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Acid production in milk by lactic streptococci was stimulated by added beta-galactosidase. Both glucose and galactose accumulated rapidly in the presence of this enzyme. Glucose accumulation ceased as the culture entered the most rapid period of acid production, whereas galactose accumulation continued. In cultures without added beta-galactosidase, a low concentration of galactose accumulated in the milk, whereas glucose was not detected after 2 hr of incubation. Cultures grew and produced acid faster in broth containing glucose rather than galactose or lactose. These observations suggest that the lactic streptococci do not metabolize the lactose in milk efficiently enough to permit optimum acid production and that a phenomenon such as catabolite repression functions to allow for a preferential use of glucose over either galactose or lactose. In addition to providing the culture with a more readily available energy source, it is possible that the culture produced more acidic metabolites as a result of preferentially utilizing the glucose released by the action of the beta-galactosidase.  相似文献   

A sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of the β2-selective adrenergic agonist fenoterol in human plasma. To improve the sensitivity of the method, fenoterol was derivatized with N-(chloroformyl)-carbazole prior to HPLC analysis yielding highly fluorescent derivatives. The assay involves protein precipitation with acetonitrile, liquid–liquid-extraction of fenoterol from plasma with isobutanol under alkaline conditions followed by derivatization with N-(chloroformyl)-carbazole. Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic determination of the fenoterol derivative was performed using a column-switching system consisting of a LiChrospher® 100 RP 18 and a LiChrospher® RP-Select B column with acetonitrile, methanol and water as mobile phase. The limit of quantitation in human plasma was 376 pg fenoterol/ml. The method was successfully applied for the assay of fenoterol in patient plasma.  相似文献   

The effect on exercise tolerance of racemic propranolol has been assessed in eight angina pectoris patients and compared with that of dexpropranolol (the dextro isomer of propranolol), practolol (I.C.I. 50172), and saline. Dexpropranolol has the same local anaesthetic action as propranolol with negligible β-adrenergic receptor blocking activity, while practolol is a cardio-selective β-adrenergic blocking agent which does not have local anaesthetic activity.Saline and dexpropranolol had no significant effect on exercise time; racemic propranolol and practolol improved exercise tolerance in six subjects, the response to the two drugs being very similar in individual patients. It was concluded that the beneficial effect of propranolol in angina pectoris results from its action as a β-adrenergic receptor blocking agent and is not due to its local anaesthetic, or quinidine-like, activity.  相似文献   


The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) contain the endogenous mammalian circadian pacemaker, which generates the circadian rhythm in locomotor activity. In Syrian hamsters with free‐running rhythms, the onset of running‐wheel activity is very precise and predictable while the end (offset) is more variable. From the thalamic intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) and the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (vLGN) a projection to the SCN originates. Animals with a lesion aimed at the IGL/vLGN and sham‐and unoperated controls were kept in continuous darkness. With linear regression, lines were fitted through 10 successive onsets and offsets of activity and the mean deviation of the onsets and offsets from the fitted lines was determined. Animals with a complete or partial lesion of the IGL/vLGN had a smaller mean deviation of the circadian activity offset from the fitted regression line (0.313 h) compared with the grouped control animals (0.678 h). To test the difference statistically, we compared the sum of the square residuals of the circadian offsets between the groups. This difference was highly significant (F(69,64)=4.16, p<0.0001), which indicates that animals with a lesion of the IGL/ vLGN have a less variable circadian offset of running‐wheel activity. No differences were observed in the variability in the circadian onset of locomotor activity between experimental and control animals. It is concluded that the IGL/vLGN influence the variability of the offset of the circadian running‐wheel activity.  相似文献   

Autoradiography and in situ hybridization were used to examine the histological distribution of the previously characterized 2-like adrenergic receptors involved in the bioluminescent activity of the sea pansy Renilla koellikeri. The use of [3H]-(±)CGP12177 as radiologand revealed autoradiographic labelling of the refringent granule-filled endoderm at the base of autozooid tentacles and autozooid columns, and in the corresponding endoderm of siphonozooid polyps, all areas where photocytes are concentrated. The presence of excess (10 M) unlabelled (±)CGP12177 or atenolol in the incubation mixture substantially reduced total [3H]-(±)CGP12177 labelling. Under low stringency hybridization washing, human 2-adrenoceptor oligonucleotide probe signals were detected in granular cells located in those areas of polyp endoderm that were labelled by [3H]-(±)CGP12177. These cells were previously shown to be distinct from, but in close proximity to photocytes. No other cell or tissue type was labelled in polyps or throughout colonial tissues. The results suggest that a conserved form of 2-adrenergic receptors is present and synthesized in a unique type of endodermal cell indirectly involved in sea pansy bioluminescence control.  相似文献   

The binding characteristics of the β-adrenergic antagonist, [3H]dihydroalprenolol, to hamster white adipocyte membranes were studied. This binding occurred at two classes of sites, one having high affinity (Kd = 1.6±1.3 nM) but low capacity (32±17 fmol/mg membrane protein) and one having low affinity but high binding capacity. While the binding at the high-affinity sites was competitively and stereoselectively displaced by both β-antagonists and β-agonists, competition at the low-affinity sites occurred only with β-antagonists and was non-stereoselective. Thus, the β-agonist (?)-isoproterenol was further used to define nonspecific binding. Under these conditions, saturation studies showed a single class of high-affinity (Kd = 1.6±0.5 nM) binding sites with a binding capacity of 53 ± 13 fmol/mg membrane protein (corresponding to 4000 ± 980 sites per cell), and independent kinetic analysis provided a Kd value of 1.9 nM. Competition experiments showed that these binding sites had the characteristics of a β1-receptor subtype, yielding Kd values in good agreement with the Kact and the Ki values found for agonist-stimulation and for antagonist-inhibition of adenylate cyclase in membranes and of cyclic AMP accumulation and lipolysis in intact cells. Furthermore, the ability of β-agonists to compete with this binding was severely depressed by p[NH]ppG. These results thus support the contention that the specific [3H]dihydroalprenolol binding sites defined as the binding displaceable by (?)-isoproterenol represent the physiologically relevant β-adrenergic receptors of hamster white adipocytes. Finally, studies of the lipolytic response of these cells to (?)-norepinephrine showed that the inhibitory effect of the α2-component of this catecholamine was apparent only when the effects of endogenous adenosine were suppressed, a result which argues against an important regulatory role for the α2-receptors in the adrenergic control of lipolysis in hamster white adipocytes.  相似文献   

-Carotene synthesis was increased from a negligible amount to 152 mg (g-dry cells)–1 and H2O2 was accumulated up to 16.7 M during 2.5 day-culture of Blakeslea trispora. When cells were cultivated in 250 ml flasks containing various volumes (25–150 ml) of the medium, not only H2O2 accumulation but also -carotene synthesis increased as culture volume decreased. Addition of H2O2 (10 M) to the 1.5-day old cultures of B. trispora resulted in 46% higher -carotene synthesis than that without addition. All these results indicate that -carotene biosynthesis is stimulated by H2O2 in B. trispora.  相似文献   

The β-3 adrenergic receptor (ADRB3) is a G-protein coupled receptor involved in regulating lipolysis, as part of homeostatic regulation. In this study, South African Mutton Merino and Shanxi Dam Line were used to study the distribution and quantification of ADRB3 in adipose (subcutaneous, omental, retroperitoneal, mesenteric and perirenal fat) and non-adipose (heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney) tissues of sheep. The protein was determined by immunohistochemical technique and by mRNA abundance via real-time polymerase chain reaction. ADRB3 was detected in all studied tissues with abundance in adipose tissues higher than in non-adipose tissues (P < 0.001). For adipose tissues, greater expression was found in deep deposits such as great omental and retroperitoneal fat than in subcutaneous fat (P < 0.05). Significant differences (P < 0.05) both for mRNA and for protein expression also existed between the two sheep flocks. These findings are consistent with the known function of ADRB3 in mediating lipolysis and homeostasis in adipose tissues.  相似文献   

Somatic cell hybrids were derived from the fusion of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and Syrian hamster melanoma cells (2E). These two cell lines had previously been shown to differ in their response to the induction of mutations and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) by 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) (Kaufman, 1987). The parental cells and a number of representative, independent hybrid clones were tested for their response to both the INC and REP mutagenesis protocols. INC mutagenesis involves the incorporation of BrdUrd into DNA under conditions of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) pool imbalance, while REP mutagenesis involves the replication of 5-bromouracil-substituted DNA in the presence of dNTP pool imbalance. When tested for the toxic effects of high concentrations of BrdUrd and for the induction of mutations by the INC protocol, the hybrid clones all expressed the 2E phenotype, i.e., sensitivity to relatively low concentrations of BrdUrd and thymidine for the induction of mutations, dNTP pool perturbation, and the toxic effects of BrdUrd. When the hybrid clones were tested for the induction of mutations and SCEs by the REP protocol, it was found that they expressed the 2E phenotype for the induction of mutations and the CHO phenotype for the induction of SCEs. Thus, various aspects of the 2E phenotype, such as high mutation frequencies associated with large dNTP pool perturbations, appeared to be dominantly expressed in the cell hybrids, while the lack of induction of SCEs by these mutagenic conditions in 2E cells was found to be a recessive characteristic.  相似文献   

The catalase inhibitor 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole causes an increase in dopamine--hydroxylase (DBH) activity, as do other nitrogen-containing heterocyclics. Denatured catalase also causes an increase in activity, but in both cases, optimum activity is attained only in the presence of some native catalase. It is proposed that the latter affects the DBH reaction in two different ways: It decomposes toxic peroxides, and it stabilizes the enzyme in some manner as yet unknown, as do the heterocyclics. The nitrogen-containing compounds, and denatured catalase, protect DBH from inhibition by copper. Ideas concerning the relationships of copper, catalase, and DBH must be altered to accommodate these new data.This study was supported in part by United States Public Health Service Grant NS-04454. A preliminary report of these experiments was presented at a Symposium on New First and Second Messengers in Nervous Tissues in Brescia, Italy, August 28–30, 1975.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of purified recombinant human tumour necrosis factor (TNF , 4–8g) in conscious rats, produced increases in colonic temperature (1.0°C) and resting oxygen consumption (VO2, 14%) which were maximal after 80–90 minutes. Pretreatment with propranolol (10mg/kg s.c) significantly inhibited the rise in VO2, and prevented the increase in body temperature. Icv injection of an antagonist to corticotropin releasing factor (-helical CRF 9-41, 25 g), which prevents the pyrogenic and thermogenic actions of interleukin-1, did not influence the effects of TNF on temperature or VO2. Injection of a fragment of TNF (113–130 amino acid sequence) did not affect body temperature or VO2. TNF injection (icv) significantly increased brown adipose tissue (BAT)in vitro mitochondrial GDP binding, and this effect was slightly inhibited, but not prevented, by surgical denervation of the tissue, and was unaffected by pretreatment with -helical CRF 9-41. These data indicate that TNF can stimulate thermogenesis by a direct central action. The effects are largely, but not totally, dependent on the sympathetic nervous system but, unlike the thermogenic actions of interleukin they do not require release of CRF.  相似文献   

Mechanism of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) activation and their modulation by functionally distinct ligands remains elusive. Using the technique of amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled with mass spectrometry, we examined the ligand-induced changes in conformational states and stability within the beta-2-adrenergic receptor (β(2)AR). Differential HDX reveals ligand-specific alterations in the energy landscape of the receptor's conformational ensemble. The inverse agonists timolol and carazolol were found to be most stabilizing even compared with the antagonist alprenolol, notably in intracellular regions where G proteins are proposed to bind, while the agonist isoproterenol induced the largest degree of conformational mobility. The partial agonist clenbuterol displayed conformational effects found in both the inverse agonists and the agonist. This study highlights the?regional plasticity of the receptor and characterizes unique conformations spanning the entire receptor sequence stabilized by functionally selective ligands, all of which differ from the profile for the apo receptor.  相似文献   

With the finding that brown adipose tissue is present and negatively correlated to obesity in adult man, finding the mechanism(s) of how to activate brown adipose tissue in humans could be important in combating obesity, type 2 diabetes, and their complications. In mice, the main regulator of nonshivering thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue is norepinephrine acting predominantly via β(3)-adrenergic receptors. However, vast majorities of β(3)-adrenergic agonists have so far not been able to stimulate human β(3)-adrenergic receptors or brown adipose tissue activity, and it was postulated that human brown adipose tissue could be regulated instead by β(1)-adrenergic receptors. Therefore, we have investigated the signaling pathways, specifically pathways to nonshivering thermogenesis, in mice lacking β(3)-adrenergic receptors. Wild-type and β(3)-knockout mice were either exposed to acute cold (up to 12 h) or acclimated for 7 wk to cold, and parameters related to metabolism and brown adipose tissue function were investigated. β(3)-knockout mice were able to survive both acute and prolonged cold exposure due to activation of β(1)-adrenergic receptors. Thus, in the absence of β(3)-adrenergic receptors, β(1)-adrenergic receptors are effectively able to signal via cAMP to elicit cAMP-mediated responses and to recruit and activate brown adipose tissue. In addition, we found that in human multipotent adipose-derived stem cells differentiated into functional brown adipocytes, activation of either β(1)-adrenergic receptors or β(3)-adrenergic receptors was able to increase UCP1 mRNA and protein levels. Thus, in humans, β(1)-adrenergic receptors could play an important role in regulating nonshivering thermogenesis.  相似文献   

《Biological Wastes》1990,31(1):45-67
Stimulatory, inhibitory and antagonistic roles of heavy metals in anaerobic digestion are reviewed. Partitioning and speciation, variety of biotic and abiotic detoxifying mechanisms as well as acclimation are shown to hinder an accurate prediction of response based on a given total metal concentration.  相似文献   

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