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Summary A UV-sensitive and a wild-type strain ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae have been compared with respect to their responses to photoreactivation, retention of the capacity to photoreactivate when stored at 32°C in buffer, and sensitivity to diepoxybutane and nitrosoguanidine. In all these tests the behaviour of the sensitive mutant paralleled bacterial strains lacking excision repair ability. We may tentatively attribute the UV sensitivity in this mutant to a loss of some element of a repair system analogous to excision repair in bacteria.  相似文献   

When human parathyroid hormone (hPTH) is expressed as a secretory product in yeast, the main problem is the aberrant proteolytic cleavage that reduces the yield of intact protein. To overcome this problem, we developed an hPTH expression system using a host strain in which the YAP3 gene encoding yeast aspartic protease 3 (YAP3) was disrupted. After 48 h of culture, most of the hPTH secreted by the yap3 disruptant remained intact, whereas more than 90% of the hPTH secreted by the wild-type strain was cleaved. When the authentic hPTH was incubated in each of the culture supernatants of untransformed yap3 disruptant and wild-type strain, the proteolysis proceeded much more slowly in the culture supernatant of yap3 disruptant than in that of the wild type. The extent of hPTH proteolysis was also significantly reduced by the addition of pepstatin A, a specific aspartic protease inhibitor. The results suggest that YAP3 is involved in the internal cleavage of hPTH expressed in yeast. The correct processing of the intact hPTH secreted in the yap3 disruptant demonstrates that the yeast mutant lacking the YAP3 activity is a suitable host for the high-level expression of intact hPTH. Received: 8 December 1997 / Received last revision: 3 March 1998 / Accepted: 19 April 1998  相似文献   

An isogenic pair of Escherichia coli strains lacking (pssA) and possessing (wild-type) the enzyme phosphatidylserine synthase was used to estimate the effects of the total lack of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), the major phospholipid in E. coli membranes, on the activities of several sugar permeases (enzymes II) of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS). The mutant exhibits greatly elevated levels of phosphatidylglycerol (PG), a lipid that has been reported to stimulate the in vitro activities of several PTS permeases. The activities, thermal stabilities, and detergent sensitivities of three PTS permeases, the glucose enzyme II (IIGlc), the mannose enzyme II (IIMan) and the mannitol enzyme II (IIMtl), were characterized. Western blot analyses revealed that the protein levels of IIGlc were not appreciably altered by the loss of PE. In the pssA mutant, IIGlc and IIMan activities were depressed both in vivo and in vitro, with the in vivo transport activities being depressed much more than the in vitro phosphorylation activities. IIMtl also exhibited depressed transport activity in vivo but showed normal phosphorylation activities in vitro. IIMan and IIGlc exhibited greater thermal lability in the pssA mutant membranes than in the wild-type membranes, but IIMtl showed enhanced thermal stability. All three enzymes were activated by exposure to TritonX100 (0.4%) or deoxycholate (0.2%) and inhibited by SDS (0.1%), but IIMtl was the least affected. IIMan and, to a lesser degree, IIGlc were more sensitive to detergent treatments in the pssA mutant membranes than in the wild-type membranes while IIMtl showed no differential effect. The results suggest that all three PTS permeases exhibit strong phospholipid dependencies for transport activity in vivo but much weaker and differential dependencies for phosphorylation activities in vitro, with IIMan exhibiting the greatest and IIMtl the least dependency. The effects of lipid composition on thermal sensitivities and detergent activation responses paralleled the effects on in vitro phosphorylation activities. These results together with those previously published suggest that, while the in vivo transport activities of all PTS enzymes II require an appropriate anionic to zwitterionic phospholipid balance, the in vitro phosphorylation activities of these same enzymes show much weaker and differential dependencies. Alteration of the phospholipid composition of the membrane thus allows functional dissection of transport from the phosphorylation activities of PTS enzyme complexes.  相似文献   

To investigate the roles of PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10) in the regulation of 3-position phosphorylated phosphoinositide metabolism as well as insulin-induced Akt phosphorylation and glucose metabolism, wild-type PTEN and its phosphatase-dead mutant (C124S) with or without an N-terminal myristoylation tag were overexpressed in Sf-9 cells and 3T3-L1 adipocytes using baculovirus and adenovirus systems, respectively. When expressed in Sf-9 cells together with the p110alpha catalytic subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase, myristoylated PTEN markedly reduced the accumulations of both phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate induced by p110alpha. In contrast, overexpression of the C124S mutants apparently increased these accumulations. In 3T3-L1 adipocytes, insulin-induced accumulations of phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate were markedly suppressed by overexpression of wild-type PTEN with the N-terminal myristoylation tag, but not by that without the tag. On the contrary, the C124S mutants of PTEN enhanced insulin-induced accumulations of phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate. Interestingly, the phosphorylation level of Akt at Thr308 (Akt2 at Thr309), but not at Ser473 (Akt2 at Ser474), was revealed to correlate well with the accumulation of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate modified by overexpression of these PTEN proteins. Finally, insulin-induced increases in glucose transport activity were significantly inhibited by the overexpression of myristoylated wild-type PTEN, but were not enhanced by expression of the C124S mutant of PTEN. Therefore, in conclusion, 1) PTEN dephosphorylates both phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate in vivo, and the C124S mutants interrupt endogenous PTEN activity in a dominant-negative manner. 2) The membrane targeting process of PTEN may be important for exerting its function. 3) Phosphorylations of Thr309 and Ser474 of Akt2 are regulated differently, and the former is regulated very sensitively by the function of PTEN. 4) The phosphorylation level of Ser474, but not that of Thr309, in Akt2 correlates well with insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. 5) The activity of endogenous PTEN may not play a major role in the regulation of glucose transport activity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.  相似文献   

Abstract— The distribution in vivo of glucose and lactate between the complete or sub- divided retina and the blood has been evaluated in DBA and C3H mice during postnatal development. Levels in vivo of several intermediates of glucose and energy metabolism were measured by enzyme-linked fluorometric assays of freeze-dried retinae; glucose and lactate were determined in freshly-drawn plasma. DBA retinae. During the first 20 days of postnatal life, the level of glucose in the plasma rose slightly while that in the retina declined: during this period the level of lactate in the plasma rose and became nearly equal to that in the retina. Changes during development in levels of glucose and glycogen were consistent with the interpretation that the rate of utilization of glucose in vivo is enhanced during early postnatal life. C3H retinae. The levels of glucose and glycogen in vivo were abnormally high throughout the developmental period, whereas levels of lactate were normal. The rise in levels of glucose after the 15th postnatal day was not related to an increase in blood levels of glucose but rather to a decreased utilization of glucose during this period. For the first 10 postnatal days the content of glucose, lactate, ATP and P-creatine within the photoreceptor layer of C3H retinae were within normal limits. Then, biochemical changes occurred which were secondary to ultrastructural pathology in the photoreceptors. This observation suggested that glucose metabolism and energy production are not involved in the primary aetiology of the inherited disease.  相似文献   

Glucose-dependent regulation of carbon metabolism is a subject of intensive studies. We have previously shown that the switch from gluconeogenesis to glycolysis is associated with ubiquitin-proteasome linked elimination of the key enzyme fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. Seven glucose induced degradation deficient (Gid)-proteins found previously in a genomic screen were shown to form a complex that binds FBPase. One of the subunits, Gid2/Rmd5, contains a degenerated RING finger domain. In an in vitro assay, heterologous expression of GST-Gid2 leads to polyubiquitination of proteins. In addition, we show that a mutation in the degenerated RING domain of Gid2/Rmd5 abolishes fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase polyubiquitination and elimination in vivo. Six Gid proteins are present in gluconeogenic cells. A seventh protein, Gid4/Vid24, occurs upon glucose addition to gluconeogenic cells and is afterwards eliminated. Forcing abnormal expression of Gid4/Vid24 in gluconeogenic cells leads to fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase degradation. This suggests that Gid4/Vid24 initiates fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase polyubiquitination by the Gid complex and its subsequent elimination by the proteasome. We also show that an additional gluconeogenic enzyme, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, is subject to Gid complex-dependent degradation. Our study uncovers a new type of ubiquitin ligase complex composed of novel subunits involved in carbohydrate metabolism and identifies Gid4/Vid24 as a major regulator of this E3.  相似文献   

We have reported previously that phenylarsine oxide (PAO) blocks insulin-stimulated glucose transport in 3T3-L1 adipocytes (Frost, S. C., and Lane, M. D. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 2646-2652). As shown in the present study, the locus of inhibition is post-receptor. Insulin stimulated the extent of receptor autophosphorylation in solution and in the intact cell by approximately 4-fold. PAO had no effect on this activity. Using reduced and carboxamidomethylated lysozyme as a substrate for the tyrosine-specific receptor, insulin stimulated the rate of receptor kinase-catalyzed substrate phosphorylation by 2-fold; PAO had no effect on this stimulation. However, the insulin-stimulated, serine-specific phosphorylation of two endogenous phosphoproteins (pp24 and pp240) in the intact cell was blocked by 25 microM PAO. These complementary in situ and in vitro studies demonstrate that the inhibition by PAO must be distal to the insulin receptor's protein tyrosine kinase activity.  相似文献   

Mediated (nonactive) transport of glucose in mammalian cells is characterized by saturation kinetics, stereospecificity, sensitivity to inhibition by phlorizin and certain sulfhydryl-blocking agents, a temperature coefficient of about 2, an inability to utilize metabolic energy, and countertransport. Countertransport can be explained by the development of carrier gradients in the cell membrane and provides the best evidence for carrier mobility. Efforts to identify and isolate chemical components of the transport system, have not been successful. Transport among different types of mammalian cells shows a wide range of activities (Vmax values differ by three or more orders of magnitude) and different sensitivities to hormones. Glucose enters the liver cell by mediated transport, as shown by a difference in the penetration rates of D- and L-glucose and sensitivity to phlorizin. The activity of the system is one of the highest known. Transport in muscle is the most important rate-controlling step for glucose utilization and is strongly accelerated by hypoxia, work, and insulin. The effect of work or insulin is strongly inhibited by metabolism, of fatty acids. Insulin also stimulates glucose transport in adipose tissue. Using isolated fat cells, it could be shown that insulin is rapidly bound to sites on the cell surface. The effect is lost within a few minutes after the exogenous hormone is removed. The bound insulin is not released as such, but is metabolized to unknown products. Binding is prevented by preexposure of cells to maleimide, which presumably blocks certain sulfhydryl groups at or near the insulin-binding site. Pretreatment with insulin protects against maleimide. Digestion of the cell with trypsin eliminates the acceleration of glucose transport and the inhibition of lipolysis by insulin. The glucose transport and adenyl cyclase systems are not grossly affected by trypsin, indicating that the insulin effector system is a separate entity.  相似文献   

Leaf tissue of a mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana contains reduced levels of both 16:3 and 18:3 fatty acids and has correspondingly increased levels of the 16:2 and 18:2 precursors due to a single recessive nuclear mutation. The kinetics of in vivo labeling of lipids with [14C]acetate and quantitative analysis of the fatty acid compositions of individual lipids suggests that reduced activity of a glycerolipid n-3 desaturase is responsible for the altered lipid composition of the mutant. The effects of the mutation are most pronounced when plants are grown at temperatures above 26°C but are relatively minor below 18°C, suggesting a temperature-sensitive enzyme. Since the desaturation of both 16- and 18-carbon fatty acids is altered, it appears that the affected enzyme lacks specificity with respect to acyl group chain length and that it is located in the chloroplast where 16:3-monogalactosyldiglyceride is synthesized. Because the degree of unsaturation of all the major glycerolipids was similarly affected by the mutation, it is inferred that either the affected desaturase does not exhibit head group specificity or there is substantial transfer of trienoic acyl groups between different lipid classes. Both chloroplast and extrachloroplast lipids are equally affected by the mutation. Thus, either the desaturase is located both outside and inside the chloroplast, or 18:3 formed inside the chloroplast is reexported to other cellular sites.  相似文献   

Insulin stimulates hexose transport and phosphorylation of the insulin receptor in monolayer cultures of intact 3T3-L1 adipocytes. To assess the phosphorylation state of the receptor in situ, cells were equilibrated with [32P]orthophosphate and then disrupted under denaturing conditions which preserved the phosphorylation state of the receptor established in the cell. The insulin receptor, isolated by lectin adsorption and two-dimensional nonreducing/reducing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, occurred as a single oligomeric species with an apparent alpha 2 beta 2 subunit composition. This oligomeric structure was not altered by treating cells with insulin. Only the beta-subunit of the receptor was phosphorylated; [32P]phosphoserine and [32P] phosphotyrosine were both identified in the beta-subunit from cells in the unstimulated state, but only [32P] phosphotyrosine increased in cells stimulated with insulin. Neither insulin-like growth factors I nor II stimulated insulin receptor beta-subunit phosphorylation, although both activated hexose transport. Upon the addition of insulin, [32P]orthophosphate incorporated into the beta-subunit increased 4.5-fold (7-fold with respect to [32P]tyrosine) and was complete within 1 min (t1/2 = 8 s). Following the removal of insulin from the monolayers, [32P]beta-subunit fell to the basal level (t1/2 = 2.5 min); there was no lag phase before either transition. The tyrosine protein kinase activity, measured in vitro with a model substrate, was higher with immunoaffinity-purified insulin receptor from insulin-stimulated cells than from cells in the basal state. Hexose transport rate, measured using 3-O-[methyl-14C]glucose, was half-maximally stimulated at 2 nM insulin. A 1-min latency period followed insulin addition, after which a 7-fold increase in the steady-state rate of hexose uptake was achieved within 5 min. Upon the removal of insulin, hexose transport continued at the stimulated steady-state rate for 2.5 min and then declined to the basal rate with a half-time of 8 min. These kinetic experiments in situ and protein kinase activity measurements in vitro support the hypothesis that beta-subunit phosphorylation is an intermediate step linking insulin binding to the increased glucose transport rate.  相似文献   

Prevotella bryantii B(1)4 grew faster on glucose than mannose (0.70 versus 0.45 h(-1)), but these sugars were used simultaneously rather than diauxically. 2-deoxy-glucose (2DG) decreased the growth rate of cells that were provided with either glucose or mannose, but 2DG did not completely prevent growth. Cells grown on glucose or mannose transported both (14)C-glucose and (14)C-mannose, but cells grown on glucose had over three-fold higher rates of (14)C-glucose transport than cells grown on mannose. The (14)C-mannose transport rates of glucose- and mannose-grown cells were similar. Woolf-Augustinsson-Hofstee plots were not linear, and it appeared that the glucose/mannose/2DG carrier acted as a facilitated diffusion system at high substrate concentrations. When cultures were grown on nitrogen-deficient (excess sugar) medium, isolates had three-fold lower (14)C-glucose transport, but the (14)C-mannose transport did not change significantly. (14)C-glucose and (14)C-mannose transport rates could be inhibited by 2DG and either mannose or glucose, respectively. The (14)C-glucose transport of mannose-grown cells was inhibited more strongly by mannose and 2DG than those grown on glucose. Cells grown on glucose or mannose had similar ATP-dependent glucokinase activity, and 2DG was a competitive inhibitor (K(i)=0.75 mM). Thin layer chromatography indicated that cell extracts also had ATP-dependent mannose phosphorylation, but only a small amount of phosphorylated 2DG was detected. Glucose, mannose or 2DG were not phosphorylated in the presence of PEP. Based on these results, it appeared that P. bryantii B(1)4 had: (1) two mechanisms of glucose transport, a constitutive glucose/mannose/2DG carrier and an alternative glucose carrier that was regulated by glucose availability, (2) an ATP-dependent glucokinase that was competitively inhibited by 2DG but was unable to phosphorylate 2DG at a rapid rate, and (3) virtually no PEP-dependent glucose, mannose or 2DG phosphorylation activities.  相似文献   

Previously, we constructed a set of mutants from which eight penicillin binding protein (PBP) genes were deleted in 192 combinations from Escherichia coli (S. A. Denome, P. K. Elf, T. A. Henderson, D. E. Nelson, and K. D. Young, J. Bacteriol. 181:3981-3993, 1999). Although these mutants were constructed correctly as determined by restriction mapping and the absence of relevant protein products, we recently discovered by PCR mapping that strains from which mrcA (PBP 1a) was deleted were also missing two neighboring genes of unknown function (yrfE and yrfF). We created a new deletion mutation in mrcA and reconstructed 63 strains lacking PBP 1a and other PBP mutant combinations. The new mrcA mutants do not exhibit mucoidy, phage resistance, temperature sensitivity, growth rate defects, or antibiotic resistance, suggesting that these phenotypes require the loss of either yrfE or yrfF alone or in combination with the absence of multiple PBPs.  相似文献   

Effects of prolonged metabolic (glucose deprivation) and hormonal [insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I)] challenge on regulation of glucose transporter (GLUT) expression, glucose transport rate and possible signaling pathways involved were studied in the neuroendocrine chromaffin cell. The results show that bovine chromaffin cells express both GLUT1 and GLUT3. Glucose deprivation and IGF-I activation led to an elevation of GLUT1 and GLUT3 mRNA, the strongest effect being that of IGF-I on GLUT3 mRNA. Both types of stimulus increased the GLUT1 protein content in a cycloheximide (CHX)-sensitive manner, and the glucose transport rate was elevated by 3- to 4-fold after 48 h under both experimental conditions. IGF-I-induced glucose uptake was totally suppressed by CHX. In contrast, only approximately 50% of transport activation in glucose-deprived cells was sensitive to the protein synthesis inhibitor. Specific inhibitors of mTOR/FRAP and p38 MAPK each partially blocked IGF-I-stimulated glucose transport, but had no effect on transport rate in glucose-deprived cells. The results are consistent with IGF-I-activated transport being completely dependent on new GLUT protein synthesis while the enhanced transport in glucose-deprived cells was partially achieved independent of new synthesis of proteins, suggesting a mechanism relying on preexisting transporters.  相似文献   

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