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The genus Nothofagus is mainly distributed in South America and New Zealand. The present paper describes its pollen exine ultrastructure and compares the exine ultrastructure with that of the other genera of Fagaceae. The pollen grains were examined using ultrathin sectioning technique under transmission electron microscope. The study shows that the pollen exine ultrastructure of Nothofagus differs from that of the other genera of Fagaceae by its exine structure and thickness, type of aperture, and ornamentation. The pollen exine of Nothofagus is thin and possesses granular bacules, regular foot layer and tectum, spinulate ornamentation, and the endexine is usually visible at poral area, and 5~8 colpate. The pollen exine of the other genera of Fagaceae possesses entire bacules, irregular foot layer and tectum, granulate and tuberculate ornamentation, thicker endexine, and is 3-colporate ( 3-colpate or 3-colporoidate). The pollen exine ultrastructure of Nothofagus may belong to primitive type. The pollen exine ultrastructure data support Kuprianova’s opinion that Nothofagus should be separated from Fagaceae and established as a monogenetic family, i.e. Nothofa-gaceae.  相似文献   

南水青冈属及壳斗科其他属花粉壁超微结构比较研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对主要分布于南美和新西兰的南水青冈属Nothofagus 花粉外壁的超微结构进行了观察和研究, 同时与壳斗科其他属花粉外壁的结构进行比较,结果表明,南水青冈属花粉外壁的厚度、结构、萌发孔类 型以及花粉外壁表面的纹饰与壳斗科其他属花粉外壁的超微结构存在明显差别。主要表现为:南水青 冈属花粉外壁的柱状层和内层发育差,为颗粒状;基层和覆盖层无分化结构;覆盖层上为刺状纹饰;萌发 孔为5~8沟。壳斗科其他属花粉外壁的小柱发育好,形成明显的柱状层;覆盖层和基层常具一定的结 构;花粉表面较光滑,或为波状、颗粒或瘤状纹饰;内层发育较好;多数花粉具3孔沟,少数为3沟或3拟 孔沟。本研究认为南水青冈属花粉外壁的结构属于较原始类型,支持kuprianova等将南水青冈属独立为南壳斗科。  相似文献   

The test for susceptibility to kanamycin is useful for differentiating between the genera Rhodococcus and Nocardia. All rhodococci except R. equi, R. erythropolis, and R. aurantiacus are susceptible to kanamycin, whereas all nocardiae except N. otitidis-caviarum are resistant to kanamycin. Tests for susceptibility to rifampicin, streptomycin, and minocycline also are useful for differentiating among the species of each genus.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology and ultrastructure of Cycas micholitzii, C. simplicipinna, Cycandra profusa, Ceratozamia mexicana, and Ginkgo biloba are studied. Pollen germination is also studied in C. mexicana and G. biloba. Although dehydrated pollen grains appear monosulcate, the study of hydrated pollen shows that the aperture occupies nearly half of the pollen surface and represents a pore rather than a sulcus. In the Ginkgoales, the inaperturate ectexine is characterized by a thick solid tectum, infratectum of columella-like elements or large granules, and distinct foot layer. On the contrary, in the Cycadales, the ectexine consists of a thin tectum, alveolar infratectum, and poorly discernable foot layer. Members of the Ginkgoales have a distinct distal aperture, which is constituted by an intine, endexine, and thin ectexine. In the modern Cycadales, an ectexine is well developed throughout the pollen perimeter; in the supposed aperture region the ectexine is not reduced in thickness, although it is characterized by a thinner tectum and thinner walls of infratectal alveoli. In Cycandra profusa, no unequivocal aperture region has been found. Thickened regions were observed in the intine of both the Cycadales and Ginkgoales.  相似文献   

The occurrence of vascular tracheids inBetula, Alnus, Carpinus andCorylus is reported. It is established that the cells are a consistent feature in early and late wood where they are associated with vessel elements in radial multiples. The possible function and taxonomic importance of these cells are briefly considered.  相似文献   

 This paper deals with the use of cladistic methods and cladograms in phylogeny reconstruction in plant groups containing numerous taxa. How accurate are the cladograms as to details? Accuracy tests at the level of details require an independently known phylogeny, which excludes most plant groups, but such tests can be carried out in domesticated and experimental plant groups which have documented pedigrees. Four such tests are known and are presented here: a new case in Gilia and three previously published cases in Avena, Hordeum, and Helianthus. The four cases include domesticated and experimental plants, use of morphological and molecular evidence, and presence of dichotomous as well as reticulate phylogenies. The cladograms of the four plant groups all differ in significant details from the known pedigrees. These results are discussed in relation to problems of interpretation of cladograms. Received March 21, 2000 Accepted August 16, 2001  相似文献   

Supravital study of rhodamine-stained mitochondria in cells of aerial and submerged micelium of 31 strains from 9 species from genus Agaricus (A. arvensis Schaeff., A. bisporus (Lange) Imbach, A. bitorquis (Quel.) Sacc., A. campestris L., A. excellens, (F.H. Müller) F.H. Müller, A. macrocarpus (F.H. Müller) F.H. Müller, A. silvaticus Schaeff., A. silvicola (Vittad.) Peck, A. xanthodermus Genev) and of 2 strains from 2 species from genus Pleurotus (P. ostreatus (Jacg.) P. Kumm., P. pulmonarius (Fr.) Quel.) was carried out. Mitochondrial morphogenesis in micelial cells of species from Agaricus and Pleurotus genera has many common features in distribution of mitochondria in micelial cells both under the favorable growth conditions and during chondriom reorganization (fission and fragmentation of mitochondria to small subunits) under unfarovable growth conditions and during aging. During the balanced growth of mycelium of heterokaryotic strains from genera Agaricus and Pleurotus for 7–14 days on agar media as well as during cultivation of mycelium of oyster mushroom and several strains of field mushroom in submerged culture, distribution of mitochondria by the type 1 (small granular mitochondria in the apical zone—1, long rod-like mitochondria in the subapical zone—2 and short rod-like and granular mitochondria formed as a result of fragmentation of rod-like mitochondria in mature mycelium cells—3) was observed. Under unfarovable growth conditions (starvation), in mycelium cells of homokaryotic strains of champignon, during long cultivation of all strains and species from the studied genera and during cultivation on liquid wort, for majority of champignon, distribution of mitochondria by the type 2 was observed (sphere-like mitochondria in all cells of the studied mycelium zones). Mitochondrial profiles at ultrastructural level had specific features, such as associations of the outer mitochondrial membrane with cytoplasmic ribosomes and changes in cristae structure. The preliminary test for apoptosis-like phenotype of the submerged mycelium cells of Bs94 champignon that hardly grows in the submerged culture gave positive result. Thus, mitochondrial morphogenesis in mycelium cells of Agaricus and Pleurotus species under different conditions and terms of cultivation occurs similarly and is determined by a complex of physiological and biochemical processes reflecting the state of mycelium cells.  相似文献   

Natalia Zavialova 《Grana》2018,57(5):325-344
The partially reticulate sculpture of Molaspora aspera sp. nov., a marsileaceous megaspore from a Cenomanian deposit in western France, distinguishes it from other species of Molaspora. An acrolamella entirely surrounds and obscures a small tetrad scar, a feature that has been demonstrated hitherto within members of the genus only in M. fibrosa. It was also encountered for the first time in M. lobata, with which the new species is associated in the same French mesofossil assemblage. The ultrastructure of the sporoderm of M. aspera is similar to that of M. lobata, but differs particularly in that the inner epispore is markedly thicker and may also contain numerous large, homogeneous spherules or, alternatively, holes of comparable dimensions and only a few small spherules. It is possible that these are a response to some hostile bacterial or other activity when the developing sporoderm was partially permeable. The cavity replacing part of the epispore in one of the specimens, and in the specimen of M. lobata examined, may be a preservational feature or have served to increase buoyancy of the spore in water. Molaspora lobata is very similar to megaspores of fossil and extant Regnellidium, but M. aspera bears some resemblance to other members of extant Marsileaceae and certain species of Cretaceous Arcellites, although there are significant differences between them. This suggests that Molaspora is a heterogeneous taxon embracing megaspores produced by water ferns of more than one natural genus, of which only Regnellidium has survived to the present day.  相似文献   

A karyomorphological study of two species in Asteropyrum (Ranunculaceae) and five in presumably related genera (one each in Caltha , Coptis , and Dichocarpum and two in Thalictrum ) reveals close similarities between Asteropyrum and Caltha , but obvious differences between Asteropyrum and Coptis , Dichocarpum , and Thalictrum , in some karyological features, such as the structure of the interphase nuclei, chromosome size, basic chromosome number, and condensation behaviour of chromosomes during the mitotic prophase. The chromosomes of Asteropyrum are categorized as being of the R-type and the basic chromosome number is confirmed as x  = 8, indicating a possible close affinity of Asteropyrum to members in the subfamily Helleboroideae, in particular to Caltha and its allies. Asteropyrum peltatum and Asteropyrum cavaleriei are shown to be more or less differentiated from each other in gross morphology and palynology, and somewhat independent in geographical distribution, albeit with intermediate forms occurring where their distribution zones overlap. It seems justifiable to treat them as two subspecies of A. peltatum .  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 15–26.  相似文献   

Two Daphnia clones were isolated from different day depths during the period of diel vertical migration and were tested for their life-history responses to a fish exudate released by juvenile perch. Animals were exposed to fish exudate every 24 or 48 h. Both clones responded to the exudate by exhibiting earlier maturation and larger sizes of first clutches, which resulted in higher rates of population increase. Also, neonates were smaller in the presence of the exudate. It was found that the clone isolated from a deeper day depth (migrating clone) was less sensitive to the exudate than the clone isolated from the surface waters, which was presumed to be non-migrating. The non-migrating clone responded by having smaller neonate sizes and smaller sizes at maturity than the migrating clone. The non-migrating clone responded to the fish chemical when it was exposed to it every 24 or 48 h, whereas the migrating clone only responded to the exudate if exposed to it every 24 h.  相似文献   

中国蔷薇科一些属的种类修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在修订和编写《中国植物志)英文版过程中,依据标本材料(主要是模式标本)和文献考证,对蔷薇科一些属的种进行了修正,并发表了新组合和两个新变种。  相似文献   

Somatic chromosomes ofStangeria eriopus (Stangeriaceae, Cycadales) were investigated by fluorescentin situ hybridization (FISH) using an 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) probe.Stangeria eriopus showed a chromosome number of 2n=16 with a karyotype of 12 median-, 2 subterminal-, and 2 terminal-centromeric chromosomes. FISH study ofS. eriopus revealed 16 signals made up of rDNA sites located on the terminal regions of the long arms of the 7 median- and 2 subterminal-centromeric chromosomes, on terminal region of the short arm of the 1 median-centromeric chromosome, on the terminal regions of the long and the short arms of 1 median- and 2 terminal-centromeric chromosomes. This result suggests that, not only karyomorphologically but also molecular-cytologically, the genusStangeria may be more closely related to the genusCeratozamia than the genusBowenia or the genusMicrocycas previously hypothesized.  相似文献   

A new delimitation of the lichen genus Psora Hoffm. is proposed. The genus is mainly characterized by a squamulose thallus, an upper cortex of 'Scheinrindentyp', a hypothecium containing calcium oxalate, an amyloid hymenium containing anthra–quinones, the type of ascus and the type of pycnidium. The affinities of Psora to the genera Eremastrella, Psorula , and Xanthopsora and some squamulose species provisionally included in Lecidea are discussed. The genus Chrysopsora is reduced to syn–onomy with Psora , and the species Lecidea hedinii, L. scholanderi , and Psora petri to synonomy with Lecidea pulcherrima, Toninia tristis , and Lecidea lurida , respectively. The new combinations Lecanora scotopholis (Tuck.) Timdal, Psora hypotheja (Lamb) Timdal, P. subrubiformis (Vainio) Timdal, and P. vallesiaca (Schaerer) Timdal are proposed.
New chemical data are given for a number of the species and chemical strains are recognized for the first time in Psora crenala, P. globifera, P. gresinonis , and P. rubifor–mis. Two new chemical strains of P. decipiens are recorded.  相似文献   

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