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Abstract: Bulk sampling of upper Campanian to lower–middle Maastrichtian coastal and lagoonal deposits in five sections of the Tremp Formation in the south‐central Pyrenees yielded numerous neoselachian teeth. The fauna comprises nine taxa of which three species and one genus are new: Hemiscyllium sp., Lamniformes indet., Paratrygonorrhina amblysoda gen. et sp. nov., Coupatezia trempina sp. nov., Coupatezia sp., Coupatezia? sp., Rhombodus ibericus sp. nov. and Igdabatis indicus. The neoselachian fauna is dominated by small nectobenthic rays. This composition resembles assemblages known from the marine Upper Cretaceous, but differs from nearby localities of the Basque‐Cantabrian region and continental selachian associations of the French Pyrenees. The results indicate that Rhombodus might not be a reliable biostratigraphic marker for the Maastrichtian. The faunal composition suggests a shallow trans‐Tethyan connection between Eurasia and India at the end of the Cretaceous Period.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Isolated skeletal elements of three hesperornithiform taxa are recorded from marine strata of latest early Campanian ( sensu germanico ) age in the Kristianstad Basin, southern Sweden. The material comprises Hesperornis rossicus Nessov and Yarkov, one of the largest Mesozoic aquatic birds known to date, Hesperornis sp. and Baptornis sp. The holotype (a dorsal vertebra) of Parascaniornis stensioei Lambrecht is re-examined, and the nominal species is here considered as a nomen dubium because no diagnostic features can be found that separate the type from dorsals of Baptornis advenus . The distribution and palaeobiology of hesperornithiforms are reviewed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Recent collecting from the Pawpaw Shale in north-east Texas has yielded several hundred teeth of anacoracid sharks. The material allows for a much-needed revision of the Late Albian anacoracids from North America. The previously recognized Squalicorax sp., also referred to as S. volgensis in more recent publications, is a mix of two different species: S. priscoserratus sp. nov. and S. pawpawensis sp. nov. In addition to these two new species, a single tooth is assigned to S . aff. S. baharijensis . Our data indicate that anacoracids were a considerably more diverse group in the North American Cretaceous than previously thought. We attribute much of the underestimation of diversity to vague species concepts, poor preparation techniques and the associated lack of attention to certain dental features, in particular neck morphology, root surface porosity and the root's vascularization.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Bulk screening of Early Cretaceous (Barremian) Wessex Formation strata exposed on the south-east coast of the Isle of Wight, southern England, has resulted in the recovery of neoselachian shark teeth referred to the scyliorhinid Palaeoscyllium . These are the first neoselachian remains from the British Wealden Group and represent the geologically oldest neoselachian yet recovered from a freshwater deposit. This is also the only known example of a non-marine occurrence of a member of the Scyliorhinidae.  相似文献   

记述了发现于蒙古戈壁查干泰格地点的一块额骨。短的眶缘和矢状脊的存在等特征表明,该标本属于暴龙超科。查干泰格地点出露的地层被认为属于森诺曼-桑托期的巴音沙拉组,新材料的发现为上白垩统下部非常稀少的暴龙类恐龙记录增添了新的内容。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The scalpelliform genus Stramentum is described from upper Turonian–Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) strata in the Mikasa area, Hokkaido (Japan), documenting the first record of the genus from the north-west Pacific Realm. The single articulated skeleton, which is horizontally embedded in a dark grey laminated mudstone, is specifically indeterminate because capitular plates are missing. However, peduncular morphology resembles that of S. ( S .) pulchellum (Sowerby Jr), which has been described from the Cenomanian–Turonian of Europe. The present record from Japan demonstrates that this cirripede genus had a wider geographic distribution than previously assumed during the youngest phase of its radiation.  相似文献   

根据可能发现于江西赣州晚白垩世南雄组地层中一件标本报道了窃蛋龙科一新属种——斑嵴龙。新标本具有以下不同于其他窃蛋龙属种的特征:由前颌骨和鼻骨形成的脊冠具有阶梯状的后端,表面有两个纵向的沟槽和许多倾斜的条痕;外鼻孔延长,其后侧与眶骨相近;翼骨腭骨支背缘有一深窝;齿骨后背缘有纵向沟槽;上隅骨前背缘有小结节。斑嵴龙腭部和下颌的一些特征不同于窃蛋龙科的其他属种,但近似于更原始的窃蛋龙类。这些特征表明斑嵴龙代表窃蛋龙科中相对原始的一个属种。这一系统发育假说得到了定量的系统发育分析的支持。斑嵴龙的发现不仅增加了晚白垩世窃蛋龙科的分异度,而且为这一类群的特征演化提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper describes the diversity, taphonomy and palaeoecology of angiosperm leaves that dominate a palaeoflora of Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Coniacian) age from the Mata Amarilla Formation in the Austral Basin, south-west Patagonia, Argentina. Twelve morphotypes of angiosperm leaves are recognized based on foliar morphotype analysis of more than 500 specimens. These were divided into six morphological groups based on major architectural patterns. The relative dominance of these morphotypes, mode of preservation and relationship with sedimentary facies were evaluated from two levels within the formation. This analysis identified two different plant palaeocommunities. The lower, María Elena, level (MEL) was deposited in a marine coastal area on a subaerial delta plain; the dominant angiosperm morphotypes preserved in it are group 1 (MA100) and group 2 (MA101, 102); morphotypes MA109 and 110 are scarce but exclusive to this level. The upper, Mata Amarilla, level (MAL), accumulated inland in flood-plain environments; the most abundant angiosperm morphotypes are groups 3 (MA103–105), 4 (MA106) and 1 (MA100); morphotypes MA103–105 and 108 are exclusive to this level. Comparisons with other floras of similar age from Antarctica, Australia and New Zealand indicate that the Mata Amarilla flora has a slightly higher morphological diversity of angiosperm leaves, providing the first evidence for an angiosperm-dominated early Late Cretaceous macroflora in south-west Gondwana.  相似文献   

镰刀龙类化石主要分布于亚洲白垩纪地层 (RussellandDong ,1 993;Xuetal.,1 999a ;KirklandandWolfe ,2 0 0 1 )。最近发现于内蒙古上白垩统二连组的杨氏内蒙古龙(Neimongosaurusyangi)代表这一类群中较为原始的属种 (张晓虹等 ,2 0 0 1 )。通过研究产自同一化石地点的镰刀龙类新材料 ,我们鉴定出一个不同于杨氏内蒙古龙的新属种 ,美掌二连龙(Erliansaurusbellamanusgen .etsp .nov.)。依据以下特征将Erliansaurusbellamanus归入镰刀龙超科 :肩胛骨干远端狭窄、肱骨近端角状、肱骨有后转子、肱骨的尺骨髁和桡骨髁位于肱骨干前部、肠骨髋臼后支远端加厚、距骨髁小和腓骨近端后缘窄。Erliansaurusbellamanus的以下自近裔特征区别于其他镰刀龙类 :前部尾椎具加大的滋养孔、肱骨后转子嵴状、肱骨后转子内侧有一卵形凹陷、肠骨外侧面坐骨柄上方有一多皱的肿状突起、腓骨近端后缘明显高于前缘以及腓骨前转子大、位置靠远端。本文对镰刀龙类的系统关系进行了初步的分析 ,结论如下 :北票龙 (Beipiaosaurus)代表除Eshanosaurus外最原始的属种 ,它没有以下一些其他镰刀龙类的进步性状 :掌爪近端深、胫骨短于股骨、非常短的骨以及第一骨关连跗骨。Erliansaurus、Alxasaurus、Neimongosaurus和Nothronychus比Bei  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new genus and species of an elasmosaurid plesiosaur, Futabasaurus suzukii , is described based on a partial skeleton from the Inoceramus amakusensis Zone (Lower Santonian, Upper Cretaceous) of the Irimazawa Member of the Tamayama Formation, Futaba Group, in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. The new taxon is characterized by a number of characters such as the wide space between the orbit and external naris, posterior extension of the interclavicle, relatively long humerus and prominent femoral muscle scar. The holotype includes a partial skull and mandible, posterior cervicals to sacrals, ribs, clavicular arch, pelvic girdle and four limbs. The remains are mostly in articulation, and exhibit evidence of predation/scavenging by sharks. The distribution of elasmosaurid species in the circum-Pacific region remains unclear due to the lack of diagnostic materials. The occurrence of F. suzukii is geographically and stratigraphically significant, because it allows species-level comparison; as a diagnosable elasmosaurid specimen, F. suzukii is the first and the oldest from the northern Pacific.  相似文献   

通过化石组合和岩性指标分析松辽盆地上白垩统自下而上青山口组—姚家组—嫩江组一段介形类的古生态学。青山口组盐度具有偏咸性、微咸性到半咸性的变化,32个介形类种以栖居于温暖湿润气候带的浅湖微咸水类型占绝对优势,水体清澈安静,有机质丰富,底质为泥等细粒沉积物(个别的为粉砂沉积物),宜于介形类动物群生长且有利于壳体完好保存;其次为生活于半咸水的深湖—半深湖类型,底质为泥。姚家组—嫩江组一段见23个介形类种,栖居于温暖半湿润气候带,以半咸水的深湖、半深湖—浅湖区的类型为主,多泥底,偶见粉砂质底;其次为微咸水的浅湖—三角洲前缘型,泥或粉砂质底;仅3个种生活于温暖湿润的粉砂质底淡水浅湖区。温暖湿润的淡水三角洲分流平原带则难以产出介形类化石。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Recent bulk sampling and study of museum collections has revealed a high diversity of hybodont sharks from the English Bathonian, with 15 species being recognised. In addition, study of dental and skeletal material from the English Callovian has allowed the diagnosis of a new genus and species, Planohybodus peterboroughensis gen. et sp. nov., allowing the Bathonian species Hybodus grossiconus Agassiz to be referred to Planohybodus . Two additional new genera, Secarodus and Frangerodus , are erected for the Bathonian taxa Hybodus polyprion Agassiz and Strophodus lingualis Woodward, respectively. Egertonodus duffini sp. nov. is described and the diagnosis of Egertonodus based on dental material is discussed. The previously unrecorded Hybodus sp., Parvodus sp., and Lonchidion sp. are recognised but left in open nomenclature. Asteracanthus medius (Owen) is recorded in the British Bathonian for the first time, and the status of Bathonian nominal species of Asteracanthus are assessed. Bathonian hybodonts showed great diversity in trophic ecology and many of the species are specific to particular palaeoenvironments.  相似文献   

通过对松花江粗强壳叶肢介 (Cratostracussonghuajiangensis)的正模标本进行扫描电镜研究 ,发现原来没有描述的生长线下缘锯齿状构造 。  相似文献   

松辽盆地松科1井南孔晚白垩世介形类生物地层   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
松科1井是世界上第一口陆相白垩纪科学钻井,其南孔获取自泉头组三段顶部至嫩江组二段底部的连续地层记录。本文以松科1井南孔岩心样品介形类化石的系统鉴定和统计分析为基础,共建立15个介形类化石组合带,自下而上分别为:1)C ypridea subtuberculis perga-Mongoloc ypris longicau...  相似文献   

记中国南方广东省南雄盆地晚白垩世一新的窃蛋龙类化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中记述的窃蛋龙类一新属新种:遗忘始兴龙Shixinggia oblita gen.et sp.nov.是由北京自然博物馆于1995年采自中国广东省南雄盆地的始兴县。它具有以下特征:相对短的肠骨前突,肠骨高度与长度之比率大,并且肠骨的前突及后突的腹边缘均高于髋臼的背边缘。遗忘始兴龙还显示另一特征为股骨近端转子嵴内表面具有一大的气孔,胫骨近端也有类似的相对小的孔,而这些孔在其他已知的窃蛋龙类中均没有报道。这是继2003年报道的黄氏河源龙之后,中国南方第二个新的窃蛋龙类化石。  相似文献   

浙江天台盆地上白垩统赤城山组发现的巨型长形蛋类可鉴定为西峡巨型长形蛋(Macroelongatoolithusxi xiaensis)和一新蛋属、新蛋种——桥下巨型纺锤蛋(Megafusoolithus qiaoxiaensis oogen.etoosp.nov.)。西峡巨型长形蛋此前仅发现于河南西峡盆地,其特征为个体巨大(35cm),蛋壳外表面具瘤点状纹饰,蛋壳锥体层与柱状层界线明显,呈波浪形,锥体层与柱状层厚度之比为1:5—1:2。已记述的产自天台的张氏巨型长形蛋(M.zhangi)和产自河南西峡盆地的西峡长圆柱蛋(Longiteresoolithus xixiaensis)均为西峡巨型长形蛋的同物异名。桥下巨型纺锤蛋的特征包括蛋壳中部外表面具有棱脊状纹饰,蛋壳锥体层与柱状层界线不明显,二者厚度之比近1:3,这些特征区别于巨型长形蛋属。目前已知巨型长形蛋科仅包含巨型长形蛋属和巨型纺锤蛋属,订正的科征为:蛋化石巨大,长径大于35cm;蛋长形,两端大致对称,长宽之比约为3:1;蛋化石在蛋窝中一般两枚为一组,呈单层圆环状排列,蛋窝直径近3m;蛋壳外表面具瘤点状或棱脊状纹饰,蛋壳由锥体层与柱状层组成。这些特征明显区别于其他类型的蛋化石,因此它们代表了一个独立的蛋科:巨型长形蛋科(Macroelongatoolithidae)。  相似文献   

浙江天台盆地上白垩统赤城山组长形蛋科一新蛋属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浙江天台盆地上白垩统赤城山组发现一新的恐龙蛋类型。依据蛋化石形态、大小和蛋壳柱状层生长纹呈波浪形等特征,将其归入长形蛋科(Elongatoolithidae)。这枚恐龙蛋的蛋壳外表面具网状纹饰,蛋壳锥体层与柱状层界线明显,二者厚度之比近1:2,气孔道细而直,这些特征区别于其他长形蛋科的成员,因此,建立一新的蛋属、蛋种:网纹副长形蛋(Paraelonga-toolithus reticulatus oogen.et oosp.nov.),代表晚白垩世早期长形蛋科的新成员。  相似文献   

Abstract: A new, unusually well‐preserved juvenile specimen of Ctenochelys stenoporus from the Niobrara Formation is described. The skull has come apart at its sutures and all bones of the braincase and ear region are preserved three‐dimensionally. This allows a detailed reconstruction of the important brain structures of a basal juvenile cheloniid turtle. It is compared with adult Ctenochelys specimens, and the major ontogenetic changes in the skull and postcranial skeleton are described. Furthermore, the specimen is compared with other fossil and extant cheloniids with well‐known braincases and the differences between basal and advanced cheloniids turtles are specified.  相似文献   

本文研究吉林省延吉盆地下白垩统2个组中沟鞭藻类及其它藻类组合。其中铜佛寺组二段是延吉盆地下白垩统产沟鞭藻最丰富的层位。Vesperopsis cf.zhaodongensis-Vesperopsis tongfosiensis组合指示的地质时代可能为Hauterivian—Barremian期,代表了淡水-微咸水(偏淡水)的沉积环境,而Filisphaeridium-Sentusidinium组合的时代属于Barremian—Aptian早期,指示的水体环境为淡水-微咸水(偏微咸水)。文中描述了1新种,对Vesperopsis yanjiensis Mao,Wan et Qiao,1999进行了修订。  相似文献   

澳大利亚Otway盆地白垩纪介形类化石的发现及其意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一个白晚垩世的介形类化石组合首次被发现在Otway盆地的钻孔中。化石产于Eumeralla组的灰色砂泥岩中。Eumeralla组是依据孢粉材料而确定其时代为早白垩世,即相当于Barremain-Albian阶。介形类化石包括10属:Cytherelloidea sp.1,Bairdia cf.austracretacea bate,B?sp.juv.?,Eucythere?sp.,Cydocypris sp.,Darwinula cf.contracta Mandelstam,D.? sp.1,Cyprois sp.,Talicypridea sp.,Zigiphocypris sp.,Eacypris sp.及Candona sp.。它们代表一中、新生代混生的面貌;其时代应为晚白垩世。依据生态的差异,介形类化石又可分为两个不同的组合:海陆混合相和淡水-半咸水相。前者包括Cytherelloidea和Bairdia见于Crayfish 1A钻孔中,而后者Darwinula,Ziziphocypris和Cyclocypris产于Penola 1和Kkatnook 2钻孔中。海相属Cytherelloidea和Bairdia发现在540.4-543.1m(E umeralla组井深1957-477m在Crayfish 1A钻孔中),代表着Eumeralla组上部发生的一个晚白垩世海侵。  相似文献   

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