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Isocitrate lyase was partially purified from germinating spores of the fern Anemia phyllitidis. The enzyme requires Mg2+ and thiol compounds for maximal activity and has a pH optimum between 6.5 and 7.5. The Km of the enzyme for threo-Δs-isocitrate is 0.5 mM. Succinate inhibits the enzyme non-competitively (Ki. 1.8 mM). The increase of isocitrate lyase activity is closely correlated with the induction of the germination process. The fall of enzyme activity during germination is associated with the decline in triglyceride reserves.  相似文献   

During the first 96 h of culture, germinating spores of the fern Sphaeropteris cooperi (F. v. Muell.) Tryon showed a gradual rise in respiratory activity to a maximum of about 6.5 μl 02 h−1 mg−1 dry wt. This was followed by a transitory decline in rate, concluded by a second respiratory rise preceding the emergence of the rhizoid after 192 h of culture. Oxygen uptake during the first 120 h of germination was insensitive to 1 m M potassium cyanide (KCN) but was inhibited by 1 m M salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM); however, beyond this time cyanide showed increasing inhibitory effectiveness whereas SHAM became less effective. Regardless of time of application, KCN had no effect on germination. Maximum inhibition of germination by SHAM was achieved if applied up to 120 h after culture initiation, after which spores became insensitive to SHAM. Heat treatment (50°C for 90 min) during the cyanide-resistant phase of respiration (0 h–120 h) induced cyanide-sensitive respiration and completely inhibited spore germination. Elevated temperatures had little effect if applied during the cyanide-sensitive phase (beyond 120 h). Temperature inhibited spores regained their ability to germinate if maintained in culture until the cyanide-resistant pathway was restored and then subjected to a second photoinductive light treatment. These results suggest the presence and possible involvement of the cyanide-resistant, alternative respiratory pathway during germination of Sphaeropteris cooperi spores.  相似文献   

Isocitrate lyase activity increased in cotyledons of germinating seeds of Prunus dulcis (almond) which had been induced to germinate by either stratification or treatment with gibberellic acid (GA). Germination of embryos, growth of the embryonic axis and activity of isocitrate lyase increased with increasing concentrations of GA from 10?7 to 10?3 M.  相似文献   

Germination of whole barley seeds for 4 and 6 days followed by measurement of lysophospholipase (lysolecithin acyl hydrolase, LAH) in the embryo-containing and embryo-free halves revealed a gradient of activity between the two halves of the seed. Most of the activity appeared in the embryo-containing half. This gradient decreased slightly in the aleurone and dramatically in the starchy endosperm during the 2 day germination interval. Embryo-containing and embryo-free half seeds of surface sterilized barley were placed separately on sterile agar plates. After 4 and 6 days LAH was observed in both the aleurone and starchy endosperm of the embryo-containing halves. In the embryo-free halves, LAH appeared at low levels in the aleurone and was virtually absent in the starchy endosperm. The scutellum of germinating seeds contains LAH activity. Exposure of embryo-free half seeds to GA3 for 24 hr showed enhancement of acidic and alkaline LAH activities in the aleurone fraction and in the GA3-medium in which the half seeds were treated. The LAH activity of the starchy endosperm of these half seeds was little changed by GA3 treatment. Exposure of isolated aleurones to GA3 for 24 hr resulted in substantial enhancement of acidic and alkaline LAH activities in the bathing medium and in fractions prepared from the aleurone. The physiological significance of the influence of GA3 on LAH activity during barley germination is discussed.  相似文献   

In Gibberella fujikuroi cultures, ent-[3β-3H,17-14C]kaurene is converted to gibberellic acid with retention of the tritium label at the 3α-position. This evidence for the stereochemistry of 3-hydroxylation also permits the stereochemistry of the ‘proton-initiated’ cyclization step in gibberellic acid biosynthesis to be deduced.  相似文献   

Javed Iqbal 《Planta》1977,134(1):1-3
The vegetative prothalli (1–3 weeks old) of Anemia were incubated for 24 h in [14C]adenine. The RNA was phenol extracted from whole cells and the poly (A) sequences were isolated by nuclease digestion followed by poly (U)-sepharose chromatography. About 2–3% of the total radioactivity was retained on the column. The base composition of the nuclease resistant RNA was: C, 1.4; G, 3.6; A, 93.3; and U, 1.7. It is concluded that Anemia RNA contains poly adenylate sequences.Part of a post-doctoral work. Fellowship awarded by Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   

The light requirement for germination in spores of the fern Thelypteris kunthii (Desv.) Morton was fully satisfied by a long period of continuous red light or partially by intermittent, short periods of red light. Red light-potentiated spore germination was inhibited by brief far-red light irradiation, indicating phytochrome involvement. Repeated exposure of spores to prolonged red and short far-red irradiations, or exposure of red-potentiated spores to far-red light after an extended period in darkness, led to their escape from inhibition of germination by far-red light. Prolonged irradiation of spores with blue light before or after red light treatment partially antagonized the effect of red light.  相似文献   

Gibberellic acid-induced germination of hazel seeds was accompanied by little change in the sterol content of the cotyledons. Dormant and germinating cotyledons rapidly incorporated [2-14C]MVA into squalene which was slowly converted to sterols. Gibberellin treatment induced an increase in the incorporation of [2-14C]MVA into cotyledon esterified sterols. An increase in free sterols occurred in the germinating embryonic axes, with increased relative amounts of stigmasterol and campesterol in the free 4-desmethylsterols. Germination was accompanied by increased incorporation of [2-14C]MVA into free and esterified sterols in the embryonic axes.  相似文献   

Giberellic acid (GA) induced germination of hazel seeds is accompanied by early increases in the specific and total activities of MVA kinase in the embryonic axes. This is followed by an increase in the activity of decarboxylation of MVA by the whole axes. The activity of MVA kinase in the cotyledons is not affected by GA treatment although increased uptake of MVA results in increased decarboxylation by cotyledon slices. The effects of cofactors and inhibitors on the activities of MVA kinase and MVA decarboxylation in a cell free extract of hazel cotyledons are described.  相似文献   

In Schizaeaceae ferns, including Anemia phyllitidis, formation of antheridia is known to be induced by exogenously applied gibberellic acid. Also present studies show that GA3 (10−5 mol·dm−3) modifies the development of gametophytes of Anemia phyllitidis. Simultaneously with formation of antheridia, they exhibit lower number of cells but only slightly lowered profile areas and lengths of prothalli. Growth in size of individual cells compensates for lowered division frequency. Cytophotometric measurements reveal no essential changes in the DNA content in vegetative cells of the control and GA3-stimulated gametophytes. It remains at haploid level and therefore it is assumed that cell cycle is blocked at G1 phase. Application of GA3 increases the total amount of proteins. CZE (Capillary Zone Electrophoresis) separation of peptides extracted from control and GA3-treated prothalli indicates the differences in the ratio of their particular forms. In GA3-treated gametophytes the activities of acid and basic phosphatases, contents of carbohydrates (glucose, starch), chlorophyll, the number of chloroplasts and dry mass of prothalli are increased. GA3-intensified metabolism, evidenced in gametophytes of A. phyllitidis, may be interpreted as a stimulatory mechanism which influences metabolic pathways involved in forming, developing and maturing of male sex organs.  相似文献   

Enhanced amylase activity was observed during a 7-day-growth period in the cotyledons of PEG imposed water stressed chickpea seedlings grown in the presence of GA3 and kinetin, when compared with stressed seedlings. During the first 5 days of seedling growth, the seedlings growing under water deficit conditions as well as those growing in the presence of PGRs had a higher amylase activity in shoots than that of control seedlings. Neither GA3 nor kinetin increased the amylase activity of roots whereas IAA reduced root amylase activity. Activity of acid and alkaline invertases was maximum in shoots and at a minimum in cotyledons. Compared with alkaline invertase, acid invertase activity was higher in all the tissues. The reduced acid and alkaline invertase activities in shoots of stressed seedlings were enhanced by GA3 and kinetin. Roots of stressed seedlings had higher alkaline invertase activity and GA3 and IAA helped in bringing the level near to those in the controls. GA3 and kinetin increased the sucrose synthase (SS) and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) activities in cotyledons of stressed seedlings, whereas they brought the elevated level of SPS of stressed roots to near normal level. The higher level of reducing sugars in the shoots of GA3 and kinetin treated stressed seedlings could be due to the high acid invertase activity observed in the shoots, and the high level of bound fructose in the cotyledons of stressed seedlings could be due to the high activity of SPS in this tissue.  相似文献   

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculenlum Mill. cv. Taiwan Red) seeds are typical lightsensitive seeds where light requirement can be substituted by gibberellic acid (GA3). During the initial stage of germination, the hexose monophosphate pathway (HMP) in seeds incubated for 24 h under white light or 12 h in 0.3 mW GA3 solution acidified with 1 M HCI for 1 h in the dark (HCl→GA3) was much greater than in seeds incubated for 24 h in the dark. The results were obtained from measurements of the respiration rate by man metric method of Warburg with or without iodoacetic acid, and from activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC and aldolase (EC Although the HMP tended to decrease at the later stage (72 h under white light or in the dark, or 36 h in HCl→GA3), it remained greater in light- than in dark-incubated seeds. CN-resistant respiration increased from 27–30% to 57–64% of the total respiration in seeds incubated under white light or in HCI→GA3, while respiration of non-germinating, dark-incubated seeds remained zero. Benzohydrox–amic acid (BHAM), an inhibitor of the alternative pathway, inhibited both respiration and seed germination. It is concluded that the enhancement of HMP and the CN–resistant pathways are both controlled by Pfr, but there is no direct connection between them.  相似文献   

Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Ostara) were grown in aerated water culture in a controlled environment. When the tubers had reached a diameter of 1–3 cm. 14C-labelled or unlabelled gibberellic acid (GA3) was applied to the surface of the stolons at points approximately 1 crn from the developing tubers, and treatment continued for 10 days. - Significant quantities of GA3 moved into tuber tissue within 2–4 days of hormone application. This influx of GA3 was accompanied by a marked reduction in both the activity of ADPG-pyrophospharylase and the ratio ADPG-pyrophosphorylase/starch phosphorylase and an increase in the activity of UDPG-pyrophosphorylase. Starch phosphorylase activity initially increased slightly but then fell, whereas the activity of starch synthase remained constant throughout the experiment. The soluble sugar composition of the tubers changed qualitatively towards a pattern characteristic of growing stolon tips prior to tuber initiation, but there was no clear evidence of net starch degradation. Changes in the activities of the enzymes were observed prior to noticeable effects of the hormone on tuber growth rate or the development of new stolons at the tuber eyes. - GA3- treated tubers imported more 14C from labelled photosynthate than expected on the basis of growth rate. However, the capacity to convert solub#e-14C to ethaTiol-insoluble-14C (predominantly starch) was reduced in comparison with non-treated tubers. - The observed changes in carbohydrate composition and enzyme activities indicate that GA3 induces a drastic change in potato tuber metabolism towards a pattern characteristic for the termination of the storage process.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll loss in the leaves of cut flowering branches of Alstroemeria pelegrina L. cv. Stajello, placed in water in darkness at 20°, was inhibited by irradiation with red light and by the inclusion of gibberellic acid (GA3) in the water. The effects of red light were abolished when it was followed by far-red light. Effects of GA3 and red light were additive over a range of GA3 concentrations (0. 01–1 μ M ). Chlorophyll breakdown was increased by the inclusion of AMO-1618, ancymidol, or tetcyclasis in the water. The effect of these inhibitors of gibberellin synthesis was fully reversed by GA3. The inhibition of chlorophyll breakdown by red light was absent when AMO-1618, ancymidol or tetcyclasis were included in the water. The results indicate that leaf yellowing is controlled by endogenous gibberellins and that the effect of phytochrome is mediated by gibberellin synthesis.  相似文献   

The functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus during leaf senescence was investigated in alstroemeria cut flowers by a combination of gas-exchange measurements and analysis of in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence. Chlorophyll loss in leaves of alstroemeria cut flowers is delayed by light and by a treatment of the cut flowers with gibberellic acid (GA3). The maximal photosynthesis of the leaves was approximately 6 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 at I 350 μmol m−2 s−1 (PAR) which is relatively low for intact C3 leaves. Qualitatively the gas-exchange rates followed the decline in chlorophyll content for the various treatments, i.e. light and GA3-treatment delayed the decline in photosynthetic rates. However, when chlorophyll loss could not yet be observed in the leaves, photosynthetic rates were already strongly decreased. In vivo fluorescence measurements revealed that the decrease in CO2 uptake is (partly) due to a decreased electron flow through photosystem II. Furthermore, analysis of the fluorescence data showed a high nonphotochemical quenching under all experimental conditions, indicating that the consumption of reducing power in the Calvin cycle is very low. The chlorophyll, remaining after 9 days incubation of leaves with GA3 in the dark should be considered as a 'cosmetic' pigment without any function in the supply of assimilates to the flowers.  相似文献   

Dietary content of phytohormones may potentially influence metabolic processes in animal cells. This study therefore aimed to investigate the effect of two plant growth regulators homobrassinolide (HB) and gibberellic acid (GBA) on the antioxidant defense status and lipid peroxidation level in the tissues of normal and streptozotocin- induced diabetic rats. Normal and diabetic rats (Albino –wistar strain) were administered 50μg HB and GBA intradermally each day for seven days and their tissue and blood levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), 4-hydroxy-2-nonenol (4-HNE), reduced glutathione (GSH) content and catalase (CAT) activity were determined. Subchronic treatment of rats with HB reduced lipid perioxidation and elevated antioxidant defense whereas GBA caused enhancement of lipid peroxidation and reduction of antioxidant defense in treated animals compared to the control rats.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the mechanism of the hydrolysis of 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside (beta-MUG) by germinating and outgrowing spores of Bacillus species. METHODS AND RESULTS: Spores of B. atrophaeus (formerly B. subtilis var. niger, Fritze and Pukall 2001) are used as biological indicators of the efficacy of ethylene oxide sterilization by measurement of beta-MUG hydrolysis during spore germination and outgrowth. It was previously shown that beta-MUG is hydrolysed to 4-methylumbelliferone (MU) during the germination and outgrowth of B. atrophaeus spores (Chandrapati and Woodson 2003), and this was also the case with spores of B. subtilis 168. Germination of spores of either B. atrophaeus or B. subtilis with chloramphenicol reduced beta-MUG hydrolysis by almost 99%, indicating that proteins needed for rapid beta-MUG hydrolysis are synthesized during spore outgrowth. However, the residual beta-MUG hydrolysis during spore germination with chloramphenicol indicated that dormant spores contain low levels of proteins needed for beta-MUG uptake and hydrolysis. With B. subtilis 168 spores that lacked several general proteins of the phosphotransferase system (PTS) for sugar uptake, beta-MUG hydrolysis during spore germination and outgrowth was decreased >99.9%. This indicated that beta-MUG is taken up by the PTS, resulting in the intracellular accumulation of the phosphorylated form of beta-MUG, beta-MUG-6-phosphate (beta-MUG-P). This was further demonstrated by the lack of detectable glucosidase activity on beta-MUG in dormant, germinated and outgrowing spore extracts, while phosphoglucosidase active on beta-MUG-P was readily detected. Dormant B. subtilis 168 spores had low levels of at least four phosphoglucosidases active on beta-MUG-P: BglA, BglH, BglC (originally called YckE) and BglD (originally called YdhP). These enzymes were also detected in spores germinating and outgrowing with beta-MUG, but levels of BglH were the highest, as this enzyme's synthesis was induced ca 100-fold during spore outgrowth in the presence of beta-MUG. Deletion of the genes coding for BglA, BglH, BglC and BglD reduced beta-MUG hydrolysis by germinating and outgrowing spores of B. subtilis 168 at least 99.7%. Assay of glucosidases active on beta-MUG or beta-MUG-P in extracts of dormant and outgrowing spores of B. atrophaeus revealed no enzyme active on beta-MUG and one enzyme that comprised > or =90% of the phosphoglucosidase active on beta-MUG-P. Partial purification and amino-terminal sequence analysis of this phosphoglucosidase identified this enzyme as BglH. CONCLUSIONS: Generation of MU from beta-MUG by germinating and outgrowing spores of B. atrophaeus and B. subtilis is mediated by the PTS-driven uptake and phosphorylation of beta-MUG, followed by phosphoglucosidase action on the intracellular beta-MUG-P. The major phosphoglucosidase catalyzing MU generation from beta-MUG-P in spores of both species is probably BglH. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work provides new insight into the mechanism of uptake and hydrolysis of beta-MUG by germinating and outgrowing spores of Bacillus species, in particular B. atrophaeus. The research reported here provides a biological basis for a Rapid Readout Biological Indicator that is used to monitor the efficacy of ethylene oxide sterilization.  相似文献   

Anthocyanin synthesis in radish ( Raphanus sativus L. cv. Scarlet Globe) seedlings after treatment with chlorocholine chloride (CCC) and gibberellic acid (GA) has been investigated. CCC promotes and GA3 inhibits the synthesis. When both substances are given together, CCC reverses the inhibition caused by GA3. Simultaneous external feeding of anthocyanin precursors (sucrose and phenylalanine) reverses the GA3 inhibition. A higher amount of total free amino acids, in particular phenylalanine, was present in CCC-treated seedlings compared to controls grown on distilled water. The amount of phenylalanine was lower in seedlings treated with both CCC and GA3 as compared to seedlings treated with CCC alone, and total free sugars (reducing plus non-reducing) was lower in CCC treated seedlings than in controls grown on distilled water. We conclude that CCC and GA3 control the anthocyanin synthesis at the level of precursors.  相似文献   

Apical cuttings of Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Sirtema were used al different stages of development to study long-distance transport of phosphate. The effects of two hormones, gibberellic acid (GA3) and abscisic acid (ABA), on this process were also investigated. Before tuberization, phosphate (32P) supplied to a single leaf was transported preferentially in the young and growing parts of the plant: apical bud, young leaves and roots. After tuberization, the tuber became the principal site of phosphate accumulation. GA3 treatment (10−4 M) of the tuber as well as of the leaves led to reduced transport of 32P into the tuber. By contrast, treatment of the tuber with ABA (10−4M) did not change the 32P distribution within the plant, while foliar spray with ABA greatly increased the transport into the tuber. The opposite effects of the two hormones on phosphate accumulation by tubers are discussed with regard to their opposite effects on the tuberization process.  相似文献   

AIMS: To elucidate the factors influencing the sensitivity of Bacillus subtilis spores in killing and disrupting by mechanical abrasion, and the mechanism of stimulation of spore germination by abrasion. METHODS AND RESULTS: Spores of B. subtilis strains were abraded by shaking with glass beads in liquid or the dry state, and spore killing, disruption and germination were determined. Dormant spores were more resistant to killing and disruption by abrasion than were growing cells or germinated spores. However, dormant spores of the wild-type strain with or without most coat proteins removed, spores of strains with mutations causing spore coat defects, spores lacking their large depot of dipicolinic acid (DPA) and spores with defects in the germination process exhibited essentially identical rates of killing and disruption by abrasion. When spores lacking all nutrient germinant receptors were enumerated by plating directly on nutrient medium, abrasion increased the plating efficiency of these spores before killing them. Spores lacking all nutrient receptors and either of the two redundant cortex-lytic enzymes behaved similarly in this regard, but the plating efficiency of spores lacking both cortex-lytic enzymes was not stimulated by abrasion. CONCLUSIONS: Dormant spores are more resistant to killing and disruption by abrasion than are growing cells or germinated spores, and neither the complete coats nor DPA are important in spore resistance to such treatments. Germination is not essential for spore killing by abrasion, although abrasion can trigger spore germination by activation of either of the spore's cortex-lytic enzymes. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work provides new insight into the mechanisms of the killing, disruption and germination of spores by abrasion and makes the surprising finding that at least much of the spore coat is not important in spore resistance to abrasion.  相似文献   

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