case, implying that this is a working concept for clustering of metabolites in relation to their toxicity induced dynamic profiles regardless if there is a pre-existing hypothesis or not. For each of the methods the detected metabolites were subjected to identification by means of data base comparison as well as verification in the raw data. The proposed strategy should be seen as a general approach for facilitating mechanistic modelling and interpretations in metabolomic studies.  相似文献   

We modified and tuned a commercial model of a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) instrument to develop a simple and rapid method for the simultaneous quantification of a variety of gas species. Using the developed method with the newly modified instrument, gas species such as H2, N2, O2, CO, NO, CH4, CO2, and N2O, which are common components of microbial metabolism, were accurately identified based on their retention times and/or mass-to-charge ratios (m/z) in less than 2.5 min. By examining the sensitivities and dynamic ranges for the detection of H2, N2, O2, CH4, CO2, and N2O, it was demonstrated that the method developed in this study was sufficient for accurately monitoring the production and the consumption of these gaseous species during microbial metabolism. The utility of the new method was demonstrated by a denitrification study with Pseudomonas aureofaciens ATCC 13985T. This method will be suitable for a variety of applications requiring the identification of gaseous metabolites in microorganisms, microbial communities, and natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

气相色谱/质谱法研究栀子花头香成分   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The floral volatiles of Gardenia jasminodes vat. grandiflora were investigated by adsorption wire/GC/MS. As a result 86 compounds were separated and determined, which amount to 98.5% of the total volatiles. The main compounds were linalool, β-myrcene, methyl benzoate, L-limonene, ocimene, cis-3-hexenyl tiglate, cis-3-hexenylisovalerate, iso-amyltiglate, etc.  相似文献   

Summary High performance liquid chromatography of alumina extracts of several tissues inPolyorchis penicillatus show the presence of dopamine and a catecholamine resembling norepinephrine. Dopamine is found in the highest concentrations in nerve-rich tissue (120 fmol·mg wet wt–1), at intermediate concentrations in endoderm-rich tissue (30 fmol·mg–1), and at the lowest concentrations in the mesoglea (10 fmol·mg–1). The presence of dopamine was confirmed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with negative ion chemical ionization, but norepinephrine and epinephrine could not be detected in nerve-rich tissue.  相似文献   

黄粉虫防御性分泌物化学成分的GC/MS分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用二氯甲烷为溶剂萃取黄粉虫成虫腹部防御性分泌物并经GC/MS法分析,检测出其中7种成分:2-甲基对苯醌、对甲酚、正二十三烷、正二十四烷、12-二十五烯、正二十五烷和正二十六烷。幼虫和蛹腹末端的体液与成虫防御性分泌物共有4种长链烷烃,幼虫另含有3种有机酸。幼虫和蛹均不含有毒性较强的2-甲基对苯醌和对甲酚,用作动物蛋白饲料较安全。对成虫分泌物中的2-甲基对苯醌和对甲酚进行了定量分析,并探讨了不同日龄和性别的成虫防御性分泌物的分泌规律及再生性特点。  相似文献   

In this study, the electronic nose and GC/MS were used to analyze the chemical components of essential oils from different germplasm resources of Artemisia argyi Folium (A. argyi), in order to quickly identify essential oils of A. argyi from different germplasm resources and clarify the differences among different A. argyi samples. The essential oils of A. argyi were extracted by steam distillation. This article describes for the first time that electronic nose combined with chemometrics can distinguish the essential oils of A. argyi from different germplasm, which proves the reliability and potential of this technology. GC/MS was used to identify 134 volatile components from the essential oil of A. argyi. The main bioactive components were cineole, thujarone, artemisia ketone, β-caryophyllene, (−)-4-terpinol, 3,3,6-trimethyl-1,5-heptadien-4-ol, (−)-α-thujone, camphor, borneol. In addition, the results of principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) showed that there were significant differences in the essential oils of A. argyi from different germplasm resources, terpenes, alcohols and ketones played an important role in identifying the essential oils of A. argyi from different germplasm resources. This indicates that electronic nose and GC/MS combined with chemometrics can be used as reliable techniques to identify different germplasm resources of A. argyi, and provide certain reference value for quality evaluation, selection of high-quality varieties and rational development of resources of A. argyi.  相似文献   

Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) have relatively low peripheral concentrations of progesterone (P4). The objective of this study was to determine if these relatively low P4 concentrations are associated with a high ratio of progestin metabolites and to document metabolite concentrations from individual blood samples obtained from manatees during diestrus or pregnancy. Metabolites known to exist in elephants—terrestrial manatee relatives—were targeted. These included 5α-reduced progestins (5α-pregnane-3,20-dione [5α-DHP] and 3α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one [5α-P3-OH]) and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17α-OHP), which occurs in Asian elephants. An additional, inactive metabolite, 20α-hydroxyprogesterone (20α-OHP), indicative of P4 overproduction, was also targeted. Progesterone itself was the predominant progestin detected in pregnant and nonpregnant manatee plasma (n = 10) using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with tandem quadrupole detectors (GC/MS/MS). Progesterone concentrations in pregnant females varied from early (moderate to high) through mid and late (low) pregnancy. Progesterone concentrations ranged from low to high in nonpregnant, nonlactating females. The most commonly detected metabolite was 5α-P3-OH (n = 7), which occurred in pregnant (lower limit of detection [LLOD] to high) and nonpregnant (trace to high) females. The 5α-DHP metabolite was also detected in pregnant (LLOD to moderate) and nonpregnant (low) females. The 17α-OHP metabolite was not detected in any tested female. The 20α-OHP metabolite was detected in one nonpregnant, nonlactating, captive female (LLOD). Metabolites were most prevalent during early pregnancy, concurrent with maximum P4 concentrations. Based on their concentrations in peripheral circulation, we inferred that these metabolites may have, opposite to elephants, a limited physiologic role during luteal, pregnant, and nonpregnant phases in the manatee.  相似文献   

利用气相色谱/质谱联用仪对采自青海的瘤果棱子芹经二氧化碳超临界萃取(SFE-CO2)及水蒸汽蒸馏(SD)得到的精油化学成分进行分析,分别从不同提取样品中分析鉴定了49种和41种化学成分,其中主要的化学成分是E-9-十八烯酸(9.54%)和1,3,5,7-环辛四烯(15.26%)。  相似文献   

兰州油松松皮挥发性成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用水蒸气蒸馏法对兰州产油松松皮的挥发性成分进行提取,采用GC/MS方法分离、鉴定了其中42个化学成分。  相似文献   

The GC/MS detection is reported of over 30 compounds, in extracts of the endosperm and embryos from seeds of Cucurbita maxima. The compounds which were identified from reference spectra include: cis,trans-ABA; trans,trans-ABA; dihydrophaseic acid; IAA; GA4; GA12; GA13; GA25; GA39; GA43; GA49; ent-13-hydroxy-, ent-6α,7α-and ent-7α,13-dihydroxy-, and ent-6α,7α,13-trihydroxykaur-16-en-19-oic acids; ent-7α,16,17-trihydroxy- and ent-6α,7α,16,17-tetrahydroxy-kauran-19-oic acids, ent-6,7-seco-7-oxokauren-6,19-dioic acid and/or ent-6,7-secokauren-6,7,19-trioic acid, and 7β,12α-dihydroxykaurenolide. New compounds, the structures of which were deduced from GC/MS data, include: the 12α-hydroxy-derivatives of GA12, GA14, GA37 and GA4, and the 12β-hydroxy-derivatives of ent-7α-hydroxy- and ent-6α,7α-dihydroxykaurenoic acids.  相似文献   

一产香银杏内生真菌挥发油化学成分的GC-MS研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用气相色谱 质谱联用法 (GC MS) ,DB 5 30m× 0 .2 5mm× 0 .2 5 μm色谱柱 ,对产香银杏内生菌(Fusariumsp .)挥发油进行GC MS分析 ,分离出 2 4种组分 ,采用峰面积归一化 ,据GC MS联用所得质谱信息 ,鉴定出 1 5种成分 ,共占其色谱流出组分的 5 1 .0 7%。  相似文献   

Twenty components extracted from the essential oil in the leaves of 172 samples of Perilla frutescens var. crispa (vegetable crop form), P. frutescens var. frutescens (oil crop form), the wild/weedy form of P. frutescens, and three wild Perilla species, Perilla citriodora, Perilla hirtella and Perilla setoyensis were analyzed using GC/MS. A wide range of essential oil components were found among the wild/weedy form of P. frutescens, whereas distinctive components were detected in each wild Perilla species. Egomaketone, asaron, methyleugenol and 4,6-dimethoxy- or 4,7-dimethoxy-5-(2-propenyl)-1,3-dioxaindan were detected from Perilla for the first time. Limonene derivatives, piperitone and piperitenone, were detected from P. citriodora. Discovery of the limonene derivatives in this Perilla species provides evidence of this wild species being a genome donor of P. frutescens, while limonene synthase has been considered to be a specific enzyme in cultivated P. frutescens. These results will be useful for the evaluation and utilization of Perilla genetic resources.  相似文献   

利用气相色谱质谱联用技术,首次对工业生产脱落酸的发酵液中脂溶性成分进行分析,经气相色谱分离出了55个峰,共鉴定了其中的36种化学成分,占总成分的72.80%。分析鉴定结果表明,发酵液的脂溶性成分中主要化学成分为饱和烃类,如十四碳烷至三十一碳烷,占总脂溶性成分的27.49%;其次是脂肪酸酯,如十五碳酸乙酯、棕榈酸乙酯、油酸乙酯与亚油酸乙酯等,占总脂溶性成分的19.02%。  相似文献   

The volatile composition of seven honey samples collected from various regions of Algeria and feeding on different plants have been determined. The Headspace Solid‐Phase MicroExtraction (HS‐SPME) coupled with Gas Chromatography‐Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) was used to achieve the purpose. In this work, different parameters of the HS‐SPME analytical method were investigated in order to reach maximal sensitivity, and thus to obtain maximum information about the volatile profile of Algerian honey. These parameters include saline medium, HS extraction temperature, and the nature of the fiber used. The results showed a great diversity in the chemical composition, in total 124 compounds from different chemical classes were identified, including compounds found for the first time in honey. The Ascending Hierarchical Classification (AHC) demonstrated the importance of choosing SPME extraction conditions to find volatile compounds, which could be as specific markers of the floral or geographical origin of honey, the latter was optimized in the parameter PDMS‐55 °C.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific GC/MS method for the determination of clozapine (CLZ) and its major metabolite norclozapine (NCLZ), in plasma has been developed, optimized and validated. Specimen preparation includes solid-phase extraction of both analytes using Bond-Elut Certify cartridge and further derivatization with TFAA. Clozapine-d8 was used as internal standard for the determination of CLZ and NCLZ. Limits of detection were 0.45 ng/mL for CLZ and 1.59 ng/mL for NCLZ, while limits of quantification were 1.37 ng/mL for CLZ and 4.8 ng/mL for NCLZ, as calculated by the calibration curves. The calibration curves were linear up to 600 ng/mL for CLZ and NCLZ. Absolute recovery ranged from 82.22% to 95.35% for both analytes. Intra- and interday accuracy was less than 7.13% and −12.52%, respectively, while intra- and interday precision was between 9.47% and 12.07%, respectively, for CLZ and NCLZ. The method covers all therapeutic range and proved suitable for the determination of CLZ and NCLZ not only in psychiatric patients but also in forensic cases with clozapine implication.  相似文献   

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