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采用ISSR(Inter-simple Sequence Repeat)分子标记技术并应用NTSYSpc 2.10e生物软件对20株杏鲍菇菌种进行遗传聚类分析。结果表明,从22条引物中筛选出11条扩增条带清晰、多态性好的ISSR引物,共获得74个ISSR标记位点,51个多态性位点,多态比率为68.92%,产物片段大小在100~5 000 bp之间。聚类分析发现,遗传相似系数在0.828时,20株杏鲍菇菌种分为4个类群,当遗传相似系数达到0.896时,分为12个类群,杏528寿与其他菌种的亲缘系数最远,具有独立的遗传体系。  相似文献   

Cultivated oyster mushrooms (genus Pleurotus) are interesting as a source of biologically active glucans. Partially, β-glucan from Pleurotus sp. (pleuran) has been used as food supplements due to its immunosuppressive activity. Like other dietary fibre components, oyster mushroom polysaccharides can stimulate the growth of colon microorganisms (probiotics), i.e. act as prebiotics. Specific glucans were isolated from stems of Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus eryngii by subsequent boiling water and alkali extraction. Obtained water soluble (L1), alkali soluble (L2) and insoluble (S) fractions were characterised by various analytical methods. Spectroscopic analysis detected glucans in all the fractions: branched 1,3-1,6-β-d-glucan predominated in L1 and S, while linear 1,3-α-d-glucan in L2. Fractions L1 also contained marked amount of proteins partially in complex with glucans; protein content in L2 was insignificant. Effective deproteinisation of L1 and separation of α- and β-glucans in L2 was achieved by the treatment with phenolic reagent. Small amount of chitin was found in S as a component of cell wall chitin–glucan complex. Potential prebiotic activity of extracts L1 and L2 was testing using nine probiotic strains of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Enterococcus. These probiotics showed different growth characteristics dependently on used extract and strain specificity due to the presence of structurally diverse compounds. The extracts L1 and L2 can be applied to synbiotic construction only for carefully selected probiotic strains. This exploitation of fruit body extracts extends the use of mushrooms P. ostreatus and P. eryngii for human health.  相似文献   

【背景】工厂化栽培中,杏鲍菇是不定点出菇,通常采用人工疏蕾的方法来实现对子实体数目的控制,但目前关于人工疏蕾保留子实体的数目无具体的研究。【目的】通过人工疏蕾的方式,研究保留不同子实体数目对杏鲍菇产量及品质的影响。【方法】对各处理组进行基质利用情况测定,对采收后各组子实体进行产量、形态指标及质构特性的测定。【结果】保留3—4个子实体的基质利用率较高,在生产实际中对成本的浪费较少;保留不同子实体数目对子实体形态指标、单菇重量及单包产量都有显著影响,保留1个子实体时,单菇重量最大但单包产量最低,保留4个子实体时,单包产量较高且子实体形态一致;从质构特性来看,保留子实体数目为4个时,杏鲍菇子实体品质最好、口感最佳。【结论】在杏鲍菇工厂化生产的人工疏蕾环节,保留子实体数目为3—4个时可以减少对成本的浪费,获得产量较高、品质较好的产品。  相似文献   

This work was conducted to investigate diet supplement of king oyster mushroom fruiting bodies on biochemical and histological changes in hypercholesterolemic rats. Six-week old female Sprague–Dawley albino rats were divided into three groups of 10 rats each. The feeding of 5% powder of the fruiting bodies of Pleurotus eryngii to hypercholesterolemic rats reduced their plasma total cholesterol, triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein, total lipid, phospholipids, and LDL/HDL ratio by 24.05%, 46.33%, 62.50%, 24.63%, 19.22%, and 57.14%, respectively. Mushroom also significantly reduced body weight in hypercholesterolemic rats. However, it had no adverse effects on plasma albumin, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, uric acid, glucose, total protein, calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride, inorganic phosphate, magnesium, and enzyme profiles. Feeding mushroom increased total lipid and cholesterol excretion in feces. The plasma lipoprotein fraction, separated by agarose gel electrophoresis, indicated that P. eryngii significantly reduced plasma β and pre-β-lipoprotein, while increased α-lipoprotein. A histological study of hepatic cells by conventional hematoxylin–eosin and oil red O staining showed normal findings for mushroom-fed hypercholesterolemic rat. The present study suggests that 5% P. eryngii diet supplement provided health benefits by acting on the atherogenic lipid profile in hypercholesterolaemic rats. Therefore, king oyster mushroom could be recommended as a natural cholesterol lowering substance within the human diet.  相似文献   

【目的】菌糠的营养素含量齐全,但纤维素含量过高是阻碍其饲料化利用的主要因素。故本研究筛选适合于发酵杏鲍菇菌糠的微生物菌株,以改善其饲用品质。【方法】首先,本研究采用纤维素-刚果红、苯胺蓝和MRS-Ca (De Man, Rogosa, Sharpe-Ca)筛选培养基,结合纤维素、木质素酶活力及抑菌活性的测定,从EM (effective microorganisms)原液发酵的杏鲍菇菌糠中分离筛选具有较强纤维素、木质素降解能力及抑菌能力的细菌/真菌。通过细菌16S rRNA和真菌18S rDNA基因序列分析确定菌株所属种属。其次,将筛选出的菌株菌液等体积混合制成复合菌剂用于固态发酵杏鲍菇菌糠。测定不同发酵时长菌糠营养成分含量以确定最佳发酵时间,并与相同工艺条件下EM原液发酵的杏鲍菇菌糠进行饲用品质比较。【结果】筛选并鉴定得到纤维素酶活性较高的特基拉芽孢杆菌(Bacillus tequilensis)菌株P11、发酵毕赤酵母(Pichia fermentans)菌株R8和马克斯克鲁维应变酵母(Kluyveromyces marxianus)菌株MU5;木质素酶活性较高的解淀粉芽孢杆菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp.plantarum)菌株MU7;抑菌活性较高的类肠膜魏斯氏菌(Weissella paramesenteroides)菌株R4和乳酸片球菌(Pediococcus acidilactici)菌株R9。使用以上菌株复合发酵杏鲍菇菌糠7 d后,各项指标达到稳定。与EM原液发酵的杏鲍菇菌糠相比,复合菌剂发酵杏鲍菇菌糠的NDF和ADF分别显著降低了19.6%和21.44%(P0.05);CP (crude protein)、CA (crude ash)和EE (ether extract)含量分别显著提高了10.44%、5.26%和123.53%(P0.05)。【结论】本研究筛选得到的芽孢杆菌、酵母菌和乳酸菌优势菌株复合后用于发酵杏鲍菇菌糠可以很好地改善其饲用品质,效果优于生产中常用市售EM原液。  相似文献   

Verification of Pleurotus eryngii strains was assessed using ITS sequence analysis and RAPD fingerprinting. Sequence analysis of the ITS1–5.8S rDNA–ITS2 region of 24 strains of Pleurotus sp., which consisted of 22 strains of P. eryngii and the control strains P. ostreatus and P. ferulae, demonstrated that the DNA regions share mostly 99 % sequence identity, indicating that sequence-based analysis is not applicable for the verification of closely related mushroom strains. To verify the mushroom strains using RAPD, we amplified DNA fragments from the total cellular DNA of 24 mushroom strains with 18 different random primers, yielding 538 distinct DNA fragments ranging from 200–4000 bp. Analysis of the DNA fragment pattern showed that the 22 P. eryngii strains were clearly distinguished from the control strains P. ostreatus and P. ferulae, and could be categorized into five subgroups. Subsequent physiological studies on the development of fruiting bodies demonstrated the close correlation of the RAPD-based grouping with the phenotypical characteristics of mushroom fruiting bodies.  相似文献   

克隆紫孢侧耳PS1菌株锰过氧化物酶基因Ps-mnp1,具有生物降解木质素的活性,可用于分析锰过氧化物酶的蛋白功能与结构,并对深入了解紫孢侧耳Ps-mnp1基因功能和转录调控具有重要意义。基于ITS序列分析,明确了该菌株的分类地位。根据Gen Bank中白腐菌Mn Ps保守序列设计引物,采用染色体步移法和逆转录PCR法获得Ps-mnp1基因,Gen Bank登录号为(KP189358.1)。在克隆Ps-mnp1基因并分析蛋白结构时,采用多种现代生物信息学技术,经染色体步移法克隆的DNA全长序列后,利用contigexpress拼接软件预测Psmnp1基因的c DNA全长序列;使用Bio Edit分析软件对DNA和c DNA核苷酸序列比对;通过Augustus网站预测RNA的剪接位点并在NCBI上进行同源序列比对校正;采用基因结构软件对比了解白腐菌Mn Ps基因的内含子/外显子的组成。序列分析表明Ps-mnp1的DNA全长序列1 854 bp,具有外显子14条和内含子13条。从Ps-mnp1与其它白腐菌Mn Ps基因的内含子/外显子组成分析来看,紫孢侧耳和糙皮侧耳同属于侧耳属,但它们之间的Mn Ps基因结构完全不同。Ps-mnp1开放阅读框为1 095 bp,起始密码子ATG,终止密码子TAA,编码364 aa,含有20 aa残基构成的信号肽序列。采用MEGA 5.1软件构建的蛋白系统进化树表明Ps-mnp1与6株白腐菌蛋白聚类在短枝Mn Ps,区分了含有5个二硫键组成的长枝Mn Ps组群;此外,构建的蛋白同源模型表明,与刺芹侧耳多功能过氧化物酶相似度为72.51%,蛋白配体中结合位点有1个含铁血红素、2个钙离子、1个锰离子等,这些结合位点为不守恒。该研究为紫孢侧耳锰过氧化物酶的结构,蛋白功能Ps-mnp1奠定了基础,并进一步为Ps-mnp1的蛋白质工程改造提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

骈永茹  李婧怡  李勤奋  王欢  李玉  杨阳 《广西植物》2023,43(7):1308-1316
为优化巨大侧耳原生质体的制备条件,该研究以两株不同温型的巨大侧耳菌株PG46和PG79为材料,采用单因素和正交试验方法对原生质体制备的菌丝体菌龄、稳渗剂种类、溶壁酶浓度、酶解温度和酶解时间进行研究。结果表明:(1)在单因素实验中,巨大侧耳原生质体制备的适宜条件为菌龄5 d,溶壁酶浓度2.5%,0.6 mol·L-1甘露醇,32 ℃(PG46)或27~35 ℃(PG79)酶解4 h。(2)正交试验验证并优化了单因素实验结果,组合2(菌龄5 d,溶壁酶浓度2.5%,0.6 mol·L-1的甘露醇,32 ℃酶解4 h)可同时作为PG46和PG79原生质体制备的最适条件,原生质体产量分别为11.22×106 CFU·mL-1和7.28×106 CFU·mL-1。(3)F-test检验中,各因素对原生质体制备的影响程度依次为菌龄>溶壁酶浓度>酶解温度>酶解时间(PG46),菌龄>酶解时间>酶解温度>溶壁酶浓度(PG79)。综上所述,两株不同温型巨大侧耳菌株的原生质体制备条件基本一致,菌龄对两菌株原生质体得率的影响程度最显著。该研究结果可为后续巨大侧耳的杂交育种、遗传转化、全基因组测序等工作奠定基础,进一步推动巨大侧耳分子遗传学的发展。  相似文献   

本试验对我国1982年至2004年22年间栽培的白黄侧耳Pleurotus cornucopiae 30个菌株进行了锚定ISSR分析,试验表明,引物P4和P5都能对白黄侧耳P.cornucopiae进行多态性扩增,P4将供试菌株扩增出45个条带,大小在200~20000bp,P5将供试菌株扩增出39个条带,大小在500~15000bp,扩增出的条带100%具多态性。聚类分析在遗传相似性61%的水平下将30个供试菌株划分为15个类群,即15个具一定遗传差异的菌株;具有相同ISSR图谱、遗传相似性程度100%的可能为同一菌株,属于同物异名。试验表明我国的食用蕈菌野生环境面临人工栽培种质的污染,采自河北、山东、云南自然环境下的白黄侧耳P.cornucopiae与此前大量栽培的一些商业品种具完全相同的ISSR指纹图谱,聚类分析相似性系数100%。  相似文献   

本试验对我国1982年至2004年22年间栽培的白黄侧耳Pleurotus cornucopiae 30个菌株进行了锚定ISSR分析,试验表明,引物P4和P5都能对白黄侧耳P.cornucopiae进行多态性扩增,P4将供试菌株扩增出45个条带,大小在200~20000bp,P5将供试菌株扩增出39个条带,大小在500~15000bp,扩增出的条带100%具多态性。聚类分析在遗传相似性61%的水平下将30个供试菌株划分为15个类群,即15个具一定遗传差异的菌株;具有相同ISSR图谱、遗传相似性程度100%的可能为同一菌株,属于同物异名。试验表明我国的食用蕈菌野生环境面临人工栽培种质的污染,采自河北、山东、云南自然环境下的白黄侧耳P.cornucopiae与此前大量栽培的一些商业品种具完全相同的ISSR指纹图谱,聚类分析相似性系数100%。  相似文献   

The 1641 bp cDNA encoding an extra-cellular lipase of the basidiomycete Pleurotus sapidus (Lip2) was cloned from a cDNA library. Expression of the cDNA in Escherichia coli, with and without signal sequence, led to the production of recombinant Lip2, mainly as inclusion bodies with low catalytic activity. Refolding yielded catalytically active protein. A C-terminal His tag was used for purification and immunochemical detection. The recombinant lipase hydrolysed xanthophyll esters with high efficiency, and omitting the signal sequence did not alter the catalytic properties. The P. sapidus lipase represents the first enzyme of the lipase/esterase family from a basidiomycetous fungus characterised on the molecular level and expressed in a manageable host.  相似文献   

以3个糙皮侧耳菌株为材料,用核迁移试验和OWE-SOJ技术对担孢子的4种交配型进行了鉴定。核迁移试验表明,核迁移仅出现于A=B≠交配反应而不出现于A≠B=反应中。而在OWE-SOJ试验中,发生核迁移的A=B≠交配反应形成无锁状联合的绒毛状菌落,而不发生核迁移的A≠B=反应形成无锁状联合的栅栏型菌落,两种菌落可以清楚地区别开来。核迁移试验的结果与OWE-SOJ试验的结果是一致的,可以相互印证。因此,将两者用于糙皮侧耳交配型的准确鉴定是可行的。  相似文献   

【背景】冷杉侧耳(Pleurotus abieticola)是一种新型食药用真菌,具有潜在的经济价值。【目的】更好地开发利用冷杉侧耳中的多糖成分,挖掘潜在的功能性食品。【方法】采用响应面分析法对冷杉侧耳多糖的提取工艺进行优化,并通过设置不同浓度梯度的多糖和Vc (阳性对照)考察该多糖的1,1-二苯基-2-苦基肼自由基(1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radical,DPPH)、2,2''-联氮-双-3-乙基苯并噻唑林-6-磺硫(2,2''-azinobis-3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonate,ABTS)和羟基自由基(hydroxyl radical,·OH)的清除能力及铁离子还原能力来评价冷杉侧耳多糖的体外抗氧化活性。【结果】最佳提取工艺:提取时间122.62 min,提取温度60.27℃,液料比28.87:1(体积质量比),在该条件下,冷杉侧耳纯多糖提取率达到极大值2.39%。该多糖在浓度为1 mg/mL时,DPPH自由基清除率为49.42%,ABTS自由基清除率为88.37%,羟基自由基清除率为19.87%,铁离子还原力为0.273。【结论】本研究为更高效地开发与利用冷杉侧耳多糖提供了理论依据,为进一步挖掘其生物活性及多糖产品打下了基础。  相似文献   

3种不同来源侧耳品种亲缘关系差异化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采取拮抗实验、酯酶同工酶、基因组进行多态性分析(RAPD)、内部转录间隔区序列(ITS)对来源不同的特大凤尾菇(Pleurotus sajor-caju)、夏秀990(Pleurotus geesteranus)和黑平A3三个侧耳品种的亲缘关系进行了对比分析。实验结果表明:供试的3个侧耳品种从形态学水平、蛋白质水平和分子水平上看,其品种间亲缘关系界定具有一致性。表现为特大凤尾菇与夏秀990的亲缘关系较近,与黑平A3的亲缘关系较远,夏秀990与黑平A3亲缘关系较远。本研究从不同的水平,为食用菌菌种属间亲缘关系的鉴定提供了综合分析方法,对区分同种异名、杂交亲本选择以及判定杂交结果具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Laccase is a widespread group of multi-copper enzymes which can catalyze the oxidation of a variety of organic compounds, with concomitant reduction of molecular oxygen to water. It has a wide application in industrial processes, particularly in renewable bio-energy industry. In this study, Pleurotus ostreatus strain 10969 with high yield of laccase, previously isolated from edible fungus growing on Juncao, was applied for optimization of fermentation media and growth parameters for the maximal enzyme production through response surface methodology and further characterization of the laccase activity. The results show that glucose and Mg2+ are the key ingredients for laccase production with the optimum concentration of 0.0988 g/mL and 7.3 mmol/L respectively. Compared to the initial medium, the highest laccase yield observed is approximately increased by 2.5 times under the optimized conditions. Extracellular laccase was then purified and its characters were analyzed. The molecular weight of the laccase is about 40 kDa, and the optimum pH and temperature for its activity is 4.0 and 50 °C with the corresponding Km and Vmax of 0.31 mmol/L and 303.25 mmol/min respectively. DTT, β-mercaptoethanol and NaN3 nearly inhibit all activity of the laccase, as well as the metal ions especially Ag+. In summary, our results will facilitate the utilization of plant lignin in biomass energy industry.  相似文献   

【背景】由托拉斯假单胞杆菌(Pseudomonas tolaasii)引起的平菇细菌性褐斑病在国内外大面积发生,导致产量降低,并有潜在的安全风险,寻找安全有效的抑菌剂对产业发展具有重要意义。【目的】通过5种不同溶剂提取得到大蒜浸出液,测定其对平菇细菌性褐斑病病原菌托拉斯假单胞杆菌的抑制作用,同时检测其对平菇菌丝生长的作用。【方法】利用抑菌圈法测定5种不同的大蒜浸出液对托拉斯假单胞杆菌的抑菌作用,利用平板扩散法筛选能促进平菇菌丝生长的药剂及适宜的浓度。【结果】5种大蒜浸出液原液对托拉斯假单胞杆菌均有显著的抑菌活性,其中大蒜山杏壳木醋液浸出原液抑菌效果最强。不同浓度的大蒜浸出液抑菌作用比较发现,浓度为10%的大蒜山杏壳木醋液浸出液具有较好的抑菌效果,其抑菌效果与0.33 mg/mL的链霉素相当,并对平菇菌丝生长有显著的促进作用,菌丝生长速度显著大于对照,并且菌丝浓密,边缘整齐。【结论】本研究为大蒜与山杏壳木醋液复配药剂防治平菇细菌性褐斑病奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

从糙皮侧耳Pleurotus ostreatus Pm039菌丝体中分离纯化到一种疏水蛋白并命名为Po.HYD1,SDS-PAGE显示其分子量约15kDa。Po.HYD1具有高度的表面活性,100μg/mL浓度下能够降低水表面张力至25.5mN/m。在1~100μg/mL浓度范围内存在6μg/mL和24μg/mL两个关键浓度,说明了不同浓度范围内自组装条件的改变。水接触角测定证明了Po.HYD1自组装膜的包被能够逆转固体表面的可湿润性。原子力显微镜分析揭示了Po.HYD1在云母表面形成厚度4.2±0.1nm“小杆层”;在高定向热裂解石墨表面形成厚度3.2~3.8nm吸附层;在剧烈振荡诱导下的水溶液中形成形状相似、取向一致但体积大小不等的“耳型”颗粒。  相似文献   

Fruiting initiation in mushrooms can be triggered by a variety of environmental and biochemical stimuli, including substances of natural or synthetic origin. In this work ostreolysin, a cytolytic protein specifically expressed during the formation of primordia and fruit bodies of Pleurotus ostreatus, was applied to nutrient media inoculated with mycelium of P. ostreatus, and its effects on mycelial growth and fructification of the mushroom studied. The addition of ostreolysin slightly inhibited the growth of mycelium, but strongly induced the formation of primordia, which appeared 10 d earlier than in control plates supplemented with bovine serum albumin or with the dissolving buffer alone. Moreover, ostreolysin stimulated the subsequent development of primordia into fruit bodies. However, direct involvement of this protein in the sporulation of the mushroom is unlikely, as it was also detected in large amounts in the non-sporulating strain of P. ostreatus.  相似文献   

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