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Endophytic fungi in leaves of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endophytic fungi were isolated from healthy tomato leaves from field-grown plants. Several surface-sterilization techniques were assayed for removing and killing epiphytes on tomato leaves. Surface-sterilization with an undiluted commercial solution of sodium hypochlorite was employed. To determine the spectrum of endophytes, samples were collected in February 1998 and 1999 from tomato plants (cultivar Tommy) cultivated in the experimental fields of Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. In general, different spectra of species were isolated in 1998 and 1999.Alternaria alternata was the fungus most frequently isolated from tomato leaves in 1999, but it was the second most common species in 1998. In contrast, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was the fungus most frequently isolated in 1998, but it was not found in 1999. Species of other genera, such as Cladosporium and Penicillium, were isolated in both years.  相似文献   

Two lines of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) representing extremes in utilization effciency of absorbed Ca were studied to detect internal differences in Ca transport and distribution and factors responsible for strain differences in susceptibility to low Ca-stress. Differences in efficiency of Ca use were expressed as CaER (mg of dry weight produced for each mg of Ca absorbed by the plant).Ca-efficiency in line 113(E) appeared to be associated with a slow continuous movement of absorbed Ca, allowing for continued growth of the shoot apex and upper lamina under Ca-deficiency conditions. In the inefficient line 67(I), in contrast, Ca was rapidly deposited in the lower leaves with little upward movement in the plant after absorption.Fractionation of tissue Ca into various chemical forms suggested that Ca inefficiency also was associated with higher concentrations of insoluble Ca in the shoot tissue. The efficient line, although sustaining growth at lower levels of Ca, was capable of maintaining a higher ratio of soluble to insoluble Ca in all shoot tissues.Calcium was concentrated in the lower plant tissues of the inefficient strain, limiting its availability for continued shoot growth.Autoradiographs of lines fed45Ca during the final 8 days of a 24-day experiment suggested that upward movement was sustained in line 113(E), in spite of vastly reduced transpiration rates and a root system characterized by leakage of K ions from the roots back into the solution.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a cDNA prepared from poly(A)+ RNA from Lycopersicon esculentum fruit codes for a protein, M r 20812, with features representative of the protein core of arabinogalactan proteins. The deduced amino acid sequence resembles that of peptides of arabinogalactan proteins isolated from carrot and rose and is most similar to the sequence of tryptic peptides from Lolium multiflorum (Gleeson et al., Biochem J 264 (1989) 857–862). The similar sequences include a number of Ala-Pro repeats, a feature considered distinctive of arabinogalactan proteins. The amino acid composition is similar to that of the peptide core of the Lolium multiflorum arabinogalactan protein; alanine, serine and proline account for 57% of the polypeptide. The mRNA corresponding to the cDNA sequence was detected in roots, leaves and fruit. The levels of mRNA are reduced in older leaves, in fruit that have commenced ripening and in leaves and fruit that have been wounded.  相似文献   

Advantages and disadvantages in using functional male sterility (positional sterile — ps, positional sterile 2 — ps 2, and excerted stigma — ex) in tomato hybrid seed production and attempts to elaborate systems for their more efficacious use in breeding were discussed in this review. It was concluded that the application of one of these types of sterility, (ps 2) in practice, although in a limited number of countries, showed the functional male sterility in tomato was a potential not to be underestimated in developing approaches that aimed at reducting the time and cost associated with hybrid seed production.  相似文献   

We have developed a protocol for isolating milligram quantities of highly purified DNA from tomato nuclei. The protocol utilizes fresh seedlings or leaves without freezing. Tissues are treated with ethyl ether, thoroughly washed, and placed in a buffer containing the nuclear-stabilizing agent 2-methyl-1,4-pentanediol. Nuclei are liberated from tomato cells by homogenization in a Waring blender. The interaction of nuclear DNA with oxidized polyphenols is inhibited by compounds that adsorb polyphenols or prevent oxidation reactions. Chloroplasts and mitochondria are preferentially eliminated with Triton X-100. Nuclei are concentrated using a Percoll gradient and lysed with SDS. DNA is subsequently purified by RNase and protease digestions and phenol/chloroform extractions. The isolated DNA is essentially free of polyphenols and other major contaminants based upon its lack of coloration, A260/A280 ratio, digestibility with restriction enzymes, melting profile, and reassociation properties.  相似文献   

Summary Using a modified embryo callus culture technique, hybrids between Lycopersicon esculentum and L. peruvianum were developed and their usefulness as bridge lines for facilitating interspecific gene transfer was evaluated. Four of these lines showed a high level of sexual compatibility with several other L. peruvianum var. typicum accessions, as well as with accessions of L. peruvianum var. humifusum and L. peruvianum var. glandulosum and L. esculentum. These bridge line x L. peruvianum hybrids could be crossed with L. esculentum to introgress genes from L. peruvianum into L. esculentum.  相似文献   

Thirty six tomato wild species accessions of the subgenera Eulycopersicon and Eriopersicon of the genus Lycopersicon were inoculated with race T1 and T3 of Xanthomonas vesicatoria by vaccum infiltration method. Degree of diseases was evaluated by scale of 0 to 4. It was established that some accessions showed low degree of disease to race T1 and others to race T3. LA 2623 indicated very low degree of disease to race T1 and was immune in inoculation with T3. LA 386 and LA 1297 manifested hypersensitive reaction to both races and PI 127826 to race T3 only. The accessions possessing low degree of disease or hypersensitive reaction to race T1 and race T3 are new promising sources of resistance to Xanthomonas vesicatoria.  相似文献   

Phenotypic diversity of self-incompatibility (S) alleles within nine natural populations ofLycopersicon peruvianum was investigated. Only 7 incompatible responses were observed of a total of 276 unique combinations tested, on the basis of controlled pollinations, indicating the large number of alleles that exist within these populations. Molecular weight polymorphism for specific major stylar proteins observed on SDS-PAGE was also evident in two of the populations examined. Five proteins were shown to map to theS locus and to be associated with differentS alleles through controlled pollinations and segregation of the proteins. Two of theseS related proteins had been described previously in terms of spatial and temporal expression consistent with their involvement in self-incompatibility (Mauet al., Planta 169, 184–191, 1986). A mapping population derived from a fully compatible cross was used to establish linkage of theS locus to two DNA markers,CD15 andTG184, that lie on chromosome 1. The order of the markers and estimates of map distances are given.  相似文献   

Segregating populations of hybrids of the insect-resistant wild tomato,Lycopersicon hirsutum f.glabratum, C.H. Mull, PI 134417, and the susceptible tomato cultivar ofL. esculentum Mill, Walter, were screened by bioassays with the Colorado potato beetle,Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) and tomato fruitwormHeliothis zea (Boddie). Plant lines with a range of levels of resistance toH. zea were selected from one group of hybrids; plants with a range of resistance levels toL. decemlineata, from another group. The response of both insect species to both groups of plants was evaluated. Resistance to each of these species is under separate genetic control and apparently involves distinct mechanistic components, although it remains possible that at least some factors are important in conditioning resistance to both species.
Résumé La tomate sauvage,L. hirsutum f.glabratum C.H. Mull, n0 PI134417, présente des lamelles foliaires qui lui confèrent une résistance au doryphore,L. decemlineata Say et àH. zea Bodie. Cette étude a voulu préciser si ces résistances étaient héritées ensemble dans des populations d'hybrides entre PI 134417 et la tomate cultivée,L. esculentum Mill. Des lignées de plantes présentant une gamme de résistance àH. zea ont été sélectionnées à partir d'une population hyrbide. De même, des lignées de plantes ayant une gamme de résistance àL. decemlineata ont été sélectionnées à partir d'un second groupe d'hybrides. Les réactions des 2 insectes aux 2 groupes de plantes ont été estimées.Les résistances àH. zea et àL. decemlineata n'étaient pas corrélées nettement. Certaines lignées sont résistantes aux 2 espèces, mais d'autres ne sont résistantes qu'à une espèce. Ainsi, les résistances à chacune de ces espèces ont probablement des déterminismes génétiques différents. Différentes composantes mécaniques sont vraisemblablement impliquées dans ces résistances, bien qu'il soit possible qu'au moins quelques facteurs aient un rôle important dans le conditionnement de la résistance. La création de cultivars de tomates avec une résistance liée aux lamelles foliaires sera compliquée par le besoin d'une sélection en fonction des réponses aux 2 espèces..

Cultivated tomato Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill. cv. P-73 and its wild salt tolerant relative L. pennellii (Correll) D'Arcy accession PE-47, were grown during spring-summer 1989 under unheated plastic greenhouse conditions. Plants were submitted to two different salt treatments using 0 and 140 mM NaCI irrigation water. In both tomato species, salinity caused a proportionally larger reduction in leaf area than in leaf weight and, in L. esculentum , a proportionally larger decrease in stem weight than in leaf weight. Daily variations in leaf water potential (Ψ1) were fundamentally due to changes in the evaporative demand of the atmosphere. Reductions in Ψ1 due to salinity were consistent only in L. esculentum . In all the conditions studied, leaf turgor was maintained. Leaf conductance (g1)was higher in L. esculentum than in L. pennellii .Salinity induced a clear reduction in g1 levels in L. esculentum whereas, in L. pennellii , this reduction was noted only in May. In both species the Ψos (leaf osmotic potential at full turgor) levels were reduced by salinity. The bulk modulus of elasticity (E) and relative water content at turgor loss point (RWCtlp) were not affected by salinity. The RWCtlp values in L. pennellii seem to be controlled by E values.  相似文献   

In arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses, solutes such as phosphate are transferred to the plant in return for photoassimilates. The uptake mechanism is probably facilitated by a proton gradient generated by proton H+-ATPases. We investigated expression of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. H+-ATPases in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants to determine if any are specifically regulated in response to colonization. Tissue expression and cellular localization of H+-ATPases were determined by RNA gel blot analysis and in situ hybridization of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots. LHA1, LHA2, and LHA4 had high levels of expression in roots and were expressed predominantly in epidermal cells. LHA1 and LHA4 were also expressed in cortical cells containing arbuscules. The presence of arbuscules in root sections was correlated with lower levels of expression of these two isoforms in the epidermis. These results suggest that LHA1 and LHA4 expression is decreased in epidermal cells located in regions of the root that contain arbuscules. This provides evidence of differential regulation between molecular mechanisms involved in proton-coupled nutrient transfer either from the soil or fungus to the plant.  相似文献   

A protocol has been established for rapid, high frequency plant regeneration from protoplasts of the wild tomato species Lycopersicon chilense Dun. Cell suspension cultures were obtained from calli initiated from seedling stem explants. Protoplasts were isolated from cell suspensions by an overnight one-step enzyme digestion, purified by washing in salts solution and cultured in liquid medium. Dilution of liquid medium every 3 days, with medium containing low levels of growth regulators and sucrose, was critical for sustained colony formation. Up to 70% of protoplast-derived calli regenerated shoots when cultured on agar-solidified medium with Murashige & Skoog (1962) salts and vitamins, 2.0 mg l-1 zeatin and 0.1 mg l-1 indole acetic acid for 21 days, followed by transfer to the same medium lacking indole acetic acid.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - IAA indole acetic acid - IBA indole butyric acid - MES-2 (N-morpholino)-ethane sulfonic acid - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

Mortality of the potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), on Lycopersicon pennellii (Corr.) D'Arcy and its F1 hybrid with Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. was significantly greater than that on L. esculentum. Physical entrapment was not the sole mechanism of resistance in L. pennellii since few late instar aphids were found trapped in the sticky glandular exudate of the type IV trichomes; entrapment could, however, affect survival of early instars. Aphid settling on L. pennellii was dramatically less than that on L. esculentum, suggesting that starvation may have contributed to high mortality. Compared to L. esculentum, aphid feeding behavior on L. pennellii and the F1 was characterized by a delay in the time to first probe, a reduction in the number of probes, and a decrease in the total proportion of time spent feeding. Removal of the glandular exudate of the type IV trichomes from L. pennellii resulted in a decrease in preprobe time and an increase in both the number of probes and the percent of time spent probing. Transfer of glandular trichome exudate of L. pennellii to leaflets of L. esculentum resulted in an increase in resistance as measured by these three parameters.
Zusammenfassung Die Absterberate der Kartoffellaus, Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas, auf Lycopersicon pennellii (Corr.) D'Arcy, sowie auf der Kreuzung L. esculentum Mill. und L. pennellii, war deutlich grösser als auf L. esculentum. Das mechanische Verfangen der Läuse war nicht der Hauptgrund der Resistenz von L. pennellii. Wenige tote Läuse wurden in dem klebrigen Sekret der Typus IV Trichome gefunden. Auf L. pennellii siedelten sich die Läuse in viel geringerer Zahl an als auf L. esculentum. Dies führte zum Schluss, dass Verhungern eine der Ursachen der hohen Mortalität der Läuse war. Im Vergleich zum Saugverhalten auf L. esculentum war das Saugverhalten auf L. pennellii, wie auch auf F1, durch Folgendes gekennzeichnet 1) Verspätung des ersten Stichversuchs, 2) Verminderung der Stichversuche pro Zeiteinheit und 3) Verminderung des Zeitanteils, der zum Saugen verwendet wurde. Die Entfernung des Sekrets der Typus IV Trichomen auf L. pennellii verursachte 1) eine kürzere Zeitspanne vor dem ersten Stichversuch, 2) eine Vergrösserung der Anzahl Stichversuche pro Zeiteinheit, 3) eine Verlängerung der Saugzeit. Die Uebertragung des Sekretes von L. pennellii auf Blätter von L. esculentum verbesserte deren Resistenz gegen Blattläuse gemessen mit den genannten drei Kriterien.

Applying the method of pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography (PYR-GC) the content of endogenous acetylcholine (ACh) was investigated in the extracts obtained from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Seven-day-old seedlings of wild type (WT) and phytochrome mutants au (aurea), hp (high pigment), fri (far-red light insensitive) and tri (temporarily red light insensitive) were studied. In the analyzed material the presence of choline and acetylcholine was discovered. The highest content of ACh (381 mmole/g of fresh weight) was found in tomato cotyledons, whereas the lowest amount (162 nmole/g of fresh weight) in roots. The level of ACh in the plants grown under the continuous light was higher than in etiolated ones. However, no considerable differences in the concentrations of ACh in au and tri seedlings grown under the continuous light and in darkness were observed. The irradiation of etiolated seedlings of wild type with red light was accompanied by the increase of endogenous level of ACh. The pulse of far-red light applied directly after red light reversed this stimulating effect. A similar effect of both light wavelengths on the content of ACh was also found in the case of the tri mutant. On the other hand, in the case of fri mutant, pulse of red light caused the drop in the content of ACh, whereas far-red applied after red light caused visible increase in the level of the investigated substance. In tissues of au mutant no effect of red and far-red lights on the concentration of ACh was established.  相似文献   

Monacelli  B.  Altamura  M. M.  Pasqua  G.  Biasini  M. G.  Sala  F. 《Protoplasma》1988,142(2-3):156-163
Summary A histological study ofin vitro cultured cotyledonary expiants of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) was performed in order to determine the site (differentiated tissue or developing callus) and the mode of plant regeneration.Results have shown that callus develops at the excision sites of cotyledonary expiants and that shoots are formed exclusively within the unorganized callus: excision areas are the only morphogenetic sites and the proximal excision is the preferred site for plant regeneration.Shoots differentiate by organogenesis within the superficial region of the callus. Few neocambial cells cooperate in the neoformation. Origin from a single cell is highly unlikely since rarely observed single activated cells never developed into shoots.Regenerated plants may be chimeras if invitro culture induces genetic diversity in the initial cells.Abbreviations IAA Indole-3-acetic acid - c callus - d vegetative dome - s shoot - ad adaxial - ab abaxial - t tracheid - p parenchyma - S sieve tube  相似文献   

Summary We tested pollen from four tomato cultivars differing in sensitivity to aluminum in the sporophyte to determine if Al sensitivity was also expressed in pollen. Pollen sensitivity to Al was measured by the ability to germinate and grow in a control solution after a short period in a high concentration of Al. The response was ranked and compared to the Al sensitivity ranking of the four cultivars based on top growth in Al toxic soil. In addition, seedlings from the most and least sensitive cultivars, based on pollen germination, were compared for Al sensitivity in nutrient solutions. Treatment with Al significantly reduced pollen germination in the two more sensitive cultivars, but not in the two more resistant cultivars. However, the ranking was not the same as that based on the shoot growth of the sporophyte. Root growth as a criterion of sporophytic Al sensitivity produced results similar to pollen germination. The study suggests that although the correspondence is better for some phenotypic responses of the sporophyte than others, Al tolerance appears to be another character expressed in both pollen and sporophyte.  相似文献   

Accessions of wild Lycopersicon spp. and selected Fl hybrid tomato cultivars were compared for their resistance to three whitefly-transmissible geminiviruses: Indian tomato leaf curl virus (ITmLCV) and tomato yellow leaf curl viruses from Sardinia (TYLCV-Sar) and Senegal (TYLCV-Sen). The resistance of different plant lines was expressed in different ways but in most instances a given line reacted similarly to graft inoculation with the three viruses. L. pimpinellifolium LA1478 produced as much virus antigen, assessed by triple antibody sandwich-ELISA, as the susceptible cv. Moneymaker but developed only very mild symptoms and is therefore tolerant of infection. In L. hirsutum LA1777 and L. peruvianum CMV-INRA, very mild or no symptoms developed but antigen concentrations were substantially less than in Moneymaker. L. chilense LA1969 remained symptomless and its antigen concentration was < 1% of that in Moneymaker. Symptoms were mild or barely evident in the Fl hybrid cultivars. Cultivars Tyking and Fiona had antigen concentrations about 5–10% of those of Moneymaker, whereas TY20, Top 21 and Tyger had intermediate antigen concentrations. In a few instances, the extent to which virus accumulation was restricted depended on the challenge virus. Accumulation of TYLCV-Sen in TY20, Top 21 and Tyger was less affected than that of the other two viruses, and accumulation of TYLCV-Sar in accessions LA1777 and CMV-INRA was less affected than that of TYLCV-Sen or ITmLCV. Tissue-printing tests showed that ITmLCV and TYLCV-Sen antigens were confined to phloem tissue. In Tyking, the number of virus antigen-containing phloem traces and the antigen content of individual traces were less than in Moneymaker but the partitioning of antigen between internal and external phloem was unaffected.  相似文献   

Locular pressure was monitored during ripening of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit and the anatomy of the endocarp surface examined using scanning electron microscopy. The manometric pressure of the locule tissue increased from 0 in mature-green fruit to 10 to 50 Pa at the turning or pink stages, and then subsided in ripe fruit. Nonclimacteric fruit containing the ripening inhibitor (rin) mutation showed a similar pattern of internal pressure accumulation during senescence. Build-up of locular tissue pressure occurred in fruit ripening, on or off the plant, as well as in fruit with different susceptibility to cuticle cracking. Apertures ranging from 18-31 μm in width and 33-41 μm in length, with densities ranging from 6.7 to 47.9 apertures · mm−2 were observed in the endocarp of mature-green fruit. These apertures were progressively occluded during early ripening and were absent in late ripening fruit. Aperture occlusion might result in reduced gas exchange between the locule and external fruit atmosphere, resulting in modification of the locular gas composition.  相似文献   

Summary Modification to the cross-over (C. O.) rate of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) was attempted by using in vitro plant regeneration. F1 hybrids with the same genetical homozygous background were compared at two loci: bs-ms32 on chromosome I, and aa-d on chromosome II. For each, the genetic distance separating the two markers was about 20 to 30 map units. One cotyledon of each F2 hybrid seedling was used as in vitro tissue culture material, while the rest of the plantlet was grown as a control. Recombination rates of the selfed progenies from each regenerated and matched control couple were compared. For the first set of markers 59,000 seeds were analysed (5 controls' and 7 regenerated progenies), and for the second, 11,000 (5 controls' and 8 regenerated progenies). There were significant increases in the genetic distance between markers in about half the regenerated individuals. For the first set the increases ranged from 6.07 to 6.91 units out of a control distance of the 19.84 to 25.65, corresponding to lengthenings of 30.59 to 35.29%. For the second set they ranged from 4.92 to 6.04 out of a control distance of 25.05 to 26.57, representing increases of 19.64 to 22.75%. Such a phenomenon can be important either from a fundamental or practical viewpoint, regarding selection efficiency in plants, and potential for gene reassortment.The experiment reported in this paper has been submitted by M. Biglary in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Docteur-Ingénieur degree. (Nov. 1982, Laboratoire d'Amélioration des Plantes, Université Paris-Sud, F-91405 Orsay)  相似文献   

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