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Humans are uniquely endowed with the ability to engage in accurate, high-momentum throwing. Underlying this ability is a unique morphological adaptation that enables the characteristic rotation of the arm and pelvis. What is unknown is whether the psychological mechanisms that accompany the act of throwing are also uniquely human. Here we explore this problem by asking whether free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), which lack both the morphological and neural structures to throw, nonetheless recognize the functional properties of throwing. Rhesus not only understand that human throwing represents a threat, but that some aspects of a throwing event are more relevant than others; specifically, rhesus are sensitive to the kinematics, direction and speed of the rotating arm, the direction of the thrower's eye gaze and the object thrown. These results suggest that the capacity to throw did not coevolve with psychological mechanisms that accompany throwing; rather, this capacity may have built upon pre-existing perceptual processes. These results are consistent with a growing body of work showing that non-human animals often exhibit perceptual competencies that do not show up in their motor responses, suggesting evolutionary dissociations between the systems of perception that provide understanding of the world and those that mediate action on the world.  相似文献   

The magnitude and duration of melatonin (MLT) secretion were measured over a period of 25 h with pharmacokinetic studies employing administration of D(7) MLT at midday and at midnight in two separate studies and two groups of subjects, 12 young and 11 older men and women. Plasma levels of endogenous MLT and D(7) MLT were quantified separately by use of a specific and sensitive method (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) previously developed in our laboratory, enabling us to measure endogenous and exogenous MLT levels down to 0.5 pg/ml in plasma. In the two groups of subjects, MLT secretion occurred only at night: onset time of secretion was from 1915 to 2205 (Greenwich mean time), and offset was from 0305 to 0545. No MLT peak was observed in individual nocturnal MLT profiles that were similar to curves obtained for a rate-constant infusion. Modelization demonstrated the superimposition of observed data and simulated curves. MLT concentrations decreasing from the offset of secretion might correspond to the elimination of MLT present in the body at the end of nocturnal secretion. By use of the MLT clearance given by pharmacokinetics, the amount of secreted MLT was found to be 35.7 and 21.6 microg for men and women, respectively, and the rate of secretion was 4.6 and 2.8 microg/h, respectively. No significant gender difference was observed for these two parameters when normalized to body weight. No significant gender difference was observed for onset times of secretion or duration of secretion (7.6-8.6 h) within the two groups, or between young and older subjects.  相似文献   

Neurophysiological basis of gender differences in the dynamics of asymmetry in retrieval of dychotically presented verbal information was studied by mapping of EEG power and coherence during a prolonged dychotical test. Right-handed students (20 men and 11 women) participated in the experiments. It was shown that gender differences in the EEG were absent at the initial stage of testing and appeared at the final stage. At this stage, the asymmetry of the theta 2 EEG power was lower in men than in women, while the interhemispheric coherence in the theta 2- and alpha 1-bands was more pronounced in women than in men, mainly, in the caudal cortical regions. Thus, different cortical electrophysiological processes underlie similar behavioral effects (the same values of asymmetry coefficients of retrieval of syllables at the final stage of dichotic testing) in men and women.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that men display greater strength and muscle capacity than women. However, previous biochemical and histological studies have shown that men have greater capacity for anaerobic metabolism and women have higher or similar oxidative metabolism. Therefore, in the present study, we estimated oxidative capacity of gastrocnemius muscle and compared in Indian men and women using non-invasive in vivo 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Healthy subjects (8 young males and 9 females, age-matched) performed plantar flexion exercise within a magnet and MRS measurements of inorganic phosphate (Pi), phosphocreatine (PCr), ADP, and pH of the calf muscles were carried out using a 1.5 T whole-body MRI system. PCr values during recovery were fitted to an exponential curve, and oxidative capacity was calculated using rate constant (k(PCr)), as an index of oxidative phosphorylation. When men and women were compared for different metabolic ratios, ADP, pH, k(PCr) and oxidative capacity, all parameters turned out to be statistically insignificant. The results showed no gender effect on skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism. The study demonstrated the usefulness of such non-invasive method to indirectly measure the oxidative capacity of the muscle based on PCr recovery.  相似文献   

雒丽  赵雪雁  王亚茹  张钦  薛冰 《生态学报》2017,37(10):3274-3285
农户对气候变化的感知是其适应行动选择的基础,弄清楚影响农户气候变化感知的关键因素,辨明农户气候变化感知的形成机制,对制定有效的适应策略至关重要。以甘南高原为研究区,基于539份入户调查数据,构建了路径模型,分析了影响农牧户气候变化感知的关键因素及其作用路径,结果发现:(1)客观适应能力对农牧户的气候变化风险感知及适应感知有显著的正向影响;(2)气候变化信息对农牧户的气候变化风险感知及适应感知有显著的正向影响,它还通过客观适应能力间接影响农牧户的气候变化感知;(3)社会话语信任度对农牧户的气候变化风险感知及适应感知有显著的正向影响,适应激励对农牧户的气候变化适应感知有显著的正向影响,但对风险感知产生显著的负向影响,同时,社会话语信任度及适应激励均通过气候变化信息及客观适应能力而间接影响农牧户的气候变化感知。最后,基于影响甘南高原农牧户气候变化感知的关键因素,提出了提高农牧户的气候变化认知水平及气候变化适应行为有效性的对策建议。  相似文献   

This partial replication study investigated whether individual versus small group consensus target judging procedures, and/or the emotionality of dynamic target video clips, would affect the frequency of correct identification of the target in a free-response dream ESP study. Two people located in Edinburgh (Scotland) and a third person located in Derby (England) acted both as experimenters and as participants and slept at their respective homes. On each of the 28 trial nights, a randomly-selected video clip was shown repeatedly between 3.00–4.30 am. The following morning the participants viewed four video clips (i.e., 3 decoys plus the target) and then judged the correspondences between the clips and records of their dream mentation. The Edinburgh participants obtained a greater number of direct hits using consensus as opposed to individual judgements. A discussion consensus procedure was marginally more successful than a more objective consensus procedure (12 hits, p = .0294, ES(h) = 0.38 vs. 11 hits, p = .0679, ES(h) = 0.30). Participants, both as a group and as individuals, obtained a greater proportion of direct hits when the target was emotionally negative than when it was either positive or neutral.  相似文献   

Parental investment theory predicts differences in risk-taking for females and males as a consequence of reproductive context, with females attempting to reduce risks in relation to their own offspring (here called the baby effect) and males taking more risks in competition with one another (young male syndrome). The experiment we report tests these predictions in a cooperative context by introducing the Social Balloon Analogue Risk Task—the Balloon Analogue Risk Task modified to include a social partner (adult male, adult female, or baby)—along with a commitment device in which participants choose among several possible social partners, with whom they will share their earnings. Results were consistent with the predictions of parental investment theory. Females did not change their levels of risk-taking when paired with adult males or females, but showed a strong reduction in risk when paired with babies. Consistent with previous research, males were strongly inclined to take more risks when paired with another male of the same age, but males showed no change in risk-taking when paired with a female of the same age or a child. The current work provides the first experimental evidence of gender differences in cooperative social risk-taking, as well as the first experimental evidence of a mediator of female risk-taking, i.e., babies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to demonstrate the presence of yeast and bacterial biofilms on the surface of tracheoesophageal voice prostheses (TVPs) by a double-staining technique with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Biofilms of 12 removed TVPs were visualized by scanning electron microscopy, then stained with ConA-FITC and propidium iodide for CLSM. Microbial identification was by partial 16S rRNA gene analysis and ITS-2 sequence analysis. Microbial biofilms on the TVPs consisted of bacteria and filamentous cells. Bacterial cells were attached to the filamentous and unicellular yeast cells, thus forming a network. Sequence analyses of six voice prostheses identified the presence of a variety of bacterial and yeast species. In vivo studies showed that Klebsiella oxytoca and Micrococcus luteus efficiently attached to Candida albicans. CLSM with double fluorescence staining can be used to demonstrate biofilm formations composed of a mixture of yeast and bacterial cells on the surface of TVPs.  相似文献   

Many amateur athletes believe that using a professional athlete's equipment can improve their performance. Such equipment can be said to be affected with positive contagion, which refers to the belief of transference of beneficial properties between animate persons/objects to previously neutral objects. In this experiment, positive contagion was induced by telling participants in one group that a putter previously belonged to a professional golfer. The effect of positive contagion was examined for perception and performance in a golf putting task. Individuals who believed they were using the professional golfer's putter perceived the size of the golf hole to be larger than golfers without such a belief and also had better performance, sinking more putts. These results provide empirical support for anecdotes, which allege that using objects with positive contagion can improve performance, and further suggest perception can be modulated by positive contagion.  相似文献   

In all comparative analyses, humans always fall on the borderline between obligate monogamy and polygamy. Here, we use behavioural indices (sociosexuality) and anatomical indices (prenatal testosterone exposure indexed by 2D : 4D digit ratio) from three human populations to show that this may be because there are two distinct phenotypes in both sexes. While males are more promiscuous and display higher prenatal testosterone exposure than females overall, our analyses also suggest that the within-sex variation of these variables is best described by two underlying mixture models, suggesting the presence of two phenotypes with a monogamous/promiscuous ratio that slightly favours monogamy in females and promiscuity in males. The presence of two phenotypes implies that mating strategy might be under complex frequency-dependent selection.  相似文献   

For gregarious species, individuals must maintain cohesion while minimizing the costs of coordinated travel. Leaders of group movements potentially influence energy expenditure, energy intake, and predation risk for individuals in the group, which can have important fitness consequences. Models of pair-living species predict that energetic asymmetries lead to an emergent leader, with those in greater need leading. We investigated sex differences in leadership in pairs of red-bellied lemurs, Eulemur rubriventer, a monomorphic species with bisexual dispersal and no discernible hierarchy, to determine whether higher energetic requirements by adult females lead to female leadership. We collected leadership data in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar on six groups of habituated E. rubriventer for 13 consecutive months between 2004-2005. To determine whether females led group movements more than males, we examined the difference in leadership frequencies of progressions in adult males and adult females within each group (n = 1,346 progressions). We further investigated the behavioral context (i.e. travel followed by feeding or not) and seasonal contexts (fruit availability, reproduction) of leadership. Group leadership was distributed, with different individuals leading the group at different times. However, females led significantly more than males, a pattern which was consistent in both feeding and non-feeding contexts and throughout all fruiting seasons and reproductive stages. While disparities in energetic status among the sexes may impact leadership in this species, leadership did not differ with changes in food availability or reproductive stage, and thus we were unable to determine whether female leadership might be related to changes in energetic status. Females may have higher energetic needs than males at all times, not merely seasonally, or female leadership may be unrelated to immediate energetic need. Rather, female leadership may be a legacy of female dominance not currently expressed in other contexts.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new model to interpret seemingly conflicting evidence concerning the correlation of consciousness and neural processes. Based on an analysis of research of blindsight and subliminal perception, the reorganization of elementary functions and consciousness framework suggests that mental representations consist of functions at several different levels of analysis, including truly localized perceptual elementary functions and perceptual algorithmic modules, which are interconnections of the elementary functions. We suggest that conscious content relates to the ‘top level’ of analysis in a ‘situational algorithmic strategy’ that reflects the general state of an individual. We argue that conscious experience is intrinsically related to representations that are available to guide behaviour. From this perspective, we find that blindsight and subliminal perception can be explained partly by too coarse-grained methodology, and partly by top-down enhancing of representations that normally would not be relevant to action.  相似文献   

Understanding the extent and limits of non-conscious processing is an important step on the road to a thorough understanding of the cognitive and cerebral correlates of conscious perception. In this article, we present a critical review of research on subliminal perception during masking and other related experimental conditions. Although initially controversial, the possibility that a broad variety of processes can be activated by a non-reportable stimulus is now well established. Behavioural findings of subliminal priming indicate that a masked word or digit can have an influence on perceptual, lexical and semantic levels, while neuroimaging directly visualizes the brain activation that it evokes in several cortical areas. This activation is often attenuated under subliminal presentation conditions compared to consciously reportable conditions, but there are sufficiently many exceptions, in paradigms such as the attentional blink, to indicate that high activation, per se, is not a sufficient condition for conscious access to occur. We conclude by arguing that for a stimulus to reach consciousness, two factors are jointly needed: (i) the input stimulus must have enough strength (which can be prevented by masking) and (ii) it must receive top-down attention (which can be prevented by drawing attention to another stimulus or task). This view leads to a distinction between two types of non-conscious processes, which we call subliminal and preconscious. According to us, maintaining this distinction is essential in order to make sense of the growing neuroimaging data on the neural correlates of consciousness.  相似文献   

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