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A model is presented which quantifies a possible role for the carbonic anhydrase in the mitochondrial matrix of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii which incorporates the observation that the expression of this enzyme is increased under growth conditions in which the expression of the carbon dioxide-concentrating mechanism is increased. It is assumed that the inorganic carbon enters the cytosol from the medium, and leaves the cytosol to the plastids, as HCO3 and that there is negligible carbonic anhydrase activity in the cytosol. The role of the mitochondrial carbonic anhydrase is suggested to be the conversion to HCO3 of the CO2 produced in the mitochondria in the light from tricarboxylic acid cycle activity and from decarboxylation of glycine in any photorespiratory carbon oxidation cycle activity which is not suppressed by the carbon concentrating mechanism. If there is a HCO3 channel in the inner mitochondrial membrane then almost all of the inorganic carbon leaves the mitochondria as HCO3, thus limiting the potential for CO2 leakage through the plasmalemma. This mechanism could increase inorganic C supply to ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase by some 10% at the energetic expense of less than 1% of the total ATP generation by plastids plus mitochondria.  相似文献   

Interaction between induction of carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity, induction of inorganic carbon (Ci) concentrating mechanisms and the photorespiratory glycolate pathway has been studied in wild type 6145c and photorespiratory mutant 18–7F (low in phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity) cells of C. reinhardtii . Cell transfer from high CO2 (5%, v/v) to low CO2 (0.03%) provoked an increase of extracellular and total (extracellular plus intracellular) CA in both wild type and mutant cells. During adaptation to low CO2 conditions, both strains excreted ammonium to the medium at a similar rate in the presence of l -methionine- d-l -sulfoximine (MSX), an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase (GS). MSX also provoked ammonium excretion by air adapted wild type and mutant cells, even though both strains had high levels of CA activity and of Ci concentrating activities.
GS increased in both strains after transfer from high to low CO2 conditions. However, this increase was abolished by aminooxyacetate, an inhibitor of the glyoxylate-serine aminotransferase, and by glycolaldehyde, an inhibitor of triose phosphate to ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate conversion. CA synthesis did not occur in the presence of either aminooxyacetate or glycolaldehyde. Algae grown in high CO2 in the presence of aminooxyacetate did not induce Ci concentrating mechanisms. Integration of these three processes, i.e., CA synthesis, Ci-concentration, and photorespiratory glycolate pathway is proposed in the framework of carbon metabolism of the alga.  相似文献   

The activity of periplasmic arylsulfatase (Ars), which catalyzes the cleavage of sulfate from aromatic sulfur compounds, was detected in cells acclimated to the sulfate-deficient conditions in a unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard, but not in Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Dunaliella and Porphyridium. Upon the transfer of cells to sulfate-deficient autotrophic media under high-CO2 conditions, the induction of Ars was observed only in the light, but not in the light with dichlorophenyldimethylurea (DCMU) nor in the dark. However, Ars was induced in the light with DCMU or in the dark when acetate was present as an organic carbon source, but not citrate. Under similar high-CO2 conditions, high-CO2 requiring mutants of cia-3 and cia-5, whose photosynthetic activities are greatly limited under low CO2, showed much lower level of Ars activities than wild type cells. Under Iow-CO2 conditions the induction of Ars was greatly suppressed even in wild type and no induction was observed in both mutants. These results suggest that the stimulation of photosynthetic or respiratory carbon metabolism are necessary for the induction of Ars. In contrast, the induction of periplasmic carbonic anhydrase (CA) which was synthesized de novo specifically under CO2-limited conditions was strongly suppressed by the addition of organic carbon sources, such as acetate and citrate. When cells are subjected to CO2-limitation and sulfate-deficiency simultaneously, the induction of CA was initiated immediately, while that of Ars was initiated following the completion of CA induction with an about 4-h lag. When the concentration of CO2 was suddenly lowered during the induction of Ars, the induction of Ars ceased quickly, and the induction of CA was initiated instead. From these results the induction of CA was suggested to have priority over that of Ars under the dual stress of CO2, and sulfate-deprivation.  相似文献   

In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii the formation of a starch sheath surrounding the pyrenoid is observed when cells grown under high CO2 (5% CO2 in air) are transferred to low CO2 (0.03%) conditions. Formation of the starch sheath occurs coincidentally with induction of the CO2 concentrating mechanism and with de novo synthesis of 5 polypeptides with molecular masses of 21, 36, 37, 42–44 kDa. We studied the effect of CO2 concentrations on photosynthesis, ultrastructure and protein synthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cw-15 (wild phenotype for photosynthesis) and in the starch-less mutant BAFJ -6, with the aim to clarify the role of the pyrenoid starch sheath in the operation of the CO2 concentrating mechanism and whether these low CO2-inducible polypeptides are involved in the formation of starch sheath. When wild type and starch-less mutant cells were transferred from high to low CO2, the CO2 requirement for half-maximal rates of photosynthesis decreased from 40 μM to 2 μM CO2. 35SO42- labeling analyses showed that the starch-less mutant induced the 5 low CO2-inducible polypeptides. These observations suggest that the starch-less mutant was able to induce a fully active CO2 concentrating mechanism. Since the starch-less mutant did not form a pyrenoid starch sheath, we suggest that the starch sheath is not involved in the operation of the CO2 concentrating mechanism and that none of these 5 low CO2-inducible proteins is involved in the formation of the starch sheath in Chlamydomonas .  相似文献   

The freshwater microalga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard, was cultured under 350 and 700 ppmv CO2 to determine the impact of doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration on its growth and photosynthesis. No significant difference was observed in the specific growth rate, photosynthetic efficiency, maximal net photo‐synthetic rate and light‐saturating point between the low and high CO2 cultures. Both the low‐ and high‐CO2‐grown cells showed reduced light‐dependent O2 evolution rate and photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) owing to photoinhibition when exposed to high photon flux density. However, high‐CO2‐grown cells were less photoinhibited, and showed better recovery in dim light or darkness during the initial period of the recovery process.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis was characterized for the unicellular green alga Coccomyxa sp., grown at low inorganic carbon (Ci) concentrations, and compared with Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which had been grown so that the CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM) was expressed, and with protoplasts isolated from the C3 plant barley (Hordeum vulgare). Chlamydomonas had a significantly higher Ci-use efficiency of photosynthesis, with an initial slope of the Ci-response curve of 0.7 mol(gChl)−1 h−1 mmol Cim−3)−1, as compared to 0.3 and 0.23 mol(gChl)−1 h−1 (mmol Cim−3)−1 for Coccomyxa and barley, respectively. The affinity for Ci was also higher in Chlamydomonas, as the half maximum rate of photosynthesis [K0.5 (Ci)] was reached at 0.18 mol m−3, as compared to 0.30 and 0.45 mol m−3 for Coccomyxa and barley, respectively. Ethoxyzolamide (EZ), an inhibitor of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) and the CCM, caused a 17-fold decrease in the initial slope of the photosynthetic Cj-response curve in Chlamydomonas, but only a 1.5- to two-fold decrease in Coccomyxa and barley. The photosynthetic light-response curve showed further similarities between barley and Coccomyxa. The rate of bending of the curve, described by the convexity parameter, was 0.99 (sharp bending) and 0.81–0.83 (gradual bending) for cells grown under low and high light, respectively. In contrast, the maximum convexity of Chlamydomonas was 0.85. The intrinsically lower convexity of Chlamydomonas is suggested to result from the diversion of electron transport from carbon fixation to the CCM. Taken together, these results suggest that Coccomyxa does not possess a CCM and due to this apparent lack of a CCM, we propose that Coccomyxa is a better cell model system for studying C3 plant photosynthesis than many algae currently used.  相似文献   

To investigate the biochemical response of freshwater green algae to elevated CO2 concentrations, Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang cells were cultured at different CO2 concentrations within the range 3-186μmol/L and the biochemical composition, carbonic anhydrase (CA),and nitrate reductase activities of the cells were investigated. Chlorophylls (Chl), carotenoids, carbonhydrate,and protein contents were enhanced to varying extents with increasing CO2 concentration from 3-186μmol/L. The CO2 enrichment significantly increased the Chl a/Chl b ratio in ChloreUa pyrenoidosa, but not in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The CO2 concentration had significant effects on CA and nitrate reductase activity. Elevating CO2 concentration to 186μmol/L caused a decline in intracellular and extracellullar CA activity. Nitrate reductase activity, under either light or dark conditions, in C. reinhardtii and C. pyrenoidosa was also significantly decreased with CO2 enrichment. From this study, it can be concluded that CO2 enrichment can affect biochemical composition, CA, and nitrate reductase activity, and that the biochemical response was species dependent.  相似文献   

The role of extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CAex) for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) accumulation in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was investigated. It was found that when algal cells were bubbled with ambient air, cell-wall-less mutant cells exhibited the same high photosynthetic affinity for CO2 as wild-type cells despite a 10 times lower activity of CAex. It was also found that the affinity for CO2 was further increased when the total DIC concentration of the algal medium was reduced from that in equilibrium with ambient air to even lower levels. This increased affinity was not correlated with any further increase in the CAex activity. Dextran-bound sulfonamide (DBS. 100 μM bound ligand) completely inhibited the activity of CAex in intact, low-DIC grown, wild-type cells, while photosynthesis at <2 μM CO2(aq) proceeded at a far greater rate than could be maintained by CO2 supplied from the spontaneous dehydration of HCO?3. DBS-inhibition of CAex, during the induction of the DIC-accumulating mechanism in previously high-DIC grown cells, only caused a 50% inhibition of photosynthesis at 10 μM CO2(aq) after 1 h of low-DIC acclimation. It was also shown that 50 μM acetazolamide (AZ) inhibited photosynthesis at low DIC concentrations to a relatively higher degree than DBS, suggesting that AZ inhibited intracellular CA as well. Taken together, these results suggest that low-DIC grown cells of C. reinhardtii have the ability to transport HCO?3 across the plasma membrane in addition to the CAex-mediated, facilitated diffusion and/or transport of CO2. It is also suggested that the relative importance of these two fluxes (CO2 or HCO?3) is dependent on the growth and experimental conditions. Facilitated CO2 uptake seems to be most prevalent, supported by HCO?3-transport under more or less extreme situations, such as a reduction of CO2 to extremely low concentrations, leakage of CAex to the medium as in cultures of cell-wall-less mutant cells or when the activity of CAex has been artificially inhibited.  相似文献   

The occurrence of an active CO2 transport system and of carbonic anhydrase (CA) has been investigated by mass spectrometry in the marine, unicellular rhodophyte Porphyridium cruentum (S.F. Gray) Naegeli and two marine chlorophytes Nannochloris atomus Butcher and Nannochloris maculata Butcher. Illumination of darkened cells incubated with 100 μM H13CO3? caused a rapid initial drop, followed by a slower decline in the extracellular CO2 concentration. Addition of bovine CA to the medium raised the CO2 concentration by restoring the HCO3?–CO2 equilibrium, indicating that cells were taking up CO2 and were maintaining the CO2 concentration in the medium below its equilibrium value during photosynthesis. Darkening the cell suspensions caused a rapid increase in the extracellular CO2 concentration in all three species, indicating that the cells had accumulated an internal pool of unfixed inorganic carbon. CA activity was detected by monitoring the rate of exchange of 18O from 13C18O2 into water. Exchange of 18O was rapid in darkened cell suspensions, but was not inhibited by 500 μM acetazolamide, a membrane‐impermeable inhibitor of CA, indicating that external CA activity was not present in any of these species. In all three species, the rate of exchange was completely inhibited by 500 μM ethoxyzolamide, a membrane‐permeable CA‐inhibitor, showing that an intracellular CA was present. These results demonstrate that the three species are capable of CO2 uptake by active transport for use as a carbon source for photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: The ability of the green alga Tetraedron minimum to acquire inorganic carbon from its environment was investigated and compared with that of Chlamydomonas monoica. T. minimum showed a higher affinity for bicarbonate ions than C. monoica, regardless of whether it was grown at high or low CO2 concentrations. Furthermore, T. minimum was distinguished by the fact that it maintained a large intracellular pool of inorganic carbon. These features may explain why this alga is able to proliferate in alkaline conditions.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis by marine diatoms contributes significantly to the global carbon cycle. Due to the low concentration of CO2 in seawater, many diatoms use extracellular carbonic anhydrase (eCA) to enhance the supply of CO2 to the cell surface. While much research has investigated how the requirement for eCA is influenced by changes in CO2 availability, little is known about how eCA contributes to CO2 supply following changes in the demand for carbon. We therefore examined how changes in photosynthetic rate influence the requirement for eCA in three centric diatoms. Modeling of cell surface carbonate chemistry indicated that diffusive CO2 supply to the cell surface was greatly reduced in large diatoms at higher photosynthetic rates. Laboratory experiments demonstrated a trend of an increasing requirement for eCA with increasing photosynthetic rate that was most pronounced in the larger species, supporting the findings of the cellular modeling. Microelectrode measurements of cell surface pH and O2 demonstrated that individual cells exhibited an increased contribution of eCA to photosynthesis at higher irradiances. Our data demonstrate that changes in carbon demand strongly influence the requirement for eCA in diatoms. Cell size and photosynthetic rate will therefore be key determinants of the mode of dissolved inorganic carbon uptake.  相似文献   

External carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity in Chlorella saccharophila is suppressed by growth at high dissolved inorganic carbon and at acid pH. External CA activity was shown to be suppressed by growth at pHs below 7.0, with total repression at pH5.0. Growth in the presence of the buffer 3-[N-Morpholino]propane-sulphonic acid (MOPS) between pH 7 and 8 suppressed CA activity. Cells grown at pH8.0 aerated at 6 dm3 h?1 exhibited external CA activity of 5 units mg?1 Chl once the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was reduced to 300 mmol m?3, and this increased to 30 units mg?1 Chl over a period of 3d while the DIC dropped to 30mmol m?3. Cells aerated at 180 dm3 h?1 showed a similar trend in CA activity, although the onset was delayed by 1 d and the DIC did not drop below 300 mmol m?3. Cells grown at pH 7.8 near an air equilibrium DIC of 300 mmol m?3had no detectable external CA activity. It is probable that it is the CO2 supply to the cell, and not total DIC or HCO?3 which controls external CA activity. Cells grown at pH 5.0 had no detectable activity, although they reduced the CO2 concentration to 0.6 mmol m?3. The loss of CA upon transfer of air-grown cells to 10 mmol mol?1 CO2 took place over 48 h and was light dependent, while the loss upon transfer from alkaline pH to acid pH look place over 12 h and was independent of light. The effects of pH are independent of the response to CO2.  相似文献   

Photorespiration by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Anacystis nidulans was measured as the oxygen inhibition of CO2 uptake and the CO2 compensation points. Net photosynthesis was oxygen dependent in Chlamydomonas grown in 5% CO2, but CO2 insensitive in cultures bubbled with air. Anacystis, even when cultured in 5% CO2, exhibited an CO2 insensitive net photosynthesis. The CO2 compensation point of Chlamydomonas grown in cultures bubbled with air and Anacystis grown in 5% CO2 enriched air, were reached shortly after the measurement was begun and the values were very low, less than 10 μl CO2 1?1; while Chlamydomonas grown in 5% CO2 enriched air for 4 days showed a high, but temporary CO2 compensation point (60 μl CO2 1?1). After a two hour adaptation in low CO2, a stable, low CO2 compensation point was reached. It seems that photorespiration can only be detected by the methods used in this study when the algae are cultured in high CO2, but a mechanism exists which blocks photorespiration when the green algae are adapted to low CO2 concentrations. When Chlamydomonas was treated with Diamox, an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase, after cultivation in low CO2 (air), the cells behaved as if they had been grown in high CO2. They showed an oxygen sensitive net photosynthesis and a high CO2 compensation point. This indicates that carbonic anhydrase plays an important role in the regulation of a measurable photorespiration in Chlamydomonas. The results are discussed in relation to previous observations of photorespiration measured by enzyme assay, metabolic products and gas exchange properties.  相似文献   

Submerged aquatic macrophytes growing in water where free CO2 is unavailable (above pH 8·2) must use mechanisms to supply external dissolved inorganic carbon in a form available to chloroplasts (CO2). Active transport of HCO3 across the plasmalemma has not been proven to be widespread in aquatic macrophytes and catalytic conversion of HCO3 to CO2 is the usual supply mechanism in submerged macrophytes. The interaction of leaf form and function in this respect was investigated in the linear, submerged leaves of Ranunculus penicillatus (Dumort.) Bab ssp. pseudofluitans (Syme) S.Webster. Viable protoplasts were isolated using a mixture of cell wall degrading enzymes optimized for this species. Protoplast viabilities greater than 80% after 5 h of isolation were achieved. Photosynthetic rates of isolated protoplasts were comparable with that of intact plant tissue. Results of carbon isotopic disequilibrium experiments showed that CO2 was the preferred species of dissolved inorganic carbon for photosynthesis by protoplasts and that HCO3 which predominates in the plant’s natural environment mainly contributes by supplying CO2 outside the cells.  相似文献   

As previously described, the absolute rate of photosynthesis due to a limited concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon at alkaline pH, where the rate of CO2 formation is strictly limited, plotted as a function of chlorophyll (Chl) concentration, will take the form of a rectangular hyperbola combined with a linear rate directly proportional to [Chl], which are, respectively, due to the contribution of CO2 and HCO3 to photosynthesis. This model represents that the mathematical asymptote of absolute rate of photosynthesis versus cell density is described by the whole-cell rate constant for HCO3 uptake and the maximum rate of CO2 formation in the extracellular space. This means that any trace modification of the CO2 formation rate outside the cell will alter the photosynthetic rate and should be detectable experimentally. In air-grown Chlorella ellipsoidea and C. kessleri and in high CO2-grown C. saccharophila, the graph of the absolute rate of photosynthesis against [Chl] clearly followed the mathematical model described above and the actual CO2 formation rates outside the cells were not significantly different from the calculated rates. It also indicated that the whole-cell rate constants for CO2 and HCO3 uptake in air-grown C. ellipsoidea and C. saccharophila were similar at ≈ 300 and 2·0 mm3μg–1 Chl min–1, respectively, whereas those in air-grown C. kessleri were ≈ 550 and 15 mm3μg–1 Chl min–1. These results indicate that no acidification of the periplasmic space occurs, and there is no trace activity of external carbonic anhydrase in these microalgae.  相似文献   

In the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum , carbonic anhydrase activity exterior to the plasma membrane (CAext) was detected only when the available CO2 concentration was less than 5·0 mmol m–3, this activity being unaffected by the total dissolved inorganic carbon concentration. The inhibition of CAext by dextran bound sulphonamide (DBS) demonstrated the key role of this enzyme in maintaining photosynthetic rate under CO2-limited conditions. Treatment with trypsin followed by affinity chromatography on p-aminomethylbenzene-sulphamide agarose and subsequent SDS-PAGE analysis revealed a polypeptide from carbon-replete cells of identical molecular mass to the CAext released by trypsin from CO2-limited cells. Redox activity in the plasma membrane of intact cells was measured by following the light-dependent reduction of ferricyanide or NADP, the greatest activity being shown by CO2-limited cells. Overall the results suggest that high rates of redox activity under conditions of CO2-limitation were required for the activation of CAext.  相似文献   

The oxygen stable isotope composition (δ18O) of CO2 is a valuable tool for studying the gas exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. In the soil, it records the isotopic signal of water pools subjected to precipitation and evaporation events. The δ18O of the surface soil net CO2 flux is dominated by the physical processes of diffusion of CO2 into and out of the soil and the chemical reactions during CO2–H2O equilibration. Catalytic reactions by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, reducing CO2 hydration times, have been proposed recently to explain field observations of the δ18O signatures of net soil CO2 fluxes. How important these catalytic reactions are for accurately predicting large‐scale biosphere fluxes and partitioning net ecosystem fluxes is currently uncertain because of the lack of field data. In this study, we determined the δ18O signatures of net soil CO2 fluxes from soil chamber measurements in a Mediterranean forest. Over the 3 days of measurements, the observed δ18O signatures of net soil CO2 fluxes became progressively enriched with a well‐characterized diurnal cycle. Model simulations indicated that the δ18O signatures recorded the interplay of two effects: (1) progressive enrichment of water in the upper soil by evaporation, and (2) catalytic acceleration of the isotopic exchange between CO2 and soil water, amplifying the contributions of ‘atmospheric invasion’ to net signatures. We conclude that there is a need for better understanding of the role of enzymatic reactions, and hence soil biology, in determining the contributions of soil fluxes to oxygen isotope signals in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Abstract. The supply of dissolved inorganic carbon for photosynthesis in the aquatic environment is much more variable than that experienced by terrestrial plants. In response to this variability, cyanobacteria and many species of microalgae acclimate to rapid changes in the availability of dissolved inorganic carbon by the induction of high affinity/high capacity CO2-concentrating systems (CCMs). Biochemical and molecular analyses of the acclimation response have recently identified several components that are required for efficient operation of the CCMs and CO2 assimilation. This has been accomplished using in vivo labelling studies, and characterization of high inorganic carbon (Ci) requiring cyanobacterial and algal mutants. The identification and regulation of expression of polypeptides synthesized in response to limiting Ci concentrations, and the proposed role of the carboxysome and the pyrenoid in the functioning of the CCMs are examined.  相似文献   

Physiological properties of photosynthesis were determined in the marine diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum UTEX640, during acclimation from 5% CO2 to air and related to H2CO3 dissociation kinetics and equilibria in artificial seawater. The concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon at half maximum rate of photosynthesis (K0·5[DIC]) value in high CO2‐grown cells was 1009 mmol m ? 3 but was reduced three‐fold by the addition of bovine carbonic anhydrase (CA), whereas in air‐grown cells K0·5[DIC] was 71 mmol m ? 3, irrespective of the presence of CA. The maximum rate of photosynthesis (Pmax) values varied between 300 and 500 μ mol O2 mg Chl ? 1 h ? 1 regardless of growth pCO2. Bicarbonate dehydration kinetics in artificial seawater were re‐examined to evaluate the direct HCO3 ? uptake as a substrate for photosynthesis. The uncatalysed CO2 formation rate in artificial seawater of 31·65°/oo of salinity at pH 8·2 and 25 °C was found to be 0·6 mmol m ? 3 min ? 1 at 100 mmol m ? 3 DIC, which is 53·5 and 7·3 times slower than the rates of photosynthesis exhibited in air‐ and high CO2‐grown cells, respectively. These data indicate that even high CO2‐grown cells of P. tricornutum can take up both CO2 and HCO3 ? as substrates for photosynthesis and HCO3 ? use improves dramatically when the cells are grown in air. Detailed time courses were obtained of changes in affinity for DIC during the acclimation of high CO2‐grown cells to air. The development of high‐affinity photosynthesis started after a 2–5 h lag period, followed by a steady increase over the next 15 h. This acclimation time course is the slowest to be described so far. High CO2‐grown cells were transferred to controlled DIC conditions, at which the concentrations of each DIC species could be defined, and were allowed to acclimate for more than 36 h. The K0·5[DIC] values in acclimated cells appeared to be correlated only with [CO2(aq)] in the medium but not to HCO3 ? , CO32 ? , total [DIC] or the pH of the medium and indicate that the critical signal regulating the affinity of cells for DIC in the marine diatom, P. tricornutum, is [CO2(aq)] in the medium.  相似文献   

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