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All the postembryonic developmental instars of Phyllodiaptomus blanci (Guerne & Richard, 1896), reared in the laboratory, are described and illustrated. The larval affinities of this species vis-a-vis certain other diaptomid species are mentioned.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in the microbial community structure of plankton, which is composed of autotrophic and heterotrophic pico-, nano- and microplankton, were investigated during the austral summer of 2005/2006 under fast ice near Syowa Station, eastern Antarctica. Autotrophic algal populations were composed almost entirely of diatoms followed by phytoflagellates such as autotrophic dinoflagellates and cryptophytes. Among the microbial community, heterotrophic biomass was dominated by heterotrophic dinoflagellates and naked ciliates and finally exceeded autotrophic biomass. Qualitative microscopic analysis revealed that heterotrophic dinoflagellates were ingesting large number of diatoms. Synchronizing fluctuation of naked ciliates with phytoflagellates suggested a predator–prey relationship between them. Our results suggest that the pelagic food webs under the extensive ice-covered areas in coastal Antarctic regions are not short but complex.  相似文献   

The diel vertical distributions of two small copepods, Oithona similis and Oncaea curvata, were investigated at 4-h intervals over a 24-h period under fast ice near Syowa Station during continuous daylight conditions in the Antarctic mid-summer, December 1993. Oithona similis and O. curvata exhibited small-scale diel vertical migrations during the study period, in a way opposite to what is expected, i.e., remaining mostly in the upper layer during the day and moving into deeper layers at night. The nighttime descent of both species coincided with the time of disappearance of a high algal concentration at the ice–water interface during the day and an increase of the algal concentration in the mid-water layer at night. This suggests the migration behavior of the copepods was responsible for the change of food availability. The daily grazing impact of these copepods was estimated to remove one-third of the algae daily released from ice during mid-summer at Syowa Station.  相似文献   

A clear shift from vegetative cells to auxospores and resting spores in Thalassiosira australis was observed in the water column and sinking fluxes under the fast ice near Syowa Station in the austral summer of 2005/2006. This is the first report of the auxosporulation by T. australis in situ. Resting spores were also observed in the sediment even before new spore formation, suggesting that T. australis can overwinter in the sediment. Heterotrophic dinoflagellates ingested and digested vegetative cells and auxospores but did not digest resting spores, suggesting a high tolerance of resting spores to grazing by heterotrophic dinoflagellates. We discuss the possible life history and overwintering strategy that T. australis uses in an Antarctic coastal area to cope with the unpredictable timing of sea ice growth and decay.  相似文献   

Aspects of the female genital segment with and without attached couplers and enclosed spermatophores are studied of Gaussia specimens collected in the SW Atlantic and SE Pacific. A new species found in the SW Atlantic, Gaussia asymmetrica, is proposed.  相似文献   

Uye  Shin-ichi 《Hydrobiologia》1988,(1):285-293
The calanoid copepod Calanus sinicus was reared in the laboratory under excess food conditions, and its development and growth rates were measured at various temperatures. Egg development time (DH, days) was dependent on temperature (T °C), and was expressed as DH = 55.3 (T + 0.7)–1.44. Post-embryonic development followed the equiproportional rule. The stage duration was short in NI and NII, but compensatingly longer in NIII. Between NIV and CII, it was nearly isochronal, and beyond CII, it tended to increase gradually. The time from egg to adult was expressed as DCVI = 1258 (T + 0.7)–1.44. The specific growth rate was also temperature-dependent and highest from CI to CIII, intermediate from NII to CI and from CIII to CV, and lowest from CV to CVI. The growth rates of C. sinicus are higher than those of co-occurring small copepods such as Paracalanus, Acartia and Microsetella.  相似文献   

Phyllodiaptomus praedictus n. sp. is described from the Bangkok area. It might be endemic to Thailand. It belongs to the blanci-group of species, and is most closely related to P. annae and P. wellekensae.  相似文献   

Boeckella antiqua n. sp. from samples collected in an ephemeral pond on the Patagonian plateau is described and illustrated. Diagnostic features of B. antiqua are almost exclusively related to the male fifth pair of legs, females being almost indistinguishable from those of the closely related B. poppei. The two-segmented, spine-bearing left endopod of the male fifth leg suggests that it may be the basal species in the genus.  相似文献   

Fosshagen  Audun  Iliffe  Thomas M. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,294(1):17-22
The insects of a small and cold aestival stream in northern Sweden were studied from semiquantitative kick-samples taken every ten days throughout the ice-free season in 1987. The stream froze solid at least in some sections in some winters. In addition to dipterans that were only identified to the family level, five ephemeropteran, four plecopteran, 11 coleopteran (Dytiscidae), and four trichopteran (Limnephilidae) species were found. Baetis bundyae Lemkuhl, Heptagenia orbiticola Kluge (Ephemeroptera), Nemoura cinerea (Retzius) (Plecoptera), Hydroporus palustris (L), Agabus setulosus (J. Sahlberg) (Coleoptera), Anabolia concentrica (Zetterstedt), Limnephilus coenosus Curtis, and Micopterna sequax McLachlan (Trichoptera) were all common. Malaise trap data are given for Plecoptera. The two ephemeropteran species Heptagenia orbiticola and Metretopus alter Bengtsson, and the plecopteran species Nemoura viki Lillehammer were recorded for the first time in Sweden. The remarkable species composition was attributed to the harsh abiotic and poorly studied environment. We predicted that the larval composition of this stream was representative for aestival streams in northernmost Fennoscandia.  相似文献   

Eodiaptomus shihi n. sp. is described from the material collected from Gandhisagar reservoir, River Narmada and a hillpool in the Madhya Pradesh State of central India. The salient features of this new species include: in female, the left metasomal wing is strongly developed, and the endopodite in leg 5 is 2-segmented and longer than first exopodite-segment; in male, the right caudal ramus is armed with a tooth-like chitinous structure near ventro-distal region, and in right leg 5, the basis is devoid of any hyaline lobe on inner margin and the first exopodite-segment is produced into a large spinous process at disto-outer corner.  相似文献   

A new species of Neodiaptomus, N. intermedius n. sp. is described and illustrated. It is compared with related species of the strigilipes — physalipus species group.  相似文献   

Arctodiaptomus (Rhabdodiaptomus) michaeli n.sp. is described from the material collected in Alapathar Lake and Marsar Lake of Kashmir, India.  相似文献   

Mongolodiaptomus uenoi (Kikuchi, 1936), a little known diaptomid copepod from Taiwan and Indonesia, is re-described based on specimens from Thailand, and its relationship with its congeners is discussed. To clear up the generic confusion between the closely allied genera Mongolodiaptomus Kiefer, Neodiaptomus Kiefer and Allodiaptomus Kiefer, a new criterion relating to the armature of the second exopodite-segment of the male right P5 is introduced. Accordingly, some dubious species of Neodiaptomus and Allodiaptomus are transferred to Mongolodiaptomus.  相似文献   

Park  Taisoo 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):317-332
The geographic distribution of the bathypelagic calanoid genus Paraeuchaeta was investigated by examining midwater trawl and plankton net samples collected mostly from depths exceeding 1000 m throughout the world's oceans. Of the 81 species referred to Paraeuchaeta, the geographic ranges of about 50 species could be defined with reasonable certainty. Contrary to early authors, the number of species having a worldwide distribution was surprisingly small (12 species or 15% of the 81 species of the genus) as compared to common species endemic to various geographic regions (34 species or 42% of the total of 81). Almost twice as many species were found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean as in either the Atlantic or the Southern Ocean. Faunistically, the northern Atlantic, mid-Atlantic, northern Pacific, East Pacific, Indo-West Pacific, and Southern Ocean were distinct in terms of endemic species. A number of species were found to be endemic to highly productive areas, where they were usually very abundant. Rare species, on the other hand, were generally found to be widely distributed, although some were too rare for their range to be determined with certainty. To explain these findings, the following hypothesis is proposed: Bathypelagic calanoids endemic to and abundant in eutrophic areas are those adapted to eutrophic conditions of their habitats and therefore cannot expand their ranges into contiguous oligotrophic waters even if the other environmental conditions are favorable. Other species, on the other hand, generally have extensive geographic ranges because of their survival ability in widely expanding oligotrophic conditions and the absence of physicochemical barriers at bathypelagic depths of the world's oceans.  相似文献   

The zooplankton of Burton Lake, a meromictic lagoon with a tenuous connection to Crooked Fjord near Davis, Antarctica, was studied during the summer of 1981, when the lake was still ice-covered. Sampling occurred through a 10 cm diameter ice-hole. A plankton pump was used to investigate vertical changes in population density. A newly designed collapsible net was hauled vertically through the entire oxylimnion (6.5 m thick) to examine temporal changes in population structure and in the species composition of the zooplanktonic community. Four metazoan species occurred in the zooplankton: Drepanopus bispinosus and Paralabidocera antarctica (Copepoda), Rathkea lizzioides (Anthomedusae) and a cydippid ctenophore. Except for R. lizzioides, the lower limit of the vertical distributions occurred precisely at the oxycline at a depth of 8.15 m. The densities of both R. lizzioides and the ctenophore were low throughout the depth range 5.0–7.25 m and considerably higher above and below this stratum. The density of R. lizzioides increased greatly in a downward direction starting about 35 cm above the oxycline, and many individuals were capable of making excursions of about 10 cm downward past the chemocline into anoxic water. D. bispinosus had a more even vertical distribution than the medusa and ctenophore, but densities were higher in that portion of the oxylimnion lying below 6.0 m than above. The vertical distributions of R. lizzioides and D. bispinosus were stable over 24 h, but vertical migration occurred in that portion of the ctenophore population located above the low-density stratum. P. antarctica occurred in very small numbers. The ctenophore was uniformly distributed horizontally, but significant horizontal differences (among four stations) in mean vertical density occurred in adult D. bispinosus and R. lizzioides. The lowest density of D. bispinosus occurred at the station with the highest density of R. lizzioides. In early summer (11 December 1981), the mean densities of zooplankters within that portion of the oxylimnion overlying the anoxylimnion were D. bispinosus 550 m−3, ctenophore 410 m−3 and R. lizzioides 230 m−3. Throughout summer the absolute density and relative community proportion of R. lizzioides fell continuously, and these measures showed a comparable decline for adult D. bispinosus (almost entirely females). At the same time there was a consistent increase in the numbers of immature D. bispinosus. The density and community percentage of the ctenophore remained high (c. 480 m−3 and 44%, respectively) throughout December and early January, but declined thereafter. D. bispinosus is univoltine. Mature males appear in late autumn and mating occurs mainly in early winter, when significant numbers of mature females first appear. The species overwinters as adults, and ovigerous females first appear in midwinter. Males are short-lived and are already rare by the end of winter. Stage I nauplii are present in early spring, and naupliar development continues throughout spring and into early summer in company with an almost entirely female adult population. Stage I copepodites first appear in December and reach peak numbers in January. The last of the adult females from the previous winter disappear by late summer, but development of the immature copepodites continues into autumn. Females may store sperm for up to six months. Highly significant dry weight-length regressions were obtained for D. bispinosus. Mean clutch size for this species remained constant at about 24–25 eggs. The mean summer standing crop of total zooplankton was almost 80 mg (dry weight) m−3. This value is high compared with those of most other marine waters. The structure and composition of the zooplanktonic community of the lagoon were quite distinct from those of the fjord with which water was exchanged during January and February. The summer standing crop of the lagoon was substantially greater than that of the fjord in terms of both unit surface area and unit volume of water. A tentative food web for the lagoon is presented.  相似文献   

The distribution and stage composition of Calanoidescarinatus (Kroyer) are described together with changes in protein and lipid content, respiration rate and gonad development in copepodite stages IV and V (CV) and adults in the Northern Benguela current (17°S, 23°S and 25°S).During active upwelling the population consisted of two parts: the surface part over the shelf was represented by all development stages, while the deep part offshore was dominated (90–95%) by diapausal CVs. In the surface CVs the surplus assimilated energy was allocated to structural growth and maturation or to synthesis of reserve lipids. CVs with large oil sacs and high lipid content descended into deeper layers and formed diapausal stock; they were characterized by a dramatic decrease of respiration rate. Increase of gonad size in association with decrease of oil sac volume in diapausal CV suggests that reserve lipids were expended not only for respiration but also for gonad development. The moulting of dispausal CVs into adults took place in deep water.These results are discussed in relation to the life cycle of the C. carinatus population and the factors causing the formation and termination of the diapausal phase.  相似文献   

Johnsson  R. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):431-440
Two new artotrogids are recorded from Madeira Island. A new species of Cryptopontius, associated with algae, differs from its congeners in the number of antennular segments, setation of the antennal exopod, setation and length of the maxillule lobes, and setation of both rami of the first and fourth legs. The second new artotrogid belongs to Dyspontius.It was associated with Gerardia savagliae Lacaze-Duthiers, 1864 (Cnidaria: Zoanthidea) and differs from its congeners in cephalothorax shape, siphon length and setation of the maxillule lobes.  相似文献   

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