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Abstract. The relationship between vegetation and environment was investigated for calcareous grasslands in a region in the west of Spain, France, Britain and Ireland defined by climatic criteria. Vegetation was sampled using objective methods and data collected on soils, land cover, location and management. Climate data were obtained from an available database. Examination of the first axis of vegetation variation as defined by Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) showed a gradient from the Irish and British samples to those from France. The Spanish samples formed a separate group on the second axis. The species composition along the gradients is discussed. Correlations between the vegetation gradients and environmental variables were determined. The strongest correlations with the first DCA axis were for temperature, latitude, soil organic matter, grazing and land cover. The second DCA axis was highly correlated with rainfall, altitude and land cover. The third and fourth DCA axes were more difficult to interpret but appeared to be related to land cover. The results indicate that climate factors are important at this scale, but should not be considered in isolation and that factors relating to land cover and management should also be taken into account.  相似文献   

Synopsis To better understand patterns of fish assemblage composition in Wisconsin streams in relation to major environmental gradients, I carried out multivariate direct gradient analysis (canonical correspondence analysis) of two large independent datasets on fish species abundance in Wisconsin streams. Analysis of the two datasets yielded similar results, suggesting that observed patterns and relationships were real. Stream sites were distributed along fish species-environment gradients, but segregation into distinct stream temperature and geographic groups was also evident. The strongest gradient in both datasets was related to summer water temperature patterns, and encompassed a transition from small, coldwater streams dominated by salmonids, cottids, certain cyprinids, and few other species, to both small and large, warmwater streams dominated by a high diversity of different cyprinids, catostomids, ictalurids, centrarchids, and percids. A second gradient in both datasets was complex but largely geographic. Within it, sites from each of the four ecoregions that occupy Wisconsin formed fairly discrete groups. The strongest differences were between sites in the two southern Wisconsin ecoregions, the Driftless Area and the Southeastern Wisconsin Till Plains, that were dominated by certain cyprinids, ictalurids, and centrarchids, and sites in the two northern Wisconsin ecoregions, the North Central Hardwood Forests and the Northern Lakes and Forests, that were dominated by a different set of cyprinids and ictalurids, plus some petromyzontids, salmonids, catostomids, and percids. Sites from the Driftless Area that were mostly higher-gradient (steep stream slope) and had many riffle-dwelling species could also be distinguished from sites in the Southeastern Wisconsin Till Plains that were mostly lower-gradient and had many pool-dwelling species. The patterns of fish assemblage composition among sites and the associated fish species-environment relationships that were revealed by the analyses provided a framework for developing an ecologically meaningful hierarchical classification of Wisconsin stream sites based on stream thermal regime, ecoregion, stream size, and stream gradient.  相似文献   

In South America, the largest savanna region is the Brazilian cerrado, in which there are few areas that become waterlogged in the rainy season. However, we found a small cerrado area in which the soil is poorly drained and becomes waterlogged at the end of the rainy season, allowing the appearance of a hyperseasonal cerrado. We investigated the soil–vegetation relationships in three vegetation forms: hyperseasonal cerrado, seasonal cerrado, and wet grassland. We collected vegetation and soil samples in these three vegetation forms and submitted obtained data to a canonical correspondence analysis. Our results showed a distinction among hyperseasonal cerrado, seasonal cerrado and wet grassland, which presented different floristic compositions and species abundances. The edaphic variables best related to the hyperseasonal and seasonal cerrados were sand, base saturation, pH, and magnesium. The wet grassland was related to higher concentrations of clay, organic matter, aluminium saturation, aluminium, phosphorus, and potassium. Although it is not possible to infer causal relationships based on our results, we hypothesize that the duration of waterlogging in the hyperseasonal cerrado may not be long enough to alter most of its soil characteristics, such as organic matter, phosphorus, and potassium, but may be long enough to alter some, such as pH and base saturation, as the soils under both cerrados were more similar to one another than to the soil under the wet grassland. Since waterlogging may alter soil characteristics and since these characteristics were enough to explain the plant community variation, we may conclude that water excess—permanent or seasonal—is one of the main factors to distinguish the three vegetation forms, which presented different floristic compositions and species abundances.  相似文献   

The woody vegetation and associated soil-site variables from a range of upland to swamp sites were measured using 480 0.04 ha plots from Little Black Slough, Goose Pond and Horseshoe Lake in Illinois, and Mingo Wildlife Refuge, Missouri. Multiple regression, correlation, and factor analysis were used to relate soil-site data to vegetation structure and composition. Coenoclines of both the understory and overstory were constructed to represent the upland-swamp vegetation gradient of the region near the northern terminus of the southern floodplain forest. Percent sand, depth of flooding, and silt content were variables most strongly related to the understory coenocline. Depth of flooding, and clay content were most strongly related to the overstory coenocline. Beta diversities of the understory and overstory coenoclines were 5.8 and 6.9HC. Understory density and overstory basal area increased and species richness and heterogeneity decreased along the upland-swamp gradient.Classification techniques identified three or four major overstory vegetation types within each study area. The 15 overstory types were ordinated and environmental characteristics summarized for each. Mingo Wildlife Refuge had the least flooding and lowest soil clay content. Classification of all 480 plots from the four study areas identified three major understory groups (mesic, floodplain and swamp) and eight overstory groups. These eight include aQuercus velutina-Q. alba, Quercus rubra-Q. alba, Liquidambar styraciflua-Ulmus americana, Quercus phellos-Q. palustris, Quercus lyrata-Acer rubrum, Acer rubrum-Nyssa aquatica, Nyssa aquatica-Taxodium distichum and aTaxodium distichum-Nyssa aquatica type arranged from upland to swamp.Botanical nomenclature follows Mohlenbrock (1975).Horseshoe Lake and Little Black Slough studies were supported, in part, by McIntire-Stennis Grants to PAR through the Department of Forestry, Southern Illinois University. The Department of Botany, Southern Illinois University provided support for the studies in Goose Pond, Illinois and Mingo Wildlife Refuge, Missouri. We thank Chris Baker and especially Claudia Mitchell for aid in data acquisition and analysis.  相似文献   

Bork  Edward W.  Hudson  Robert J.  Bailey  Arthur W. 《Plant Ecology》1997,130(2):171-190
Our objective was to classify upland sites sampled from an area in and around Elk Island National Park, Alberta, Canada, into community types and interpret them in terms of variation in environmental factors, including fire and wild ungulate herbivory. The vegetation from 36 sites was classified into 6 community types using TWINSPAN. These types could be effectively interpreted and explained with canonical correspondence analysis ordination procedures. Based on a forward regression, topography, ungulate use and prescribed burning related closely to the first two canonical axes, accounting for 47.2 and 21.1% of the species-environment relation among sites, respectively. Unique and meaningful combinations of environmental variables influenced community-type understory composition and structure, as well as the characteristics of the tree overstory. This information provided the basis for a preliminary state and transition model of vegetation dynamics for these rangelands, which could be used to assist Park managers in manipulating plant communities within the landscape using ungulate removal and prescribed burning programs.  相似文献   

为了科学地评价和预测生态输水对额济纳荒漠绿洲天然植被的影响, 亟需掌握额济纳荒漠绿洲的植物群落类型, 建立植被-环境因子的响应关系。该研究对额济纳荒漠绿洲的植物群落展开调查, 获取植物群落特征、分布状况及地下水环境数据, 应用双向指示种分析方法(TWINSPAN)对群落进行分类, 采用无偏对应分析(DCA)、无偏典范对应分析(DCCA)方法对群落进行排序, 得出额济纳荒漠绿洲主要植物群落类型, 以及影响植被类型变化和分布的地下水环境因子。研究结果表明: (1)采用TWINSPAN数量分类方法, 将植被划分为芦苇+杂类草(Ass. Phragmites australis + herbs)、胡杨-红柳+杂类草(Ass. Populus euphratica-Tamarix ramosissima + herbs)、沙枣-红柳+杂类草(Ass. Elaeagnus angustifolia-Tamarix ramosissima + herbs)、红柳-杂类草(Ass. Tamarix ramosissima-herbs)、花花柴-白刺+沙蒿+沙拐枣(Ass. Karelinia caspica-Nitraria tangutorum + Artemisia sp. + Calligonum sp.)、麻黄-红砂+白刺+骆驼刺(Ephedra przewalskii-Reaumuria soongorica + Nitraria tangutorum + Alhagi sparsifolia)等6个主要植物群丛; (2)对于额济纳荒漠绿洲这一特定的研究区域, 制约群落类型、植被分布格局的主要地下水因子为地下水埋深; (3)对群落产生显著影响的地下水环境因子主要有地下水埋深、pH、盐分、矿化度、电导率、HCO3-等6个变量。DCCA排序图明显反映出排序轴的生态意义, 第1轴突出反映了群落所在环境的地下水埋深, 沿第1轴从右到左, 地下水埋深逐渐增大, 群落的盐分及矿化度亦呈明显的增加趋势, 群丛依次从类型I到VI逐渐演变。额济纳三角洲作为干旱区的荒漠绿洲, 有着明显的特点: 植物群落组成的生物多样性趋于贫乏化和单一化, 生态结构简单, 植被稀疏, 种类单一, 群落覆盖度较低, 群落格局分异明显。地下水埋深变化是群落物种及类型变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

Vegetation-environment relations of a Middle Zambezi floodplain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dunham  Kevin M. 《Plant Ecology》1989,82(1):13-24
Detrended correspondence analysis was used to study the relationships between environmental factors and the species composition of vegetation on Zambezi River alluvium downstream of the Kariba hydroelectric dam. Grass, sedge and woody species were recorded in 73 stands in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe. Grass and sedge species composition was related to the soil moisture regime, as indexed by soil texture and flooding frequency. The first woody plant ordination axis was related to a stand development gradient; Acacia albida was a pioneer species on lowlying sandbanks and the woody species richness of stands increased with their height above the Zambezi River. Two-way indicator species analysis identified 7 vegetation types which could be separated on the basis of their topsoil texture and flooding frequency. The types were: sandbanks; young A. albida woodland; A. albida woodland; A. albida dominated mixed woodland; mixed riverine woodland with understory; mixed riverine woodland; and grassland on clay soils.  相似文献   

Abstract. Variation in species composition and community structure in nine Greek phrygana (dwarf-shrub) sites was related to soil and climate variables by using Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The distribution of the Greek phrygana communities appeared to be related to soil rather than to climate. It is postulated that human action has eliminated the original variability related to climate factors in western Greek ecosystems; as a result, phrygana communities in this part of Greece are the result of human impact.  相似文献   

Multivariate structural data describing Trachypogon savanna relationships were used to characterize the sources of variation among savannas as a function of the environmental characteristics of the Orinoco Llanos. Twenty-six savannas including major physiognomic types of the Orinoco Llanos ranging from herbaceous to bush island savannas were ordinated on a regional scale. Results of Detrented Canonical Correspondence Analysis (DCCA) using floristics variables indicated that savannas were ordinated along two complex gradients. A soil physical and chemical gradient as expressed by changes in bulk density and magnesium concentration were evident after the analysis of the first DCCA axis. The second axis was a climatic gradient of decreasing annual precipitation and incresing monthly precipitation during the dry season. The impact of human disturbance on the savanna composition was also an explanatory variable of the second DCCA axis. Savanna sites overlapped considerably in composition and most species were widely distributed, with aboveground phytomass abundance depending upon the site.  相似文献   

Abstract. Personal computers of ever‐increasing speed have motivated programmers of multivariate software to adapt their programs to be run in Microsoft Windows and Macintosh platforms. Updated versions of these multivariate programs appear more and more frequently and are marketed intensively. In this review we provide a comparative analysis of the most recent versions of three analytical software packages –Canoco for Windows 4.5, PC‐ORD version 4 and SYN‐TAX 2000. The three packages share two characteristics. First, the most recent versions are now compatible with the most recent Windows platforms and should therefore be accessible for use by virtually all vegetation scientists. Second, they have capabilities for numerous multivariate techniques, although each package has some unique techniques. Thus, any one of the packages will have much to offer the user.  相似文献   

Sixteen vegetation types were described from a north-south transect in the western Kalahari. Pronounced differences were found between communities on the nutrient poor red Kalahari sand, covering most of the area and those on fine soils and white calcareous sand. Syntaxa resulting from severe overgrazing by livestock were in most cases clearly distinguished from the less disturbed vegetation. The communities on red sand consisted mainly of shrub savanna dominated by perennial tufted grasses, whereas in the vegetation on calcareous material and on overgrazed land, forbs, dwarf shrubs and shrubs played a more important role. The major communities on red sand showed a clear geographical zonation roughly corresponding to the gradient in mean annual rainfall and its interannual variation. In the northern and central Kalahari these syntaxa were dominated by species of Sudano-Zambezian origin and in the southern Kalahari by species showing Karoo-Namib affinities.  相似文献   

The submerged vegetation of Lake Kariba is described in relation to degree of slope (lake morphometry), depth and light transparency. The direct gradient analysis technique — canonical correspondence analysis and the TWINSPAN classification programs were used to analyse the data set. The western end of the lake with low transparency has a low species diversity (with Vallisneria aethiopica dominating). Species diversity increases with increased transparency in the other parts of the lake. The classification revealed monospecific communities for all species as well as mixed communities with Lagarosiphon as the associate species with the broadest distribution. The ordination revealed a first axis strongly related to depth and transparency gradients and the second axis related to slope. Vallisneria aethiopica has a growth form adapted to grow in shallow areas subjected to wave action. Potamogeton octandrus also growing in shallow areas is restricted to sheltered areas. Lagarosiphon ilicifolius precluded from the shallow exposed areas grows at medium depth but has a growth form adapted to tap light at the surface. Najas pectinata and Ceratophyllum demersum are adapted to grow in deep water.Abbreviations CCA Canonical correspondence analysis  相似文献   

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