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There are several possible explanations for the low fruit: flower ratios commonly observed in the Australian Proteaceae—some proximate and others ultimate. One of these, namely that some flowers on a plant are functionally male (andromonoecy), has recently received considerable attention. However, the term andromonoecy appears to have been misused in the pollination ecology literature. In this note, we clarify the use of the terms andromonoecy and androgyny, and suggest that they should be applied with care, only after it is clear that the flowers lack ovules or that they possess dysfunctional gynoecia. These terms should not be applied to post-fertilization events which result in ovule abortion. Further, we review the current evidence for andromonoecy or androgyny in the Proteaceae, especially the genus Banksia , and present the results of studies on two additional Banksia species, B. spinulosa and B. ericifolia. The evidence so far fails to provide support for widespread andromonoecy in this genus as an explanation for low fruit: flower ratios.  相似文献   

对中国苦苣苔科异片苣苔属、长檐苣苔属和报春苣苔属等3个特有属中3种代表植物的花粉形态进行了光镜和扫描电镜的观察。结果发现这些植物的花粉形状比较一致,均为长球形或近球形,表明花粉形状对苦苣苔科的系统与分类没有太大的参考价值。观察到两种类型的花粉外壁纹饰:细网状纹饰、粗网状纹饰;异片苣苔属具粗网状纹饰,长檐苣苔属和报春苣苔属具细网状纹饰。还讨论了一些花粉外壁纹饰特征在苦苣苔科的系统研究方面的潜在价值。  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the foraging behaviour of honeyeaters and the production of fruit were examined in relation to the flowering intensity of Banksia spinulosa over two flowering seasons. The abundance of inflorescences was greater in the mid than in the early and late periods of the flowering season. In the mid period, many plants were blooming and each plant had many flowering inflorescences. Inflorescences received most visits by honeyeaters in the early flowering period; the visitation rate declining as flowering progressed. Eastern spinebills were the most common floral visitors at all times during the season. The number of foraging probes made at inflorescences by eastern spinebills did not differ throughout the season. Foraging movements between inflorescences on the same plant were more frequent in the mid period than in the early and late periods. Long distance movements between plants (more than 10 m apart) were promoted by aggressive interactions between honeyeaters. Inflorescences flowering in the late period were less likely to develop follicles because there were fewer visits by birds and/or because resources had been allocated to inflorescences pollinated earlier in the season. The number of follicles produced per infructescence did not differ between flowering periods. Overall, the number of inflorescences produced per plant, the number of visits received per inflorescence and the proportion of inflorescences that developed follicles were greater in 1987 than in 1988.  相似文献   

Four species of Gomesa (Gomesa flexuosa, Gomesa ranifera, Gomesa cornigera, and Gomesa riograndensis), a horticulturally important, albeit scarcely studied orchid genus, were investigated. Pollination biology was studied through fieldwork in Rio Grande do Sul in Southern Brazil during two flowering seasons. Breeding systems were studied through controlled pollinations in cultivated plants. All studied species secrete floral oils through elaiophores and are exclusively pollinated by native, oil-collecting bees of the Centridini or Tapinotaspidini tribes. Pollinarium reconfiguration after withdrawal, a feature likely promoting cross-pollination, was recorded in G. cornigera and G. riograndensis. All studied species are pollinator-dependent and either predominantly or fully self-incompatible, that is, unable to set fruit following self-pollination. The used indexes of pollination efficiency consistently scored values below 1, indicating that in all studied species less than one flower is pollinated per pollinarium removed. Accordingly, pollen loss was high, ranging from 40% to 75%. Furthermore, inflorescences in natural populations displayed low fruit sets (below 13%). Gomesa flexuosa presented the highest values of pollinarium removal (36.24%) and deposition (15.34%). Significantly, this is the only studied species bearing a tabula infraestigmatica, a column swelling that bees hold to stabilize themselves while gathering the floral oils. Since pollinators were observed in all studied species spending considerable time (up to 3 min 46 s) and visiting several (up to 19) flowers, we propose that the observed low fruit set is the result of a combination of self-incompatibility, pollinator-mediated self-pollination, and pollen loss.  相似文献   

Anthonotha noldeae (Rossberg) Exell et Hillc. Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, an Afromontane forest canopy tree, produces a superabundance of flowers, but few (1.1%) initiate fruits, and even fewer (0.44%) reach maturity and disperse. Fifty-three percent of fruits are predated. A. noldeae is andromonoecious. Over all 20 trees for which we counted floral gender ratios (hermaphrodite vs. staminate flowers), the ratio was 2.1:1. There was significant (F 19,379?=?8.52; p?<?0.001) variation in the proportion of the two flower types produced among individuals. Floral gender ratios did not predict the proportion of mature fruits produced on a tree (r 2?=?0.066; p?=?0.273), or its phenotypic gender (Gi)??which is defined as the contribution of an individual tree to the next generation in terms of female function relative to all other individuals in the population (r 2?=?0.069; p?=?0.262). Gi varied among trees from 0 (functionally male) to 0.8. There was no correlation between tree size and phenotypic gender (r?=?0.08; p?=?0.74; n?=?20). Open flowers initiated significantly more fruits than bagged or caged flowers (p?=?0.0073), showing A. noldeae relies on birds to produce fruits. However, 80% of visits to flowers were made by insects, while only 20% of visits were from pollinating sunbirds. While low fruit initiation was the most restrictive reproductive step, low pollination rates combined with insect robbers, fungal attacks and high levels of predation of immature fruits may contribute to the extremely low fruit set in A. noldeae.  相似文献   

花粉和资源限制对青阳参坐果率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以生长于自然种群的青阳参植株为材料进行补充授粉试验,以人工种植的青阳参植株为材料进行资源限制试验,探讨花粉和资源限制对青阳参坐果率的影响.结果表明:自花授粉、天然授粉和异株异花授粉植株的结实率分别为1.7%、2.25 %和24%,花粉来源对青阳参坐果存在显著影响;补充施肥和不补充施肥植株的坐果率分别为5.12%和3.1...  相似文献   

The reproductive success of Mandevilla pentlandiana was studied to disclose its reproductive strategy, and to determine the links between nectar production, breeding system, fruit set and inflorescence size. The plant produces many inflorescences with a large number of flowers but initiates few fruits (9%). This vine is self-compatible but not autogamous. Given that no significant differences could be detected considering many traits (ripe and abortive fruit sets, fruit quality, and seedling survival) between the pollination treatments (self-, cross-and natural-), the low natural fruit set was not related to pollen limitation. Fruits were not distributed at random within inflorescences (earlier fruits had the highest probability of maturation) but there were no significant differences in fruit quality according to different fruit positions. Conversely, the time of fruit initiation influenced most of the fruit-traits. Many developing fruits were aborted (20%). An increase in the probability of abortion was detected when the whole inflorescence was hand pollinated. In addition, a positive correlation was detected between the abortions and the number of ripe fruits which developed before them. Looking at our data from an evolutionary perspective, we argue that a theoretical inflorescence size, corresponding to the intersection point between the mean values of fruit number and fruit set per inflorescence, can be assumed to indicate the optimum inflorescence size that maximizes equally both female and male functions. Comparison between the theoretical and the observed mean inflorescence size suggests, that for M. pentlandiana , pollen donation may be the primary evolutionary factor behind excess flowers.  相似文献   

Twenty-three genera of Amaranthaceae occur in the New World. Two endemic genera occur in the Hawaiian Islands. Among the genera of the subfamily Amaranthoideae, Celosia, Cyathula and Achyranthes have their main distributions in the Old World; the two last-named genera are represented in the Americas only by widespread weeds. All the New World genera of the subfamily Gomphrenoideae are mainly or entirely restricted to this region. Characters of androecium and gynoecium are fundamental in the recognition of genera within the family. Androecia of different genera may be structurally and phylogenetically more similar than would appear from a cursory examination. It is suggested that the type of staminal tubes found in Pseudogomphrena and Froelichia can be derived from that in Alternanthera and Froelichiella by reduction of filament length and a fusion of pseudostaminodia with the filaments. The staminal tube in Gomphrena could result from a further decrease in distance between pseudostaminodia of the Pseudogomphrena type, and a deeper forking of the pseudostaminodia; each so-called apical filament lobe in Gomphrena would then be homologous with half a pseudostaminodium in Pseudogomphrena. Much of the variation in the androecia of these and other genera, as well as within genera such as Pfaffia, can be explained as the combined results of coalescence and splitting-up tendencies. Splitting up of staminal tubes may not necessarily take place along the borders of phylogenetically original filaments and pseudostaminodia. The Amaranthus-type of pollen is found in the majority of genera of the subfamily Amaranthoideae, but also in the Chenopodiaceae. A group of genera within the subfamily Gomphrenoideae also has pollen very similar to, or identical with, this type. Most genera of the subfamily Gomphrenoideae have pollen of the Gomphrena-type. Pseudoplantago has unilocular (at anthesis) anthers, a characteristic of the subfamily Gomphrenoideae, but floral structure as well as pollen morphology connect the genus to a group of genera within the Amaranthoideae, subtribe Achyranthinae. The combination of subcuboidal shape and opercula with radially arranged hooked protuberances, makes the pollen of Pseudoplantago unique among the angiosperms studied so far. Floral morphology and palynological characteristics indicate a close relationship between Pfaffia and Alternanthera. Both genera, as currently accepted, are relatively homogeneous from pollen morphological points of view. There are no correlations between pollen morphology and the variation in the androecium in Pfaffia, nor would pollen structure support recognition of Hebanthe as a distinct genus. Woehleria and Irenella may be derived from, or be of the same origin as, Dicraurus and Iresine. All four genera are placed in the subfamily Gomphrenoideae because of the bisporangiate anthers, but their pollen structure is very close to, or identical with, that of the Amaranthus-type. Pseudogomphrena combines characteristics of Gomphrena and Pfaffia.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of 27 species in Leucadendron are analysed for the first time. New chromosome counts are reported for 15 species, with 2 n  = 26 occurring in all of them. Karyotype analysis indicated that chromosomes of Leucadendron taxa are small in size and have predominantly median to submedian centromeres. The mean sizes of somatic metaphase chromosomes ranged from 1.05 to 2.65 µm. Based on Stebbins' karyotype classification, 1A type was found in L. galpinii , L. muirii , L. orientale , L. platyspermum , L. rubrum , and L. salignum ; 2A type in L. conicum , L. flexuosum , L. laureolum , L. meridianum , L. salicifolium , L. stelligerum , and L. teretifolium ; and 2B type in L. argenteum , L. chamelaea , L. discolor , L. elimense , L. eucalyptifolium , L. floridum , L. gandogeri , L. linifolium , L. loeriense , L. macowanii , L. procerum , L. spissifolium , L. strobilinum , and L. tinctum . These types are the three most symmetrical karyotypes and are considered to be primitive.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 387–394.  相似文献   

It has been assumed that species of the large African genus Protea have strong self‐incompatibility systems. However, this assumption was based largely on studies conducted on a clade of bird‐pollinated species that occur in the shrubby fynbos vegetation of the Cape region of southern Africa. To test whether self‐incompatibility occurs in a grassland/savanna Protea clade, which is largely insect‐pollinated, we performed controlled pollination experiments on four species, P. caffra, P. dracomontana, P. simplex and P. welwitschii. Although pollen–ovule ratios of all four species fall within the range for outcrossers, all four species are self‐compatible and capable of autonomous seed production. Using fluorescence microscopy, we found that self‐pollen tubes had the same probability of reaching ovules as cross‐pollen tubes. In the small tree P. caffra, selfed progeny had rates of germination and survivorship that were identical to those of crossed progeny. The grassland Protea spp. studied are likely to have mixed mating systems on account of being both visited by insects and capable of autonomous selfing. If one assumes previous reports of self‐incompatibility in Protea to be reliable, there have been at least five losses of self‐incompatibility and two gains of autonomous selfing in this genus. However, earlier studies in the genus were often methodologically flawed and a thorough re‐analysis of breeding systems in Protea is required. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169 , 433–446.  相似文献   

Multiple factors determine plant reproductive success and their influence may vary spatially. This study addresses several factors influencing female reproductive success in three populations of Ruellia nudiflora, specifically we: (i) determine if fruit set is pollen‐limited and if pollinator visitation rates are related to this condition; (ii) estimate fruit set via autonomous self‐pollination (AS) and relate it to the magnitude of herkogamy; and (iii) evaluate if fruit abortion is a post‐pollination mechanism that determines the magnitude of pollen limitation. At each site we marked 35 plants, grouped as: unmanipulated control (C) plants subjected to open pollination, plants manually cross‐pollinated (MP), and plants excluded from pollinators and only able to self‐pollinate autonomously (AS). Fruit set was greater for MP relative to C plants providing evidence for pollen limitation, while a tendency was observed for lower fruit abortion of MP relative to C plants suggesting that fruit set is influenced not only by pollen delivery per se, but also by subsequent abortion. In addition, although pollinator visits varied significantly among populations, the magnitude of pollen limitation did not, suggesting that pollinator activity was not relevant in determining pollen limitation. Finally, fruit set tended to decrease with the degree of herkogamy for AS plants, but this result was inconclusive. These findings have contributed to identify which factors influence reproductive success in populations of R. nudiflora, with potentially relevant implications for population genetic structure and mating system evolution of this species.  相似文献   

Zuili plum (Prunus salicina L.) trees usually set fruit poorly, although they produce high quality fruit. To elucidate the causes of the poor fruit set, pollen tube growth into pistils and fruit set percentage were investigated after cross-, self- and open-pollination. Ovule development in Zuili pistils was also investigated. Pollen tube penetration into the ovules via the obturator and micropyle was best when Zuili pistils were pollinated by cv. Black Amber (P. domestica) pollen grains, although cross-pollinations with Hongxinli and Miili (P. salicina) pollen were more effective than self- and open-pollination. The fruit set percentage was also highest in pistils pollinated with Black Amber pollen grains. Morphological observation of Zuili pistils revealed that the trees produce "double pistils", developing two ovaries from a basal pistil, at a rate as high as 28%. In such abnormal pistils, most ovules were lacking an embryo sac or were entirely degenerated. The percentage of normally developed ovules was 24.3% and 8.9% in normal and double pistils, respectively. From these results, we conclude that the main causes of poor fruit set of Zuili plums are a lack of effective cross-pollination and the production of high percentages of double pistils in which normally developed ovules are scarcely formed.  相似文献   

Fruit set is consistently low in the genus Banksia (Proteaceae). One explanation for low fruit:flower ratios is that excess flowers allow plants to selectively abort inferior progeny thereby increasing the average quality of the seed crop. We examined whether self-pollinated fruits were aborted selectively in a partially self-compatible population of Banksia spinulosa. Inflorescences were divided in half and pollinated with cross pollen on both sides, self pollen on both sides or cross pollen on one side and self pollen on the other. Seed production was reduced significantly by 38% on fully self-pollinated compared to fully cross-pollinated inflorescences, indicating partial self-incompatibility or inbreeding depression. On inflorescences pollinated with both cross and self pollen, selfed seed set was reduced by 63% compared to crossed seed set. On the selfed half of these inflorescences, fewer fruits and seeds were produced, and more fruits had aborted seeds than on randomly selected halves of fully self-pollinated inflorescences. These results suggest that self-fertilized embryos were developed in the absence of outcrossed progeny but were selectively aborted when outcrossed progeny were present on inflorescences. To determine the amount of outcrossing occurring in the study population, outcrossing rates (t) of naturally pollinated plants were examined by electrophoretic assessment of progeny arrays. Values of I did not differ significantly from one, indicating complete outcrossing. High outcrossing, despite the high probability of self pollen receipt under natural conditions, is consistent with the conclusion that selective abortion occurs in B. spinulosa.  相似文献   

The effects of chronic, mild heat stress on fruit set, fruit production, release of pollen grains, photosynthesis, night respiration and anther dehiscence were examined in tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) differing in high‐temperature sensitivity. Plants were grown under three temperature regimes: (1) 28/22 or 26/22 °C (optimal temperature); (2) 32/26 °C (high temperature); and (3) 32/26 °C day/night temperatures relieved at 28/22 °C for 10 d before anthesis, then returned to 32/26 °C (relieving treatment). FLA 7156 was the only cultivar with fruit set at 32/26 °C. All five cultivars, however, had fruit set under the relieving treatment (RT). The longer the relief, the higher the percentage of fruit set. Longer periods of relief also increased the number of pollen grains released, and linear regression analysis showed a significant relationship between the number of pollen grains released and the percentage of fruit set. Germination of pollen grains was also lowered in high‐temperature‐grown plants. The number of pollen grains produced, photosynthesis and night respiration did not limit fruit set under chronic, mild heat stress, however. This suggested that cultivar differences in pollen release and germination under heat stress are the most important factors determining their ability to set fruit.  相似文献   

Myrosmodes cochleare is a terrestrial orchid restricted to high elevations of the northern Andes. It is self-compatible but not autogamous. Flowering begins at the apex of the inflorescence, but flower size increases steadily towards the base. Fruit set of selfed flowers was found to increase significantly from the apex to the base of the inflorescence. Open-pollinated fruit set was significantly lower than hand-pollinated fruit set overall, but the highest levels occurred in the middle of the inflorescence. Eumenid wasps and a calliphorid fly were observed to pollinate the flowers, but visits were rare and occurred only during infrequent warm periods.  相似文献   

Mango malformation is the most threaten disease that limits mango production, worldwide. For a long time, due to its complex nature, the cause and causal agents were strongly disputed. Diverse Fusaria, including Fusarium mangiferae, are known to be associated with the disease. There are indications that augmented level of endogenous ethylene in response to various abiotic and biotic stresses alters the morphology of reproductive organs. Here, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of healthy and malformed reproductive organs of mango cv. Baramasi was performed to compare the functional morphology. The SEM study revealed that anthers of hermaphrodite healthy flowers were bilobed with large number of turgid pollen grains whereas malformed flowers showed fused lobed anthers with scanty deformed pollen grains. Furthermore, the stigma of healthy flowers exhibited a broad landing pad as compared to malformed stigma which showed hooked and pointed tip. All these impaired morphology of male and female reproductive organs lead to failure of sexual reproduction. This is the first evidence to show fused lobed anther with impaired pollen grains and hooked stigma with poor stigmatic receptivity are mainly responsible for restricting the pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Here we suggest that abnormal development of anthers and pistils is due to endogenously produced stress ethylene. Further, added load of cyanide, a byproduct of ethylene biosynthesis, may also contribute to the development of necrosis which lead to desiccation of anther and pistil during hypersensitive response of plants.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology has played a major role in elucidating infrafamiliar‐level systematics and evolution within Annonaceae, especially within the African genera. The Monodora clade is composed of five genera, Asteranthe, Hexalobus, Isolona, Monodora and Uvariastrum, which are restricted to Africa and contain together c. 50 species. A molecular phylogeny of the family showed that the monophyly of the Monodora clade is strongly supported and that it is part of a larger clade of 11 African genera. In order to support classification a detailed survey was made of the pollen morphological variation within the Monodora clade, using scanning and transmission electron microsopy. For the two most species‐rich genera, Isolona and Monodora, a molecular species‐level phylogeny was used to assess the taxonomic usefulness of the pollen characters. The survey showed a wide range of pollen morphological diversity. The most conspicuous variation concerned the occurrence of monads without a thicker outer foliation in the basal exine layer in Isolona in contrast to tetrads with a thicker outer foliation in Asteranthe, Hexalobus, Monodora and Uvariastrum. At the infrageneric level, Hexalobus, Isolona and Monodora showed the largest diversity, with various pollen types based on tectum morphology. Hexalobus is exceptional with three types within only five species. The pollen types defined in this study are hardly useful in characterizing major groups identified within both Isolona and Monodora, but they do illustrate relationships within smaller groups.  相似文献   

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