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Standard methods of mutation detection are time consuming in Hemophilia A (HA) rendering their application unavailable in some analysis such as prenatal diagnosis.


To evaluate the feasibility of combinatorial sequencing-by-hybridization (cSBH) as an alternative and reliable tool for mutation detection in FVIII gene.


We have applied a new method of cSBH that uses two different colors for detection of multiple point mutations in the FVIII gene. The 26 exons encompassing the HA gene were analyzed in 7 newly diagnosed Italian patients and in 19 previously characterized individuals with FVIII deficiency.


Data show that, when solution-phase TAMRA and QUASAR labeled 5-mer oligonucleotide sets mixed with unlabeled target PCR templates are co-hybridized in the presence of DNA ligase to universal 6-mer oligonucleotide probe-based arrays, a number of mutations can be successfully detected. The technique was reliable also in identifying a mutant FVIII allele in an obligate heterozygote. A novel missense mutation (Leu1843Thr) in exon 16 and three novel neutral polymorphisms are presented with an updated protocol for 2-color cSBH.


cSBH is a reliable tool for mutation detection in FVIII gene and may represent a complementary method for the genetic screening of HA patients.  相似文献   

梅文瀚  卢健  钱关祥 《生命科学》2001,13(4):174-176
基因治疗是彻底治愈血友病A的最理想方法,逆转录病毒是最为常用的载体之一,本文对逆转录病毒在血友病A基因治疗中的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We have previously reported long-term expression of lacZ in myocytes after in utero intramuscular injection of Mokola and Ebola pseudotyped lentiviral vectors. In further experiments, we have noted that these vectors also transduce small cells at the periphery of the muscle fibers that have the morphology of satellite cells, or muscle stem cells. In this study we performed experiments to further define the morphology and function of these cells. METHODS: Balb/c mice at 14-15 days gestation were injected intramuscularly with Ebola or Mokola pseudotyped lentiviral vectors carrying CMV-lacZ. Animals were harvested at various time points, muscles were stained with X-gal, and processed for electron microscopy (EM) and immunofluorescence. To determine whether transduced satellite cells were functionally capable of regenerating injured muscles, animals were injected with notexin in the same area 8 weeks after the in utero injection of viral vector. RESULTS: Transmission EM of transduced cells confirmed the ultrastructural appearance of satellite cells. Double immunofluorescence for beta-galactosidase and satellite cell markers demonstrated co-localization of these markers in transduced cells. In the notexin-injured animals, small blue cells were seen at the areas of regeneration that co-localized beta-galactosidase with markers of regenerating satellite cells. Central nucleated blue fibers were seen at late time points, indicating regenerated muscle fibers arising from a transduced satellite cell. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates transduction of muscle satellite cells following prenatal viral vector mediated gene transfer. These findings may have important implications for gene therapy strategies directed toward muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Vector Gti'IX containing human clotting factor IX cDNA with intron 1 (hFIX mini-gene or Fi'IX) driven by CMV promoter was constructed based on the mini-adenoviral vector GT2073 (mini-Ad vector) with all viral protein coding sequences deleted. Mini-Ad packaging cell 293Cre4 was first transduced with Gti'IX, and then was transfected with helper-adenovirus AdLC8, thus mini-Ad virions AdGTi'IX were obtained. At the same time, previous normal adenoviral vector pAdSPi'IX containing viral genome and hFIX mini-gene was constructed, and then previous adenovirus (pre-Ad) AdSPi'IX was obtained as control. The ratio of helper-adenovirus among purified virons AdGTi'IX was less than 0.8%. 3T3 cells were transfected with AdGTi'IX and AdSPi'IX at a MOI of 50 per cell and ELISA result showed that transient expression level in vitro was 1.4±0.2 μg /106@24 h and 1.6±0.3 μg/106@24 h respectively. Each hemophilia B (FIX knock-out) mouse received celiac injection of 1×1010pfu AdGTi'IX or AdSPi'IX. The highest expression level of hFIX in mouse plasma was 590 ng/mL and 690 ng/mL respectively, and the expression time lasted for 16 weeks and 9 weeks respectively. The bleeding time reduced from over 30 min to 7.5 min, and 5-min blood lost reduced from 430 μL to 60 μL. The results of anti-Ad IgG assays indicated that immune response triggered by AdGTi'IX was obviously weaker than that triggered by AdSPi'IX. These results indicated that, compared with previous adenovirus (pre-Ad), the mini-Ad vector system prolonged the expression time of hFIX and reduced immune response, thus offering a promising result for further pre-clinical study.  相似文献   

在基因治疗中,造血干细胞因为具有自我更新及分化为各种血细胞系的能力而成为一种很有吸引力的靶细胞。将外源目的基因导入造血干细胞,以纠正或补偿因基因缺陷和异常引起的疾病,特别是血液疾病已取得重要进展,例如:腺苷脱氨酶缺陷病、血友病、地中海贫血症及镰状细胞性贫血症等。而慢病毒以其转染效率高,能够感染非分裂期细胞的特点成为转染造血干细胞的最适合载体,本文就造血干细胞的特性、载体的选择及临床应用和基因治疗的安全性等方面作一综述。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hemophilia A is a congenital disorder caused by a deficiency of the blood-clotting factor VIII (FVIII) and is an attractive candidate for gene therapy. Most of the studies have only explored the potential of hepatocytes and muscle cells as the targets for gene transfer. Attempts to transfer the genes into hematopoietic cells have so far been mostly unsuccessful due to inefficiency of most viral vectors to transduce these cells and the supposed inability of the cells to express FVIII. METHODS: We demonstrate the generation of an engineered Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) vector with a BAC backbone that has the unique capacity to carry either the full-length FVIII cDNA or its B-domain-deleted form; a modified version of the vector that carries B-domain-deleted FVIII along with the von Willebrand factor (vWF) cDNA or the reporter gene DsRed2 was also used. All these vectors have been safety modified with viral thymidine kinase cDNA to transduce human B-cells in culture. RESULTS: Low-level expression of FVIII in the order of 5-8 ng FVIIIC/ml were observed in the cells stably transduced with full-length FVIII, while cells with the B-domain-deleted version expressed 8-16 ng FVIIIC/ml. Expression of vWF and B-domain-deleted FVIII resulted in a moderate expression of 18-30 ng FVIIIC/ml. Long-term expression for 12-16 weeks was observed in these cells regardless of selection pressure. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the development of an episomal engineered EBV vector for treatment of hemophilia A using the hematopoietic cells as a target for providing immediate secretion of functionally active product in the circulating bloodstream.  相似文献   

Factor VIII (FVIII) functions as a co-factor in the blood coagulation cascade for the proteolytic activation of factor X by factor IXa. Deficiency of FVIII causes hemophilia A, the most commonly inherited bleeding disorder. This review highlights current knowledge on selected aspects of FVIII in which both the scientist and the clinician should be interested.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The development of anti-factor VIII (FVIII) antibodies (inhibitors) is a critical concern when considering gene therapy as a potential treatment modality for hemophilia A. We used a hemophilia A mouse model bred on different genetic backgrounds to explore genetically controlled differences in the immune response to FVIII gene therapy. METHODS: C57BL/6 FVIII knockout (C57-FVIIIKO) mice were bred with normal BALB/c (BAL) mice, to generate a recombinant congenic BAL-FVIIIKO model of hemophilia A. Early generation adenoviral (Ad) vectors containing the canine FVIII B-domain-deleted transgene under the control of either the CMV promoter or a tissue-restricted (TR) promoter were administered to C57-FVIIIKO, C57xBAL(F1)-FVIIIKO crosses, and BAL-FVIIIKO mice. FVIII expression, inhibitor development, inflammation, and vector-mediated toxicity were assessed. RESULTS: In response to administration of Ad-CMV-cFVIII, C57-FVIIIKO mice attain 3-fold higher levels of FVIII expression than BAL-FVIIIKO. All strains injected with Ad-CMV-FVIII displayed FVIII expression lasting only 2 weeks, with associated inhibitor development. C57-FVIII-KO mice that received Ad-TR-FVIII expressed FVIII for 12 months post-injection, whereas FVIII expression was limited to 1 week in C57xBAL(F1)-FVIIIKO and BAL-FVIIIKO mice. This loss of expression was associated with anti-FVIII inhibitor development. BAL-FVIIIKO mice showed increased hepatotoxicity with alanine aminotransferase levels reaching 4-fold higher levels than C57-FVIIIKO mice. However, C57-FVIIIKO mice initiate a more rapid and effective cell-mediated clearance of virally transduced cells than BAL-FVIIIKO, as evidenced by real-time PCR analysis of transduced tissues. Overall, strain-dependent differences in the immune response to FVIII gene delivery were only noted in the adaptive response, and not in the innate response. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that the genetic background of the murine model of hemophilia A influences FVIII expression levels, the development of anti-FVIII inhibitors, clearance of transduced cells, and the severity of vector-mediated hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency of functional clotting factors VIII or IX in the blood plasma. The drawbacks of the classical protein substitution therapy fueled interest in alternative treatments by gene therapy. Hemophilia has been recognized as an ideal target disease for gene therapy because a relatively modest increase in clotting factor levels can result in a significant therapeutic benefit. Consequently, introducing a functional FVIII or FIX gene copy into the appropriate target cells could ultimately provide a cure for hemophilic patients. Several cell types have been explored for hemophilia gene therapy, including hepatocytes, muscle, endothelial and hematopoietic cells. Both nonviral and viral vectors have been considered for the development of hemophilia gene therapy, including transposons, γ‐retroviral, lentiviral, adenoviral and adeno‐associated viral vectors. Several of these strategies have resulted in stable correction of the bleeding diathesis in hemophilia A and B murine as well as canine models, paving the way towards clinical trials. Although clotting factor expression has been detected in hemophilic patients treated by gene therapy, the challenge now lies in obtaining prolonged therapeutic FVIII or FIX levels in these patients. This review highlights the benefits and potential risks of the different gene therapy strategies for hemophilia that have been developed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

血友病A是X染色体隐性遗传出血性疾病。其发病原因是患者血液中先天缺乏凝血因子FⅧ。用于血友病A基因治疗研究的载体有病毒载体和非病毒载体,目前研究较多的是病毒载体,主要有逆转录病毒载体和慢病毒载体,腺病毒载体及腺相关病毒载体等。非病毒载体主要有质粒、脂质体、转座子等。文章拟对血友病A基因治疗各载体的特点和研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

A mutant human factor IX with arginine at 338 residual changed to alanine (hFIXR338A) by site-directed mutagenesis was introduced into AAV vectors, and a recombinant adeno-associ- ated viral vector containing hFIXR338A, prepared by rHSV/AAV hybrid helper virus system, was directly introduced to the hind leg muscle of factor IX knock out mice. The expression and the biological activity of human factor IX mutant, hFIXR338A, and the immune response against it in the treated mice were assayed and detected. The results showed that (i) the high-level expression of human factor IX mutant protein, hFIXR338A, has been detected in rAAV-hFIXR338A treated hemophilia B mice and lasted more than 15 weeks; (ii) the clotting activity of hFIXR338A in plasma is 34.2%± 5.23%, which is remarkably higher than that of (14.27% ± 3.4%) of wild type hFIX treated mice in the activated partial thromboplastin assay; (iii) immune response against factor IX R338A was absent, with no factor IX mutant protein (hFIXR338A) inhibitors development in the treated mice; and (iv) no local or systemic side-effects and toxicity associated with the gene transfer were found. It demonstrated the potential use of treating hemophilia B by recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors with mutant hFIXR338A gene, an alternative strategy for hemophilia B gene therapy to wild-type human factor IX.  相似文献   

为了建立新型、高产量的慢病毒载体制备体系,将构建好的主框架质粒pVECRNA、包装质粒pGAGPOL及包膜质粒pVSVG通过脂质体共转染至BHK21细胞,再用含有T7RNA聚合酶基因的重组痘苗病毒vTF-3感染细胞,培养4d后,收集培养上清,提取培养上清的RNA,进行RT-PCR反应;将培养上清进行免疫印迹鉴定;将培养上清感染正常的293T细胞、HepG2细胞、Vero细胞,荧光显微镜下观察细胞GFP的表达情况;采取3*3*3析因分析方法,优化系统产量,Real-time PCR方法测定细胞培养上清中病毒载体的拷贝数,利用流式细胞术检测病毒载体滴度。RT-PCR及p24免疫印迹结果均提示在细胞上清中存在慢病毒载体;通过荧光显微镜观察到感染组293T细胞、HepG2细胞、Vero细胞均表达绿色荧光蛋GFP,说明此系统制备出的慢病毒载体具有感染性;系统经优化后,培养上清中慢病毒载体拷贝数达到(11.71±0.80)×1011copies/mL,培养上清原始滴度达到(1.3±0.18)×108tu/mL,高出目前常用制备体系产量1个数量级。初步建立了新型慢病毒载体制备体系,为今后该系统的大规模应用提供客观的科学依据。  相似文献   

A mutant human factor IX with arginine at 338 residual changed to alanine (hFIXR338A) by site-directed mutagenesis was introduced into AAV vectors, and a recombinant adeno-associ-ated viral vector containing hFIXR338A, prepared by rHSV/AAV hybrid helper virus system, was directly introduced to the hind leg muscle of factor IX knock out mice. The expression and the biological activity of human factor IX mutant, hFIXR338A, and the immune response against it in the treated mice were assayed and detected. The results showed that (i) the high-level expression of human factor IX mutant protein, hFIXR338A, has been detected in rAAV-hFIXR338A treated hemophilia B mice and lasted more than 15 weeks; (ii) the clotting activity of hFIXR338A in plasma is 34.2%± 5.23%, which is remarkably higher than that of (14.27%±3.4%) of wild type hFIX treated mice in the activated partial thromboplastin assay; (iii) immune response against factor IX R338A was absent, with no factor IX mutant protein (hFIXR338A) inhibitors deve  相似文献   

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