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Plants, being sessile organisms, are more exposed to the hazards of constantly changing environmental conditions globally. During the lifetime of a plant, the root system encounters various challenges such as obstacles, pathogens, high salinity, water logging, nutrient scarcity etc. The developmental plasticity of the root system provides brilliant adaptability to plants to counter the changes exerted by both external as well as internal cues and achieve an optimized growth status. Phytohormones are one of the major intrinsic factors regulating all aspects of plant growth and development both independently as well as through complex signal integrations at multiple levels. We have previously shown that glucose (Glc) and brassinosteroid (BR) signalings interact extensively to regulate lateral root (LR) development in Arabidopsis.1 Auxin efflux as well as influx and downstream signaling components are also involved in Glc-BR regulation of LR emergence. Here, we provide evidence for involvement of ethylene signaling machinery downstream to Glc and BR in regulation of LR emergence.  相似文献   

TRPS1, the gene mutated in human "Tricho-Rhino-Phalangeal syndrome," encodes a multi zinc-finger nuclear regulator of chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation. Here, we have identified a new function of Trps1 in controlling mitotic progression in chondrocytes. Loss of Trps1 in mice leads to an increased proportion of cells arrested in mitosis and, subsequently, to chromosome segregation defects. Searching for the molecular basis of the defect, we found that Trps1 acts as regulator of histone deacetylation. Trps1 interacts with two histone deacetylases, Hdac1 and Hdac4, thereby increasing their activity. Loss of Trps1 results in histone H3 hyperacetylation, which is maintained during mitosis. Consequently, chromatin condensation and binding of HP1 is impaired, and Trps1-deficient chondrocytes accumulate in prometaphase. Overexpression of Hdac4 rescues the mitotic defect of Trps1-deficient chondrocytes, identifying Trps1 as an important regulator of chromatin deacetylation during mitosis in chondrocytes. Our data provide the first evidence that the control of mitosis can be linked to the regulation of chondrocyte differentiation by epigenetic consequences of altered Hdac activity.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana AHK4 histidine kinase (also known as CRE1 or WOL) acts as a cytokinin signal transducer, presumably, in concert with downstream components, such as histidine-containing phosphotransfer factors (AHPs) and response regulators (ARRs), through the histidine-to-aspartate (His-->Asp) phosphorelay. Among 10 members of the type-A ARR family, the cytokinin-induced expression of ARR15 in roots is selectively impaired in the cre1-1 mutant, which carries a mutation in the AHK4 gene, suggesting a link between this type-A response regulator and the AHK4-mediated cytokinin signal transduction in roots. To address this issue further, we characterized a T-DNA insertion mutant of ARR15, and also constructed transgenic lines (referred to as ARR15-ox) that overexpress the ARR15 gene in a manner independent of cytokinin. While the T-DNA insertion mutant (arr15-1) showed no apparent phenotype, the cytokinin-independent overexpression of ARR15 in ARR15-ox plants resulted in a reduced sensitivity toward exogenously applied cytokinin, not only in elongation of roots in plants, but also in green callus formation (or shoot formation) in explants. Cytokinin-induced expressions of certain type-A ARRs were also down-regulated in ARR15-ox plants. These results support the view that ARR15 acts as a repressor that mediates a negative feedback loop in the cytokinin and AHK4-mediated His-->Asp phosphorelay.  相似文献   

Expression of Bcl-2 family protein, Bfl-1/A1 has been found to differ considerably amongst macrophages infected with virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv or with avirulent M. tuberculosis H37Ra. Present work was undertaken to deduce the significance of differential expression of Bfl-1/A1 in the outcome of mycobacterial infection. We have studied the role of Bfl-1/A1 particularly in autophagy formation in tubercle bacilli infected cells since autophagy has been recognized as a component of innate immunity against pathogenic mycobacteria. First, we have confirmed that upon infection virulent strain H37Rv retain Bfl-1/A1 for longer period and impose autophagosome maturation block within infected cells as evident from confocal microscopy. Moreover, down regulation of Bfl-1/A1 by siRNA induced autophagy formation and reduced bacterial growth. Furthermore, even the avirulent strain H37Ra resist autophagosome maturation and survive if the cellular level of Bfl-1 is maintained in THP-1 cells by stable transfection (Bfl-1 overexpressing cells). No noteworthy difference in mTOR expression was observed between normal THP-1 and Bfl-1 overexpressing THP-1 cells infected with either strain of mycobacteria. Interestingly, we found that not only mTOR but also Bfl-1/A1 is involved in rapamycin induced autophagy in mycobacteria infected macrophages. We have found that Bfl-1 physically interacts with Beclin 1 in Bfl-1 overexpressing THP-1 as well as in H37Rv infected THP-1 cells as they co-precipitated. Taken together, our results clearly demonstrated that Bfl-1/A1 negatively regulates autophagy and expression of Bfl-1/A1 in H37Rv infected macrophages provides the bacteria a survival strategy to overcome host defense.  相似文献   

Wu C  Feng J  Wang R  Liu H  Yang H  Rodriguez PL  Qin H  Liu X  Wang D 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35764
In this work, we conducted functional analysis of Arabidopsis HRS1 gene in order to provide new insights into the mechanisms governing seed germination. Compared with wild type (WT) control, HRS1 knockout mutant (hrs1-1) exhibited significant germination delays on either normal medium or those supplemented with abscisic acid (ABA) or sodium chloride (NaCl), with the magnitude of the delay being substantially larger on the latter media. The hypersensitivity of hrs1-1 germination to ABA and NaCl required ABI3, ABI4 and ABI5, and was aggravated in the double mutant hrs1-1abi1-2 and triple mutant hrs1-1hab1-1abi1-2, indicating that HRS1 acts as a negative regulator of ABA signaling during seed germination. Consistent with this notion, HRS1 expression was found in the embryo axis, and was regulated both temporally and spatially, during seed germination. Further analysis showed that the delay of hrs1-1 germination under normal conditions was associated with reduction in the elongation of the cells located in the lower hypocotyl (LH) and transition zone (TZ) of embryo axis. Interestingly, the germination rate of hrs1-1 was more severely reduced by the inhibitor of cell elongation, and more significantly decreased by the suppressors of plasmalemma H(+)-ATPase activity, than that of WT control. The plasmalemma H(+)-ATPase activity in the germinating seeds of hrs1-1 was substantially lower than that exhibited by WT control, and fusicoccin, an activator of this pump, corrected the transient germination delay of hrs1-1. Together, our data suggest that HRS1 may be needed for suppressing ABA signaling in germinating embryo axis, which promotes the timely germination of Arabidopsis seeds probably by facilitating the proper function of plasmalemma H(+)-ATPase and the efficient elongation of LH and TZ cells.  相似文献   

Light is an important factor for plant growth and development. We have identified and functionally characterized a regulatory gene SHORT HYPOCOTYL IN WHITE LIGHT1 (SHW1) involved in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedling development. SHW1 encodes a unique serine-arginine-aspartate-rich protein, which is constitutively localized in the nucleus of hypocotyl cells. Transgenic analyses have revealed that the expression of SHW1 is developmentally regulated and is closely associated with the photosynthetically active tissues. Genetic and molecular analyses suggest that SHW1 acts as a negative regulator of light-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl elongation, however, plays a positive regulatory role in light-regulated gene expression. The shw1 mutants also display shorter hypocotyl in dark, and analyses of shw1 cop1 double mutants reveal that SHW1 acts nonredundantly with COP1 to control hypocotyl elongation in the darkness. Taken together, this study provides evidences that SHW1 is a regulatory protein that is functionally interrelated to COP1 and plays dual but opposite regulatory roles in photomorphogenesis.  相似文献   

Caleosins or related sequences have been found in a wide range of higher plants. In Arabidopsis, seed-specific caleosins are viewed as oil-body (OB)-associated proteins that possess Ca(2+)-dependent peroxygenase activity and are involved in processes of lipid degradation. Recent experimental evidence suggests that one of the Arabidopsis non-seed caleosins, AtCLO3, is involved in controlling stomatal aperture during the drought response; the roles of the other caleosin-like proteins in Arabidopsis remain largely uncharacterized. We have demonstrated that a novel stress-responsive and OB-associated Ca(2+)-binding caleosin-like protein, AtCLO4, is expressed in non-seed tissues of Arabidopsis, including guard cells, and down-regulated following exposure to exogenous ABA and salt stress. At the seed germination stage, a loss-of-function mutant (atclo4) was hypersensitive to ABA, salt and mannitol stresses, whereas AtCLO4-overexpressing (Ox) lines were more hyposensitive to those stresses than the wild type. In adult stage, atclo4 mutant and AtCLO4-Ox plants showed enhanced and decreased drought tolerance, respectively. Following exposure to exogenous ABA, the expression of key ABA-dependent regulatory genes, such as ABF3 and ABF4, was up-regulated in the atclo4 mutant, while it was down-regulated in AtCLO4-Ox lines. Based on these results, we propose that the OB-associated Ca(2+)-binding AtCLO4 protein acts as a negative regulator of ABA responses in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The MIR396 family, composed of ath‐miR396a and ath‐miR396b in Arabidopsis, is conserved among plant species and is known to target the Growth‐Regulating Factor (GRF) gene family. ath‐miR396 overexpressors or grf mutants are characterised by small and narrow leaves and show embryogenic defects such as cotyledon fusion. Heterologous expression of ath‐miR396a has been reported in tobacco and resulted in reduction of the expression of three NtGRF genes. In this study, the precursor of the Populus trichocarpa ptc‐miR396c, with a mature sequence identical to ath‐miR396b, was expressed under control of the CaMV35S promoter in tobacco. Typical phenotypes of GRF down‐regulation were observed, including cotyledon fusion and lack of shoot apical meristem (SAM). At later stage of growth, transgenic plants had delayed development and altered specification of organ type during flower development. The third and fourth whorls of floral organs were modified into stigmatoid anthers and fasciated carpels, respectively. Several NtGRF genes containing a miR396 binding site were found to be down‐regulated, and the cleavage of their corresponding mRNA at the miR396 binding site was confirmed for two of them using RACE‐PCR analysis. The data obtained agree with the functional conservation of the miR396 family in plants and suggest a role for the miR396/GRF network in determination of floral organ specification.  相似文献   

Dong  Qixin  Zhao  Haixia  Huang  Yunji  Chen  Ying  Wan  Min  Zeng  Zixian  Yao  Panfeng  Li  Chenglei  Wang  Xiaoli  Chen  Hui  Wu  Qi 《Plant molecular biology》2020,104(3):309-325
Plant Molecular Biology - FtMYB18 plays a role in the repression of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins accumulation by strongly down-regulating the CHS and DFR genes in Tartary buckwheat, and the...  相似文献   

Phenotypic characterization of the Arabidopsis thaliana transparent testa12 (tt12) mutant encoding a membrane protein of the multidrug and toxic efflux transporter family, suggested that TT12 is involved in the vacuolar accumulation of proanthocyanidin precursors in the seed. Metabolite analysis in tt12 seeds reveals an absence of flavan-3-ols and proanthocyanidins together with a reduction of the major flavonol quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside. The TT12 promoter is active in cells synthesizing proanthocyanidins. Using translational fusions between TT12 and green fluorescent protein, it is demonstrated that this transporter localizes to the tonoplast. Yeast vesicles expressing TT12 can transport the anthocyanin cyanidin-3-O-glucoside in the presence of MgATP but not the aglycones cyanidin and epicatechin. Inhibitor studies demonstrate that TT12 acts in vitro as a cyanidin-3-O-glucoside/H(+)-antiporter. TT12 does not transport glycosylated flavonols and procyanidin dimers, and a direct transport activity for catechin-3-O-glucoside, a glucosylated flavan-3-ol, was not detectable. However, catechin-3-O-glucoside inhibited TT12-mediated transport of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside in a dose-dependent manner, while flavan-3-ol aglycones and glycosylated flavonols had no effect on anthocyanin transport. It is proposed that TT12 transports glycosylated flavan-3-ols in vivo. Mutant banyuls (ban) seeds accumulate anthocyanins instead of proanthocyanidins, yet the ban tt12 double mutant exhibits reduced anthocyanin accumulation, which supports the transport data suggesting that TT12 mediates anthocyanin transport in vitro.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis thaliana drought-tolerant mutant, altered expression of APX2 ( alx8 ), has constitutively increased abscisic acid (ABA) content, increased expression of genes responsive to high light stress and is reported to be drought tolerant. We have identified alx8 as a mutation in SAL1, an enzyme that can dephosphorylate dinucleotide phosphates or inositol phosphates. Previously identified mutations in SAL1, including fiery ( fry1-1 ), were reported as being more sensitive to drought imposed by detachment of rosettes. Here we demonstrate that alx8 , fry1-1 and a T-DNA insertional knockout allele all have markedly increased resistance to drought when water is withheld from soil-grown intact plants. Microarray analysis revealed constitutively altered expression of more than 1800 genes in both alx8 and fry1-1. The up-regulated genes included some characterized stress response genes, but few are inducible by ABA. Metabolomic analysis revealed that both mutants exhibit a similar, dramatic reprogramming of metabolism, including increased levels of the polyamine putrescine implicated in stress tolerance, and the accumulation of a number of unknown, potential osmoprotectant carbohydrate derivatives. Under well-watered conditions, there was no substantial difference between alx8 and Col-0 in biomass at maturity; plant water use efficiency (WUE) as measured by carbon isotope discrimination; or stomatal index, morphology or aperture. Thus, SAL1 acts as a negative regulator of predominantly ABA-independent and also ABA-dependent stress response pathways, such that its inactivation results in altered osmoprotectants, higher leaf relative water content and maintenance of viable tissues during prolonged water stress.  相似文献   

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