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Relationships between odor properties and volatile chemical composition were explored on 39 cocultures of three different yeasts, three Geotrichum candidum and five bacteria, commonly used in bacteria and mold surface ripened cheese. Sensory profiling was performed by ten trained judges by scoring the intensity of 14 odor attributes. At the same time, the volatile compounds of the cocultures were extracted and analyzed by dynamic headspace gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Sensory and instrumental data were compared and correlated using correlation analysis and partial least squares regression analysis. The sample plot including the whole set of samples evidenced a clustering of the associations containing the yeast strain Kluyveromyces lactis and any bacteria. They developed strong fruity olfactory notes related to their high content of ethyl esters and various alcohols. The sample plot on a restricted set of samples evidenced the fruity characteristics of Debaryomyces hansenii and bacteria associations and the cheesy odors of Yarrowia lipolytica and Geotrichum candidum cocultures that produced sulfur compounds.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to set up the sensory profile and consumer preference test of three different Mozzarella cheeses (from full-fat cow milk, from low-fat cow milk and from full-fat water buffalo milk). The most remarkable difference in composition was the fat content. Nine commercial Mozzarella cheeses (three for each type) were evaluated in triplicate by a trained panel consisting of 10 assessors. Six Mozzarella cheeses (two for each type) out of the nine samples were selected and used for the preference test by 105 consumers. The three different Mozzarella cheeses were sensorially well differentiated. A good discrimination between the Mozzarella cheeses was obtained using the internal preference map method. The combination of cluster analysis and internal preference mapping has lead to a deeper understanding of consumer liking for Mozzarella cheeses.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to select a competent sensory panel considering its ability to describe ewes milk cheese sensory properties. The panelists evaluated the sensory characteristics of several ewes milk cheeses in terms of odor, flavor and texture. The performance of judges was assessed taking into account the following aspects: (1) individual discriminatory ability and reproducibility for each sensory attribute; (2) group discriminatory ability and reproducibility and agreement between judges for each attribute; (3) panel homogeneity; (4) panel consonance; and (5) overall panel discriminatory ability. The panel performance was checked with a set of statistical procedures. The results obtained by the selected group were better than the initial panel from the point of view of discriminant power, reproducibility and agreement. The suggested method can be easily applied in routine control of assessors performance and to discover deviant behavior or differences in individual perception of the samples.  相似文献   

Cheddar cheese (three trials) was made from split lots of curd, salted with NaCl or mixtures of NaCl/KCl and ripened at 3 ± 1C. Preferences for cheese, as determined by consumer panels, were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by flavor and order of presentation to panelists but not (P > 0.05) by age of cheese. In the first order of presentation, cheese made with NaCl was preferred over those made with NaCl/KCl, whereas in the second order of presentation cheese made with 1.52% NaCl/KCl (2:1) was preferred. In the third order of presentation, cheese made with 1.72% NaCl (rather than 1.5%) was preferred. Overall, mean scores were higher for cheeses made with NaCl than with NaCl/KCl. However, the score of cheese made with ca. 1.5% NaCl/KCl was not significantly (P > 0.05) different from that of cheese made with ca. 1.5% NaCl. Cheese made with ca. 1.5% NaCl/KCl (2:1) was consistently preferred over cheeses containing more KCl.  相似文献   

The present study considers the influence of reducing the fat content of ovine milk on the sensory and instrumental texture characteristics of the resulting cheeses. Three manufacturing runs were performed. In each run three cheese batches were manufactured using milks with differing percentage fat contents (8%, 4%, and 2% fat). Analysis of cheese samples was performed at 60, 90, and 120 days of ripening.
The instrumental method used to evaluate cheese texture was uniaxial compression at constant speed, taking readings of stress, strain, and modulus of elasticity (E). Statisticalanalysis revealed differences forboth the differentfat contents and the ripening times considered. Instrumental parameter values increased with lower cheese fat contents; with a 20% reduction in the fat to dry matter content from full-fat to reduced-fat cheeses, resulting in a 35% increase in maximum stress and in the slope of the stress-strain curve at the end of ripening. The greatest sensory differences between samples were recorded for firmness.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: A series of 1,040 cultures of coli-aerogenes bacteria isolated at 30° from farm dairy equipment and raw milk was classified according to the recommendations of the Coliform Sub-Committee of the Society for Applied Bacteriology (Report, 1949). The distribution of species and types isolated from milk did not differ materially from that for dairy equipment, Klebsiella cloacae, K. aerogenes and Citrobacter freundii being the dominant species, while the incidence of Escherichia coli was relatively low. There was no marked seasonal incidence of any type, though E. coli I formed a slightly higher proportion of the coli-aerogenes microflora in winter, whereas K. aerogenes I was slightly higher in summer. Many of the cultures of the dominant types, K. cloacae, K. aerogenes I and Cit. freundii I, did not form acid and gas from lactose in two days at 37°. Consequently 37° negative, anaerogenic and paracolon strains constituted a relatively high proporton (49%) of the coli-aerogenes microflora.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the usefulness of an array of statistical techniques to describe relationships between instrumental data and non‐oral sensory texture profiling scores by using a range of model processed cheese analogs as example. Pairwise correlation, used as an exploratory tool, showed no significant correlation for flexibility and greasiness with any individual instrumental parameter. Stepwise regression, principal component regression and partial least squares regression were used to generate models for firmness, stickiness and curdiness of the analogs studied. No models could be generated for flexibility and greasiness, and models for rubberiness had poor quality of fit compared with the other sensory attributes. In general, firmness, stickiness and curdiness were satisfactorily modeled by using chemical data and small deformation rheological parameters. Compression data (large deformation), often used in correlation studies regarding the texture of cheese, did not necessarily lead to better correlation results in comparison with other instrumental parameters used in this research.  相似文献   

Milk powders available commercially are of different qualities. The quality deviations may be due to inherent quality of the milk which in turn is dependent on various conditions like the fat content, the processing parameters, the storage time and the packaging materials used. The various brands of milk powders have been profiled sensorily for odor and flavor and also positioned using Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA). The study throws light on the relative qualities of the different brands, their positive and negative points and their relative position with respect to each other. The results indicate that the various types like whole milk powder, partially skimmed milk powder, skimmed milk powder and infant milk formula cluster together into the same group but the groups are separate from each other. The dominant quality attributes for the groups are different and are discussed in relation to the directional vectors.  相似文献   

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