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R Lemieux  G Lemay    S Millward 《Journal of virology》1987,61(8):2472-2479
Reovirus late (uncapped) mRNA was previously shown to be efficiently translated in vitro extracts prepared from infected cells but not from uninfected cells. We demonstrated that different fractions from infected cells can stimulate translation of late viral mRNA when added to uninfected extracts. The activity of the different fractions correlated with their relative content of the sigma 3 capsid protein; the fraction prepared by high-salt wash of the ribosomes had the highest specific activity. The activity present in this fraction was abolished by preincubation with an anti-sigma 3 serum. Purified sigma 3 protein also stimulated the translation of late viral mRNA, confirming that it was the factor involved. Altogether, these results suggest that this protein plays the role of a late-viral-mRNA-specific initiation factor. The absence of an inhibitory effect of sigma 3 on the translation of other mRNAs indicates that this protein is not directly involved in the inhibition of host and early viral mRNA translation that occurs in infected cells but that a second mechanism is probably operative.  相似文献   

The adenovirus L4 100-kDa nonstructural protein (100K protein) is required for efficient initiation of translation of viral late mRNA species during the late mRNA species during the late phase of infection (B. W. Hayes, G. C. Telling, M. M. Myat, J. F. Williams, and S. J. Flint, J. Virol. 64:2732-2742, 1990). The RNA-binding properties of this protein were analyzed in an immunoprecipitation assay with the 100K-specific monoclonal antibody 2100K-1 (C. L. Cepko and P. A. Sharp, Virology 129:137-154, 1983). Coprecipitation of the 100K protein and 3H-infected cell RNA was demonstrated. The RNA-binding activity of the 100K protein was inhibited by single-stranded DNA but not by double-stranded DNA, double-stranded RNA, or tRNA. Competition assays were used to investigate the specificity with which the 100K protein binds to RNA in vitro. Although the protein exhibited a strong preference for the ribohomopolymer poly(U) or poly(G), no specific binding to viral mRNA species could be detected; uninfected or adenovirus type 5-infected HeLa cell poly(A)-containing and poly(A)-lacking RNAs were all effective inhibitors of binding of the protein to viral late mRNA. Similar results were obtained when the binding of the 100K protein to a single, in vitro-synthesized L2 mRNA was assessed. The poly(U)-binding activity of the 100K protein was used to compare the RNA-binding properties of the 100K protein prepared from cells infected by adenovirus type 5 and the H5ts1 mutant (B. W. Hayes, G. C. Telling, M. M. Myat, J. F. Williams, and S. J. Flint, J. Virol. 64:2732-2742, 1990). A temperature-dependent decrease in H5ts1 100K protein binding was observed, correlating with the impaired translational function of this protein in vivo. By contrast, wild-type 100K protein RNA binding was unaffected by temperature. These data suggest that the 100K protein acts to increase the translational efficiency of viral late mRNA species by a mechanism that involves binding to RNA.  相似文献   

The INT6/EIF3E protein has been implicated in mouse and human breast carcinogenesis. This subunit of the eIF3 translation initiation factor that includes a PCI domain exhibits specific features such as presence in the nucleus and ability to interact with other important cellular protein complexes like the 26S proteasome and the COP9 signalosome. It has been previously shown that INT6 was not essential for bulk translation, and this protein is considered to regulate expression of specific mRNAs. Based on the results of a two-hybrid screen performed with INT6 as bait, we characterize in this article the MIF4GD/SLIP1 protein as an interactor of this eIF3 subunit. MIF4GD was previously shown to associate with SLBP, which binds the stem-loop located at the 3' end of the histone mRNAs, and to be necessary for efficient translation of these cell cycle-regulated mRNAs that lack a poly(A) tail. In line with the interaction of both proteins, we show using the RNA interference approach that INT6 is also essential to S-phase histone mRNA translation. This was observed by analyzing expression of endogenous histones and by testing heterologous constructs placing the luciferase reporter gene under the control of the stem-loop element of various histone genes. With such a reporter plasmid, silencing and overexpression of INT6 exerted opposite effects. In agreement with these results, INT6 and MIF4GD were observed to colocalize in cytoplasmic foci. We conclude from these data that INT6, by establishing interactions with MIF4GD and SLBP, plays an important role in translation of poly(A) minus histone mRNAs.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of five NS2 mutants of the autonomous parvovirus minute virus of mice (MVMp) has revealed the following. At low multiplicities of infection, NS2 mutants killed NB324K cells as well as wild-type (wt) MVM did and grew to high titers, while in contrast they grew poorly and did not readily kill murine A9 cells. Following CaPO4 transfection of murine fibroblasts, NS2 mutant infectious clones generated approximately 10-fold less monomer replicative-form DNA than wt and no detectable progeny single-stranded DNA. On nonmurine semipermissive NB324K cells, however, these mutant plasmid clones generated near wt levels of all replicative DNA forms. After infection of highly synchronized murine fibroblasts by NS2 mutant virus at inputs equivalent to those of the wt, mutant monomer replicative-form DNA was decreased 5- to 10-fold compared with that of the wt, and progeny single-stranded DNA accumulation was decreased to an even greater extent. Both total and cytoplasmic NS2 mutant RNA was decreased, but the amount of total viral mRNA generated, relative to accumulated viral DNA in the same experiments, was similar to that seen in wt infection. The accumulation of virus-generated proteins was also decreased in NS2 mutant infection; however, the magnitude of this decrease, compared with that of wt infections, was significantly greater than the concomitant decrease in mutant-generated levels of accumulated cytoplasmic RNA, and this effect was most dramatic for VP2. There was no such disparity between the relative accumulation of mutant-generated RNA and protein in cells permissive for the growth of these mutants. These results suggest that translation of MVM viral RNA is specifically reduced in NS2 mutant infection of restrictive cells. Because the affected viral proteins are required for the efficient production of viral replicative DNA forms, these results reveal a fundamental, although perhaps not the only, role for NS2 in parvovirus infection.  相似文献   

Translation of most cellular mRNAs involves cap binding by the translation initiation complex. Among this complex of proteins are cap-binding protein eIF4E and the eIF4E kinase Mnk1. Cap-dependent mRNA translation generally correlates with Mnk1 phosphorylation of eIF4E when both are bound to eIF4G. During the late phase of adenovirus (Ad) infection translation of cellular mRNA is inhibited, which correlates with displacement of Mnk1 from eIF4G by the viral 100-kDa (100K) protein and dephosphorylation of eIF4E. Here we describe the molecular mechanism for 100K protein displacement of Mnk1 from eIF4G and elucidate a structural basis for eIF4G interaction with Mnk1 and 100K proteins and Ad inhibition of cellular protein synthesis. The eIF4G-binding site is located in an N-terminal 66-amino-acid peptide of 100K which is sufficient to bind eIF4G, displace Mnk1, block eIF4E phosphorylation, and inhibit eIF4F (cap)-dependent cellular mRNA translation. Ad 100K and Mnk1 proteins possess a common eIF4G-binding motif, but 100K protein binds more strongly to eIF4G than does Mnk1. Unlike Mnk1, for which binding to eIF4G is RNA dependent, competitive binding by 100K protein is RNA independent. These data support a model whereby 100K protein blocks cellular protein synthesis by coopting eIF4G and cap-initiation complexes regardless of their association with mRNA and displacing or blocking binding by Mnk1, which occurs only on preassembled complexes, resulting in dephosphorylation of eIF4E.  相似文献   

Metazoan replication-dependent histone mRNAs end in a conserved stem-loop rather than in the poly(A) tail found on all other mRNAs. The 3' end of histone mRNA binds a single class of proteins, the stem-loop binding proteins (SLBP). In Xenopus, there are two SLBPs: xSLBP1, the homologue of the mammalian SLBP, which is required for processing of histone pre-mRNA, and xSLBP2, which is expressed only during oogenesis and is bound to the stored histone mRNA in Xenopus oocytes. The stem-loop is required for efficient translation of histone mRNAs and substitutes for the poly(A) tail, which is required for efficient translation of other eucaryotic mRNAs. When a rabbit reticulocyte lysate is programmed with uncapped luciferase mRNA ending in the histone stem-loop, there is a three- to sixfold increase in translation in the presence of xSLBP1 while xSLBP2 has no effect on translation. Neither SLBP affected the translation of a luciferase mRNA ending in a mutant stem-loop that does not bind SLBP. Capped luciferase mRNAs ending in the stem-loop were injected into Xenopus oocytes after overexpression of either xSLBP1 or xSLBP2. Overexpression of xSLBP1 in the oocytes stimulated translation, while overexpression of xSLBP2 reduced translation of the luciferase mRNA ending in the histone stem-loop. A small region in the N-terminal portion of xSLBP1 is required to stimulate translation both in vivo and in vitro. An MS2-human SLBP1 fusion protein can activate translation of a reporter mRNA ending in an MS2 binding site, indicating that xSLBP1 only needs to be recruited to the 3' end of the mRNA but does not need to be directly bound to the histone stem-loop to activate translation.  相似文献   

Adenovirus simultaneously inhibits cap-dependent host cell mRNA translation while promoting the translation of its late viral mRNAs during infection. Studies previously demonstrated that tyrosine kinase activity plays a central role in the control of late adenovirus protein synthesis. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein decreases late viral mRNA translation and prevents viral inhibition of cellular protein synthesis. Adenovirus protein 100k blocks cellular mRNA translation by disrupting the cap-initiation complex and promotes viral mRNA translation through an alternate mechanism known as ribosome shunting. 100k protein interaction with initiation factor eIF4G and the viral 5' noncoding region on viral late mRNAs, known as the tripartite leader, are both essential for ribosome shunting. We show that adenovirus protein 100k promotes ribosome shunting in a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent manner. The primary sites of phosphorylated tyrosine on protein 100k were mapped and mutated, and two key sites are shown to be essential for protein 100k to promote ribosome shunting. Mutation of the two tyrosine phosphorylation sites in 100k protein does not impair interaction with initiation factor 4G, but it severely reduces association of 100k with tripartite leader mRNAs. 100k protein therefore promotes ribosome shunting and selective translation of viral mRNAs by binding specifically to the adenovirus tripartite leader in a phosphotyrosine-dependent manner.  相似文献   

A collection of C-terminal deletion mutants of the influenza A virus NS1 gene has been used to define the regions of the NS1 protein involved in its functionality. Immunofluorescence analyses showed that the NS1 protein sequences downstream from position 81 are not required for nuclear transport. The capacity of these mutants to bind RNA was studied by in vitro binding tests using a model vRNA probe. These experiments showed that the N-terminal 81 amino acids of NS1 protein are sufficient for RNA binding activity. The collection of mutants also served to map the NS1 sequences required for nuclear retention of mRNA and for stimulation of viral mRNA translation, using the NP gene as reporter. The results obtained indicated that the N-terminal 113 amino acids of NS1 protein are sufficient for nuclear retention of mRNA and stimulation of viral mRNA translation. The possibility that this region of the protein may be sufficient for virus viability is discussed in relation to the sequences of NS1 genes of field isolates and to the phenotype of known viral mutants affected in the NS1 gene.  相似文献   

R loops were generated with late adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) mRNA in double-stranded viral DNA, and visualized by electron microscopy. Unpaired DNA sequences in Ad2:Ad2+ND4 heteroduplex DNA served as a visual marker for the orientation of R loops with respect to the conventional DNA map. The most abundant classes of late Ad2 mRNA observed by this technique hybridized, in order of R-loop frequency, with midpoints near posit1ons 0.57, 0.88, 0.77, and 0.40 to 0.50 of the DNA map. The R loop at position 0.57, 0.88, 0.77, and 0.40 containing the hexon gene; the one at position 0.88 corresponded to a region containing the fiber gene. The relative frequencies of these two R loops paralleled those of the encoded gene products. The mRNA sizes, calculated from those of the respective R loops, were slightly larger than needed to code for these polypeptides. Using the R-loop technique, two locations at which adjacent mRNA''s hybridized to different strands were accurately mapped at positions 0.61 and 0.91 of the DNA. The map positions of late Ad2 mRNA correlated well to published RNA and protein maps.  相似文献   

Glucose regulates proinsulin biosynthesis via stimulation of the translation of the preproinsulin mRNA in pancreatic beta-cells. However, the mechanism by which this occurs has remained unclear. Using recombinant adenoviruses that express the preproinsulin mRNA with defined alterations, the untranslated regions (UTRs) of the preproinsulin mRNA were examined for elements that specifically control translation of the mRNA in rat pancreatic islets. These studies revealed that the preproinsulin 5'-UTR was necessary for glucose stimulation of preproinsulin mRNA translation, whereas the 3'-UTR appeared to suppress translation. However, together the 5'- and 3'-UTRs acted cooperatively to markedly increase glucose-induced proinsulin biosynthesis. In primary hepatocytes the presence of the preproinsulin 3'-UTR led to reduced mRNA levels compared with the presence of the SV40 3'-UTR, consistent with the presence of mRNA stability determinants in the 3'-UTR that stabilize the preproinsulin mRNA in a pancreatic beta-cell-specific manner. Translation of these mRNAs in primary hepatocytes was not stimulated by glucose, indicating that regulated translation of the preproinsulin mRNA occurs in a pancreatic beta-cell-specific manner. Thus, the untranslated regions of the preproinsulin mRNA play crucial roles in regulating insulin production and therefore glucose homeostasis by regulating the translation and the stability of the preproinsulin mRNA.  相似文献   

Murine L cells were treated with interferon (IFN) concentrations which reduced by 75 to 80% the synthesis of viral mRNA after infection with reovirus. Protein synthesis was not inhibited in these cells up to 6 h after infection, but a large fraction of the viral mRNA was not associated with polyribosomes and sedimented at about 50S. In contrast, most of the reovirus mRNA was associated with polyribosomes in control infected cells. This mRNA was of similar size to non-polyribosomal mRNA from IFN-treated cells when analyzed by Northern blot hybridization with a cloned cDNA for the s2 reovirus mRNA, indicating that the non-polyribosomal mRNA was not appreciably degraded. Viral mRNA was labeled with [3H]uridine and the non-polyribosomal mRNA was isolated from IFN-treated cells. This mRNA could quantitatively bind to 80S initiation complexes when incubated in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system. These findings indicated that the non-polyribosomal RNA was translatable, but that its binding to functional initiation complexes was inhibited in IFN-treated cells by a discriminatory mechanism, which did not affect translation of cellular mRNA. Previous experiments showed that mRNA is blocked in 48S complexes when the alpha subunit of initiation factor eIF-2 is phosphorylated by the double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase induced by IFN. A localized activation of this kinase could explain the block of viral mRNA in 48S complexes. By labeling the phosphoproteins of IFN-treated cells with 32P, eIF-2 (alpha P) was shown to cosediment with non-polyribosomal mRNA, presumably in 48S complexes.  相似文献   

The 27-kilodalton (kDa) mosquitocidal protein gene from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis has been cloned as a 10-kilobase (kb) HindIII fragment from plasmid DNA; efficient expression in Escherichia coli KM1 depends on a region of DNA located approximately 4 kb upstream (K. McLean and H. R. Whiteley, J. Bacteriol. 169:1017-1023, 1987). We have cloned the upstream DNA region and show that it contains a complete open reading frame (ORF) encoding a protein with a molecular mass of 19,584 Da. Sequencing of adjacent stretches of DNA revealed two partial ORFs: one has 55.2% identity in an overlap of 319 amino acids to the putative transposase of IS231 of B. thuringiensis subsp. thuringiensis, and the other, a 78-codon partial ORF, may be the carboxyl terminus of the 67-kDa protein previously observed in maxicells of strain KM1. A 0.8-kb fragment containing only the 20-kDa protein gene greatly enhanced the expression of the 27-kDa protein in E. coli. The introduction of nonsense codons into the 20-kDa protein gene ORF abolished this effect, indicating that the gene product, not the mRNA or DNA, is required for the enhancement. The effect of the 20-kDa protein gene on various fusions of lacZ to the 27-kDa protein gene suggests that the 20-kDa protein acts after the initiation of translation of the 27-kDa protein gene.  相似文献   

The human adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) E1B 55-kDa protein is required for selective nuclear export of viral late mRNAs from the nucleus and concomitant inhibition of export of cellular mRNAs in HeLa cells and some other human cell lines, but its contributions(s) to replication in normal human cells is not well understood. We have therefore examined the phenotypes exhibited by viruses carrying mutations in the E1B 55-kDa protein coding sequence in normal human fibroblast (HFFs). Ad5 replicated significantly more slowly in HFFs than it does in tumor cells, a difference that is the result of delayed entry into the late phase of infection. The A143 mutation, which specifically impaired export of viral late mRNAs from the nucleus in infected HeLa cells (R. A. Gonzalez and S. J. Flint, J. Virol. 76:4507-4519, 2002), induced a more severe defect in viral mRNA export in HFFs. This observation indicates that the E1B 55-kDa protein regulates mRNA export during the late phase of infection of normal human cells. Other mutants exhibited phenotypes not observed in HeLa cells. In HFFs infected by the null mutant Hr6, synthesis of viral late mRNAs and proteins was severely impaired. Such defects in late gene expression were the result of inefficient progression into the late phase of infection, for viral DNA synthesis was 10-fold less efficient in Hr6-infected HFFs than in cells infected by Ad5. Similar, but less severe, defects in viral DNA synthesis were induced by the insertion mutation H224, which has been reported to inhibit binding of the E1B 55-kDa protein to p53 (C. C. Kao, P. R. Yew, and A. J. Berk, Virology 179:806-814, 1990).  相似文献   

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