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T. marconae is described as a new species from the Peruvian coastal desert. Its systematic position betweenT. paleacea Presl em.L. B. Smith andT. purpurea Ruiz & Pavon is discussed.

Veronica allahuekberensis A. Öztürk, spec. nova, probably endemic to the Allahuekber mountain in N.E. Anatolia, belongs toV. orientalis group of sectionVeronica and resemblesV. cuneifolia D. Don subsp.cuneifolia, endemic to S.W. Anatolia.

A fourth species ofSclerorhachis, S. leptoclada Rech. f., has been discovered in S. Khorasan. It differs from the three known species by its tender habit, rosette leaves with few short segments, extremely reduced stem leaves, and very small heads.Sclerorhachis with its four vicarious species confined to the most arid parts of the Iranian highlands is believed to belong to the paleoxeromorphics (Rechinger 1952).
Florae Iranicae praecursores 22.  相似文献   

Tillandsia carminea is a new, morphologically and ecologically distinct species, related toT. stricta Solander, which occurs in the Serra dos Orgaos near Teresopolis, Brazil. It has been taken forT. rosea Lindley, but new investigations have shown thatT. rosea is a synonym toT. stricta and thatT. carminea is a good and distinct species.

A new species ofTillandsia is described and discussed in regard to related species.

Alchemilla austriaca is a new species which belongs to the group ofA. demissa, A. frigens, A. longana, A. longiuscula, A. semisecta, andA. sinuata. The holotype specimen as well as leaf and flower details are illustrated (Figs. 1–3). A complete character analysis is given, differences and similarities of allied species are presented in two tables, and the position of the group within the genus is discussed.A. austriaca so far is known only from the Austrian Alps and mainly from the central ranges (distribution map: Fig. 4). Its wet subalpine and alpine habitats are characterized by species lists.

Four new species ofJacaranda have been found in the coastal mountain-ranges of SE-Brazil where they occupy characteristic ecological positions.J. montana andJ. subalpina are related toJ. puberula agg.,J. pulcherrima shows affinities toJ. ulei but also toJ. subalpina. J. crassifolia is very distinct and possibly related toJ. obovata.

Ornitogalum macrum Speta, a new species, is described from the Çakilli-Pass on the road from Akseki to the Bey sehir-Lake in Turkey. It is characterized by its tenderness. Roots turning yellow and concrescente leaves of the bulb speak in favour of a membership to theO. umbellatum group. But the late appearance of the foliage leaves in spring and the lack of ridges on the gynoeceum have hitherto never been found in this connection. There is however an indisputable similarity as to characteristics of theO. undulatum group. The chromosome number is 2n=54. The interphase nuclei are chromomeric.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungErgebnisse Chinesisch-Deutscher Biologischer Sammelreisen seit 1956, Nr. 7  相似文献   

Another juvenile specimen of the small carnivoranMiacis?kessleri Springhorn 1982 from the lower Middle Eocene oilshales (MP 11) of Messel near Darmstadt (South Hesse, Germany) is described. The nearly complete skeleton displays characteristics in dentition, skull, and limbs showing additional anatomical details and suggesting a taxonomic revision. Especially the assumption that there exist two molars only in the lower and upper jaw, as well as the trenchant talonid of the lower carnassial contradict the allocation to the genusMiacis. The species consequently is assigned to a new genusMesselogale. The higher taxonomic status of miacids in relation to the system of Carnivora is discussed.Messelogale kessleri shows basicranial characters, which indicate a classification within the Caniformia. On the other hand the loss of M3 suggests a relationship to the Feliformia. The species has an almost completely reduced (cf. holotype) or moderately well-developed dP3-Parastyl (this specimen), but it is not as enlarged as in primitive Feliformia, nor as reduced as in some Caniformia. Moreover, a calcaneal fibular facet cannot be excluded. Both attributes are representing the primitive morphology of the species. That does not ally the species with the Feliformia, but makes it, according toFlynn &; Galiano (1982), a very primitive Caniformia.  相似文献   

Johan Fischer 《Ethnos》2013,78(1):29-50
Much current anti-consumerist and anti-globalisation discourseidentifies boycotting as an immensely powerful force. Religious and secular activists alike promote consumer boycotts as a type of practised resistance that promises to break US economic, military and culturalhegemony. Obviously, consumers' supportis essential for the success of such boycotts, and I argue that insufficient anthropological attention has been paid to the micro-sociallogics of modern forms of boycotting. This article examines the political and cultural effects of the Islamic opposition's call to boycott US goods in Malaysia in the wake of 9/11. I shall show how this issue evokes a wide range of contestations and paradoxesin the everydaylives of suburban Malay Muslim middle-class families. Most of all, the boycott confronts divergent Malay middle-class groups with the problem of how to translate intentionality into practice.  相似文献   

On the basis of the present concept of theChlorophyta, a new class, theChlamydophyceae, is established and described. It includes allVolvocales with cell walls, theTetrasporales and thoseChlorococcales with zoospores of theChlamydomonas-type. The diagnostic features of theChlamydophyceae are as follows. Both, flagellates and zoospores have a cell wall with specific ultrastructure which lacks cellulose. The cell wall of the gametes is thrown off before or during fusion. Protoplast divisions are multiple (schizogonic); binary (schizotomic) fissions do not occur. Sporangia and gametangia are formed already on the monadoid level. In asexual resting stages the old cell wall is incorporated into the cyst wall. The polarized structure of theChlamydomonas-like flagellate is ± maintained in non-motile stages. Contractile vacuoles occur in freshwater species, and only sometimes disappear in adult and old non-motile cells; proper central vacuoles are lacking.—From the morphological point of viewChlamydophyceae can be derived from stages in the life cycle ofChlamydomonas. Relationships with theChlorophyceae s. str. and the other Green Algae are discussed.
Systematische Bemerkungen zu den Grünalgen I.  相似文献   

D. Janke 《Mycopathologia》1956,7(3-4):229-240
Zusammenfassung Aus Granulomen der Lunge einer 49jähr. Frau konntePeyronellaea n. sp. in Reinkultur isoliert werden. Aufgrund vergleichender mykologischer Untersuchungen vonPeyronellaea glomerata (Cda.) (Goidanich) u.Peyronellaea hominis (Agostini etTredici)G. Goidanich mit dem von uns isolierten Stamm wird letzterer auf Vorschlag vonWesterdijk als Spezies nova beschrieben. Mykologische Daten werden in Einzelheiten angeführt. Nach intraperitonealer Einimpfung erweist sich der Stamm für weisse Mäuse als fakultativ pathogen. Es wird kurz auf die im Schrifttum aufgeführten Mitteilungen von Peyronellaeose eingegangen.
Summary From granules in the lungs of a 49-year-old womanPeyronellaea n. spec. was cultured. The isolated fungus was compared with cultures ofPeyronellaea glomerata (Cda.) G. Goidanich andPeyronellaea hominis (Agostini et Tredici) G. Goidanich and as suggested by Westerdijk, described as species nova. Mycological characteristics are described. Cultures intraperitoneally injected into mice produce sporadic lesions in the visceral organs. A summary of available literature is given.

Five new species ofAnthemis sect.Anthemis from the Flora Iranica region are described:A. gillettii (subsect.Anthemis) from NW. Iraq and adjacent Iran is allied toA. damascena.—A. kurdica (subsect.Anthemis) also grows in Iraqi Kurdistan.—A. hamrinensis (subsect.Rascheyana; akin toA. plebeia) is distributed in the Jabal Hamrin region at the extreme outer margin of the Zagros chains.—A. kandaharica (subsect.Anthemis) andA. freitagii (subsect.Rascheyana) are distributed in Afghanistan.
Anschrift des Herausgebers: Hofrat Univ.-Prof. Dr.Karl Heinz Rechinger, Beckgasse 22, A-1130 Wien, Österreich.  相似文献   

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