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Mast cell activation by immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated stimuli is a central event in the pathogenesis of allergic disorders. The present report shows that treatment with pentagalloylglucose (PGG) resulted in a down-regulation of FcεRI surface expression on mucosal-type murine bone marrow-derived mast cells (mBMMCs), which correlated with a reduction in IgE-mediated activation of mBMMCs. Furthermore, PGG prevented development of allergic diarrhea in a food-allergy mouse model and suppressed the up-regulated FcεRI surface expression on mast cells derived from the food-allergy mouse colon. These findings on PGG suggest its therapeutic potential for allergic diseases through suppressing the FcεRI surface expression.  相似文献   

 The effect of intrapleural instillation of recombinant human interferon γ (IFNγ) at increasing doses of (1–12) × 106 U was examined in six patients with cytologically positive pleural effusion due to lung cancer. Intrapleural instillation was repeated up to three times. Clinically, no reaccumulation of pleural effusion was observed in one patient and disappearance of lung cancer cells from the pleural effusion was seen in two other patients. No severe side-effects were observed. Considerable levels of IFNγ remained in the pleural effusion as well as in patients’ serum up to 7 days after instillation of 2 × 106 U and higher doses. The total cell number showed a transient decrease on day 1 of therapy. Levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor α, interleukin(IL)-1β and IL-6, in the pleural effusion remained almost stable after IFNγ instillation. On the other hand, intrapleural IL-1 receptor antagonist levels were remarkably elevated by the instillation of IFNγ. IL-2- and IL-12-inducible killer activity of pleural mononuclear cells tended to increase slightly. Despite the inability of IFNγ to control pleural effusion in this treatment schedule, IFNγ instilled by an intrapleural route had a potential local antitumor activity. Moreover, since IFNγ persists in pleural effusions for a long time after a single instillation, such a therapy in combination with other fibrogenic biological response modifiers can be promising. Received: 28 February 1997 / Accepted: 23 July 1997  相似文献   

Interferons up-regulate the expression of human tumor-associated antigens in animal models and in vitro. The use of interferons may enhance the immunodetection and immunotherapy of tumors by monoclonal antibodies that detect tumor antigens. For this strategy to be effective, however, the interferon must have an effect at the site of the tumor. In this study, the induction by interferon (IFN) of two tumor surface antigens was evaluated in six patients with primary colorectal cancer. Patients were treated with IFN and 48 h later underwent resection of the tumor. The interferon treatment induced expression of a tumor-associated glycoprotein (TAG-72) in two patients without antigen expression prior to interferon but had no effect on one TAG-72-negative tumor. IFN did not induce expression of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in the two patients whose tumors were CEA-negative prior to interferon. In all patients with heterogeneous expression of CEA and TAG-72 prior to IFN treatment, preoperative interferon increased the percentage of cells positive for CEA in two patients and TAG-72 in one patient. This study supports the addition of interferon induction to immunotherapy regimens directed at the CEA and TAG-72 cell-surface antigens.  相似文献   

Summary A total of 29 patients with advanced malignancy were treated with recombinant interferon (rIFN, specific activity = 2.107 units/mg, purity >95%) given by intravenous bolus at doses escalating from 0.01 mg/m2 to 5 mg/m2 (2 × 105–108 IU/m2) in nine successive steps (at least 3 patients/step). Injections of rIFN were repeated every 72 h for 15 days. Toxicity was evaluated according to the WHO scale. Fever and chills occurred in all patients treated without clear dose effect. Nausea and vomiting appeared at the fifth dose level and their frequency seemed to be dose-related. Cardiovascular side-effects (first-degree atrioventricular reversible block) were observed at the 2 mg/m2 and 5 mg/m2 levels (3 patients). Hematological toxicities were mild (2 grade 1 and 1 grade II cases of granulocytopenia). Minor biological modifications included a transitory rise in hepatic enzymes (12 patients), which correlated with the presence of liver metastasis. Hypocholesterolemia was observed in 18 patients. The appearance of antibodies against rIFN was not detected. One partial clinical response was observed in a patient receiving 2 mg/m2. During rIFN therapy this patient had the highest scores in this series for peripheral T lymphocytes with an activated phenotype (HLA DR+, TAC+) = 15% and for natural killer (NK) cells (NKH1, Leu19+) = 17%. rIFN appears as a well-tolerated and promising therapeutic agent with toxicities and mode of action probably distinct from IFN and .  相似文献   

Summary Some conventional and experimental anticancer drugs were tested for their effect on concanavalin-A-induced interferon release from rat splenocytes in vitro. When 2.5 × 106 rat splenocytes/ml, stimulated with 1 µg/ml concanavalin A, were incubated with various non-cytotoxic doses of the vinca alkaloid vincristine, there was an inhibition of the release of interferon in culture supernatants. The antitumour antibiotics bleomycin and Adriamycin, alkylating agents 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide and mafosfamide, and the immunoactive peptides FK 156 and FK565 did not affect the release of interferon under similar conditions. However, cyclosporin A, in similar experiments, markedly inhibited the release of interferon .  相似文献   

Interferon γ (IFNγ) plays a central role in the immune response against infection and tumur immune surveillance. Its functions include not only activation of the host immune system to control microbial infections but also repression of autoimmune responses by turning on T-regulatory cells and increasing T effector cell apoptosis. Defects in IFNγ and IFNγ receptor genes have been associated with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. However, treatment of autoimmune diseases by supplementing with IFNγ has been satisfactory due to its broad biological effects. Instead, its target T-regulatory cells may be used for the clinical treatment of autoimmune diseases. Future study could also focus on promotion of the beneficial effects of IFNγ and blocking those unwanted IFNγ-induced activities.  相似文献   

 Cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage have shown antitumor activity in vitro and in murine models after activation with interferon (IFN) γ. In vitro data suggest an additional effect on macrophage antitumor activity when IFNγ is combined with endotoxin (lipopolysaccharides; LPS). In this study we treated nine cancer patients with a total of 62 MAK infusion cycles with autologous macrophages given intravenously (i.v.) after in vitro activation with IFNγ and LPS. Low-grade fever (WHO I/II) was the commonest side-effect. Chills, nausea, and headache were noted when the number of transfused macrophages exceeded 2×108. One WHO IV toxicity occurred, consisting of hypotension after transfer of 3×108 cells, defining this dose as the maximum cell number tolerated. After pretreatment with ibuprofen, however, the maximum cell number could be increased without reaching dose-limiting toxicity. The highest number of cells reinfused was 15×108. Circulating interleukin(IL)-6 increased in a dose-dependent manner as did IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) and IL-8. Tumor response consisted of one case of stable disease (12 weeks) in a patient with formerly progressing colorectal cancer and progressive diseases in eight patients. This study indicates that reinfusion of autologous LPS-activated macrophages upon pretreatment with ibuprofen is feasible and tolerated without major side-effects. Received: 22 May 1997 / Accepted: 2 October 1997  相似文献   

Summary In this study we analysed the in vitro effect of recombinant interferon on cytotoxic activities mediated by both lymphoid and polymorphonuclear cells from 16 patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. Our results indicate the inability of interferon to restore the defective natural killer activity, natural killer cells and lectin-induced cytotoxicity. On the contrary we detected a boosting effect on the depressed polymorphonuclear cell cytotoxic activities. In our view, the ability of interferon to potentiate polymorphonuclear cell lytic efficiency could support an alternative defensive pathway against either neoplastic or infectious agents.  相似文献   

NUF2 (NUF2, Ndc80 kinetochore complex component) plays an important role in kinetochore-microtubule attachment. It has been reported that NUF2 is associated with multiple human cancers. However, the functional role of NUF2 in pancreatic cancer remains unclear. In this study, we found that NUF2 expression was stronger in tumour tissues than in normal pancreatic tissues, and its overexpression could be related to poor prognosis. Moreover, NUF2 was highly expressed in several human pancreatic cancer cell lines. We took advantage of lentivirus-mediated siRNA (small interfering RNA) to suppress NUF2 expression in PANC-1 and Sw1990 cell lines aiming to investigate the role of NUF2 in pancreatic cancer. NUF2 silencing by RANi (RNA interference) reduced the proliferation and colony formation ability of pancreatic cancer cells in vitro. Cell cycle analysis showed that NUF2 knockdown induced cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 phase via suppression of Cyclin B1, Cdc2 and Cdc25A. More importantly, NUF2 silencing was able to alleviate in vivo tumourigenesis in pancreatic cancer xenograft nude mice. Collectively, the present study indicates that the siRNA-mediated knockdown against NUF2 may be a promising therapeutic method for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

We have investigated the use of in vitro expression as a quick and convenient means of screening large numbers of interferon (IFN) analogs generated using in vitro mutagenesis. The IFN-α1 mRNA generated from DNA template using SP6 RNA polymerase is efficiently translated in rabbit reticulocyte lysate (RRL). The antiviral specific activity of this RRL-synthesized IFN-α1 is equivalent to the yeast-synthesized protein. In contrast with the yeast-expression system, where some IFN-α analogs are poorly expressed, all analogs tested were well expressed in RRL.  相似文献   

Summary In this study we have treated three malignant (TGrIII) and two pre-malignant (TGrII) urothelial cell lines with recombinant human interferon (rHu-INF). The malignant cells (HCV29-T112C1, Hu1703He and T24) were inhibited in growth by more than 50% after treatment with 100–1000 units of rHu-INF/ml for 4 days as compared to untreated controls. The growth of the pre-malignant cell lines (HCV29 and Hu609) was not influenced to the same extent in the presence of rHu-INF in the culture medium. Treatment with rHu-INF increased the expression of monomorphic human leukocyte antigens (HLA) A,B,C as well as 2-microglobulin in all the cell lines tested, as demonstrated using a quantitative immunofluorescence assay. The tumourigenic cell lines increased their expression of HLA in a dose-dependent way, whereas treatment of the non-tumourigenic cells with higher concentrations of rHu-INF than 10 units/ml, did not increase the HLA-A,B,C expression further. None of the cell lines expressed HLA-DR unless treated with rHu-INF. No correlation between tumourigenicity and the dose of rHu-INF required for de novo induction of HLA-DR could be demonstrated. After removal of rHu-INF from the medium, the expression of HLA-DR gradually decreased in less than 14 days, indicating that the expression of HLA-DR is not constitutive but dependent upon the presence of rHu-INF. We conclude that human urothelial cells grown in vitro are sensitive to the anti-proliferative and major-histocompatibility-complex-modulating effects of rHu-INF, and that malignant urothelial cells are more sensitive than pre-malignant cells. Finally, our data indicate a possible role for rHu-INF in the management of human bladder cancer.  相似文献   

N-3 fatty acids (FAs) are essential FAs necessary for human health and are known to possess anticancer properties. However, the relationship between n-3 FAs and β-catenin, one of the key components of the Wnt signaling pathway, in mouse breast cancer remains poorly characterized. In this study, 4T1 mouse breast cancer cells were exposed to a representative n-3 FA, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), to investigate the relationship between n-3 FAs and the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in vivo and in vitro. In vitro studies showed that DHA strongly inhibited cell growth, and induced G1 cell cycle arrest both in 4T1 mouse breast cells and MCF-7 human breast cells. DHA reduced β-catenin expression and T cell factor/lymphoid-enhancing factor reporter activity in 4T1 mouse breast cells. In addition, DHA down-regulated the expression of downstream target genes such as c-myc and cyclinD1. In vivo, therapy experiments were conducted on Babl/c mice bearing breast cancer. We found that feeding mouse the 5% fish oil-supplemented diet for 30 days significantly reduced the growth of 4T1 mouse breast cancer in vivo through inhibition of cancer cell proliferation as well as induction of apoptosis. Feeding animals a 5% fish oil diet significantly induced down-regulation of β-catenin in tumor tissues with a notable increase in apoptosis. In addition, fish oil-supplemented diet decreased lung metastases of breast cancer. These observations suggested that DHA exerted its anticancer activity through down-regulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Thus, our data call for further studies to assess the effectiveness of fish oil as a dietary supplement in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer.  相似文献   

While thymopentin has been used for many years in the experimental treatment of Sézary syndrome (SS), a rare and very aggressive lymphoma, its mechanism of action is still not known. Herein we show that this peptide acts as an inhibitor of isolated iNOS and nNOS isoforms, and reduces iNOS protein/mRNA levels and iNOS activity in blood cells obtained from both healthy donors and SS patients. Similar results were obtained with TPN-2, the N(ω)-nitro analogue of the Arg-Lys motif present in thymopentin. Additional investigations are necessary to confirm the role and the relative importance of the two mechanisms of iNOS down-regulation in the therapeutic action of these peptides against SS.  相似文献   

Geng F  Shi BZ  Yuan YF  Wu XZ 《Cell research》2004,14(5):423-433
It is well documented that the glycosylation of E-cadherin is correlated with cancer metastasis, but whether E-cadherin could be core fucosylated remains largely unknown. We found that E-cadherin was core fucosylated in highly metastatic lung cancer cells while absent in lowly metastatic lung cancer cells. Sinceα-1,6 Fucosyltransferase (α-1,6 FucT) is known to catalyze the reaction of core fucosylation, we investigated the biological function of core fucosylation on E-cadherin by α-1,6 FucT targeted RNAi and transfecting α-1,6 FucT expression vector. As a result, calcium dependent cell-cell adhesion mediated by E-cadherin was strengthened with the reduction of core fucosylation on E-cadherin after RNAi and was weakened with the elevated core fucosylation on E-cadherin after α-1,6 FucT over expression. Our data indicated that α-1,6 FucT could regulate E-cadherin mediated cell adhesion and thus play an important role in cancer development and progression. Computermodeling showed that core fucosylation on E-cadherin could significantly impair three-dimensional conformation of N-glycan on E-cadherin and produce conformational asymmetry so as to suppress the function of E-cadherin. Furthermore, the relationship between the expression of core fucosylated E-cadherin and clinicopathological background of lung cancer patients was explored in lung cancer tissue of patients. It turns out to demonstrate that core fucosylated E-cadherin could serve as a promising prognostic indicator for lung cancer patients.  相似文献   

The apoptosis program of physiological cell death elicits a range of non-phlogistic homeostatic mechanisms—“recognition, response and removal”—that regulate the microenvironments of normal and diseased tissues via multiple modalities operating over short and long distances. The molecular mechanisms mediate intercellular signaling through direct contact with neighboring cells, release of soluble factors and production of membrane-delimited fragments (apoptotic bodies, blebs and microparticles) that allow for interaction with host cells over long distances. These processes effect the selective recruitment of mononuclear phagocytes and the specific activation of both phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells. While much evidence is available concerning the mechanisms underlying the recognition and responses of phagocytes that culminate in the engulfment and removal of apoptotic cell bodies, relatively little is yet known about the non-phagocytic cellular responses to the apoptosis program. These responses regulate inflammatory and immune cell activation as well as cell fate decisions of proliferation, differentiation and death. Here, we review current knowledge of these processes, considering especially how apoptotic cells condition the microenvironments of normal and malignant tissues. We also discuss how apoptotic cells that persist in the absence of phagocytic clearance exert inhibitory effects over their viable neighbors, paying particular attention to the specific case of cell cultures and highlighting how new cell-corpse-clearance devices—Dead-Cert® Nanoparticles—can significantly improve the efficacy of cell cultures through effective removal of non-viable cells in the absence of phagocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

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