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Dental stem cells can differentiate into different types of cells. Dental pulp stem cells, stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth, periodontal ligament stem cells, stem cells from apical papilla, and dental follicle progenitor cells are five different types of dental stem cells that have been identified during different stages of tooth development. The availability of dental stem cells from discarded or removed teeth makes them promising candidates for tissue engineering. In recent years, three-dimensional (3D) tissue scaffolds have been used to reconstruct and restore different anatomical defects. With rapid advances in 3D tissue engineering, dental stem cells have been used in the regeneration of 3D engineered tissue. This review presents an overview of different types of dental stem cells used in 3D tissue regeneration, which are currently the most common type of stem cells used to treat human tissue conditions.  相似文献   

For nearly 20 years, dental stem cells(DSCs) have been successfully isolated from mature/immature teeth and surrounding tissue, including dental pulp of permanent teeth and exfoliated deciduous teeth, periodontal ligaments, dental follicles, and gingival and apical papilla. They have several properties(such as self-renewal, multidirectional differentiation, and immunomodulation) and exhibit enormous potential for clinical applications. To date, many clinical articles and clinical trials using DS...  相似文献   

Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) are mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that are obtained from abundant adipose tissue, adherent on plastic culture flasks, can be expanded in vitro, and have the capacity to differentiate into multiple cell lineages. Unlike bone marrow-derived MSCs, ASCs can be obtained from abundant adipose tissue by a minimally invasive procedure, which results in a high number of cells. Therefore, ASCs are promising for regenerating tissues and organs damaged by injury and diseases. This article reviews the implications of ASCs in tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) possess immunomodulatory properties, which confer enormous potential for clinical application. Considerable evidence revealed their efficacy on various animal models of autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus and uveitis. MSCs elicit their immunomodulatory effects by inhibiting lymphocyte activation and proliferation, forbidding the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, limiting the function of antigen presenting cells, and inducing regulatory T(Treg) and B(Breg) cells. The induction of Treg and Breg cells is of particular interest since Treg and Breg cells have significant roles in maintaining immune tolerance. Several mechanisms have been proposed regarding to the MSCs-mediated induction of Treg and Breg cells. Accordingly, MSCs induce regulatory lymphocytes through secretion of multiple pleiotropic cytokines, cell-to-cell contact with target cells and modulation of antigen-presenting cells. Here, we summarized how MSCs induce Treg and Breg cells to provoke immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Adipose-derived stem cells(ASCs) are mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) that are obtained from abundant adipose tissue, adherent on plastic culture flasks, can be expanded in vitro, and have the capacity to differ-entiate into multiple cell lineages. Unlike bone marrow-derived MSCs, ASCs can be obtained from abundant adipose tissue by a minimally invasive procedure, which results in a high number of cells. Therefore, ASCs are promising for regenerating tissues and organs dam-aged by injury and diseases. This article reviews the implications of ASCs in tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

With developments in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, the use of biological products for the treatment of various disorders has come into the limelight among researchers and clinicians. Among all the available biological tissues, research and exploration of adipose tissue have become more robust. Adipose tissue engineering aims to develop by-products and their substitutes for their regenerative and immunomodulatory potential. The use of biodegradable scaffolds along with adipose tissue products has a major role in cellular growth, proliferation, and differentiation. Adipose tissue, apart from being the powerhouse of energy storage, also functions as the largest endocrine organ, with the release of various adipokines. The progenitor cells among the heterogeneous population in the adipose tissue are of paramount importance as they determine the capacity of regeneration of these tissues. The results of adipose-derived stemcell assisted fat grafting to provide numerous growth factors and adipokines that improve vasculogenesis, fat graft integration, and survival within the recipient tissue and promote the regeneration of tissue are promising. Adipose tissue gives rise to various by-products upon processing. This article highlights the significance and the usage of various adipose tissue by-products, their individual characteristics, and their clinical applications.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have attracted intense interest in the field of dental tissue regeneration. Dental tissue is a popular source of MSCs because MSCs can be obtained with minimally invasive procedures. MSCs possess distinct inherent properties of self-renewal, immunomodulation, proangiogenic potential, and multilineage potency, as well as being readily available and easy to culture. However, major issues, including poor engraftment and low survival rates in vivo, remain to be resolved before large-scale application is feasible in clinical treatments. Thus, some recent investigations have sought ways to optimize MSC functions in vitro and in vivo. Currently, priming culture conditions, pretreatment with mechanical and physical stimuli, preconditioning with cytokines and growth factors, and genetic modification of MSCs are considered to be the main strategies; all of which could contribute to improving MSC efficacy in dental regenerative medicine. Research in this field has made tremendous progress and continues to gather interest and stimulate innovation. In this review, we summarize the priming approaches for enhancing the intrinsic biological properties of MSCs such as migration, antiapoptotic effect, proangiogenic potential, and regenerative properties. Challenges in current approaches associated with MSC modification and possible future solutions are also indicated. We aim to outline the present understanding of priming approaches to improve the therapeutic effects of MSCs on dental tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

The therapeutic value of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for the treatment of infectious diseases and the repair of disease-induced tissue damage has been explored extensively. MSCs inhibit inflammation, reduce pathogen load and tissue damage encountered during infectious diseases through the secretion of antimicrobial factors for pathogen clearance and they phagocytose certain bacteria themselves. MSCs dampen tissue damage during infection by downregulating the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and inhibiting the excessive recruitment of neutrophils and proliferation of T cells at the site of injury. MSCs aid in the regeneration of damaged tissue by differentiating into the damaged cell types or by releasing paracrine factors that direct tissue regeneration, differentiation, and wound healing. In this review, we discuss in detail the various mechanisms by which MSCs help combat pathogens, tissue damage associated with infectious diseases, and challenges in utilizing MSCs for therapy.  相似文献   

间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)是骨髓中除造血干细胞以外的另一种成体干细胞,广泛分布于动物体内骨髓、肝脏、脂肪等多种组织中。MSCS具有强大的自我更新能力和多向分化潜能,是移植领域应用前景广阔的再生来源细胞;同时,MSCs是一种重要的免疫调节细胞,MSCs在炎症细胞因子刺激后对免疫系统表现出很强的抑制作用,所以MSCs有望应用于减少免疫排斥,延长移植物存活时间,治疗相关免疫失调症,如自身免疫疾病等方面。本文主要对间充质干细胞与免疫系统相互作用的研究做相关介绍。  相似文献   

According to the minimal criteria of the International Society of Cellular Therapy, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a population of undifferentiated cells defined by their ability to adhere to plastic surfaces when cultured under standard conditions, express a certain panel of phenotypic markers and can differentiate into osteogenic, chondrogenic and adipogenic lineages when cultured in specific inducing media. In parallel with their major role as undifferentiated cell reserves, MSCs have immunomodulatory functions which are exerted by direct cell-to-cell contacts, secretion of cytokines and/or by a combination of both mechanisms. There are no convincing data about a principal difference in the profile of cytokines secreted by MSCs isolated from different tissue sources, although some papers report some quantitative but not qualitative differences in cytokine secretion. The present review focuses on the basic cytokines secreted by MSCs as described in the literature by which the MSCs exert immunodulatory effects. It should be pointed out that MSCs themselves are objects of cytokine regulation. Hypothetical mechanisms by which the MSCs exert their immunoregulatory effects are also discussed in this review. These mechanisms may either influence the target immune cells directly or indirectly by affecting the activities of predominantly dendritic cells. Chemokines are also discussed as participants in this process by recruiting cells of the immune systems and thus making them targets of immunosuppression. This review aims to present and discuss the published data and the personal experience of the authors regarding cytokines secreted by MSCs and their effects on the cells of the immune system.  相似文献   

《Tissue & cell》2016,48(6):653-658
Cord tissue fills the umbilical cord around the blood vessels and contains types of stem cells (mesenchymal stem cells or MSCs) that are not generally found in cord blood. MSCs are the stem cells that give rise to many of the “support tissues” in the body, including bone, cartilage, fat and muscle. Umbilical Cord Tissue cells (UCTs) possessing the capacity to differentiate into various cell types such as osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adipocytes have been previously isolated from different species including human, canine, murine, avian species etc. The present study documents the existence of similar multipotential stem cells in caprine UCTs having similar growth and morphological characteristics. The cells were isolated from caprine umbilical cord and cultivated in DMEM (low glucose) supplemented with 15% FBS, L-glutamine and antibiotics. Primary culture achieved confluence in 5–7 days having spindle shaped morphology. The cells were morphologically homogeneous, showed robust proliferation ability with a population doubled time of 92.07 h as well as normal karyotype. In vitro self-renewal capacity was demonstrated by colony-forming unit assay (CFU). The cells expressed MSC specific markers and showed multi-differentiation capability into adipogenic and osteogeneic. The results indicated that caprine UCTs (cUCTs) were isolated and characterized from umbilical cord tissue which can be used for tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering is an emerging field of science that focuses on creating suitable conditions for the regeneration of tissues. The basic components for tissue engineering involve an interactive triad of scaffolds, signaling molecules, and cells. In this context,stem cells(SCs) present the characteristics of selfrenewal and differentiation capacity, which make them promising candidates for tissue engineering. Although they present some common markers, such as cluster of differentiation(CD)105, CD146 and STRO-1, SCs derived from various tissues have different patterns in relation to proliferation, clonogenicity, and differentiation abilities in vitro and in vivo. Tooth-derived tissues have been proposed as an accessible source to obtain SCs with limited morbidity, and various tooth-derived SCs(TDSCs) have been isolated and characterized, such as dental pulp SCs, SCs from human exfoliated deciduous teeth, periodontal ligament SCs, dental follicle progenitor cells, SCs from apical papilla, and periodontal ligament of deciduous teeth SCs. However, heterogeneity among these populations has been observed, and the best method to select the most appropriate TDSCs for regeneration approaches has not yet been established. The objective of this review is to outline the current knowledge concerning the various types of TDSCs, and discuss the perspectives for their use in regenerative approaches.  相似文献   

Dental tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells have been proposed as an alternative source for mesenchymal stem cells. Here, we investigated the differentiation ability toward insulin producing cells (IPCs) of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) and human periodontal ligament stem cells (hPDLSCs). These cells expressed mesenchymal stem cell surface markers and were able to differentiate toward osteogenic and adipogenic lineages. Upon 3 step-IPCs induction, hDPSCs exhibited more colony number than hPDLSCs. The mRNA upregulation of pancreatic endoderm/islet markers was noted. However, the significant increase was noted only for PDX-1, NGN-3, and INSULIN mRNA expression of hDPSCs. The hDPSCs-derived IPCs expressed PRO-INSULIN and released C-PEPTIDE upon glucose stimulation in dose-dependent manner. After IPCs induction, the Notch target, HES-1 and HEY-1, mRNA expression was markedly noted. Notch inhibition during the last induction step or throughout the protocol disturbed the ability of C-PEPTIDE release upon glucose stimulation. The results suggested that hDPSCs had better differentiation potential toward IPCs than hPDLSCs. In addition, the Notch signalling might involve in the differentiation regulation of hDPSCs into IPCs.  相似文献   

Bone is a highly vascularized tissue reliant on the close spatial and temporal association between bloodvessels and bone cells. Therefore, cells that participate in vasculogenesis and osteogenesis play a pivotal role in bone formation during prenatal and postnatal periods. Nevertheless, spontaneous healing of bone fracture is occasionally impaired due to insufficient blood and cellular supply to the site of injury. In these cases, bone regeneration process is interrupted, which might result in delayed union or even nonunion of the fracture. Nonunion fracture is difficult to treat and have a high financial impact. In the last decade, numerous technological advancements in bone tissue engineering and cell-therapy opened new horizon in the field of bone regeneration. This review starts with presentation of the biological processes involved in bone development, bone remodeling, fracture healing process and the microenvironment at bone healing sites. Then, we discuss the rationale for using adult stem cells and listed the characteristics of the available cells for bone regeneration. The mechanism of action and epigenetic regulations for osteogenic differentiation are also described. Finally, we review the literature for translational and clinical trials that investigated the use of adult stem cells(mesenchymal stem cells, endothelial progenitor cells and CD34+ blood progenitors) for bone regeneration.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which evoke only minimal immune reactivity, may have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. In this study, we conducted a comparative analysis of the immunomodulatory properties of MSCs derived from adult human tissues including bone marrow (BM), adipose tissues (AT), umbilical cord blood (CB), and cord Wharton’s jelly (WJ). Using a multiple cytokine detection assay, we showed that there were no significant differences in levels of secreted factors from non-stimulated MSCs. We compared the immunosuppressive effect of BM-MSCs, AT-MSCs, CB-MSCs, and WJ-MSCs on phytohemagglutinin-induced T-cell proliferation. AT-MSCs, CB-MSCs, and WJ-MSCs effectively suppressed mitogen-induced T-cell proliferation as effectively as did BM-MSCs. Levels of interferon (IFN)-γ and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α secreted from activated T-cells increased over time, but these levels were significantly reduced when cocultured with each type of MSCs. In addition, the expression of hepatocyte growth factor, IL-10, transforming growth factor-β1, cyclooxygenase (COX)-1, and COX-2 were unchanged in MSCs treated with IFN-γ and/or TNF-α, while indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) expression increased. IFN-γ and/or TNF-α produced by activated T-cells were correlated with induction of IDO expression by MSCs, which, in turn, suppressed T-cell proliferation. These findings suggest that MSCs derived from AT, CB, or WJ could be substituted for BM-MSCs for treatment of allogeneic conflicts.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) possess immunosuppressive properties. But also fully differentiated human renal tubular epithelial cells (RTECs) are able to modulate T-cell proliferation in vitro. In this study we compared two MSC populations, human adipose derived stem cells (ASCs) and human amniotic mesenchymal stromal cells (hAMSCs), and RTECs regarding their potential to inhibit monocyte-derived dendritic cell (DC) differentiation and maturation in indirect co-culture.In the presence of hAMSCs and RTECs, monocytes stimulated to undergo DC differentiation were inhibited to acquire surface phenotype of immature and mature DCs. In contrast, ASCs showed only limited suppressive capacity. Secretion of IL-12p70 was suppressed in hAMSC co-cultures and high IL-10 levels were detected in all co-cultures. Prostaglandin E2 was found in ASC and hAMSC co-cultures, whereas soluble human leukocyte antigen-G was highly elevated only in RTEC co-cultures. Thus, inhibition of DC generation by MSCs and RTECs might be mediated by different soluble factors.  相似文献   

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