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Three new conodont species, Streptognathodus neverovensis, S. isakovae, and Idiognathodus mestsherensis, which are widespread in the Kasimovian Stage of central Russia, are described.  相似文献   

Las LLacerias Section in the western part of the Picos de Europa Unit (Cantabrian Zone) in northern Spain offers the best (essentially continuous) Upper Moscovian-Kasimovian succession in the Pennsylvanian of the Cantabrian Zone. The section consists almost entirely of limestones, and conodonts are scarce in general, but some Myachkovian levels are significantly more productive. Most specimens recovered are Pa pectiniform elements, and are generally well preserved. Idiognathodus, Streptognathodus, Gondolella, and Neognathodus are the most significant genera and Ubinates and Hindeodus are present. Idiognathodus is the dominant genus. Most of the idiognathodids differ morphologically from those elsewhere, and one, Idiognathodus covadongae, is formally recognized a new species. The presence of Idiognathodus eccentricus in the upper part of the Kreviakinian levels suggests a correlation with the lower Missourian of the United States. Neognathodus disappears in the upper part of the Myachkovian beds. Gondolella pohli was recovered from a short interval in the upper portion of the Myachkovian beds. Paleoecological conditions representing shallow, open, normal marine offshore deposits of the Idiognathodus-biofacies are interpreted for the lower portion of the Myachkovian interval.  相似文献   

Brachiopods from the Kasimovian Stage of the Moscow Region that for more than 70 years were referred to the genus Linoproductus (family Linoproductidae) are revised and redescribed. New characters connected with the ornamentation and inner structure of the dorsal valve are used for the first time in the analysis of the taxonomic structure of the group. Six species from three genera are described; four of them are new: one species of Linispinus Lazarev, 2006, three species of Linipalus Lazarev, 2007, and two species of Sublinoproductus gen. nov. The new genus is considered to be transitional between the genera Linispinus and Linoproductus.  相似文献   

JULIEN DENAYER 《Palaeontology》2011,54(6):1435-1454
Abstract: A rich and diverse coral fauna collected from the Livian (Viséan, Mississippian) of Zonguldak and Bart?n (North‐western Turkey) contains numerous specimens of Dorlodotia and related forms. The most common species, D. delepinei Charles, 1933 , is redetermined as Dorlodotia briarti, an European species. A new species of Dorlodotia is described for very large, phaceloid forms: D. euxinensis. The genus Ceriodotia is created for species close to Dorlodotia with a cerioid habit. It comprises two species: C. bartinensis and C. petalaxoides, both common in the Viséan of Zonguldak and Bart?n. Based on comparison of morphological characters and features of the astogeny, a phylogenetic lineage is proposed for Dorlodotia and the new taxa. The evolution of D. euxinensis from D. briarti is peramorphic. Subsequent paedomorphosis resulted in the lineage D. euxinensisC. bartinensisC. petalaxoides. Ceriodotia probably includes Viséan taxa from Asia previously described as ‘Acrocyathus’.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - The Kasimovian Stage is a stage in the Pennsylvanian Subsystem, originally recognized in Russia. Its type area, despite the stage name (which is after the town of Kasimov...  相似文献   

Summary The fusulinacean faunal content of the Bombaso Fm. and lower part of the Auernig Group (Carnic Alps, Austria/Italy) is reviewed and completed by data on conodonts and algae. Four different faunal associations can be distinguished within this stratigraphic interval. The beginning of the postvariscan sedimentation in the investigated sections is diachronous, shifting in age from early Kasimovian (Krevyakinian) at Zollner Lake and Mt. Auernig, early to middle Kasimovian at Cima Val di Puartis to late Kasimovian (Dorogomilovian) at Mt. Ro?kofel. The sections analyzed consist of shallow-marine sediments, which differ in microfacies of limestones and partly in biotic assemblages. They are geographically isolated and could not be traced laterally for lithologic correlation in the field. The biostratigraphic correlation with the faunas of the stratotype sections in the Moscow Basin is hindered by the searceness of fusulinaceans in the critical levels, especially in the lowermost Kasimovian, and differences in the species composition. A biostratigraphic correlation of the Bombaso Fm. and basal part of the Auernig Group with the Peski Fm. (Myachkovian) of the Moscow Basin, as suggested byDavydov & Krainer (1999), is not confirmed by our results. Due to our taxonomic reinterpretation of the oldest fauna (Protriticites aff.permirus with distinct mural pores and largeBeedeina (Pseudotriticites) asiaticus) a lowermost Kasimovian (Lower Krevyakinian) age is more probable. This correlation is supported by the co-occurring conodont fauna, which is suggested to belong to the zone of “Streptognathodus subexcelsus”. This biozone reaches from the topmost Peski Fm. to the Suvorovo Fm. (Lower Krevyakinian) in the Moscow Basin, and may be correlated with the uppermost Desmoinesian of the Midcontinent North America. Fusulinaceans and conodonts of the overlying strata at Zollner Lake and from the sections at Cima Val di Puartis and Mt. Auernig most probably correspond to the upper Krevyakinian/lowermost Khamovnikian of the Russian platform (Lower Missourian of the Midcontinent North America). The algal associations (Dvinella, Beresella, Herakella) from these lowermost strata are unique for the Carnic Alps. Their stratigraphic range points to Moscovian-Kasimovian as well, and fits with the fusulinacean and conodont data. Sediments of the N?lbling Group (=“untere kalkreiche Schichtgruppe”) have their correlative levels in the upper Khamovnikian, but reach higher into the Dorogomilovian. More reliable correlations are possible with the fusulinacean faunas of the Cantabrian Mts. and Central Asia, based on the coincidence of several species. A revised biostratigraphic correlation with the different remote basins of the Paleotethyan realm and the Russian Platform is given, based on own data and recent results by the members of the SCCS Working group to define a GSSP close to the Moscovian/Kasimovian boundary. The sequence-stratigraphic scheme, the systematics, and the biostratigraphic correlation ofDavydov & Krainer (1999) are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies carried out for more than 10 years by the Task Group to establish GSSPs at the base of the Moscovian–Kasimovian and Kasimovian–Gzhelian boundaries have resulted in the proposal that the level at which the conodont species Idiognathodus simulator (Ellison, 1941) first appears be selected to mark the base of the Gzhelian Stage. This expands this eastern European chronostratigraphic unit to a global scale.I. simulator (sensu Barrick et al., 2008) has been identified so far in Midcontinent and eastern North America, the Moscow and Donets basins and southern Urals of eastern Europe, and in south-central China. Correlation of this level based on this species and other conodont species can be reinforced in some areas by ammonoid and fusulinid data.  相似文献   

A new conodont species, Siphonodella leiosa, is described from the lower Carboniferous pelagic limestones of the Montagne Noire (France), deposited in North Gondwana on a outer platform environment. Specimens were obtained from one level dated to the Siphonodella jii conodont Zone. The major difference from other siphonodellid conodonts known in this area is that the elements of this new species have a practically entirely smooth and unornamented platform, apart from the development of one or two low rostral ridge-like nodes. Similar morphologies were generally observed in shallow marine deposits of the same time frame from China, Russia and East and Central European areas. The new discovery reinforces the idea that ornamentation of siphonodellids is not only related to bathymetry, but that temperature could play an important role in the diversification and radiation of unornamented species during the Siphonodella jii conodont Zone.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of investigations carried out in the Mokrá quarry since 2006 on the biostratigraphy of the Tournaisian-Visean (T-V) boundary interval. It also integrates previous results obtained by J. Kalvoda and collaborators. The main focus is on the boundary itself, but stratigraphically lower and higher levels have been investigated as well to provide a biostratigraphical context spanning the late Tournaisian to early Visean. This stratigraphical level has been the focus of intense international research in the recent years under the auspices of the Subcommission on Carboniferous Stratigraphy (SCCS) in order to find a new criterion and reference section (Global Stratotype Section and Point, GSSP) for the base of the Visean Stage. The appearance of Eoparastaffella simplex from its ancestor E.ovalis” and the Pengchong section (Guangxi, southern China) have recently been proposed by the Task Group on the Tournaisian-Visean Boundary and ratified by the SCCS as the new biostratigraphic criterion and GSSP for the base of the Visean, respectively. The sequence exposed in Mokrá is not suitable as a GSSP, notably because it is an active quarry, but it contains most of the foraminifer and conodont guides allowing a high-resolution biostratigraphy of the boundary interval. In addition, it contains abundant trilobites. For these reasons, it constitutes one of the best sections across the T-V boundary in Europe and can serve as a useful additional reference.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(8):911-917
The cerioid colonial coral previously described as Lithostrotion columnariformis from the Early Visean of the Donets Basin (Ukraine) is here reattributed to the new genus Vassiljukia. This genus is introduced for colonial amygdalophylloid developing a stable cerioid habitus. It differs from amygdalophylloid proto-colonies by its ability to produce second generation offsets. This ability is proposed here as a definition to differentiate proto-colonial stages from genuine colonies within the rugose corals. Vassiljukia columnariformis is also known from equivalent strata of northwestern Turkey where it occurs with the oldest cerioid Lithostrotion and Ceriodotia. The origin and affinity of Vassiljukia columnariformis within the Amygdalophyllidae are also discussed.  相似文献   

Pavel Kabanov 《Facies》2003,49(1):243-270
Summary The type upper Moscovian-basal Kasimovian argillaceous-carbonate succession of central European Russia contains regionally traced cyclothem-bounded subaerial exposure horizons (geosols) represented mainly by rendzina-type palaeosols. Palaeokarst profiles occurrarely and grade laterally to palaeosols. Composite subaerial profiles divided by one or two thin marine beds are called ‘multiple geosols’. The biofaces structure of the studied succession is defined by brachiopod and fusulinoid biofaces. The heterogeneous Choristites biofacies characterizes openmarine intervals, which constitute the bulk of the succession, and is defined by presence of Choristites. The Meekella biofacies with monospecific concentrations of Meekella shells and extreme rarity of other brachiopods characterises restricted peritidal intervals which commonly constitute the terminal regressive parts of major cyclothems. Three fusulinoid biofacies defined by Baranova and Kabanov (2003) include restricted peritidal Biofacies 1 with only small fusulinoids Fusiella and Schubertella present, open shoal-to-subtidal Biofacies 2 with the richest fusulinoid assemblages, and the most offshore Biofacies 3 with less diverse, sometimes Hemifusulina-dominated, fusulinoid assemblages. Bioturbation patterns and ichnofossils allow recognition of deeper subtidal Zoophycos and shallower non-Zoophycos ichnofacies. Among the latter, shallowest subtidal facies are characterized by presence of thalassinoid burrows. Intertidal laminated lithofacies with suppressed bioturbation contain Skolithos burrows. Seventeen lithofacies are recognized. Terrestrial lithofacies include topclays (upper clayey palaeosol horizons) and aeolian grainstones. Restricted peritidal lithofacies include cross-stratified skeletal-peloidal grainstones, fine-grained laminated grainstones-mudstones, and lagoonal mudstones. Open shoal lithofacies include ooidal grainstones (rare, only in Podolskian) and coarse skeletal-peloidal grainstones. The open subtidal lithofacies include skeletal packstones-rudstones, shallow subtidal packstones-wackestones, deeper subtidal packstones-wackestones, Ivanovia boundstones (only in Podolskian), proximal tempestites, distal tempestites, and skeletal wackestones-mudstones. The fossiliferous shale lithofacies is a miscellaneous group of marine shales lacking distinct features of the above-listed lithofacies. Conglomerates of cyclothem bases that are regarded as early transgressive lithofacies are variable in their palaeoenvironmental position and are characterized by concentrated pebbles derived from palaeosol reworking. The shallowest subtidal lithofacies of fine packstones-grainstones is considered as transitional between open subtidal and restricted peritidal lithofacies. The origin of stratiform dolostones is shown to be early diagenetic in the subsurface. The depositional model involves a shallow and broad epicontinental ramp, where through water circulation prevented stratification of the water column and allowed large skeletal benthos to colonize the entire spectrum of depositional environments. Storms are thought to be the principal water-mixing agent. The anti-estuarine circulation carrying oxygenated waters down-ward may explain the lack of anoxic features in the deepest facies that may have formed below storm wave base.  相似文献   

In the Stephanian B in eastern equatorial Pangaea, a large freshwater lake was formed in the continental basins of the west, central and northeast Bohemia, Czech Republic with a total area estimated at 5000–10,000 km2 and a lifetime of 50 to 500 ky. Its size exceeded that of any Permian–Carboniferous lake in the European basins of that period so far described. Continual sedimentation of organic-rich, seasonally laminated clayey–silty lake deposits produced a unique high-resolution record of part of the Stephanian B climate in the studied region. An extraordinarily large trophic web of fish assemblages also proves the temporal stability of this meromictic oligotrophic lake. The lake hydrology was inferred from the chemical and isotopic analyses of the autochthonous carbonates, particularly siderite, and analysis of organic matter. The environmental and weathering conditions in the lake watershed were inferred from analysis of palynospectra and detrital clay minerals. The lake passed through several stages of development including an initial highstand with peak productivity, a stepwise increase in mineralization accompanying gradual lake regression, a lowstand in the middle part of its lifetime, a partial lake recovery, and then a final transition to a shallow lacustrine-deltaic system. Lake regression was triggered by a long-term decrease in the P/E ratio coupled with increasing seasonality and accompanied by a decrease in intensity of chemical weathering in the drainage basin. Considerable vegetation response to fluctuating lake levels suggests complex environmental changes. During the initial lake highstand, abundant and diversified assemblages of xerophilous elements prevailed, spores of ferns prevailed during the regressive episode, and spores of lycopsids abruptly increased at the lowstand and remained dominant in the palynospectra of the second lake highstand. Final transition to a lacustrine-deltaic system was associated with pronounced increase in sphenopsids and ferns. These changes can be attributed to Milankovitch-like climate change from warm–wet to warm–seasonal dry, and may be inferred to have been responsible for Stephanian continental cyclothems. The entire Stephanian B period was more humid than the preceding Barruelian and subsequent Stephanian C in the Czech basins, thus revealing a climate cycle at a timescale of several million years, which is discussed in relation to southern Gondwana ice sheet stability.  相似文献   

The base of the Rhaetian stage (Norian/Rhaetian boundary, NRB) is still awaiting formal designation by the International Commission on Stratigraphy. At present, only the 4.30‐m‐thick Steinbergkogel section (Austria) has been proposed as GSSP (Global Stratotype Section and Point) candidate for the base of the Rhaetian. Here we present data from the 63‐m‐thick Pignola‐Abriola section (Southern Apennines, Italy) that we consider an alternative candidate for the Rhaetian GSSP. The Pignola‐Abriola basinal section, represented by hemipelagic–pelagic carbonate successions belonging to the Lagonegro Basin, matches all the requirements for a GSSP: 1, it is well exposed with minimal structural deformation; 2, it is rich in age diagnostic fossils (e.g. conodonts and radiolarians); 3, it yields a geochemical record suitable for correlation (e.g. δ13Corg/carb); and 4, it has a robust magnetostratigraphy and is correlated with the Newark APTS for age approximation of the NRB and additional Rhaetian bioevents. In the Pignola‐Abriola section, we opt to place the NRB at the 44.4 metre level, coincident with a prominent negative shift of ca. 6‰ of the δ13Corg. This level is located 50 cm below the FAD of conodont Misikella posthernsteini s.s within the radiolarian Proparvicingula moniliformis Zone. Both the negative δ13Corg shift and the FAD of Misikella posthernsteini occur within Pignola‐Abriola magnetozone MPA‐5r, at ~205.7 Ma, according to magnetostratigraphical correlation to the Newark APTS. We also illustrate the coeval Mt. Volturino stratigraphical section deposited below the calcite compensation depth (CCD) within the same Lagonegro Basin and characterized by a detailed radiolarian biostratigraphy and strong δ13Corg negative shift around the NRB.  相似文献   

The Cellon section, located in the Carnic Alps, is a reference section for the Silurian of the world. The conodont association of the section is revised according to the most recent taxonomy and the biostratigraphy updated in the basis of the recently published zonation schemes. Seventy taxa (species and sub‐species) belonging to 23 genera have been identified, allowing the discrimination of 15 biozones from the upper Llandovery to the end of the P?ídolí . However, some of the uppermost Llandovery and Wenlock biozones, corresponding to black shale intervals, have not been documented.  相似文献   

Constraining the age of strata is a fundamental source of uncertainty in the study of sedimentary rocks, particularly in restricted basins that generally lack index fossils. An illustrative example of this is the evaporite‐bearing Salina Group in the Michigan Basin. Our integrated study of facies, paleontology, and stable isotope geochemistry from the base of the Salina Group in Wisconsin addresses long‐standing chronostratigraphic uncertainty surrounding these units. Conodont samples from the basal boundary interval (Racine‐Waubakee formation contact) produced non‐diagnostic ‘disaster’ and ‘recovery’ faunas typical of both the Mulde (Homerian) and Lau (Ludfordian) events. Strontium isotope analysis (87Sr/86Sr) of these conodonts from five horizons just below the boundary yield values between 0.70844 and 0.70850 confirming a Homerian age. Multiple carbon isotope profiles through this interval confirm the presence of a 2.5–3‰ positive excursion. Cumulatively these data constrain the base of the Salina Group in Wisconsin to the Mulde Excursion interval (late Homerian). This integrated study provides a sound initial step towards a deeper understanding of the processes of Silurian evaporite formation in the Michigan Basin.  相似文献   

The rhythmites of Itu present the best exposures of glacial varvites known in the Paraná Basin, and constitute a classic geological monument related to the Late Palaeozoic Gondwanan glaciation. Palynological results in this paper are based on rhythmites from two quarries in Itu area, central-eastern State of São Paulo, Brazil, including correlate levels of the “Itu Varvite Park”, as well as based on samples from the borehole IT-IG-85 (at 171 and 228 m) drilled also in the Itu City. Well-preserved indigenous miospores and microphytoplankton elements have been recorded. The former comprise 15 spore species and 19 pollen species, of which three are recorded for the first time in the Brazilian part of the Paraná Basin (Verrucosisporites cf. V. andersonii, Convolutispora archangelskyi and Caheniasaccites verrucosus). Microalgae include prasinophyceans (Leiosphaeridia sp., Tasmanites sp., Deusilites tenuistriatus), chlorophyceans (Botryococcus braunii) and zignemataceans (Tetraporina). The palynological content confirms a late Pennsylvanian (Kasimovian/Gzhelian) age for these rhythmites, which are assigned to the Crucisaccites monoletus interval Zone, based on the record of the eponymous pollen species and Scheuringipollenites maximus. Although very scarce, prasinophycean algae suggest low salinity marine conditions.  相似文献   

贵州罗甸纳水上石炭统(宾夕法尼亚亚系)地层的再研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文详细描述了贵州罗甸纳水上石炭统(宾夕法尼亚亚系)剖面的生物地层和年代地层,其牙形刺序列自上而下可详细划分为:Streptognathodus isolatus, S. wabaunsensis, S. tenuialveus, S. firmus, Idiognathodus nashuiensis , Streptognathodus simulator, S. guizhouensis , S. gracilis-S, excelsus , S. cancellosus , S. clavatulus , S. nodocarinatus , Idiognathodus podolskensis , Mesogondolella clarki -Idiognathodus robustus , Diplognathodus ophanus-D, ellesmerensis, Idiognathoides ouachitensis, Streptognathodus expansus, Idiognathoides sulcatus parva, Idiognathodus primulus-Neognathodus bassleri, Idiognathodus primulus-Neognathodus symmetricus, Neognathodus symmetricus, Idiognathoides corrugatus-I, pacificus, I. sinuatus, I. sulcatus sulcatus, Declinognathodus noduli ferus 和 Gnathodus bilineatus bollandensis 等带。 Declinognathodus noduliferus 和 Streptognathodus isolatus 的首次出现分别代表上石炭统(宾夕法尼亚亚系)和二叠系的开始。根据牙形刺和有孔虫的序列,罗甸纳水剖面的上石炭统(宾夕法尼亚亚系)地层自下而上可划分为罗苏阶(Luosuan)、滑石板阶(Huashibanian)、达拉阶(Dalaan)和马平阶(Mapingian),并可与俄罗斯的巴什基尔阶(Bashkirian)、莫斯科阶(Moscovian)、卡西莫夫阶(Kasimovian)和格舍尔阶(Gzhelian),北美的莫罗阶(Morrowan)、阿托克阶(Atokan)、得梅因阶(Desmoinesian)、密苏里阶(Missourian)和弗吉尔阶(Virgilian)进行对比。另外,本文也详细讨论了剖面中的石炭系中间界线及石炭-二叠系界线。  相似文献   

A conodont fauna from the uppermost part of the Beiliu Formation at the Nalai section (Guangxi, South China) is studied. Four species of Bipennatus Mawson are described, of which B. hemilevigatus n. sp. is differentiated by a short sulcus flanked by a smooth left margin and a nodose right margin, and B. planus n. sp. is characterized by a distinctly flat, smooth, and narrow platform in the middle part of the blade above the basal cavity. Another species in open nomenclature, Bipennatus? sp., is distinguished by an extremely primitive sulcus or a totally fused and adenticulate ridge above the basal cavity. This paper also reports occurrences of ‘Ozarkodina’? sp. B, Polygnathus nalaiensis n. sp., and P. costatus costatus Klapper. The conodont fauna situates the investigated samples in the lower Eifelian costatus Zone. Taking specimens of Bipennatus from the Hillesheimer Mulde and Bergischen Land (Germany) into consideration, the conodont material furnishes new data on the diversification and phylogeny of this genus. A taxonomic revision of Bipennatus is conducted, and this genus includes B. bipennatus (Bischoff and Ziegler), B. hemilevigatus, B. montensis (Weddige), B. planus, B. scalaris (Mawson), and B. mayri (Uyeno), the latter two are raised herein to species level. More importantly, the prominent diversification of Bipennatus in the costatus Zone cannot be interpreted by previously proposed hypotheses on the phylogeny of Bipennatus, which specifically focus on the development of a characteristic sulcus on the upper margin above the basal cavity. It is apparent that the ornamentation of the narrow or wide platform above the basal cavity is more complicated and variable than previously estimated, and that this genus needs further investigation, especially on the lowest occurrences of its assigned species.  相似文献   

During the Late Carboniferous, a spacious warm-water carbonate platform developed across the eastern part of the present Arctic archipelago of Svalbard. The platform initiated in the Moscovian on an uplifted fault block (Ny Friesland High) and progradated during the Late Moscovian to Early Kasimovian into the adjacent Campbellryggen Basin (central Spitsbergen). The fossiliferous platform strata are characterized by a pronounced cyclicity formed by stacked parasequences, which consist of defined, subtidal to supratidal facies-set successions reflecting a general shallowing of the depositional area. Up to 17 of these shallowing-upward cycles, bounded by distinct discontinuity (marine flooding) surfaces due to the recurrent emersion and subsequent flooding of the platform surface, have been recognized within the platform strata. The stacked cycles are the result of global, glacio-eustatic, high-frequent and high-amplitudinal sea-level fluctuations with eccentricity periodicities caused by ice volume changes during the Gondwana Land glaciation. Based on systematic changes of the cycles (thickness and internal facies composition), the upper part of the platform strata is interpreted as a progradational parasequence set of a late highstand system tract. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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