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Plasma phenylalanine and tyrosine levels in rats which had been orally administered L-phenylalaninol and L-phenylalanine were determined. Since these amino acid levels in rats administered L-phenylalanine solution containing L-phenylalaninol were significantly lower than those in rats administered L-phenylalanine alone. L-phenylalaninol appears to inhibit the intestinal absorption of L-phenylalanine. This effect was more potent than that of cycloleucine. L-phenylalaninol inhibited the phenylalanine transport of everted sacs. The Km value of L-phenylalanine was 3.44 X 10(-3) M and the Ki value of L-phenylalaninol was 7.69 M 10(-3) M from Lineweaver-Burk plots. From these two curves, it appeared that L-phenylalaninol may competitively inhibit the intestinal transport of L-phenylalanine. The effects of L-phenylalanine, L-phenylalaninol and cycloleucine on the urinary excretions of Na+ and K+ in rats were also examined. Potassium excretion which increased on oral administration of L-phenylalanine, was suppressed by the administration of L-phenylalaninol but not administration of cycloleucine. L-phenylalaninol alone enhanced Na+ excretion in urine. These results confirmed that L-phenylalaninol shows inhibitory effects as potent as those of cycloleucine on the intestinal absorption of L-phenylalanine.  相似文献   

The appearance rate of l- and d-phenylalanine in the venous blood of rat jejunal loops in vivo is increased up to 60% if the intraluminal solution is mixed more efficiently by the simultaneous perfusion of air. The effect decreases as the luminal concentration is increased to 100 mmol/1. Thus, the apparent Michaelis constants are by 50% lower in the case of the reduced unstirred layer (26 to 17 for l- and 9 to 6 mmol/1 for d-phenylalanine).The enhancement of the absorption and the reduction of the Michaelis constants can be attributed to the reduction of the effective unstirred layer thickness by about 400–500 μm.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine whether the inhibition of intestinal lipid absorption by green tea is associated with the inhibitory effect of its catechins on pancreatic phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)). PLA(2) activity was assayed by using 1,2-dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC), porcine pancreatic PLA(2) and catechins at varying concentrations (0.075-1.80 micromol/L). The amount of 1-oleoyl-2-hydroxyphosphatidylcholine liberated was determined by HPLC. The percentage of inhibition of PLA(2) by catechins at 0.6 micromol increased in the order of (-)-epicatechin (23.3%), (+)-catechin (CAT; 24.8%), (-)-epigallocatechin (25.7%), (-)-epicatechin gallate (39.7%) and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG; 64.9%). In an in vivo study, ovariectomized rats with lymph cannula were infused intraduodenally for 8 h with a triolein emulsion containing [dioleoyl-1-(14)C]-phosphatidylcholine, DOPC, alpha-tocopherol (alphaTOH) and retinol (ROH) without (CAT0) or with CAT or EGCG. The lymphatic total (14)C-radioactivity was significantly lowered by EGCG (45.5+/-4.9% dose) compared with CAT (56.2+/-5.2% dose) and CAT0 (64.7+/-2.0% dose). The (14)C-radioactivity remaining in the small intestinal lumen and cecum was higher in EGCG (24.1% dose) than in CAT (9.5% dose) and CAT0 rats (9.0% dose). Significantly less (14)C radioactivity was incorporated into lymph triacylglycerol and cholesteryl ester in EGCG rats. The absorption of alphaTOH, used as a marker of extremely hydrophobic lipids, was significantly lower in EGCG (7.8+/-1.7 micromol) than in CAT (14.4+/-2.8 micromol) and CAT0 rats (16.8+/-2.1 micromol). The absorption of ROH was unaffected, whereas oleic acid output was lower in EGCG rats. The results show that EGCG inhibits the intestinal absorption of lipids, which is in part associated with its inhibition of phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis. Data suggest that EGCG may inhibit the absorption of other highly lipophilic organic compounds.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, the deposition of aluminum in intestinal fragment and the appearance in blood were studied in a perfused rat intestine in situ for 1 h with several aluminum forms (16 mM). We observed that aluminum absorption was positively correlated with the theoretic affinity of aluminum and the functional groups of the chelating agent. The absorption of aluminum after ingestion of organic compounds is more important than after ingestion of mineral compounds, with the following order: Al citrate > Al tartrate, Al gluconate, Al lactate > Al glutamate, Al chloride, Al sulfate, Al nitrate. Absorption depends on the nature of the ligands associated with the Al3+ ion in the gastrointestinal fluid. The higher the aluminum retention in intestinal fragment, the lower the absorption and appearance in blood. However, the higher aluminum concentration is always in the jejunal fragment because of the influence of pH variation on this fragment. Another objective of the present study was to determine the influence of several parameters on aluminum citrate absorption: with or without 0.1 mmol dinitrophenol/L, with aluminum concentration from 3.2, 16, 32, and 48, to 64 mmol/L, media containing 0, 3, or 6 mmol Ca/L, with or without phosphorus or glucose. It is concluded that aluminum is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract by (1) a paracellular energy independent and nonsaturable route, mainly used for high aluminum concentration, which is modified by extracellular calcium, and (2) a transcellular and saturable route, the aluminum level was not modified with enhancement of aluminum quantity in intestinal lumen. This pathway can be similar with calcium transfer through the intestine and is energy dependent because of a decrease of aluminum absorption that follows the removal of glucose and phosphorus.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated in rats if hydroxycitric acid (HCA) reduces the postprandial glucose response by affecting gastric emptying or intestinal glucose absorption. We compared the effect of regulator HCA (310 mg/kg) and vehicle (control) on the glucose response after an intragastric or intraduodenal glucose load to investigate the role of altered gastric emptying. Steele's one-compartment model was used to investigate the effect of HCA on systemic glucose appearance after an intraduodenal glucose load, using [U-(13)C]-labeled glucose and d-[6,6-(2)H(2)]-labeled glucose. Because an effect on postabsorptive glucose clearance could not be excluded, the effect of HCA on the appearance of enterally administered glucose in small intestinal tissue, liver, and portal and systemic circulation was determined by [U-(14)C]glucose infusion. Data show that HCA treatment delays the intestinal absorption of enterally administered glucose at the level of the small intestinal mucosa in rats. HCA strongly attenuated postprandial blood glucose levels after both intragastric (P < 0.01) and intraduodenal (P < 0.001) glucose administration, excluding a major effect of HCA on gastric emptying. HCA delayed the systemic appearance of exogenous glucose but did not affect the total fraction of glucose absorbed over the study period of 150 min. HCA treatment decreased concentrations of [U-(14)C]glucose in small intestinal tissue at 15 min after [U-(14)C]glucose administration (P < 0.05), in accordance with the concept that HCA delays the enteral absorption of glucose. These data support a possible role for HCA as food supplement in lowering postprandial glucose profiles.  相似文献   

1. The mechanism of absorption of phosphatidylcholine was studied in rats by injecting into the intestine phosphatidylcholine specifically labelled either in the fatty acid or in the glycerol moiety or with (32)P, when considerable amounts of 1-acyl-lysophosphatidylcholine were found in the intestinal lumen. 2-([(14)C]Acyl)phosphatidylcholine gave markedly more radioactive unesterified fatty acids in the lumen, compared with the 1-([(14)C]acyl) derivative. Some of the radioactivity from either the fatty acid or the glycerol moiety of the injected phosphatidylcholine appeared in the mucosal triacylglycerols. 2. Injection of (32)P-labelled phosphatidylcholine or (32)P-labelled lysophosphatidylcholine led to the appearance of radioactive glycerylphosphorylcholine, glycerophosphate and P(i) in the mucosa. 3. Rat mucosa was found to contain a highly active glycerylphosphorylcholine diesterase. 4. It was concluded that the dietary phosphatidylcholine is hydrolysed in the intestinal lumen by the pancreatic phospholipase A to 1-acylglycerylphosphorylcholine, which on entering the mucosal cell is partly reacylated to phosphatidylcholine, and the rest is further hydrolysed to glycerylphosphorylcholine, glycerophosphate, glycerol and P(i). The fatty acids and glycerophosphate are then reassembled to give triacylglycerols via the Kennedy (1961) pathway.  相似文献   

Summary. The aim of this study was to investigate the enhancing effect of polyamines on intestinal absorption of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran (MW 4400, FD-4) in the in situ loop study and in vivo oral absorption study. Absorption of FD-4 from the jejunum was significantly enhanced by 5 mM spermine without serious membrane damage in the jejunum. An in vivo oral absorption study was also performed, and plasma FD-4 levels increased significantly after co-administration of 30 mM spermine. In the in vitro transport studies with Caco-2 cells, prolonged incubation with spermine resulted in a gradual decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance. This finding suggests that the absorption-enhancing mechanism of spermine partly includes opening the tight junctions of the epithelium via the paracellular route. These results indicate that excess oral ingestion of polyamines may have widespread health effects via the modulation of the intestinal epithelial barrier function.  相似文献   


In Experiment 1, the effects of calcium maltobionate (MBCa) on calcium and magnesium absorption were examined using male rats. Four diets were designed in which 25%, 50%, and 100% of calcium carbonate (CaCO3, Control) were substituted with MBCa and were designated as MBCa-25, MBCa-50, and MBCa-100, respectively. The cecal concentration of short-chain fatty acids was significantly higher in groups MBCa-50 and MBCa-100; however, pH of cecal contents did not significantly differ among the groups. Retention rates of calcium and magnesium were significantly higher in all MBCa groups as compared to the Control. In Experiment 2, the efficiency of calcium absorption was compared using everted sacs of jejunum and ileum with CaCO3 and MBCa as calcium sources. More calcium from MBCa was absorbed as the concentration of calcium increased in comparison to CaCO3. It was concluded that MBCa is a better calcium source than CaCO3 in terms of both calcium retention and absorption.

Abbreviations: ANOVA: analysis of variance; Ca: Calcium; CaCO3: calcium carbonate; ICP-OES: Inductivity coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer; Mg: magnesium; MBCa: calcium maltobionate; OCPC: o-cresolphthalein complexone; SCFAs: short-chain fatty acids; SE: standard error; TRPM6: transient receptor potential melastatin 6.  相似文献   

The site of absorption of ascorbic acid by the small intestine was studied in vivo in guinea pigs, normal and hypophysectomized rats after oral application of 14C-ascorbic acid. A species-specific difference was revealed. The site of absorption in the guinea pig was located in the duodenal and proximal small intestinal wall, whereas the rat showed highest absorption in the ileum. Hypophysectomy in rats caused a shift of the absorption site from the ileum to the jejunum. No absorption was observed in the duodenum and ileum. A regulatory role of the pituitary gland in the absorption of ascorbic acid by the small intestine is discussed.  相似文献   

Wapnir, Raul A., Maria C. Sia, and Stanley E. Fisher.Enhancement of intestinal water absorption and sodium transport byglycerol in rats. J. Appl. Physiol.81(6): 2523-2527, 1996.Glycerol (Gly) is a hydrophilic,absorbable, and energy-rich solute that could make water absorptionmore efficient. We investigated the use of Gly in a high-energybeverage containing corn syrup (CS) by using a small intestineperfusion procedure in the rat, an approach shown earlier to providegood preclinical information. The effectiveness of several formulationswith Gly and CS was compared with commercial products and toexperimental formulas where Gly substituted for glucose (Glc). TheCS-Gly combination was more effective than preparations on the marketcontaining sucrose and Glc-fructose syrups (G-P and G-L, respectively)in maintaining a net water absorption balance in the test jejunal segment [CS-Gly = 0.021 ± 0.226, G-L = 1.516 ± 0.467, and G-P = 0.299 ± 0.106 (SE)µl · min1 · cm1(P = 0.0113)] and in reducingsodium release into the lumen [CS-Gly = 133.2 ± 16.2, G-L = 226.7 ± 25.2, and G-P = 245.6 ± 23.4 nmol · min1 · cm1(P = 0.0022)]. In otherpreparations, at equal CS concentrations (60 and 80 g/l, respectively),Gly clearly improved net water absorption over a comparableGlc-containing product [CS60-Gly = 0.422 ± 0.136 and CS80-Gly = 0.666 ± 0.378 vs. CS60-Glc = 0.282 ± 0.200 andCS80-Glc = 1.046 ± 0.480 µl · min1 · cm1(P = 0.0019)]. On the basis ofthe data of this rat intestine perfusion model, Gly could be a usefulingredient in energy-rich beverages and might enhance fluid absorptionin humans.


AimThe present study aims to compare selenium (Se) status in offspring rats born to selenium-deficient and selenium supplemented dams and to analyse Se's influence on intestinal parameters and the intestinal absorption of selenomethionine (Se-Met).Main methodsMale and female Wistar rats (150–200 g) were randomised in: control (C) (0.1 ppm Se), Se-deficient (SD) (0.01 ppm Se) and Se-supplemented (SS) (0.5 ppm Se) groups; and were mated to obtain their offspring. Se levels in serum, urine and faeces in offspring and in mothers' milk were measured by graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Duodenal transport studies in offspring were performed using an in vivo perfusion of different Se-Met concentrations (2, 5, 10, 25, 75 and 150 μM).Key findingA Se-deficient diet provoked a decrease in the offspring's body weight and intestinal parameters, while the supplemented diet increased these values. Serum Se levels were similar between Se-deficient and control offspring because the urinary excretion of Se was smaller to compensate for Se homeostasis. Intestinal Se-Met absorption obeys the Michaellis–Menten equation with lower apparent constant (Km) and maximal velocity (Vmax) in the SD group. However, the C and SS groups presented similar Km and different Vmax. The Vmax showed greater values in the following order of rank: SS > C > SD groups.SignificanceSelenium intake deficiencies in offspring lead to the development of compensatory mechanisms in order to normalise serum selenium levels. These mechanisms, however, do not permit normal body development; nor do they regulate intestinal parameters and Se-Met transport.  相似文献   

1. Short-term incubation of the everted intestinal sacs of rats in media containing cholesterol oleate or cholesterol plus oleic acid resulted in rapid hydrolysis, but no synthesis, of the sterol ester. 2. On separation of the brush border from the rest of the mucosal cell, almost all of the hydrolytic activity and appreciable amounts of the synthetic activity of the whole cell were found to be present in the brush-border fraction. 3. The isolated brush-border fraction contained considerable amounts of cholesterol, which was always present in the unesterified state; the rest of the cell contained about an equal amount of unesterified cholesterol, but, in addition, small but definite amounts of the esterified sterol were also found in this fraction. 4. On feeding rats with [4-(14)C]cholesterol, which was diluted with 3mg. of cholesterol, it was found that the brush border very rapidly took up the fed sterol without changing its net content of cholesterol. No traces of radioactive cholesterol ester could ever be detected in the isolated brush border after feeding with (14)C-labelled esterified or unesterified cholesterol. 5. The appearance of the labelled sterol was quite rapid in the rest of the cell also, where small proportions were found in the esterified state. 6. Therefore the sequence of events in the absorption of cholesterol appears to be: the dietary cholesterol esters are hydrolysed by the cholesterol ester hydrolase of pancreas or of the mucosal brush border or both, after which the brush border rapidly absorbs the de-esterified sterol and transfers it into the mucosal cell, by a mechanism of displacement, where it is slowly re-esterified for transport through the lymph.  相似文献   

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