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The recent advent of mass spectrometry-based methodologies for the analysis of complex protein mixtures opens new opportunities for the discovery of biomarkers that may aid in the diagnostic work-up of cancer. Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the most common form of low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the Western Hemisphere. Identification of tumor markers that facilitate early disease detection would be a significant advance in the management of FL. We have employed a strategy that entailed propagation of a follicular-derived cell line in serum-free media, protein extraction, and reverse-phase liquid chromatography, with subsequent electrospray ionization and tandem mass spectrometry analysis for the identification of proteins that are released by FL. Using a two-peptide minimum per protein and standard criteria, 209 proteins (5.6% maximum predicted error rate) released from the FL cells were identified. The released proteins included several growth factors, cytokines, acute phase reactants and cellular components previously known to be present in FL cells. Importantly, a greater proportion of proteins previously unassociated with FL were identified with high statistical confidence. Our studies provide a list of proteins, which may be candidates for early screening, diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of patients with a suspected or biopsy-confirmed diagnosis of FL.  相似文献   

A high-throughput matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization–time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI–TOF MS) assay is described for determination of chitolytic enzyme activity. The assay uses unmodified chitin oligosaccharide substrates and is readily achievable on a microliter scale (2 μl of total volume containing 2 μg of substrate and 1 ng of protein). The speed and sensitivity of the assay make it potentially well suited for the high-throughput screening of chitinase inhibitors. The mass spectrum is acquired in approximately 2 min, as opposed to typically 30–40 min for a single run with a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-based assay. By using the multiple-place MALDI MS targets, we estimate that 100 assays could be run in approximately 2–3 h without needing to remove the target from the instrument. In addition, because the substrate and product chitomers are visualized simultaneously in the TOF spectrum, this gives immediate information about the cleavage site and mechanism of the enzyme under study. The assay was used to monitor the purification and transgenic expression of plant class IV chitinases. By performing the assay with chitomer substrates and C-glycoside chitomer analogs, the enzyme mechanism of the class IV chitinases is described for the first time.  相似文献   

We introduce a mass spectrometry-based method that provides residue-resolved quantitative information about protein phosphorylation. In this assay we combined our full-length expressed stable isotope-labeled protein for quantification strategy (FLEXIQuant) with a traditional kinase assay to determine the mechanisms of multikinase substrate phosphorylation such as priming-dependent kinase activities. The assay monitors the decrease in signal intensity of the substrate peptides and the concomitant increase in the (n × 80 Da)-shifted phosphorylated peptide. We analyzed the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-dependent glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) activity on doublecortin (DCX) revealing mechanistic details about the role of phosphorylation cross-talk in GSK3β activity and permitting an advanced model for GSK3β-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

A peptidomics approach was developed to identify transglutaminase-susceptible Q residues within a pepsin-trypsin gliadin digest. Based on tagging with a monodansylcadaverine fluorescent probe, six alpha/beta-, gamma-gliadin, and low molecular weight glutenin peptides were identified by nanospray tandem mass spectrometry. In functioning as an acyl acceptor, tissue transglutaminase was able to form complexes with the glutamine-rich gliadin peptides, whereas by lowering pH, the peptides were deamidated by transglutaminase at the same Q residues, which were previously transamidated. The main common feature shared by the peptides was the consensus sequence Q-X-P. Our findings offer relevant information for the understanding of how dietary peptides interact with the host organism in celiac disease.  相似文献   

Recent advancements in mass spectrometric proteomics provide a promising result in utilizing saliva to explore biomarkers for diagnostic purposes. However, the issues of specificity or redundancy of disease-associated salivary biomarkers have not been described. This systematic review was therefore aimed to define and summarize disease-related salivary biomarkers identified by mass spectrometry proteomics. Peer-reviewed articles published through July 2009 within three databases were reviewed. Out of 243 articles, 21 studies were selected in this systematic review with conditions including Sj?gren's syndrome, squamous cell carcinoma, dental caries, diabetes, breast cancer, periodontitis, gastric cancer, systemic sclerosis, oral lichen planus, bleeding oral cavity, and graft-versus-host disease. The sample size ranged from 3-41 in both diseased and control subjects, with no consensus on sample collection protocol. One hundred eighty biomarkers were identified in total; 87 upregulated, 63 downregulated, and 30 varying based on disease. Except for Sj?gren's syndrome, the majority of studies with the same disease produce inconsistent biomarkers. Larger sample size and standardization of sample collection/treatment protocol may improve future studies.  相似文献   

Timely classification and identification of bacteria is of vital importance in many areas of public health. Mass spectrometry-based methods provide an attractive alternative to well-established microbiologic procedures. Mass spectrometry methods can be characterized by the relatively high speed of acquiring taxonomically relevant information. Gel-free mass spectrometry proteomics techniques allow for rapid fingerprinting of bacterial proteins using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry or, for high-throughput sequencing of peptides from protease-digested cellular proteins, using mass analysis of fragments from collision-induced dissociation of peptide ions. The latter technique uses database searching of product ion mass spectra. A database contains a comprehensive list of protein sequences translated from protein-encoding open reading frames found in bacterial genomes. The results of such searches allow the assignment of experimental peptide sequences to matching theoretical bacterial proteomes. Phylogenetic profiles of sequenced peptides are then used to create a matrix of sequence-to-bacterium assignments, which are analyzed using numerical taxonomy tools. The results thereof reveal the relatedness between bacteria, and allow the taxonomic position of an investigated strain to be inferred.  相似文献   

Timely classification and identification of bacteria is of vital importance in many areas of public health. Mass spectrometry-based methods provide an attractive alternative to well-established microbiologic procedures. Mass spectrometry methods can be characterized by the relatively high speed of acquiring taxonomically relevant information. Gel-free mass spectrometry proteomics techniques allow for rapid fingerprinting of bacterial proteins using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry or, for high-throughput sequencing of peptides from protease-digested cellular proteins, using mass analysis of fragments from collision-induced dissociation of peptide ions. The latter technique uses database searching of product ion mass spectra. A database contains a comprehensive list of protein sequences translated from protein-encoding open reading frames found in bacterial genomes. The results of such searches allow the assignment of experimental peptide sequences to matching theoretical bacterial proteomes. Phylogenetic profiles of sequenced peptides are then used to create a matrix of sequence-to-bacterium assignments, which are analyzed using numerical taxonomy tools. The results thereof reveal the relatedness between bacteria, and allow the taxonomic position of an investigated strain to be inferred.  相似文献   

The acyl composition of sphingolipids is determined by the specificity of the enzyme ceramide synthase (EC Ceramide contains a long-chain base (LCB) linked to a variety of fatty acids to produce a lipid class with potentially hundreds of structural variants. An optimized procedure for the assay of ceramide synthase in yeast microsomes is reported that uses mass spectrometry to detect any possible LCB and fatty acid combination synthesized from unlabeled substrates provided in the reaction. The assay requires the delivery of substrates with bovine serum albumin for maximum activity within defined limits of substrate concentration and specific methods to stop the reaction and extract the lipid that avoid the non-enzymatic synthesis of ceramide. The activity of ceramide synthase in yeast microsomes is demonstrated with the four natural LCBs found in yeast along with six saturated and two unsaturated fatty acyl-coenzyme As from 16 to 26 carbons in length. The procedure allows for the determination of substrate specificity and kinetic parameters toward natural substrates for ceramide synthase from potentially any organism.  相似文献   

Noninvasive real-time quantification of cellular protease activity allows monitoring of enzymatic activity and identification of activity modulators within the protease's natural milieu. We developed a protease activity assay based on differential localization of a recombinant reporter consisting of a Golgi retention signal and a protease cleavage sequence fused to alkaline phosphatase (AP). When expressed in mammalian cells, this protein localizes to Golgi bodies and, on protease-mediated cleavage, AP translocates to the extracellular medium where its activity is measured. We used this system to monitor the Golgi-associated protease furin, a pluripotent enzyme with a key role in tumorigenesis, viral propagation of avian influenza, ebola, and HIV as well as in activation of anthrax, pseudomonas, and diphtheria toxins. This technology was adapted for high-throughput screening of 39,000-compound small molecule libraries, leading to identification of furin inhibitors. Furthermore, this strategy was used to identify inhibitors of another Golgi protease, the beta-site amyloid precursor protein (APP)-cleaving enzyme (BACE). BACE cleavage of the APP leads to formation of the Abeta peptide, a key event that leads to Alzheimer's disease. In conclusion, we describe a customizable noninvasive technology for real-time assessment of Golgi protease activity used to identify inhibitors of furin and BACE.  相似文献   

Real-time analyses of hepatocellular carcinoma were performed in living mice to assess the applicability of probe electrospray ionization–mass spectrometry (PESI–MS) in medical diagnosis. The number of peaks and the abundance of ions corresponding to triacylglycerols (TAGs) were higher in cancerous tissues than in noncancerous tissues. Multiple sequential scans of the specimens were performed along a predetermined line extending over the noncancerous region to detect the boundary of the cancerous region. Our system successfully discriminated the noncancerous and cancerous tissues based on the intensities of the TAG ions. These results highlight the potential application of PESI–MS for clinical diagnosis in cancer.  相似文献   

Using indirect immunofluorescence with hybridoma supernatants on intact epidermal peels of the argenteum mutant of Pisum sativum L. and Commelina communis L. as a secondary screen, three monoclonal antibodies have been derived and characterized. The distribution of the antibody binding to the epidermal strips indicated restricted occurrence of the corresponding epitopes in the cell wall material exposed on the inner face of the epidermal tissue. The monoclonal antibody JIM18 bound to the lining of the stomatal pore in pea and the exposed surface of the epidermal tissue corresponding to the stomatal complexes, including the subsidiary cells, in C. communis. JIM19 and JIM20 bound to the exposed surface of non-guard-cell epidermal cells in pea and the exposed surface of cells other than the guard cells and subsidiary cells in C. communis. However, the JIM19 epitope was revealed in the wall in the regions of the stomatal complexes subsequent to a short treatment with wall-digesting enzymes. This indicates regulation of epitope occurrence within cell walls in relation to adhered and un-adhered plant cell surfaces and also in relation to wall architecture in the complex epidermal tissues. The JIM18, JIM19 and JIM20 epitopes/antigens have distinct biochemical properties. JIM18 recognized a low-molecular-weight component which was present at the dye-front of a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gel and which was soluble in chloroform, was periodate-sensitive and is likely to be a glycolipid. JIM19 and JIM20 recognized epitopes of hydroxyproline rich glycoproteins known to be regulated in relation to developmental anatomy. JIM19, in addition, as demonstrated in the companion report (Wang et al. 1995, 196, 271–276), has biological activity in relation to abscisic acid (ABA) interaction with ABA-sensitive barley aleurone cells.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - HRGP hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein We acknowledge support from the Agricultural and Food Research Council and the Nuffield Foundation. We thank Professor Keith Roberts (John Innes Institute, Norwich) for the generous use of his laboratory and, along with Drs. Nick Brewin and Silvia Perotto, for useful discussions.  相似文献   

Because of the alarming expansion in the diversity and occurrence of bacteria displaying virulence and resistance to antimicrobial agents, it is increasingly important to be able to detect these microorganisms and to differentiate and identify closely related species, as well as different strains of a given species. In this study, a mass spectrometry proteomics approach is applied, exploiting lipid-based protein immobilization (LPI), wherein intact bacterial cells are bound, via membrane-gold interactions, within a FlowCell. The bound cells are subjected to enzymatic digestion for the generation of peptides, which are subsequently identified, using LC-MS. Following database matching, strain-specific peptides are used for subspecies-level discrimination. The method is shown to enable a reliable typing and identification of closely related strains of the same bacterial species, herein illustrated for Helicobacter pylori .  相似文献   

Bacterial resistance to antibiotic therapy remains a worldwide problem. In Pseudomonasaeruginosa, rates of efflux confer inherent resistance to many antimicrobial agents, including fluoroquinolones, due to a high level of expression and a relatively high turnover number of the efflux pumps in gram-negative bacteria. To understand the roles of efflux pumps in both the influx and efflux of compounds in P. aeruginosa and to aid the chemistry compound design by bridging in vitro enzymatic binding data (IC50 values) with whole cell results (MIC numbers), a collaborative effort was put forward to validate a series of bacterial penetration/accumulation assays for assessment of intracellular drug concentration. Initially, using 2-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-1-ethylpyridinium cation (DMP) as the tracer, a 96-well fluorescence assay was established to measure the time-dependent accumulation of DMP in wild-type (PAO1), MexABOprM deletion (PAO200), and MexABOprM-MexCDOprJ-MexJKL:FRT deletion mutants (PAO314). At steady state, the order of DMP accumulation was PAO314 > PAO200 > PAO1. Subsequently, the established assay conditions were applied to a radiolabeled assay format using 3H-labeled ciprofloxacin. At the concentration tested, the accumulation of [3H]ciprofloxacin approached a plateau after 15 min and the amount of accumulation in PAO314 was higher (∼2- to 10-fold) than that in PAO1. Finally, with an additional step of cell lysis, a liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry-based assay was established with ciprofloxacin with (i) superior sensitivity (the detection limit can be as low as 0.24 ng/ml for ciprofloxacin) and (ii) the ability to monitor cold or nonfluorescent compounds in a drug discovery setting.  相似文献   

Diseases including tuberculosis and leprosy are caused by species of the Mycobacterium genus and are a huge burden on global health, aggravated by the emergence of drug resistant strains. Mycobacteria have a high lipid content and complex lipid profile including several unique classes of lipid. Recent years have seen a growth in research focused on lipid structures, metabolism and biological functions driven by advances in mass spectrometry techniques and instrumentation, particularly the use of electrospray ionization. Here we review the contributions of lipidomics towards the advancement of our knowledge of lipid metabolism in mycobacterial species.  相似文献   

We report a new design of a fully automated, high-efficiency parallel nonsplit nanoflow capillary HPLC system, coupled on-line with linear ion trap (LTQ) and high performance nanoelectrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (nanoESI LTQ-FTICR MS). The system, intended for high-throughput proteome analysis of complex protein mixtures, notably serum and plasma, consists of two reversed-phase trap columns for large volume sample injection with high speed sample loading and desalting and two reversed-phase analytical capillary columns. Through a nanoscale two-position, 10-port switching valve, the whole system is terminated by a 10 microm i.d. of nanoemitter mounted on the nanoelectrospray source in front of the sampling cone of the LTQ-FTICR MS. Gradient elution to both nanoflow-rate capillary columns is simultaneously delivered by a single HPLC system via two independent binary gradient pump systems. The parallel capillary column approach eliminates the time delays for column regeneration/equilibration since one capillary column is used for separating the sample mixtures and delivering the separated fractions to the MS, while the other capillary column is being regenerated and equilibrated. The reproducibility of retention time and peak intensity of the present automated parallel nanoflow-rate capillary HPLC system is comparable to that obtained using a single column configuration. Replicate injections of tryptic digests indicated that this system provided good reproducibility of retention time and peak area on both columns with average CV values of less than 1.08% and 7.04%, respectively. Throughput was increased to 100% for 2-h LC-MS analysis compared to the single capillary column LC-MS pipeline. Application of this system is demonstrated in a plasma proteomic study. A total of 312 868 MSMS events were acquired and 1564 proteins identified with high confidence (Protein Prophet > or = 0.9, and peptides matched > or = 2). Comparison of a series of plasma fractions run using the single-column LC-MS versus the parallel-column LC-MS demonstrated that parallel-column LC-MS system significantly reduced the sample carryover, improved MS data quality and increased the number of MS/MS sequence scan events.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry-based proteomics has greatly benefitted from enormous advances in high resolution instrumentation in recent years. In particular, the combination of a linear ion trap with the Orbitrap analyzer has proven to be a popular instrument configuration. Complementing this hybrid trap-trap instrument, as well as the standalone Orbitrap analyzer termed Exactive, we here present coupling of a quadrupole mass filter to an Orbitrap analyzer. This "Q Exactive" instrument features high ion currents because of an S-lens, and fast high-energy collision-induced dissociation peptide fragmentation because of parallel filling and detection modes. The image current from the detector is processed by an "enhanced Fourier Transformation" algorithm, doubling mass spectrometric resolution. Together with almost instantaneous isolation and fragmentation, the instrument achieves overall cycle times of 1 s for a top 10 higher energy collisional dissociation method. More than 2500 proteins can be identified in standard 90-min gradients of tryptic digests of mammalian cell lysate- a significant improvement over previous Orbitrap mass spectrometers. Furthermore, the quadrupole Orbitrap analyzer combination enables multiplexed operation at the MS and tandem MS levels. This is demonstrated in a multiplexed single ion monitoring mode, in which the quadrupole rapidly switches among different narrow mass ranges that are analyzed in a single composite MS spectrum. Similarly, the quadrupole allows fragmentation of different precursor masses in rapid succession, followed by joint analysis of the higher energy collisional dissociation fragment ions in the Orbitrap analyzer. High performance in a robust benchtop format together with the ability to perform complex multiplexed scan modes make the Q Exactive an exciting new instrument for the proteomics and general analytical communities.  相似文献   

Type-I procollagen aminoterminal propeptide (PINP) is a useful biomarker for bone formation activity that is used to monitor treatment of bone disorders including osteoporosis. Studies with human patients under long-term therapy for osteoporosis by daily injection of parathyroid hormone (PTH) demonstrated that the circulating level of PINP at 3 months of treatment, measured by radioimmunoassay, was a good predictor for bone mineral density (BMD) at 18 months. It is important to have PINP assays for other species to elucidate processes of bone formation and for the development of new therapeutic options that can enhance bone formation activity. Currently, only a human PINP radioimmunoassay is commercially available for clinical use, which may not be cross reactive with PINP from other species. For example, rat PINP has little amino acid sequence homology to human PINP. Therefore, we developed a new, highly sensitive, high-throughput mass spectrometry-based assay for PINP from rat plasma or serum that does not rely on antibody reagents. Circulating levels of PINP showed age-dependent changes in rats. Prednisolone treatment, which is known to retard bone formation activity, led to a significant decrease in PINP, whereas PTH treatment dose-dependently increased PINP. The throughput of the assay parallels that of most antibody-based assays so that it can handle a large number of samples that are generated from preclinical animal studies. PINP in rats may serve as a biomarker for bone formation activity, and this assay could be instrumental in studying bone physiology in rat experimental models.  相似文献   

考古样品中蛋白质残留物的保存状态能否应用质谱技术成功分析,取决于其特定埋藏环境微生物条件和埋藏年代两个主要因素。目前国际上的最新进展,是成功分析距今大约800~600年之间陶器碎片上附着的粘土状残留物,测定出其中的蛋白质成分来源于灰海狮,该样品来自邻近北冰洋的极寒地区。尝试分析距今2000年左右,出土于云南黑玛井遗址两件青铜容器内的内容物样品,其中一件的内容物外观性状为颗粒状,另外一件则为膏状。分析结果发现,颗粒状样品未能测出蛋白质残留成分,而膏状样品则保留了大量蛋白质残留的信息。这一结果表明,基于生物质谱技术的蛋白质组学方法有可能应用于温带埋藏环境以及年代更为古老的考古样品。  相似文献   

High-throughput genomic sequencing and quantitative mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics technology have recently emerged as powerful tools, increasing our understanding of chromatin structure and function. Both of these approaches require substantial investments and expertise in terms of instrumentation, experimental methodology, bioinformatics, and data interpretation and are, therefore, usually applied independently from each other by dedicated research groups. However, when applied reiteratively in the context of epigenetics research these approaches are strongly synergistic in nature.  相似文献   

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