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J D Hermes  P M Weiss  W W Cleland 《Biochemistry》1985,24(12):2959-2967
Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase has been shown to catalyze the elimination of ammonia from the slow alternate substrate 3-(1,4-cyclohexadienyl)alanine by an E1 cb mechanism with a carbanion intermediate. This conclusion resulted from comparison of 15N isotope effects with deuterated (0.9921) and unlabeled substrates (1.0047), and a deuterium isotope effect of 2.0 from dideuteration at C-3, with the equations for concerted, carbanion, and carbonium ion mechanisms. The 15N equilibrium isotope effect on the addition of the substrate to the dehydroalanine prosthetic group on the enzyme is 0.979, while the kinetic 15N isotope effect on the reverse of this step is 1.03-1.04 and the intrinsic deuterium isotope effect on proton removal is in the range 4-6. Isotope effects with phenylalanine itself are small (15N ones of 1.0021 and 1.0010 when unlabeled or 3-dideuterated and a deuterium isotope effect of 1.15) but are consistent with the same mechanism with drastically increased commitments, including a sizable external one (i.e., phenylalanine is sticky). pH profiles show that the amino group of the substrate must be unprotonated to react but that a group on the enzyme with a pK of 9 must be protonated, possibly to catalyze addition of the substrate to dehydroalanine. Incorrectly protonated enzyme-substrate complexes do not form. Equilibrium 15N isotope effects are 1.016 for the deprotonation of phenylalanine or its cyclohexadienyl analogue, 1.0192 for deprotonation of NH4+, 1.0163 for the conversion of the monoanion of phenylalanine to NH3, and 1.0138 for the conversion of the monoanion of aspartate to NH4+.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of D2O on the kinetic parameters for the hydroperoxide-supported N-demethylation of N,N-dimethylaniline catalyzed by chloroperoxidase and horseradish peroxidase was investigated in order to assess the roles of exchangeable hydrogens in the demethylation reaction. The initial rate of the chloroperoxidase-catalyzed N-demethylation of N,N-dimethylaniline supported by ethyl hydroperoxide exhibited a pL optimum (where L denotes H or D) of 4.5 in both H2O and D2O. The solvent isotope effect on the initial rate of the chloroperoxidase-catalyzed demethylation reaction was independent of pL, suggesting that the solvent isotope effect is not due to a change in the pK of a rate-controlling ionization in D2O. The solvent isotope effect on the Vmax for the chloroperoxidase-catalyzed demethylation reaction was 3.66 +/- 0.62. In contrast, the solvent isotope effect on the Vmax for the horseradish peroxidase catalyzed demethylation reaction was approximately 1.5 with either ethyl hydroperoxide or hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant, indicating that the exchange of hydrogens in the enzyme and hydroperoxide for deuterium in D2O has little effect on the rate of the demethylation reaction. The solvent isotope effect on the Vmax/KM for ethyl hydroperoxide in the chloroperoxidase-catalyzed demethylation reaction was 8.82 +/- 1.57, indicating that the rate of chloroperoxidase compound I formation is substantially decreased in D2O. This isotope effect is suggested to arise from deuterium exchange of the hydroperoxide hydrogen and of active-site residues involved in compound I formation. A solvent isotope effect of 2.96 +/- 0.57 was observed on the Vmax/KM for N,N-dimethylaniline in the chloroperoxidase-catalyzed reaction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The reversible reaction NAD + CN(-)----NAD-CN was examined for remote secondary 15N isotope effects caused by isotopic substitution at the ring nitrogen of the nicotinamide group. These were compared with analogous effects for dehydrogenase-catalyzed reactions, since both cyanide and the hydride ion add at the N-4 position of the nicotinamide ring. The 15N effects on the rate constants for the forward and reverse processes were examined directly by conducting both the normal and isotopic reactions simultaneously under carefully controlled conditions in the sample and reference cells of a dual-beam spectrophotometer. In both cases, the 15N kinetic isotope effect differed from 1.00 by considerably less than 0.01. The 15N equilibrium isotope effect, 15K, was obtained as the ratio of equilibrium constants measured separately with natural-abundance and labeled NAD by using a concentration jump procedure [1.004 +/- 0.002 (cyanide addition)]. A similar value for 15K of 1.010 +/- 0.008 was obtained in an analogous manner for the reaction catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase: NAD + lactate----pyruvate + NADH + H+. The latter value is significantly smaller than a previously reported value obtained from kinetic studies [1.044 +/- 0.012; Cook, P. F., Oppenheimer, N. J., & Cleland, W. W. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 1817]. The present value also is smaller than might be expected for a change in bond order from 4 to 3 [Cleland, W. W. (1980) Methods Enzymol. 64, 104-125] on the basis of the canonical resonance structures for NAD and NADH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Benzoylformate decarboxylase (benzoylformate carboxy-lyase, BFD; EC from Pseudomonas putida is a thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) dependent enzyme which converts benzoylformate to benzaldehyde and carbon dioxide. The kinetics and mechanism of the benzoylformate decarboxylase reaction were studied by solvent deuterium and 13C kinetic isotope effects with benzoylformate and a series of substituted benzoylformates (pCH3O, pCH3, pCl, and mF). The reaction was found to have two partially rate-determining steps: initial tetrahedral adduct formation (D2O sensitive) and decarboxylation (13C sensitive). Solvent deuterium and 13C isotope effects indicate that electron-withdrawing substituents (pCl and mF) reduce the rate dependence upon decarboxylation such that decreased 13(V/K) effects are observed. Conversely, electron-donating substituents increase the rate dependence upon decarboxylation such that a larger 13(V/K) is seen while the D2O effects on V and V/K are not dramatically different from those for benzoylformate. All of the data are consistent with substituent stabilization or destabilization of the carbanionic intermediate (or carbanion-like transition state) formed during decarboxylation. Additional information regarding the mechanism of the enzymic reaction was obtained from pH studies on the reaction of benzoylformate and the binding of competitive inhibitors. These studies suggest that two enzymic bases are required to be in the correct protonation state (one protonated and one unprotonated) for optimal binding of substrate (or inhibitors).  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase catalysis by prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS) is thought to involve a multistep mechanism with several radical intermediates. The proposed mechanism begins with the transfer of the C13 pro-(S) hydrogen atom from the substrate arachidonic acid (AA) to the Tyr385 radical in PGHS, followed by oxygen insertion and several bond rearrangements. The importance of the hydrogen-transfer step to controlling the overall kinetics of cyclooxygenase catalysis has not been directly examined. We quantified the non-competitive primary kinetic isotope effect (KIE) for both PGHS-1 and -2 using several deuterated AAs, including 13-pro-(S) d-AA, 13,13-d2-AA and 10, 10, 13,13-d4-AA. The primary KIE for steady-state cyclooxygenase catalysis, Dkcat, ranged between 1.8 and 2.3 in oxygen electrode measurements. The intrinsic KIE of AA radical formation by C13 pro-(S) hydrogen abstraction in PGHS-1 was estimated to be 1.9-2.3 using rapid freeze-quench EPR kinetic analysis of anaerobic reactions and computer modeling to a mechanism that includes a slow formation of a pentadienyl AA radical and a rapid equilibration of the AA radical with a tyrosyl radical, NS1c. The observation of similar values for steady-state and pre-steady state KIEs suggests that hydrogen abstraction is a rate-limiting step in cyclooxygenase catalysis. The large difference of the observed KIE from that of plant lipoxygenases indicates that PGHS and lipoxygenases have very different mechanisms of hydrogen transfer.  相似文献   

Stopped flow studies of D2O kinetic solvent isotope effects on the reaction catalyzed by L-glutamate dehydrogenase reveal, in addition to several effects apparently attributable simply to pKa shifts, a 2-fold pH-independent effect on the velocity of the steady state oxidative deamination of L-glutamate by enzyme and NADP. Comparable pH-independent D2O kinetic solvent isotope effects are seen both in a transient phase of the reaction in which alpha-ketoglutarate is displaced by L-glutamate from an enzyme-NADPH-alpha-ketoglutarate (product) complex and in an analogous model reaction in which alpha-ketoglutarate is displaced by D-glutamate. These results suggest that alpha-ketoglutarate dissociation from an enzyme-NADPH-alpha-ketoglutarate complex is rate-limiting in the steady state.  相似文献   

Tryptophan indole-lyase (Trpase), PBPRA2532, from Photobacterium profundum SS9, a piezophilic marine bacterium, has been cloned, expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified. The P. profundum Trpase (PpTrpase) exhibits similar substrate specificity as the enzyme from E. coli (EcTrpase). PpTrpase has an optimum temperature for activity at about 30 °C, compared with 53 °C for EcTrpase, and loses activity rapidly (t1/2 ∼ 30 min) when incubated at 50 °C, while EcTrpase is stable up to 65 °C. PpTrpase retains complete activity when incubated more than 3 h at 0 °C, while EcTrpase has only about 20% remaining activity. Under hydrostatic pressure, PpTrpase remains fully active up to 100 MPa (986 atm), while EcTrpase exhibits only about 10% activity at 100 MPa. PpTrpase forms external aldimine and quinonoid intermediates in stopped-flow experiments with l-Trp, S-Et-l-Cys, S-benzyl-l-Cys, oxindolyl-l-Ala, l-Ala and l-Met, similar to EcTrpase. However, with l-Trp a gem-diamine is observed that decays to a quinonoid complex. An aminoacrylate is observed with l-Trp in the presence of benzimidazole, as was seen previously with EcTrpase [28] but not with S-Et-l-Cys. The results show that PpTrpase is adapted for optimal activity in the low temperature, high pressure marine environment.  相似文献   

The relatively fast artificial substrate Leu-Ser-rho-nitro-Phe-Nle-Ala-Leu-OMe generates a solvent isotope effect of 1.51 +/- 0.02 only on the maximal velocity of peptide hydrolysis catalyzed by porcine pepsin (EC The absence of an isotope effect on V/K places the isotopically-sensitive step after peptide bond cleavage and the release of the first product. Reprotonation of the active site aspartic carboxyls is proposed as the most likely interpretation of this observation. Structural and kinetic similarities between pepsin and other aspartic proteinases, including the therapeutically important targets HIV protease and renin, suggest a similar slow reprotonation step after catalysis. This mechanistic feature has important implications regarding inhibitor design; if most of the enzymes are present in a product-release form during steady-state turnover, then perhaps inhibitors should be designed as product analogs instead of substrate analogs.  相似文献   

Hardy LW  Kirsch JF 《Biochemistry》1984,23(6):1282-1287
The solvent kinetic isotope effects (SKIE's) on k(cat) (D(V)) and on k(cat/Km[D(V/K)] were determined for the Bacillus cereus beta-lactamase I catalyzed hydrolysis of five substrates that have values of k(cat)/K(m) varying over the range (0.014-46.3) X 10(6)M(-1) s(-1) and of k(cat) between 0.5 and 2019 s(-1). The variation of D(V/K) was only from 1.06 to 1.25 among these compounds and that in D(V) was from 1.50 to 2.16. These results require that Dk(1), the SKIE on the enzyme-substrate association rate constant, and D(k-1/k2), that on the partition ratio of the ES complex, both be near 1. The larger SKIE observed on D(V) requires that an exchangeable proton be in flight for either or both the acylation and the deacylation reaction. The pH dependence of the values k(cat)/K(m) for three substrates shows identical pK(a)s of 5.5. and 8.4. This identity combined with the fact that only one of these three substrates is kinetically "sticky" proves that the substrates can combine productively with only one protonic form of the enzyme. There is considerable substrate variation in the pK(a) values of k(cat) observed vs. pH profiles; the inflection points for all substrates studied are at pH values more extreme than are observed in the pH profiles for k(cat)/K(m).  相似文献   

The reaction mechanism for glycogen synthetase from rabbit muscle was examined by alpha-secondary deuterium isotope effects and positional exchange experiments. Incubation of glycogen synthetase with [beta-18O2,alpha beta-18O]UDP-Glc did not result in any detectable positional isotope exchange from the beta-nonbridge position to the anomeric oxygen of the glucose moiety. Glucono-1,5-lactone was found to be a noncompetitive inhibitor versus UDP-Glc. The kinetic constants, K(is) and K(ii), were found to be 91 +/- 4 microM and 0.70 +/- 0.09 mM, respectively. Deoxynojirimycin was a nonlinear inhibitor at pH 7.5. The alpha-secondary deuterium isotope effects were measured with [1-2H]UDP-Glc by the direct comparison method. The isotope effects on Vmax and Vmax/K were found to be 1.23 +/- 0.04 and 1.09 +/- 0.06, respectively. The inhibitory effects by glucono-lactone and deoxynojirimycon plus the large alpha-secondary isotope effect on Vmax have been interpreted to show that an oxocarbonium ion is an intermediate in this reaction mechanism. The lack of a detectable positional isotope exchange reaction in the absence of glycogen suggests the formation of a rigid tight ion pair between UDP and the oxocarbonium ion intermediate.  相似文献   

15N heavy isotope effects are especially useful when detail is sought pertaining to the reaction mechanism for the cleavage of a C–N bond. Their potential in assisting to describe the mechanism of N-demethylation of tertiary amines by the action of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase has been investigated. As a working model for the first step, oxidation of the N-methyl group to N-methoxyl, tropine and a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase reaction centre composed of a truncated heme with sulfhydryl as the axial ligand were used. It is apparent that this first step of the reaction proceeds via a hydrogen atom transfer mechanism. Transition states for this step are described for both the high spin (4TSH) and low spin (2TSH) pathways in both gas and solvation states. Hence, overall normal secondary 15N KIE could be calculated for the reaction path modeled in the low spin state, and inverse for the reaction modeled in the high spin state. This partial reaction has been identified as the probable rate limiting step. The model for the second step, fission of the C–N bond, consisted of N-methoxylnortropine and two molecules of water. A transition state described for this step, TSCN, gives a strongly inverse overall theoretical 15N KIE.  相似文献   

Complete assignments of nitrogen-15 resonances of gramicidin S have been made in dimethyl sulfoxide, trifluoroethanol, and in a solvent mixture of dimethyl sulfoxide (50%) and methanol (50%). The assignments are achieved by utilizing the secondary structure of gramicidin S, by comparing the nitrogen-15 spectrum of gramicidin S with that of di-N-methylphenylalanine-gramicidin S and by taking into account the distinguishable value of nitrogen-15 chemical shift for valine in model compounds. Deuterium substitution for labile peptide protons was performed to delineate solvent shielded and deshielded peptide nitrogens and to substantiate further the signal assignments. The solvent titration on going from dimethyl sulfoxide to trifluoroethanol was also performed and shown to have a large deshielding effect on the peptide nitrogen whose corresponding peptide carbonyl, within the peptide moiety, was accessible to the trifluroethanol solvent.  相似文献   

13C and 15N isotope effects have been measured for the aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase) reaction in an effort to elucidate the chemical mechanism of this highly regulated enzyme. The observed 15(V/K(asp))H2O value for the ATCase holoenzyme at saturing carbamyl phosphate and 12 mM L-aspartate is 1.0045 at pH 7.5, and this value remains unchanged in the presence of 5 mM ATP (activator) or 5 mM CTP (inhibitor). The fact that the isotope effect is not changed by the allosteric modifiers supports the conclusion that the kinetic properties of the active form of ATCase are not influenced by ATP or CTP. The observed 15(V/K(asp)) values for the catalytic subunit of ATCase are also the same as those determined for the holoenzyme, suggesting that the chemical mechanisms of both enzyme species are the same. Quantitative analysis of 13C and 15N isotope effects in both H2O and D2O has led to the proposal of a chemical model for the ATCase reaction which involves a precatalytic conformational change to form an activated complex that facilitates deprotonation of L-aspartate by an enzyme functional group. Nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl carbon of carbamyl phosphate by the alpha-amino group of L-aspartate results in the formation of a tetrahedral intermediate. An intramolecular proton transfer leads to formation of products N-carbamyl-L-aspartate and inorganic phosphate.  相似文献   

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