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Although plant genome sizes are extremely diverse, the mechanism underlying the expansion of huge genomes that did not experience whole‐genome duplication has not been elucidated. The pepper, Capsicum annuum, is an excellent model for studies of genome expansion due to its large genome size (2700 Mb) and the absence of whole genome duplication. As most of the pepper genome structure has been identified as constitutive heterochromatin, we investigated the evolution of this region in detail. Our findings show that the constitutive heterochromatin in pepper was actively expanded 20.0–7.5 million years ago through a massive accumulation of single‐type Ty3/Gypsy‐like elements that belong to the Del subgroup. Interestingly, derivatives of the Del elements, such as non‐autonomous long terminal repeat retrotransposons and long‐unit tandem repeats, played important roles in the expansion of constitutive heterochromatic regions. This expansion occurred not only in the existing heterochromatic regions but also into the euchromatic regions. Furthermore, our results revealed a repeat of unit length 18–24 kb. This repeat was found not only in the pepper genome but also in the other solanaceous species, such as potato and tomato. These results represent a characteristic mechanism for large genome evolution in plants.  相似文献   

Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is a famous medicinal herb, but the composition and structure of its genome are largely unknown. Here we characterized the major repeat components and inspected their distribution in the ginseng genome. By analyzing three repeat‐rich bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequences from ginseng, we identified complex insertion patterns of 34 long terminal repeat retrotransposons (LTR‐RTs) and 11 LTR‐RT derivatives accounting for more than 80% of the BAC sequences. The LTR‐RTs were classified into three Ty3/gypsy (PgDel, PgTat and PgAthila) and two Ty1/Copia (PgTork and PgOryco) families. Mapping of 30‐Gbp Illumina whole‐genome shotgun reads to the BAC sequences revealed that these five LTR‐RT families occupy at least 34% of the ginseng genome. The Ty3/Gypsy families were predominant, comprising 74 and 33% of the BAC sequences and the genome, respectively. In particular, the PgDel family accounted for 29% of the genome and presumably played major roles in enlargement of the size of the ginseng genome. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed that the PgDel1 elements are distributed throughout the chromosomes along dispersed heterochromatic regions except for ribosomal DNA blocks. The intensity of the PgDel2 FISH signals was biased toward 24 out of 48 chromosomes. Unique gene probes showed two pairs of signals with different locations, one pair in subtelomeric regions on PgDel2‐rich chromosomes and the other in interstitial regions on PgDel2‐poor chromosomes, demonstrating allotetraploidy in ginseng. Our findings promote understanding of the evolution of the ginseng genome and of that of related species in the Araliaceae.  相似文献   

Most eukaryotic centromeres contain large quantities of repetitive DNA, such as satellite repeats and retrotransposons. Unlike most transposons in plant genomes, the centromeric retrotransposon (CR) family is conserved over long evolutionary periods among a majority of the grass species. CR elements are highly concentrated in centromeres, and are likely to play a role in centromere function. In order to study centromere evolution in the Oryza (rice) genus, we sequenced the orthologous region to centromere 8 of Oryza sativa from a related species, Oryza brachyantha. We found that O. brachyantha does not have the canonical CRR (CR of rice) found in the centromeres of all other Oryza species. Instead, a new Ty3‐gypsy (Metaviridae) retroelement (FRetro3) was found to colonize the centromeres of this species. This retroelement is found in high copy numbers in the O. brachyantha genome, but not in other Oryza genomes, and based on the dating of long terminal repeats (LTRs) of FRetro3 it was amplified in the genome in the last few million years. Interestingly, there is a high level of removal of FRetro3 based on solo‐LTRs to full‐length elements, and this rapid turnover may have played a role in the replacement of the canonical CRR with the new element by active deletion. Comparison with previously described ChIP cloning data revealed that FRetro3 is found in CENH3‐associated chromatin sequences. Thus, within a single lineage of the Oryza genus, the canonical component of grass centromeres has been replaced with a new retrotransposon that has all the hallmarks of a centromeric retroelement.  相似文献   

Centromeric chromatin in most eukaryotes is composed of highly repetitive centromeric retrotransposons and satellite repeats that are highly variable even among closely related species. The evolutionary mechanisms that underlie the rapid evolution of centromeric repeats remain unknown. To obtain insight into the evolution of centromeric repeats following polyploidy, we studied a model diploid progenitor (Gossypium raimondii, D‐genome) of the allopolyploid (AD‐genome) cottons, G. hirsutum and G. barbadense. Sequence analysis of chromatin‐immunoprecipitated DNA showed that the G. raimondii centromeric repeats originated from retrotransposon‐related sequences. Comparative analysis showed that nine of the 10 analyzed centromeric repeats were absent from the centromeres in the A‐genome and related diploid species (B‐, F‐ and G‐genomes), indicating that they colonized the centromeres of D‐genome lineage after the divergence of the A‐ and D‐ ancestral species or that they were ancestrally retained prior to the origin of Gossypium. Notably, six of the nine repeats were present in both the A‐ and D‐subgenomes in tetraploid G. hirsutum, and increased in abundance in both subgenomes. This finding suggests that centromeric repeats may spread and proliferate between genomes subsequent to polyploidization. Two repeats, Gr334 and Gr359 occurred in both the centromeres and nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in D‐ and AD‐genome species, yet localized to just the NORs in A‐, B‐, F‐, and G‐genome species. Contained within is a story of an established centromeric repeat that is eliminated and allopolyploidization provides an opportunity for reinvasion and reestablishment, which broadens our evolutionary understanding behind the cycles of centromeric repeat establishment and targeting.  相似文献   

LTR retrotransposons may be important contributors to host gene evolution because they contain regulatory and coding signals. In an effort to assess the possible contribution of LTR retrotransposons to C. elegans gene evolution, we searched upstream and downstream of LTR retrotransposon sequences for the presence of predicted genes. Sixty-three percent of LTR retrotransposon sequences (79/124) are located within 1 kb of a gene or within gene boundaries. Most gene-retrotransposon associations were located along the chromosome arms. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that LTR retrotransposons have contributed to the structural and/or regulatory evolution of genes in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Retrotransposons are mobile genetic elements that amplify throughout the genome and may be important contributors of genetic diversity. Their distribution is influenced by element behaviour and host-driven controls. We analysed the distribution of three copia-type retrotransposons, ToRTL1, T135 and Tnt1 using sequence-specific amplification polymorphism in self-compatible (SC) and incompatible (SI) species of Solanum subsection Lycopersicon, and genetically mapped polymorphic insertions in S. lycopersicum (tomato). The majority of polymorphic insertions (61%) are located in centromeric regions of the tomato genome. A significant positive relationship was detected between insertion polymorphisms and mating system, independent of selection as most insertions were found to be neutral. As insertion patterns successfully inferred interspecific relationships of Solanum subsection Lycopersicon, our results suggest that the distribution of ToRTL1, T135 and Tnt1 may essentially be determined by selection removing strongly deleterious insertions, with genetic drift and mating system, but not recombination rate, playing important roles.  相似文献   

We studied the dynamics of hopi, Retrosat1, and RIRE3, three gypsy-like long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, in Oryza sativa L. genome. For each family, we assessed the phenetic relationships of the copies and estimated the date of insertion of the complete copies through the evaluation of their LTR divergence. We show that within each family, distinct phenetic groups have inserted at significantly different times, within the past 5 Myr and that two major amplification events may have occurred during this period. We show that solo-LTR formation through homologous unequal recombination has occurred in rice within the past 5 Myr for the three elements. We thus propose an increase/decrease model for rice genome evolution, in which both amplification and recombination processes drive variations in genome size.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of a large-insert genomic clone, BAC 22B2, previously suggested that Sorghum bicolor (2n = 20) has the tetraploid architecture A(b)A(b)B(b)B(b). Here, we report on BAC 22B2 subclone pCEN38 (1047-bp insert) as related to sorghum and sugarcane. Mitotic FISH of six different subclones of BAC 22B2 showed that pCEN38 produced the strongest specificity to the A(b) subgenome and signal occurred primarily near centromeres. Southern blots of pCEN38 to 21 crop plants revealed a narrow taxonomic distribution. Meiotic metaphase I FISH positioned pCEN38 sequences near active centromeres. Pachytene FISH revealed that the distributions are trimodal in several B(b) and possibly all sorghum chromosomes. DNA sequencing revealed that the pCEN38 fragment contains three tandemly repeated dimers (<280 bp) of the same sequence family found in sorghum clone pSau3A10, and that each dimer consists of two divergent monomers (<140 bp). Sequence comparisons revealed homology between the pCEN38 monomers and the SCEN 140 bp tandem repeat family of sugarcane. FISH of pCEN38 yielded signal in centromere regions of most but not all sugarcane chromosomes. Results suggest that sugarcane and sorghum share at least one ancestor harboring elements similar to pCEN38 and SCEN and that each species had an ancestor in which the repetitive element was weakly present or lacking.  相似文献   

St基因组中的CRW同源序列在偃麦草中的FISH分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陆坤  徐柱  刘朝  张学勇 《遗传》2009,31(11):1141-1148
为了确定十倍体长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum ponticum, Liu & Wang)和六倍体中间偃麦草(Th. intermedium, [Host] Barkworth & Dewey )的基因组组成, 根据野生一粒小麦(Triticum boeoticum)着丝粒自主型反转录转座子(CRW)序列设计特异引物, 以二倍体拟鹅观草(Pseudoroegneria spicata, Á Löve )基因组 DNA为模板进行PCR扩增, 筛选到一条St基因组着丝粒区相对特异反转录转座子的部分序列pStC1, 长度为1.755 kb (GenBank登录号: FJ952565), 其中有800 bp与小麦着丝粒反转录转座子(CRW)的LTR区高度同源, 另有小部分片段与其外壳蛋白编码基因(gag)部分同源, 并且包含一段富含AGCAAC碱基的重复序列。以pStC1为探针, 对十倍体长穗偃麦草的FISH检测结果显示其基因组组成为两个St组3个E组(St1St2EeEbEx); pStC1与中间偃麦草杂交时, 不仅St基因组上有强烈的荧光信号, 而且E基因组一些染色体的近着丝粒区域也有杂交信号, 说明偃麦草属异源多倍体物种在其形成及进化过程中St与E基因组之间在着丝粒及近着丝粒相关区域可能存在协同进化。  相似文献   

A collaborative Brassica rapa genome sequencing project is currently in progress to aid the identification of agronomically important traits in Brassica species. As an initial stage, the ends of over 110 000 bacterial artificial chromosome clones were sequenced and mined for simple sequence repeats (SSRs). We present the characterization of 40 of these SSRs and their application in Brassica napus. The markers were screened against six Brassica species and Arabidopsis, and demonstrated reliable amplification, genome specificity, cross‐amplification and significant polymorphism. These SSRs will be useful for genetic analysis of Brassica germplasm.  相似文献   

We have analysed the centromere 1 (CEN1) of Arabidopsis thaliana by integration of genetic, sequence and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) data. CEN1 is considered to include the centromeric core and the flanking left and right pericentromeric regions, which are distinct parts by structural and/or functional properties. CEN1 pericentromeres are composed of different dispersed repetitive elements, sometimes interrupted by functional genes. In contrast the CEN1 core is more uniformly structured harbouring only two different repeats. The presented analysis reveals aspects concerning distribution and effects of the uniformly shaped heterochromatin, which covers all CEN1 regions. A lethal mutation tightly linked to CEN1 enabled us to measure recombination frequencies within the heterochromatin in detail. In the left pericentromere, the change from eu- to heterochromatin is accompanied by a gradual change in sequence composition but by an extreme change in recombination frequency (from normal to 53-fold decrease) which takes place within a small region spanning 15 kb. Generally, heterochromatin is known to suppress recombination. However, the same analysis reveals that left and right pericentromere, though similar in sequence composition, differ markedly in suppression (53-fold versus 10-fold). The centromeric core exhibits at least 200-fold if not complete suppression. We discuss whether differences in (fine) composition reflect quantitative and qualitative differences in binding sites for heterochromatin proteins and in turn render different functional properties. Based on the presented data we estimate the sizes of Arabidopsis centromeres. These are typical for regional centromeres of higher eukaryotes and range from 4.4 Mb (CEN1) to 3.55 Mb (CEN4).  相似文献   

陈洁  李媛  杨莹  刘博  窦全文 《西北植物学报》2024,44(8):1273-1282
【目的】赖草属植物是麦类作物遗传改良和育种重要的基因资源,但作为异源多倍体植物,关于其基因组来源仍存在较大争议。【方法】通过构建赖草属物种赖草的Cot-1DNA文库,获得大量重复序列,进一步利用荧光原位杂交技术和重复序列对赖草,以及近缘物种大赖草和祖先供体物种新麦草进行染色体荧光原位杂交涂染。【结果】(1)根据序列及基因组分布特性,赖草Cot-1DNA可归为串联重复序列(TaiI、Lt1-6、pTa535和pSc250家族),散布重复序列(LTR/Gypsy、LTR/Copia、LTR及转座子),散布加串联混合重复序列(LTR+Afa-family和N8-family+LZ-NBS-LRR)以及未能鉴定类型,4种类型在Cot-1DNA文库克隆中的占比分别为32.4%、45.7%、12.4%和9.5%。(2)串联重复序列TaiI、Lt1-6、pTa535和pSc250在不同物种及同一物种不同材料间信号数量存在较大变异,分别为7~20、1~14、17~26及0~24。(3)10个反转座子序列在所有物种染色体的分布呈现3种方式:第1种是在所有染色体上杂交信号集中分布在着丝粒、近着丝粒及间质区;第2种是在所有染色体的所有区域都有分布;第3种为大部分染色体上的分布方式与第1种相同,但是部分染色体端部也有分布。2个LTR/Copia序列仅在赖草染色体上有分布,其他序列在不同物种以及不同材料间均有分布,但是在信号强度以及部分染色体上的分布方式等存在多态性。【结论】赖草属物种中的一些重复序列可能具有快速进化的特性,支持赖草属物种多倍化过程中,可能存在散在重复序列向整个核基因组的快速同质化扩散。  相似文献   

The physical map of the hexaploid wheat chromosome 3B was screened using centromeric DNA probes. A 1.1‐Mb region showing the highest number of positive bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones was fully sequenced and annotated, revealing that 96% of the DNA consisted of transposable elements, mainly long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons (88%). Estimation of the insertion time of the transposable elements revealed that CRW (also called Cereba) and Quinta are the youngest elements at the centromeres of common wheat (Triticum spp.) and its diploid ancestors, with Quinta being younger than CRW in both diploid and hexaploid wheats. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that both CRW and Quinta families are targeted by the centromere‐specific histone H3 variant CENH3. Immuno colocalization of retroelements and CENH3 antibody indicated that a higher proportion of Quinta than CRWs was associated with CENH3, although CRWs were more abundant. Long arrays of satellite repeats were also identified in the wheat centromere regions, but they lost the ability to bind with CENH3. In addition to transposons, two functional genes and one pseudogene were identified. The gene density in the centromere appeared to be between three and four times lower than the average gene density of chromosome 3B. Comparisons with related grasses also indicated a loss of microcollinearity in this region. Finally, comparison of centromeric sequences of Aegilops tauschii (DD), Triticum boeoticum (AA) and hexaploid wheat revealed that the centromeres in both the polyploids and diploids are still undergoing dynamic changes, and that the new CRWs and Quintas may have undertaken the core role in kinetochore formation.  相似文献   

Ltr retrotransposons and the evolution of eukaryotic enhancers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Since LTR retrotransposons and retroviruses are especially prone to regional duplications and recombination events, these viral-like systems may be especially conducive to the evolution of closely spaced combinatorial regulatory motifs. Using the Drosophila copia LTR retrotransposon as a model, we show that a regulatory region contained within the element's untranslated leader region (ULR) consists of multiple copies of an 8 bp motif (TTGTGAAA) with similarity to the core sequence of the SV40 enhancer. Naturally occurring variation in the number of these motifs is correlated with the enhancer strength of the ULR. Our results indicate that inter-element selection may favor the evolution of more active enhancers within permissive genetic backgrounds. We propose that LTR retroelements and perhaps other retrotransposons constitute drive mechanisms for the evolution of eukaryotic enhancers which can be subsequently distributed throughout host genomes to play a role in regulatory evolution. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Centromeres and telomeres of higher eukaryotes generally contain repetitive sequences, which often form pericentric or subtelomeric heterochromatin blocks. C-banding analysis of chromosomes of Azara''s owl monkey, a primate species, showed that the short arms of acrocentric chromosomes consist mostly or solely of constitutive heterochromatin. The purpose of the present study was to determine which category, pericentric, or subtelomeric is most appropriate for this heterochromatin, and to infer its formation processes. We cloned and sequenced its DNA component, finding it to be a tandem repeat sequence comprising 187-bp repeat units, which we named OwlRep. Subsequent hybridization analyses revealed that OwlRep resides in the pericentric regions of a small number of metacentric chromosomes, in addition to the short arms of acrocentric chromosomes. Further, in the pericentric regions of the acrocentric chromosomes, OwlRep was observed on the short-arm side only. This distribution pattern of OwlRep among chromosomes can be simply and sufficiently explained by assuming (i) OwlRep was transferred from chromosome to chromosome by the interaction of pericentric heterochromatin, and (ii) it was amplified there as subtelomeric heterochromatin. OwlRep carries several direct and inverted repeats within its repeat units. This complex structure may lead to a higher frequency of chromosome scission and may thus be a factor in the unique distribution pattern among chromosomes. Neither OwlRep nor similar sequences were found in the genomes of the other New World monkey species we examined, suggesting that OwlRep underwent rapid amplification after the divergence of the owl monkey lineage from lineages of the other species.  相似文献   

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