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The accelerating effect of cationic substances on DNA strand exchange reaction between 20 bp DNA duplex and its complementary single strand was studied. A comb-type polycationic copolymer which is composed of poly (L-lysine) backbone and dextran graft chain (PLL-g-Dex) and known to stabilize triplex DNA expedites the strand exchange reaction under physiological relevant conditions. Electrostatically small excess of the copolymer increased DNA strand exchange rate by 300-fold while large excess of spermine or cethyltrimethylammonium bromide, cationic detergent known to promote markedly hybridization of complementary DNA strands, showed slight effect. It should be noted that the copolymer promotes the strand exchange reaction while it stabilizes double stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Polycation comb-type copolymers which are composed of poly(L-lysine) backbone and dextran graft chain (PLL-graft-Dex) accelerated DNA duplex and triplex formation and stabilized under physiologically relevant condition remarkably. In this study, we have examined the ability of polycation copolymer in promoting strand exchange between duplex DNA and its complementary single-stranded DNA. It was demonstrated that the strand exchange rate was considerably accelerated by the polycation comb-type copolymer.  相似文献   

Cationic comb-type copolymer (CCC) consisting of a polycationic backbone and abundant graft water-soluble chains exhibited considerable stabilization effect on DNA hybrids, such as double- and triple-stranded DNAs. Here, we describe the effect of CCC on antiparallel G-quadruplex folding of human telomeric DNA, d(GGGTTA)(n) in the presence of sodium ions. CCC did not significantly alter the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of d((GGGTTA)(3)GGG) and d((GGGTTA)(7)GGG) indicating that the CCC did not influence the antiparallel folding of the telomeric repeats. Hence, the ionic interaction of CCC with the DNA sequence did not interfere with specific interaction of the DNA with sodium ions to form G-quartets. Interestingly, CCC did not change the melting temperature of the d((GGGTTA)(3)GGG) suggesting negligible stabilizing effect of CCC on the antiparallel quadruplex structure.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination, the exchange of strands between different DNA molecules, is essential for proper maintenance and accurate duplication of the genome. Using magnetic tweezers, we monitor RecA-driven homologous recombination of individual DNA molecules in real time. We resolve several key aspects of DNA structure during and after strand exchange. Changes in DNA length and twist yield helical parameters for the protein-bound three-stranded structure in conditions in which ATP was not hydrolyzed. When strand exchange was completed under ATP hydrolysis conditions that allow protein dissociation, a "D wrap" structure formed. During homologous recombination, strand invasion at one end and RecA dissociation at the other end occurred at the same rate, and our single-molecule analysis indicated that a region of only about 80 bp is actively involved in the synapsis at any time during the entire reaction involving a long ( approximately 1 kb) region of homology.  相似文献   

recA protein promoted DNA strand exchange   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
recA protein and circular single-stranded DNA form a stable complex in the presence of single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB), in which one recA protein monomer is bound per two nucleotides of DNA. These complexes are kinetically significant intermediates in the exchange of strands between the single-stranded DNA and an homologous linear duplex. After completion of strand exchange, the recA protein remains tightly associated with the circular duplex product of the reaction and the SSB is bound to the displaced linear single strand. Upon addition of ADP, the recA protein-duplex DNA complex dissociates. RecA protein also interacts with single-stranded DNA in the absence of SSB; however, the amount of recA protein bound is substantially reduced. These findings provide direct physical evidence for the participation of SSB in the formation of the recA protein-single-stranded DNA complexes inferred earlier from kinetic analysis. Moreover, they confirm the ability of recA protein to equilibrate between bound and free forms in the absence of SSB.  相似文献   

The protein kinase ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is activated when cells are exposed to ionizing radiation (IR). It has been assumed that ATM is specifically activated by the few induced DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), although little direct evidence for this assumption has been presented. DSBs constitute only a few percent of the IR-induced DNA damage, whereas the more frequent single strand DNA breaks (SSBs) and base damage account for over 98% of the overall DNA damage. It is therefore unclear whether DSBs are the only IR-induced DNA lesions that activate ATM. To test directly whether or not DSBs are responsible for ATM activation, we exposed cells to drugs and radiation that produce different numbers of DSBs and SSBs. We determined the resulting ATM activation by measuring the amount of phosphorylated Chk2 and the numbers of SSBs and DSBs in the same cells after short incubation periods. We found a strong correlation between the number of DSBs and ATM activation but no correlation with the number of SSBs. In fact, hydrogen peroxide, which, similar to IR, induces DNA damage through hydroxyl radicals but fails to induce DSBs, did not activate ATM. In contrast, we found that calicheamicin-induced strand breaks activated ATM more efficiently than IR and that ATM activation correlated with the relative DSB induction by these agents. Our data indicate that ATM is specifically activated by IR-induced DSBs, with little or no contribution from SSBs and other types of DNA damage. These findings have implications for how ATM might recognize DSBs in cells.  相似文献   

A new displacement hybridisation method is reported using a single strand DNA probe, labelled with an acceptor fluorophore (oregon green 488). Detection of double stranded sample target is shown, with discrimination between the probe, duplexed during the assay, and free single stranded probe DNA achieved through the FRET from a donor grove fluorophore (Hoechst 33258). A model for the kinetics of the displacement assay is presented and the course of the assay predicted according to probe/target ratios and sequence. The modelled predictions are consistent with the experimental data showing single base pair mismatch discrimination. The pattern of response according to the mismatch/perfect complement ratio in a mixed sample is also considered with an allele-discrimination ratio lying between the homozygous gene and total mismatch case, according to ratio. The assay is shown to be tolerant of different probe concentrations and ratios and through the dual wavelength recorded signals from donor and FRET acceptor, internal baseline correction is achieved with excellent noise reduction through ratiometric measurement.  相似文献   

The DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is a DNA-end activated protein kinase that is required for efficient repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and for normal resistance to ionizing radiation. DNA-PK is composed of a DNA-binding subunit, Ku, and a catalytic subunit, DNA-PKcs (PRKDC). We have previously shown that PRKDC is activated when the enzyme interacts with the terminal nucleotides of a DSB. These nucleotides are often damaged when DSBs are introduced by anticancer agents and could therefore prevent recognition by DNA-PK. To determine whether DNA-PK could recognize DNA strand breaks generated by agents used in the treatment of cancer, we damaged plasmid DNA with anticancer drugs and ionizing radiation. The DNA breaks were tested for the ability to activate purified DNA-PK. The data indicate that DSBs produced by bleomycin, calicheamicin and two types of ionizing radiation ((137)Cs gamma rays and N(7+) ions: high and low linear energy transfer, respectively) activate DNA-PK to levels matching the kinase activation obtained with simple restriction endonuclease-induced DSBs. In contrast, the protein-linked DSBs produced by etoposide and topoisomerase II failed to bind and activate DNA-PK. Our findings indicate that DNA-PK recognizes DSBs regardless of chemical complexity but cannot recognize the protein-linked DSBs produced by etoposide and topoisomerase II.  相似文献   

Holthausen JT  Wyman C  Kanaar R 《DNA Repair》2010,9(12):1264-1272
Homologous recombination, the exchange of DNA strands between homologous DNA molecules, is involved in repair of many structural diverse DNA lesions. This versatility stems from multiple ways in which homologous DNA strands can be rearranged. At the core of homologous recombination are recombinase proteins such as RecA and RAD51 that mediate homology recognition and DNA strand exchange through formation of a dynamic nucleoprotein filament. Four stages in the life cycle of nucleoprotein filaments are filament nucleation, filament growth, homologous DNA pairing and strand exchange, and filament dissociation. Progression through this cycle requires a sequence of recombinase-DNA and recombinase protein-protein interactions coupled to ATP binding and hydrolysis. The function of recombinases is controlled by accessory proteins that allow coordination of strand exchange with other steps of homologous recombination and that tailor to the needs of specific aberrant DNA structures undergoing recombination. Accessory proteins are also able to reverse filament formation thereby guarding against inappropriate DNA rearrangements. The dynamic instability of the recombinase-DNA interactions allows both positive and negative action of accessory proteins thereby ensuring that genome maintenance by homologous recombination is not only flexible and versatile, but also accurate.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus infection induces expression of a protein which can catalyze joint molecule formation between a single-stranded circular DNA and a homologous linear duplex. The kinetics of appearance of the enzyme parallels that of vaccinia virus DNA polymerase and suggests it is an early viral gene product. Extracts were prepared from vaccinia virus-infected HeLa cells, and the strand exchange assay was used to follow purification of this activity through five chromatographic steps. The most highly purified fraction contained three major polypeptides of 110 +/- 10, 52 +/- 5, and 32 +/- 3 kDa. The purified protein requires Mg2+ for activity, and this requirement cannot be satisfied by Mn2+ or Ca2+. One end of the linear duplex substrate must share homology with the single-stranded circle, although this homology requirement is not very high, as 10% base substitutions had no effect on the overall efficiency of pairing. As with many other eukaryotic strand exchange proteins, there was no requirement for ATP, and ATP analogs were not inhibitors. Electron microscopy was used to show that the joint molecules formed in these reactions were composed of a partially duplex circle of DNA bearing a displaced single-strand and a duplex linear tail. The recovery of these structures shows that the enzyme catalyzes true strand exchange. There is also a unique polarity to the strand exchange reaction. The enzyme pairs the 3' end of the duplex minus strand with the plus-stranded homolog, thus extending hybrid DNA in a 3'-to-5' direction with respect to the minus strand. Which viral gene (if any) encodes the enzyme is not yet known, but analysis of temperature-sensitive mutants shows that activity does not require the D5R gene product. Curiously, v-SEP appears to copurify with vaccinia virus DNA polymerase, although the activities can be partially resolved on phosphocellulose columns.  相似文献   

Rad54 protein is a key member of the RAD52 epistasis group required for homologous recombination in eukaryotes. Rad54 is a duplex DNA translocase that remodels both DNA and protein–DNA complexes, and functions at multiple steps in the recombination process. Here we use biochemical criteria to demonstrate the existence of this important protein in a prokaryotic organism. The Sulfolobus solfataricus Rad54 (SsoRad54) protein is a double-strand DNA-dependent ATPase that can alter the topology of duplex DNA. Like its eukaryotic homolog, it interacts directly with the S. solfataricus Rad51 homologue, SsoRadA, to stimulate DNA strand exchange. Confirmation of this protein as an authentic Rad54 homolog establishes an essential phylogenetic bridge for identifying Rad54 homologs in the archaeal and bacterial domains.  相似文献   

To investigate the in vivo effects of macromolecular crowding we examined the effect of inert macromolecules such as polyvinyl alcohol and polyethylene glycol on the in vitro activity of recA protein. The addition of either of these volume-occupying agents enables recA protein to promote homologous pairing and exchange of DNA strands at an otherwise nonpermissive magnesium ion concentration. In the presence of these macromolecules, both the rate of recA protein association with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and the steady-state affinity of recA protein for ssDNA are increased. Consequently, the ability of recA protein to compete with ssDNA-binding protein (SSB protein) is enhanced, and the inhibitory effects of SSB protein on the formation of recA protein-ssDNA presynaptic complexes are eliminated. Because the ability of recA protein to bind to ssDNA-containing secondary structures is also enhanced in volume-occupied solution, joint molecule formation is not greatly reduced when SSB protein is omitted from the reaction. Thus, increased recA protein interactions with ssDNA contribute to enhanced presynaptic complex formation. In addition, polyvinyl alcohol and polyethylene glycol must also affect another property of recA protein, i.e. self-association, which is required for synapsis and DNA strand exchange. Our examination of DNA strand exchange in the presence of volume-occupying agents helps to reconcile the requirement for elevated magnesium ion concentrations in recA protein-promoted recombination reactions in vitro, with a presumably low magnesium ion concentration in vivo.  相似文献   

Wild type Escherichia coli cells containing elevated levels of DNA (cytosine-5)methyltransferases have increased sensitivity to the toxic effects of 5-azacytidine. The methyltransferases form tight binding complexes with azacytosine in DNA which could interfere with the recA recBCD repair pathway which is largely responsible for cell survival after treatment with the drug. We therefore determined if these complexes interfered with recA-mediated strand exchange in vitro. 32P-Labeled DNA fragments containing a single EcoRII site, with cytosine in the (-) strand replaced by 5-azacytosine, were prepared. We investigated the effect of the EcoRII methyltransferase on recA-mediated strand exchange with homologous M13 DNA by electrophoresis in agarose gels. In the absence of the methylase the rate and extent of strand exchange of azacytosine-containing DNA is the same as control DNA. In the presence of the methyltransferase strand exchange is inhibited, but some incorporation of duplexes into recA-single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) complexes still occurs. The formation of these complexes is dependent on the length of the fragment 3' to the methylase binding site on the strand complementary to the ssDNA. The greater the length the greater the number of complexes that form. S-Adenosyl-L-methionine, which enhances binding of the methyltransferase to azacytosine-containing DNA, causes an increase in the inhibition of strand exchange and an increase in the number of inactive complexes formed. The complexes can be dissociated with guanidinium chloride which denatures the methyltransferase and leads to release of the (+) strand. The (-) strand remains associated with the ssDNA. This result implies that a plectonemic joint is formed between recA-ssDNA complexes and azacytosine-containing DNA-methyltransferase complexes. However, branch migration in these complexes is inhibited. Denaturation of the methyltransferase allows branch migration to proceed to completion, releasing the (+) strand.  相似文献   

RecA protein promotes an unexpectedly efficient DNA strand exchange between circular single-stranded DNA and duplex DNAs containing short (50-400-base pair) heterologous sequences at the 5' (initiating) end. The major mechanism by which this topological barrier is bypassed involves DNA strand breakage. Breakage is both strand and position specific, occurring almost exclusively in the displaced (+) strand of the duplex within a 15-base pair region of the heterology/homology junction. Breakage also requires recA protein, ATP hydrolysis, and homologous sequences 3' to the heterology. Although the location of the breaks and the observed requirements clearly indicate a major role for recA protein in this phenomenon, the molecular mechanism is not yet clear. The breakage may reflect a DNA structure and/or some form of structural stress within the DNA during recA protein-mediated DNA pairing which either exposes the DNA at this precise position to the action of a contaminating nuclease or induces a direct mechanical break. We also find that when heterology is located at the 3' end of the linear duplex, strand exchange is halted (without DNA breakage) about 500 base pairs from the homology/heterology junction.  相似文献   

Cleverly designed single-molecule FRET experiments reported in this issue of Structure by Ragunathan et?al. coax RecA to reveal some of its secrets. Observing individual events identifies intermediate steps and provides clues for how to drive strand exchange forward.  相似文献   

During short-patch base excision repair, the excision of a 5'-terminal 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate moiety of the downstream strand by the 5'-2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase activity of either DNA polymerase beta or lambda is believed to occur after each respective enzyme catalyzes gap-filling DNA synthesis. Yet the effects of this 5'-terminal 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate moiety on the polymerase activities of these two enzymes have never been quantitatively determined. Moreover, x-ray crystal structures of truncated polymerase lambda have revealed that the downstream strand and its 5'-phosphate group of gapped DNA interact intensely with the dRPase domain, but the kinetic effect of these interactions is unclear. Here, we utilized pre-steady state kinetic methods to systematically investigate the effect of a downstream strand and its 5'-moieties on the polymerase activity of the full-length human polymerase lambda. The downstream strand and its 5'-phosphate were both found to increase nucleotide incorporation efficiency (kp/Kd) by 15 and 11-fold, respectively, with the increase procured by the effect on the nucleotide incorporation rate constant kp rather than the ground state nucleotide binding affinity Kd. With 4 single nucleotide-gapped DNA substrates containing a 1,2-dideoxyribose-5-phosphate moiety, a 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate mimic, we measured the incorporation efficiencies of 16 possible nucleotides. Our results demonstrate that although this 5'-terminal 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate mimic does not affect the fidelity of polymerase lambda, it moderately decreased the polymerase efficiency by 3.4-fold. Moreover, this decrease in polymerase efficiency is due to a drop of similar magnitude in kp rather than Kd. The implication of the downstream strand and its 5'-moieties on the kinetics of gap-filling synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, genetic evidence suggests that two mediators, Rad22 (the S. pombe Rad52 homolog) and the Swi5-Sfr1 complex, participate in a common pathway of Rhp51 (the S. pombe Rad51 homolog)–mediated homologous recombination (HR) and HR repair. Here, we have demonstrated an in vitro reconstitution of the central step of DNA strand exchange during HR. Our system consists entirely of homogeneously purified proteins, including Rhp51, the two mediators, and replication protein A (RPA), which reflects genetic requirements in vivo. Using this system, we present the first robust biochemical evidence that concerted action of the two mediators directs the loading of Rhp51 onto single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) precoated with RPA. Dissection of the reaction reveals that Rad22 overcomes the inhibitory effect of RPA on Rhp51-Swi5-Sfr1–mediated strand exchange. In addition, Rad22 negates the requirement for a strict order of protein addition to the in vitro system. However, despite the presence of Rad22, Swi5-Sfr1 is still essential for strand exchange. Importantly, Rhp51, but neither Rad22 nor the Swi5-Sfr1 mediator, is the factor that displaces RPA from ssDNA. Swi5-Sfr1 stabilizes Rhp51-ssDNA filaments in an ATP-dependent manner, and this stabilization is correlated with activation of Rhp51 for the strand exchange reaction. Rad22 alone cannot activate the Rhp51 presynaptic filament. AMP-PNP, a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, induces a similar stabilization of Rhp51, but this stabilization is independent of Swi5-Sfr1. However, hydrolysis of ATP is required for processive strand transfer, which results in the formation of a long heteroduplex. Our in vitro reconstitution system has revealed that the two mediators have indispensable, but distinct, roles for mediating Rhp51 loading onto RPA-precoated ssDNA  相似文献   

The process of homologous recombination is indispensable for both meiotic and mitotic cell division, and is one of the major pathways for double-strand break (DSB) repair. The human Rad54B protein, which belongs to the SWI2/SNF2 protein family, plays a role in homologous recombination, and may function with the Dmc1 recombinase, a meiosis-specific Rad51 homolog. In the present study, we found that Rad54B enhanced the DNA strand-exchange activity of Dmc1 by stabilizing the Dmc1–single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) complex. Therefore, Rad54B may stimulate the Dmc1-mediated DNA strand exchange by stabilizing the nucleoprotein filament, which is formed on the ssDNA tails produced at DSB sites during homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Summary We have used a sensitive gel electrophoresis assay to detect the products of Escherichia coli RecA protein catalysed strand exchange reactions between gapped and duplex DNA molecules. We identify structures that correspond to joint molecules formed by homologous pairing, and show that joint molecules are converted by RecA protein into heteroduplex monomers by reciprocal strand exchanges. However, strand exchanges only occur when there is a 3-terminus complementary to the single stranded DNA in the gap. In the absence of a complementary free end, the two DNA molecules pair and short heteroduplex regions are formed by localised interwinding.  相似文献   

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