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The incidence of 'thermophilic' campylobacters in foods and environmental samples has been studied over a two-year period. Of 781 environmental samples, 529 (67%) were found to contain campylobacters, and campylobacters were isolated from 835 (39%) of 2116 food samples. Sewage was almost always contaminated with campylobacters (96.6% of samples) and of the food samples both poultry (55.5%) and offal (47.0%) were commonly contaminated. Determination of the heat-stable serotypes of all strains isolated from these sources and of 921 strains isolated from human faeces showed that there was a wide distribution of serotypes in most types of sample. Serotype Pen 2 was the commonest type found in human faeces (18.9%) and it was also commonest in offal (21.3%), beef (40.0%), sewage (17.7%) and was the third commonest type in poultry. A comparison of culture media and conditions for optimal production of both cytotoxic and cytotonic enterotoxins showed that Brucella Broth incubated under microaerobic conditions for 24 h at 42 degrees C was suitable for both toxins. Detection of cytotoxic activity was most sensitive using HeLa cells. The sensitivities of two ELISA systems and a Chinese Hamster Ovary tissue culture assay for detection of cytotonic enterotoxin were comparable. Not all strains isolated from cases of enteritis in human beings produced toxin; 23.1% produced cytotonic enterotoxin and 17.5% produced cytotoxin. There was no correlation between serotype and toxin production. The wide distribution of campylobacters, indistinguishable from those isolated from cases of enteritis in human beings, leads us to conclude that simplistic statements suggesting that one particular type of food is primarily responsible for cases of human disease should not be made.  相似文献   

Summary TPPase and IDPase activities were investigated in normal and reactive human nervous tissue with three divalent ions as activators at different concentrations. Enzyme distribution in neuronal Golgi apparatus, vessels and glia cells is described. In glia cells IDP was hydrolyzed almost equally with the different ions at the concentration of 0.005 M, while TPP was only weakly hydrolyzed with Ca++ and Mg++. Small positive structures in the cells remained positive and for these a correspondence with the Golgi apparatus is suggested.Partially supported by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (C.N.R), Rome.  相似文献   

Large-scale movements of fish within a complex freshwater system such as the Norfolk Broads can give rise to erroneous sampling data if the extent of these movements is not fully appreciated. The Norfolk Broads habitat is briefly described, and data are presented showing that mean estimates of standing crop in the broads vary from <1gm-2 in the winter to 9.4 gm-2 in the summer. The widespread nature of the phenomenon is demonstrated by winter and summer data from five broads, and a more detailed picture of the seasonal changes is shown by an intensive 2-year study on one of these broads. Winter aggregations of fish have been found in sites adjacent to rivers connected with the broads, with densities of up to 36.7 fish m-2 and a biomass of 1787 gm-2. Accurate overall estimates of fish standing crop can only be obtained when fish are maximally dispersed during the summer months.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to investigate some populations of thePoa macrocalyx complex in eastern Hokkaido in relation to the taxonomy of this complex. Individual specimens preserved in TI, KYO and TNS were also studied. Chromosome counts of 2n=42 were obtained in the majority of a total of 84 collections, and counts of 2n=63 (incl. ca. 63), ca. 70 and 84 were also made in a few collections. High percentages of viable pollen were observed. The morphological features which were designated by previous authors to be significant in separatingPoa sachalinensis fromP. macrocalyx and in discriminating between the varieties ofP. macrocalyx were critically examined with emphasis on the observations of infra-population variation. It was confirmed that (1) the populations of thePoa macrocalyx complex in eastern Hokkaido are greatly variable morphologically and are also in a dynamic state cytogenetically, (2) plants of this complex in eastern Hokkaido belong to one and the same species,P. macrocalyx, and the varietiesfallax, scabriflora andtatewakiana may be merely morphs, and (3) some plants which are somewhat different from the plants in eastern Hokkaido with respect to glume features are distributed in Sakhalin, and northern and central Hokkaido. Some problems which should be subjected to further studies are pointed out.  相似文献   

Certain ultrastructural features of insect flight muscle are described and their value as criteria for differentiating between synchronous and asynchronous muscle is assessed. The distribution of asynchronous muscle in the Pterygota as a whole and the Hemiptera in particular is investigated and the evolutionary implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The immunoperoxidase cytochemical reaction was applied to the localization of neurophysin-containing elements in the fetal and adult pig hypothalamus. In the 60 day fetal pig, cells of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) were the only structues in the hypothalamus in which neurophysin was detected. However, by 87 days the cell bodies in both the SON and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) contained neurophysin-like material. The distribution of immunoreactive material in the 111 day fetal animal was similar to that found in the adult pig. In transverse section of the mature pig the SON exists in two discrete components; an antero-lateral group of cells connected by scattered cells to a smaller postero-medial group. Anteriorly, the PVN appears as a line of cells bordering the third ventricle but as we proceed posteriorly the dorsal aspect expands laterally to give a wedge-shaped group of cells. In mid-sagittal sections, the cells of the PVN are distributed over a wide area of the anterior hypothalamus in a triangular profile. The borders between the SON and PVN became more difficult to define in medial sections than in lateral sections. Continuous gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was carried out on the neural lobe extracts from fetal, newborn and adult pigs. Proteins with an electrophoretic mobility similar to that of porcine neurophysins-I, -II and -III were present in the newborn and 98 day fetal pig. It is concluded that material immunoreactive with anti-neurophysin serum is present in the hypothalamus of the 60 day fetal pig. Furthermore, at late fetal development and during the postnatal period it is tentatively suggested that the neurophysin present in the pituitaries of these animals is chemically identical with that of adult neurophysin.  相似文献   

The composition and the distribution of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) present in normal human nasal cartilage (HNNC), were examined and compared with those in human scoliotic nasal cartilage (HSNC). In both tissues, hyaluronan (HA), keratan sulfate (KS) and the galactosaminoglycans (GalAGs)--chondroitin sulfate (CS) and dermatan sulfate (DS)--were identified. The overall GAG content in HSNC was approx. 30% higher than the HNNC. Particularly, a 114% increase in HA, and 46% and 86% in KS and DS, respectively, was recorded. CS was the main type of GAG in both tissues with no significant compositional difference. GalAG chains in HSNC exhibited an altered disaccharide composition which was associated with significant increases of non-sulfated and 6-sulfated disaccharides. DS, which was identified and quantitated for the first time in HNNC and HSNC, contained low amounts of iduronic acid (IdoA), 18% and 28% respectively. In contrast to other tissues, where IdoA residues are organized in long IdoA rich repeats, the IdoA residues of DS in human nasal cartilage seemed to be randomly distributed along the chain. DS chains in HSNC were of larger average molecular size than those from HNNC. These results clearly indicate the GAG content and pattern in both HNNC and HSNC and demonstrate that scoliosis of nasal septum cartilage is related to quantitative and structural modifications at the GAG level.  相似文献   

A study was made on the distribution of anophelines in Suriname with special emphasis on the principal malaria vector Anopheles darlingi and on the occurrence of other possible vector species. Peridomestic human bait collections of adult mosquitoes and collections of larvae were made in many localities with a recent history of malaria transmission. Stable populations of An. darlingi were only found in the interior, south of the limit of tidal influence, due to year-round availability of breeding habitats in quiet partly sunlit places in flooded forest areas and along river banks. In the area with tidal movement of the rivers, breeding is limited to flooded areas in the wet season. Anopheles darlingi was only incidentally collected in low densities. In the interior, malaria transmission occurred in all places where An. darlingi was found. The absence of malaria transmission along the Upper Suriname River could be explained by the absence of An. darlingi. In the malaria endemic areas, An. darlingi was the most numerous mosquito biting on man. In the tidal region, malaria outbreaks are infrequent and might be explained by the temporary availability of favourable breeding habitats for An. darlingi. However, evidence is insufficient to incriminate An. darlingi as the vector of malaria in this region and the possible vectorial role of other anophelines is discussed.  相似文献   

We assess and review the impact of the new cytogenetic techniques in insects for their roles in taxonomy and for a better knowledge of their chromosomal structure. Particular emphasis is given to molecular cytogenetics by fluorescent in situ hybridization, localization of AT- or GC-rich regions with fluorochromes, and restriction endonuclease banding in beetle chromosomes. The main features of the cytogenetics of Coleoptera are treated in detail, taking into account the range of variation in chromosome number and genome size, and our in-depth findings on the constitutive heterochromatin and satellite DNAs of tenebrionid beetles. Some other topics of interest for insect cytogenetics, such as the meiotic association of sex chromosomes, the nucleolar organizing regions (NORs), and the molecular constitution of telomeres, are also discussed from the taxonomic and structural viewpoints.  相似文献   

The cells of origin of the olivary projection from mesodiencephalic structures have been demonstrated in the Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata) with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method. Particular attention has been paid to the pretecto-olivary projection which is entirely ipsilateral and originates from the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT), the posterior (or principal) pretectal nucleus (PPN), the sublentiform nucleus (SL), and the (pretectal) ventral lateral zone (VLZ). Pretecto-olivary cells are small-medium sizes of oval or fusiform types. To facilitate comparison among the findings of several experiments, a diagram of the macaque olive, as visualized unfolded, was constructed (Fig. 1). Although a topographic correlation has not emerged clearly from the present experiments, the pattern of the pretecto-olivary projection in the monkey appears to be similar to that found in the cat. Participation of some of the pretectal nuclei in the optokinetic nystagmus and the vestibulo-ocular reflex is discussed in connection with the pretecto-olivary and olivocerebellar projections.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from clinical food and environmental samples were genotyped by Restriction Enzyme Analysis with Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (REA-PFGE) using ApaI and AscI enzymes according to PulseNet Europe procedure. Analysis of DNA fragments profiles obtained by AscI digestion demonstrated presence of 62 REA-PFGE profiles grouped in 2 lineages (FI, FII). Diversity of strains source among both lineages was observed. Statistical analysis showed, that strains isolated from clinical samples more frequently are included to lineage FI, then lineage FII. Non-clinical strains were more frequently included to lineage FII. Combined analysis of REA-PFGE profiles for ApaI and AscI enzymes showed 8 unique pulsotypes characteristic for two or more L. monocytogenes isolates. Moreover researched L. monocytogenes strains were analyzed by multiplex-PCR according Doumith et al methodology. PCR-group 4B was most frequent among strains isolated from clinical samples. Correlation between PCR-group and pulsotype was observed only in few cases.  相似文献   

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