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1. To examine the effects of forest harvest practices on headwater stream macroinvertebrates, we compiled a 167 site database with macroinvertebrate, fish, physical habitat and catchment land cover data from the three forested ecoregions in western Oregon. For our analysis, headwater streams were defined by catchment areas <10 km2 and perennial water during summer low flows. Almost all sites in the database were selected using a randomised survey design, constituting a representative sample of headwater streams in these ecoregions. 2. Macroinvertebrate taxonomic and functional feeding group composition were very similar among the three ecoregions in the study area (Coast Range, Cascades and Klamath Mountains). On average, 55% of the individuals at each site were in the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera or Trichoptera. Dipteran taxa (mostly chironomids) accounted for another 34%. At almost all sites, non‐insects made up <10% of the macroinvertebrate assemblage. Almost half (49%) of the assemblages were collectors; remaining individuals were about evenly divided among scrapers, shredders and predators. 3. There were 189 different macroinvertebrate taxa at the 167 sites with richness at individual sites ranging from 7 to 71 taxa. Ordination by non‐metric multidimensional scaling revealed a strong association between % Ephemeroptera, especially Baetis, and site scores along the first axis. This axis was also strongly related to % coarse substratum and fast water habitat. The second axis was strongly related to % intolerant individuals, site slope and altitude. No strong relationships were evident between any ordination axis and either logging activity, presence/absence of fish, catchment size or ecoregion. 4. Based on macroinvertebrate index of biotic integrity (IBI) scores, 62% of the sites had no impairment, 31% of the sites had slight impairment and only 6% of the sites had moderate or severe impairment. IBI scores were not strongly related to forest harvest history. All four severely impaired sites and five of the seven sites with moderate impairment were lower altitude, shallower slope stream reaches located in the Coast Range with evidence of agricultural activity in their catchment or riparian zone. % sand + fine substratum was the environmental variable most strongly related to macroinvertebrate IBI.  相似文献   

1. Benthic macroinvertebrate distribution was examined in relation to channel characteristics (including stability), substratum, hydraulic variables, primary production (chlorophyll a ) and coarse particular organic matter (CPOM) in an alpine glacial stream, the Mutt (Upper Rhône valley, Switzerland). Co-inertia analysis and canonical correspondence analysis were used to identify the major environmental gradients influencing community variations.
2. The Mutt (length: 3.6 km, altitudinal range: 1800–3099 m a.s.l.) exhibited typical characteristics of a kryal stream. Average summer temperature remained below 2 °C immediately downstream from the snout but was on average 5 °C higher 1700 m downstream. Seasonal variations in water sources were evidenced by the high late-summer (September) contribution of groundwater with increased conductivity.
3. Sixty-six taxa were recorded from the five reaches sampled at three periods (snowmelt, ice melt and low water in late summer) in 1996 and 1997, of which 29 were Chironomidae. Three taxa of Diamesinae were the first colonizers of the stream below the glacier, but 16 taxa, including Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera, were already recorded 200 m downstream. Water depth, channel slope and Pfankuch's Index of channel stability were strongly correlated with the longitudinal faunal gradient. Maximum temperature, current velocity and water conductivity were also correlated, but to a lesser extent.
4. The rapid incorporation of non-chironomid taxa into the stream community represented a departure from Milner & Petts's (1994) conceptual model of invertebrate succession downstream of glacial margins. The results confirmed that glacial stream communities are primarily driven by physical determinants.  相似文献   

We compared the stream habitat characteristics and macroinvertebrate assemblages of boreal headwater streams in both the Finnish and the Russian parts of a single river basin, the Koitajoki River. Over the last 50 years, the Finnish side of the catchment has been managed using modern forestry techniques, whereas Russian side has remained nearly unexploited and is near to its natural state. Differences in silvicultural activities were observed to contribute to differences in habitat structure. The channel habitats were in fairly natural state in the Russian reference streams, whereas the impacted Finnish sites were cleared and straightened. In comparison with the impacted channels, the abundance of coarse woody debris (CWD) was 10–100-fold higher in the reference streams. Implications on the forestry-induced deterioration of water quality were also observed. On the contrary, only small differences in macroinvertebrate assemblages were detected. Despite the lower amount of retentive structures (CWD), significantly higher relative abundance of shredders was observed in the forestry-impacted streams. Otherwise the zoobenthic communities were quite similar in the two subcatchments. We suggest that several mechanisms may explain this similarity: (1) community structure is controlled by naturally acidic conditions, (2) the adverse impacts of forestry on habitat structure and water quality of streams may be compensated by increased input of deciduous litter and organic compounds from drained, structurally young riparian forests and (3) macroinvertebrate species have flexible feeding habits and may thus readily adapt to changing conditions.  相似文献   

长江源区土地覆盖变化与草地退化格局的时空分异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于野外调查、遥感影像和统计资料,分析了1987-2007年长江源头地区土地覆盖变化和草地退化格局的时空分异特点,并从海拔、坡度和坡向3方面探讨了导致长江源区草地生态环境变化的主要自然因素.结果表明: 研究期间,长江源头地区土地类型破碎化整体呈增加趋势,自然地理条件和气候变化是导致土地格局变化的主要驱动因素;不同海拔草地退化面积差异显著,研究区草地退化主要发生在海拔4800~5100 m范围内,且退化面积随海拔的升高呈增加趋势,退化面积比重在不同坡度和坡向的差异较大.1987-2007年,长江源头地区气候呈暖干化趋势,区域土地覆盖类型空间结构变化明显;不同坡向、坡度和海拔的草地退化分布格局与高寒环境和人为干扰的格局基本一致,高寒环境和气候演化对草地生态系统格局起决定作用.  相似文献   

The composition (% relative abundance) of diatom assemblages from soft bottom sediments was studied at 75 sites situated in 46 rivers, brooks, and ditches in the islands of Hiiumaa and Saaremaa and in the lowland of West Estonia. Although the total number of recorded taxa was 205, the studied diatom assemblages consisted of 54, 55, 48, and 50 constant species in the drainage basin of Moonsund, the Gulf of Riga, Hiiumaa, and Saaremaa, respectively. The habitats of the dominating taxa were heterogenous and the most widespread species were Achnanthidium minutissimum, Martyana martyi, Meridion circulare, Cocconeis placentula, Planothidium lanceolatum, and Amphora pediculus. The Shannon–Weaver diversity (H) index varied from 2.09 to 4.63. Multivariate analyses were used to identify the environmental variables governing the composition and structure of the benthic diatom assemblage. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Redundancy Analysis (RDA), based on 56 most abundant taxa, indicated differences in the composition and structure of diatom assemblages between different drainage basins as well as between the upper and lower stream courses. In the headwaters there prevailed small epipsammic diatoms (Martyana, Planothidium, Staurosira, Staurosirella). Different motile epipelic species from the genera Amphora, Navicula, Nitzschia, etc. were distributed abundantly in the lower courses of the streams. There was a positive correlation between order of the stream site and trophic level of water (R=0.35; p<0.05). Along a river system, the increasing order of the stream was accompanied by higher trophic level of water.  相似文献   

基于土地覆盖和NDVI变化的拉萨河流域生境质量评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
税燕萍  卢慧婷  王慧芳  严岩  吴钢 《生态学报》2018,38(24):8946-8954
气候变化和人类活动导致的土地覆盖和植被变化都会对生境质量产生影响。青藏高原是众多珍稀高原动植物的栖息地,具有重要的生物多样性维持价值。拉萨河流域是青藏高原经济最发达、人口最密集的核心地区,人类活动对生境质量带来的胁迫和压力持续增加。为揭示近些年来土地覆盖和植被变化对拉萨河流域生境质量的影响,选择生长季NDVI作为植被变化的指示因子,通过对不同植被类型各年份的生境适宜度进行修正,利用In VEST模型评估了拉萨河流域1990—2015年的生境质量时空变化。研究结果表明,1990—2015年拉萨河流域土地覆盖变化整体相对较小,其中人工表面和湿地面积增幅相对较大,分别为82.65%和32.40%;土地覆盖变化的转移方向主要为稀疏草地转化为草原和草甸、耕地转化为人工表面以及冰川/积雪转化为荒地。植被变化方面,1990—2000年,除流域中上游的裸岩、裸土地区和念青唐古拉山地区外,流域NDVI整体有较显著上升;而2000年以后略有下降。从生境质量的空间分布来看,高质量生境主要分布在流域下游、念青唐古拉山南侧河谷地区以及拉萨河源头等地区,低质量生境主要分布在拉萨市市辖区及周边、林周县县城及周边,以及流域中上游的荒地等地区。从时间变化上来看,1990—2000年,拉萨河流域整体生境质量指数从0.51上升到0.57; 2010年和2015年整体生境质量指数分别为0.56和0.55,较2000年略有下降。相比于土地覆盖变化,NDVI对生境质量变化的影响更为显著。  相似文献   

Buffagni  Andrea  Crosa  Giuseppe A.  Harper  David M.  Kemp  Joanna L. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,435(1-3):213-225
The functional habitat concept was applied to a large Italian river for the first time. The characteristically wide range of hydraulic conditions present in this river (compared to previously-studied small, lowland, English rivers) were expected to be of central importance to biota and, therefore, to habitat definition. TWINSPAN analysis of the invertebrate assemblages sampled in the Ticino river identified five distinct habitats: two habitats in lotic areas (run-riffle and macrophytes in current), two along the river margins (with and without macrophytes) and one in backwater areas. These correspond to five of the functional habitats identified in U.K. lowland rivers. Each of these five functional habitats could be defined either in terms of hydraulics, substratum and/or presence/absence of macrophytes. Representative taxa are presented for each habitat and community structure discussed. Macrophyte and run-riffle habitats supported the most heterogeneous and abundant benthic fauna. No match was found between replicates grouped by invertebrate assemblage (the five functional habitats identified by TWINSPAN) and the grouping of the same replicates by PCA, carried out on the physical data matrix. While obvious velocity differences were found between the functional habitats, of particular note was the fact that the Froude number did not show any clear association with habitat type. In the future, improved river management will follow improved understanding of river habitats.  相似文献   

Aims To determine the relationship between satellite‐derived land cover data and distribution patterns of water beetle species pools. Location A total of 687 British national grid 10 km squares in Scotland and 588 1 km grid squares in 99 10 km grid squares in northeast England. Methods Multivariate classification and constrained ordination analyses were used with water beetle species and land cover data. Results The major variation in both the Scotland and northeast England 10 km species pools was from squares with upland acid water habitats to squares with lowland fens and ponds whilst for the 1 km northeast England data it was from squares dominated by fast‐flowing streams and rivers to those with fens and ponds. The secondary variations in the 10 and 1 km analyses were the primary ones juxtaposed. Constrained ordination of the Scottish 10 km data showed upland land cover types to be most influential in determining species pool distribution whilst lowland covers were more important with both the 10 and 1 km northeast England pools. The three analyses showed that coastal cover had a relatively high influence on species pool distribution but no species pool group was dominated by coastal species. Main conclusions There were strong relationships between water beetle species pool distributions and the satellite‐derived land cover types dominating upland and lowland areas. The major variation in the northeast England species pool data differed at the two scales analysed. Results indicated that there is considerable potential for the synthesis of water beetle distribution and land cover data for use in environmental and conservation monitoring at both the regional and national scales.  相似文献   

黄山陈村水库上游河源溪流的鱼类群落及其纵向梯度格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确定鱼类群落的分布格局及其对人类活动的响应,是合理保护、恢复和管理鱼类多样性的基础。基于2011年5月和10月自黄山陈村水库上游3条河源溪流共39个样点的调查数据,比较研究了溪流间鱼类群落及其纵向梯度格局的异同,着重探讨了人类活动对溪流鱼类群落纵向梯度格局的影响。研究结果显示,同人为干扰较轻的舒溪相比,人为干扰严重的浦溪和麻溪中水宽、底质和植被覆盖率等局域栖息地条件显著变化,这造成了后者的鱼类多样性显著下降及物种组成的显著变化,主要表现为敏感性的地方物种(如宽鳍鱲、光唇鱼、原缨口鳅等)数量减少、耐受性的广布物种(如泥鳅、麦穗鱼、高体鰟鲏等)数量增多。舒溪的鱼类物种数及其组成均与海拔显著相关,但这种"海拔-鱼类群落"关系在麻溪和浦溪中削弱甚至消失。底质、植被覆盖率对舒溪鱼类群落具有重要影响,但对浦溪和麻溪鱼类群落却无显著影响。研究结果表明,在子流域空间尺度上,诸如城镇化发展、土地利用、河道治理等人类活动可通过对局域栖息地条件的影响,导致溪流鱼类多样性下降及其物种组成的变化,破坏鱼类群落的纵向梯度格局,并改变栖息地与鱼类群落之间的联系。  相似文献   

凉水和帽儿山地区低级溪流生境和水质状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究不同植被景观土地利用下低级溪流的生境状况和水质差异,对凉水国家级自然保护区红松原始林内和帽儿山国家森林公园境内天然次生林植被和农田背景下各3条溪流生境和水质状况进行调查。对溪流生物特性(悬浮藻、附着藻)和理化性质(温度、混浊度、溶解氧(DO)、pH、NH4^+-N、NO3^-N、PO4^3-P、总氮(TN)和总磷(11P))以及细小颗粒有机物质(FPOM)和粗大有机物质(CPOM))进行测定。研究结果表明,凉水地区原始林溪流的生境状况好于帽儿山地区的次生林,帽儿山地区农田溪流生境最差。原始林溪流具有稳定的溪底生物生活基质,稳水区和急流区均匀分布,稳水区尺度变化大,受淀积物沉降干扰小,河道较弯曲,河岸稳定,河岸植被覆盖度高;次生林溪流以急流区为主,稳定基质相对较差,并受到一定程度的淀积物沉降干扰,河岸尚稳定,有一定程度的人为干扰;农田溪流基质不稳定,受到强烈淀积物沉降影响,渠道化严重,河岸带植被严重破坏。3种景观背景下溪流总磷(11P)、溶解氧(DO)、混浊度、温度、氮磷比值(N/P)(P〈0.05)存在显著差异。原始林溪流NH4^+、DO、TP、TN、悬浮藻浓度和pH较高、附着藻数量较多,温度较低、FPOM和CPOM的数量较少;次生林溪流的NO3^--N、N/P和TDIN较高。 浊度较低;农田溪流浊度、温度、PO4^3--P较高,DO和pH较低,附着藻数量较少。景观尺度上的土地利用对溪流生境具有深刻的影响,同时决定溪流的水质状况。  相似文献   

M. D. Eyre  M. L. Luff 《Ecography》2004,27(4):417-426
Distribution data concerning 172 ground beetle species derived from 1145 pitfall trap sites in northern England and southern Scotland were used to assess the relationship between species distribution and 12 satellite-derived land cover variables at the regional scale. A number of species were strongly associated with one cover type and negatively with others. The major variation was for preferences for covers in upland or lowland parts of the region. Other distinct preferences for some species were covers such as those at the coast whilst a number of common species showed no strong preference for any cover variable. The synthesis of ground beetle species distribution and satellite-derived cover data is discussed in relation to environmental assessment and change.  相似文献   

晋北地区土地利用覆被格局的演变与模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郝晓敬  张红  徐小明  王荔  崔严 《生态学报》2020,40(1):257-265
区域土地利用覆被变化及未来发展情景对区域土地管理和可持续发展具有重要意义。以地处农牧交错带、土地利用覆被变化剧烈的晋北地区为研究区,获取其2010、2015年的土地利用覆被(Land use/land cover,LULC)数据,选取高程、人口、经济、气温、降水等9种影响因素作为驱动因子,采用CLUE-S模型拟合研究区2015年的土地覆被格局并判断拟合精度,在此基础上,分别设置了3种社会经济发展情景,模拟这些情景下研究区2020年的土地利用覆被格局演变。结果表明:1)晋北地区土地利用覆被以耕地、林地和草地为主,各类型土地主要呈西北斜向的条带状分布;2)Logistic回归模型可以很好地提取LULC与驱动因子之间的关系,反映不同的驱动因素对不同的土地利用类型分布格局的影响效果及程度;3)CLUE-S模型在晋北地区土地利用覆被格局的拟合上有较好的精度,模拟Kappa系数值达0.89,表明该模型能够很好地模拟晋北地区的土地利用覆被;4)情景模拟结果表明,研究区生态保护情景(c)下的土地利用覆被格局明显优于维持现状情景(a)和经济优先情景(b),建议在未来土地开发利用过程中,应当减缓工矿用地增...  相似文献   

藏北高原地表覆盖时空动态及其对气候变化的响应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Song CQ  You SC  Ke LH  Liu GH  Zhong XK 《应用生态学报》2011,22(8):2091-2097
利用2001—2008年逐年的MODIS地表覆盖类型产品,根据藏北高原地表覆被特征对原始数据进行合并处理,得到每年藏北高原地表覆盖类型图;运用分类统计、动态转移矩阵、景观格局指数方法分析藏北高原地表覆盖类型的变化,并结合研究区内气象台站观测数据分析地表覆盖类型转化对气候变化的响应特征.结果表明:研究期间,由于气候变暖速率的加快,研究区冰川雪被消融加速,冰川面积迅速萎缩,融化的雪水汇集到高原湖盆,使湖面水位上升,湖泊面积增加,部分被淹没的草地形成湿地;植被覆盖状况没有表现出明显的变好或退化趋势,2001—2004年为气候暖湿化阶段,荒漠裸地减少、稀疏草地和草地覆盖面积增加,2006—2007年为气候暖干化阶段,荒漠面积增加、稀疏草地面积减小;2001—2008年,藏北高原景观破碎度减小,地表覆盖异质性降低,且各类型所占比例的差异有所加大.  相似文献   

利用遥感和地理信息系统,结合野外实地参与式调查,从土地利用类型和空间格局角度,对滇西北维西县塔城镇1990和1999年的土地利用变化进行综合分析。结果表明,塔城镇10年间土地利用类型和空间结构变化较小,仍以有林地为主。但高覆盖度林地、中覆盖度林地和低覆盖度林地的结构发生了变化,低覆盖度林地从9.93%增加到18.30%,增加8.37%;高覆盖度林地减少5.35%;中覆盖度林地减少5.15%,森林植被质量下降。土地利用/地表覆盖景观变化最大的区域在海拔3400m以上的塔城镇的东南角和西南角。景观多样性、优势度降低,景观破碎化程度加深,严重影响该地区滇金丝猴的栖息地。  相似文献   

  • 1 The seasonal dynamics of the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage, and the subset of this assemblage colonising naturally formed detritus accumulations, was investigated in two streams in south‐west Ireland, one draining a conifer plantation (Streamhill West) and the other with deciduous riparian vegetation (Glenfinish). The streams differed in the quantity, quality and diversity of allochthonous detritus and in hydrochemistry, the conifer stream being more acid at high discharge. We expected the macroinvertebrate assemblage colonising detritus to differ in the two streams, due to differences in the diversity and quantity of detrital inputs.
  • 2 Benthic density and taxon richness did not differ between the two streams, but the density of shredders was greater in the conifer stream, where there was a greater mass of benthic detritus. There was a significant positive correlation between shredder density and detritus biomass in both streams over the study period.
  • 3 Detritus packs in the deciduous stream were colonised by a greater number of macroinvertebrates and taxa than in the conifer stream, but packs in both streams had a similar abundance of shredders. The relative abundance of taxa colonising detritus packs was almost always significantly different to that found in the source pool of the benthos.
  • 4 Correspondence analysis illustrated that there were distinct faunal differences between the two streams overall and seasonally within each stream. Differences between the streams were related to species tolerances to acid episodes in the conifer stream. Canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated a distinct seasonal pattern in the detrital composition of the packs and a corresponding seasonal pattern in the structure of the detritus pack macroinvertebrate assemblage.
  • 5 Within‐stream seasonal variation both in benthic and detritus pack assemblages and in detrital inputs was of similar magnitude to the between‐stream variation. The conifer stream received less and poorer quality detritus than the deciduous stream, yet it retained more detritus and had more shredders in the benthos. This apparent contradiction may be explained by the influence of hydrochemistry (during spate events) on the shredder assemblage, by differences in riparian vegetation between the two streams, and possibly by the ability of some taxa to exhibit more generalist feeding habits and thus supplement their diets in the absence of high quality detritus.

Plant litter decomposition is an essential ecosystem function that contributes to carbon and nutrient cycling in streams. Aquatic shredders, mainly macroinvertebrates, can affect this process in various ways; they consume leaf litter, breaking it down into fragments and creating suitable habitats or resources for other organisms through the production of fine particulate organic matter (FPOM). However, measures of litter‐feeding traits across a wide range of aquatic macroinvertebrates are still rare. Here, we assessed the contributions of 11 species of freshwater macroinvertebrates to litter decomposition, by measuring consumption rate, FPOM production, and assimilation rate of highly decomposable (Alnus glutinosa) or poorly decomposable (Quercus robur) leaf litter types. In general, an increase in the quality of litter improved the litter consumption rate, and fungal conditioning of the leaf litter increased both the litter consumption rate and FPOM production. Macroinvertebrates specializing in leaf litter consumption also appeared to be the most sensitive to shifts in litter quality and the conditioning process. Contrary to expectations, the conditioning process did not increase the assimilation of low‐quality litter. There was a strong correlation between the relative consumption rate (RCR) of the two litter types, and the relative FPOM production (RFP) was strongly correlated to the RCR. These findings suggest a consistent relationship between RCR and macroinvertebrate identity that is not affected by litter quality, and that the RFP could be inferred from the RCR. The varying responses of the macroinvertebrate feeding traits to litter quality and the conditioning process suggest that the replacement of a shredder invertebrate species by another species could have major consequences for the decomposition process and the detritus‐based food web in streams. Further studies onto the importance of invertebrate identity and the effects of litter quality in a variety of freshwater ecosystems are needed to understand the whole ecosystem functioning and to predict its response to environmental changes.  相似文献   

While the decrease in flow is obvious in the Kikuletwa River, the mechanism leading to the decrease is unclear. We assessed the influence of vegetation cover change on dry season flow in the Kikuletwa River. The combined cover of closed and open forests decreased by 68% while closed and open forests decreased by 56% and 64% respectively. Land under agroforestry decreased by 25%, while that under annual crops increased by 41%. Grasslands increased by 116% and riverine vegetation decreased by 53%. Daily dry season flow showed a slightly decreasing trend in one of the stations despite all of them receiving water from the Rundugai natural springs. On the other hand, low flow indices indicated no statistically significant changes in the long-term average flow and there was no identifiable change in the rainfall amount. The majority (93%) of the local people perceived a changing rainfall pattern and decline in dry season flow in the Kikuletwa River. Changes in the dry season flow then can be associated with the identified land cover changes. Further research to substantiate the local people perceptions is important as indigenous knowledge may be good evidence for ascertaining changes in the natural environment.  相似文献   

杨娟  葛剑平  洪军 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1975-1980
土地覆盖变化作为土地利用驱动的显著结果,是人类活动对环境影响的最显著的表现。为了将土地覆盖变化结果用于探讨大熊猫潜在生境与人为活动导致的环境变化之间的关系,利用1:25万数字高程模型和1:10万土地覆盖分类数据(1990年,2000年两期),采用流域时空对比和景观格局分析的手段,对卧龙地区两流域土地覆盖变化及大熊猫潜在生境的景观格局变化进行了对比研究,结果表明:①10a间,寿溪流域土地覆盖年变化率(0.33%)低于渔子溪流域(1.02%),且两流域土地覆盖类型的变化趋势有所不同。主要表现为:在寿溪流域,主要土地覆盖类型的斑块均表现出破碎化的趋势,且森林和灌丛的斑块破碎化趋势更显著;而在渔子溪流域,仅是与人类活动相关的草地、农田斑块破碎化加剧,而森林和灌丛的平均斑块大小反而增加了。②两流域大熊猫潜在生境的景观格局变化趋势有所不同。在渔子溪流域,大熊猫潜在生境的景观多样性指数、均匀度指数、破碎度和森林景观形状指数均高于寿溪流域。而与渔子溪全流域相比,该地区大熊猫潜在生境的森林平均斑块大小较小,并且近十年,在渔子溪流域,大熊猫潜在生境景观的森林面积比重及斑块大小的减少,森林景观形状指数的增加等变化趋势与全流域的相反,间接反映出渔子溪流域的大熊猫潜在生境所受的人类活动的压力更大。③两流域分级集水区的大熊猫潜在生境比重分布与居民点密度分布存在空间上的分异。利用缓冲区分析表明,在渔子溪流域,大熊猫潜在生境与居民点范围的重叠更为严重,约57.7%的人类活动范围处于与大熊猫潜在生境重叠的区域。据此推断,大熊猫潜在生境在流域中的分布与人类活动空间上的交错关系是导致近十年渔子溪流域大熊猫生境受到严重干扰的重要原因。  相似文献   

Walters  D. M.  Leigh  D. S.  Bearden  A. B. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):5-10
We tested the hypothesis that urbanization alters stream sediment regimes and homogenizes fish assemblages in 30 sub-basins of the Etowah River. Sediment variables included average particle size (mean phi) of the stream bed, percent fines (<2 mm) in riffles, and baseflow turbidity (NTU). Homogenization was quantified as ratios of endemic to cosmopolitan species richness (Er:Cr) and abundance (Ea:Ca). High NTU and fine stream beds were associated with homogenized assemblages (i.e., lower E:C ratios). Mean phi and NTU were significantly correlated with E:C ratios (r = –0.74 to –0.76) and, when combined using multiple regression, accounted for 73% of the variance in ratios. Stream slope strongly covaried with mean phi (r = –0.92) and percent fines in riffles (r = –0.79), but multiple regression models showed that urbanized sites had finer beds and riffles than predicted by slope alone. Urban land cover was the primary predictor of NTU (r 2 = 0.42) and, combined with slope in multiple regression, explained 51% of the variance in NTU. Our results indicate that stream slope is a background variable predicting particle size and E:C ratios in these streams. Urbanization disrupts these relationships by transforming clear streams with coarse beds into turbid streams with finer beds. These conditions favor cosmopolitan species, ultimately homogenizing fish assemblages. Bed texture was linked to urbanization; however, NTU was the best indicator of urban impacts because it was statistically independent from slope.  相似文献   

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