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Letuta  U. G.  Binder  A. S.  Tikhonova  T. A. 《Microbiology》2020,89(3):273-277
Microbiology - The effect of 25Mg, a magnetic magnesium isotope, on the sensitivity of Escherichia coli K12 TG1 to quinolone/fluoroquinolone (nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin) and aminoglycoside...  相似文献   

Assay of the Antibiotic Activity of Serum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
One of the drawbacks of the "tube dilution" method for the assay of antibiotics in human serum has been illustrated by utilizing serum-sensitive and serum-resistant strains of Escherichia coli. In the case of serum-sensitive strains, it was found that fresh serum alone may account for the same degree of inhibition and thus yield minimal inhibitory concentrations identical to those obtained with serum combined with antibiotics, that is, "simulated" serum assay specimens. This fallacy of the method is discussed with regard to those instances in which laboratories were merely to utilize the patient's own coliform organism as the test organism, or with respect to the assay of, for example, polymyxins, in which inadvertently a R(ough) and therefore, serum-sensitive strain of E. coli were to be used as the indicator organism. It is recommended that serum-resistant laboratory strains of Staphylococcus aureus or E. coli of known antibiotic susceptibility be employed as the test organisms proper in order to circumvent the inherent bactericidal activity of serum.  相似文献   

A wild-type strain of Micrococcus radiodurans and its nonpigmented mutant W(1) were tested for sensitivity to 10 antibiotics selected from the standpoint of their mechanism of action. Representatives of groups of antibiotics inhibiting deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis, DNA-dependent ribonucleic acid synthesis, protein synthesis, and cell wall synthesis were selected. M. radiodurans and its mutant exhibited full susceptibility to all antibiotics tested (mitomycin C, actinomycin D, chloramphenicol, dihydrostreptomycin, erythromycin, neomycin, kanamycin, benzylpenicillin, bacitracin, and vancomycin), the degree of susceptibility being of the same order as that of a standard strain of Staphylococcus aureus 209 P, with the exception of dihydrostreptomycin.  相似文献   

Increase in Sensitivity for the Assay of Neomycin in Milk   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A study was conducted to design a more sensitive and flexible technique for the assay of neomycin in milk. Sterile Antibiotic Assay medium (Difco; 15 ml) was poured into glass petri dishes with aluminum tops equipped with absorbent discs. Seed agar (4 ml; containing 1% sodium chloride) inoculated with standardized amounts of the test organism (Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228) was laid over the hardened base agar, and stainless-steel cylinders were placed equal distances apart in the agar. The plates were refrigerated for 30 min and the cups were removed in an atmosphere of minimal contamination. The resultant holes were sealed with melted agar. After preparation, the holes were used for assay procedures. Samples to be assayed were pipetted into the holes and the plates were refrigerated for 90 min at 4 C. Plates were incubated for 18 to 20 hr at 32 C. The zones of inhibition were recorded and compared with a standard curve. The approximate sensitivity of this method was 0.05 mug/ml.  相似文献   

The tube dilution method of performing antibiotic sensitivity tests is commonly employed as an accurate method for defining the minimal inhibitory concentration in relation to pathogenic organisms. It is also used as a reference for comparing minimal inhibitory concentrations with the size of the zone of inhibition in the agar diffusion test. Although surveys have shown that there is no standardized method and technique of performing the tube dilution test, it is generally assumed that all of the diversified methods will yield the same results and interpretations. With the assistance of five experts, seven different tube dilution methods were compared; 16 antibiotics, and three organisms for each antibiotic, were used. The conclusions drawn are that, although the accuracy of a single method within its own confines is acknowledged, the minimal inhibitory concentrations and interpretations cannot be interpolated from one laboratory to another where a different technique is employed. The results are frequently discrepant. It is suggested that a uniform method be developed and promulgated for general use.  相似文献   

Plaque formation by various rickettsiae was completely inhibited by commercial antibiotic discs impregnated with tetracycline, chloramphenicol, nitrofurantoin, and erythromycin; partial inhibition was observed around discs containing nalidixic acid and sulfisoxazole, but no inhibition was seen around discs containing cephalothin, ampicillin, oxacillin, kanamycin, polymyxin B, streptomycin, or penicillin.  相似文献   

A logarithmic-ratio microbiological assay has been developed for the estimation of concentrations of actinobolin (or inhibitory equivalents) in human saliva. The utility of this assay has been demonstrated by presenting data that show concentrations of this antibiotic (or inhibitory equivalents) detected in saliva or saline after incubation at 37 C for periods as long as 6 hr. The results of some statistical analyses of the assay data have been included.  相似文献   

目的:探讨上海地区2008与2012年泌尿生殖道解脲脲原体(Ureaplasma urealyticum,UU)耐药性变化,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法:采用自制UU药物敏感检测试剂对2008年450例和2012年459例患者的标本进行检测,观察UU阳性情况及UU对交沙霉素、氧氟沙星、阿奇霉素和强力霉素的药物敏感性。结果:2008年分离到150例UU阳性标本和2012年分离到134例UU阳性标本分别对交沙霉素、强力霉素、氧氟沙星和阿奇霉素等4种抗菌素的敏感率有显著性差异;2008年46例和2012年38例男性患者阳性标本中分离的UU分别对交沙霉素和阿奇霉素敏感率有显著性差异;对强力霉素和氧氟沙星敏感率无显著性差异。2008年104例和2012年96例女性患者阳性标本中分离的UU分别对交沙霉素、强力霉素、氧氟沙星和阿奇霉素等4中抗菌素的敏感率都有显著性差异。结论:5年间UU药物敏感性发生了变迁;临床医师应该关注本地区药物敏感性变迁,合理选用抗生素。  相似文献   

?????? 目的 分析抗菌药物临床应用专项整治对医院住院患者抗菌药物临床用药的持续效果。方法 采用回顾性调查方法,以开展抗菌药物临床应用专项整治前后的2010—2012为研究时间,对医院住院患者抗菌药物使用率、使用强度、用药金额及清洁手术预防用药率、清洁手术术后24小时停药率进行调查及分析。结果 2010—2012年,抗菌药物使用率分别为70.0%、64.4%和49.3%,抗菌药物使用强度分别为73.3、58.2和37.9,抗菌药物用药金额占药费总额比例分别为21.9%、16.2%和11.1%;清洁手术预防用抗菌药物比率分别为95.5%、91.0%和50.3%,清洁手术术后24小时停药率分别为11.0%、27.2%和42.0%。结论 抗菌药物临床应用专项整治对抗菌药物的合理使用起到了积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

The growth inhibition test for identifying Mycoplasma species has been modified by drying antibody-impregnated paper discs at 5 C. When stored at -20 C, these discs have been found to retain their inhibitory activity for longer than 7 months. Since these discs can be stored for long period of time, significant advantages over present methods result. When, for example, discs are arranged on a ring, a single test can be used for the identification of an unknown human species. Valuable antisera can be distributed to other laboratories on paper discs in much less volume than can fluid antiserum. Considerable savings of time result from prior preparation of many discs that can then be stored and used over a long period of time. The growth-inhibiting antibody is stable, and the activity is not enhanced by a heat-labile accessory factor from fresh guinea pig serum which increases the antibody titer in the metabolic inhibition test.  相似文献   

Exogenously-added ethylene stimulated active sucrose uptakein root discs of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in a log dose-linearresponse manner. The ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylicacid (ACC) stimulated both endogenous ethylene production andsucrose uptake. Conversely, an inhibitor of ACC synthesis, aminoethoxyvinylglycine(AVG) inhibited both endogenous ethylene production and sucroseuptake. Exogenously-added ethylene can overcome the AVG effecton sucrose uptake. Root tissue from freshly-harvested sugarbeet plants contain gas-phase ethylene levels slightly belowthat required to stimulate active sucrose uptake. No differenceswere found in gas-phase ethylene levels in the root tissue ofsugar beet cultivars having different concentrations of sucrose.The root tissue has an inherent capacity to synthesize ACC andethylene at high rates. Like ethylene, propylene can stimulate active sucrose uptakein beet root discs, but it is not detected in the gas phaseof the tissue. Acetylene, propane, and ethane had no effecton sucrose uptake. Exogenously-added IAA and ABA each make ethylenesensitivetissue insensitive to ethylene stimulation of sucrose uptake.Other plant hormones have no apparent effect on the ethyleneresponse. The role that ethylene may play on sucrose uptakein root tissue of sugar beet is discussed. (Received February 12, 1986; Accepted April 22, 1986)  相似文献   

Simplified, Accurate Method for Antibiotic Assay of Clinical Specimens   总被引:205,自引:8,他引:205       下载免费PDF全文
Large glass plates are used for this modified agar-well diffusion assay method, allowing up to 81 replications on a single plate. With a specially designed agar punch, it is possible to prepare the small agar wells very quickly. The saving in serum resulting from fewer replications of standards with the large plates, and the small volume of the agar wells, makes it economically feasible to use pooled human serum for the standard antibiotic solutions. Methods are described for preparing the standard solutions, and for providing controls for the deterioration of standards and unknowns. Procedures for preparing and maintaining the commonly used assay organisms are presented. Serum specimens are tested directly rather than diluting them to a narrow range of antibiotic concentrations. This is possible because of a procedure for calculations that recognizes the curvilinear relationship between zone sizes and antibiotic concentrations. Adaptation of this method to a number of the commonly used antibiotics is described. With this method, it has been possible to test large numbers of clinical specimens in a minimal time, and with accuracy consistently better than 10%.  相似文献   

A mechanical method of inoculating culture plates for antibiotic sensitivity testing is described. This method, which involves the use of a modified laboratory centrifuge, is rapid and provides a homogeneous distribution of organisms.  相似文献   

A rapid filter paper dot-immunobinding assay was adapted to detect the wall-less mollicute Spiroplasma citri in medium, plants, or insects. Filter paper spotted with sample was incubated first in dilute antiserum, then in protein A-peroxidase, and finally in a substrate of 4-chloro-1-naphthol plus hydrogen peroxide. The detection limit averaged 2.3 × 1010 CFU/ml in cultures, and S. citri was detected in single infected leafhoppers. This assay was less sensitive but more rapid and economical than an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.  相似文献   

The effects of the growth promoters avoparcin and avilamycin and the ionophore anticoccidials maduramicin, narasin and monensin on the growth of Clostridium perfringens (Cp) in the ceaca and on performance of broiler chickens were tested in 2 experiments. The supplements were fed as single feed additives or in some combinations. No clinical signs or lesions caused by coccidia were observed in any of the studies. All supplements had an antibacterial effect on Cp and improved growth rate significantly. Carcass yield of birds fed growth promoters avilamycin or avoparcin was significantly higher compared with birds fed anticoccidials. These data indicate that, what concerns bird performance, during good hygienic conditions supplementation with antibiotic growth promoters may not be necessary when the diet is supplemented with an anticoccidial with antibacterial effects.  相似文献   

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